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2018-11-28, 01:13 PM
Chapter 1 Scene i

"Let the wild rumpus start!

Oh please don't go - We'll eat you up - We Love you so!"

-Maurice Sendak, Where the Wild Things Are

"Time and again I tell myself
I'll stay clean tonight
But the little green wheels are following me
Oh no, not again...
My mother says to get things done
You better not mess with Major Tom"

-David Bowie, Ashes to Ashes

It was a dark and stormy night… the clock had only just struck twelve on October First, 2018. Torrents of rainfall thundered on the porous shingled roof of the motley’s home, creating a jumpy rhythm section to the clanging tolls of the old grandfather clock. It was the clock that Reggie had bought at the Tumbledown Market and had placed in the living room. Buckets had been placed in the attic earlier that evening to catch the water leaking through the ceiling, and the occasional plop of a water droplet would echo from above adding to the strange chorus that was playing in the motley’s haven just off of St. Charles.

The air inside the house was thick with the smell of burning logs, and a faint smell of cinnamon that seemed to always hang over the old home.

Despite several conversations and even more angry emails and voice messages, Simon Petrow, the landlord of the motley’s home, the penny pincher had still not come around to paying to have the roof fixed. The attic was starting to take on a noxious mildew smell.

Though the house was insulated from the main roads, the engines and horns of cars could still be heard several blocks down on St. Charles, and even at Midnight before a Monday there were revelers in the streets of New Orleans. Their rambunctious conversations and songs filter down the buildings and the tall wisterias; hauntingly beautiful to those awake, though maybe just obnoxious to those trying to sleep.

Inside, it was warm and humid. The house was well lit and coseley furnished, despite the warping floorboards and creaking stairs. Little did the Changelings inside know that tonight would be a night that would alter their futures, and possibly change the fate of the city of New Orleans.

(OOC:Please describe what your character is doing in the house at this late hour)

2018-11-28, 07:21 PM
In the top of a tower far, far away...and maybe a long time ago, or possibly in the far disrant future, Sebastian Rivers stood behind a podium on which there was tied a gigantic ledger. There was a lightning storm outside - there always was when he was in this room in particular, at this book. In fact, he even sometimes felt that the colour bled out of the room like an old movie when he was here.

The ledger was in his own hand, but created ages ago. In Arcadia. He ran his hands down the pages. I’m so, so sorry... Some of them had red checks next to them, but too few. Those were the dreams he could restore. The others were the stolen. One day, he’d get them all back. He reached down and felt for his glass. He had a drink nearby but it was gone now. He shut the book and began walking down the long, winding staircase and as he did so he began to hear the thunder dwindling down and light began to come in through the tower windows.

He passed shelves upon shelves and he knew them all. In the most nondescript book on the most nondescript shelf at the most nondescript turn, he knew there was a book, wrapped in silk, wrapped in leather, and sealed gingerly and agonizingly (even through gloves) in an iron lined box ensconced within that false nondescript book. It was danger to them all. He passed by it without a word.

He reached the ground floor of the door and walked to the doorway to the tower. Then, he turned to the right of the door and picked up a pen. He began to carefully and quickly draw a calligraphied door next to the real passage, and in a snap it became real, connecting the Hedge to a wall in New Orleans. He took a deep breath. If there’s anyone out there, they are your motley. They are your friends. Be...be normal.

He pushed his drawn door and the wall opened, falling back into place. He made sure another pen was near that wall before going into the kitchen. He looked at the mirror as he passed by it. His hair was curled and long, hanging occasionally before his eyes. He wore a buttoned shirt, but it was untucked, and hung out over the corduroy pants he wore. His sleeves were rolled up. He practiced what his therapist referred to as a “door open” smile...and hated it. He stuck his tongue out at the image in the mirror and walked to the kitchen, refilling his glass.

2018-11-29, 12:40 PM
Reggy hated mobile phones, just another kind of shackle as he'd tell anyone who'd listen. No one would listen though. The damned things had been around long enough folk accepted them as naturally as rain. He hated the rain too, it turned trenches into canals and healthy feet into rotting flesh.
Yet it is a foolish man who refuses the reality of things he doesn't care for. With the house being what it was, old and decrepit, a mobile's connection was far more reliable. He'd have done something about the many leaks upstairs if he didn't have more important matters to attend to. And so he endured, as all Changlings must, these petty annoyances and did what he did best, begged, borrowed or stole in fine language.
'Come on Eleanor, this is for charity. I'm going to need you to come down on that.' His tone was an impressive performance, one long perfected with practice; It was at once confidently commanding but also supplicating and humble. The trick was to make them feel honoured they were giving him what he wanted 'Your hall's the best, we both know that. That's why I want it, donors don't like donating in anything less than absolute opulence.' He paced as he listened to her answer, finding every creaking floorboard in the room. 'The biggest fish? Probably Cezary Kordaszewski.' Predictably his pronunciation and accent were perfect, as they should be given how much Cezary donated last year. Of course it was blood money, used to salve the conscience of a former mobster exiled from his homeland. Reggy knew that to be true because he'd visited Cezary's dreams many times to prey upon his guilty feelings.
A pause, a fake laugh that sounded more real then his real laugh 'Eleanor you tease! And I thought you only had eyes for me.' Eleanor was an older woman and likely had never been attractive, but Reggy wasn't above whoring himself out. Besides technically he was older than her. 'Knock 20% off the booking price and I promise to introduce you.'

2018-11-29, 09:10 PM

There were so many stops, halts, so much jank, so many imperfections, so many failures on the way here. Every time you did it wrong it was like hitting a pothole - a big, ugly lurch and then a moment when you just came out of it. But when you were having a good run, when your muscles were in sync, when you were hitting your hotkeys and your blood was flowing in tune with the music - then it was like flying. It stopped being just flashing lights. It became synthesis. Perfect communication between human and machine. Being so in tune with something that your senses left the runway of your physical body and your mind could finally SOAR.

It felt like flying.

Some people were speedrunners, finding their symphony in overcoming a piece of software. Imere had certainly done plenty of that but she always felt it was a pale imitation of multiplayer. A speedrun was expanding your mind to encompass a specific piece of software. Multiplayer was the process of running everyone else's entire minds and personalities and reflexes as parts of your own mind. When you had a streak, when you did it right, it felt like everyone else was just an aspect of yourself - phantoms of your own mind.

And through that was the visceral satisfaction of putting a round into a chunky hitbox - of the meaty THWAK of an ubersaw - of one last desperate accusation of being a spy before the critical rocket burst.

She was here because Eremi (her pet name for the Fetch) hogged all the bandwidth in the apartment when she was streaming, and none of the brits used the internet for anything more than communicating with scammers. Besides, she didn't feel like doing a show herself tonight - some nights she just wanted to fly.

2018-11-30, 01:49 AM
The sound of a hammer rhythmically rising and falling was a solid indicator of where Tom was. If that misery, penny-pinching, greedy landlord would not put up the coin for repairs, then Tom would have to do it himself. It may not be high-quality work, but Tom had found that hands accustomed to shedding blood could be used for something other than death and destruction.

Cramped uncomfortably in the attic with a handful of nails held tightly between his lips, Tom tried to maneuver his large frame around to affix another bit of wooden paneling onto the leaky roof. It wasn’t going to be a glamourous job, but it would hopefully be enough to at least slow the deluge of water.

Shaggy black hair was damp from the dripping water, and clung to the sharp angles of his face as his cold eyes narrowed in frustration at a particularly damnable leak. Why wouldn’t the damn drip just…stop? If this was still Arcadia, he could have just glowered at it and the water-sprites would have run screaming. But glaring at a drip in the mundane did nothing other than proclaim your proclivities towards crazy.

Oh, how the mighty had fallen, Tom thought with a wry, rumbling chuckle. But the sound lacked warmth and mirth.

Probably Intelligence 2 + Crafts 2 (+2 Handyman Speciality)


Bulging muscles flexed as he drove the last of the nails in, hoping that his make-shift repair work would hold for a little while. Below him, he heard Reggy’s voice filtering up into the attic, and Tom shifted slightly as he tried to step lightly. The creaking of the attic under his weight always made him a bit nervous. Ever since he chased a pack of gnomes across a rickety old bridge in the Hedge, he was more aware of what he was walking on.

2018-11-30, 08:39 AM
Downstairs in the living room the chiming of the old grandfather clock suddenly stopped. Perhaps not something you would notice if you were paying attention to other things, but the sudden silence was unnatural. The silence hung over the entire house like a storm cloud.

Then the old rotary phone by the entrance rang. Reggie was closest to this, having just stopped in hallways. The bell like tone was something a digital phone could never imitate, and it was a noise that none of the motley had ever heard in the house; Simon had been too cheap to pay for a landline. The phone had basically just been an anachronistic decoration. Eleanor continued to prattle away on Reggie's cellphone, her tone flirty, but now suddenly very distant. The chimes of the phone were then joined by every radiator in the house suddenly activating, sounding off with hisses and a series of deep plunking noises all over the building.

Imere's computer suddenly went on the fritz. Just as she was finishing the end of her speed run, the visual on her oversized monitor began to waver like on an old tube television. One moment Imere was flying through the level, one with her machine, then the next she was suddenly falling. The screen went black and the disk-drive in her handmade computer began to whir loudly. Then the entire thing shut off, killing Imere's hopes of recovering her progress.

Upstairs in the attic the raining suddenly stopped, just as the phone began to ring downstairs, and Imere's computer shorted. Even the drops coming from the collected water damage no longer fell. It was the darnedest thing. The various buckets lay peaceful on the floor. But when Tom went to look through the gaping hole in the roof, a wave of hot water fell down on him, as if someone had emptied a kettle on his head. And this was when all the glass shattered downstairs.

Sebastian was still in the kitchen when the first window blew; the one sitting right over the sink. The noise was like an explosion and small shards of glass went flying out into the yard. Then the window in the backyard door shattered, then the one sitting over the small kitchen table. Then upstairs the windows started going. One after the next windows all over the house began blowing outward, a series of high pitched explosions.

Then there was a sudden shriek that echoed all over the house. It was distant and distorted, a woman's voice growing louder and louder and slowly sharper as if drawing near. There was an explosion in the upstairs bathroom, more shattering glass. Suddenly the girl's screams were inside the house, fully in focus and coming from the bathroom as something large and meaty landed with a thud on the bathroom floor.

2018-11-30, 10:42 AM
'Eleanor I'll have to call you back.' He hung up without waiting for reply, suddenly very aware all the hairs on the back of his neck were standing bolt upright. Fear flushed him with a cold sweat, despite all the radinators going off.
With great reluctance he reached out and picked up the phone, gingerly putting it to his ear 'Hello?'

I'm assuming Reggy didn't hear the thump in the bathroom. Let me know if this is wrong

2018-11-30, 10:54 AM
(OOC: I'd say the explosion of glass from the bathroom, the girl's crying and the thump were all loud enough to be audible to Reggie despite all the other distractions)

Eleanor's indignant protests are cut off when Reggie hangs up the phone.

Despite Reggie's calls, the shrieking from the bathroom continues. The cries are loud and shrill but definitely human.

2018-11-30, 11:27 AM
OOC: In that case a small modification...

IC: 'Eleanor I'll have to call you back.' He hung up without waiting for reply, suddenly very aware all the hairs on the back of his neck were standing bolt upright. Fear flushed him with a cold sweat, despite all the radiators going off.
He ignored the sound of breaking glass and even the wailing, convinced something terrible lurked on the other side of the phone, reaching out to him through the ether and a plastic wrapped wire. His Keeper was the sort that played with his prey and had a flare for the dramatic, Reggy could almost feel the hands reaching out to drag him back to Arcadia.
Just paranoia he reassured himself as, with great reluctance, he reached out to pick up the ringing phone.
As soon as his fingers brushed it he heard the thump from the bathroom. The British Officer Class had been bred to bravely and stupidly charge into danger for hundreds of years, and that breeding served him well now as he knocked the phone rolling on it's side and ran for the bathroom, bellowing for the rest of his Motley.

2018-11-30, 06:43 PM
Sebastian shook his head. “Too much noise! Go turn that person off!” , he called out to his various roommates. He paced over to the phone first, though and picked it up. More noise to deal with. Let the others deal with a shrieking person first. He took a drink to fortify himself.


2018-12-01, 03:22 AM
Cursing under his breath, Tom winced as the hot water soaked across him. A large hand steadily wiped the wet tangled hair from his eyes, before peering accusingly at the hole in the roof.

The massive man made a move to grab another bit of wood to put up onto the damnable hole when he heard the explosions of glass from downstairs. A surge of agitation at leaving the job unfinished was mired with a cold sweat. Were they under attack? Not on his watch! Grabbing the wicked looking machete from where it was tucked into his belt, he drew it from the simple leather sheath.

Bolting as fast as he could from the cramped confines of the attic, Tom ignored the step-ladder leading up and simply dropped down with a resounding, thunderous crash before his loping stride brought him to the bathroom.

To those who bore the cursed sight of the Lost, he instead carried a long sword of strange design. The blade was like black glass, and covered in a thin sheen of oily red – like blood – and the wide cross-guard was carved like twisting, thorn-covered vines. Set in the center of the cross-guard and upon the pommel were fire opals of unsurpassing beauty.

Tom saw Reggy approaching the bathroom as well, and held a hand up to silently urge his boon companion to wait as he approached the door.

“What manner of foe do we face, pray tell?” Tom hissed.

2018-12-01, 06:38 AM
'Beats me old chap.' Easily effecting an air of nonchalance he definitely didn't feel Reggy slowed to a walk and took up a position besides Tom 'Maybe not a foe at all. Keep that sword handy though.'

2018-12-01, 09:10 AM
Peering into the bathroom, the girl's screams are louder; filled with anguish and terror. The bathroom floor is a mess of shattered glass and small crimson pools of blood. Sprawled out over the mess is another Changeling, though it takes a few moments to recognize her.

She is young, maybe in her late teens. Her mask shows a voluptuous girl with shoulder length hair that may at one point have been dyed a bright green but has now faded to an off bleached color, dressed in a black hoodie, pink skirt and shredded black and green stockings. Behind the mask, you can see two vulpine ears poking through her hair and a long fluffy red tail matted with blood poking out from her skirt. The girl's thick makeup his heavily smeared, and there are a multitude of small cuts on her face and hands.

You recognize her as Kitsune, a member of The Makers Court of the Night Revelers. To be trite, Reggie only knew the girl from the gossip about her sexual promiscuity in the Changeling community. Kitsune was sprawled on the floor her grey eyes wide and undiscerning, as she shifted on the crunching glass to curl her knees into the embrace of her bleeding arms. Moans and sobs were pouring out of the girl's mouth, and she stared at Reggie without any recognition.

************************************************** **********

Downstairs, Sebastian was holding the old rotary phone to his ear. The voice was distant, like the receiver was no where near the man's ear. His voice was maybe a little familiar, though it was hard to tell through all the cursing. The man was creaming things like "Get back here god damn it!" His voice was strained to the point of ragged, and it sounded like there were glasses or plates being smashed in the background.

Despite Sebastian's best efforts, the man seems unable to hear him, and continues to rage. The volume begins to fade, not like the man is quieting down, but instead as if the receiver is being taken farther and farther away, and it becomes overtaken with the white fuzz of static. The 60 cycle grows louder, eventually washing over all other noise and then receding till Sebastian is holding nothing but a dead receiver.

2018-12-01, 11:01 AM
Sebastian considers the receiver for a moment before putting it down. “Telemarketers...”

He walked up the stairs to Reggy and Tom. He immediately notices, inescapably so, the woman on the floor. Peeking from behind the two others he takes in anything defining about her. Especially the various cuts and scrapes. “Through the Hedge?”

2018-12-02, 04:06 PM
"Hey guys, the lights went out and then there was screaming and yelling, is it the end of days or-rrrr -"

Peering into the bathroom, the girl's screams are louder; filled with anguish and terror. The bathroom floor is a mess of shattered glass and small crimson pools of blood. Sprawled out over the mess is another Changeling, though it takes a few moments to recognize her.

She is young, maybe in her late teens. Her mask shows a voluptuous girl with shoulder length hair that may at one point have been dyed a bright green but has now faded to an off bleached color, dressed in a black hoodie, pink skirt and shredded black and green stockings. Behind the mask, you can see two vulpine ears poking through her hair and a long fluffy red tail matted with blood poking out from her skirt. The girl's thick makeup his heavily smeared, and there are a multitude of small cuts on her face and hands.

You recognize her as Kitsune, a member of The Makers Court of the Night Revelers. To be trite, Reggie only knew the girl from the gossip about her sexual promiscuity in the Changeling community. Kitsune was sprawled on the floor her grey eyes wide and undiscerning, as she shifted on the crunching glass to curl her knees into the embrace of her bleeding arms. Moans and sobs were pouring out of the girl's mouth, and she stared at Reggie without any recognition.

"- orrr is it an unexplained hot vixen screaming in a pool of blood?" She paused for a second to take that in. "Eh, it's not the weirdest thing I've seen on the internet today. But, like, put a sock on the doorknob or something if you've got company coming over, right?"

She wasn't completely heartless. It was just that wounded people screaming at her simply didn't register any more.

2018-12-03, 01:10 AM
The sight of the carnage of the bathroom didn't phase Tom; the blood and broken glass were a sight he had seen a thousand times before. His face remained coldly passive, but he stepped forward slowly...cautiously...like one would approach a wounded animal.

It wasn't the chaos that moved him. It was the suffering that caused the spark of anger to light in his rime-encrusted heart. He felt the warmth of Summer flowing through icy limbs and the Ogre knelt before the Lost girl. With surprising tenderness, Tom went to lift Kitsune into his arms and out of the broken pile of glass.

With her safely tucked up against his massive chest, Tom would turn and begin to carry the bleeding woman down to the livingroom and away from the shattered room.

Casting a quick glance from deep, black eyes to Reggy and Imere, Tom spoke softly. "Fetch a blanket, please."

2018-12-03, 08:10 AM
When Tom bends down to pick up the girl, Kitsune shrieks and puts her hands up as if to defend herself. "No!", she cries, her words quickly slipping into nonsense babble. She shrimps farther into the corner of the bathroom, and pulls herself into a seated position with her knees hugged to her chest. Glass crunches with her shifting weight, and her bloody palms stain her colorful leggings. "Oh God", she cries, "Oh god".

(OOC: So Kitsune is severely severely traumatized by something right now, perhaps even in the grips of madness. It will take a passed social roll [empathy/expression ect] at a -3 modifier to get her to snap out of it even in the slightest).

2018-12-03, 11:42 AM
'Kitsune, do not be scared. You are among friends' speaking quietly and soothingly Reggy takes up a towel and spreads it out before him like a blanket 'Do you remember me? My name's Reggy, we danced at the Baron's Ball three years ago.' They'd both been there, he was sure. Reggy hadn't danced since he got back across the Hedge, he'd had quite enough of that for one lifetime. He remembered her though 'You were on Dandy-lion's arm that night, wearing this fabulous tiny blue dress. I remember he was the envy of the whole Court that night. He never got over you, you know.' He felt like he was cooing to a flighty carrier pigeon

Presece + Empathy = 6 -3 =3

2018-12-03, 01:05 PM
Some form of reason comes to Kitsune as her eyes lock with Reggy's. One bloody hand grabs hold of the man's forearm, the grip so cold and so strong. "Help me!" she screams, "you have to get me out of here!"

2018-12-03, 02:24 PM
'Anything for you.' he gives her hand a reassuring squeeze 'Where do you want to go?'

2018-12-03, 03:27 PM
Sebastian continues to examine the situation. “Damsel in distress...yes, yes very exciting. But why here? Why are you here? Why us? And what’s even wrong with you? I say no one goes anywhere until we know those things.

He still refuses to actually enter the room, and in fact is not actually looking at the fox Changeling even as he addresses her.

2018-12-03, 04:04 PM
Casting a quick glance from deep, black eyes to Reggy and Imere, Tom spoke softly. "Fetch a blanket, please."

"Blanket, gotcha," said Imere. When she came back she was holding a blanket, a cup of hot cocoa, bandages, rubbing alcohol, a stuffed Donald Duck plushie, and a bottle of multivitamins. She shoved it all vaguely at Tom.

2018-12-03, 07:03 PM
Kitsune looks from Reggy to Sebastian, her eyes nearly all pupil. She takes the blanket and stuffed animal from Imere, pulling both tightly to herself as they stain dark red in her grasp. She pushes herself farther into the bathroom corner, shivering. "Oh no," she cries, "where am I? I have to get out... I have to get out of here!"

She begins her way to her feet, but her legs quiver then give out as she shrieks, and Kitsune collapses in a heap again on the bathroom floor. Her moans quickly shift to sobs.

2018-12-03, 07:40 PM
Sebastian looks around, at a loss and finally rapidly raps on Tom’s arm. He extends the glass in his hand, recently filled with wine, offering it clearly to be given to the other Changeling.

2018-12-04, 02:33 AM
“Calm, child. Calm. You are safe while you are within these walls, you have my word.” Tom said, voice rumbling up from deep within his chest with the weight of a grinding glacier.

