View Full Version : Help me pick a race for this character

2018-11-27, 05:14 PM
So I have this concept, and it’s so funny to me, that I’m rolling with it.

Meet Ruxpin.

Ruxpin is a Moon Druid, except every form is a modified Bear. (This has been cleared with the DM, and affects appearances only)

Wild Shaping into a bat? Nah, tiny bear with wings.
Dire Wolf? A slightly thinner Bear.
Brown Bear? Somehow even Bear-ier.

Ruxpin isn’t a person that Wild Shapes into a weird Bear. No, Ruxpin is a normal Bear that was cursed or something, and is now forced to spend part of his time as a Humanoid.

So his whole mentality? Bear. His Charisma might be a 5. Similarly, his Int is not exactly a good number.

“I don’t always kill things, but when I do, it’s because they’re things and I’m a Bear.”

AND THE PUNS! Oh goodness the puns...

-sees a room covered in blood- “It seems like we have a.... GRIZZLY situation here.”

“It’s pretty unBEARable.”

But I don’t know WHAT Humanoid he’s forced to spend his time as. Any ideas?

2018-11-27, 05:16 PM
So I have this concept, and it’s so funny to me, that I’m rolling with it.

Meet Ruxpin.

Ruxpin is a Moon Druid, except every form is a modified Bear. (This has been cleared with the DM, and affects appearances only)

Wild Shaping into a bat? Nah, tiny bear with wings.
Dire Wolf? A slightly thinner Bear.
Brown Bear? Somehow even Bear-ier.

Ruxpin isn’t a person that Wild Shapes into a weird Bear. No, Ruxpin is a normal Bear that was cursed or something, and is now forced to spend part of his time as a Humanoid.

So his whole mentality? Bear. His Charisma might be a 5. Similarly, his Int is not exactly a good number.

“I don’t always kill things, but when I do, it’s because they’re things and I’m a Bear.”

AND THE PUNS! Oh goodness the puns...

-sees a room covered in blood- “It seems like we have a.... GRIZZLY situation here.”

“It’s pretty unBEARable.”

But I don’t know WHAT Humanoid he’s forced to spend his time as. Any ideas?

Bugbear. Of course.

2018-11-27, 05:19 PM
A Bugbear. Light on the bug part, heavy on the bear part.

Either that, or a Firbolg refluffed as an anthropomorphic bear.

2018-11-27, 05:21 PM
I didn’t know if I should go Bugbear and RP it as a Humanoid Bear, or if I should go in the total opposite direction and go like Eladrin or something, and RP it as having no idea what Elven society is or anything.

2018-11-27, 05:23 PM
Does a bear poop in the woods? The obvious choice here. I would also recommend hill dwarf if you want to go with the "closest-to-a-bear" approach. Going the opposite direction, lightfoot halfling would be a funny juxtaposition. Crawling all over the place, including underneath other creatures...

2018-11-27, 05:23 PM
I'd probably recommend Firbolg from Volo's Guide to Monsters and then adjust the appearance similar to how you are doing wild shape. In terms of abilities, the Firbolg gets str and wis which is a good match plus it has some flavorful features such as speaking with animals and extra carrying capacity.

2018-11-27, 07:48 PM
Firbolg, Orc, or Goliath is what I would go with.

2018-11-27, 08:42 PM
That depends on if you want to go with the this character is a bear and has no idea how to act as a posh race (elf), or if you just want them to have a form that makes sense for a bear.

If it's a race that fits a bear I think ork might be one of the better options. Agression and pluses to str and con with a negative to int makes a lot of sense in terms of stats. If you want something a little more out there, how about tabaxi? You can go with more bear than feline, having a stuby tail,more muscular, round ears, ect. The race's features work somewhat with a bear, a natural claw weapon like a bear and doubling your speed for a move could be you charging rather than using feline agility.

As for a more pompous race that no one would expect a bear being? Forest Gnome. Not only are you small but it's also a race know for being very smart (+2int). Being able to talk with small creatues could be your character being able to communicate in a way only another animal could. Gnome cunning could be your curse interfering with other spells that affect you in a more mental way. The hardest thing to flavor would be having the minor illusion cantrip. I guess it could be a blessing from a forest spirit you got before being changed into a gnome? I'm not sure.

