View Full Version : That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime (Build Help)

2018-12-01, 01:10 AM
Alright guys this is going to be a weird one and I'm actually at a completele loss at where I should go with this.

As the title says my character did indeed die by being drowned in a well full of Silver liquid and now either they're back as an amnesiac Silver Ooze or they're an entirely different character. Either way, this ooze is my new character and I need some help deciding what to do with it.

From what I was told by my DM, it is an "Ancient halfling creation developed to be a Sapient Ooze-like weapon. They were drawn from the well, and either given an organic being to gain the form of and befriended, or it was released upon unsuspecting war camps were it would slowly absorb and devour any opposition."

From what I understand I am a type of Ooze. I have all the Status immunities of an Ooze, Blindsense out to 30 ft, and I can speak and understand Common.

Starting stats are: 3 Str, 8 Dex, 14 Con, 14 Int, 18 Wis, 12 Chr. I can consume and become any object I touch (Haven't tried magic items yet) but after eating a Dagger, I found out I can make a Pseudopod attack that turns into a dagger and hits for 1d4 Slashing + 2d6 Acid.

I started with a flat 8 HP and no Proficiency but I hit level 3 before the end of the session so now I have class levels to mess around with.

I was also told that I can touch an Organic being and Gain their exact form, languages, HP, Abilities, Senses, Stats +2, etc. but I gain an intense hatred and murder-lust for the original and the Stats are a one-time deal, they even change color to match their new form. So I need to pick something good. After my first form I can absorb more forms, but I only get certain abilities from them and the physical form. Think kind of like a Moon Druid combined with a Pseudo changeling.

Anyway, I'm looking at class possibilities and I can see a few things working, but it seems a bit difficult to flavor-wise work a newly sapient being into following a deific code or an appreciation for nature. I could see it easily becoming a barbarian (By house rules, when raging I'd be immune to all non Psychic Damage if I went bear totem). But I don't really know where to go with this.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

2018-12-01, 01:22 AM
Cheeee, you weren't kidding on the "I have no idea where to go with this." This is quite the character shift.

Couple of starting questions here. Was this part of the campaign idea, or did this just happen and the DM is a huge homebrew fan, or...? Also, it would be helpful to know if you're doing a single-player campaign or if you have party members. Because if you're solo, balance isn't such a big deal, and you can afford to think about bananas ideas. Otherwise, some care should be taken about not becoming the OP protagonist of your group's anime.

Druid is the first thing that jumps at me. Depending on how strong your mechanics are, your ability to assume other forms could replace or modify the usual shifting. Maybe moon? And spells can be reflavored as coming from items and plants (or, ah, people? ugh) you've ingested instead of kinship with nature.

You've come this far. It's not like fluffing class mechanics is going to seem most unorthodox.

I'm somewhat confused by your "pick a target and gain abilities plus stats +2" type option. One-time use meaning this being will become your base form from here on out? If so, that might take care of your class dilemma right there. Picking something livable until you swap out for someone else's set is all you'd really need.

2018-12-01, 01:44 AM
If you start picking up the abilities of Rimuru... that's going to get crazy fast, I suggest maybe watching that anime too.
Off the top of my head, a phase spider has at will blink, presumably there is some kind of CR limit to what you can choose?

on the topic of "it it seems a bit difficult to flavor-wise work a newly sapient being into following a deific code or an appreciation for nature.", you might want to check out faithful of eberron (https://www.dmsguild.com/product/257238/The-Faithful-of-Eberron) There are a lot of neat things in there that start getting especially neat when you step away from the traditional divine classes & move into those like barbarian/bard/rogue/etc. The religions in there are likely going to be a lot easier to skip over that problem too.

2018-12-01, 01:49 AM
Cheeee, you weren't kidding on the "I have no idea where to go with this." This is quite the character shift.

Couple of starting questions here. Was this part of the campaign idea, or did this just happen and the DM is a huge homebrew fan, or...? Also, it would be helpful to know if you're doing a single-player campaign or if you have party members. Because if you're solo, balance isn't such a big deal, and you can afford to think about bananas ideas. Otherwise, some care should be taken about not becoming the OP protagonist of your group's anime.

Druid is the first thing that jumps at me. Depending on how strong your mechanics are, your ability to assume other forms could replace or modify the usual shifting. Maybe moon? And spells can be reflavored as coming from items and plants (or, ah, people? ugh) you've ingested instead of kinship with nature.

You've come this far. It's not like fluffing class mechanics is going to seem most unorthodox.