“Please. Allow me to find you someplace more comfortable?”

Offering his large hands to Kitsune once again, Tom paused to take the glass from Sebastian and offer it to the Lost girl.

“And something to help calm the nerves.”

Presence 2 + Empathy 1


2018-12-04, 08:06 AM
Despite Tom's lack of charm, her animal eyes settle and Kitsune says steadily, "I think I want to leave this bathroom." She allows Reggy and Tom to help her up, and takes the glass of wine in her trembling hands.

More glass crunches as the group leaves the now trashed bathroom. There's blood on the floor, on the walls, on people's bath towels, and staining the toilet paper, and the white tile is littered with glass.

The group lead Kitsune downstairs to the living room, and she sits herself down on the brick hearth next to the fireplace. A modicum of calm has returned to the girl's face, though she is still shaking, and bleeding from several cuts on her face and arms. She looks about the room, taking things in for the first time. "Your Tom Malory, right?" she says pointing to The Black Knight, "and you're Reginald if I remember correctly. We've met before, right? And I don't think we've met, but you are Imere, right?" She pauses at Sebastian, an empty look on her face, and adds, "I'm sorry, but I don't believe we've met."

Regardless of the responses, Kitsune brings the glass of wine to her mouth and downs the glass in one noisy gulp. The motley hears as under her breath, Kitsune says, "I've
got to get out of this city. I can't let him catch me." She places the glass down, hand still shaking badly. The glass is smeared in wet crimson.

2018-12-04, 11:32 AM
'Call me Reggy.' Reggy said kindly but firmly 'And if you know Tom you know you landed in the safest bathroom in all of New Orleans.' pouring her another glass he nonchalantly added 'Quite the landing too. Haven't seen anything like that in a few years. How did you manage all of that?'

2018-12-04, 01:21 PM
Kitsune watches as Reggy pours her a second glass of wine. This she takes down just as thirstily.

'Quite the landing too. Haven't seen anything like that in a few years. How did you manage all of that?'

Flatly, Kitsune responds, "I don't really know. I knew I had to escape... and I've mirror walked a hundred times before," the word suddenly pouring out faster and faster, "but it's never happened quiet like that before."

Answering Reggy's question seems to trigger some anxiety or intelligence within the changeling and Kitsune hastily stands up. "I think I should be going", she says forcefully, "maybe I am still being followed." The blanket is still draped around the girl's shoulders, stained with several bloody handprints and smears.

2018-12-04, 03:37 PM
To no one in particular, Sebastian talks generally to the room. “The telemarketer from before was probably for you then.”

He looks at the others then back to Kitsune. “No leaving. Who are you running from? That first. It’s tremendously important. To me. And it should be to them as well.”

2018-12-04, 03:38 PM
'We all know what it's like to be afraid Kitsune, even Tom.' Reggy said quietly 'Fear can be good, it sharpens the senses. But it can dull the mind.' He sat down before her, waving her down to her seat 'During the war we had a horse stuck in no man's land. God knows how it got there. Miracle it wasn't shot full of holes or tangled in barbed war. Beautiful animal though, pale white and well bred.
'We wanted to save the poor thing and we were calling it towards our trench. Gerry had the same idea, we could hear them calling in German, ugly language by the way, not made to say sweet things to horses I can tell you!
'Anyway it would come trotting up to the trench, all friendly, but as soon as it got a look at a bayonet or the like it would go running. Wouldn't stop till it was back in the minefield, wandering about looking for grass. Then it would run up to Gerry, until it saw a bayonet or the like...
'Poor dumb beast, it came up to my trench nine times, and up to the German's ten times. We'd both have spared the poor thing, hell it was surrounded by men who wanted to feed it despite the hunger in their own bellies. But instead we spent a week watching it starve to death in no man's land.' He studied her face intently Running away alone is never enough. If you don't think about where you're running you'll run straight into danger, or straight away from safety.'

2018-12-04, 04:08 PM
'We all know what it's like to be afraid Kitsune, even Tom.' Reggy said quietly 'Fear can be good, it sharpens the senses. But it can dull the mind.' He sat down before her, waving her down to her seat 'During the war...

Imere took this moment to tune out entirely. The girl didn't need four people crowding her and Sir Humphrey was going into war stories so they'd be there for a while.

Instead she went down to start poking around the phone and the power box, not so much looking to see if she could fix any of it but to see if she could identify what mystic power had caused her computer to short out. She wasn't an expert but she was sure that Sebastian wouldn't* mind if she looked through his books if she had any questions.

* or would, but in an amusing way

[I'm looking to make some sort of occult roll here. Bonuses, penalties?]

2018-12-05, 06:13 AM
“Yes, I am he.” Tom responds in his deep, baritone voice. “You are safe here, if you do wish to stay. Perhaps we can help you?”

The Ogre didn’t like the fact that Kitsune seemed to be so frantically ready to flee into the night. It was obvious something had gone very wrong for this Changeling.

“No one will touch you if we can help it.”

2018-12-05, 11:14 AM
He looks at the others then back to Kitsune. “No leaving. Who are you running from? That first. It’s tremendously important. To me. And it should be to them as well.”

Kitsune opens her mouth as if to respond. She stays frozen like this for a moment, then shakes her head. "I... I don't think I can talk about that," she says, "It's... it's not safe." She slowly finds her balance as she rises, though her face pales slightly with the exertion.

Reggy starts talking about his horse, but the story seems to be lost on Kitsune. Her attention seems to be drawn to her study of her surroundings. She takes in the living room like she is trying to memorize the space, her eyes darting to the next detail only to linger in focus. "What part of the city are we in? We are in New Orleans still, right?", she asks pointedly.

Imere wanders off from the room and begins to study the phone. The old rotary machine is again inert, though the receiver is surprisingly warm, and there is a strange smell of cloves and sea salt.

(OOC: Waiting on your roll Thanqol... sorry about the delayed response to your question).

2018-12-06, 08:19 AM
Imere takes a look at the unconnected phone and shrugs. There isn't much clue as to what happened with the phone, though it most likely was related to Kitsune's appearance.

2018-12-06, 09:07 PM
Sebastian frowned. “I still don’t like it. We are in New Orleans still, I think. Still is very informative. You weren’t somewhere else...I guess.

It was time to be practical. He pulled out a notebook from his pocket and a pencil, and began writing down notes on the Kitsune’s sudden appearance. Every circumstance was recorded. He tried to make sense of jt, puzzle things out such as exactly how she had arrived.

Intelligence + Occult = 7 Dice = [roll0]
10 Again = [roll1]
And I do have the Faerie Lore specialty if it applies

2018-12-06, 09:18 PM
Imere takes a look at the unconnected phone and shrugs. There isn't much clue as to what happened with the phone, though it most likely was related to Kitsune's appearance.

Mmm, if she didn't know it then it'd be in a book somewhere. In the absence of anything pressing she started paging through records in Sebastian's library.

2018-12-07, 08:39 AM
"It's not important," Kitsune snaps at Sebastian. She looks around the room. She takes a deep breath to calm her nerves. "Where in the city are we then? What neighborhood?" Once she is informed, she replies, "Well then, can you take me to Annie the Black Widow? I don't think her home is too far away. She can help."

Annie the Black Widow, also known as Annie the Trickster, was a Wizened and member of the Night Reveler's Freehold. She ran a bespoke tailoring business not far away on Magazine Street in the Garden District. Unlike most of her freehold, Annie was quiet and unsociable. She had a reputation for being a bit of a recluse, and most Changelings did what they could to stay away from her shop on Magazine Street.

As per her nickname, she had a reputation for not taking kindly to most men, despite running a man's tailoring shop. Some gossiped that she actually poisoned and ate the men who came to her shop, though that was likely just rumors.

2018-12-08, 05:18 AM
This was befuddling. The whole situation with Kitsune. Who was she fleeing from? Where did she flee from? Regardless of the details, Tom knew that she was in need of assistance. When she asked about escorting her to Annie, Tom allowed his dark gaze to flicker between the remainder of his Motley.

“I will escort you, my Lady.” Tom says firmly, voice growling out the words. “And you shall have nothing to fear under my protection.”

Even to visit a notorious man-hater.

2018-12-08, 07:55 AM
Sebastian’s face darkened a little more, but now it was a combination of his distrust of the growing situation and the gnawing element of fear at new interaction, especially with the Black Widow.

“Couldn’t you just...FaceTime her? Or call...a letter maybe? Trained pigeons are nice too.”

2018-12-09, 09:57 AM
"Thank you", Kitsune says to big Tom, "Would it be possible to go now? I fear I am still in great danger. I have to get out of this city as soon as possible." She pauses momentarily, her eyes narrowing suddenly, then she asks "Oh, and do you have a hammer I could use?"

To Sebastian, Kitsune says, "I think Annie is the only one I trust to guide me through the Hedge and to safety. I apologize, but right now, I don't know how much I can even trust you four. I must go, and I must go very very soon."

2018-12-10, 08:06 AM
Imere is just about to walk away from the phone, when a knock comes at the door; three hard raps. Looking through the eyehole, Imere can see a man standing at the threshold, dressed in a classic detective's trench coat and hat. The man had cold blue eyes and a stern expression, but his lips were around a straw and he was taking a long draw from a bright yellow Hi-C juicebox.

(OOC: Please roll perception Wits+Composure)

2018-12-10, 10:04 AM
Reggy jumps at the knock at the door. Muttering to himself he quickly gets to his feet 'Didn't realise I was so jumpy.' to Kitsune he whispers 'Come on, let's get you to the back of the house... Just in case.'

2018-12-10, 06:28 PM
Kitsune is already out of her seat and halfway across the room when Reggy speaks. She looks from the door to Reggy, her eyes wide an wild. "Is there a place to hide back there?" she asks, her muscles tense and hands twitchy.

2018-12-10, 07:29 PM
“Brilliant! Brilliant! Now there’s more. I knew this was a bad idea!” Sebastian hisses this low in a whisper. “Whoever it is, let’s try to get rid of them.”

Wits + Composure = 6 Dice = [roll0]

2018-12-10, 08:40 PM
Do we have anywhere good to hide her?

2018-12-10, 09:04 PM
Do we have anywhere good to hide her?

You could always try Sebastian’s Hollow, but he’d never suggest it himself.

2018-12-11, 10:56 AM
OOC: We should have discussed this in the OOC but I also have a point in hollow and stable trod. Should we be combining these points? I think yes, but I'll take her to Sebastian’s in case you disagree.

'Never met a Changling who doesn't.' says Reggy glibly 'Even those Spring and Winter types. They may have their heads in the clouds or their hands in their pockets but we all spend time looking over our shoulders.' Taking her by the hand he quickly leads her upstairs to Sebastian’s hollow

2018-12-11, 04:16 PM
Imere is just about to walk away from the phone, when a knock comes at the door; three hard raps. Looking through the eyehole, Imere can see a man standing at the threshold, dressed in a classic detective's trench coat and hat. The man had cold blue eyes and a stern expression, but his lips were around a straw and he was taking a long draw from a bright yellow Hi-C juicebox.

(OOC: Please roll perception Wits+Composure)

"Cheese it, dudes, it's The Law," shouted Imere to the guys upstairs.

To the guy outside she opened the door a crack while leaving the chain in the lock. "I already know about Jesus, thanks for asking,"


2018-12-11, 06:43 PM
Sebastian’s eyes widen as he sees Reggie striding towards the drawing of his door with their “guest.” He stammers, trying to get ahead of them but not quite succeeding.

“Wait, no...not my library. It’s too...dangerous! And it’s being fumigated. Haunted! It’s haunted.”

When they finally get to the door he finally gets in front of them, holding out his hands.

“Just don’t touch anything at all! Not even a little bit!”

2018-12-12, 06:53 AM
In an obvious stage whisper Reggy says 'Don't worry, the books don't bite... Apart from the one that does. Sebastian is just overprotective.' to their guest.

2018-12-12, 12:05 PM
To the guy outside she opened the door a crack while leaving the chain in the lock. "I already know about Jesus, thanks for asking,"

Imere's remark causes the man to shudder momentarily with frustration. There is something very odd about the man in the trenchcoat. Imere couldn't immediately sense anything truly Fae or supernatural about the man, but he didn't fully register as human either.

The man took another long pull from the bright yellow juicebox, and Imere could hear the slurping sound as he drained the last few drops. When he lowered the box and licked his lips, Imere could see his tongue was a bright artificial red, the same color as the cartoon cherry on the Hi-C box. Discarding his sugary beverage, the man pounded again on the door. "Let me in now mam," the man calls in a harsh and anxious voice, "you don't want me to have to let myself in!" The door knob shakes several times as he tries the lock.

************************************************** ******

Sebastian again drew his large chalk rectangle and the group watches as the wall seemed to shimmer and warp, solid seeming to become liquid momentarily. And then there was a wooden door in the wall. It appeared to be painted bright red, and was laced with silver decoration. The door swung open inward, leading the group into Sebastian's Hollow.

(OOC: Thank you for the patience everyone. Sebastian, why don't you go ahead and give us a brief description of the library inside)

2018-12-12, 03:56 PM
Imere's remark causes the man to shudder momentarily with frustration. There is something very odd about the man in the trenchcoat. Imere couldn't immediately sense anything truly Fae or supernatural about the man, but he didn't fully register as human either.

The man took another long pull from the bright yellow juicebox, and Imere could hear the slurping sound as he drained the last few drops. When he lowered the box and licked his lips, Imere could see his tongue was a bright artificial red, the same color as the cartoon cherry on the Hi-C box. Discarding his sugary beverage, the man pounded again on the door. "Let me in now mam," the man calls in a harsh and anxious voice, "you don't want me to have to let myself in!" The door knob shakes several times as he tries the lock.

"Hey guys, it's not the Law, it's a crazy monster," Imere shouted upstairs in the same flat tone as before. "Tell Sir Lancelot to get his butt down here."

Then she turned back to Juicy. "Hey, so. Captain Trenchcoat. You got a name? You got a warrant? Most importantly, you got a reason I shouldn't put two rounds through your leg and save myself having to get someone to repair my door?"

2018-12-12, 07:56 PM
The library is essentially a tower, and looking up one can see the spiralling staircase going up the outer edge, terminating two floors above in an upper room which is largely unable to be seen from the ground. The bottom floor is a hodge podge of things. There are tables that have labels near stacks of books, ranging from the normal (“To Be Read”, which reaches nearly to the ceiling) to the enigmatic (“They Know What They Did”, for example, containing a relatively modest pile of books). There is a desk, covered with pens, papers, quills, and bound books, ranging from octavo paper to reams of what look like actual vellum. A small kitchen is against one side of the ground floor, containing a small refrigerator, electric teapot, and a pantry closet.

Sebastian takes his wheeling chair from behind the desk and brings it over in front of a small red cushioned loveseat. He points to the loveseat.

“There. You can sit there. I...will sit here.”

He sits down, slouching in the chair. He looks at Reggy after a moment.

“Whatever happened to the old values? When strangers remained strangers and people had the good sense to stay at home?”

He turns his gaze back to Kitsune.

“Who is he, then? I know, I know, not ready to tell us yet, need to go see a spider lady. But can he...hurt us?”

2018-12-13, 06:11 AM
Tom dips in a deeply respectful bow, before straightening up to his full, impressive height.

”Whenever you are ready to dep…” The notion of leaving now was cut abruptly as Tom heard the knock on the door. The frantic half-bickering that followed brought a frown to the deep-set, dark expression the Ogre wore. Again, his mouth opened to speak but at the sudden acknowledgement of hiding with Sebastian and Reggy. Instead, Tom began to plod his way towards the front door where Imere had called for him.

Or at least he assumed that the Lancelot jibe was against him. He’d have to gently correct her later. Lancelot was a skirt-chasing womanizer, and Tom would never have invited himself into Arthur’s marital bed.

Pushing aside the notion for now, Tom approached Imere with a frown still upon his face.

”Thank you, Imere.” Tom says as he arrived at the door.

”What seems to be the…problem?” Tom asked sharply. A massive hand would prop the door open just enough for his black eyes to feast on whomever was on the other side of the door. While waiting for some response from their visitor, Tom simply…stared, unblinking at their new guest.

Presence 2 + Intimidation 4 (+2 Staredown)

[roll0] + [roll1]

2018-12-13, 09:11 AM
The man seems unphased by Imere's threats, but he stops pounding on the door when Tom turns the lock. The massive figure opens the door and gives his best glower. Tom's stare was sharp enough to cut silk and screamed danger like a siren.

An ordinary man would have been sent packing, or maybe even lost control of bodily functions, but the detective figure simply met Tom's gaze with ice blue eyes. "It sounded like an explosion just went off in here. May I come in and investigate? "

He pulls from his jacket a shiny bronze badge which he flashes just momentarily before returning it. The man gives Tom the same uneasy feeling that Imere had sensed. He makes no attempt to enter unless Tom steps aside.

************************************************** ***

Kitsune looks at Sebastian cautiously. "I don't know," she replies after a pause, "probably. He is very powerful." There is a look of guilt in the girl's face momentarily and for a second it looks as though she is about to cry.

Then she gets a hold of her emotions, and replaces the melancholy with stern determination.

2018-12-13, 10:47 AM
'Then I'd best go and reinforce Tom and Imere.' He silently mouths Keep an eye on her to Sebastian, although he knows he hardly needs to, at least while she was in the library. He hurries down to the front door.

2018-12-13, 04:01 PM
The man seems unphased by Imere's threats, but he stops pounding on the door when Tom turns the lock. The massive figure opens the door and gives his best glower. Tom's stare was sharp enough to cut silk and screamed danger like a siren.

An ordinary man would have been sent packing, or maybe even lost control of bodily functions, but the detective figure simply met Tom's gaze with ice blue eyes. "It sounded like an explosion just went off in here. May I come in and investigate? "

He pulls from his jacket a shiny bronze badge which he flashes just momentarily before returning it. The man gives Tom the same uneasy feeling that Imere had sensed. He makes no attempt to enter unless Tom steps aside.

"We'll see," said Imere, rolling her eyes. "Just give me a good look at that badge, let me read the badge number, and wait two minutes while I call the precinct and confirm it's legit."

She had personally used that trick like sixteen billion times and wasn't about to fall for it here. Heck, her entire career was basically long form that trick.

"By the way, just for the record, you are in fact stating that you are a currently active police officer in service to the New Orleans police department?" Imere said. She wanted to hear him give a direct answer - no con artist wanted to be cornered into making a direct lie.

[Subterfuge doubles as lie-detection, so there's a roll there if you need it.]

2018-12-14, 04:49 AM
With one thick hand still on the door to ensure no one overzealously tries to force their way in, Tom waits with unmoving, glacial patience as Imere requests further proof from the man at their door. All they really needed to do was to give Kitsune and the others time enough to get settled into their safe spot. As for an explanation of the state of the bathroom? Well, a miserly landlord and a giant of a man trying to do his own home repairs would be an implausible but not impossible stretch.

2018-12-14, 07:53 AM
The man sighs at Imere's obstinance, his cold blue eyes growing harder with frustration. "No, I never said I was a police officer," he responds as he reaches a hand into his trench coat to retrieve the badge again.

But he pauses as he sees Reggy coming down the stairs, disappointment creeping into his eyes. "Seriously, your entire motley is going to get involved?", he scowls as his frustration grows sharper.

It is at this moment that the previous impervious Mask begins to flicker and the man's Mein shines through. The stony face and square jaw are replaced with a reptilian snout, all dark brown scales. His cold blue eyes are now large round black ones. A tight fist made of four scaled clawed fingers drop the crumpled yellow juice box, and he sighs, "I really don't want to have to wipe all of your memories." The statement is made offhandedly, but likely cuts like the worst most personal threat possible to a Changeling. Changing tones, the Darkling in the trench coat pleads, "Please help me out here. Your entire house just exploded with Glamour. I simply came to investigate. It's my job."

He finishes retrieving his badge and again shows it for all to see. The Bronze shield is embossed with a Fleur-de-Lys, flanked at four corners by a saxophone, a coin, a crown, and a Mardi Gras mask. These are the symbols of the four freeholds, though no one has ever seen a shield like this, nor heard of an officer with such a badge.

************************************************** *****************

Inside Sebastian's Hollow, Kitsune is pacing around the library. She stops at times to scowl at Sebastian, who she hasn't yet warmed up to. She moves like a caged animal, and seems to be trying to distract herself by examining the spines of the various shelved books. Every once in a while she stops to place a bloody hand on a book to get a closer look, only to push the book back in its place with an irritated sigh.

"So, there isn't any trod we can take from here to get into the Hedge, right?" she says with frustration, stopping at Sebastian's beloved book of spells and reaching for it.

2018-12-15, 12:14 AM
Sebastian makes a point of walking behind her, and meticulously scrubbing away any of the marks that are made on the books, with a loud sigh each time.

“I notice you’re not sitting down. And that you are in fact touching things. Neither of those are good. There’s no trod through here. I’m not here rolling in magical money to invest...metaphorically. I don’t even like *leaving*, except that I have to. Work and all.”

