View Full Version : adventure league. Can you modify things ?

2018-11-29, 12:56 PM
My question is really for weapons normal and magic items in adventure league content modules.

1. Can you changed a fail or mace to be 1d8
Damage instead of 1d6.

2. Can you change longsword flametingue etc into X type of weapon

2018-11-29, 01:20 PM
My question is really for weapons normal and magic items in adventure league content modules.

1. Can you changed a fail or mace to be 1d8
Damage instead of 1d6.

2. Can you change longsword flametingue etc into X type of weapon

No. That would be house ruling.

If you receive an item you need to play that item as described. In some cases awarded items can have certain attributes chosen (such as buying a +1 weapon from the Evergreen List).

If you wanted, you could reskin a given weapon - like calling a warhammer a mace, but for all intents and purposes it would be the base weapon for purposes of damage dice, necessary proficiencies, etc.

2018-11-29, 01:33 PM
One thing that IS legal in Adventure League is reskinning anything for your character to be whatever you want, so long as it doesn't affect any mechanics.

So if you want to reflavor that flail (a 1d8) to simply be a fancy ball on a stick (mace) and still deal 1d8 damage, you can do that. If you want to reflavor your Warforged as being an actual robot that "repairs" with hit die and powers its healing subroutines via the same energy that causes healing in living players, you can do that.

2018-11-29, 02:11 PM
A DM may not change the Adventure League treasure items.

So if the module contains a Longsword Flametongue, then the players at the table unlock a Longsword Flametongue. Any player may purchase the Longsword Flametongue once they have enough treasure points.