View Full Version : Scions of Maervon: Storm the Castle!

2018-11-26, 03:08 PM
You all have come from various corners of the shoddy and shrinking kingdom of Maervon, led by the pompous and debaucheristic oaf it knows as king. The one major city not wracked by poverty or detached from the kingdom, Pentrefcastell, is where you all have come to seek your destiny, as children of the skirt-chasing king.

Individually, each of you find your way through the streets of the Down District, where the outcasts and rejects have eked out a life. The Blue Horse tavern calls, as you each look down and consult the letter in your hands sealed with the royal emblem, you check that this is indeed the address the sent you to.

You one by one a seat, calling the barmaids (of various strange and exotic races, you see two teiflings, a goliath, and a firbolg among the wait staff) and ordering cheap alcohol and food of moderate quality. Soon there's 10 of you sitting at the large table, looking uneasily at each other and wondering why you're there.

Finally, the door swings open to reveal a figure in a snow-white cloak of higher quality than most of you had ever seen. The figure pulls the hood back, revealing a face familiar to you Maervolains, that of the crown princess.

She takes the final seat, staring at you all. "I'm going to cut right to the quick. You all know the king. You know how he is unfit to rule." She pauses, eyeing you all. "I'm going to kill him, and I need your help."

2018-11-26, 03:52 PM
Well someone’s eager. Jonathon says quietly, Does next weekend work for you lot? I’m afraid that’s soonest I can fit regicide into my schedule.

Now princess, I’ve heard a fair bit about you, though apparently I missed the part where you had a dismal taste in taverns, but from what I’ve heard you’re being fairly well looked after, so what’s the rush and why us?

Though remaining fairly composed on the outside, inside Jonathon grinned like a loon, this was perfect! There was a princess, a bruiser, several mage types, one person who looked like he could well be a brooder and a quest to topple the king and return the people to righteousness. Just like the Tale of Sir William the great, golden night of queen Jeyne’s court.

2018-11-26, 04:12 PM
Viviana's eyes flash around the room... it doesn't look like a trap. Still... "Pretty sure that'd be treason, princess. A crime that even you would be punished for, unless you actually pull it off, is there a plan in the pretty head of yours or is all this just talk?"

2018-11-26, 04:20 PM
Delvin was somewhat familiar with the Blue Horse, if not as a patron then by its reputation. He sidled into a seat at the table, his scale armor clinking less than the din of the tavern, and nodded respectfully to those that joined him. As the crown princess enters and declares herself to the table, Delvin's grin turned to a grimace. It was one thing to believe in drastic measures, it was another thing to plot treason aloud, in a tavern. But with the way things were going throughout the kingdom this was probably not the first time such a topic arose, even here.

After the other man's comment, Delvin stifled his own questions and waited for the princess's reply. A lot hinged on getting nearly a dozen people to agree to something so severe, but maybe this was how historical moments always began: on a knife's edge from the first moment.

2018-11-26, 04:37 PM
The towering red headed man drones in a dark timbre. Even if we pull it off, the resulting power vacuum would result in a civil war. I'm up for a tussle with almost anyone but I wouldn't want me home country to be ravaged by war. These poor saps don't even KNOW how to fight.

Anyone who knows Alden probably realizes he has thought about killing his father more often than not, and always came to the conclusion that his sudden and unprepared death would result in great sufferin for the commoners. Besides, you can't even agree on a heir as half of the kingdom is the king's bastard children already. Aside from that, I would probably be the best king right here right now. He winks at the crown princess.

2018-11-26, 05:02 PM
Tazdaar eats and drinks while listening to the conversation around him. He throw's in quips as the conversation moves around the room. ...Too busy to kill the old man eh...; Pretty head, or pretty empty...; Yeah, let the double bastard rule..."

He smirks to himself and takes a nice gulp of ale, sputtering and coughing as he chokes on it. Tazdaar composes himself and clears his throat before returning to eat eating his food.

2018-11-26, 07:07 PM
Damn. This made things more complicated. If anything, he was kind of annoyed someone else had beaten him to it, though he certainly wouldn't have got a load of people who wanted his throne involved. Plus the beer here was terrible - and he was triply sure, because he'd just finished his third pint. He furrowed his brows.
"You gotta plan?" he grunted. He was pretty sure go in and stab the king would work, but if they wanted to try something fancy he could maybe pin the blame on them later. ...Did he say that out loud? No one reacted. Guess not, phew. Safe for now.

