View Full Version : Roleplaying Roleplaying an Oath of Vengeance Paladin in Curse of Strahd

Waifu Collector
2018-11-29, 07:05 PM
I知 replacing my cleric with a paladin of Vengeance in this CoS game I知 playing. His whole story is that a vampire murdered his wife and kidnapped his child, so he痴 set off to Barovia.

I知 here to ask for roleplaying tips for a Paladin of Vengeance. How should my character act? Has anyone does this in the past? If so, what situations would I be in that I should consider?

2018-11-29, 07:45 PM
Your Oath influences your actions, not your attitude about them.

You could be Batman on a bad day. You could be the main character from the movie Taken. You could be a Film Noir protag all about melancholy in a dark world. You could also be a nice, fatherly middle-aged man who likes to help other reach their full potential, kind of the D&D version of Mister Roger, and who just happen to be on a mission of unbreakable vengeance to save his family (including getting enough money to bring back his wife once he's out of Barovia).

2018-11-29, 07:56 PM
At the end of CoS, my hill dwarf life cleric of Sune wanted Strahd's blood. He caused just so much havoc in our plans in game, popped in and out at the worst times, split the party up with offers of this or that. I really enjoyed killing him, so out of character

So if its an OoV paladin, become obsessed with destroying him. Come close to breaking all the laws. It is a great campaign and his is such a great villain.

CoS really throws in the gauntlet with social interactions and dilemmas that party has to endure, I think playing a paladin will be a fantastic challenge trying to adhere to your oath. At first you may have thick skin, but at the end you'll be coming apart.


2018-11-30, 09:47 AM
Just remember, for CoS, it's actually Devotion that's optimized for taking Strahd out.

And I like Ancients best overall, as CoS ends at level 10, more or less.