View Full Version : Optimization Character Sheet for an NC17++ rated game.

2018-11-30, 10:20 AM
As per title,
is there such a thing?

You may ask "why would you need something like that?"
Honestly? I don't know. But i'd like to know if such a thing exists.
Or maybe another kind of sheet that someone find it to suit this need.

Thnx for your time.

2018-11-30, 10:53 AM
I honestly don't know how it would be any different than the standard sheet.

2018-11-30, 10:59 AM
I vaguely remember giggling over some kind of terrible supplement for erotic rules during the d20 days of 3.5, so it probably exists to some degree if you aren't too worried about the version of d&d

2018-11-30, 11:09 AM
I'm with Mellack on this one. If you feel you absolutely must list your character's anal circumference or something on your sheet, there's the description section even on the standard sheet in PHB. It won't burst into flames just because you put non-kid friendly stuff in there.

I think.

If you mean something like online sheet with NSFW artwork, you can use Mythweavers, set the sheet as private and give access only to the people you want to share it with. I'd think other sites with online sheet provide similar functions, but I've never felt the need to check that.

2018-11-30, 11:12 AM
Depending on your play style, I'd recommend lamination.

2018-11-30, 11:15 AM
I can't think of much you would add for such a game. Maybe some more "social" and physical skills, if you catch my drift

Definitely makes the Athletics, Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, and Performance skills seem a bit... different.

2018-11-30, 11:39 AM
I'm with Mellack on this one. If you feel you absolutely must list your character's anal circumference or something on your sheet, there's the description section even on the standard sheet in PHB. It won't burst into flames just because you put non-kid friendly stuff in there.

I think.

If you mean something like online sheet with NSFW artwork, you can use Mythweavers, set the sheet as private and give access only to the people you want to share it with. I'd think other sites with online sheet provide similar functions, but I've never felt the need to check that.

I came here to suggest just using F4TAL character sheets.

2018-11-30, 01:25 PM
I vaguely remember giggling over some kind of terrible supplement for erotic rules during the d20 days of 3.5, so it probably exists to some degree if you aren't too worried about the version of d&d

What you are thinking of is called The Book of Erotic Fantasy

2018-11-30, 01:26 PM
I honestly don't know how it would be any different than the standard sheet.

Might be laminated?

2018-11-30, 01:54 PM
Depending on your play style, I'd recommend lamination.

Might be laminated? Great minds think alike.

I'd suggest finding a different RPG... there are thousands out there ... do a bit of digging I think you'll find a few that might fit that approach to an RPG ... just an idea.

2018-11-30, 01:58 PM
I vaguely remember giggling over some kind of terrible supplement for erotic rules during the d20 days of 3.5, so it probably exists to some degree if you aren't too worried about the version of d&d

There was also one of those for Exalted, but then again that is kind of expected with the OWOD guys.

Oh the stories of Dragoncon and Gencon with Alan, Justin, and Conrad and the guys... good times.

2018-11-30, 03:23 PM
I'm not looking for something in particular.
I'm just curious if somehting like this exist.
In the game we are at the moment, we use no rules.
We just story the characters (mis)deeds.

I just wondered if there is a sheet that looks nicer than the standard "fill the gap" material.
Maybe some artwork or something.

I'll keep looking for a while..

2018-11-30, 03:54 PM
I'm not looking for something in particular.
I'm just curious if somehting like this exist.
In the game we are at the moment, we use no rules.
We just story the characters (mis)deeds.

I just wondered if there is a sheet that looks nicer than the standard "fill the gap" material.
Maybe some artwork or something.

I'll keep looking for a while..

I'm not even sure what you're asking for here. ??? What would this theoretical sheet have that isnt on the standard one? and if you're not even using the rules of the game...can you even call it D&D? If your asking for a generic fantasy RP character sheet with no mention of rules/mechanics. Then you want a big piece of paper with alot of white space and somewhere to put your name.

2018-11-30, 04:05 PM
I can tell you all for a fact that there is an erotic homebrew for fifth edition. How do I know? ...don't worry about it.

