View Full Version : The Forsaken World

2018-11-30, 05:45 PM
Long ago a forsaken world was abandoned by its gods and left to its fate. Only three remained, choosing to die with their people rather than give into defeat.

Since that day that world as lain forgotten by the universe. Only now has a band of heroes gathered, ready to strike out and set right what once went wrong, to fix what has been broken and grant peace for any who live to see it.

And give rest to the ghosts of those who do not.

Emperor Ing
2018-11-30, 10:03 PM
Orngerezont looked down on the planet from above. Trying to scrutinize the strange orb. He had seen many planets from the void. From borderline lifeless worlds of expansive deserts, temperate worlds with diverse biomes, he thought he knew his homeworld. Maybe the shapes would be different than what he expected. But there was something...dark. About that world. Twisted. The light of the world's sun shone on its day, but even then Orngerezont thought that it could still be night. Everything about it, the world he had hatched on, grew up in, was exiled from...it was wrong.

He could sense others coming towards him too. He doubt he was the only one the Gods who forsook this world called here.

2018-12-07, 05:08 PM
Duncan sat cross-legged on a clear part of floor in the dragons extra-dimensional space. Soon, some of his companions would attempt re-entry to the forgotten planet below. Soon they would be going through a tremendous ordeal of fire and impact, and they would have to do it without Duncan's assistance. The inherent frailty of his nearly-mortal condition prevented him from being there with them. Naturally, Duncan's survival meant that he could be on hand to heal his companions when their flight reached its end, but he felt no small amount of guilt and shame that he couldn't brave the front-lines as it were.

Duncan calmed his mind and slipped into a meditative trance, preparing himself for what challenges the surface might bring, and waited.

2018-12-08, 05:52 AM
Theresa and Iz had entered the extra-dimensional space shortly before they entered the vacuum that was the void. Theoretically Iz could turn them into something suitable for the journey but there didn't seem to be much of a point if they could avoid tapping into finite resources before they even got to their destination. The group seemed good and she didn't see many opportunities to return to the greatest ruin of them all. Through Shelyn she would restore the world to it's former glory.

For the majority of the journey she was quiet and Iz didn't say anything. The huge elemental was obviously the half-dragon's bodyguard from stance alone. They had collectively taken vows together to remain relatively copper-less; Theresa had a battered musket that she used more as a walking stick than a weapon and a deck of tarot cards that she idly played with while Iz seemed to only have a spiked gauntlet on his left hand. Only when they paused and appeared to be over the planet did she stop idly marveling at the beauty she had found and began to shuffle her deck. With nine idle clicks she placed the cards face down.

She finally acknowledged the others once more and said in a measured, wizened, but motherly tone "We might as well have a reading before we go. A chance for the cards to go poorly for us, though. For us a minor inconvenience for boons that may help us out in the journey to come. Please decide before I reveal what fate has planned for us this month." She then revealed the cards (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23544940&postcount=17) and frowned at them, saying after a moment "Certainly could've been worse. Definitely could've been better. We'll see what I can do to adjust it when the time comes."

2018-12-10, 11:15 AM
With your companions safely ensconced, You spread your wings and slow your flight, thrusters firing in time with the movement of your wings to kill angular momentum.

With your orbit stilled, you flip down like a stooping hawk and dive, aiming to make planetfall with all possible speed. Your thrusters drive you downwards at a faster and faster pace, hurling you deeper into the gravity well.

As you approach the planet the blurry continents and seas fail to resolve into fully coherent shapes and you realize that something is wrong. Something obstructs your view, a strange haze overlaying the planet, previously invisible only due to the natural haze of distance and atmosphere. Only the long-range precision of dragon vision enables you to see it now, and its still too late to easily change course.

What do you do?

This is the kind of thing I'm worried about. You'll see the haze before you hit it, and in an irl game you'd have a chance to respond, but in a pbp stopping like this feels awkward. I don't know.

Emperor Ing
2018-12-11, 04:57 PM
Were Orngerezont anyone or even anything else, the haze might have given him some trouble, but Silver Dragons were one with such a fog. So to speak. His eyes, perfectly attuned to penetrating the haze to observe the ground below, to ensure a safe landing. Or at least, a safer landing. Even without it, his trained eyes as a marksman (marksdragon?) allow him to see even the finest details through concealment, giving him more than adequate time to react.

((Orngerezont has Blindsense 460 ft, and can see through fog from Silver Dragon abilities.))

2018-12-13, 06:49 PM
You continue planetward, seeing through the haze around the planet to steer towards the correct landing point. However it rapidly becomes clear that the haze is no mist, but some kind of gelatinous shell. Your course carries you into it, impacting it at extreme speed before bursting through in a spray of slime. Remnants of the ooze cling to you, eating away at your flesh only to burn away as you hit the atmosphere proper and the air heats to thousands of degrees.

The Slime generates an antimagic field, temporarily disabling any magic items until the heat burns it away.
[roll0] Con damage
[roll1] Bludgeoning damage
[roll2] Fire damage
Make a DC 50 Fort Save to resist mutagenic effects([roll3]) and a DC 50 Fly check to maintain your course.

Emperor Ing
2018-12-18, 01:33 AM
((Whoa, this is what I get for not subscribing to the thread, my apologies :smallredface:))

Orngerezont was genuinely surprised when he felt hurt from the atmospheric entry, feeling a temporary weakness from his magical defenses being disabled, leaving him feeling like he's melting. But he was tough, and did his best to simply withstand the damage. After all, his body could heal itself. Spreading his wings, he altered his course to ensure he made a smooth transition to ground level.


Fly check

2018-12-18, 04:43 PM
Duncan wanders over to Theresa, and observes her shuffling the cards.

"A little touch of destiny, eh?" Duncan says with a smile. "I'm usually more inclined to let the gods decide my fate. But I'm not against it, in fact some of the gods I serve have dominion over luck and fate. So by all means lets see what the cards say, anything that can give me an edge against evil I'm all for."

With that Duncan sits quietly next to the powerful Fey ready to receive whatever boons fate has in store for him.

2018-12-19, 03:13 AM
Theresa motioned to Iz as the elemental stirred into life when the human approached. She smiled as she listened to Duncan respond and nodded along; the concept of pantheons wasn’t foreign to her and she knew of some of the gods he could be describing. In that same motherly tone she said ”Shelyn has guided our actions, personally. Through Her I hope to bring beauty to the land below and restore the first ruin. Enough about me, though, who has tasked you to return to this land?”

-1 Penalty to Attack Rolls for as long as the Harrowing lasts.

Floating Bonuses:
+1 Luck to Attack Rolls x2, +1 Luck to Reflex Saves x2, +1 Luck to Fortitude Saves x1, +1 Luck to Skills x2, +1 Luck to Any x2

Once you use all the bonuses (or a month passes) then the spell ends and thus the penalty goes away too.

Emperor Ing
2018-12-19, 05:00 AM
Which Gods will stand to halt our actions? The skittering form of another being came into view. It resembled a scorpion, however that is where the similarities end. The metal plating that covered its body were sharp, polished, sleek, yet it moved with a grace and precision that, although remarkable, could never be considered natural. It regarded the group huddled inside the extradimensional space with one of its multitude of cool blue eye-lenses. One might be forgiven for thinking this construct was a golem of some sort, but it didn't even appear to be animated by magic. It spoke with a strange tinny voice that vaguely resembled thunder.

