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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Class First of the new: Sage of the Blade

2018-11-29, 11:00 AM
Important preface: I will within the next week or so post about half a dozen Classes a Friend of mine and I made for a Setting we are building together.
This is important as I dont care if the Classes we make for it are balanced with "normal Classes" as much as that they work and are balanced In Setting.

To help you help me some general Info:
The Setting has no "regular" Clerics, only my Variant of the Favoured Soul (generally a slight buff with more choices on what they get instead of flat Elemental Resistance and wings), a new Class coming up, and Adepts.
Druids and Wizards are modified in that they either have all the Stuff they normally do but cast spontaneusly from a small amount of Spells and must decide which other feature they progress fully, and which at -5 Level (Druid) or are heavily reliant on having large Libraries at hand or be severely less flexible (Wizards).

There are no Regular Rogues, Fighters, Rangers etc, ergo the Base point of Balance for Low Casters/Martials is the classes I post, not anything core.
Unless specifically mentioned here, Base Classes do not exist. As for Prestige CLasses, we are stilld ebating which ones to include, but the classic Theurge, the PF Dragon Disciple and other Iconics are most likely "in".

Spells and Feats are going to be Pathfinder unless some few 3.5 ones are imported (that is not yet done).

That all said: Please critique all my posted CLasses hard and honestly (and ideally with good suggestions on how to correct problems), thank you!

Follower of the Path of the Sword/Sanctioned Cutters/ Sages of the Blade (Trademarked^^)

are a strange breed of Martial. They only ever wield Swords, venerate the Sword as some form of Enlightenment (which at least to them, it IS), and at the same time often hate the fact that their mastery forces them to demonstrate it again and again.

Alignment: Sages of the Blade can be of any alignment, although the most numerous are Lawful neutral and Chaotic neutral (as either following a very strict code in all they do, or refusing ALL codes as something that can be cut anyway).

Role: They Sages of the BLade excel at dealing damage, obviously. However less expected are their abilities to cut more metaphorical things, which also makes them quite good counters to many a caster.
What they are not is versatile. They excel at their niche and can do little else.

Relation to other CLasses: Followers of the Path show barely concealed contempt to "inferior" AMrtials (which in their eyes are all other ways of fighting without magic), and have little patience with religious Types, but massively value Wizards and other "support Casters", as they can do what they cant, and so perfectly align. Personal opinions on that may of course vary, but the trend is clear.

The only sanctioned action is to cut.

Metis Sword manual (yes, the Insipration came from 2 Online Sources in particular^^)


HD: D8

Saves: All High

BAB: High

Weapon Prof: All Swords. Ever. Nothing else (cannot GAIN other Weapon proficiencies except through Multiclassing, See below)

Armor Prof: Light Armor, medium Armor. No Shields.

Skillpts: 4+ Int Mod

Class Skills: Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Knowledge (Martial Traditions, Arcane and one more), Perception, Sense Motive.

Bonus Feats: All Feats that grant Weapon Focus/Specialization, improved Critical with any Sword as well as Combat Maneuver Feats are valid Bonus Feat Choices (applies to the Bonus Feats gained at Levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15).

Multiclassing: If a Sage of the Blade ever multiclasses with another class that grants wepon proficiencies, he either does not gain these, or after taking that Level, may no longer progress in Sage of the Blade.

Chosen of the 4

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save





Sanctioned Cut 1, SotB Dodge Bonus 1





Improved Initiative





Sanctioned Cut 2, Bonus Feat





Cut Weapons, SotB Dodge Bonus 2





Sharper Edge





Speed of Thought, Bonus Feat





Flurry of Cuts, SotB Dodge Bonus 3





Sanctioned Cut 3





Cut Magic, Bonus Feat





SotB Dodge Bonus +4





Sanctioned Cut 4





Cut the Soul





Final Sanctioned Cut





Sword Barrier





Storm of Swords





Cut Time





Sword Supremacy





Sword Saint





Cut Fate





Sword of the Soul, Soul of the Sowrd

Sanctioned Cut: A scaling "bonus set" that, of course, only applies while wielding a Sword.
Level 1 ignores 1 point of DR per Level in this class, unless its DR/Epic/Mythic.
Level 2 adds 1d4 additional Damage Dice per 2 Levels of this class.
Level 3 increases the Critical Range of Swords wielded by 1 (stacks with everything) per 10 Levels of this class
Level 4 Increases the Critical Multiplier of all wielded Swords by 1.
Final Sanction allows to wound beings immune to slashing damage normally, and allows to land critical hits with swords against beings immune to critical hits.

