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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next New Cleric Domains-- Famine and Ocean

2018-11-30, 10:45 AM
Famine Domain

Domain Spells

1st: Bane, Ray of Sickness
2nd: Locate Animals or Plants, Ray of Enfeeblement
3rd: Bestow Curse, Vamperic Touch
4th: Blight, Giant Insect
5th: Contagion, Insect Plague

Plague Glance: You learn the Infestation cantrip. When you cast it, the range is 60ft, and you may choose which direction the target moves.

In addition, as an action you may cause one plant within 60ft to wither and die, or one plant creature to make a Constitution save or take 2d6 necrotic damage. This damage increases by 2d6 at 5th, 11th, and 17th level.

Channel Divinity- Hunger of the Ages: Beginning at 2nd level, you may curse nearby creatures with a mighty hunger. All creatures within 30ft must make Wisdom saves or be consumed by hunger pangs, imposing Disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks for one minute. They may make a new save at the end of each of their turns to overcome this effect.

Gasping Jaws: Beginning at 6th level, creatures affected by your Hunger of the Ages ability are maddened beyond belief. They lose the ability to distinguish friend from foe, as the spell Enemies Abound. The only action they can take is to attempt to bite the nearest creature, an unarmed strike dealing 1d4+Str damage.

Potent Spellcasting: Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip, and with your Plauge Glance ability.

Capstone: Beginning at 17th level, you may use an action to attempt to consume the life of every nearby plant and creature. All plants and creatures with less than 50 hit points in a 30ft radius instantly die, and creatures with more than 50 hit points must make Constitution saves or gain a level of exhaustion. You recover 10 hit points for every creature who dies or fails their save. If this healing would take you above your normal hit point maximum, you gain the remaining amount as temporary hit points.

Once you have used this ability, you may not do so again until you have completed a long rest.


Ocean Domain

Domain Spells

1st: Create or Destroy Water, Fog Cloud
2nd: Blur, Gust of Wind
3rd: Tidal Wave, Water Walk
4th: Control Water, Watery Sphere
5th: Control Winds, Maelstrom

Gift of the Sea: You gain a swim speed equal to your land speed, and you learn the Shape Water cantrip.

Shipboard Combatant: You gain proficiency in scimitars, tridents, and whips, as well as with water vehicles. When wearing light or no armor, you gain a +1 bonus to armor class.

Channel Divinity- Embrace the Deeps: Beginning at 2nd level, as an action, you may grant yourself and up to six willing creatures the ability to breathe water for eight hours. Affected creatures also gain swim speeds equal to their land speeds, immunity to environmental cold and pressure effects, and darkvision to 60ft, if they did not possess it already.

If cast on an aquatic creature, your magic instead grants them the ability to breathe air for eight hours, and improves their land speed to 25ft, unless it was already greater.

Spirit of the Sea: Beginning at 6th level, you may cast Animal Friendship, Beast Bond, and Locate Animals or Plants at will, targeting only beasts and plants native to aquatic environments.

Divine Strike: At 8th level, once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 cold damage to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.

Call the Waves: Beginning at 17th level, you may use an action to call an elder water elemental to your service for one hour. This creature has the stats of a Marid, but the Water Elemental's damage and condition immunities, Water Form, and Freeze abilities. It is friendly towards you and your companions, and will obey your verbal commands.

Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again until you have completed a long rest.

2018-11-30, 02:22 PM
The Famine channel divinity currently has friendly fire, is that intended?

2018-11-30, 03:00 PM
Both classes need the "this spell counts as a cleric cantrip for you" rider, and indicator if it counts towards cantrips known.

Both the Channel Divinity and Capstone of Famine should only effect hostile creatures or be potentially terrifying. Or thematic. lol.

The Famine capstone (Consumption? Feast of Famine? Assimilation Hydration?) gives THP, then if it gives more than your health point maximum, it gives THP... so I think it was meant to heal first.

If you didn't want to give Famine a boilerplate Potent spellcasting, you could also give it a more thematic ability for infestation, something like: "When you deal damage with any cleric cantrip, you may cast Infestation on the same target as a bonus action".

Second half of Ocean's Channel Divinity should give aquatic creatures the ability to breathe air

I'd love to see a nod to the Riverclub ring in the ocean domain - basically, the ability to reach into water, turn it into a club, and smash heads... A DM could allow it to happen using Shape water, but it'd be interesting to see as a baseline class feature.

I would've suggested cold damage for the Divine Strike for Ocean... it'd be strange to hit someone with a trident, and they take additional... bludgeoning damage.

Name for the Ocean capstone... Water Servant? Tidewalker? Living Tsunami?

2018-11-30, 03:19 PM
The Famine channel divinity currently has friendly fire, is that intended?
Yeah. It's not a nice domain.

Both classes need the "this spell counts as a cleric cantrip for you" rider, and indicator if it counts towards cantrips known.

The Famine capstone (Consumption? Feast of Famine? Assimilation Hydration?) gives THP, then if it gives more than your health point maximum, it gives THP... so I think it was meant to heal first.
Whoops. You're correct.

If you didn't want to give Famine a boilerplate Potent spellcasting, you could also give it a more thematic ability for infestation, something like: "When you deal damage with any cleric cantrip, you may cast Infestation on the same target as a bonus action".
Hmm. That's a major uptick from normal potent spellcasting. I mostly wanted to make sure the plant-killing glare also got the damage, since it's basically a cantrip.

Second half of Ocean's Channel Divinity should give aquatic creatures the ability to breathe air

I'd love to see a nod to the Riverclub ring in the ocean domain - basically, the ability to reach into water, turn it into a club, and smash heads... A DM could allow it to happen using Shape water, but it'd be interesting to see as a baseline class feature.
Hmm. Neat idea, but I'm not sure where it would fit in.

I would've suggested cold damage for the Divine Strike for Ocean... it'd be strange to hit someone with a trident, and they take additional... bludgeoning damage.
I was thinking "crashing waves," but you're right, cold is probably better.

Name for the Ocean capstone... Water Servant? Tidewalker? Living Tsunami?
I swear I had a name for that when I posted...

Thanks for catching so much!