If what the Angel said is true, we will need all the help we can get, carving our own destiny, if we have to.

My programming tells me I have failed to introduce myself. I am K-081, though my creator calls me Kobold. Since you are in here, I must presume you are my creator's guests, in which case you are welcome to use his Palace as you wish. I will also offer my services in repairing, maintaining, and improving your weapons and armor. My specialty is firearms. My only request is one of you slap Orngerezont on the face for his hypocrisy, programming me to have proper manners but failing to introduce me to his guests. I would do it myself, but my platform lacks that functionality.

2018-12-20, 08:37 PM
Duncan listens intently to Theresa, and nods his understanding and agreement with her purpose.

"A noble quest indeed." He says simply, then with a small shake of his head, "Truly I am unsure who has tasked me, or if indeed anyone has. This land to which we are headed has plagued my dreams for months. Often my dreams are somewhat prophetic in nature, at first I thought they were messages from the gods but lately I have come to question this theory. It is not as if the gods lack other means of contacting me, as evidenced by the appearance of our angelic friend Izolas."

Duncan notes the approach of K-081 with amazement at the ingenuity of it construction. "And a warm greeting to you too K-081. I thank you kindly for the welcome although I have no need of your other services." He chuckles a little, "I'm afraid I'll have to decline your request to slap a dragon, my friend."

2018-12-21, 10:50 AM
The incredible friction and heat of reentry tears at Orngerezont's wings, but his draconic durability holds them together long for him to clear the haze of orbiting flux slime and his long experience helps him maintain control through the pain. Orngerezont slices through the upper atmosphere at an oblique angle, growing steadily closer to his destination with the planet growing larger and larger in his vision.

Finally, Orngerezont arrives, breaking to his normal flying speed rather than the obscene speed of reentry as he coasts above the Wussuru Gulf, the dark lands before him dreadfully clear. The ground is blanketed in ash, but nonetheless draconic sight reveals movement, from the broken spires of burned trees to the rotting corpses of strewn carrion, everything pulses with an unsettling tumorous life.

As you descend from the upper atmosphere you continue to take fire and bludgeoning damage as you decelerate, albeit with any magical defenses functional again. Subtract the appropriate DR/resistance/immunity.
1st round: already done in previous post
2nd: [roll0] fire [roll1] bludgeoning
3rd: [roll2] fire [roll3] bludgeoning
4th: [roll4] fire [roll5] bludgeoning
5th: You've fully braked, and aren't taking any additional damage.

Emperor Ing
2018-12-21, 09:39 PM
With his magical defenses restored, Orngerezont found traveling through the atmosphere far easier. His enchantments deflecting the more dangerous buffeting against his wings, as well as moving the heat generated through friction away from his body, leaving the dragon not only unharmed, but allowed his enhanced physiology to regenerate what wounds he did sustain from entry. After managing to control his descent, he was able to make out the features below. He recognized the shape of the landmass right away, the Wussuru Golf. Though the region was always too warm for his tastes, he couldn't deny its beauty. The sheer cliffs were always a joy to fly along side, contrasted with breathtaking forests that the Silver Dragon, when he was younger, would enjoy getting lost in. He might have only been there a dozen times, in total, in his long life, but the macabre sight was nothing less than offensive. If he wasn't resolved to fix his world, now, he certainly was, now.

He looked for somewhere large, flat, and clear to land. His first act on landing was to pull out his Palace Gate Key, and create the huge, shimmering portal. After which, he pulls his signature weapon from his cloak. To a human, the weapon was easily large enough to be mounted to especially massive siege engines. For the Silver Dragon, it was a pistol.

Oh! K-081 turned its eye over to the main entrance, which shimmered with an opaque portal. We've landed. Assume the drop zone is hot. Good luck.

2018-12-23, 04:22 AM
Theresa hummed in thought before she answered the newest question with ”Someone from the ruin could provide a better picture of what would stand against us. I imagine it’s something that managed to anger all the gods, though.” Her face brightens somewhat at the mention of firearms and said ”I’ve got this battered relic I had been using, although giving up material possessions has seemed to increase our meager weapons” as she reached over and revealed what could’ve been mistaken as a walking stick was in fact a musket, aeons old but still operable. With it she motioned to Iz’s own spiked gauntlet seemed to blend into the elemental’s rubble.

She then returned to the conversation at hand and said ”It’s quite alright, time is relative after all. As for dreams, I know what you mean having had some on occasion. Much of my actual magic versus my bindings or truenaming is reactive like that; ask a question, deal cards, and divine what they say.” When they landed she shuffled together the cards and carefully put them away before grabbing her musket. She paused at the edge of the portal and mumbled more to herself, in a tone that briefly shifted from motherly to tired ”I have too many things I could do without knowing what will be needed. Let’s just prepare to go back to this moment, yeah?”
Iz was the first to leave for the duo at least and confirm the immediate safety of the area before it returned back through the portal. It went first partially because it’d be a minor inconvenience if something stopped it from returning and partially because it could blink back to it’s position in case there was some immediate danger just outside. Once back through the portal it grumbled in it’s low voice what it had felt around itself so that Theresa would have a better idea of what to expect. Assuming it was safe enough the two finally left a moment after the elemental made it’s first appearance and took in the sights.
Iz will use Time’s Move Ruin if it has to (allowing it to return to the other side of the portal as a free action).

Iz also has 235 feet of tremorsense and will use that mainly to help judge where things are.

2018-12-23, 03:55 PM
Duncan looked at the shimmering portal. "Thank you once again, K-081, for your hospitality." He cracked his neck a little and loosened up his shoulders. "To work, I suppose." He said simply and stepped through.

2018-12-29, 09:21 AM
You are greeted with a desolate sight as you step through the portal. A wide shale beach leads up to a forest of twisted trees, each glowing with a deep red inner light in the cracks and crags of its bark. The water behind you is cold and grey and you see the strewn carrion of beached whales dotting the beach off into the distance on either side.

But one of the trees is not content with its mere cancerous nature, already swelling with unatural growth when you first step out onto the smooth pebbles of the beach. Orngerezont stands tall in front of the portal with gun raised towards the tree, when its growth suddenly contracts to propel forth a spray of jagged black thorns he is already responding.

One of the larger trees attacks you. Roll initiative. Because both Orngerezont and the tree were already starting to act when you step through the portal they both get to act in a surprise round.
Tree Initiative [roll0]
Tree Attacks Orngerezont [roll1], Damage [roll2] Piercing(Counts as magical weapon), [roll3] Electricity (Librim Eternia Piercing)
Tree Attacks Orngerezont [roll4], Damage [roll5] Piercing(Counts as magical weapon), [roll6] Electricity (Librim Eternia Piercing)
Tree Attacks Orngerezont [roll7], Damage [roll8] Piercing(Counts as magical weapon), [roll9] Electricity (Librim Eternia Piercing)
Tree Attacks Orngerezont [roll10], Damage [roll11] Piercing(Counts as magical weapon), [roll12] Electricity (Librim Eternia Piercing)
Tree Attacks Izolas [roll13], Damage [roll14] Piercing(Counts as magical weapon), [roll15] Electricity (Librim Eternia Piercing)
Tree Attacks Izolas [roll16], Damage [roll17] Piercing(Counts as magical weapon), [roll18] Electricity (Librim Eternia Piercing)
Tree Attack Duncan [roll19], Damage [roll20] Piercing(Counts as magical weapon), [roll21] Electricity (Librim Eternia Piercing)
Tree Attack Duncan [roll22], Damage [roll23] Piercing(Counts as magical weapon), [roll24] Electricity (Librim Eternia Piercing)

If anybody gets hit, they have to make 2 DC 67 Fort saves, one versus non-piercing poison.

