View Full Version : Rules Q&A About Granted Domains

2018-11-29, 07:29 PM
Hello guys.

When I read about granted domains for not-cleric classes, the only entry I was able to found was in Complete Divine :

If a noncleric enters a prestige class that allows access to a domain, the character still gains access to the domain. She can use the granted power bestowed by the domain normally. If she memorizes spells like a druid, paladin, or ranger, then she can simply choose to memorize one of that domain’s spells instead of one of her usual spells, but never more than one domain spell of each level. If she is a spellcaster who keeps a spellbook as a wizard does, then she must find or purchase a scroll of that spell and pay the usual price to scribe the spell into her spellbook. In cases where the spell is only divine the wizard may scribe a divine scroll into his book. The wizard then may memorize one domain spell of each level each day. If the noncleric is a spontaneous caster like a sorcerer or favored soul, then she may select a domain spell to add to her spells known whenever she would have an option to choose a new known spell. A sorcerer does not get to exceed his normal limit of spells known. Once the domain spell is known, the sorcerer may cast it freely. Unless the prestige class specifies otherwise, such spells are considered arcane spells when cast by arcane spellcasters.

My question is :
- We know for casters with restricted spell list that must choose each day what to cast (rangers, druid, paladin)
- We know for casters with non-restricted spell list that must choose each day and learn spells (wizards, archivists)
- We know for casters with restricted spell list they must choose (likee, sorcerer or favored soul)

But what about beguiler or warmage for instance ? These can cast all the spells on their spell list. So how does it works for them ? Did any of you have some reliable source to answer this ?

Thanks !

2018-11-29, 08:49 PM
I've been looking for a rules citation, but can't find any. I thought it was mentioned in the FAQ, but I can't find anything.

My interpretation would be that a Beguiler, Warmage or Dread Necro who gains a domain could cast one spell from the domain of each level he has access to, once per day each.

2018-11-29, 08:56 PM
A much more restrictive ruling would be that a Warmage / Beguiler / Dread Necro is just a Sorcerer with more initial spells known and fewer opportunities to learn new spells... but with such opportunities, so that's how you get the Domain spells. You can pick them up with your Advanced Learning feature.

This is significantly restrictive and not how I play it, but it's a valid interpretation.

2018-11-29, 10:25 PM
Warmages and other fixed list casters know all the spells available to them. Therefore, when a granted domain makes more spells available to them, they learn those spells as well. People have suggested alternate readings, but those readings are not consistent with the specific language of the class WRT spells known, or the language of Advanced Learning.

Doctor Awkward
2018-11-29, 11:12 PM
If the noncleric is a spontaneous caster like a sorcerer or favored soul, then she may select a domain spell to add to her spells known whenever she would have an option to choose a new known spell. A sorcerer does not get to exceed his normal limit of spells known. Once the domain spell is known, the sorcerer may cast it freely.

Warmages, Beguilers, and Dread Necromancers are all spontaneous casters. Thus if they have access to a domain they may choose one of the domain spells to add to their spells known whenever they gain a new spell. After that, they may cast that spell freely.

2018-11-30, 07:38 AM
So, as for now I've the followings answers:

My interpretation would be that a Beguiler, Warmage or Dread Necro who gains a domain could cast one spell from the domain of each level he has access to, once per day each.

=> So it would work as it works for paladins and druids ? Could be, as Warmage/Beguiler/Dread is some melting pot between Druids and Sorcerers. But i dunnow.

Warmages and other fixed list casters know all the spells available to them. Therefore, when a granted domain makes more spells available to them, they learn those spells as well. People have suggested alternate readings, but those readings are not consistent with the specific language of the class WRT spells known, or the language of Advanced Learning

=> I will take the example of a Warmage in this case.

Spells: A warmage casts arcane spells (the same type of spells available to sorcerers and wizards), which are drawn from the warmage spell list given below. He can cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time the way a cleric or wizard must. When a warmage gains access to a new level of spells, he automatically knows all the spells for that level listed on the warmage's spell list. Essentially, his spell list is the same as his spells known list. Warmages also have the option of adding to their existing spell list through their advanced learning ability as they increase in level.
Unlike a cleric or a wizard, a warmage need not prepare his spells in advance. He can cast any spell he knows at any time, assuming he has not yet used up his spells per day for that spell level.

Advanced Learning (Ex): At 3rd, 6th, 11th, and 16th level, a warmage can add a new spell to his list, representing the result of personal study and experimentation. The spell must be a wizard spell of the evocation school, and of a level no higher than that of the highest-level spell the warmage already knows. Once a new spell is selected, it is forever added to that warmage's spell list and can be cast just like any other spell on the warmage's list.

=> As we can see, Advanced Learning specifically said that there are restrictions to which spell a warmage can select with advanced learning. So we can point out an incoherence there. But by the way, a sorcerer which choose new spells must choose in sorcerer's list... but can choose a domain spell instead. So it could be the same here. I dunnow.

=> The description for spells isn't really clear. It states the warmage can cast all spells he know, but also states sometimes that this apply only for the warmage spell's list. Advanced learning said specifically the same thing, stating that the spell selected for advanced learning is added to the warmage spelllist.

=> There is so unclear things about this, but I tend to incline to the fact that it functions as Doctor said. But it is not explicitely stated, sadly. The best would be to have an errata about this. The people on many build tend to incline same as you Cosi, but I know that most build are based on "leaks" in rules in order to optimize, so I would prefer an official errata :/

Warmages, Beguilers, and Dread Necromancers are all spontaneous casters. Thus if they have access to a domain they may choose one of the domain spells to add to their spells known whenever they gain a new spell. After that, they may cast that spell freely.

=> So in this case, the spontaneous caster would have the opportunity to learn one of the domains spells only when he gains an "Advanced Learning". Seems maybe logic, as it states explicitly that the domain spell will then be added to "the spells known", and so probably wasn't known before. In this case, a domain just give more options for choosing a new spell during an Advanced Learning.