2018-11-26, 07:28 PM
Caitlin's eyes widen in shock at the princess's declaration. "My goodness! Kill him? This is not what I was expecting. Isn't murder a tad... vulgar, don't you think? Can't we just talk to him? We are his children, after all."

2018-11-26, 07:49 PM
Sasha sits at the table, mostly keeping to herself.

When Caitlin speaks, though, she decides to interject. Dear old dad, as it happens, is why I ran away from home. I'll give him all the respect he deserves-that is to say, absolutely none.

2018-11-26, 09:44 PM
C'mon, we all know how unfit he is to rule. I'd rather a moldy potato take the throne. I dare say they'd rise to the task better then my father. Priscilla lets out waving a hand through her pretty blonde hair.

I'd... had wanted to simply wait for him to die of old age, where I could correct his misrule... But I have reason to believe he's trying to research the secrets of agelessness. He could rule us forever. She remarks steeping her hand.

If talking to him were an option, it'd have been done already. I've tried several times, and I can't imagine all of you'll have any better luck.

2018-11-26, 10:11 PM
Caitlin gasps when Sasha speaks, and goes to take her by the hands. "Oh my! You ran away from your home? That sounds dreadful, you poor dear! Where are you staying now? Are you eating well? I'm sure grand papa has some spare rooms in the manor if you need a place to stay!" After her outburst, she realizes she has veered off topic and clears her throat, returning to face the rest of the group. "Ahem. Well. I'm still sure there must be some sort of peaceful solution. It would not be becoming to sully our hands or our names with base criminal acts."

2018-11-26, 10:22 PM
I live in the forest. There's plenty of deer to eat, Sasha replies. And big sis here has said she's already tried talking. I mean, I guess we could do some kind of revolution? But don't those usually end with whoever's in charge getting decapitated or something?

Nah, she continues, it'd be easier to just kill him.

2018-11-26, 10:41 PM
Making only a token effort to stay discreet, Euka replied "Agreed, teaching him how to actually rule would take longer than this kingdom has left. He'd rather listen to his lust than the cries of his people. Reasoning with him is a waste of time. Maervon doesn't deserve to live another year, let alone forever."

Euka's words echoed her general frustration at her current station in life. She hadn't requested any food or drink because she couldn't pay for them, and was wearing her padded dance armor to the meeting only to ensure her scholarly robes were pristine enough to use on special occasions. Despite not knowing a thing about ruling a country, she knew she could rule better than Maervon.

2018-11-26, 11:00 PM
"Well, I can at the very least agree that this whole immortality idea is simply out of line. Something must be done to stop such shenanigans, posthaste!"

2018-11-26, 11:31 PM
Tazdaar perks up at the mention of immortality.

"I think that you're looking at it all wrong. You're talking about taking down number one." He turns and looks at his dragonborn half brother.

"No one can get number one, eh? He then turns towards his Southern born brother. (Alden)

But we can't just go killing number two either?"

Tazdaar looks at Priscilla, He doesn't try to hide his disgust at her regal mannerisms or her splendid hair.We could start at number three, but she's got the ideas. We need to get him alone. Replace his best friends with us."

2018-11-27, 12:08 AM
Tazdaar perks up at the mention of immortality.

"I think that you're looking at it all wrong. You're talking about taking down number one." He turns and looks at his dragonborn half brother.

"No one can get number one, eh? He then turns towards his Southern born brother. (Alden)

But we can't just go killing number two either?"

Tazdaar looks at Priscilla, He doesn't try to hide his disgust at her regal mannerisms or her splendid hair.We could start at number three, but she's got the ideas. We need to get him alone. Replace his best friends with us."

Are you going to be willing to kiss his ass enough, or have a..... Nope. Not even going to go there. Priscilla starts to snark before visibly revolting and shivering.

2018-11-27, 12:18 AM
Delvin shuddered at the mention of immortality. It was as unnatural as undeath, and not all that far removed. But the clamoring table of what he supposed were his half-siblings seemed... chaotic. There was the crown princess, standing out like a diamond in the mud; a pair of elf-folk that seemed just a tad too uncomfortable in a place like this; and a gamut of humans from all walks of life. That wasn't counting the dragonborn, though as far as Delvin could tell the green fellow may have just sat at the wrong table. But the point was that they were conspicuous, all of them. Himself included. They needed to move any actual plans on to another location if they were ever planning on getting away with anything more than boasting.