Emperor Ing
2018-12-29, 07:04 PM
Orngerezont's metallic plating folds over his scales as he immediately notices the massive growth. Though he tries to avoid it, one thorn lodges itself in his side. Vents mounted into the dragon's wings blast him into the sky, maneuvering him into a circle around the tree. He raised his pistol, levelling blasts of white light against it.

Only one hit, Orngerezont has Displacement, 50% miss chance.

[roll0] Miss on 1.

Orngerezont then uses his fly speed to fly in a circle around the evil tree. (Can do a full-round action to shoot while moving. Enemies attacking Orngerezont now also have a 90% miss chance.)

Init: [roll1]

Using Barrage for +6 attacks, -12 to hit. Targeted Assault reduces DR by 15. Arrow Split completely ignores hardness, damage reduction only applies once. Walking Fire, +1 to hit for every consecutive attack on the same target, maximum of barrage penalty. Spell Arrow feat allows the casting of a spell through a shot. Shots ignore all concealment and miss chances.
[roll2] Touch Attack
[roll3] Untyped damage
[roll4] electricity damage
[roll5] Bludgeoning damage (Destructive Blast)
[roll6] Dexterity damage

[roll7] Touch Attack
[roll8] Untyped damage
[roll9] electricity damage
[roll10] Bludgeoning damage (Destructive Blast)
[roll11] Dexterity damage

[roll12] Touch Attack
[roll13] Untyped damage
[roll14] electricity damage
[roll15] Bludgeoning damage (Destructive Blast)
[roll16] Dexterity damage

[roll17] Touch Attack
[roll18] Untyped damage
[roll19] electricity damage
[roll20] Bludgeoning damage (Destructive Blast)
[roll21] Dexterity damage

[roll22] Touch Attack
[roll23] Untyped damage
[roll24] electricity damage
[roll25] Bludgeoning damage (Destructive Blast)
[roll26] Dexterity damage

[roll27] Touch Attack
[roll28] Untyped damage
[roll29] electricity damage
[roll30] Bludgeoning damage (Destructive Blast)
[roll31] Dexterity damage

[roll32] Touch Attack
[roll33] Untyped damage
[roll34] electricity damage
[roll35] Bludgeoning damage (Destructive Blast)
[roll36] Dexterity damage

[roll37] Touch Attack
[roll38] Untyped damage
[roll39] electricity damage
[roll40] Bludgeoning damage (Destructive Blast)
[roll41] Dexterity damage

[roll42] Touch Attack
[roll43] Untyped damage
[roll44] electricity damage
[roll45] Bludgeoning damage (Destructive Blast)
[roll46] Dexterity damage

[roll47] Touch Attack
[roll48] Untyped damage
[roll49] electricity damage
[roll50] Bludgeoning damage (Destructive Blast)
[roll51] Dexterity damage

[roll52] Touch Attack
[roll53] Untyped damage
[roll54] electricity damage
[roll55] Bludgeoning damage (Destructive Blast)
[roll56] Dexterity damage

[roll57] Touch Attack
[roll58] Untyped damage
[roll59] electricity damage
[roll60] Bludgeoning damage (Destructive Blast)
[roll61] Dexterity damage

[roll62] Touch Attack
[roll63] Untyped damage
[roll64] electricity damage
[roll65] Bludgeoning damage (Destructive Blast)
[roll66] Dexterity damage

[roll67] Touch Attack
[roll68] Untyped damage
[roll69] electricity damage
[roll70] Bludgeoning damage (Destructive Blast)
[roll71] Dexterity damage

[roll72] Touch Attack
[roll73] Untyped damage
[roll74] electricity damage
[roll75] Bludgeoning damage (Destructive Blast)
[roll76] Dexterity damage

[roll77] Touch Attack
[roll78] Untyped damage
[roll79] electricity damage
[roll80] Bludgeoning damage (Destructive Blast)
[roll81] Dexterity damage

[roll82] Touch Attack
[roll83] Untyped damage
[roll84] electricity damage
[roll85] Bludgeoning damage (Destructive Blast)
[roll86] Dexterity damage

2018-12-30, 03:12 AM
Iz emerged once more with Theresa in one arm, fast as a blur, before it burrowed into the beach. Theresa was already calling out in a voice that betrayed her appearance as a hag, saying over the growing din of battle "Come then, you allies of the light! Let us clear this land of evil together! Faster and faster we shall act until everything is a blur and we have a moment to learn what's happened!" Everyone felt a surge of speed as time seemed to pause long enough for everyone to try and speed up this minor inconvenience. At the same time Iz was busy clearing out trees, causing localized tremors underneath the beach to try and uproot everything and create a rolling mass of potential damage.

Theresa's Init: [roll0]
Iz's Init: [roll1]

Lord, this madness.
Theresa's "Turn"
Theresa uses her Swift Action to cast Hustle.
Theresa uses her Standard Action to cast Echoing Greater Speed of the Zephyr on herself, using her personal truename.
Truespeak Check: [roll2] vs DC 57 (15 + 3*2 + 30 + 6), using a Luck Bonus because Why.
Theresa uses her free Move Action from Greater Speed of the Zephyr to start Free Verse and cast Temporal Hurricane on herself, using her personal truename.
Truespeak Check: [roll3] vs DC 10.
Theresa uses her actual Move Action to continue Free Verse and cast Temporal Hurricane on Iz, using it's personal truename.
Truespeak Check: [roll4] vs DC 11.
Theresa uses her free Move Action from Hustle to continue Free Verse and cast Temporal Hurricane on Orngerezon because I'm terrible at this.
Truespeak Check: [roll5] vs DC 12.
Theresa uses her Free Action to use Mobilization since we'll see how long this encounter lasts. I can do 100 HD. Duncan is 30, Orngerezont is 30, and Izolos is 30.
Theresa uses her free Standard Action from Temporal Hurricane to cast Temporal Hurricane on Duncan.
Truespeak Check: [roll6] vs DC 13.
Theresa uses her free Standard Action from Temporal Hurricane to cast Temporal Hurricane on Izolos.
Truespeak Check: [roll7] vs DC 14.

Everyone gets 2 Full Round actions except Iz. He gets 2 Standard Actions to go with his normal stuff.

Iz's "Turn"
Iz uses 3 Tension to use Speed Step as a Free Action.
Just to get rid of any sort of "Theresa can't see anyone and can't hand out actions like candy" Iz will carry Theresa outside because why not.
Iz will Burrow once Theresa is on the beach since that's faster.

Iz will even use one of the extra standard actions to move if it doesn't get close enough with 120ft burrow. I'm going to try and get every tree I can within range of it's Shockwaves (130ft radius / 135ft cone).