When she reaches the protected book, ensconced inside another fake book, and more horrifyingly pauses, Sebastian almost screams.

“You...really, really, *really* want nothing to do with that. Terrible book. All about a lens grinder.” He carefully watched the response.

2018-12-16, 04:04 PM
A sly grin plays across Kitsune's face, and her hand wraps around the spine of the book. "What, this one?", she says as one eyebrow raises, "It doesn't look so boring." She pulls the book from the shelf, her eyes watching Sebastian intently.

2018-12-16, 04:15 PM
The man sighs at Imere's obstinance, his cold blue eyes growing harder with frustration. "No, I never said I was a police officer," he responds as he reaches a hand into his trench coat to retrieve the badge again.

But he pauses as he sees Reggy coming down the stairs, disappointment creeping into his eyes. "Seriously, your entire motley is going to get involved?", he scowls as his frustration grows sharper.

It is at this moment that the previous impervious Mask begins to flicker and the man's Mein shines through. The stony face and square jaw are replaced with a reptilian snout, all dark brown scales. His cold blue eyes are now large round black ones. A tight fist made of four scaled clawed fingers drop the crumpled yellow juice box, and he sighs, "I really don't want to have to wipe all of your memories." The statement is made offhandedly, but likely cuts like the worst most personal threat possible to a Changeling. Changing tones, the Darkling in the trench coat pleads, "Please help me out here. Your entire house just exploded with Glamour. I simply came to investigate. It's my job."

He finishes retrieving his badge and again shows it for all to see. The Bronze shield is embossed with a Fleur-de-Lys, flanked at four corners by a saxophone, a coin, a crown, and a Mardi Gras mask. These are the symbols of the four freeholds, though no one has ever seen a shield like this, nor heard of an officer with such a badge.

"You operate on behalf of an unrepresentative monarchy beholden to the whims of abstract seasonal forces rather than a democratically elected government," said Imere. "Which makes you just some frickin' cultist who has awarded himself a badge and a sense of entitlement. You're not a cop. You have no training. You have no right to make threats. Get the f*ck outta here before we blow your guts out, call the real cops and tell 'em your corpse was just some lunatic home invader."

2018-12-16, 04:36 PM
The grin that spreads across the man's reptilian snout exposes rows of needle like teeth. His voice is like liquid malice as he says, "Is that what it is then?" Lizard hands clench and unclench as his black eyes dart from Imere, up to massive Tom. "Does this one speak for all of you then?"

2018-12-16, 07:57 PM
Sebastian marches over and takes the book back, his frown deepening more.

“Now, see here! I’m not like the others out there. I’m not going to be hoodwinked by the likes of you.”

He clutches the book to himself.

“You can hide here...because they’d just shout at me if I kicked you out. But certain books are for looking at and certain ones aren’t. This is one of the latter. Don’t...don’t push it. We know nothing about you, and certainly not enough for this.”

The plot there is of course assuming she doesn’t try to resist him taking it back. If she does, everything would change.

2018-12-17, 07:34 AM
For a moment it looks as if Kitsune is about to snap. Her bleeding lips curl back like a growling dog, her fox ears sticking straight up. Then her narrowed almond eyes relax and the she drops her balled scabbing hands. "I'm sorry," she says quickly deflating, "I don't mean to be a bitch. I was just trying to have some fun." Her eyes are welling up now, and the girl turns away, quickly adding, "You can't imagine what tonight has been like."

2018-12-17, 02:38 PM
'Not at all old boy.' says Reggy affably. 'Please forgive Imere. The youth today, no respect. Am I right? No, no, don't answer I can see it in your eyes, you're just too polite to confirm what I say. Such fine manners!' He trotted up to the door, adding his bulk to those already barring entry. 'Just so I understand you correctly, you're saying you're here to investigate the Glamour explosion?' Reggy flashed a tight lipped smile 'I'm afraid that would be me. Sorry to bother you.'

Manipulate +Persuasion + Charming specialisation if you'll allow it
Edit: 10 again rolled in OOC. No additional success

2018-12-17, 03:12 PM
For a moment it looks as if Kitsune is about to snap. Her bleeding lips curl back like a growling dog, her fox ears sticking straight up. Then her narrowed almond eyes relax and the she drops her balled scabbing hands. "I'm sorry," she says quickly deflating, "I don't mean to be a bitch. I was just trying to have some fun." Her eyes are welling up now, and the girl turns away, quickly adding, "You can't imagine what tonight has been like."

Sebastian looks down at the book in his hands and moves off to his small kitchen, opening up a cabinet and taking out a box, and a small plate. He pulls a cookie - with a strawberry center - out of the box and puts it on a plate. He walks it over and sets it on the edge of the shelf within the eyeline of Kitsune. He does not let go of the book, but he does try to surreptitiously see her...status for lack of a better term.

“Sorry. I was rude. I just...don’t like it when things don’t go according to plan.”

2018-12-18, 03:06 AM
Nothing else needed to be said for the moment from Tom – he had the rest of the Motley’s backs. If this lizard-man was going to be a problem, then Tom would deal with it as he dealt with all other problems in the past.

I was glad that Reggy and Imere were here to talk things out. Words had their place.

So did violence.

2018-12-18, 08:01 AM
The Beast in the trench coat nods his head, and grins a little at Reggy. "I apologize for my intrusion," he says, "just consider me a concerned citizen. I was passing by, just out for a night's stroll, and it was like your house erupted in an explosion of Glamour. It also sounded like some of your glass may have blown out."

The lizard man gives Imere a disdainful scowl, and then back to Reggy says, "You say it was you? What happened?"

(OOC: @Lad: The lizard man likes Reggy a little now, but if you are going to fib him something major, could I have a Presence/Manipulation + Subterfuge roll (@ -3 modifier) please?)

************************************************** ****

"And I'm sorry," Kitsune says sincerely, "it hasn't been an easy night for me, if you know what I mean."

2018-12-18, 12:49 PM
'A gentleman never kisses and tells.' says Reggy with a wink 'Let's just say some wealthy old ladies are going to have a very pleasant night's sleep tonight and will awake refreshed and uncharacteristically generous...
'Sorry I alarmed you, I've done this sort of thing before and I thought I knew what I was doing. But I never tried it on this scale before and well... I may have gotten a little overambitious. '

Pres + Sub - 3
4 +1-3 =2
10 again
Edit: Let's make that a dramatic failure then...

2018-12-18, 01:46 PM
(OOC: Reggie gains a beat for converting to a dramatic failure. I've updated your character box in the OOC thread).

The man's grin suddenly switches to a disgusted growl. Reggy's eyes lock with the detective. He can see that neither changeling believed the words that just dribbled from Reggy's mouth.

"Yeah," the man in the trench coat says slowly like a tire deflating, stepping toward the entrance, "I think I'm going to have to come in then." He looks up at Tom and sternly says, "You wouldn't be stupid enough to make trouble for me, now would you?"

2018-12-18, 02:39 PM
Reggy's face hardened 'I live with this lot and I signed up to fight in world war one, you're not capable of imagining how stupid I am... Now an Englishman's home is his castle, even if the buttresses have been leaking for weeks and the great hall smells musky, so sling your bloody hook! Come back when you've got some authority one of us will recognise.'

2018-12-18, 04:00 PM
Imere's eyes narrowed when Sir Humphrey started talking over her, but she paused when she realized he was lying.

Then she bit her lip when she realized he was lying badly.

It was like watching someone wobble a bike into a lake. You could see it flailing, you could see it coming, you knew the inevitability from the video title, but you still wince a little at the angle it took as the guy rolls down the grassy embankment into the wet.

It was a little bit her fault though. Sir Humphrey was much better at the subsequent defiant indignity than she'd ever been. They should work out a routine where he leads with that and she plays the soothing mediator.

She rummaged in her handbag for her pepper spray because it was seemingly increasingly likely it was coming to that. She also brings her phone up to snap a quick mugshot of the guy for use later.

2018-12-18, 09:14 PM
Sebastian nods. There was little more he could say. This wasn’t his area of expertise. Though, admittedly, what was undoubtedly going on outside the door was not his area of expertise either. There was either socializing with their new found “friend” or there was alot of shouting and punching and maybe worse; either way he’d be very bad at it. Still...if they didn’t succeed, then he’d have to do something. He didn’t like the thought.

“I hope they come back soon...”

2018-12-19, 01:46 AM
Tom gazed down at the man in the trench coat, black eyes narrowing only slightly as he seemed to consider the words put forth. While he kept one hand on the door itself, the other was behind him holding tightly to the pommel of his bloody, fey sword.

”Trouble? You come to our home, blustering like you are the Gentry in the flesh…and then dare ask if we are preparing to make trouble?” Tom said slowly, his deep voice grinding across the words with the weight of glacial inevitability.

”I will allow you entrance IF…and only if you swear an Oath that you will do nothing but look. The property and all of its inhabitants will remain inviolable. Do we have an accord?”

An Oath or a Pact was a potent thing among the Lost. Perhaps forcing this one to swear one would prevent unnecessary bloodshed.

2018-12-19, 04:17 PM
The changeling in the trench coat looks suddenly taken aback by Big Tom's words, and a mirthful smile crawls across his lizard lips. "An Oath?" he says with interest, "I suppose if the proper terms can be agreed upon... and assuming you aren't just stalling for time."

He pauses for a moment, contemplating as a clawed hand scratches scaled chin. After a moment's thought, the man in the trench coat says, "Okay, how does this sound? You and your motley allow me unfettered access to this house and allow me to conduct my investigation without disruption, under the condition that I perform no violent or untoward action towards the motley while a guest in the house. Fair?"

************************************************** ***

Kitsune and Sebastian sit in silence within the Hollow for what feels like an eternity. Kitsune begins anxiously pacing again, before pivoting towards Sebastian and saying, "God! What is taking them so long?" Fear starts to creep into her voice, and she asks, "Do you think everything is okay?"

2018-12-19, 04:36 PM
Imere flinched when Tom of all people suddenly crumbled under the pressure. What the hell? She couldn't fathom it. Was he a coward? She felt the world lurch under her as the lesson of the Rat came back into her mind. Of course she couldn't rely on other people. They might look tough but really, underneath, they were all just broken meat and she had no idea when they'd shatter or how to fix them when they did.

"Tom, he's rules lawyering you," she droned. The spark had gone out of her eyes but she still felt... compelled to make the effort. "If you're going to surrender then at least be the one to set the terms."

2018-12-19, 07:05 PM
'A guest in our house would have a name' Reggy says pointedly 'However, if Tom is willing to trust you I too will accept your oath. Access to the house alone. In return for your oath and name.'

2018-12-19, 08:14 PM
Sebastian looks over to the fox woman and shakes his head, pointing to the Hollow door.

“They haven’t come in here yet, so if my motley is...well...you know...then whoever did it couldn’t be that smart. They’d notice the door. If they do though...we need to run. I can help us travel in the Hedge. I hope it doesn’t come to that.”

Sebastian was scared too, and was likewise not able to hide it, truly.

“We’ll have to run to the Lagniappe Court. There are a few Autumn members who wouldn’t want me to get hurt...”

2018-12-21, 08:06 AM
The lizard man grins even broader and says, "Fair, but then I should gain your names as well." There is a hissing chuckle at the end of this statement. He seems to be enjoying this game of verbal cat and mouse.

************************************************** ***

When Sebastian mentions going to the Tribune, Kitsune's eyes again go wide with fear, and her fox ears fold downward. "You don't think we could just go to Annie's?" she asks, now hunched and trembling.

2018-12-22, 11:22 AM
Sebastian considers for a moment and then shakes his head.

“If we need to run it’s because something bad happened to them outside. If something bad happened to them, it means they’re *really* tough...because, well...Tom, y’know? He’s pretty terrifying when he wants to be. So...we need more protection. And if that thing is supernatural, that’s Autumn-folk who can best protect us both. From there we can arrange safe passage to wherever you need to go.”

He finishes outlining what at least approaches a plan, and there is a smile that starts to play a little on his face.

“See! We have a plan. That makes everything better.”

2018-12-22, 03:57 PM
Sebastian's words seem to frustrate the still trembling Kitsune. Practically pleading with him, she says, "Look, I appreciate the help, but I need to do everything possible to avoid all other Changelings at this time. Doesn't matter the Freehold. I just need to get out of this city as fast as I can."

There is a long pause as Kitsune seems to contemplate something very difficult for her. She stares Sebastian in the eyes and says, "Just trust me when you say that you can't trust anyone in power right now. Trust no one!" Once it is said out loud Kitsune shivers again, shaking from head to toes like a wet canine.

2018-12-23, 03:54 AM
Tom peers intensely at the lizardman for a few, long moments while he spars with Reggy. This one talked too much for the Ogre's liking, and Tom didn't trust him as far as he could throw him. Which was, in all likelihood, quite far.

Imere's crushed look wasn't missed by the giant, but he knew that the notion of making an enemy of whomever sent this slimy lizard - far too much like a dragon he once knew - wasn't necessarily wise either. He was fairly well-convinced that Sebastian's bolt-hole would be sufficient to hide Kitsune.

"We will allow you to enter our house and take a quick look around. Five minutes. You will not touch or antagonize anyone within while you are a guest in our home. Though, I do agree with Reggy that I would like your name."

2018-12-23, 08:41 PM
The lizard man's grin widens. "Very well then," he says raising a scaled four fingered hand to his mouth. He runs his palm under his needle like fangs, not even wincing as he draws blood that is so dark it is almost black. The man in the trench coat extends his hand to the three at the door. "We shall swear this oath to each other. We will all state our names, then I shall be granted access to the house to investigate for five minutes. During this time I shall perform nothing violent or untoward to the Motley or their property, and my investigations shall remain uninhibited."

His eyes dart from changeling to changeling, daring them to take the oath.

2018-12-23, 09:03 PM
The lizard man's grin widens. "Very well then," he says raising a scaled four fingered hand to his mouth. He runs his palm under his needle like fangs, not even wincing as he draws blood that is so dark it is almost black. The man in the trench coat extends his hand to the three at the door. "We shall swear this oath to each other. We will all state our names, then I shall be granted access to the house to investigate for five minutes. During this time I shall perform nothing violent or untoward to the Motley or their property, and my investigations shall remain uninhibited."

His eyes dart from changeling to changeling, daring them to take the oath.

"You can't possibly be for real," droned Imere. "You're changing the wording of the oath multiple times and trying to slip it by us after we already called you out on it? Get the f*ck outta here."

2018-12-24, 07:54 AM
The lizard skinned Changeling does not balk at Imere's strong words. He doesn't even withdraw his extended hand. "The only thing I added," he says firmly, "was that I would give my name and you would give yours. But if you are unhappy with these terms, go ahead and name your terms. We are wasting time here." This last big comes out like a hiss, and a snakes rattle can almost be heard, sounding a warning.

2018-12-24, 06:51 PM
The lizard skinned Changeling does not balk at Imere's strong words. He doesn't even withdraw his extended hand. "The only thing I added," he says firmly, "was that I would give my name and you would give yours. But if you are unhappy with these terms, go ahead and name your terms. We are wasting time here." This last big comes out like a hiss, and a snakes rattle can almost be heard, sounding a warning.

"You come in. You look, and only look. You harm no one. You damage nothing. You leave after three minutes. And you be thankful to get this deal because we've got no reason to comply other than my colleague's sudden and uncharacteristic spasm of pacifism." Imere said, offering her own hand. "After all, you're still basically a jumped up home invader and while the brits aren't used to America, in this county we all have guns and the legal right to use them."

2018-12-25, 12:39 PM
Imere's outburst causes the man to cackle, actually throwing his head back for a moment. "Especially in Louisiana he adds" with a hiss of laughter. "Very well," he says, "Three minutes. And I will share my name, as all three of you will share yours". He nods to Reggy and adds, "His idea, not mine. And you three will do nothing to disrupt my investigation while I am a guest of your house. Are we all in agreement now?"

Shifty alligator eyes move from one Changeling to the next. He leaves his hand extended for the others to shake. During this conversation, dark ichor like blood has begun to drip down his palm and collect at the bottom of his hand, threatening to begin dripping down to the floor.

2018-12-25, 04:24 PM
"Fine. Imere Tsul," grumbled Imere, shaking her hand - and then immediately turning around to go find soap and sterilizing alcohol. She might not be bothered by blood and gore any more but that did not mean she wanted any of it around her.

2018-12-27, 07:35 AM
It was easy for Tom to stifle the smile at Imere’s reaction behind an icy façade, but he appreciated the young Changeling’s impetuous and passionate heart. As she shook the lizard-skinned Changeling’s hand, Tom slowly extended his own massive hand. The other, of course, was still gripping the fey-enchanted blade that had carved up so many of the Lost in its glory days.

Just in case.

”You may call me Tom Malory.”

2018-12-27, 10:04 AM
This was the very epitome of things that Sebastian hated, and it threatened to overwhelm him again. The Lagniappe Court was not perfect or even desirable, but it was, he thought, stable. He liked stability and some semblance of order. Predictability. This was not these things, and it probably accounted for his answer.

“Alright. I’ll get you to the spider lady if that guy breaks in. But...I need you to tell me everything. I’m...very good at keeping things secret. I can’t be blind. I truly can’t.”

He looked a little lost as he says this, maybe more than a little afraid. He just needed something to work with while they waited rather than fearing a burst through his magical door.

Just in case, I’m going to roll to persuade her to share with me. Sebastian would be very taxed in this situation as a Wizened especially, so he needs to push a little.

Manipulation + Persuasion = [roll0]
10s = [roll1]

2018-12-28, 08:37 AM
Reggy reaches out his hand as well, and states his own name, sealing the pact made between the four Changelings. The man with the lizard skin says, "It is nice to meet you all. The name I am now referred by is Typhon. I long ago lost my mortal name." He says this with a crocodile grin, his big eyes lingering on Imere's discomfort.

He takes a step towards the entrance and says, "I appreciate your hospitality. Now where should I begin?" Typhon scratches under his chin for a moment, before brushing past the group and moving towards the kitchen. His eyes scan the motley's home, taking in everything like a teenage boy looking at his first playboy.

(OOC: So I apologize everyone. I've done some more soul searching... and rereading, and I think the Sealing rules make more sense, though they are honestly not ideal for this either. So what I'm going to do is have each player spend a point of Glam (which you would have done for the Oath as well), and I will let each player choose a different penalty for Typhon, see page 210 and 211 for the chart. Typhon chooses the minor supernatural affect for one scene as the penalty for any of the PC's breaking it. Keeping the Seal will earn each player a beat)


Inside Sebastian's Hollow, Kitsune's face screws up as if in pain. "I'm sorry," she says to Sebastian, "I know I've already put you in danger by asking you and your friends to help me. Just trust me that the less you know the better. I've learned something terrible about the leaders of every Freehold in New Orleans, and I barely escaped with my life. Somehow the Courts in this city have become very very twisted." She places a hand on Sebastian's arm and squeezes tight. The human touch is not totally terrible.

2018-12-29, 07:20 AM
He takes a step towards the entrance and says, "I appreciate your hospitality. Now where should I begin?" Typhon scratches under his chin for a moment, before brushing past the group and moving towards the kitchen. His eyes scan the motley's home, taking in everything like a teenage boy looking at his first playboy.

Imere just blankly held up her phone with three minutes counting down.

She then muttered, mopped the blood a little, and then sent a string of texts to Sebastian.

> *knight-helmet-emoji* let in a creepy *dragon-head-emoji*
> 4 some reason
> hes looking around now but has to go in 3 mins so you know
> *trapdoor emoji*
> btws how is *fox-head emoji* doing
> i heard she is normally pretty *fire emoji* but i couldn't tell with all the *blooddrop emoji*

(OOC: So I apologize everyone. I've done some more soul searching... and rereading, and I think the Sealing rules make more sense, though they are honestly not ideal for this either. So what I'm going to do is have each player spend a point of Glam (which you would have done for the Oath as well), and I will let each player choose a different penalty for Typhon, see page 210 and 211 for the chart. Typhon chooses the minor supernatural affect for one scene as the penalty for any of the PC's breaking it. Keeping the Seal will earn each player a beat)

[Books aren't with me, I'll do this next week :smallsmile:]

2018-12-29, 01:43 PM
'I'm sorry the place is such a state.' said Reggy with an easy smile, he voice light and careless 'Can I get you some tea... For the road? You must be bone cold patrolling the streets with all that coming down.'

2018-12-30, 09:26 AM
"Thank you," the Changeling called Typhon replies before looking over his shoulder at the dropped juice box, "but I'm okay. As it is I don't exactly have much time."

With that he begins walking towards the Kitchen. Typhon moves through the house, his eyes flicking back and forth as he takes in as many details as possible. A slender pink forked tongue darts in and out of his mouth as he moves. He takes note of the exploded glass windows, nodding his head with satisfaction.

When he comes to the room with the hidden chalk door created by Sebastian (OOC: leaving this vague since still waiting on ER for his final response), Typhon stops. The two large nostrils at the end of his extended snout flare as his tongue flicks back and forth. Typhon's eyes scan the room, and a low growl begins to rumble in the back of his chest. But then he turns and moves on.