Thudding his empty mug to the table to get the others' attention, Delvin spoke up, "It seems to me, if I may be so bold, that we're all on the same page. Something terrible is happening to our kingdom and we're all very concerned. However, now that we've all met, and for the most part we seem to want to do something about all this, perhaps a tavern isn't the best place for this sort of talk? Yer Highness, do you have some place more private that you plan to operate from while in the city? I think you've got the best sorta answer from this first meeting: a cadre of comrades in agreement with your cause, our cause."

You seem to have everyone's support (short those yet to post) and we seem to be in the public at the moment. Thought it best we open the floor to the idea that we can move any actionable treason to a more private setting.

2018-11-27, 02:32 AM
Haven't you talked with the commoners lately? Talking about regicide is the latest trend. It is a dark joke but it keeps their spirits up. Especially when I am through with them in the fightings pits. Alden laughs heartily and empties his tankard, foam still on his rich red beard. Some of you wonder how Alden can keep his rather impressive physique when he drinks so much. Others have accepted the fact that the beer belly could come with age. Of course the best would be a peaceful resignation and a fair trial before an unbiased court but where would you find such a thing? Before everything else, we need a reason for Maervon to resign. Researching unnatural techniques to stay alive forever would certainly put at least the druids and the church at our back. Then we would just need to get the commoners and the royalty to support our claim for the throne.

2018-11-27, 04:44 AM
While I can’t say I’ve seen calls for regicide, all the bars and bards in the kingdom are awash with dirty jokes and songs at his expense. More than a few calls for him, to make the Terrasque his next lover as well.

Though from the look of this one. He comments pointing at Frozire. He may have done so already.

Anyway, as pleasant as the current locale is someone here will eventually hear this and gossip spreads quicker than the wind. If we have a safe place to retreat to for this discussion I’m in favour.

2018-11-27, 05:24 AM
"Oh, I don't know. I don't think he's aware of me, so I'm sure I could get him alone..." Viviana gives a suggestive wink and a smile. "Though you found me, so maybe my anonymity is less than I thought."
Her playful facade drops. "The real problem is making sure the transition is clean, as was mentioned this could easily slide into either civil war or a far too bloody a coup. I won't risk anyone who's not either volunteered for this or a direct agent of the king."

"Since if this is a trap I've already fallen for it, I may as well introduce myself, Viviana - or Vivi since we're all friends now. Sorceress and burner of ill-doer's."

2018-11-27, 10:51 AM
Tazdaar smiles at Vivian."Hello Vivi. I wouldn't trust your name around some of us, but since you have introduced yourself... I am Calvin Marl, Baron of Measleston. I can assure you that if this was a trap the wait staff would have left and locked the doors a few minutes ago."

2018-11-27, 06:49 PM
"Oh, I don't know. I don't think he's aware of me, so I'm sure I could get him alone..." Viviana gives a suggestive wink and a smile. "Though you found me, so maybe my anonymity is less than I thought."

Priscilla shivers in disgust at the thought.

2018-11-28, 01:58 AM
"If we're doing introductions, my name is Caitlin, of House Ryder. It is a pleasure to meet you all." Caitlin rises from her chair, curtsies, and retakes her seat at the table.

2018-11-28, 01:07 PM
Vivi rolls her eyes at Priscilla. "It's not like I actually suggest doing anything disgusting, just sayin' that getting him alone shouldn't be too difficult."

"It's been playing on my mind, so I'm just going to come out and say it. Who's interested in the throne? I mean, it's not for me - sounds like too much responsibility, whoever ends up on it can just give me a nice place to live and some fancy titles. Last thing I want is for us to win this thing, then tear each other apart fighting for it."