Iz is going to be simple right now and just do 9 Shockwaves as a Full Round Action. If I need to do more then I'll just post again.
First Attack:
Shockwave Attack: [roll8]
Shockwave Damage: [roll9] +23 Damage
Shockwave trips 2 enemies per 1 die sacrificed. I rolled them all just in case.
Bull Rush the non-Earth Subtypes: [roll10]
Trip: [roll11]

Second Attack:
Shockwave Attack: [roll12]
Shockwave Damage: [roll13] +23 Damage
Bull Rush the non-Earth Subtypes: [roll14]
Trip: [roll15]

Third Attack:
Shockwave Attack: [roll16]
Shockwave Damage: [roll17] +23 Damage
Bull Rush the non-Earth Subtypes: [roll18]
Trip: [roll19]

Fourth Attack:
Shockwave Attack: [roll20]
Shockwave Damage: [roll21] +23 Damage
Bull Rush the non-Earth Subtypes: [roll22]
Trip: [roll23]

Fifth Attack:
Shockwave Attack: [roll24]
Shockwave Damage: [roll25] +23 Damage
Bull Rush the non-Earth Subtypes: [roll26]
Trip: [roll27]

Sixth Attack:
Shockwave Attack: [roll28]
Shockwave Damage: [roll29] +23 Damage
Bull Rush the non-Earth Subtypes: [roll30]
Trip: [roll31]

Seventh Attack:
Shockwave Attack: [roll32]
Shockwave Damage: [roll33] +23 Damage
Bull Rush the non-Earth Subtypes: [roll34]
Trip: [roll35]

Eighth Attack:
Shockwave Attack: [roll36]
Shockwave Damage: [roll37] +23 Damage
Bull Rush the non-Earth Subtypes: [roll38]
Trip: [roll39]

Ninth Attack:
Shockwave Attack: [roll40]
Shockwave Damage: [roll41] +23 Damage
Bull Rush the non-Earth Subtypes: [roll42]
Trip: [roll43]

I'm going to have so many triggers after this...
Iz still has one standard action left.

2019-01-01, 06:02 PM
Duncan steps through the portal in a burst of light. His radiance billowing around him, his robes fluttering in the breeze. He attempts to take cover from the tree's onslaught but is still peppered with thorns, they don't appear to hinder him much. Immediately he begins to chant in a powerful voice.

Both thorns hit. Immunity to poison, so I assume only 1 save needed for each.
after DR I take 25 piercing and 19 electricity from the first, fort save [roll0]
after DR I take 33 piercing and 27 electricity from the second, fort save [roll1]

Initiative [roll2]
Swift action- cast quickened chained cure moderate wounds targeting Orngerezont, Theresa, Iz (can he benefit from cure spells?) and myself,
healing is [roll3] with any excess taken as temporary hp,
using spell woven cure to add the spells spells conviction and divine favor granting a +6 luck bonus to attack, damage and saves

Standard action- cast chained cure serious wounds targeting Orngerezont, Theresa, Iz and myself,
healing is [roll4] with any excess taken as temporary hp,
using spell woven cure to add the spells light of venya and true seeing (these ones are more for me than everyone else, I'm assuming you guys already have true seeing and obviously your ranged attacks are significantly better than light of venya, but there you have it)

Also everyone gains +1 morale bonus to attacks, saves and skill checks per 10 points of temporary hp, max +10 (so probably +10 unless you took some damage from the thorns)

Move action- move closer to the tree, hopefully to within melee range but up to 150ft.

2019-01-12, 07:32 PM
Orngerezont's white light lances into the tree and carves wide trenches through it with each shot. By the third shot the beams have cut down to the center, by the sixth they've penetrated to the roots beneath and blown a crater into the ground.

Iz's shockwaves spread out across the beach, pulverizing wood and shattering trunks. A wide swath of the forest is reduced to mere splinters, and the crater of the first attacker is caved in, burying whatever remains of its corpse.

But not every tree falls. Twitching and screaming, six trees break and split along the grain, unfolding into spindly wooden spiders and charging towards Iz.

You said Iz was ready to do it again, so I'd say he(they?) can respond to the attacking spiders with an attack if they want.

2019-01-16, 09:48 AM
Iz takes advantage of opportunities to punish those that would dare come after the elemental. A flicker, almost like an after image, appears before each of the spiders. Ideally each of them is hit with a solid jab that leaves them frightened of the newcomer and dazed long enough to clear the field, then a blast of sharp stones that potentially causes the creature to blink out of existence and reappear in an area ripe for exploitation once more. The stones then batter the creatures as the elemental seems intent on gathering all enemies in a convienent pile to smash into mulch.

So Improved Combat Reflexes gets rid of the limit on AOOs. Stance of the Infinite Warrior lets me treat every square I've threatened this turn as a threatened square.
Exploited Opening makes it so that every AOO has another unarmed strike at -2 tacked on for good measure.
Cloak and Dagger Subterfuge allows me to do a Free Action Dirty Trick and Free Action Steal (if the Dirty Trick succeeds)
Double Tricks applies two seperate effects whenever I Dirty Trick someone.
Kitsune Style applies two different conditions with a single Dirty Trick check (both are removed with an action to remove it).
Dirty Trick Master lets me worsen a condition if they've already been Dirty Tricked.
Greater Dirty Trick makes it require a standard action to remove a condition and triggers an attack of opportunity.
Superior Dirty Trick makes it so that it takes a, heck, Dazed condition a full round to remove.

Energetic Response from Destruction Sphere allows me to use Destruction Blasts as AOOs. They have a 15ft range.
Greater Admixture lets me combine Battering, Shrapnel, and Stone Blasts for free. Damage Control lets me turn it into Nonlethal. Heavy Hand lets me turn it into Lethal Bludgeoning. Focused Blast adds 1 per die dealt. Destructive Talent adds +4 damage to my blasts.
Space-Rending Admixture lets me affect the target with an Unwilling Teleport effect. Splinter deals damage to them.


Destructive Blast Attack: [roll0]
Destructive Blast Damage: [roll1]
Destructive Blast Bleed: 18 Damage
Unwilling Transport Touch Attack: [roll2]
DC 35 Will Save or be teleported to some other area that's within my threatened range.
Splinter Damage: [roll3] (ignores DR/Hardness/Resistance/etc)
Destructive Blast Bull Rush: [roll4]
I will be attempting to bull rush them into each other to do even more damage with Battering Blast, Hammer, Dominoes, etc etc etc.

Unarmed Attack: [roll5]
Unarmed Damage: [roll6]
Dirty Trick Attempt: [roll7]
Steal Attempt: [roll8]
I'll go ahead and apply the Dazed and Frightened conditions. They last for [roll9] and [roll10] rounds each, plus 1 round for every 5 I beat their CMD.
I'll assume I missed something, still.

Destructive Blast Attack: [roll11]
Destructive Blast Damage: [roll12]
Destructive Blast Bleed: 18 Damage
Unwilling Transport Touch Attack: [roll13]
DC 35 Will Save or be teleported to some other area that's within my threatened range.
Splinter Damage: [roll14] (ignores DR/Hardness/Resistance/etc)
Destructive Blast Bull Rush: [roll15]

Unarmed Attack: [roll16]
Unarmed Damage: [roll17]
Dirty Trick Attempt: [roll18]
Steal Attempt: [roll19]
I'll go ahead and apply the Dazed and Frightened conditions. They last for [roll20] and [roll21] rounds each, plus 1 round for every 5 I beat their CMD.