It is nearly towards the end of Typhon's allotted time when he reaches the upstairs bathroom, which is still a mess of shattered glass and smeared blood. His hands open and close as he takes a step into the room. He bends down on one knee and puts his face disturbingly close to the blood floor, seeming to take his time absorbing the smell. "What happened here?", he asks.

2018-12-30, 11:19 AM
Reggy grins like a shark, showing far too many teeth and radiating a menace he hoped wasn't transparently false 'By the terms of our agreement we are bound to not interfere with your investigation. I do not recall saying anything regarding aiding your investigation, nor the supply of any information or the answering of any questions.
'And frankly, what Imere chooses to do or not do in the privacy of her own water closet is between her and God. Have some decency man!'

2018-12-31, 08:49 AM
There is an instant in which the lizard skinned Changeling bears his needle like fangs back at Reggie, but the moment passes as quickly as it came. Shoulders slouching, Typhon says, "Very well. Then I'm sure it won't matter if I take some of this." He retrieves a linen handkerchief from his pocket. It looks like it may have been white at some time, but has turned a greyish yellow. With a deft swipe he gathers up several shards of the broken mirror into the cloth, and then dabs the collection into some of the puddled blood. He then pockets the evidence.

Typhon stands and walks towards the entrance of the bathroom where the other Changelings are waiting. He smiles at the three and says, "Thank you for your hospitality. I believe my time is almost up?"

2019-01-02, 07:40 PM
Does the hedge have cell service? If yes for reasons of silliness, please consider my post. If not, I’ll rewrite.

The contact was not unpleasant, and he let himself feel it, but only for a moment.

Sebastian felt the vibration and heard the tone that Imere had set one of the times she took his phone and he practically jumped out of his skin. When he finally took out the phone, it’s clear that it is several generations old, the type in which a text would have to be sent by selecting letters from the number pad. He squinted at the message that was sent.

Then he squinted more.

Finally he huffed and held it out towards Kitsune.

“What on earth is she trying to communicate? She sends me these...these hieroglyphics all the time! Bloody nonsense.

2019-01-02, 10:39 PM
There is an instant in which the lizard skinned Changeling bears his needle like fangs back at Reggie, but the moment passes as quickly as it came. Shoulders slouching, Typhon says, "Very well. Then I'm sure it won't matter if I take some of this." He retrieves a linen handkerchief from his pocket. It looks like it may have been white at some time, but has turned a greyish yellow. With a deft swipe he gathers up several shards of the broken mirror into the cloth, and then dabs the collection into some of the puddled blood. He then pockets the evidence.

Typhon stands and walks towards the entrance of the bathroom where the other Changelings are waiting. He smiles at the three and says, "Thank you for your hospitality. I believe my time is almost up?"

Imere was grumblingly wheeling the mop through to the bathroom since she already had it out. "Go home you weirdo," was all she said in response.

2019-01-03, 09:30 AM
'Well its been a pleasure having you Typhon, I'll see you to the door.'

2019-01-03, 04:52 PM
Typhon grins a big toothy grin and says, "Thank you for your hospitality." He departs, letting himself through the entrance if no one does him the courtesy of seeing him out.

With the intruder gone, an odd and uncomfortable silence falls suddenly over the room. The rain has stopped now, though the air is still thick and humid.

2019-01-05, 05:50 AM
Tom’s black eyes didn’t leave the lizard-skinned Darkling during his entire foray through their shared domicile. He didn’t trust the Changeling at all, but a Pact was a Pact none the less. One hand was clenched into a fist, while the other still held onto the pommel of his blade as he lumbered along behind him silently.

Sometimes, words weren’t necessary.

Sometimes, they could avoid senseless bloodshed. Tom was no stranger to violence, but he had to be better than he had been. Violence could not always be the answer.

When Typon had left, Tom scowled darkly and turned from the door to silently head up to Sebastian’s hidden sanctuary.

He rapped on the door loudly, hoping that the sound carried into whatever space-beyond-space they were hiding in.

Maybe they could get some answers.

Maybe Kitsune knew the serpent-man.


He was far too much like a Dragon Tom once knew.

2019-01-05, 08:31 AM
Reggy followed in Tom's wake 'Unless I miss my guess it won't take him long to get what he needs from that blood. We should hurry.'

2019-01-07, 08:00 PM
Sebastian heard the knock on the other side of the door and nearly literally jumped, again. His mind kicked in a moment later, letting him realize that a possible intruder wouldn’t just knock. Still...precautions were sensible.

He held up a finger to his lips indicating quiet and moved over to pick up a large kettle from his kitchenette. He crept over to the door and with one hand raised it high above his head, and with the other opened his Hollow door. He added his other hand to the one holding the kettle, ready to see what comes through.

2019-01-08, 07:54 AM
When Sebastian steps out of the Hollow, it seems the house is now near silent with no one moving or saying anything.

However, those downstairs can hear the creaking of the warped floorboards upstairs as Sebastian slowly makes his way back into reality.

2019-01-09, 07:17 PM
Sebastian heard the knock on the other side of the door and nearly literally jumped, again. His mind kicked in a moment later, letting him realize that a possible intruder wouldn’t just knock. Still...precautions were sensible.

He held up a finger to his lips indicating quiet and moved over to pick up a large kettle from his kitchenette. He crept over to the door and with one hand raised it high above his head, and with the other opened his Hollow door. He added his other hand to the one holding the kettle, ready to see what comes through.

"Hey, Harry Dresden, you know a spell to counter magical blood-based tracking, right?" said Imere, walking blithely into the swing range of the kettle. "Also reply to my texts you jerk, its common courtesy."

2019-01-09, 08:40 PM
Sebastian lowered the tea kettle slowly and scowled at Imere.

“I don’t know anything like that. But if you think it’s likely to be used, we need to get out of here and straight to the place this young lady wants to go.”

“And, if you want me to respond to your messages write them in a sensible manner, not the hieroglyphics you use. Don’t they have all sorts of letter writing tutorials on your webtubes and whatnot?”

2019-01-09, 08:48 PM
Sebastian lowered the tea kettle slowly and scowled at Imere.

“I don’t know anything like that. But if you think it’s likely to be used, we need to get out of here and straight to the place this young lady wants to go.”

“And, if you want me to respond to your messages write them in a sensible manner, not the hieroglyphics you use. Don’t they have all sorts of letter writing tutorials on your webtubes and whatnot?”

"Forgive me, sometimes I forget that you need to have the intellect of a legendary doctor to figure out who I might be referring to by using a little picture of a knight," droned Imere, not looking at the looming Tom. "Truly a cypher a mere mortal like yourself would have no hope of cracking."

2019-01-09, 09:37 PM
“Yes, well...I thought it was supposed to be a tin opener. So, there.”

Sebastian goes quiet for a moment, before speaking again.

“Wasn’t it pouring rain in the real world a moment ago?”

2019-01-10, 05:49 AM
"It was." Tom said, glancing up at the roof as if it held some answers as to why the rain had stopped. At least the patch job he had done on the leaks in the attic would have time to set now.

2019-01-10, 07:40 PM
Kitsune follows Sebastian out of his hollow and down the stairs to join the others. She watches with anxious glares as Imere and Sebastian bicker, twitchy as ever. "So, like... can we go now," she says with arms crossed, her attention turning to the front door. "He's gone now, right?"

2019-01-11, 06:02 AM
"Yes." Tom said succinctly. "The lizard has gone. For now, I suspect."

Tom frowned, crossing his thick arms over his unnaturally broad chest. "Perhaps, as we depart, you could tell us if you know him? I do not believe his arrival so shortly after yours is...coincidence."

2019-01-11, 11:22 AM
'Foxes, Spiders and Lizards.' Reggy say happily 'The handsome protagonist and his motley crew have to get this Fox to the Spider before the Lizard comes back. Ha! I bet you haven't heard this fairy tale before...'

2019-01-12, 11:15 PM
Sebastian turns to look at Kitsune, ignoring the cheerfulness of some of his comrades.

“So...what’s the easiest way to get there? And safest...mostly safest.”

2019-01-13, 07:50 AM
While the group is talking, Kitsune moves to the window by the porch and looks out. "Are you sure he's gone? Who was it?"

In response to Sebastian's question, Kitsune adds, "It's not a very far walk... but I don't know if that's safer than any other way to get there."

2019-01-13, 11:28 AM
While the group is talking, Kitsune moves to the window by the porch and looks out. "Are you sure he's gone? Who was it?"

In response to Sebastian's question, Kitsune adds, "It's not a very far walk... but I don't know if that's safer than any other way to get there."

“Are there any other ways to approach? If they’re already watching the place we would be in trouble if we just walked up to the front door.”

2019-01-13, 05:25 PM
"Wait, where are we going?" asked Imere. "And I'll get you an uber if you're worried about gangs of reptoids creeping around outside."

Was the power still out, out of curiosity?

2019-01-14, 11:34 AM
The girl frowns and says, "I was hoping to go to my friend Annie the Black Widow's on Magazine Street. She has a store front tailoring service and lives in the apartment above. I think she's the only Night Reveler I can trust who is living South of Canal street."

The power is on.

2019-01-14, 12:43 PM
'Operationally it's a sticky wicket, I'm sure you'll all agree. Really we should get the young lady away from here immediately. I do not believe Typhon was collecting that blood for show. On the other hand he could be lurking around outside, or have minions to do the same, we're safer in here then out there. We all get far more entangled in this if we're seen with her.
'We should go, and all go together but does anyone have a better idea then walking out the front door?'

2019-01-14, 08:33 PM
'Operationally it's a sticky wicket, I'm sure you'll all agree. Really we should get the young lady away from here immediately. I do not believe Typhon was collecting that blood for show. On the other hand he could be lurking around outside, or have minions to do the same, we're safer in here then out there. We all get far more entangled in this if we're seen with her.
'We should go, and all go together but does anyone have a better idea then walking out the front door?'

"Turns out one of my superpowers is summoning zombie armies," said Imere, starting to type into her phone. "Sir Humperdink, you ever watched Shaun of the Dead? No? Dawn of the Dead? Did they even - okay, basically you've seen some gnarly stuff one way or another, right? I want to dress Lancelot and Dr. Who like corpses. It's okay if the look is a bit low-budget but make sure it conceals faces. Foxstuff is already nasty bloody so she should be easy. Was camouflage invented before or after your time, wasn't WW1 the one where everyone wore red trousers?"

While she was typing she got the bloody mop bucket and emptied it into a couple of plastic water bottles. Then she detached the mop head and tossed the bloody mess at Sebastian. "New hat!"

[Imere's plan is to use her internet fame to summon a zombie flashmob to parade down the street. Lemme know what kind of dice roll that'd be, if any]

2019-01-15, 03:38 AM
Tom had never had the need to go to this Annie's shop - his clothes were simple. Functional. Still, it couldn't hurt to branch out somewhat.

The massive Ogre leaned against the wall, thick arms crossed over his chest as he watched the rest of the Motley prepare.

He had all he needed at the moment.

"I believe the lizard was named...Typhon. Something along those lines." He said to Kitsune.

2019-01-15, 08:15 AM
Kitsune looks dumbly at Tom, the name clearly not ringing a bell. "The Lizard?", she asks with confusion, "was it the... Tr... Gentry?"

(OOC: @Thanqol: I'd say it would be Presence + Computer or Presence + Expression, but with a negative modifier based on how quickly you want to assemble a flash mob out of nowhere. The sooner you want the flash mob to occur, probably the higher the penalty).

2019-01-16, 03:47 PM
Reggy is holding back laughter when he replies to Imere 'That's a devil of a plan Imere. I like it.' The smile vanishes when Kitsune speaks, replaced by anger and fear written all over his face 'What?' his hisses in accusation 'You've brought the Gentry to our door?'

2019-01-16, 04:53 PM
Reggy is holding back laughter when he replies to Imere 'That's a devil of a plan Imere. I like it.'

Imere smiled, saluted casually, and went over to her laptop.

She took a few minutes to get her own face right.

As far as painting in mutilation went, she was an artist. Many times she'd had to transform her face into a mess of blood and gore to impersonate one of her patients. To do that you needed to look directly at a lot of bodies to the point where you could notice the fine details of bruising, discolouration and the patterns of dried blood. A lot of zombie stuff made its way off being too shocking for people to notice the fine details but when you were dealing with magical faeries you didn't want to take chances. Call her a gorefectionist.

Her skin flowed like putty. Cuts opened like zips. She took all her elfin beauty and turned it into horror. Then she turned on the webcam.

"Hey, internet!" said StarPlan. "I told you last time that I was feeling a bit under the weather, but great news! My fever broke and I feel way better! But the catch is that I'm crazy hungry all of a sudden so I was thinking about going down to the mall to get something sweet and meaty. I know the bug's been going around, so if any of you have the munchies like I do consider this an open invite - meet at 8th and Dashund in thirty minutes and we'll make an evening of it."

2019-01-16, 07:41 PM
Sebastian mumbled to himself.

“I do know that one. It’s a good clue. Four letters, writer and director of the Cornetto Trilogy...gives me two ‘G’s’ in a row.

He looks at the horrifying appearance Imere has donned.

“Is this really going to work?”

2019-01-16, 07:46 PM
Sebastian mumbled to himself.

“I do know that one. It’s a good clue. Four letters, writer and director of the Cornetto Trilogy...gives me two ‘G’s’ in a row.

He looks at the horrifying appearance Imere has donned.

“Is this really going to work?”

"Just sit back, let me pretty up your pretty face, and pretend you've got the worst hangover in the universe," said Imere, heading his way with zombification supplies. "Trust me, you'll be a natural,"

2019-01-17, 08:04 AM
Moments after posting the on her favorite forum, including a pic of herself in "sexy zombie" attire (OOC: You used striking looks, right?), Imere was getting excited responses from local members. Despite the late hour, and short notice, it seemed that the local fans of Internet sensation Starplan were ready to rally for a flash mob!

Messages included, "Can't wait to see you in person Starplan!!!", "Lulz! I luv the idea. You can count on me!", and "FLAAAAAAASSSSSSSHHHHH MOOOOOOOOBBBBB! ZOOOOOOMMMMMBIIIIEEES!!!!!!!!! (Can you tell I can't wait???)"

And then Imere set out to costume the four changelings in preparation for the flash mob.

(OOC: I'll give everyone a chance to post any last thoughts, and please describe if there is any specific equipment you are bringing.)

2019-01-18, 04:47 AM
The mention of the Gentry did not sit well with Tom. The hulking Ogre scowled, and made a mental note to keep an ear open for the tell-tale signs of the Keepers. He snatched a heavy surplus army jacket and pulled it over his gargantuan shoulders before tucking his blade up under it – thankful that mortals would simply see a nasty looking machete.

Still, it wouldn’t do to simply…carry it around openly. That way to trouble lay.

Tom knew he could be a bit…threatening…under the best of circumstances. Would it truly be a good idea to decorate him as the walking dead?

There was an unusual expression of apprehension on his face as he tried to decide if Imere was really going to pretty him up.

While he waits for the others to be ready, Tom finds a quiet place and works his way through several weapon drills with increasing complexity to prepare himself in case there is trouble to be found.

Tom has his sword, obviously.

The weapon drills are in prep for Tom’s contract: Vigilance of Ares (common). It costs 1 Glamour, reflexively, and automatically detects ambushes, hidden traps and surprise attacks. Plus grants a bonus to his Initiative rating equal to his Mantle (2). The weapon drill was an attempt to work the Loophole into play (Executed a martial exercise in this scene).

Just in case you’d like it to not be as simple as that, here’s a roll to see if the drill counts, maybe? Hehe

Strength 4 + Weaponry 4 (+2 Sword specialization)

[roll0] + [roll1]

2019-01-18, 08:29 AM
Tom walks down into the basement, the only place with enough open space to be safe to swing his sword without cutting up furniture or smashing a wall in.

Even still, the ceiling is low and Tom is forced to exclude overhead cuts from his drills. The others can hear shouts thunderous stomps from the basement as Tom works his way through his exercises.

(OOC: Contract has been activated, and 1 glamour spent, Tom is down to 8/10)

Finally, when the group has gathered their things, and Tom has been called up from the basement the four depart into the night. The air is suffocatingly humid after the rain, and smells heavily of crepe myrtle and lilacs, as well as ozone. The immediate neighborhood around the Motley's house is not well lit, and it is easy to feel exposed and vulnerable. But there is no ambush, nor sign of a tail, and as the group makes their way toward Magazine street, the area becomes better lit and less threatening. The streets of New Orleans are not yet empty, despite the late hour. Cars pass by lazily, and couples or small groups walk together with little regard for the divide between sidewalk and road. Pedestrians eye the group cautiously and give them a wide berth, even crossing the street to avoid the Changelings dressed like zombies.

And fortunately, it is only a few blocks till the group comes across the gathering crowd of cheerful cosplayers and dancers, all dressed like the dead! A young man maybe just short of 20 approaches the group. His face is painted green, and fake blood smears his tattered clothing. He comes rushing at Imere, and in a relatively high pitched and excited voice says, "Oh my god! Starplan??? Uh... Oh my god! So nice to meet you! It's really you, isn't it. Oh my god! I'm like, spazzing out! This is so cool! I'm so sorry!" Imere can see the boy blushing despite the makeup.

2019-01-19, 02:41 AM
Despite the calm that seemed to have settled onto the streets as they picked their way along, Tom kept a wary eye open for any trouble. The drills in the basement had gotten his blood up, and he felt the burning of his summer heart flooding icy veins.

When the Motley finally came across the gathering of cheerful cosplayers, Tom blinked owlishly. It was a strange expression on his usually taciturn face.

”I…have…no words.” muttered Tom at length, and he scowled at the young man who approached Imere excitedly. Who was this little man?

Apparently a fan.

So Tom remained silent and looming, trying not to scare away someone that Imere may have actually wanted to see.

2019-01-19, 07:32 AM
Not unlike Tom Reggy spent most of the journey keeping an eye on their surroundings. Unlike Tom he didn't make it obvious. He moved through the crowd with practised ease, constantly finding someone new he could compliment or introduce himself to, keeping up a steady stream of meaningless chatter as hooded eyes scanned the surroundings.

2019-01-19, 03:24 PM
The man-boy jumps back, apparently startled by the giant looming over him. "Oh, I'm sorry," he says stumbling over his words, "are you a friend of Starplan's? Another internet celebrity? I'm sorry if I haven't heard of you before." He looks sheepishly at Tom, the color having already drained from his face.

Around the group a massive mob of zombies had gathered. People were joking about Thriller, pouring each other drinks into red plastic cups, or complimenting each other on their zombie costumes. The gathering was surprisingly large and was still growing. Kitsune seemed a little overwhelmed and uncomfortable with the crowd, and it was not hard to see that she was anxious to leave and get to Annie's.

Nearby, Reggy was flitting through the crowd, not leaving the others out of eye sight, but straying as he socialized. It wasn't long before Reggy suddenly became aware of the twisted magical presence of another Changeling, who had joined the crowd in full zombie regalia. He was a thin and bespectacled figure, whose Mask showed patchy facial hair and a receding straw-colored hairline. It was hard to tell if he was 15 or 40. However, looking sideways, Reggy can see that the Changeling's skin is thin and leathery, cracking at the edges like yellowed parchment. Ink spots and numbers in various languages seem to appear and flow across the man's skin as if suddenly written into existence than scrubbed away. He gives Reggy an impish smile, and in a high pitched Texan drawl says, "Well howdy stranger!", before offering a hand to shake. The Changeling wasn't totally unfamiliar to Reggy, who was pretty certain this man was a member of the Tumbledown Market's Freehold, even if he couldn't place his name.

2019-01-20, 03:48 AM
”No.” said Tom, succinctly to the young man. He offered no explanation to him beyond that singular utterance. Instead, he simply continued to loom. Preferably on the periphery of the crowd, as he’d like to be able to keep a solid vantage over the growing crowd.

Does Tom see this newcomer Changeling?

Because, if he does, Tom will siddle up next to Kitsune. Just as a precaution.

2019-01-21, 04:48 AM
'Howdy' said Reggy happily, taking the proffered hand 'Welcome to the horde... I'm sorry I'm sure we're met before but I don't recall your name?'

2019-01-21, 07:53 AM
The parchment man grins and takes Reggy's hand in a firm shake. "I'm called Cal by most. Pleasure to meetcha'", the short wiry man says in that same cowboy drawl, "And you?"

2019-01-21, 08:03 AM
'Reggy.' he smiles broadly back 'I think we may have crossed paths in Tumbledown. Are you a fan of Starplan? What brings you here?'

2019-01-21, 08:23 AM
"Pleasure to meet you Reggy", Cal says releasing his grip. In regards to Reggy's mention of the Tumbledown Market, the changeling nods his head and chuckles, "Yeah, I work as a notary at The Exchange. Maybe you've seen me there." He smiles impishly at Reggy and when asked about Starplan, Cal says enthusiastically, "Oh yeah! Her twitch stream is great... and I mean, I'll take any opportunity to do something like this. Halloween can't come soon enough!" Reggy got the sense that Cal and Sebastian might make fast friends.