2018-11-28, 02:02 PM
Delvin's face drops as his suggestion for a more private meeting was dismissed out of hand by the red-bearded man and then ignored by the crown princess. It occurs to him that some of these people might have already agreed to working together beforehand and the rest have been pulled in as fodder or scapegoats. And now introductions? This was ridiculous, how could he trust any of them just because they gave their names and openly agreed to a passing fancy at regicide? Well, it seems that two... or eleven... could play at that game. With a sigh, Delvin says, "You might as well call me Scale, for the time being. Of House Mudd, seeing as near half of us soundin' like nobles." He offers an empty-mug toast towards Priscilla, knowing she knows the lie but hoping she doesn't care enough to spoil it just yet. "As for who wants the throne? Do you think everyone would be honest about such ambitions? I imagine there's eleven people here better suited to rule than it's current occupant, and if even a quarter of us have designs on it, then we're in for some rough times ahead. But as it stands, one has demanded it, and another has suggested it fit him better. And we can sort that out now, or much later. As for me, I'd rather we get the first step under way before all the backstabbin' starts."

2018-11-28, 03:21 PM
Tazdaar turns to Caitlin and smiles a warm greeting. "Hello Caitlin." At least some people were nice enough to carry out basic formalities. Vivi, Caitlin, and now Scale.

"Hello Scale. I appreciate your concern for my life. Honestly, if our dolt of a father can be king, anyone can. I only mean that everyone here could, or should, be planning on taking the throne. Since you brought it up, I'm willing to listen to any plan you have that could alleviate this problem. I like my back unstabbed."

Tazdaar was almost glad that noone had taken Scale up on the offer of being discreet. Who would look for lowlife scum with some of these around the table showing their face. It was for them to worry, not those that had done time before.

2018-11-28, 03:59 PM
Not to be offensive but it should either be Priscilla or me. Else you have to deal with the royalists who claim that anyone not of noble blood should be allowed king. That being said, I think it is time that the king or queen gets representatives from the common folk to temper his or her judgment. There is simply so much you don't see from within the castle walls. Like nice ladies! Alden smacks the behind of a barmaid.

2018-11-28, 04:44 PM
I think you’ll find Alden that the nobles, and for that matter those who seem to hold true power right now would follow who-ever it’s in their interest to do so, now some may look for consistency and support you as a more martial version of your father, but others may be looking for actual competence.

Now I have little interest in the throne, but any man of sense can see the kingdom can’t continue in it’s current state. A little gold, a little glory and quite a lot of change and I’ll happily leave this to another.

2018-11-28, 05:07 PM
Vivi grins, "That's easy then, we have a king and queen lined up for the throne. Royalty always seems more legitimate when they marry within the family.", Vivi's eyes seem to glow with mischief.
"Ideally our contender's should be above reproach, if they can be out doing good deeds and showing what a good ruler they'd make while not actively campaigning for the throne, we can try and make this seem like a simple inheritance..."

2018-11-28, 09:07 PM
Thank mother nature I don't have to handle the throne. Look, Sasha says, I'll happily turn into a bear and eat the bodies, but dealing with people? Like... Other people? That's kist... No thank you!

2018-11-29, 01:23 AM
If we're going with inheritance, then unless I die, I take the throne by default. I am the CROWN princess. Priscilla points out.

2018-11-29, 05:14 AM
Pff yea, a woman.... Alden mutters under his breath. So regardless of what you say, we need more mead! Alden orders a strong brew and a double liquor for everyone.

2018-11-29, 04:11 PM
Delvin looked disparagingly into his fresh drink. This was a motley crew, either too serious or not serious enough and if they intended to affect any changes they needed a great deal of luck. "We also need a plan," he says to hard-drinking redbearded man. "Or else we'll be sitting here still when we die of old age and the codger's off raising an army by his loins." He takes a drink as if to think for a moment, "Why don't we start simple. Get the rumor-mill a-rolling. We get word out on the street that Maervon is secretly ill with a wasting sickness. Something not yet curable. If we we can get it to latch, it will get people thinking about the succession all on their own." He expanded his attention to the rest of the table, hoping they were listening and not just waiting to speak. "While that's brewin', we get ourselves out into the countryside and start solving problems. Save a village here, defeat some bandits there, really good heroic stuff. That way, when we come back we'll have a reputation to the good of the commonfolk, and we'll not be seen trying to stir up succession talk. We walk back in when everyone's wonderin' who's fit for the throne and suddenly they've got big damn heroes to choose from." He had further plans, but it was best to see if they could take the simple bits first.

I know not everyone's posted yet, but sooner or later we'll have to step away from the tavern and actually do something, right?