Speed of Thought: Gains + Highest Mental Attribute Bonus to Initiative while wielding a Sword. Increases to 2* Highest Mental Attribute Bonus at Level 19.

Cut Weapons: Each time a cut is parried, or you succesfully attempt a sundering of any weapon, the parrying/Hit weapon is destroyed unless its wielder also has Levels in this class or the Weapon is an Artifact. This ignores regular Hardness and Hitpoints entirely.

Cut Magic: Each time a target is hit, remove 1d3 magical effects from it. If a spell targetting the Cutter is succesfully identified by him, he may make an attack roll. If that roll surpasses the Spells DC; it is sliced in two (and countered). At Level 17 this also applies to AoE Spells that would ALSO affect the Sage of the Blade.

Cut the Soul: May 1time/Day per 7 Levels make an attack that directly cuts the soul of a target. THis is a single melee attack made with the full Attack Bonus of the Sage. Only targets without a soul are immune to this attack, everyon else must pass a Will Save vs. the Sages attack roll, or have its soul removed from its body (almost any being dies through that!).

Cut Time: The sage makes an attack roll. For every full 12 pts of the result, he may take one more standard or Move action this turn. This ability can be used up to highest mental attribute Bonus+1 times/day.

Cut Fate: You can negate any one fated (eg otherwise unavoidable) event targetting you of which you are aware if your attack roll surpasses its Fate score (DM Decision, but usually they range from 10 to 35 for weak to terrible Fates). This ability can be used once per day.
Examples: Death due to your time being up, a meteor striking your Hotel, a Gods direct Intervention, a Wish wishing you into the negative Energy plane,etc.

Sword Barrier While Wielding a Sword, a SotB gains twice the Attack Bonus sacrificed while fighting defensively. Additionally, if wielding a Sword with a bond to them (be it their Soul BLade, see below, or an heirloom or just the same blade they ALWAYS use) they add 1/3 their Level in SotB as Deflection Bonus to their AC while fighting Defensively.

Storm of Swords: You may now, as a full round action, make up to twice as many attacks as your BAB would allow. For each additional attack, the Attack bonus of all Attacks is reduced by 1. This replaces Flurry of Swords.

Sword Supremacy: Every Sword the Sage of the Blade has, in his life, wielded for more than 3 consecutive Days, gains all the Bonuses of the Weapon Focus and Weapon Speciality lines a fighetr of the same Level could qualify for while wielded by him. In addition, whenever facing enemies wielding swords themselves, he adds +1/2 his Level to all Combat Maneuvers made against them unless they also are Sages of the lade.

Sword Saint: You have achieved immortality through the Sword.
You do not age physically any longer (though existing penalties still apply), all your physical stats increase by 2, and you become immune to any poisons and Diseases as well as the Dazed, Fatigued and Exausted Conditions.

Soul opf the Sword, Sword of the Soul: Your Soul is a Sword, and your Sword has a Soul.
You gain Spell Resistance 16 + your Class Level and become immune to any and all Mind affecting Abilities that are not used by very close friends, and your favoured Blade becomes an intelligent Item eternally bound to you (usual rules apply, in addition it gains 2 SLA`s and +3 fitting enhancement bonuses, which may put it above the usual +10 Limit). Only one weapon can be your Soul Blade, and if it is ever stolen, you know in which direction and distance it is (if on the same plane). It cannot be destroyed while you are alive, and you cannot be disarmed while conscious.


If using PoW/ToB Classes, the Cutter also gains slow Maneuver progression (meaning he starts off with 3 Maneuvers and one stance known and 2 maneuvers prepared and gains another maneuver every 3 Levels, beginning with Level 4, and a new Stance at Levels 6, 11, 17 and 20).
He gains one additional maneuver readied at Levels 3, 8, 14 and 20.

Recovery method: If he only uses his Regular Attack (no active Special abilities of this class either) he regains use of one spent maneuver.

If not using PoW/ToB Classes, he gains the abovementioned Bonus Feats.