2019-01-21, 02:53 PM
“I think I’ve seen you before, once or twice.”

Sebastian eyes Cal. On the surface of their Meins, they look rather similar, sharing the same graphical markings, though where Cal’s were numerical, his was text.

This parade was crazy, though it seemed to be having the desired effect. They were being noticed, but in exactly the way that they desired. Noticed for the wrong thing, rather than the right thing. It was like a magic trick, keeping the eye focused somewhere else.

2019-01-22, 12:16 AM
And fortunately, it is only a few blocks till the group comes across the gathering crowd of cheerful cosplayers and dancers, all dressed like the dead! A young man maybe just short of 20 approaches the group. His face is painted green, and fake blood smears his tattered clothing. He comes rushing at Imere, and in a relatively high pitched and excited voice says, "Oh my god! Starplan??? Uh... Oh my god! So nice to meet you! It's really you, isn't it. Oh my god! I'm like, spazzing out! This is so cool! I'm so sorry!" Imere can see the boy blushing despite the makeup.

"In any other venue or time, I would tell you: be chill," said StarPlan - because she was StarPlan now. The voice, the mannerisms, the style - she was on. Crackling. Making eye contact with every person who looked her way and giving her full attention to everyone around her. "But mere chill is for the living! Everyone here tonight got themselves dead and here in on zero notice to do something awesome! All those people over there walking the streets, looking at us - they might be breathing, but we all know which of us are truly alive! Hell yeah!"

She punched the sky.

With that big ol' water bottle full of Kitsune's blood.

Splashed it around a bit. A little unhygenic but she took care to avoid faces and hands.

Figured that spreading the blood around thirty warm bodies would f*ck with anyone looking to do any creepy blood tracking.

"To start this evening off I am thinking... arcade!" said StarPlan. "Any one of you shamblers who can take me down on the dance machine will get something special! Move out!"

2019-01-22, 08:26 AM
“I think I’ve seen you before, once or twice.”

Sebastian eyes Cal. On the surface of their Meins, they look rather similar, sharing the same graphical markings, though where Cal’s were numerical, his was text.

This parade was crazy, though it seemed to be having the desired effect. They were being noticed, but in exactly the way that they desired. Noticed for the wrong thing, rather than the right thing. It was like a magic trick, keeping the eye focused somewhere else.

Cal grins as yet another Changeling introduces themselves. "Cal," he says in the same Texas drawl, extending a hand warmly to shake, "nice to meet ya."

But everyone in the mob goes silent when Imere, now Starplan, speaks up. To the others in the motley, the change of persona is noticeable, like the zombie costume has allowed Imere to transform into someone else completely. Her voice immediately silences the gathering, her audience greedily hanging on to every word.

"To start this evening off I am thinking... arcade!" said StarPlan. "Any one of you shamblers who can take me down on the dance machine will get something special! Move out!"

When Imere finishes, there is a raucous cheer, and some excited clapping. The crowd of zombies begins moving down the road towards Magazine Street, many people shambling or with arms out doing their best Frankenstein's Monster impersonation. As the group proceeds, someone starts singing "Do Whatcha Wanna" (a marching song any respectable NOLA resident knew by heart) and the mob joins in in a sort of call and response jive. Despite the late hour, the procession is a riot. People hoot and hollar as they sing along. Bystanders stop and take pics with their cellphones, and a few even jump in. And to think no Glamour was even used to get this going.

Cal nods to Reggy and Sebastian, and the three join the procession.

As the group proceeds, the man-child (apparently not the best at picking up on social cues) sticks by Imere's side, his eyes repeatedly lingering on her in awe. About 2 minutes into the march, he taps Imere on the shoulder and blurts, "Uh, I'm Rich. I mean, my name is Richard, but I go by Rich... you know, not like I'm wealthy or something. I mean, I'm not poor either." The skin between his green makeup and his hairline is now cherry red.

2019-01-22, 01:14 PM
'Always nice to meet another actor Cal.' Reggy said with studied coolness 'Have you worked a fellow called Typhon before?'

2019-01-23, 10:09 PM
As the group proceeds, the man-child (apparently not the best at picking up on social cues) sticks by Imere's side, his eyes repeatedly lingering on her in awe. About 2 minutes into the march, he taps Imere on the shoulder and blurts, "Uh, I'm Rich. I mean, my name is Richard, but I go by Rich... you know, not like I'm wealthy or something. I mean, I'm not poor either." The skin between his green makeup and his hairline is now cherry red.

"Rich or poor, how are you on the dance floor?" said StarPlan, pointing at the arcade down the road.

She was fairly used to awkward fans. Her usual approach was to entirely disregard the awkwardness and focus on cool things that they could do. Give them a dare, give them a script, give them a chance to do something other than stumble over their words - she saw no value in pointless cruelty. She was the show, and if she didn't bring the show to the audience, the show wasn't nowhere.

2019-01-24, 08:32 PM
The changeling who had introduced himself as "Cal" shakes his head in the negative. "I can't say I have," he says, offering Reggy a casual shrug. The trio begin to walk towards the arcade, a noisy and dark space filled with flashing neon lights and a cacophony of electronic sound effects. A bright electric sign over the building reads "Mystic Jim's Arcade". "I take it he's... one of us?" Cal asks.

Nearby Rich hangs onto every one of Imere's words. He nods his head enthusiastically in agreement. His tongue bumbling in his mouth, Rich offers, "So... ugh, you wanna play Dance Dance Revolution then? I mean, I'm not great at it, but I'd be soooo down."

Kitsune glowers at the other Changelings as they near the arcade. Behind her Mask, Kitsune's vulpine ears twitch anxiously.

(OOC: So is the group going into the Arcade now?)

2019-01-25, 07:33 PM
In the midst of the crowd, Sebastian sidles over to Kitsune and reaches out to very quietly get her attention.

“How much farther until we get to where you need to be? I believe I understand the thrust of this plan. We should be ready to break apart as she leads the rest like the pied piper. We have to be getting close.”

2019-01-27, 11:00 AM
Kitsune shrugs, a sulky pout playing upon her face. She points down the block to Magazine street and says, "I think it's just down on here and to the left. Not even a whole two blocks away." She looks down the well lit street, still slick with rain with longing, her noise pointed up as she takes a sniff at the midnight air.

2019-01-28, 11:54 AM
'One of us... Yes' says Reggy carefully. 'So he said. He certainly had the knack. I don't know anyone who's heard of him though. I'd like to check his references.'

2019-01-28, 06:24 PM
Nearby Rich hangs onto every one of Imere's words. He nods his head enthusiastically in agreement. His tongue bumbling in his mouth, Rich offers, "So... ugh, you wanna play Dance Dance Revolution then? I mean, I'm not great at it, but I'd be soooo down."

"First round is against this guy!" announced Imere to the crowd. "After that... you," she picked someone out, "you have the greatest emergency zombie costume here, so you're round two. Next up, any patreons in the audience? You'll be three through six by which point I reckon I shall be danced out. Show me what you got!"

2019-01-29, 05:14 AM
All this talk of dancing did not sit entirely well with Tom. There was a time for frivolity, of course, and the Ogre could not deny just how excellent a distraction Imere’s methods were.

But he did not understand all of this, and the bright lights of the arcade seemed too close to the ephemeral luminous qualities that existed beyond the Hedge.

But, he had given his word that Kitsune would be safely taken to her destination. Which, fortunately, was very close.

”If we are to tarry here, I would be willing to escort the lady here the remainder of the way on my own.” Tom offered with a shrug of his immense shoulders.

2019-01-29, 08:49 AM
Right outside the arcade, Carl shrugged at Reggy's suggestion. "Sorry buddy," he says warmly, "I've just never heard of him. He certainly isn't a member of the Tumble Down Market Freehold." An uncomfortable look spreads across his face and he adds, "I mean the only help I could offer would be to see if he's ever made a deal at the Exchange... but I'm totally not supposed to do that!" His voice is firm with this last part, as if to emphasize his morals.

Nearby, the crowd cheers and hoots at Imere's announcement, and people start swarming her to get next in line. The mob pushes Imere inside to begin the Dance Dance Revolution tournament, and she is surrounded by the warm love of excited revelers.

(OOC: I'm going to say Imere can harvest a point of Glamour from the excitement she's drummed up, and will update your character box with the added point... unless you don't want it. I have no idea what to roll for Dance Dance Revolution... Dex + Expression???)

Pushed inside the bar, Kitsune stands with Sebastian and Tom. When Tom makes his suggestion, the young lady throws her arm around the giant's massive arm, pressing her soft bosoms into his hard flesh. "Thank you Tom, thank you! That is so gallant of you.", she says hurriedly and then begins tugging on Tom's unmoving appendage and says, "Lets go! Now!"

2019-01-29, 04:01 PM
Sebastian looks levelly at Tom and Kitsune.

“Well, I’m bloody well not staying here. So it looks like I’ll be with you as well.”

He glances around as the game appears to be starting.

“She’ll have them enthralled for a long while yet. Let’s make our move while we can still just look like members of the flashmob who decided to break away.”

He pushes the door back open to allow the now conjoined form of Kitsune and Tom through.

2019-01-30, 05:01 AM
A wide hand rose to run through the shaggy mop of thick, black hair that spilled across his head as he registered the press of Kitsune’s body against him with an awkward grunt. She was beautiful, but Tom had spent far too long in the embrace of a chivalrous life for such a brazen display to be entirely comfortable.

Clearing his throat, Tom gave Kitsune a small, if hopefully reassuring smile.

”’Tis no trouble, my lady.” murmured the Ogre, before glancing to Sebastian.

”Let us be off then. We can circle back for Imere and Reggy when we are done.”

2019-01-30, 07:38 AM
The three Changelings set back out into the night. Now that the mob of zombies has funneled into the arcade, there is a strange peacefulness in the air, and a peacefulness disrupted only the occasional passing car. Kitsune stays latched to Tom's massive arm, jumping at the slightest noise. Her nails press lightly into his skin reflexively at times, though she never breaks skin.

Kitsune had not been wrong about the proximity of Annie's shop, and the three are only walking in the night air for around 10 unmolested minutes before they arrive outside a shuttered storefront. In the window are several mannequins in finely tailored suits, though it is a little dark to fully appreciate the craftsmanship. In gold print is a picture of a loom with lettering wrapped around it reading, "Annie's Bespoke Old Fashioned Tailoring". The building is a squat brick two story building right on Magazine street between a barber shop and a deli boasting the best Po'Boys in town.

"This is it!" Kitsune says excitedly, and she motions to a buzzer next to the door. On a piece of card attached to the buzzer is written, "Apartment". Kitsune presses the buzzer, leaving her finger there for a long second before she asks, "If you don't mind, at least wait with me till I get upstairs. I really appreciate all of your help, it's been a long long night."

2019-01-30, 08:25 AM
”Of course.” said Tom with a stilted nod. ”I shall escort you into this…Annie’s abode. I gave my word that you would be unharmed, and so you shall be.”

The Ogre didn’t seem to mind that Kitsune was clinging to him – her diminutive size compared to him barely felt – and his skin was iron-hard ice and cold stone, so her nails would not draw blood without some glamour aiding them.

”If you have need of protection in the future, do not hesitate to call upon me. I shall remain ever vigilant.”

2019-01-31, 08:03 AM
The fox lady's face softens, her eyes going glassy for just a moment. Her grip tightens on Tom's arm, a comforting thankful squeeze. Then there is the electronic sound of fuzz, followed by a lady's voice coming over an old looking apartment speaker. "Who is it?", the voice asks sharply, almost an accusation, "don't you know how late it is?"

Kitsune lets go of Tom's arm to approach the speaker, and press the intercom button. In response she says, "Annie? It's Kitsune. Something terrible has happened! I need to leave. I need your help!" The girl's voice practically squeaks. She lets go of the intercom button and there is a long pause, before is a loud buzz, and a clunk as the door unlocks.

Swinging the door open, Kitsune steps into the dark store front. She forgoes finding a light switch, instead nimbly darting her way through the objects in the dark. With only the street lamps for lighting, the store seems to be a sparsely furnished, sparsely decorated room with a number of mannequins draped in men's formal wear, as well as a few clothing racks hung with more suits. In the center of the room are a few scattered comfy looking leather chairs and coffee tables. Tom walks straight into a floor mounted mirror.

A door at the far end of the shop opens up, allowing an overhead light to better illuminate the room, and Kitsune disappears through the new passage and up a flight of stairs.

As Sebastian steps into the room, it becomes clear that there is something special about the clothing. The suits, jackets, pants; all of it appears to have been woven with the Glamorous potential of the Wyrd. It is as if the silks and cottons themselves were spun with magic. They radiate potential.

2019-01-31, 06:28 PM
Right outside the arcade, Carl shrugged at Reggy's suggestion. "Sorry buddy," he says warmly, "I've just never heard of him. He certainly isn't a member of the Tumble Down Market Freehold." An uncomfortable look spreads across his face and he adds, "I mean the only help I could offer would be to see if he's ever made a deal at the Exchange... but I'm totally not supposed to do that!" His voice is firm with this last part, as if to emphasize his morals.

Nearby, the crowd cheers and hoots at Imere's announcement, and people start swarming her to get next in line. The mob pushes Imere inside to begin the Dance Dance Revolution tournament, and she is surrounded by the warm love of excited revelers.

(OOC: I'm going to say Imere can harvest a point of Glamour from the excitement she's drummed up, and will update your character box with the added point... unless you don't want it. I have no idea what to roll for Dance Dance Revolution... Dex + Expression???)

It wasn't her game, but hey - that's what made it fun.

The rush of magic was almost mouth watering. She let it pass. Smelled, but didn't bite. This was what she wanted to be doing with her life already. She didn't need to get anything out of it to make it worthwhile.

DANCE: [roll0]

2019-02-01, 08:16 AM
Despite Imere's lack of practice and skill at DDR, the game was still fun, and her supporters cheered her on even as she missed step after step. When the game was over, Imere's score was nowhere close to Richard's. The two were now slick with sweat despite the aggressive air conditioning that combated the outside humidity, and Rich was grinning from ear to ear. "Oh my gosh," he chuckled gleefully, "that was so much fun." But supporters were already circling around Starplan as she stepped down from the console, and the next player was replacing her. Imere's fans carried her away from Richard, who actually reached a hand out for her, to a bar where a round of Abita beers were ordered. It wasn't very flavorful, but it was cold, which felt good after the competitive dance stepping.

Shortly, a familiar face approached Imere, a skinny Darkling with dark mottled skin and large pointed bat-like ears. He grinned at Imere, though not in a friendly way, needle like teeth peaking out from his shaggy beard. "Starplan!" he said the name begrudgingly, "how nice of you to drop in to my arcade!" The man's voice echoed of honking cars and and baseball bats on glass, his Mantle a reminder of his allegience to the Kayoodle Krew. His name was Freddy, and though Imere never saw him as much more than a nuisance, it seemed that Freddy saw her as some form of video game rival. Once Freddy had made a fake second Twitch account to badmouth Starplan's stream; it didn't work out well for him. And now it seemed that Imere had walked into Freddy's Arcade. He tapped his long fingernails on the bar counter, as if awaiting an explanation from Imere. The other zombies watched with confusion.

2019-02-02, 02:32 AM
Tom tensed as he heard the voice call out from through the speaker, and he followed Kitsune quickly as she slid into the store. As he bumped into the tall mirror, Tom muttered a curse and steadied it with his large hands to ensure it didn’t tip and break.

With a glance to Sebastian, Tom turns and follows Kitsune through the back door and up the flight of stairs, hunching over slightly to ensure he can fit his broad frame through.

”I am coming up.” he said, just loud enough to ensure that Kitsune and this Annie could hear him. He wanted to make sure he had done his diligence in helping.

2019-02-03, 09:55 AM
Tom hurries after Kitsune, wishing his massive legs could move as quickly as the little fox's. By the time he has made it to the narrow stairwell, Kitsune has already disappeared through the red painted door at the top of the stairs. Tom does his best to mount the stairs multiples at a time, but somehow it seems to take forever to reach the top.

Tom bursts into the apartment. It is an open and well furnished space, hard wood flooring and large windows to look out over Magazine Street. Kitsune stands in the middle of the room, her back to Tom, held in the embrace of two human arms and four segmented insectile appendages. A tall and slender woman held Kitsune. She had shoulder length jet black hair, a round face and almond colored eyes. Her face was severe, and she glared at Tom, almost protectively as she held Kitsune. As Tom looks closer, he realizes that Annie's eyes are not white balls of jelly, but instead the composite lenses of an arachnid, shining like shaped onyxes. "Welcome," she says, her voice low and husky, accented by what sounds like the jingle of change, "you came with Kitsune?"

2019-02-03, 11:49 AM
Huffing a mighty grunting breath at the frustration of chasing the fox girl up the stairs, Tom ran a wide hand through his mop of black hair.

The Ogre shifted into a more relaxed stance, the sound of grinding ice accompanying the movement.

"Aye. I did." Tom said, his deep-set black eyes glancing down to Kitsune. "Tom Mallory. At your service."

2019-02-03, 03:50 PM
"Annie," the woman says, her voice emotionless and hard like steel. Her spidery limbs release Kitsune, and she steps around the girl as if to put herself between Tom and Kitsune. Tom can now see that the woman is holding a long slender kitchen knife, though there is nothing threatening in her stance or grip. "It is very late, and you look god awful," Annie says to Kitsune, placing a free hand on the girl's shoulder, and offering a small smile, "what happened?"

Kitsune pauses, as if stumbling to find the right words. She looks to Tom, and then simply offers a weak shrug. "I don't know if I can say," she says, her voice straining and threatening to break. The girl's eyes have become distant and haunted again, as they were in Tom's bathroom when he first found her.

(OOC: I'm going to give ER a chance to bring Sebastian in again before responding again to this scene, just so that Sebastian doesn't get left out).

2019-02-03, 08:41 PM
Shortly, a familiar face approached Imere, a skinny Darkling with dark mottled skin and large pointed bat-like ears. He grinned at Imere, though not in a friendly way, needle like teeth peaking out from his shaggy beard. "Starplan!" he said the name begrudgingly, "how nice of you to drop in to my arcade!" The man's voice echoed of honking cars and and baseball bats on glass, his Mantle a reminder of his allegience to the Kayoodle Krew. His name was Freddy, and though Imere never saw him as much more than a nuisance, it seemed that Freddy saw her as some form of video game rival. Once Freddy had made a fake second Twitch account to badmouth Starplan's stream; it didn't work out well for him. And now it seemed that Imere had walked into Freddy's Arcade. He tapped his long fingernails on the bar counter, as if awaiting an explanation from Imere. The other zombies watched with confusion.

Nothing but professionalism.

There were some streamers who made their reps by making everything emotional, salty, or bm. StarPlan wasn't any of those - she was the Angel of Badwater. Knives when she had to be, but before that she was a team player and here to support her team. Respect the game, respect yourself, even if you don't respect the other guy.

But all that said... this was an opportunity for a show. And her unliving army had done her a hella solid so giving them a show was only fair.

"When you said you were a professional gamer I didn't know this is what you meant," she said with an easy grin. "Everyone - this is Frederick, the boss of this here arcade pit, and he's come down from his office to say something to all of us!"

Handing off the spotlight. A hella alpha move to do to someone who didn't know how to deal with it.

2019-02-04, 06:46 AM
Sebastian took in the sight of the enchanted suits appreciatively, admiring in them a skill he could approve of. The work was done with care, to enhance, and to build up. He liked that kind of work. He’d strive to imbue the same in his own crafts. Idly he reached out and let his hand run along a black coat, getting a very...authorial feel...from it. Maybe in better times, he would come shopping.

There was a wounded girl, a spider and a knight to deal with though, so his attention snapped back, now actually in the room with them.

“I’m Sebastian. And, it would be nice to know what’s going on.”

2019-02-04, 08:00 AM
Fredrick's mottled purple skin turns a flushed red that extends up to the points of his ears. He looks around, staring at the suddenly gathered crowd of zombie onlookers. His mouth stands agape, revealing multiple rows of pointy teeth, though of course the cosplayers don't recognize this.

Raising a hand, Fred offers the gathering crowd a lame wave, and says, "Welcome," his voice cracking, "ugh, I hope everyone is having a good time. So, ugh, does everyone want to watch me kick Starplan's butt in some Street Fighter???" The question posed was likely meant to gather the excitement of the onlooking crowd, though it seems to collect a number of confused questioning glances. Fred turns to Imere and gives her an angered glare.


Annie looks over at Sebastian, her face still the cold emotionless mask. "Sebastian? Annie," she replies curtly, arms still crossed before her chest. The four spider limbs move to rest on her hips. She turns to Kitsune and adds, "I feel the same way, not that I don't enjoy entertaining a group of strangers in my home in the middle of the night."

Kitsune looks at Annie apologetically, her vulpine ears flattening. "I'm sorry Annie," she says quickly, "I don't think I can tell you everything that happened to me tonight. But it isn't safe for me in this city anymore. I need to leave and I was hoping you could help."

Instead of answering, Annie looks to Tom and Sebastian, as if awaiting further answers.

