View Full Version : I love the Amber Temple (spoiler warning for Curse of Strahd).

2018-11-27, 05:10 PM
As my DM said “it’s like watching your players throw their characters off a cliff!”

The Amber Temple is a place that contains many evil spirits. These spirits offer characters cool powers in exchange for a horrible flaw. However you also need to make two saves, one to avoid becoming CE by the spirit’s corruption, and one to avoid becoming possessed by them.

Long story short we are still going at our heavily modified Curse of Strahd campaign (it’s been like 4 years) and I’ve recently introduced my new character, a friendly orc who is a BBQ chef and a sorcerer (with a homebrew Jason Voorhees-like archetype, I can provide a link if anyone wants to see it).

Now we made a return to the Amber Temple to pick up some new spells and introduce the new characters to the dark pacts. We also decided to bring our shifty NPC friend, Patrina, because we didn’t want her to leave our sights. However while me and another new character decided to load up on accursed power we both ended up failing our saving throws and becoming possessed by evil spirits. My big friendly character also got a pair of skeletal wings, an eternal whisper, a jerkish personality, and a desire to receive payment for everything.

On a hunch the rest of the party knocked us out and tied us up since they had previous experience with the dark pact’s possession. The thing is, while they highly suspect that we are possessed they don’t have any actual proof.

While this debacle occurred we forgot to monitor our shifty NPC friend Patrina. She used this moment to sneak off and learn how to become a Lich.

So we ended the session there, with two players “secretly” possessed/corrupted by evil spirits and a possible new Lich on our hands. None of this amazing stuff could have happened without the Amber Temple.

2018-11-27, 06:16 PM
It is fun for the DM to watch all the back-stabbing begin.

However, for my life cleric, it was awful. Two of our players "succumbed" to the DM whispering greatness in their ears.