View Full Version : Melee-Ranged Archer advice

2018-11-25, 06:15 PM
Hey guys, my group and I are getting back to one of our longer running games that's been on Hiatus for a while and it's been so long since we played it I've forgotten where I was planning to go with it, so I figured I'd see if anyone had some good advice to help me come up with something.

First things first I guess I should explain that we had a special house rule made because I built a character like this:

-When succeeding an Acrobatics check to move Over/Under/Around an enemy, attacks against the enemy made by that player for that turn are made with advantage and all Opportunity attacks made by the enemy against that player are made at disadvantage (Imagine Sliding under a target and shooting up at them or flipping over them and shooting at their backs).

With that out of the way, we're restarting the adventure where we left off and our characters are currently Level 10 (The game is intended to end at level 20+).


My stats are 14 Str, 20 Dex, 18 Con, 16 Int, 17 Wis, 14 Chr.

My character is a Human Fighter 5 & Rogue 5. For fighter I took the Close Quarters Shooter fighting style and the Champion Subclass. For Rogue I took expertise in Sleight of Hand and Thieves' Tools, and took the Thief Subclass for Magical Explosive Put-Pocketing and the climb speed.

My Feats include: Prodigy(Human Feat) for Prof & Exp in Acrobatics. Sharpshooter(level 4). And Skulker(Level 9).

At this point I've pretty much accomplished everything I wanted to for my character. They've got a nice stockpile of enchanted Arrows and are on their on their way to getting an Oathbow. As for party dynamic I cover group Rogue perfectly well, everything beyond this point will pretty much just be icing on the cake but I don't know what I want to do beyond that.

Our party dynamic currently consists of myself, a Goblin Artificer Gunslinger, a Vampire Paladin Bladelock, and a Kenku Grave Cleric.


As for possible ideas, I could see myself doing more Fighter or Rogue levels, maybe a Ranger Dip for Archery Style and Hunter's Mark. My DM actually expressed an interest in seeing me class into Way of the Shadows Monk... But I'm clueless as to what I should do to keep myself viable. Any ideas are appreciated, Thanks!

2018-11-25, 07:17 PM
I would want Rogue 7 at some point. A few Ranger levels would be great. Either Hunter or Gloom Stalker would go very well for your character.

Going Fighter 11 would be really good too.