2018-11-29, 04:30 PM
"It may also be prudent to attempt some sort of research or reconnaissance into the ritual Papa is apparently attempting to conduct. It seems rather crucial that we discover some way to put an end to that scheme, if it exists."

2018-11-29, 06:19 PM
I like it. Bashin' a few bandits heads in. Alden turns to his half sister. Learning his schemes is good but we should start our own plan first to get some traction.

2018-11-29, 07:02 PM
I can talk to my family-my OTHER family, not you guys-about what we can do, Sasha adds. The king hasn't exactly been kind to the forests.

2018-11-29, 07:46 PM
Okay, I'd say we hold a vote on what we should do.

I agree with the spread the rumor mill, and do heroics. Priscilla starts. The other option seems to be trying to investigate this ritual, father wants to do.

2018-11-29, 07:50 PM
I vote we go for heroics, Sasha says. Try to impress others, so we can get allies and whatnot.

2018-11-29, 08:44 PM
Tazdaar pushes his full cup away. This conversation is getting interesting and his siblings are starting to bare their teeth, and there are fangs in the room...not just the dragonborn.

"Playing hero sounds fun, but i'm sure that there's a few among us who will prefer to pour through volumes of script rather than pouring out blood. Can you get us access to the kingdom's libraries Priscilla?

2018-11-29, 11:54 PM
Euka perks up at the mention of a library, since she hadn't been able to find much read since going to Maervon. She'd missed the opportunity to expand her knowledge in such an easy and relaxing way.

2018-11-30, 09:05 PM
"I don't think it needs to be said, but I vote for my plan," Delvin says laconically. Voting? For something like this? Maybe the leadership of this little coup was a flash in the pan and anyone will be able to step up once they see how things shake out. "But, there's a lot of us. It could even be possible to split into a few groups and cover multiple angles. I'm sure not everyone wants to go out into the wilds, lookin' for danger, right?"

2018-11-30, 09:20 PM
Tazdaar smiles his approval. Well said Scale. We have enough diversity here to meet plenty of angles of attack." Things seem to be shaping up. The city could be just as dangerous as outside. It'd be better left to those that can deal with it.

"Moving forward, we should keep some discretion for our plans. The public should only know what we want them to know."

2018-11-30, 09:30 PM
I for one, can make effort to sway the court of public opinion far easier than I can turn the tide of battle, though I find it best to be able to do both. Should rumours be neccesary I can arrange for them to come into existence.

2018-12-01, 05:50 PM
Well, regardless of whether we're to engage in heroics or some other option, I propose that we depart from this... establishment. As they say, actions speak louder than words, and the smell of stale alcohol does not agree with me."

2018-12-02, 01:47 AM
I can probably get people access to the royal library, however the restricted areas will probably have to be snuck into. Priscilla replied.

2018-12-02, 10:32 AM
Frozire had been sulking since the dig at his mother. His first instinct had been to stab the guy, and his second instinct had been to wait until he left, and then stab the guy, but that wasn't useful.
"Why be complicated? Find someone he wants to stick it in, and stick something sharp in him while his pants are down." He could think of plenty of people who'd be down for that just off the top of his head, for the right price. Easiest way to do it.

2018-12-02, 01:17 PM
Sasha Delrune

I feel like he has guards, Sasha says. And, moreover, we want the people to have confidence in big sis. I mean, we probably COULD do that... Later. But now seems a bit hasty.

Anyway, she adds, I'm tired of this building. I'll be waiting outside if you need me.

2018-12-02, 11:12 PM
Caitlin Ryder

Caitlin stands up and dusts off her skirt, then begins to head to the door. "I shall join you outside, sister. I find the odor in this building disagreeable. Besides, loitering in taverns is unbecoming for a lady."

2018-12-03, 02:01 AM

Delvin watches as the two women step outside. A few more would be better, but it seemed that no one was particularly opposed to his plan thus far. The dragonborn fellow seemed to prefer the direct method, but who would willingly follow the assassin of the king? It would be more complete to foment the coup, however it would be much more complicated. Perhaps he'll be the one to wield the knife in the end, and the new monarch can demonstrate mercy or ruthlessness with his sentence. In either case, Delvin didn't intend to be either of those parties. Instead he needed to focus on keeping this ragtag family reunion alive long enough for someone to emerge as a monarch."While I don't agree with their reasons, I also we've done all we should in this tavern. Priscilla? Do you have somewhere more private for us to meet in the city or should we be waitin' on messages for when you're ready to take action?"