2018-11-30, 04:25 PM
You mean these, right? (https://geekandsundry.com/play-dnd-in-equestria-with-these-my-little-pony-character-sheets/)

2018-11-30, 04:28 PM
I can tell you all for a fact that there is an erotic homebrew for fifth edition. How do I know? ...don't worry about it.

Because you're the author? Well, the name kinda fits...

Sorry, just reminded me of a youtube rant about potatoes in medieval fantasy games, with the sentence "Even Kingdom Come: Deliverance has no potatoes, but then some cheeky fu**er modded them into the game. It was me!"

Mad Nomad
2018-11-30, 05:04 PM
I'm not looking for something in particular.
I'm just curious if somehting like this exist.
In the game we are at the moment, we use no rules.
We just story the characters (mis)deeds.

I just wondered if there is a sheet that looks nicer than the standard "fill the gap" material.
Maybe some artwork or something.

I'll keep looking for a while..

So you just sit around and tell dirty stories to each other?

Why do you need character sheets if there are no rules? How do you know what type of character sheets you need? Is it even based on a D20 system, or completely freeform? Do you have attributes or skills, and if so, what type?

I are confused...

You might be better off just throwing something together in an Excel spreadsheet, if you're serious about wanting custom character sheets.

2018-11-30, 05:40 PM
You mean these, right? (https://geekandsundry.com/play-dnd-in-equestria-with-these-my-little-pony-character-sheets/)
You monster.

Just retitle the character sheet "Dungeons and Bad Dragons".

2018-11-30, 06:31 PM
Because you're the author? Well, the name kinda fits...

Sorry, just reminded me of a youtube rant about potatoes in medieval fantasy games, with the sentence "Even Kingdom Come: Deliverance has no potatoes, but then some cheeky fu**er modded them into the game. It was me!"

I... can neither confirm or deny this, at least, not without speaking to my lawyers,

2018-11-30, 10:16 PM

2018-12-01, 12:18 AM

What is this, a meme for ants?

2018-12-01, 01:43 AM
What is this, a meme for ants?
Nah just people with really good eye sight


2018-12-01, 08:33 AM
I came here to suggest just using F4TAL character sheets.

Having actually looked over the FATAL character sheet, it's far too complex to be reasonable here.

The rest of this post has very little to do with the OP's request, and is mostly pondering.

On the other hand '18 rated' D&D is a decent idea, although you have the problem of having to decide if you want to deal with it maturely (in which case our book is mostly a discussion of sex and romance plus related topics with few actual rules), or immaturely (and we can see plenty of examples of that). The Book of Erotic Fantasy was a good attempt, but it failed in execution.

Now I don't have the personal experience to write a good '18+' supplement, but I could mock one up. Instead of just focusing on sex let's go fully into a variety of hard topics, let's include an essay on including torture in your have, and another going into discrimination and how to handle it in-world (as well as how to avoid it spiking into real life. I might actually try writing this.

2018-12-02, 12:17 AM
I don't know of any character sheets made specifically for that sort of game, because it really depends on what specific stats your game finds useful. There's no general standard to work from.

Most such games will add some sort of Comeliness stat in addition to the usual six stats. (anyone remember Comeliness from many years ago?)

There will probably be some extra skills, whether they're keyed off Comeliness or something else. Might just be added types or Performance, or it could be quite detailed.

Description will need more room for sure, even if it makes no real difference. Not just cup size, players have all sorts of ideas about how they want to imagine themselves: all sorts of little details like hair color, makeup, freckles, specific types of clothing... anything they can think of, and maybe a character sketch as well.

Because those games lean more heavily on the social pillar than the combat pillar, you should have more room in the roleplay section. Perhaps an extra Flaw is all it takes to give your character a vice to roleplay. But you might need quite a lot of room for these notes -- even whole pages. You might also track preferences, fetishes, personality, hobbies, and addictions. And maybe some extra stats, such as measures of libido, self-control, innocence or experience. And perhaps keep track of reputation -- whether it be overall, with general factions, or some measure of favor/animosity with specific NPCs.

I believe it's probably best to use a standard sheet and add a seperate page for the roleplay stuff. As long as there's room for Comeliness and a few extra skills on the first page, it shouldn't be too awkward to use.

Roland St. Jude
2018-12-02, 12:21 AM
Sheriff: Definitely not appropriate for this forum.