View Full Version : DM Help Telepathy Question

2018-11-28, 12:02 PM
My group is mostly psionic, as is the campaign they are trying to work into.

They use Telepathic Bond/Telepathy on all their allies/cohorts and the like.

Other than reading the person's mind AS they are communicating telepathically, can those comms be intercepted?

If so, what's the defence?

2018-11-28, 12:07 PM
Why would you need a "defense" against telepathy.
You can easily mind rape people and get all their memories at once and turn them into slave or dominate them then use hypnosis multiple times(you can inflict negative levels first so that they fail their save and go under the hd cap) for making that person say all what it knows.
So normal forms of interrogation works exactly the same as before.

2018-11-28, 12:36 PM
Sure, but can the telepathic message or conversation be intercepted at the time? The defense is to prevent the communication from being intercepted if it can be...

Background, psionic one way keyed portals. A person, with telepathic bond needs to ASK for the portal to be opened. We want to hide the fact that the communication is happening AND prevent the challenge/password from being compromised. The portal COULD also be the conduit that the psionic communication is conveyed through maybe?

I guess, overall it's more about ways to keep the conversation details safe DURING the conversation, always knowing interrogation after the fact is a possibility.

2018-11-28, 12:46 PM
There are certainly magics that can intercept telepathic communication. Telepathy tap is a spell, for example. That sort of stuff is pretty uncommon, though.

2018-11-28, 12:54 PM
I see no telepathy intercepting spell which is not blocked by line of effect breaking.
so maybe having each person putting itself in a metal sphere within a demiplane(after making sure there is no spells/faculties other than your own spells/faculties on your members) could make intercepting very very hard.

2018-11-28, 12:59 PM
So can I use a MMM room to "make the call"?

What defenses are available to prevent the reading,giving things like a Telepathy Tap type attack?

2018-11-28, 01:04 PM
Try arcane sight. It'll tell you if anyone around you has any spells active. If you want an at-will version, you can take Bind Vestige + Improved Bind Vestige as feats and bind Karsus.

2018-11-28, 03:21 PM
I am kinda diggin with the MMM idea is going, keep me honest.

I have a custom magic item "Key of Slumber" to try and use like apartments, each opening a persistent MMM:
Key of Slumber
Ornate stone key on a chain that when inserted into a unique stone carved relief of a large door used throughout Neverwinter, opens to the specific Mage’s Magnificent Mansion “instance” created by the Key.
On Use - Mage’s Magnificent Mansion - lv7 Wizard spell@13thx2000gp=182000gpv
Must be “House” Member -50% cost
Cost: 182000gp -50%= 91000gp
Time: 91 days

Could I install a portal in the MMM instance? Or is that bag of holding nesting cheese?

2018-11-28, 04:13 PM
I am kinda diggin with the MMM idea is going, keep me honest.

I have a custom magic item "Key of Slumber" to try and use like apartments, each opening a persistent MMM:
Key of Slumber
Ornate stone key on a chain that when inserted into a unique stone carved relief of a large door used throughout Neverwinter, opens to the specific Mage’s Magnificent Mansion “instance” created by the Key.
On Use - Mage’s Magnificent Mansion - lv7 Wizard spell@13thx2000gp=182000gpv
Must be “House” Member -50% cost
Cost: 182000gp -50%= 91000gp
Time: 91 days

Could I install a portal in the MMM instance? Or is that bag of holding nesting cheese?

You can chain pocket dimensions as much as you want there is only negative effects when there is a bad of holding or a portable hole within a bag of holding or a portable hole.

2018-11-28, 04:44 PM
So moving the portal into the persistent MMM, would eliminate any ranged ability to intercept the Telepathy outside of the intruder being INSIDE the MMM with our group.

Nice... :)

2018-12-02, 10:08 AM
I also have a note about using a physical object to block the portal from opening, anyone confirm that?

I read SOMEWHERE that if a portal is blocked on either side, it will not manifest at all.

I also have the idea of using a spelljammer to be the central hub of this portal system, all FR portals are one way to this ship. The ship works its way back and forth, in and out of the FR crystal sphere on scheduled times or something. A portal cant work when the other side is not in the same sphere...

I THINK I have a pretty good defense system designed...