2019-02-04, 03:25 PM
Sebastian’s own features soften as he reads in to Annie’s comments about their intrusion such as it was. A kindred spirit!

“I can’t add much. She came through a mirror. There was some call on the phone, then someone showed up and I hid her in my Hollow. Tom would know what happened downstairs. I was just trying to have a nice glass of wine. Though it was related in some way that no one in power can be trusted. Trust no one. 10 letters, tagline for 90’s cult favourite X-files? No. Monday puzzle. Still...”

He didn’t seem to realize he had trailed off as he digs into a jacket pocket removing a small folio and a fountain pen, writing it down before looking back up.

2019-02-04, 05:08 PM
From the back of the crowd of zombies a cultured voice cries out. It is a voice that was once used to booming out commands amid gunfire, explosions and irate Lance Corporals. That skill was rusty of course, but Reggy could still achieve a lot of volume when he wanted to. It wasn't a struggle to make himself heard No one's heard of you Frederick! Stop ruining the mood, man. Or we'll eat your brains!'

2019-02-04, 09:39 PM
Fredrick's mottled purple skin turns a flushed red that extends up to the points of his ears. He looks around, staring at the suddenly gathered crowd of zombie onlookers. His mouth stands agape, revealing multiple rows of pointy teeth, though of course the cosplayers don't recognize this.

Raising a hand, Fred offers the gathering crowd a lame wave, and says, "Welcome," his voice cracking, "ugh, I hope everyone is having a good time. So, ugh, does everyone want to watch me kick Starplan's butt in some Street Fighter???" The question posed was likely meant to gather the excitement of the onlooking crowd, though it seems to collect a number of confused questioning glances. Fred turns to Imere and gives her an angered glare.

Good grief she enjoyed that.

"The gauntlet has been thrown," said StarPlan brightly. "The winner becomes the new owner of Freddy's Arcade! For a battle of this import I will reveal my secret technique, passed down to me by Korean monks! You may watch - but you are all hereby sworn to secrecy!"

Cut to three minutes later with StarPlan spamming crouchkick.

2019-02-05, 03:27 AM
"Sebastian is correct. The lady here came through the mirror. We hid her while some nosy wyrmling poked his snout where it did not belong. Typhon, he named himself." said Tom, the deep voice rumbling through the room. The Ogre shrugged.

"We do not seek to impose on your hospitality." Tom said gently. "I cannot turn aside those in need, and..." he gestured with a wide hand to Kitsune, "a young maiden, frightened and bleeding, seemed to be in need."

2019-02-05, 08:13 AM
Fredrick's scowls at Reggie, but his face turns an even brighter shade of crimson when Imere announces her terms. He raises his hand awkwardly, and in a hesitant and hushed voice says into Imere's ear, "Eh, well you see, I don't actually own this arcade. I ugh, I just have the highest score on most of the machines... that was what I meant by my arcade."

He scratches the shaggy fur on his beard for a second then a wicked grin spreads across his thin lips. Now speaking to the audience in a louder and more confident voice, "However, I have a better idea! How about the loser of our competition, lets say best two out of three, and no Guile obviously... he's way overpowered. Anyways, the loser swears to destroy their rig!" Fred is of course referring to one's gaming rig, or more simply, one's desktop computer used for gaming. He grins at Imere evilly, and offers a hand to take to seal their agreement. He also turns a quick and triumphant glance in the direction of Reggie, and gives him a smug wink.

************************************************** ******

Annie's face turns pale when she hears Tom speak of the lizard-man. "What did you say?" she asks in a hushed and nervous voice. Not waiting for an answer, she rushes to her window to look out onto Magazine Street. The night is relatively quiet now, except for some jazz playing from a stereo in some far-off apartment.

Turning back from the window Annie says, "You met a Changeling named Typhon?" She curses, her insect eyes now seeming to glow with an inner fury. "Tell me you didn't lead him here." she says, looking angrily from Tom to Sebastian to Kitsune.

2019-02-05, 01:40 PM
'Do you even have a rig Freddy?' Reggy was enjoying himself, and he wasn't going to let a small thing like having no idea what a rig was spoil his good time.

2019-02-05, 09:07 PM
Sebastian eyes both Tom and Kitsune before responding.

“I did not see him, but I believe our path here was circumspect. If we were being followed...I would imagine any following us would suspect we were at a nearby arcade. As far as less mundane methods...I’m afraid I can’t say.”

The frown covers Sebastian’s face again, thinking over the name Typhon. He wasn’t sure if he had heard that previously.

“Also, did anyone tell me the name? It’s rife with imagery...all of it awful!”

2019-02-06, 01:40 AM
Tom shook his head slowly - almost methodically.

"I do not believe so. As Sebastian said, we did not take a...quick...route here. Why does the wyrmling frighten you so?" Tom asked carefully, black eyes narrowing suspiciously.

2019-02-06, 05:51 PM
Fredrick's scowls at Reggie, but his face turns an even brighter shade of crimson when Imere announces her terms. He raises his hand awkwardly, and in a hesitant and hushed voice says into Imere's ear, "Eh, well you see, I don't actually own this arcade. I ugh, I just have the highest score on most of the machines... that was what I meant by my arcade."

He scratches the shaggy fur on his beard for a second then a wicked grin spreads across his thin lips. Now speaking to the audience in a louder and more confident voice, "However, I have a better idea! How about the loser of our competition, lets say best two out of three, and no Guile obviously... he's way overpowered. Anyways, the loser swears to destroy their rig!" Fred is of course referring to one's gaming rig, or more simply, one's desktop computer used for gaming. He grins at Imere evilly, and offers a hand to take to seal their agreement. He also turns a quick and triumphant glance in the direction of Reggie, and gives him a smug wink.

'Do you even have a rig Freddy?' Reggy was enjoying himself, and he wasn't going to let a small thing like having no idea what a rig was spoil his good time.

StarPlan addressed the crowd, smile keeping steady. "So he doesn't have an arcade, he doesn't have a rig, my main character is banned, and I'm expected to destroy my rig if I lose," she spread her hands and looked over at Fred meaningfully. "We can do it your way if you want, Freddy, but I'm not sure if you'll like what happens."

The tone of voice made it clear that if he wanted to go down that path it wouldn't be a game anymore.

"I think we should keep it fun. Winner is the king of the Arcade, glorious to all! Sound good, my man?"

2019-02-07, 07:19 PM
Again Fredrick scowls at Reggie, then back to Imere.

StarPlan addressed the crowd, smile keeping steady. "So he doesn't have an arcade, he doesn't have a rig, my main character is banned, and I'm expected to destroy my rig if I lose,"

"Hey, I do have a rig," he squeaks though no one seems to hear or care.

"I think we should keep it fun. Winner is the king of the Arcade, glorious to all! Sound good, my man?"

The crowd of excited zombies claps and cheers Starplan's proposal, practically drowning out Freddy's grumbles. "I mean, it sounds like you are wussing out," Freddy says with no venom and no audience, "but fine, let's just play." He offers Imere a hand to shake on it, and says, "Winner is the king of the arcade."

When he gets the chance, Freddy turns to Reggy and mumbles, "Yeesh, what crawled up your butt?"

************************************************** ***************

Annie nods her head, not looking reassured. Eyes narrowed she says, "Somehow I'm not reassured." To Big Tom's question, she responds, "I've only ever heard of him. Typhon is like... supposed to be an Enforcer, like a NOLA Changeling undercover super cop or something, or like... a boogie man, as if we need another one of those."

She turns to Kitsune and says, "So I take it you want me to take you through the Hedge?" Her voice is tight and tired.

"Ya, I don't care where I go, but I have to get out of here." Kitsune says hurriedly. She throws her arms around Annie, a gesture that does not seem terribly appreciated.

"Fine," Annie says, using all six limbs to pry herself from Kitsune's embrace, "I'll get you out of this city, but I can't take all of you fools, just you Kitsune." She looks from Kitsune to the two other Changelings, clearly awaiting protestation. Kitsune looks at Tom and Sebastian apologetically, but says nothing.

2019-02-08, 08:10 PM
Sebastian furrows his brow in thought, considering the situation they’re now in. They need information since they’re remaining behind. He finally rips a page out of his notebook and proffers it.

“Alright...Kitsune needs to get out of here. We need to know what happened in case we get shoved in the thick of it. Here’s my proposal: Kitsune writes everything we need to know, and gives it to Annie. You two...bog off to wherever you need to escape to. When Annie returns...she gives me the paper. That work for everyone?”

2019-02-09, 04:45 AM
"You are escaping into the Hedge?" asked Tom with a scowl.

Shaking his head, the Ogre ran thick fingers through his dark hair and heaved a heavy sigh. "Miss Annie, if we have led Typhon to you, then you have my apologies. I will do what I can to rectify this situation. Would the lady..." he gestured to Kitsune after a moment, "Prefer an escort? I have spent more years in the Hedge than I would care to remember, but I would still offer my sword to ensure you get to your destination."

2019-02-09, 01:22 PM
“Alright...Kitsune needs to get out of here. We need to know what happened in case we get shoved in the thick of it. Here’s my proposal: Kitsune writes everything we need to know, and gives it to Annie. You two...bog off to wherever you need to escape to. When Annie returns...she gives me the paper. That work for everyone?”

Kitsune shakes her head, eyes forced shut as if in pain. "I can't do that to you or to Annie," she says as if she were admitting defeat, "I think this knowledge is just too dangerous." She bows her head, her short hair hiding her face and eyes, though a few muffled sobs can be heard. She holds this pose for a long moment as if in prayer, and in fact those closest can hear her whisper a quick "Hail Mary" under her breath.

Finally, Kitsune looks up and to both Sebastian and Tom she says, "Look. I can't say too much, but I think the Hallow's Eve Contract is not so innocent." There is venom on the tip of her tongue as she refers to the single most important contract held between the city of New Orleans and it's Lost Community, the contract that protects all Changelings from predation by the The Fae... and other strange things that walk the dark streets of The Big Easy. The very accusation is practically heretical! The Hallow's Eve Contract is the single reason that Changelings from all over the world flock to New Orleans, but there is something cold and certain in the fox's bloodshot eyes. "I'm not a hundred percent certain, but if I am right about what I overheard, The Hallow's Eve Contract must be stopped before it is renewed." Fear returns to Kitsune's complexion, and she grabs hold of one of Annie's real hands and says, "I need to get out of this city as soon as possible. I need to get out!"

She turns back to the two Changelings who accompanied her and says, "If you need to know more, I'd bet Wren Lamontagne can help. Thank you very much for your kindness." She releases Annie's hand and walks up to both men to give them a hug and a warm peck on the cheek. "I don't know if I would have survived tonight if it was not for your protection," she adds for good measure, "Don't tell anyone what happened tonight, and beware of Creed Louise. He's involved in all this somehow." Even though neither Changeling is a member of The Tumbledown Market Freehold, both Sebastian and Tom recognize that Creed is the current leader of the Tumble Down Market Freehold, or the King Merchant as they call him.

Would the lady..." he gestured to Kitsune after a moment, "Prefer an escort? I have spent more years in the Hedge than I would care to remember, but I would still offer my sword to ensure you get to your destination."

Kitsune looks on Tom with a forelorn gratitude, but before she can respond Annie says coldly, "NO! I cannot lead more than one Changeling out of this city. You cannot come."

Giving Tom a squeeze around his massive arm, Kitsune smirks and says, "Thank you though. That is very sweet."

2019-02-10, 11:35 PM
The crowd of excited zombies claps and cheers Starplan's proposal, practically drowning out Freddy's grumbles. "I mean, it sounds like you are wussing out," Freddy says with no venom and no audience, "but fine, let's just play." He offers Imere a hand to shake on it, and says, "Winner is the king of the arcade."

When he gets the chance, Freddy turns to Reggy and mumbles, "Yeesh, what crawled up your butt?"

"For the throne!" said StarPlan confidently, striding off to take the controls.

2019-02-11, 08:46 AM
Starplan's fans excitedly follow her and Freddy to the glowing console, brightly decorated with a picture of Ryu uppercutting Sagat.

The matches went better than Imere expected with neither Changeling resorting to their contracts and Imere actually winning the second match out of three. But ultimately Freddy was the victor, and Imere did enough not to totally lose face. Freddy cheered and danced and gloated after his win, announcing, "I guess I really am king of the arcade then! All hail the King!" His antics earned a few cheers, but more boos as many zombies turned away from the game with disinterest or to gather around Starplan.

Richard was right there when the match was over, clapping a hand on her shoulder and saying, "Wow Starplan, you did amazing! That was awesome to watch!" His cheeks were already turning cherry again.

2019-02-11, 03:19 PM
“Then our time is at an end. Good luck. I hope neither of you die. And...when you’re back, if you come back, I think I may buy a jacket.”

Sebastian turns to start back out. The farewells and departures could be handled by others. He wanted to think, especially about those names that were mentioned. They sounded familiar, but bore more investigation. When he was near the door, he waited for Tom, writing down the names clearly in his notebook.

I’m thinking to roll Intelligence + Politics for the names that I didn’t know? That would be 4 + -2 for the default:

10s - [roll1]

2019-02-12, 03:17 AM
Tom simply nodded in acquiescence, a quiet acknowledgement that he could be of no further assistance to Kitsune. With Sebastian preparing to pack up and leave, the Ogre shifted easily from foot to foot, glancing back the way he came towards the door with his dark eyes.

”Very well.” Tom muttered quietly. ”I wish you safe travels, my lady. Godspeed.”

2019-02-12, 11:09 AM
When he gets the chance, Freddy turns to Reggy and mumbles, "Yeesh, what crawled up your butt?"

'Nothing.' said Reggy with a grin and a wink 'You're thinking of someone else, that's someone else's durance. But I'm sorry if I offended you, your highness, I'm just enjoying myself.'

2019-02-12, 03:59 PM
Starplan's fans excitedly follow her and Freddy to the glowing console, brightly decorated with a picture of Ryu uppercutting Sagat.

The matches went better than Imere expected with neither Changeling resorting to their contracts and Imere actually winning the second match out of three. But ultimately Freddy was the victor, and Imere did enough not to totally lose face. Freddy cheered and danced and gloated after his win, announcing, "I guess I really am king of the arcade then! All hail the King!" His antics earned a few cheers, but more boos as many zombies turned away from the game with disinterest or to gather around Starplan.

Richard was right there when the match was over, clapping a hand on her shoulder and saying, "Wow Starplan, you did amazing! That was awesome to watch!" His cheeks were already turning cherry again.

"Hey, hey!" said Starplan. "No booing the King. He won fair and square and if you can't respect your opponent you can't respect yourself. And besides, don't get mad - get even!"

She shoved Richard towards the console. "Avenge me, my minions! Avenge your fallen queen!"

2019-02-12, 05:09 PM
Sebastian is pretty confident that Wren Lamontaigne is some sort of story telling Changeling in The Tumbledown Market, though he's never actually talked to her.

Annie makes sure she sees both Changeling out of the door, clearly not trusting them to remain in her presence. The storefront door locks shut behind them, leaving Tom and Sebastian out on Magazine Street in the night's scent of crushed wet flowers and ozone.

There is a sudden scuttle as a shadow darts down the nearest side street, but other than that Magazine street is empty. Upstairs Annie's apartment lights cast the street in a wash of yellow.

************************************************** ****

When he gets the chance, Freddy turns to Reggie and mumbles, "Yeesh, what crawled up your butt?"

'Nothing.' said Reggie with a grin and a wink 'You're thinking of someone else, that's someone else's durance. But I'm sorry if I offended you, your highness, I'm just enjoying myself.'

The bat-eared Changeling grins at Reggie, clearly mollified by the man's deference, even if it was sarcastic. "Well I'm not sure we've met before," he says with the same **** eating grin, "you may call me King Freddy, my humble subject." He makes a gesture as if inviting Reggie to kneel or bow.

This is interrupted when Richard, sweating and red in the face, stumbles into Freddy, nearly knocking him over. Voice quivering he says, "Ugh, I'm sorry. I think I have next." He then apologizes again, this time to Reggie. Freddy turns to Reggie as if to say 'should I?'

2019-02-13, 02:35 AM
It was the scuttling shadow that drew Tom’s attention, and he peered into the dark of the side street with a scowl on his face. The Ogre glanced to Sebastian, leaning in to whisper in the other changeling’s ear.

”I am going to ensure we were not followed, nor are we being observed. I am fearful what trouble we may have brought to Annie and Kitsune. I would not object to a second pair of eyes, but nor do I wish to put you in harm’s way.”

Gesturing idly to the side street, Tom slips a hand into the folks of his heavy jacket and grips the pommel of his blade tightly before making his way in the direction of that scuttling shadow.

When he arrives at the entrance, Tom scans the shadows, puffing up to his full immensity.

”Come out where I can see you.”

Wits 2 + Composure 3 for Perception


Strength 4 + Intimidation 4 to look physically terrifying.


2019-02-13, 11:08 AM
Reggy performs an elegant and well practiced bow, it Freddy thought it meant something then more fool him. Reggy had been born into a world where bowing to inbreds and lunatics had been bred into the bone, as natural as acknowledging a greeting 'As you wish, your most humble and excellent Majesty. I'm Reggy, thank you for welcoming me to your... arcade.' He had meant to say Kingdom, but the word died unformed on his tongue. The word had a special resonance for him.

When Richard interrupts and Freddy looks to Reggy for permission Reggy's smile grows. He was used to that, this might be Freddy's Kingdom but it was Reggy's conversation 'I think the king must defend his crown' he said drily and then, with a wicked grin he adds 'What does the king wager this time?'

2019-02-13, 05:41 PM
Sebastian whispers back, nodding.

“We need to find out before we get followed back.”

He draws himself up, nowhere near the imposing figure Tom is.

“We know something is there. Just come on out.”

2019-02-14, 09:03 AM
Big Tom and Sebastian rush after the figure that disappeared around the corner. When they round the bend, the darkly lit street is empty. It is a small side street between two store fronts, lined with a few malodorous dumpsters, and the debris of ages.

Following the side street out onto the next main road, there is still no sign of their fleeing target. Though there are a number of locked buildings, their storm shutters closed (long narrow swinging wooden shutters with slats used to protect windows from rain during storms; an architectural facet very common in New Orleans buildings), there is no clear door through which their target could have easily accessed and portaled through.

In fact, the only sign that anyone had been this way was the subtle scent of Glamour, in this case the smell of smokey bourbon and lilies that seemed to linger in the still evening air. A Changeling had been this way for sure, but no one moved that fast... Tom and Sebastian's shouts simply float out into the night air. The only response is someone playing piano in one of the second floor apartments nearby, despite the late hour.

************************************************** *********

Freddy grins widely as Reginald gives a well practiced bow, his lips curling up to expose pink gums and rows of needle-like teeth.

When Richard interrupts and Freddy looks to Reggy for permission Reggy's smile grows. He was used to that, this might be Freddy's Kingdom but it was Reggy's conversation 'I think the king must defend his crown' he said drily and then, with a wicked grin he adds 'What does the king wager this time?'

However, when Reggy mockingly brings up 'the king's wager', the changeling scowls and addressing Richard says, "Very well. I suppose I can play a few more rounds, but I'm not playing every damn zombie in this arcade just because Starplan says so." He turns his back to Reggy and throws a few more quarters into the machine.

Richard's face is now a flushed purple, illuminated by the character selection screen. He offers a quiet, "Sorry" that mostly comes out a mumble before reaching into his pocket to retrieve a few quarters as well. If Reggy sticks around to watch, it's a pretty bad drubbing, with Freddy not even taking damage in the second match, and Richard quickly flees the console.

2019-02-14, 11:53 AM
'So much for my ringer.' says Reggy, patting Freddy on the back in congratulations, deliberately 'patting' far too hard. It looked more like Reggy was trying to save a choking victim rather than congratulate a gamer. 'I think I need you in my wheelhouse. What... Guild are you with Freddy?

2019-02-14, 04:32 PM
StarPlan took a breather. She didn't have anything left on her to-do list for the evening, so she just mingled with her unliving horde. After a while she made the decision to text Sebastian.

> hey
> totes :plank-emoji:
> u need help?

2019-02-15, 08:50 AM
Freddy shrugs at the question, hands raised. "What do you mean," he asks, "like... The Krew?" His eyes narrow and he says, "I think I've seen you at a few Freehold meetings, right?"

2019-02-16, 09:19 AM
(OOC: Erulasto is sick and has asked me to move his character forward. I know Imere is waiting on Sebastian's text as well, if he has not responded by Monday, I will move this forward as well. Till then, here's just a little flavor that maybe ER can respond to).

Tom curses and punches a nearby wall so hard that flecks of shattered brick sprinkle to the ground. "Damn it! Which way did he go?" He fumes, looking to and fro in a vain search for whomever it was they were chasing. His face grim, he turns to Sebastian and asks, "Typhon?"

2019-02-16, 10:28 AM
Sebastian sighs as the text comes through and he looks visibly perplexed by what he sees when he takes out his phone and flips it open. After a moment he turns it towards Tom.