Destructive Blast Attack: [roll22]
Destructive Blast Damage: [roll23]
Destructive Blast Bleed: 18 Damage
Unwilling Transport Touch Attack: [roll24]
DC 35 Will Save or be teleported to some other area that's within my threatened range.
Splinter Damage: [roll25] (ignores DR/Hardness/Resistance/etc)
Destructive Blast Bull Rush: [roll26]

Unarmed Attack: [roll27]
Unarmed Damage: [roll28]
Dirty Trick Attempt: [roll29]
Steal Attempt: [roll30]
I'll go ahead and apply the Dazed and Frightened conditions. They last for [roll31] and [roll32] rounds each, plus 1 round for every 5 I beat their CMD.

Destructive Blast Attack: [roll33]
Destructive Blast Damage: [roll34]
Destructive Blast Bleed: 18 Damage
Unwilling Transport Touch Attack: [roll35]
DC 35 Will Save or be teleported to some other area that's within my threatened range.
Splinter Damage: [roll36] (ignores DR/Hardness/Resistance/etc)
Destructive Blast Bull Rush: [roll37]

Unarmed Attack: [roll38]
Unarmed Damage: [roll39]
Dirty Trick Attempt: [roll40]
Steal Attempt: [roll41]
I'll go ahead and apply the Dazed and Frightened conditions. They last for [roll42] and [roll43] rounds each, plus 1 round for every 5 I beat their CMD.

Destructive Blast Attack: [roll44]
Destructive Blast Damage: [roll45]
Destructive Blast Bleed: 18 Damage
Unwilling Transport Touch Attack: [roll46]
DC 35 Will Save or be teleported to some other area that's within my threatened range.
Splinter Damage: [roll47] (ignores DR/Hardness/Resistance/etc)
Destructive Blast Bull Rush: [roll48]

Unarmed Attack: [roll49]
Unarmed Damage: [roll50]
Dirty Trick Attempt: [roll51]
Steal Attempt: [roll52]
I'll go ahead and apply the Dazed and Frightened conditions. They last for [roll53] and [roll54] rounds each, plus 1 round for every 5 I beat their CMD.

Destructive Blast Attack: [roll55]
Destructive Blast Damage: [roll56]
Destructive Blast Bleed: 18 Damage
Unwilling Transport Touch Attack: [roll57]
DC 35 Will Save or be teleported to some other area that's within my threatened range.
Splinter Damage: [roll58] (ignores DR/Hardness/Resistance/etc)
Destructive Blast Bull Rush: [roll59]

Unarmed Attack: [roll60]
Unarmed Damage: [roll61]
Dirty Trick Attempt: [roll62]
Steal Attempt: [roll63]
I'll go ahead and apply the Dazed and Frightened conditions. They last for [roll64] and [roll65] rounds each, plus 1 round for every 5 I beat their CMD.

2019-01-20, 01:21 PM
The elemental's blasts tear the grasping roots free from the unclean earth, hurling them together despite their attempts to resist. The shear concussive force of the attacks sends cracks spreading through their twisted wood, but an unnatural durability holds them together even through this abuse...

...for now.

The Bull Rushes, Dirty Tricks, and Steals all beat their CMDs.
Will Save [roll0]
Will Save [roll1]
Will Save [roll2]
Will Save [roll3]
Will Save [roll4]
Will Save [roll5]

2019-01-21, 01:16 AM
After the initial damage of smashing everyone together, Iz attempts to pummel each of the creatures into the ground in a continued flurry of blows. If the elemental could show emotion then it'd probably revel in the destruction it's causing against those that would dare harm it's Mistress.

If they're Frightened then Burn the Chaff! from Gladiator triggers. If they happen to be under CR 21 then all of these melee attacks are going to be critical hits and they have to make a DC 10+Damage Fort Save or Die.
Smash deals damage equal to my Unarmed Strike when I succeed on a Bull Rush. I've included it with the future bull rushes as I continue to be just the worst.
Smash 1: [roll0]
Smash 2: [roll1]
Smash 3: [roll2]
Smash 4: [roll3]
Smash 5: [roll4]
Smash 6: [roll5]

Hammer depends on the number of 5ft squares they don't get pushed because I run them into each other. Hostile Movement lets me move them diagonally (or 1 square left or right for every square back) so that I should spend the minimal amount of squares to get a pile of them. The damage die depends on their size and is dealt to both creatures smashing into each other.

So Dominoes from Brute triggers, Trip Attempt on everyone!
Duelist "...And Stay Down!" and Open Hand "Snap Kick" both grant an AOO when something falls prone in a threatened square.
I'm out of Tension so I'll just be doing Destructive Blasts this go around.

Trip: [roll6]
1st AOO
Destructive Blast Attack: [roll7]
Destructive Blast Damage: [roll8]
Destructive Blast Critical Damage? [roll9]
Destructive Blast Bleed: 18 Damage

Unwilling Transport Touch Attack: [roll10]
DC 35 Will Save or be teleported to some other area that's within my threatened range.
Splinter Damage: [roll11] (ignores DR/Hardness/Resistance/etc)

Destructive Blast Bull Rush: [roll12]
Smash Damage: [roll13]

2nd AOO
Destructive Blast Attack: [roll14]
Destructive Blast Damage: [roll15]
Destructive Blast Critical Damage? [roll16]
Destructive Blast Bleed: 18 Damage

Unwilling Transport Touch Attack: [roll17]
DC 35 Will Save or be teleported to some other area that's within my threatened range.
Splinter Damage: [roll18] (ignores DR/Hardness/Resistance/etc)

Destructive Blast Bull Rush: [roll19]
Smash Damage: [roll20]

Trip: [roll21]
1st AOO
Destructive Blast Attack: [roll22]
Destructive Blast Damage: [roll23]
Destructive Blast Critical Damage? [roll24]
Destructive Blast Bleed: 18 Damage

Unwilling Transport Touch Attack: [roll25]
DC 35 Will Save or be teleported to some other area that's within my threatened range.
Splinter Damage: [roll26] (ignores DR/Hardness/Resistance/etc)

Destructive Blast Bull Rush: [roll27]
Smash Damage: [roll28]

2nd AOO
Destructive Blast Attack: [roll29]
Destructive Blast Damage: [roll30]
Destructive Blast Critical Damage? [roll31]
Destructive Blast Bleed: 18 Damage

Unwilling Transport Touch Attack: [roll32]
DC 35 Will Save or be teleported to some other area that's within my threatened range.
Splinter Damage: [roll33] (ignores DR/Hardness/Resistance/etc)

Destructive Blast Bull Rush: [roll34]
Smash Damage: [roll35]

Trip: [roll36]
1st AOO
Destructive Blast Attack: [roll37]
Destructive Blast Damage: [roll38]
Destructive Blast Critical Damage? [roll39]
Destructive Blast Bleed: 18 Damage

Unwilling Transport Touch Attack: [roll40]
DC 35 Will Save or be teleported to some other area that's within my threatened range.
Splinter Damage: [roll41] (ignores DR/Hardness/Resistance/etc)

Destructive Blast Bull Rush: [roll42]
Smash Damage: [roll43]

