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View Full Version : Contingencies and Clerics

Sornjss Lichdom
2007-09-20, 06:12 PM
Ok, if you were a wizard that could cast contingency and had a few cleric levels, or if your a cleric with the time domain.. What divine spelll do you cast into your safe guard, now I know that if I were a wizard I'd still use the handy dandy teleportation, but if your a cleric with out that option what do you use?

Also defined in the spell it says that the target spell has to be one third your caster lvl, now I dont know if this meens the caster lvl of the class of which you cast contingency in (like a 14th lvl wizard, with 6 lvl's in cleric, does he have the abilaty to cast fifth level divine spells into his contingency, from a scroll or some other resource), total class levels, or the class level of the spell your using for your contingency (same Levels as before but does he have to cast a 2nd lvl or lower spell into the contingency).

Back to the basic question though, what divine spell would you cast into your contingency (minumal level of 6)? Thoughts and comments, TY in advance.

2007-09-20, 06:18 PM
Well, if you are going for the teleport idea of whisking yourself out of harms way, why not just good old fashioned word of recall?

Otherwise you could use miracle for a variety of effects (including teleport), or etherealness if you want to slip from most of harms way but stick around still, or if you want to be a bit riskier, implosion... if you are stuck to core.

2007-09-20, 06:27 PM
Ok, if you were a wizard that could cast contingency and had a few cleric levels, or if your a cleric with the time domain.. What divine spelll do you cast into your safe guard, now I know that if I were a wizard I'd still use the handy dandy teleportation, but if your a cleric with out that option what do you use?

Also defined in the spell it says that the target spell has to be one third your caster lvl, now I dont know if this meens the caster lvl of the class of which you cast contingency in (like a 14th lvl wizard, with 6 lvl's in cleric, does he have the abilaty to cast fifth level divine spells into his contingency, from a scroll or some other resource), total class levels, or the class level of the spell your using for your contingency (same Levels as before but does he have to cast a 2nd lvl or lower spell into the contingency).

Back to the basic question though, what divine spell would you cast into your contingency (minumal level of 6)? Thoughts and comments, TY in advance.

Caster level is how many (effective) levels you have in that class. For example, a level 15 cleric has caster level 15, and can buff that with a bead of karma and an orange ioun stone. At level 20, naturally, your caster level is 20, so you can Contingency up to 6th level spells. If I could get Cotingency as a Cleric spell, I'd definitely set up a contingent heal.

Shas aia Toriia
2007-09-20, 06:29 PM
Contingent Miracle is the best, but if your CL isn't high enough, contingent heal.

Sornjss Lichdom
2007-09-20, 07:20 PM
It will never be high enough unless you go epic, otherwise I'd do a wish as a wizard. And I thought of word of recall, but it just seemed like if you took away all teleportation for the class it would make you alittle more resourcerful.

2007-09-20, 07:59 PM
You can never use Contingency to cast Miracle, since the maximum level of spell you can cast with Contingency is 6th. That said, you can use Miracle to cast Contingency, so Contingency is available to any 17th level (or higher) Cleric.

Word of Recall is probably the best spell you could use, since it would probably get you out of a bad situation. Even if you're killed, it should get your body to a safe place, and then you can just have a Clone of yourself collect the items (it's better than leaving them there with whatever it was that was giving you such a hard time).

2007-09-20, 10:13 PM
Even if you're killed, it should get your body to a safe place, and then you can just have a Clone of yourself collect the items (it's better than leaving them there with whatever it was that was giving you such a hard time).If you're assuming someone's going to be around to Clone you after you die, why not make it easier and just assume someone's around to Raise Dead you instead?

2007-09-20, 11:52 PM
If you're assuming someone's going to be around to Clone you after you die, why not make it easier and just assume someone's around to Raise Dead you instead?

Clone is cast before Death so that you wake up in the Clone as soon as you die.

I have seen you misinterpret Clone before. Ask yourself this, What does the Clone spell do if you can not clone yourself before Death that a lower level spell (True Res) doesn't also do? Nothing. But Clone does allow you to Clone yourself before death, and then when you Die your spirit moves straight to that body.

Sornjss Lichdom
2007-09-21, 05:50 AM
*cough*not to menching wizards can cast clone*cough

Keld Denar
2007-09-21, 06:39 AM
Contingent Divine Powah! Set the contingency to "When I swing at the next foe" Bam, instant buffage. You could get the sacred 3 buffs off in essentially 1 round without divine metamagic.

1st round - Rightous Might - quickened Divine Favor
2nd round - charge and attack, contingent Divine Powah, powah attack for full!
3rd round - Profit!

Also, contingent antilife shell would be pretty neat, provided you weren't facing too many archers/casters/things with reach. Neck deep in trolls? Blow the whistle and call a time out if your hp drop below 1/4 or so.