2018-11-27, 10:04 PM
Forest Gnome. .Great idea. If I were a gnome, I'd rather be a bear.

2018-11-27, 10:36 PM
If your dm is allowing for UA races I would highly suggest Shifter. Specifically the thick hide ones that get an ac boost. Makes for a grat animal humanoid.

2018-11-27, 10:47 PM
Warforged. clockwork bear.

2018-11-27, 11:50 PM
As others have said, you’ve got two broad options - complement the bear thing, or contrast it.

If complementing, Firbolg would be my first choice, or a Dwarf.

If contrasting, many more options but you could go a terribly uncouth High Elf (or Wood Elf if you want the mechanical advantages), an Aaracokra that’s terrified of flying and is far more comfortable on the ground thankyouverymuch, or a terribly aggressive Gnome, Halfling or Kobold.

2018-11-28, 12:50 AM
I know this is off topic, but is multiclassing on the table? The reason I am asking, well, how to put it... if I were a bear, and someone forced me to spend time in another form, I would certainly find it unbearable. In fact, yeah, now I think of it, it would probably make me very angry. You could almost say bearzerk! Ok, I'll just find my way out...

Another vote for goliath from me. Big size, and for some reason the silent type fits well with a goliath in my mind (most likely because I don't think I've ever seen a goliath party face; and now I wanna play one. Hmmm).

2018-11-28, 02:05 AM
A hairy dwarf comes to mind.

But a forest gnome might be enjoyable.

2018-11-28, 02:54 AM
Sir Bearington anyone? Variant human with the Actor feat, disguise yourself as a bear when you’re human, as a human when you’re a bear. Charlatan background, or Entertainer if you were a dancing circus bear.

2018-11-28, 04:33 AM
Sir Bearington anyone? Variant human with the Actor feat, disguise yourself as a bear when you’re human, as a human when you’re a bear. Charlatan background, or Entertainer if you were a dancing circus bear.

my thoughts exactly! though the very low charisma does prohibit any mr bearington shenanigans..

+1 for feral forest gnome!

they live in burrows, are reclusive, and have a close tie to nature... they might also be your best bet for getting this curse lifted..

2018-11-28, 06:29 AM
How about a Ghostwise Halfling? They tend to be bearbearic...

2018-11-28, 06:46 AM
How about a Ghostwise Halfling? They tend to be bearbearic...
Bearfooted as well!:smallbiggrin:

2018-11-28, 06:50 AM
Digging the Gnome idea. The 25ft speed would be hilarious. “HOW DO YOU PEOPLE GET ANYWHERE WITH ONLY TWO FEET?!”

Ghostwise Halfling offers a unique advantage, with allowing me to communicate regardless of form. Plus, I’m a Bear. The Brave trait applies to me, no?

2018-11-28, 02:27 PM
Another benefit to Bugbear is the Well Rested feat from the expanded racial feats things. mini hibernations~

Honest Tiefling
2018-11-28, 02:37 PM
Too late to suggest tiefling? I mean, if you are going to get cursed into a humanoid form, it might as be one that would prohibit getting help to remove the curse. Tieflings probably don't get along with most druids anyhow.

2018-11-28, 02:44 PM
Either that, or a Firbolg refluffed as an anthropomorphic bear.

That would be a Furbolg (https://wow.gamepedia.com/Furbolg).

2018-11-28, 08:08 PM
I... think I found the perfect one.

From the Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron, I present to you all the Mark of Finding Half-Orc.

+1 Str, +1 Wis, +1 Any
+1d4 on Survival and Perception checks

Imprint Prey - Bonus Action, once per short or long rest
Choose a creature within 30ft, or one you successfully track via Survival
While within 60ft of you, you have a general sense of its location. Quarry gains no benefits from half cover, your attacks don't suffer disadvantage from not being able to see it, and the target gains no advantage from you not being able to see it

(No, I don't get Savage Attacks and Relentless Endurance, unfortunately. These abilities replace it)

2018-11-29, 06:04 PM
I ended up going for Gold Dragonborn.

-Going from a furred creature to a scaled one could be pretty jarring. Seemed fun to RP

-It’s for a Strahd game, and there’s a part where being Dragonborn could come into play. Thought that’d be a GREAT opportunity to RP some things

-The idea of a Bear breathing comes of Fire seemed hilarious