2nd AOO
Destructive Blast Attack: [roll44]
Destructive Blast Damage: [roll45]
Destructive Blast Critical Damage? [roll46]
Destructive Blast Bleed: 18 Damage

Unwilling Transport Touch Attack: [roll47]
DC 35 Will Save or be teleported to some other area that's within my threatened range.
Splinter Damage: [roll48] (ignores DR/Hardness/Resistance/etc)

Destructive Blast Bull Rush: [roll49]
Smash Damage: [roll50]

Trip: [roll51]
1st AOO
Destructive Blast Attack: [roll52]
Destructive Blast Damage: [roll53]
Destructive Blast Critical Damage? [roll54]
Destructive Blast Bleed: 18 Damage

Unwilling Transport Touch Attack: [roll55]
DC 35 Will Save or be teleported to some other area that's within my threatened range.
Splinter Damage: [roll56] (ignores DR/Hardness/Resistance/etc)

Destructive Blast Bull Rush: [roll57]
Smash Damage: [roll58]

2nd AOO
Destructive Blast Attack: [roll59]
Destructive Blast Damage: [roll60]
Destructive Blast Critical Damage? [roll61]
Destructive Blast Bleed: 18 Damage

Unwilling Transport Touch Attack: [roll62]
DC 35 Will Save or be teleported to some other area that's within my threatened range.
Splinter Damage: [roll63] (ignores DR/Hardness/Resistance/etc)

Destructive Blast Bull Rush: [roll64]
Smash Damage: [roll65]

Trip: [roll66]
1st AOO
Destructive Blast Attack: [roll67]
Destructive Blast Damage: [roll68]
Destructive Blast Critical Damage? [roll69]
Destructive Blast Bleed: 18 Damage

Unwilling Transport Touch Attack: [roll70]
DC 35 Will Save or be teleported to some other area that's within my threatened range.
Splinter Damage: [roll71] (ignores DR/Hardness/Resistance/etc)

Destructive Blast Bull Rush: [roll72]
Smash Damage: [roll73]

2nd AOO
Destructive Blast Attack: [roll74]
Destructive Blast Damage: [roll75]
Destructive Blast Critical Damage? [roll76]
Destructive Blast Bleed: 18 Damage

Unwilling Transport Touch Attack: [roll77]
DC 35 Will Save or be teleported to some other area that's within my threatened range.
Splinter Damage: [roll78] (ignores DR/Hardness/Resistance/etc)

Destructive Blast Bull Rush: [roll79]
Smash Damage: [roll80]

Trip: [roll81]
1st AOO
Destructive Blast Attack: [roll82]
Destructive Blast Damage: [roll83]
Destructive Blast Critical Damage? [roll84]
Destructive Blast Bleed: 18 Damage

Unwilling Transport Touch Attack: [roll85]
DC 35 Will Save or be teleported to some other area that's within my threatened range.
Splinter Damage: [roll86] (ignores DR/Hardness/Resistance/etc)

Destructive Blast Bull Rush: [roll87]
Smash Damage: [roll88]

2nd AOO
Destructive Blast Attack: [roll89]
Destructive Blast Damage: [roll90]
Destructive Blast Critical Damage? [roll91]
Destructive Blast Bleed: 18 Damage

Unwilling Transport Touch Attack: [roll92]
DC 35 Will Save or be teleported to some other area that's within my threatened range.
Splinter Damage: [roll93] (ignores DR/Hardness/Resistance/etc)

Destructive Blast Bull Rush: [roll94]
Smash Damage: [roll95]

2019-01-24, 11:55 AM
As Iz brutalizes the twisted plants one finally reaches its limits, exploding into a bloody spray of thorns and lightning. The blast triggers a chain reaction as each detonates in turn.

Death throes for anybody within 60 feet of them.

[roll0] Piercing Damage[roll1] Lightning Damage, DC 67 Reflex save to half, and a DC 67 Fort save against additional effects
[roll2] Piercing Damage[roll3] Lightning Damage, DC 67 Reflex save to half, and a DC 67 Fort save against additional effects
[roll4] Piercing Damage[roll5] Lightning Damage, DC 67 Reflex save to half, and a DC 67 Fort save against additional effects
[roll6] Piercing Damage[roll7] Lightning Damage, DC 67 Reflex save to half, and a DC 67 Fort save against additional effects
[roll8] Piercing Damage[roll9] Lightning Damage, DC 67 Reflex save to half, and a DC 67 Fort save against additional effects
[roll10] Piercing Damage[roll11] Lightning Damage, DC 67 Reflex save to half, and a DC 67 Fort save against additional effects

Emperor Ing
2019-01-25, 04:11 AM
Orngerezont had flown well outside the range of those exploding "trees," defining them as such in the loosest possible way. The exploding cloud of plant debris and lightning didn't even reach him. Flying down, the armored dragon kept his weapon with him, expecting something else to jump at them.

Well done. He said in compliment as he scanned the area around him, attempting to recall where, geographically, he was, and where it is he wanted to go. Namely, where are the mountains that used to hold the Platinum Court.

Knowledge: Geography: [roll0]

2019-01-25, 04:48 AM
Iz seemingly blinks out of existence as the creatures explode as the only one reasonably close to the enemies.

Use Greater Celerity.
Use a move action through Master Adaptation from Prodigy to gain Base Time, Eject Time, and heck Base Life Spheres.
Use the Standard Action to Eject Time and nope out for a few rounds.

2019-01-28, 06:05 PM
The mountains of the Platinum Court are about 23,079 kilometers to the east and 5,898 kilometers north of where you estimate your current position to be.

In the near distance, well beyond the edge of Iz's attacks but within a few miles, you can see the beginnings of a storm forming. Blood-red and fiery orange lightning rise up from the forest into the swirling winds above, gathering into clouds of debris and dust that crackle with energy.

Emperor Ing
2019-01-28, 11:20 PM
Hmmm... Orngerezont looked over in the direction he thought he'd need to go. It was quite a distance, he realized. But it was something. Somewhere to go.

Everyone, we should go east, slightly north. On this world, before it is...as you see now, there was an assembly of the noblest, strongest dragons in the land, known as the Platinum Court. Held in a titanic citadel, many, many kilometers from here. I expect it to be several days' travel, but if there is anyone. Anyone, who survived the fall of this world, even the briefest flicker of light, that is where they would hold out. Or at least, that's what he wanted to believe. If we are to free this world, that is where we should start.

2019-01-31, 02:31 AM
Theresa smiles a bit at the news of a destination, her voice like a proud mother as she said ”A destination and a goal, fantastic! We can work with that information to some extent before we journey to this new location. And learn a bit about this area and it’s guardians…” Her voice trails off as she begins to look around and at the creatures they had fought, seeing if they matched anything she knew already or what things were different compared to the closest thing she knew.

Casting Augury (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/divination#toc58) to determine if going to the Platinum Court is a good idea (the particular question being “Will we run into hostiles when we arrive at the Platinum Court?”). It’s got a 90% chance of coming back with something.

Knowledge Checks, trying to figure out what attacked us / how it’s different compared to Golarion baselines (for example the first creature versus Treants):
Here’s a d20 roll for each thing, throwing in Nature. Arcana/Planes/Religion add 10, Dungeoneering/Geography subtract 15.
Tree: [roll0]
Exploding Spiders: [roll1]
Ominous Storm: [roll2]

2019-02-01, 09:22 AM
The results to your spell are... mixed. Unsurprising given the uncertain nature of divination, but disappointing nonetheless.