“Not this. This is more hieroglyphics from her. What does this mean? She needs a bag of wood? What is going on there?” [b]

He looks around at the empty street, listening in to the piano. He mentally categorizes the smell, in case it associates later with another changeling.

[b] “I will let her know we are on our way.”

For the next several moments, Sebastian labours over his three-letters-per-key response. In the end, Imere receives the following:

Dear Imere,

We have reunited the two friends. We are going to return to you now. Sincerely, Sebastian (and Tom)

2019-02-17, 08:53 PM
> :roflcopter-emoji:
> yea im done here cu soon

Starplan flipped her phone back into her pocket. "Hey Sir Humperdink, got the call. All's good, we're meeting up back at the house."

With the spotlight currently shifted to Freddy she was mostly free to make her way out. She told one or two of her zombie followers that she'd just gotten an important call and had to duck out just so that nobody freaked out and started a missing persons page and then she was on her way back to the house with the others.

2019-02-18, 08:20 AM
It is not long till the four Changelings have returned to their home on Annunciation Street. The house seems warm and inviting in the late evening gloom, the lights having been left on.

Tea has been served for those who are thirsty, and the four now sit in comfy chairs in the living room. Windows overlook the outside streets, and every door has been bolted shut. There is now a sense of security as the four discuss the evening's events, none yet ready to go to bed.

2019-02-18, 06:45 PM
"Nothing to report from my end other than that I apparently suck at Street Fighter," said Imere, massaging the wounds on her face closed. She was already shifting back to her ordinary angelic appearance. "You guys were doing the cool stuff, what's the haps?"

2019-02-19, 07:34 AM
Sebastian was already deep into his tea before he spoke up.

“We saw Kitsune off. Annie is a spider. She does make nice coats. The short story is that we were cautioned not to trust anyone in power, things might not be all that the seem with the treaties that keep New Orleans safe for us. We have a contact to speak to...Wren Lamontaigne... if we want to find out more. And...Typhon is a bad, bad changeling. Some sort of enforcer. I, for one, say we try to stay out of the whole affair. It’s not our fault she came from the mirror. We didn’t turn her over, so I say we are clean.”

2019-02-19, 08:02 AM
Tom chuckles at Sebastian's description of events, nodding his head in agreement. He adds on, "She said something about how The Hallow's Eve contract was bad too. She made it sound like it needs to be stopped, like it's not actually good, or something." The giant shrugs his shoulders, though there is a cunning, excited glint in the man's eyes. "The real question," he says grinning, "is if we are going to jump down this rabbit hole, so to speak; go find this Wren and get ourselves into some trouble?" He looks from Reggie, to Imere, and lastly to Sebastian, smiling like the cat that caught the canary.

2019-02-19, 11:23 AM
Reggy grins back at Tom 'You know me Tom, as long as it doesn't interfere with my work I'm always up for a little trouble.' He clicks his tongue a few times as he thinks 'We didn't turn her over, that doesn't mean we're clean Sebastian. Quite the opposite, I'd wager Typhon got all the blood he needed to prove the Fox was here. That puts us in rather bad standing with whomever she escaped from.' Reggy talks with his hands, they are constantly in motion as he speaks 'Here's the rub. We go digging deeper and we're bound to further annoy Typhon's master. Or the other hand if we investigate at least we can learn who we should be avoiding.' He cast his arms out to the group as if offering an embrace 'I will abide by your decision mt friends, but I say we pay Wren Lamontaigne a social visit.'

2019-02-20, 06:22 PM
Reggy grins back at Tom 'You know me Tom, as long as it doesn't interfere with my work I'm always up for a little trouble.' He clicks his tongue a few times as he thinks 'We didn't turn her over, that doesn't mean we're clean Sebastian. Quite the opposite, I'd wager Typhon got all the blood he needed to prove the Fox was here. That puts us in rather bad standing with whomever she escaped from.' Reggy talks with his hands, they are constantly in motion as he speaks 'Here's the rub. We go digging deeper and we're bound to further annoy Typhon's master. Or the other hand if we investigate at least we can learn who we should be avoiding.' He cast his arms out to the group as if offering an embrace 'I will abide by your decision mt friends, but I say we pay Wren Lamontaigne a social visit.'

"May as well," said Imere. idly "I mean, cut off the supply of screaming bloody chicks at the source, right?"

2019-02-21, 09:32 PM
“We could also leave well enough alone. If anyone does come asking we could just say we were startled and didn’t know what to do, and the person just ran away.”

Sebastian looks around imploringly at everyone else, hoping someone will see sense.

2019-02-23, 07:02 PM
Tom chuckles heartily and says, "Come now, where is your sense of adventure?" He slaps a dictionary sized hand on a tree trunk thigh before stopping to scratch his chin, and asks "So, does anyone know where we could find this Madame Lamontaigne?"

2019-02-24, 04:44 PM
“We could also leave well enough alone. If anyone does come asking we could just say we were startled and didn’t know what to do, and the person just ran away.”

Sebastian looks around imploringly at everyone else, hoping someone will see sense.

"I don't know what magical faerie hell dimension you went to, but it's my experience that pleading ignorance has a zero percent success rate," droned Imere.

Tom chuckles heartily and says, "Come now, where is your sense of adventure?" He slaps a dictionary sized hand on a tree trunk thigh before stopping to scratch his chin, and asks "So, does anyone know where we could find this Madame Lamontaigne?"

"Lemme see if she's on facebook," said Imere, pulling out her phone. "Madame Lamington you said? She Australian?"

2019-02-25, 07:55 AM
"Lemme see if she's on facebook," said Imere, pulling out her phone. "Madame Lamington you said? She Australian?"

Tom shrugs at the question offering, "Beats me."

On her laptop, Imere sees that there is no facebook account for Wren Lamontaigne and perhaps a little elbow grease will be needed to find out more about her.

(OOC: Please give me Wits + Computers)

2019-02-25, 03:47 PM
Sebastian shakes his head with a sense of world weariness. They were all going to be going off on...a quest. And he was going to be pulled along. He watched as the computer was used to try to seek out information.

“They are a storyteller, I know that much. Let me know when you decide what particular dragon’s throat you’re planning to jump down. I’ll be in my Hollow. I want to look up a few things about the Hallow’s Eve treaty in my library.”

He stalked off to his Hollow, leaving the door slightly ajar this time as to render it in reality in case he was needed.

I’d like to flex a little research muscle here on the treaty. I imagine given its importance my library would be a perfect place to research. How would you like me to situate my rolls? I’ll take however long the motley lets me work

2019-02-25, 04:08 PM
Sebastian shakes his head with a sense of world weariness. They were all going to be going off on...a quest. And he was going to be pulled along. He watched as the computer was used to try to seek out information.

“They are a storyteller, I know that much. Let me know when you decide what particular dragon’s throat you’re planning to jump down. I’ll be in my Hollow. I want to look up a few things about the Hallow’s Eve treaty in my library.”

He stalked off to his Hollow, leaving the door slightly ajar this time as to render it in reality in case he was needed.

I’d like to flex a little research muscle here on the treaty. I imagine given its importance my library would be a perfect place to research. How would you like me to situate my rolls? I’ll take however long the motley lets me work

"Oooo," sighed Imere, this being the meme these days. "Wouldn't that be nice? Falling down a dragon's throat?"

Tom shrugs at the question offering, "Beats me."

On her laptop, Imere sees that there is no facebook account for Wren Lamontaigne and perhaps a little elbow grease will be needed to find out more about her.

(OOC: Please give me Wits + Computers)


[4,2,4,1,4,8 - 1 success]

2019-02-25, 08:59 PM
Sifting through enough pictures on google images, Imere eventually comes across a portrait that seems to somehow fit the bill, immediately jumping to the changeling's attention. The photo is grainy, maybe taken from the camera of a flip phone, and the elderly lady seems unaware that she is being photographed. A sea of leathery wrinkles nearly hides two glowing blue eyes, and a floppy nose hangs down over a long wide mouth with thick cracked lips. The woman is hunched over, holding a steaming mug up to her long chin.

The photo is linked to an old travel blog by a username "ZenHippie62", specifically a post from a trip to New Orleans. ZenHippie describes a a strange Saturday afternoon, getting lost in a strange part of the French Quarter, and finding a strange "fortune teller" who would only ply her trade after offered tea for her sore throat. ZenHippie was left very shaken by the encounter, certain that she had met a ghost. The next day, she stealed herself to return to the rundown hut down some back alley of the French Quarter, but that the alley was gone.

2019-02-26, 01:03 PM
'That certainly sounds like our girl' says Reggy leaning over Imere's shoulder 'Good, I rather fancy stretching my legs. Anyone care to join me for a brisk stroll around the French Quarter?'

2019-02-26, 06:40 PM
'That certainly sounds like our girl' says Reggy leaning over Imere's shoulder 'Good, I rather fancy stretching my legs. Anyone care to join me for a brisk stroll around the French Quarter?'

"Yeah, let's go," said Imere. "Night's still young. You been out that way before, Sir Humphrey?"

2019-02-27, 07:49 AM
Tom looks confusedly at his companions before loosing a mighty yawn, so mighty that his breath can be smelled from across the room (what, did he just eat a raw onion?). "Don't you think it's a little late?" he chuckles, pointing at the grandfather clock, that has resumed its mechanical churning.

The clock indicates that it's nearly 3 am (OOC: The night's events started around midnight). He shrugs, "I'm sure the Tumbledown Market is running to some degree at this hour, but I doubt that little old lady you showed us on your computer is awake and working." He stands to join the others, and as he draws nearer, the onion breath does too, "I mean, I'll come with you. You two will need protection at the very least, but couldn't it wait till the morning." As Tom says this, you can see the heavy bags that have collected under his giant red rimmed eyes.

2019-02-27, 10:36 AM
Reggy arched an eyebrow 'Well if our fierce protector is too tired to be fierce I suppose we'd best await his convalescence.' There was an uneasy pit at the bottom of his stomach and an invisible energy buzzing in the air about them, this definitely felt like the beginning of an adventure. 'I won't be able to sleep at all tonight.' Reggy produced a little black book from his breast pocket and started flicking through it, there had to be at least one potential donor who'd be awake at this hour.

2019-02-27, 06:37 PM
"Urgh, you're right," said Imere. "Let's mulligan and try again tomorrow."

2019-02-28, 08:49 AM
(OOC: I'm giving all players a beat for the initiation of the story. This has been distributed to your character boxes on the first page.)

It wasn't till around 9am the next morning when every member of the Motley was up and ready to travel to the Tumbledown Market. As previously discussed, Sebastian chose to stay at home to perform research, which left Imere, Reggy, and Tom to travel out in the warm morning sun. Though there were many doors through which to portal in the Motley's house, none led directly to the Tumbledown Market, and so the group of Lost set off to The Blind Toucan, a nearby 24 hour tavern that had a portal in the women's restroom.

October brought comfortable weather to The Big Easy, where even September was often still too hot and humid. There was a light breeze on the air, and the grass outside the Motley home was sparkling with diamonds of dew from the prior night's rain. The trio walked out to Saint Charles, then down a few blocks till they came to the large colonial house that could have easily been ripped off the grounds of a plantation. The Blind Toucan was near empty, and no one seemed to pay any mind to the women and two men who traveled together into the women's restroom, and...

Imere, Reggy and Tom stepped out into a cluttered and darkly lit potion shop (OOC: Each lose a Glamour for portaling, this would have been necessary to get into the Tumbledown Market no matter what). Mr. Bone Jangles greeted the three with a toothless smile from his skeletal face with a "Welcome," and a tip of his straw hat. The three had entered the shop from what was normally a closet, though their appearance seemed not to bother the shop keeper. Standing at the register, Mr. Bone Jangles, a tall creature whose frame was so sparsely muscled that he looked like a leathery skeleton pointed out to the shop, which was cluttered with flask covered tables and said, "Can I interest any of you in one of my new concoctions?". Each glass container held a brightly colored liquid. Some bubbled, and some seemed to swirl with strange inner light, and the room smelled strongly of a thousand different flavors, like a Yankee Candle store if all the candles were lit at the same time. "I just developed a new formula for my famous Love Potion," Mr. Bone Jangles adds, his voice a high pitched New Orleans drawl, "it's sho' to get ya bedded."

Outside the shop, the changelings could hear the already frantic pulse of the Tumbledown Market. Changelings and goblins alike hawking their various wears, and street performers playing a brass version of "As the Saints Go Marching In".

************************************************** *****

While the others had left on their great adventure, Sebastian retired to his library. It was comforting to sit among the tall rows of ancient and modern books, each one lovingly created, read, itemized, and stored.

After taking a moment to enjoy the smell, the low light, and the peaceful quiet of his hideaway, Sebastian began sifting through shelves and gathering books that looked promising. It only took ten to fifteen minutes to gather a stack of books on his workbench, before Sebastian was scanning through texts at lightning speed. 'Who needs the internet?', he thought as he came upon a description of the city's Changeling History.

A quick overview described how the city's founders were plagued by a number of Faerie tormentors, several described in disturbing detail, as well as a number of stranger threats; hard to believe monsters, such as Vampires and Werewolves. However, at the height of World War 2, a group of the city's leaders formed the first Hallow's Eve Pact with the city itself. This was a good fifty years after the Tumbledown Market had begun expanding into the Hedge, and out to other cities in the real world, but right around the time that the Freehold of the Tumbledown Market, also known as the Freehold of Fair Coin was started. The first pledge takers included Elaine Beaudoin, the progenitor of the Fair Coin Freehold, Sirus Du'Lac of the Night Revelers, Carter Batka of the Kayoodle Krew, Sir Julien Mayfield of the Tribunal, and Arthur Pengrove of the Big Chiefs. The last name stood out for two reasons, one because Sebastian had never heard of this last Freehold, 'The Big Chiefs', and two because Sebastian knew of Arthur Pengrove. The batty old Changeling was still alive. He was a mischievious drunk who actually lived in the neighborhood. Sebastian remembered several Tribunal meetings in which the his fellows lamented about the sad state of good Mister Pengrove, whose love of the bottle had led the man to ruin.

A quick search brought up Mr. Pengrove's address, as well as his telephone number; a landline for sure, though who used landlines anymore.

(OOC: Sebastian earns a beat for the entire group, as well as the Informed (Hallow's Eve Contract) condition)

2019-03-01, 07:17 AM
The journey through his categorized, stable library made him feel much, much better about the night that had preceeded. Sebastian was more comfortable in this role of research than action. The curious details about the lost enclave and the erstwhile Pengrove made him wonder. What would account for an entire faction of changelings being no more? Surely even the fall of a leader to alcohol would not cause it. There would be someone there to take the reigna?

He finished collecting his notes, making sure he would have anything relevant to his research at hand, and then slipped his notebook back into his pocket. With a last look to make sure everything was secure, he went downstairs. He sat down in the kitchen and looked up the number for Arthur Pengrove and then taking out his own phone dialed the number.

2019-03-01, 08:24 AM
The phone rings...

... and rings...

...and rings till Sebastian is almost certain that no one will answer, not even a machine...

... then there is a click, followed by static. The static is cut by a voice, shaky and low like the wind through branches. "Hello?" Arthur Pengrove asks, his voice colored by surprise and possibly suspicion.

2019-03-01, 06:46 PM
Sebastian clears his throat. He was beginning to think this was a fruitless effort.

“Ah, Mr. Pengrove. I am Sebastian Rivers. May I talk to you about...well, to be frank, about the Hallow’s Eve treaties, your former faction, and anything else that may result of those two lines of questioning? I assure you, I represent no one else’s interest aside from my own. Your name came up in some research of mine.”

2019-03-02, 10:25 AM
There is a long pause filled only with static. "I'm sorry, but I cannot help you," Pengrove's voice slow and maybe slightly sad. He adds, "I think you must have the wrong number", rushing through the words before the line goes dead. Any further attempts to call Arthur Pengrove simply lead to the phone ringing endlessly, never even reaching an answering machine. At least Sebastian had his address...

2019-03-02, 10:55 PM
Sebastian frowns as the line goes dead. He was worried it was going to go this way. He stood up from his chair and got his bag, placing a few of the more important reference documents into it - making sure to include one with a reference to the other faction - and then put on his worn black blazer. Slinging the bag over his shoulder, he laboriously typed out a text message to all of his motley.

>Dear Friends,
>I am following up on a lead. I do not plan to be in danger. If I am, please come find me. I am going to meet Arthur Pengrove. I will take a photograph of the address to send to you. Good luck with your day.

He walked out of his hollow, making sure to secure it and the house before he departed, walking as much as he could to Arthur’s address.

2019-03-03, 02:05 PM
Sebastian steps out of the Motley's home, assaulted by the bright morning sun. He walked the few blocks down into the Garden District, the streets becoming wider and festooned with low hanging wisteria and crepe myrtle, lined with beautiful mansions guarded by wrought iron fences. This was the neighborhood of wealth and privilege that the Lagniape prided themselves on maintaining. Each property was filled with lush grass and manicured gardens. Every house Sebastian passed seemed to surpass the next in decadence, the beauty calling the lost back to his time on the other side of the Hedge.

Sebastian finally came to the house of Arthur Pengrove, its twisted and delapetated form contrasting heavily with the surrounding neighborhood. It was almost as if a rain cloud hung over the building; the sunlight simply seeming to flee the house's presence. The front lawn had regressed to turned up dirt and dying crabgrass. Boarded second floor windows looked down balefully at Sebastian, and the front porch was starting to warp and cant at a precarious angle. Even the cobblestone entrance was cracked and in disrepair. As if this was not uninviting enough, the property was surrounded by a high and inornate iron fence. The gate was closed, and though unlocked, Sebastian could predict the burning pain that would be caused by reaching out and touching the iron with his flesh.

2019-03-03, 08:48 PM
"I just developed a new formula for my famous Love Potion," Mr. Bone Jangles adds, his voice a high pitched New Orleans drawl, "it's sho' to get ya bedded."

Outside the shop, the changelings could hear the already frantic pulse of the Tumbledown Market. Changelings and goblins alike hawking their various wears, and street performers playing a brass version of "As the Saints Go Marching In".

************************************************** *****

"Love potion? I sweat it," said Imere, drawing herself up. "Are you fooling? Can you not already see that I am the fairest of them all? Do you think that there is a man or woman I could not bend around my finger and break over my knee? Do you doubt that I could break you if I set my mind to it, potion or no? Do you mean to give offense to me, sir?"

2019-03-04, 08:27 AM
Bonejangles chuckles, grinning to show a series of brown rotting teeth. "Sheeet," he says warmly, "I didn't mean anything by it honey. I'm just a man whose proud of his work." He steps out from behind his large wooden counter, and picks up a flask, the contents a viscous green fluid that smells something like salami. "This 'un here will help you chase some unwanted off, if that's more your need my dear." He gives Imere a roguish wink, and chuckles again.

2019-03-04, 09:40 AM
Reggy glared over Imere's shoulder, giving his best disapproving Officer look. 'She has the big fella and I for that. We're looking for someone, you got a potion for that?'

2019-03-04, 11:15 AM
Mr. Bonejangles chuckles again, this time a little uncomfortably. He shrugs his shoulders, raising his arms up as if to show he's harmless, and says, "My sincere apologies sir. I'm ain't sho' I have one of those." He scratches his chin with a long bony finger, and begins to busy himself by tidying up a group of flasks on a nearby table. Over his shoulder he says, "Well, just let me know if you need somethin'".

2019-03-04, 04:47 PM
Bonejangles chuckles, grinning to show a series of brown rotting teeth. "Sheeet," he says warmly, "I didn't mean anything by it honey. I'm just a man whose proud of his work." He steps out from behind his large wooden counter, and picks up a flask, the contents a viscous green fluid that smells something like salami. "This 'un here will help you chase some unwanted off, if that's more your need my dear." He gives Imere a roguish wink, and chuckles again.

Imere smiles in return to show she was just messing with him. It was impossible to tell without it - she was literally impossible to read. "Wren Lamontaigne," she said, keeping her eye open for any sign of deception in return.

2019-03-04, 05:00 PM
The store owner looks up from his work, and turns back to Imere. He scratches his chin and slowly says, "I take it that's who you're looking for, huh?" He wipes his long bony hands on his filthy white apron. "She's not hard to find, that 'un, but she don't talk too much. Way I hear it, the Fae made 'er tell stories till she had no voice anymo'."

Mr. Bonejangles shuffles over to a shelf and begins rummaging around with a number of flasks. "But I think I got something here that might help ya out." He returns with a cracked grey ceramic coffee mug. The moment its visible, the room is filled with the smell of peppermint and cloves, and some sort of suit fruit... maybe apples. "This 'ere is good fo' a bad throat. Mayhaps this 'ill get the ol' lady talkin'." He grins at Imere, holding the mug like out like a child at show and tell. Looking down into the mug, one could see that the dark brown liquid has small chunks of some white plant floating around inside.

2019-03-04, 09:42 PM
Sebastian swallowed hard and looked at the building, especially at its gate. He had come all this way seeking answers to what he hoped were the right questions. A little further, and a little pain couldn’t stop him. He wrapped the sleeve of his coat around his hand in an effort to stave off some of the discomfort, but barring that he simply tried to drive through the horrible iron as fast as he could.