2018-12-03, 01:36 PM
Suddenly Jon clasps his hands together with an audible clap, then gets to his feet and starts.

How about this, you lot” He says pointing out Priscilla, Euka and Alden “ and Sasha go be heroes and make a name for yourselves. You” he repeats this time beckoning to Frozire, Valerem and Viviana “try and intimidate or eliminate any unsavoury people he has garuntee his rule. Me, Scale and Calvin will spread the rumours and get the people on our side, and I’m not sure why exactly Catlin has come here so I will ignore her until she does something useful or stops coming. We meet up whenerpver it’s practical to do so but with no fixed time and place.

We good?

2018-12-03, 03:50 PM
Euka replies "Yeah. I'd probably do well in any team if I got my hands on the right spells, but the heroism-focused team is the one that needs the most members. I also don't currently have access to said 'right spells'."

She then waves to the other members of her team to introduce herself. "I'm Euka Galanodel, bladesigner extraordinaire."

2018-12-03, 04:12 PM
Vivi shrugs, "I'd rather do some dashing heroics, but I can threaten to burn some people if you like."

2018-12-03, 06:50 PM
Way too complicated. I am out. If you need someone to access the Jarls of Azurereach, I fight in the Giggling Donkey under the guise of Red-Beard every other night.

Alden stands up and leaves.

2018-12-05, 06:08 AM
Caitlin Ryder

Caitlin glances up as Alden exits the building. "Have they reached some sort of consensus in there? Are we to be engaging in heroics and whatnot?"

2018-12-05, 09:07 AM

Tazdaar stands up and walks to the bar. He starts blabbering away to people around him about the crap weather and how the god's are forsaking them.

2018-12-05, 02:54 PM
I am good with that plan. Priscilla starts

2018-12-06, 11:39 PM
Sasha leans her head back in. Are we leaving, or what?

2018-12-07, 02:15 AM
Priscilla nods starting to leave the tavern.

2018-12-07, 12:02 PM
"Wait up. No disrespecting your abilities, but if Alden's out are the two of you enough? I don't mind switching up teams..."

2018-12-07, 04:27 PM
"It's not just the two of them. I'll be there as well, although 3 isn't necessarily going to be enough either."

2018-12-07, 05:52 PM
As the others start splitting up and taking to Jon's plan, Delvin looks to the standing man and says, "You speak and they act. Maybe don't count yerself out of the runnin' for the throne just yet, eh?" He stands and collects his shield from the where it lay under his seat. "I'll do my part with the rumours. I'll start with churches, but we should meet up when we can. Meet you here tomorrow night?"

Whatever Jon's answer, Delvin leaves the Blue Horse Tavern and weaves his way through the Down District toward the Church of the Raven Queen.

2018-12-08, 10:09 AM
Jon gives a slight smile Leading when others don't want to is a lot easier than leading when everyone's after the prize, quick talkers can slip through enough to change stuff but not much more.

And yeah tomorrow night sounds great, there isn't a man alive who doesn't drink pray or care about what some toff thinks, together we can make this happen.

2018-12-12, 11:41 AM
As some of you depart to garner support among the locals, a scant few remain at the table, discussing preparations for the journey. After a brief interlude of shopping and preparations, you stand in the King's Square, complete with well-vandalized statue of the dumpy and pathetic monarch, ready to embark.

2018-12-12, 05:04 PM
Sasha stands in front of the statue. When can I be a bear? she asks.

2018-12-12, 05:44 PM
"I don't know, you've already got the scruffy looking but somehow adorable anyway look going on." Vivi either doens't realise Sasha isn't talking to her, or doesn't care..."So, we need some evil to defeat, and to do it publicly. Or I suppose I could just start a fire, and we could enact a daring rescue of people from a building." for the last Vivi's tone is flippant, but quiet.

2018-12-13, 01:17 AM
Why don't I ask some of the higher ups around here but problems the king is failing to take care of.

2018-12-15, 08:14 PM
"I think it'd be better if we asked the townspeople directly about those problems. We can't trust the higher-ups to not be unmitigatedly corrupt", Euka replied.