You ask, and the twisted fates of this place answer. WEAL... AND WOE.

You go over the many monsters you've met across your life and the many more you've heard of in ancient tales or seen in the inscribed bas-reliefs of dead civilizations and you can indeed recall many with some degree of similarity to what you've fought today. By far the most similar is the warped siege engines of the eldest fae known as the Sard, but even they cannot compare to these creatures in power. It seems the evil you seek to fight has built on the machinations of evils past.

The spiders are similar, warped from wood and spewing thunder and thorns the same even if they bear a different shape.

The storm however... the storm is more worrying. It bears some resemblance to both natural phenomenon and, far more importantly, to magical creations such as the Control Weather or Storm of Vengeance spells. The jagged red lightning that crackles across its surface is immediately reminiscent of the creatures you've just fought, and may indeed be the work of their brethren.

2019-02-02, 08:42 PM
Theresa nods more to herself than anyone else, saying "It seems like it will end up being both good and bad when we get there. I don't know if I expected anything different, to be honest. I suggest we go before a third form of these improved Sards approaches since it'll be more difficult to fight a spell effect versus more physical manifestations." She waited near the entrance to the extradimensional portal until Iz returned to the present and the duo entered that area once more, awaiting the destination.

Emperor Ing
2019-02-05, 06:57 PM
A spell, hmm... Orngerezont looked at the storm in thought. Everyone, get back inside the Palace, unless you can keep wing, with me. Once everyone is prepared, the silver dragon will fly up into the sky, attempting to fly clear of the clearly sapient storm, as he flew towards the Platinum Court. Knowing it will take a long time.

(Orngerezont's base flight speed is a little over 300 miles per hour)

2019-02-07, 06:23 PM
"My friends, a word of warning before we depart" Duncan's deep voice resonates in the eerie air. "Ware the lightning from these creatures, should we face any more. It contains a rather insidious secondary effect. From what I can tell judging from the damage to myself, it drains your strength and mobility. It also appears to affect the very building blocks of life, warping and changing them. To what end I cannot tell, but the effects may be cumulative. It reminds me of radiation, say from a celestial body, but very direct."

With that, the powerful priest waves his hands over his body. A bright white glow spreads out from his body carrying the healing power of his gods.

"Also I have a few spells that may assist us further, I would like to have had these active before our incident with the tree, not that we seemed to need them. But at least I can have them active before our next altercation" He says simply and begins chanting in a low voice.

Duncan will use restoration to heal the ability damage, I'm not certain if that will help the DNA damage but its a first step. I have it as an at-will SLA so I can do multiple castings if needed.

Also casting Elation, Recitation and Righteous Wrath of the Faithful, all persistent.

Elation-+2 morale bonus to strength and dexterity, +5ft speed
Recitation-+2 luck bonus to AC, attacks and saves
Righteous Wrath-extra attack at highest bonus, +3 morale bonus to attacks

Making his way to the entrance to the dragons palace, Duncan says "The Platinum Court sounds as good a place as any to start. God's speed Orngerezont!"

2019-02-12, 10:37 AM
The storm howls as Orngerezont takes to the air, ceasing its stable rotation to hurl itself forward like a hurricane, but it is already too late. Orngerezont gains height quickly and ignites his engines, soaring away and jetting through the mountains fast enough to leave the fury of the storm to batter itself apart on the peaks behind him.

It takes slightly over three days to cross the expanse between you and the Platinum Court's stronghold, over which you get a first hand view of what this world has become. The waves of golden grass have been replaced by barren salt flats, interrupted only by the furious geysers that erupt from beneath them. As you grow closer you see the forests overgrown with tangled vines that seethe and quiver, but as you approach the final stretch even that dies.

The Platinum Gate once proclaimed the glory of the Court to any who dared approach it. No literal gate, but a broad mountain pass a dozen miles across, there were two mighty fortresses on either side, each carved from the mountains themselves, transmuted to gleaming white marble and topped with a titanic statue of the Court's icon, the Platinum Dragon. From these citadels the guardian knights of the Court could overlook the entire pass, and judge all who sought to enter.

Now there is only one. The right hand fortress has been cleaved free from the mountain and left to crumble, one forlorn platinum eye staring upward from a heap of broken stone. The other stands desecrated, with spikes of black iron driven through the joints of the statue, rust stains running down from each.

Yet these dragons did not die easy. The ground lies barren not from eldritch curse or foul enchantment, but from the pure force and fury unleashed upon it. Craters and ravines criss-cross the land, and you can still see patches of smoldering flames in places where some wyrm unleashed a blaze too mighty to bow to time.

Emperor Ing
2019-02-13, 09:51 AM
Over three days' travel, Orngerezont even found that gawking at the twisted mockery of what his world had become had grown...tiresome. Instead, trying to keep his wits sharp and his intellect occupied pondering technomantic theorem. Running calculus through his head of the physics and metaphysics of applying certain amounts of thaumic energy, and what its response would be. The thought-process gave him a few tweaks that might increase the penetrating power of direct-energy weapons, but beyond that nothing concrete.

The thrusters on the silver dragon's armored wings engaged came to a stop, retrothrusters engaging to arrest the dragon's momentum to bring him into a halt, just above the ground. The Platinum Gate. He wasn't surprised to see them still standing, at least in part. He pondered the symbolism of the desecrated statue at either side. Maimed. Crippled, but not conquered. There was hope. Or perhaps they were their hope? There would be much to do, and Orngerezont had many ideas to restore the Gate to its former glory, or even surpass it. He idly glanced at the craters, the ravines carved in the earth, and the distant forests, whose corruption dare tread no further. He could only hope his embracing of the technology he once so feared, would fare as well. No, he would have to be better.

Taking out the Palace Gate Key, he opened the portal once again. Though he knew they weren't quite at the Court, yet, it was not terribly far, now.

This was once known as the Platinum Gate. The dragon explained as they stepped outside. A place of judgment for those thinking themselves worthy to see out their wisdom. To guard it as one of their Guardian Knights was considered a high honor, to the lesser races, and many competed for the opportunity to be selected. He shook his head wistfully. Notably, not referring to himself as a member of the Court. The competition was never necessary. They thought it so, thought what we wanted was force of arms. We wanted character. Virtue. Honor, integrity. Anyone can be trained to swing a sword. Not everyone can know when to.

Perhaps you would like to hear the story of Paras the Bright?

2019-02-15, 01:24 AM
Theresa for her part spends the majority of the time catching back up on her names since she's already started the task of breaking apart the attempts the multiverse put on truenaming. Slowly, steadily, she learns the truenames of those around her, their items, the land they fly under, the enemies they fight...for there is power to be found in such things. It appears that she's more focused on eventually reaching her limit before they land and around the middle of the second day she finally does.

She'll talk if conversation is to be had, explaining that the truenames will prove useful in the future, and otherwise seemingly content in not delving into the history of the world while they travel. When they land she takes the opportunity to speed up everyone's departure again in case they need it, Iz swimming through the earth in a loose patrol around the portal in case the elemental has to defense it's mistress again. She'll frown a bit at the state of the gate but wait until there's a pause to nod her head and say "I'd love to hear the story, Orngerezont. History is one of the most important fields of study, especially in a land such as this."

