View Full Version : [Eberron] Alternate Month Names?

2018-11-25, 07:17 PM
I was just checking around for information on the months in Eberron, and found a wiki link to this (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/ec/index.htm) website. I noticed the dropdown window in the lower right, and was astounded to see that I could list the months not just with Eberron or Real-World English names, but also see names for Halfling, Ancient Dwarvish, and Druidic. And... I'm not sure where they come from.

I've tried a few web searches, and they don't seem to turn up much apart from things that look like Eberron fan fiction or campaign journals that also use some of these alternate month names. Does anyone know where these come from? Like, I could see it just being an odd detail in a book that I missed, but part of me is wondering if this is from Forgotten Realms or Greyhawk or something.

2018-11-25, 08:15 PM
Some of those names are honestly a little goofy, and overall they feel like something fan-made. The "druidic" names in particular don't seem grounded in careful observation of the natural world.

That's an interesting find, though. I think I stumbled across that quite a few years ago, but I'm surprised it's still on the main Wizards site.

And no, definitely not from Forgotten Realms, although they do seem a little Realms-y in the style.


2018-11-26, 02:51 PM
Think maybe it was just a rushed promotional product, then? "Hey, check out our page on the cosmology with our new Web Applet programmed in genuine Javascript! (Guys, hurry, put in some more flavor in this thing, hurry, we're live!)"?