View Full Version : Season 2 AL recommendations

2018-11-25, 03:40 AM
Hey all! So I have a DM who is going to be running us through season 2 of Adventurer's League. For this character, I'm thinking that I'm going to run a Genasi Ranger for a character, mostly because I've always preferred the non-combat aspects of play (planning the lead up to the encounter, figuring out the mystery, etc), which the ranger seems to fit nicely. Going with Sage background for flavor reasons; thinking a school of monster hunters and I'm out there now to make my name.

So, my first big thing is that I have to choose a favored enemy. Without spoilers, I know that this is the season of Elemental Evil. Are elementals a good choice for my favored enemy? Or should I choose something else?

2018-11-25, 01:25 PM
If I recall, you'll be fighting a lot of human cultists early on with a few mephits. I've only done tier 1 of season 2. Ranger would be good, as pass without trace would help some encounters.

2018-11-25, 02:02 PM
My overall favorite pick for Favored Enemy is Humanoid (Humans, Elves or Dwarves). They show up in every tier of play, you get the free language at level 1, and you have advantage on intelligence checks to recall information about them. (Confirm with your DM if that means history about specific individuals.)

You can't go wrong with elementals either, and it really doesn't make that much of a difference. Make the choice that feels thematic for your character.

2018-11-25, 02:29 PM
My overall favorite pick for Favored Enemy is Humanoid (Humans, Elves or Dwarves). They show up in every tier of play, you get the free language at level 1, and you have advantage on intelligence checks to recall information about them. (Confirm with your DM if that means history about specific individuals.)

You can't go wrong with elementals either, and it really doesn't make that much of a difference. Make the choice that feels thematic for your character.

I think playing a ranger with Favored Enemy Humanoid (human, elf, dwarf) sounds incredibly thematic for a certain type of ranger; more a bounty hunter type who hunts people who encroach on nature; I don't think this would work well with the particular character I'm workshopping because that's... lawful neutral at best, but definitely bordering on lawful evil. Thank you for the recommendation though!

2018-11-26, 10:03 AM
Princes of the Apocalypse is a nice, sand-boxy hard cover that's AL legal. Works well for Tier 1 through 3 (if you take on the Elemental Princes).

2018-11-26, 05:16 PM
Princes of the Apocalypse is a nice, sand-boxy hard cover that's AL legal. Works well for Tier 1 through 3 (if you take on the Elemental Princes).

I think he's running through the Expeditions, not the book. So DDEX2-1 through 16.

2018-11-27, 12:51 PM
I would agree with taking favored enemy Humanoid is more bounty hunter/serial killer esque rather than graduate from monster hunter school. Elemental would probably be best if we're going na optimized route.