Shaking from the contact, he moved towards the door. He reached out and knocked. And then waited, resolving to continue trying for a response.

2019-03-05, 07:53 AM
Sebastian reaches out, his hand covered in the wool fabric of his coat. He touches the iron gait, and moves to pull up the latch. At first he is relieved by the initial lack of pain, then a moment later the hard metal begins to burn his flesh. The changeling is forced to bite down on the pain and push through. The gait gives way with a loud whine that seems to echo in the open street, and by the time Sebastian stumbles through, his hands are bright red, cracked and blistering. The flesh along his right thumb even sticks to his coat, and Sebastian is forced to painfully separate it.

(OOC: Sebastian takes 1 lethal damage. Updated in your character box)

Still reeling form the pain, Sebastian climbs the creaking wooden stairs up to the warped porch. A floorboard nearly gives way under his foot, and Sebasitan is forced to perform an awkward shuffle to avoid plunging his foot through the rotting wood.

Sebastian's initial knocking merits no response... even though he is certain he can hear some shifting somewhere deep within the house. The door is wood. It looks like it was once painted a bright red, but the color is faded, cracked and peeling to reveal sickly pale wood underneath. Finally, after nearly five minutes of pounding and shouting, and pressing the doorbell, the door swings open.

The man standing at the door is stooped and frail. A moldy forest green bathrobe hangs wetly from slender bruised flesh. Rheumy brown eyes appraise Sebastian from behind heavy white brows, sunken into a a veiny skull. But the Lost man's Mein betrays flesh spider webbed with vines that wreath his forehead in a crown of faded yellow flowers. Thorns protrude at odd angles from the man's arthritic finger joints. One hand holds the door, the other, a near empty bottle of vodka. His flesh is a darker brown, cracked like the peeling bark of a birch tree. "You're the one who called before," he says with slurred, angry words. He seems to be teetering ever so slighty, the hand on the door clutching tight as if for support.

2019-03-05, 10:09 AM
Reggy deftly intercepts the mug on it's way between the owner and Imere 'What do you want for it?' he sniffs at it cautiously.

2019-03-05, 02:46 PM
Bonejangles' face twists up with rage, turning a cherry red. He howls, "Give dat back here boy. This is the Tumbledown! Ya' don't just go about grabbin' at dis and dat like a chil'" As Reggie bends forward to take a good whiff, Mr. Bonejangles pulls the mug back, it's content sloshing about; though Reggie is able to get a good whiff of it, and his nose immediately starts running like a faucet.

Mr. Bonejangles eyes Reggie suspiciously. Finally, in response to the Fairest's question, he says, "I'll trade it to you for a favor." He pauses, scratching his chin as if deep in thought for a moment, though judging by his grin it's probably clear he already knows what he's going to ask for. Turning to Imere, Mr. Bonejangles says, "You look like ya can bounce de Zydeco... I'll give ya' the potion if you will show me your best dance moves." The grin spreads to an excited smile, exposing his rotten teeth (more than a few missing), and spreading the coppery aroma of his breath. He then winks at Tom and Reggie and says, "Unless one of you has somethin' to show me."

Outside, the brass band finishes its first song and transitions into an instrumental version of 'Satisfaction' by the Rolling Stones, the horn introduction aggressive and immediately recognizable.

2019-03-06, 10:06 AM
Reggy grins, showing all his teeth 'That's suits us admirably, thank you.' He leaned over and, in a loud stage whisper, added 'Though I fear you will get less than you bargained for.' After all Imere spent an inordinate amount of time sat down.

2019-03-06, 05:23 PM
Bonejangles' face twists up with rage, turning a cherry red. He howls, "Give dat back here boy. This is the Tumbledown! Ya' don't just go about grabbin' at dis and dat like a chil'" As Reggie bends forward to take a good whiff, Mr. Bonejangles pulls the mug back, it's content sloshing about; though Reggie is able to get a good whiff of it, and his nose immediately starts running like a faucet.

Mr. Bonejangles eyes Reggie suspiciously. Finally, in response to the Fairest's question, he says, "I'll trade it to you for a favor." He pauses, scratching his chin as if deep in thought for a moment, though judging by his grin it's probably clear he already knows what he's going to ask for. Turning to Imere, Mr. Bonejangles says, "You look like ya can bounce de Zydeco... I'll give ya' the potion if you will show me your best dance moves." The grin spreads to an excited smile, exposing his rotten teeth (more than a few missing), and spreading the coppery aroma of his breath. He then winks at Tom and Reggie and says, "Unless one of you has somethin' to show me."

Outside, the brass band finishes its first song and transitions into an instrumental version of 'Satisfaction' by the Rolling Stones, the horn introduction aggressive and immediately recognizable.

"Dancing?" said Imere. "Behold, the finest of dancing!"

She was not, in fact, much of a dancer. But she knew her memes.

Behold: The finest of dancing (https://youtu.be/vsTxsbe6Om8)

[dexterity+expression: [roll0] ]

2019-03-06, 05:56 PM
Sebastian tried to look comfortable in the face of this new person. He nodded. “I am. I’d very much like to talk to you. It is...important, I think. I’m not sure we should say any more in the open like this.”

2019-03-07, 08:45 PM
Imere's dancing draws a big toothless grin from Mr. Bonejangles. He nods his head appreciatively while Imere continues, and when she finishes he says, "Alright, alright. Now that ain't somethin' I seen befoe'." He chuckles and with his free hand slaps his knee. After his moment of appreciation he sighs and says, "Well, I guess a deal is a deal. You showed me yo' moves so I guess I owe's you this elixer." He takes the mug with him back to his counter, where an over-sized cash register sits, unused. After rummaging around under the counter, Mr. Bonejangles withdraws a ziplock bag, and pours the brownish contents of the mug into the plastic, before zipping it up. Miraculously, not a drop is spilled as he transfers the potion, and the baggy seems to swell with the murky brownish contents.

"Here ya' go," Mr. Bonejangles says, taking his time as he comes back around the counter to hand the baggy to Imere. "Cheers honey," he says, just as Satisfaction is wrapping up outside.

************************************************** *****************

The elderly man takes a moment to look around suspiciously, one eyelid drooping close and his mouth slightly agape. Then his one eye narrows with suspicion, and seems to find Sebastian. "I don't suppose I can convince you to go away now, can I?" The question is apparently rhetorical, as he staggers around to stumble back into the house, leaving the door open to follow.

The house smells... bad; like mildew and rotten wood and dirt that has allowed to ferment in muddy puddles. The walls seem to warp uncomfortably, yielding to a weight they were never a match for, and layer after layer of wallpaper seems to be peeling, or even rotting with the warp. There is a hint of Glamour in the gloominess of Arthur Pengrove's home, and he leads the young wizened one into a living room filled with sagging stained couches, and a TV that is turned on but displays only a black screen. Finally, Mr. Pengrove turns back around, his vines and leaves drunkenly bobbing with his unsteady momentum. "So what is it?" he asks crabbily, plopping himself down into a nearby comfy chair, sending a cloud of dust up into the air.

(OOC: Please give me a Presence/Manipulation+ Persuasion roll in tandem with your IC response... that is unless Sebastian is about to lie...)

2019-03-10, 04:50 PM
"Thank you kindly," said Imere. "Where do we find Wren?"

2019-03-10, 06:13 PM
"Uh yea," the storekeeper says, "she's got a little shack at the end of Dutch Alley. Shouldn't be too hard to find." Bonejangles then proceeds to pull out a piece of printer paper that's stained with splotches of something dark brown, and draw out a map for Imere. "Best of luck to ya," he says as the group finally exits the shop, giving Imere one final wink and a near toothless grin.

Stepping outside the potion shop, the group is assaulted in all five senses. The sun shines brightly above the cobblestone street, which is nearly clogged with Lost, goblins, and some things far stranger, pushing past each other to get to various shops. Vendors shout at pedestrians, trying to hawk their wears. The street smells of fresh baked pastries, flowers, and the distinctly powerful aroma of goblin fruits. Pedestrians give no heed to the motley exiting the shop, though Reggy and Imere are afforded extra room by the massive shield of Big Tom's giant frame as he wades through the crowd.

Satisfaction is still blasting over the noise of the crowd, produced by a brass band made up of a hodgepodge of changelings, varying in size and shape, just like their impressive and foreign instruments. These are the Tumbledown Players, a group of Night Revelers famous for playing in the goblin market. As the motley passes, the band shifts to a slow and almost ominous sounding cover of The Arctic Monkeys' "Do I Wanna Know". The song almost becomes like a funeral dirge, and the band even falls in line behind the motley, creating a sort of impromptu Second Line (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jazz_funeral). The first band member in line is a tall and rotund man with dark green skin and cheeks and jowls that puff out like a frog's as he blows into a bronze instrument that looks like a mechanical ram's horn. He grins at any who look back at him, making eye contact as he blows hard into his instrument.

2019-03-10, 07:39 PM
Sebastian coughed from the dustiness as he followed the man into the room. He held his bag in front of him like a shield as Pengrove took a seat. He understood and he sympathized. He felt bad for bothering this man in his home. He knew how annoying it could be.

“It is the Hallow’s Eve treaty. Recent information has...forcibly come to me that it may not be quite what it seems. I...was hoping you might provide some perspective on the treaty. I do not wish to trouble you for long.”

Manipulation + Persuasion = 3 Dice = [roll0]
10s = [roll1]

2019-03-10, 08:44 PM
Something in Sebastian's words seem to trigger alarm bells in Arthur's mind. His eyes go wide revealing the yellowed whites, before narrowing down to near slits. His slack jaw begins to work, turning over and over till he finally pulls himself together and says, "Perspective? Ha! The Hallow's Eve Contract protects the lost in New Orleans. What more is there to talk about?" But there is a bitterness in his words bordering on spite. He folds his arms across his chest, appearing very small as he peers up at Sebastian from his sunken couch.

2019-03-11, 10:08 AM
Reggy whispered to the others, although that was hardly necessary with the music so loud 'We can't have this lot following us. Keep going, I'll stall them.'
He takes a moment to affix his best flattering grin and suddenly spins on his heel, blocking the path of the players 'My God boys you're good!' he doesn't know if they heard him and to a certain extent it didn't matter. When the leader moves to go around Reggy the old soldier isn't having any of it. He clasps the horn player by the shoulder and shook him, pinning him in place and allowing the rest of the Motley to disappear into the crowd 'I said YOU'RE GOOD! Can I book you?'

2019-03-11, 01:21 PM
When Reggie turns around the band comes to a sudden stop, though their music doesn't even falter for a second. The band even continues playing when Reggie disarms the horn player, whose froggy face registers a look of shock and disapproval. "Give me that," the frog man stammers in a deep throaty voice, though he makes no attempt to reach for the instrument. Satisfaction is now finishing up, the the froggy Changeling still has to yell over the noise of his band. He seems interested when Reggie mentions a gig, and he says, "What sort of an event you got?", wiping rubbery green hands together greedily.

2019-03-11, 02:17 PM
Sebastian tilts his head slightly. He wasn’t very good at talking to people, but he could occasionally get a decent read on them. And, Arthur certainly wasn’t making an attempt to hide this.

“It would seem quite a bit, based on the way you reacted. I just want to know the truth. Maybe I’m wrong, but I think you’d like to tell someone, too.”

2019-03-11, 09:03 PM
Pengrove brings the near empty bottle of vodka to his mouth, and with three long painful pulls, drains it. His arm falls back numbly, the bottle slipping from his fingers to rattle noisily to a stop on the ground as Arthur stares up at the ceiling, his eyes locked on nothing. "Trust me," he says slowly, "it's better if you don't know, and you can't stop it anyways." His breaths are ragged and raspy, and his bark-like skin is slick with perspiration. It is hot and stale in this dirty room, and the air feels both absent and heavy at the same time. All the blinds are pulled down to fight the bright sunlight outside. Sebastian can feel the sadness hanging over Pengrove, and it weighs heavily in this musty room.

2019-03-13, 07:00 AM
“I think I might be best able to judge that once I know. Keeping secrets can be unpleasant sometimes, and this has clearly been weighing upon you. Let me help bear the burden at least for a little while.”

He had noticed the other changelings affinity for the plants that were about and part of him. The lack of light could not be helping much.

“Would you like to go somewhere else to talk? Perhaps get a cup of coffee? Or at the very least might I open a shade to see my notes? Your side of the story deserves to be known.”

2019-03-13, 01:07 PM
'Lots and lots of wealthy mortals.' Reggy, with a smile and a flourish, bowed elegantly 'Sir Reginald Rupert Humphrey, at your service and your family's.' As he straightened his back he clapped his hands and launched into a practised sales pitch 'I work for a magical place. Not this kind of magic of course. It's a place where people who have nothing can get vital, even life-saving, medication.
'I, as part of a broad portfolio that might vaguely be called my job, spend many evenings filling very fancy rooms and halls with very fancy people... and marks.' He added the last with a deliberately heavy emphasis 'It depends on the venue of course, but I often need a band to... set the mood, if you will. Make them feel generous and happy. Or fat and stupid.'

2019-03-13, 08:39 PM
Arthur Pengrove looked up at Sebastian with eyes heavy with the weight of age and sadness. He sighs again, then lifts his head up from the couch. He coughs several times, the noise wet and harsh, then says, "You won't be letting up then, will you? Very well then. I'll make some coffee and we can talk." His body reanimates itself as he rises from the couch, pushing hard with his arms to lift himself out of the deep seated position with a grunt. Once risen, Pengrove sways unsteadily for several seconds before finding his balance. "We certainly can't talk about this **** in public," he says, the curse coming out smooth and casual, "How do you like your coffee?"

Pengrove leads Sebastian into the kitchen. The floor is cracked baby blue tile, speckled heavily with a layer of black mold that squishes underfoot. The room smells like long rotten food, and the dirty dishes that are piled high in the sink. The aged changeling begins filling a dirty tin pot with water and says, "You do know most anything I tell you will likely get ya killed." His eyes study Sebastian carefully, perhaps soberly for the first time during their encounter. Seeing that Sebastian is resolute, he finally says, "I don't want to live in this world anymore. I've seen too much, done too much... and maybe I'm just a little too crazy," he pauses for a moment to consider this, then adds, "or maybe I'm not crazy enough. Who knows?"

He removes a tub of instant coffee and opens it. The powdered grounds have somehow become fused, creating a solid block of powdery brown tar that Pengrove begins chipping at with a metal spoon. "So let's make a deal," Arthur Pengrove says over his shoulder as he works, "I'll tell you what I know, if you will agree to kill me. I know I'm too much of a coward to do it, so if I tell you what you want, when I am done, just kill me. Deal?" Pengrove doesn't even turn around to see Sebastian's reaction, and this is somehow worse. The old man just keeps chipping away at the solid brick of instant coffee, spooning freed chunks into a pair of ceramic mugs with unicorns painted on them.

************************************************** ***********************

Tom leads Imere away from Reggy and the band, the two disappear into the shuffle of the busy market. The froggy horn player looks at Reggy curiously. Then his eyes narrow and he motions to be given his instrument. Once the strange loop of brass is returned, he says "I won't say I ain't interested." He scratches at his bare scaly chin, which expands out with every croaking breath he takes. "I suppose I'd be interested in hearing what sort of a deal ya have to offer sir." His accent is not exactly New Orleans, though perhaps it all sounds the same to the Brit. The rest of the band finishes playing, and the group watches Reggy with suspicion and perhaps a hungry sort of greed, waiting to hear what the man has to say.

************************************************** ***********************

Tom leads the way through the crowd, his massive frame parting the swarm like the staff of Moses. The duo make their way to Dutch Alley and find Wren Lamontaigne's "shack". The twisted wooden structure looks like the cross of an old camping outhouse, and a fabled Witche's Hut. A wooden sign hangs over the gnarled brown door that painted with a crystal ball with three stars inside it. A smokey incense can be picked up from outside of the shack, perhaps the smell of baking cookies? Gingerbread?

Tom knocks on the door, then opens it without waiting for an answer. Inside sits Wren Lamontaigne, seated behind a large round table and working on a laptop. She initially appears to be a woman in her mid-forties, dark brown eyes and long greasy black hair. Her Mein however shows a woman who has been altered to fit the form of a lady-goose hybrid. Her dark brown eyes stare at Tom and Imere from behind a long yellow beak, and her head and long graceful neck are covered in downy white feathers.

A feathered hand reaches for a coffee mug that sits by her computer, and she drinks heavily from it. Placing the mug down, Wren says in a voice that is so hoarse and strained that it is barely audible, "Can I help you?"

2019-03-14, 10:12 AM
Reggy grins as if that was exactly the answer he expected 'Well that all depends what you want. Cold hard cash of course, it's for charity, lots of money flying around. I could break you off a piece but it's for a noble cause, I could only justify doing that if I felt donations went up.
'Or, if you've something more... esoteric in mind, I'm sure we can negotiate. You can ask around, Sir Reggy of the Krew, he'll do anything for the hospital, he's a real bleeding heart.'

2019-03-14, 11:17 AM
The froggy musician chuckles, and extends his free hand to shake. "The name's Jeremiah Ruffins," His grip is firm, almost competitive, "and we's Night Revelers, not Free Coiners. Cold hard cash is always a welcome payment for me and the boys." He grins at Reggy, his band peeping out from behind him.

2019-03-14, 11:47 AM
Reggy's smile grows wide and genuine as Jeremiah clamped down on his hand.
Although long forgotten it was once a popular myth in many parts of the world that Englishmen were supernaturally strong. This was because most interaction was with Officers or NCOs, whose culture of bone-crushing handshakes were alien in these foreign lands. Once upon a time an English Gentleman with a limp grip was a disgrace. And while Reggy was indeed a disgrace of a gentleman (And happily so) he still took pride in a firm grip.
He clamped down on Jeremiah's hand like he was a German Officer surrendering.
'I'm still dickering over the venue, I feel like I can beat her down a little more. Once I have though I'll have a date in a month or two, plenty of time for me to get everything lined up. How do I get hold of you?'

2019-03-16, 06:45 PM
With a grin, Ruffins removes a business card from his pocket, flourishing it like a magician removing a rabbit from a hat. As he hands it to Reggy, the band simultaneously plays a note as if to punctuate the transaction. The card tingles in Reggy's hand, like it is charged ever so slightly with Glamour. Jeremiah says, "Call us day or night, we perform anytime. Guaranteed to please! Music's so haaaat it will bring yo' mamma to her knees!" His speech has taken on the quality of a carnival barker, and he gives Reggy a big salesman's grin.

The card is all green and gold, with purple print in carnival letters, "Jeremiah and the Tumbledown Revelers". It provides a number and an email, written in gold. The card is captivatingly beautiful, and in some way makes Reggy harken back to his times in the maddeningly alluring Arcadia. "You call me when you's got a deal ready".

(OOC: If Reggy has more to say or do with the band, please go ahead, otherwise feel free to bring Reggy into the scene below)

************************************************** *************

Tom steps forward in front of Imere, still somehow playing the gallant protector despite the unassuming woman before them. The massive Ogre has to crouch low to fit within the hut. He says, "My name is Thomas Malory, and this is my companion Imere Tsul". He offers an uncomfortable bow, and upon rising says, "We seek one Wren Lamontaigne, would this be you?"

The woman opens up her mouth and starts to give an affirmative. However, something seems to catch in her throat and she is instead wracked by a fit of coughing. The noises make it sound like her throat is desert dry and swollen, and each cough is clearly painful. When the fit has passed, she simply nods her head in the affirmative.

Tom turns to Imere uncomfortably, as if to ask permission to bring up the potion.

2019-03-18, 11:59 AM
OOC: I'm good to move onto the next scene

Reggy made quick work of the crowd. He read the shifting patterns of people like an open book and danced between them artfully. He wouldn't have made much better time if people had cleared a path for him.

Tom was easy to pick out of a crowd and it wasn't long before he caught the others up. He arrived just as Tom asked the old women her name, he stops alongside the others, announcing the group as his own, but doesn't say anything, waiting on (Hopefully) Wren Lamontaigne's response.

2019-03-18, 07:44 PM
Wren finishes her coughing fit as Reggy enters. She nods at his introduction, then points to her throat and pantomimes choking with one bony hand wrapped around her neck. She offers up one last series of spent and pathetic coughs, clearly unable to get any further words out.

Instead, Wren Lamontaigne raises her hands up to her ears in a questioning sort of gesture, inviting the newcomers to speak.

2019-03-18, 08:14 PM
Sebastian looked puzzled for a moment and then finally nods. He seemed rather unfazed by the thought, miraculously so given what he has been asked to do.

“That seems fair.”

He straightened his notebook, pen ready to annotate the man’s words, looking like an eager student.

In fairness, I feel I should roll something for subterfuge. He’s going to engage in some bending of the truth. If you want me to lay out what he will be planning, I’m happy to so you can ask for more specific rolls.

Manipulation + Subterfuge = 2+0
Spending Willpower to Add 3
Taking Penalty for defaulting -2 (I think)

10s - [roll1]