View Full Version : DM Help OotA fleshing out Chapter 1 (spoilers obviously!) - Underdark Wolrdbuilding

2018-11-30, 03:04 PM
Dear Community,

I'm going to run Out of the Abyss soon. In preparation for the adventure, there are a lot of ideas and background questions floating around in my head. Many have to do with the background of the world. But one thing at a time, I will start with Velkynvelve and see how things will be going from there. The people I would normally talk to about such story elements will be playing, so hopefully I can get some help here.

How did the characters get to Velkynvelve? The book clearly states, that the shortest route to the Underdark exit leads past Menzoberranzan. Why are the PCs in Velkynvelve then? Maybe there are other secret passages in Drow territory? That could be a simple explanation.

How do the characters arrive? I thought they would be transported in a cart in shackles, probably with a sack over their head. The sack would be removed in the 'intro scene' when I describe what they can see from the outpost and the bucket elevator.

Is Velkynvelve a place of opportunity, where drow warriors can prove themselves and advance their position in society? Or is it a backwater, where failed characters are stuck on guard duty? That would greatly influence the attitudes of the inhabitants.

If it is a stale backwater it could contain more broken characters. Some may drink and gamble. Some may be there because they are too "soft". Some could be somewhat incompetent but gloomy and cruel because they are aware of being shunted. Or they (or their house) could have been on the loosing side of political plots. A few could be young and ambitious, not yet knowing where they are.
Illnra Mizzvym should have her eyes firmly set on being promoted, advancing away from Velkynvelve as quickly as possible.
I really like this version of Velkynvelve because it offers interesting storytelling opportunities for the characters. It allows for way more buildup towards lnrlan Dusltryvl's betrayal.

About the escape: Even though the characters are heroes, drow are not stupid. Each of them has hundreds of years worth of experience dealing with slaves. I highly doubt many have managed to escape. lnrlan Dusltryvl's betrayal or other ways to find a collaborating Drow are pretty much the only hope I can see.

Since the characters will be planning their escape already, I need to be clear on how Underdark travel works. By that I do not mean mechanically, I mean in the game world. How do natives find their way in the underdark? By direction? Are there signs? Are there regular, safer, trade routes? How does commerce work? How does territory work? Underdark cities seem to be relatively close to each other.

Thanks in advance for any input on those matters!

2018-11-30, 04:03 PM
It's close to the surface, full of all sorts of nasty not-drow and staffed by mostly male drow so it's absolutely a backwater cesspit.

Personally I imagine a bit of disguise self led to the players getting rolled and shanghaied through a bar floor. Doesn't matter much but it's amusing to me.

The betrayal is something of a handout to... less creative players. Last time I was in OoTA a combination of artisans blessing, mold earth, and tremorsense wildshaping led to the PC'S just walking out of the place (absolutely covered in loot) great escape style and collapsing the place behind them. Moral of the story, level 2 in prison bad. Still, the dude is a deus ex machina for plot progression if the players do get stuck let em function as such.

Navigation wise it's some hardcore spelunking with overblown fantasy substratum tossed in. I leaned heavily on some etrian oddesy style mechanics when running it and let the players draw maps of various "floors" going down with plot happening every 2-3 floors. Not perfectly by the book but it was fun. (With 15 levels I just set it to 1 level per floor for the first 5, one every other after for 25 floors, also included a post-game into hell that went for another 5 hellishly difficult floors into a near guaranteed wipe for giggles and that eo feel). My table enjoys EO so it went over marvelously.