Since I already have Free Verse running I'll spam Pinnacle of Triumph, using my truename, to then make a bunch of rolls at 30 + Modifier. Starting with learning the group's truenames (unless they stop me), their items, the land they fly under, the creatures they fight, etc etc. Basically trying to prepare myself a bit more before another combat happens. I'll stop with the research when I finally break out of Free Verse and then wait the rest of the time.

When we land Iz will zig zag through the land to provide a solid circle of threatened area around the portal.

2019-02-15, 04:19 PM
Duncan steps out of the Dragon's mansion with a stretch and a yawn. "Once again, Orngerezont, you've given a perfectly comfortable ride. Thank you kindly. Do you need rest before we head off? It would be only fair, you've allowed us to rest in comfort for three days, if you need it yourself I would be happy to keep watch."

Duncan does some quiet chanting, filling himself and his companions with the power and warmth of the gods, before continuing. "I too, would be interested in hearing the story. It may prove useful information."

Duncan will again cast Elation, Recitation and Righteous Wrath of the Faithful, all persistent. I'll be trying to cast these three everyday, plus a few personal spells for myself.

Elation-+2 morale bonus to strength and dexterity, +5ft speed
Recitation-+2 luck bonus to AC, attacks and saves
Righteous Wrath-extra attack at highest bonus, +3 morale bonus to attacks

Emperor Ing
2019-02-15, 09:08 PM
My magic sustains me. I will not rest, as we must assume we are still in enemy territory, as much as I would like to think otherwise. He kept his handgun close, expecting anything to jump out at them, at any moment.

He then began to recite the story, as they passed through the Platinum Gate, and towards the Court, proper. Here is the story of Paras: At his time, nobility and royalty from around the world sought the prestige of being our Guardian Knights. Our first line of defense against the wicked. Such a sign, it was believed, was proof of the Platinum Court favoring their family. Thus, many families, even merchant families, trained a selected child from the moment they were born, to compete in these 'competitions' we supposedly held. To never be seen by their families again. They traveled from thousands of miles apart, for a chance to be selected. They created, of their own accord, great contests and tournaments of martial prowess, all to see who they thought was most worthy. However they did not always choose the winners, and many hopefuls were left guessing, as to how to court their favor. Some tried to bribe them, with gifts of gold. Others created elaborate works of art, and some chose more...savage methods.

One day, however, the competition was joined by a young human boy. Hadn't reached his first decade of life. His body, very thin from hunger, his feet bleeding, from having traveled hundreds of miles on foot. There was no mistaking it: This was a poor peasant boy. Probably more noble blood to be found in a pig, than this one. The other hopefuls scorned this 'impudent' boy for his arrogance, for thinking he, a nobody, deserves a spot on the Guardian Knights. But the overseer. A Bronze, overseeing the event, saw something. A fire the boy's eyes, that burned almost as hotly as that within the dragon's own belly.

Then the tournament started. You can imagine what an uneven matchup it was. A starving boy, with nothing but rags on his back and an old, tarnished sword, against prices and lords, wielding the best weapons and armor the smiths of their cities could forge. If there were ever a more one-sided match, surely the dragon overseer had not seen it. And one-sided it, was. You see, this peasant boy had something none of these other nobles had: Want. He wanted to win, he needed to win, more than anything. This, one, singular desire let him ignore wounds that would cripple anyone else, and drove his sword through the armor of those who would call themselves his 'superiors.'

He did not win, you see. It was the final round. Our hero was heavily wounded. Bleeding, but no less determined. His opponent, no less noble than his peers, however, was a true warrior, and did not want to underestimate his opponent. In fact, he was quite bright, himself, and noticed that the peasant's fighting style was...sloppy. Untrained. Overwhelming in its aggressiveness, yes, but the counter to aggression is patience. And so they fought. Though he put his heart and soul into claiming victory, even the mightiest of hearts are felled by superior tactics. His body gave out, and he collapsed onto the floor, beaten. But not before looking right into the eyes of the Overseer, reaching out with a bloody hand.

Now the Overseer had seen enough. He lept right onto the makeshift arena, and healed the boy, before he could pass. What was it, he wondered? What single, maddening desire was it that drove this young boy, this peasant farmer's son, to come all this way, on foot, and seek to become a Guardian Knight?

The boy answered. He didn't even know what Guardian Knights were. He came to see the Council, specifically. His village was under attack by bandits. They had just killed his mother, when he thought about the tales he, himself, was told of the Platinum Court. About how they helped people. Surely they would help, right? They had to. With nothing else to lose, his family and friends either in hiding or dead, he made the pilgrimage himself, or would die, in the attempt.

Now you can imagine, it took him several days, to travel all those hundreds of miles to the Platinum Gate, plus the days during which the tournament was occurring. The poor boy hadn't even considered that the bandit attack ended a long time ago, and that there was nothing the Court could do, now. But so moved was the Overseer by this boy's determination, perseverance, and noble spirit, that to not grant his petition for an audience with the Platinum Court, well, it would be a crime! Upon hearing his story, the Court agreed to have those bandits hunted down and brought to justice. But more importantly, they made the boy an offer.

They could teach him in how to fight evil. Become a beacon of hope, for others, who would endure his pain. But first, they needed his name.


The Court made good on its promise to bring the Bandits to justice. They were each, to a man, brought before the Platinum Court, in tribunal, and answered for their crimes. Orngerezont chuckled. I always thought it was funny, to imagine being a low-life bandit, needing to raid villages for money, only to be brought before the highest court in the Lands, for trial. But suffice to say, the Court made Paras a Guardian Knight. One renowned for his wisdom, and being able to tell a person's true intentions by looking into their eyes.

He was before my time. He passed from old age, before I was hatched. But he was well-known and well-regarded, among the dragons of the court.

2019-03-05, 03:50 PM
Theresa listened with rapt attention to the tale, stumbling over the odd bits of rubble as she memorized every portion of the tale. It was a tale similar to one she's heard before, one that spoke of fighting spirit that could be found within those that desired. It helped confirm the goodness of this court they were to investigate as well, with a dash of how those with the means would always muck up the meaning to suit themselves. She mulled over the tale for a moment after Orngerezont was done speaking, Iz continuing its patrol around the group while minimally disturbing the ruins, before she mused more to herself ”It would've been nice to meet him. Such is life to observe history, though.”

She then snapped out of her thoughts before they drifted towards her role and said aloud ”Let us see if we can't find a name for the past representation. I can probably will it into being, then, and we can start restoring this court to its glory.” Another pause before she adds ”I'll be learning the name of this area anyway... it'll be good to know what to call it when we need to return.” Finally she turns to the dragon and said ”Do you have...plans I believe is what Halphax calls it. What we need to repair.”

Emperor Ing
2019-03-12, 07:32 AM
We will need to be going off of my own recollection of the fortifications, as it were. Orngerezont answered, not entirely sure if he would be able to remember every detail about the architecture. However he saw what was done, and realized it ultimately didn't matter. However I have no plans to restore the court to its former glory. Such glory was insufficient for the threat so besieging, not invincible enough, to be an anvil upon which evil would break. No, I shall reconstruct it to surpass its former glory. These creatures cower in darkness, and they are right to, for they know full well what the light can do.

However they will be getting a reminder, shortly.