I'm somewhat confused by your "pick a target and gain abilities plus stats +2" type option. One-time use meaning this being will become your base form from here on out? If so, that might take care of your class dilemma right there. Picking something livable until you swap out for someone else's set is all you'd really need.

Alright so... Just stay with me here:

First off the DM kind of had this pre-planned (Though he is super into making his own Homebrew and player freedom of choice). He'd planned this to be an enemy, but instead fighting and dying to my own clone I kinda fell in.

We're all kinda the anime protags. The party composition is currently Deva Paladin, Human Gunslinger pretending to be McCree with a pet T-Rex, Flame Ooze Eldritch Knight, and a Ghost/Wraith Rogue working as a Reaper for Thanatos. I mean, my character (Before the one that just died) was an Adult Silver Dragon Life Cleric who bailed from the party when he found a Book of Benevolent Deeds (My DM and I had planned for him to go and become a God so I was happy to see him go). SO, in conclusion, my group has no understanding of the words Over Powered. Our DM keeps things appropriately challenging though so it all works out nicely.

And yes, the first Organic being I touch, I become them (With all my Ooze Racials and Natural acid damage), my stats become that Creature's but with a Permanent +2 to all of them. And then I have to kill and devour the original out of desire to be the only one. Basically Clone dilemma.

The problem I have with Moon Druid is that I have played it quite a few times, so I was more leaning toward maybe Barbarian, fighter, Cleric, or Monk. My DM actually expressed interest in seeing me become an Open Palm Monk Cat.

So that's kinda where I am. There's a slim chance that I might find something that'll massively boost my Chr or Int. We're in my friend's world's version of Egypt right now so there's a chance I could run into a Sphinx which I'm really hoping for, but other than no Moon Druid most everything else is on the table.

2018-12-01, 02:45 AM
If you start picking up the abilities of Rimuru... that's going to get crazy fast, I suggest maybe watching that anime too.
Off the top of my head, a phase spider has at will blink, presumably there is some kind of CR limit to what you can choose?

on the topic of "it it seems a bit difficult to flavor-wise work a newly sapient being into following a deific code or an appreciation for nature.", you might want to check out faithful of eberron (https://www.dmsguild.com/product/257238/The-Faithful-of-Eberron) There are a lot of neat things in there that start getting especially neat when you step away from the traditional divine classes & move into those like barbarian/bard/rogue/etc. The religions in there are likely going to be a lot easier to skip over that problem too.

I have not watched it yet but I'm going to. My friend has been telling me a lot about it though and I won't ever be quite that good I don't think. He's also planning to run and Overlord game at some point. Pretty much evert Monster is playable, just with balance modification.

2018-12-01, 07:17 AM
Uh. That sounds... look, different tastes, but if that happened to me, I would retire the character and made a new character I want to play, not one the GM imposed on me, abusable abilities or not. Propably not helpful, because you seem more OK with this sort of thing.

2018-12-01, 07:43 AM
I'd personally take precautions for absorbing abilities that make sense within the world. For example absorbing a Warlock shouldn't give you Warlock powers, absorbing a cleric shouldn't give you cleric powers and arguably absorbing a druid shouldn't give you druid powers, since these powers come from an outter source. So that leaves martial classes. I'd personally lean into the subterfuge portion of your abilities and try to get Arcane Trickster, the ability to morph weapons out of nowhere, change shape at will, all go well into the idea of an ooze rogue.

I'd also try include some character direction of your own, a little later down the line, take some points in great old one Warlock to represent the Demon God of Oozes trying to sway you back to its side.

2018-12-01, 07:48 AM
Ask if you can have Rimuru's predator ability... congrats...you won d&d!

Anyway with your 18 wisdom druid and arcana cleric came immediately to mind. Tempest cleric I think is the direction your DM has in mind though. Watch the anime and you'll understand.

As others have said, it sounds like your DM is going heavy Homebrew, so I'd just roll with whatever rails he's sending you down.

2018-12-01, 01:44 PM
Alright so... Just stay with me here:

We're all kinda the anime protags. The party composition is currently Deva Paladin, Human Gunslinger pretending to be McCree with a pet T-Rex, Flame Ooze Eldritch Knight, and a Ghost/Wraith Rogue working as a Reaper for Thanatos. I mean, my character (Before the one that just died) was an Adult Silver Dragon Life Cleric who bailed from the party when he found a Book of Benevolent Deeds (My DM and I had planned for him to go and become a God so I was happy to see him go). SO, in conclusion, my group has no understanding of the words Over Powered. Our DM keeps things appropriately challenging though so it all works out nicely.

And yes, the first Organic being I touch, I become them (With all my Ooze Racials and Natural acid damage), my stats become that Creature's but with a Permanent +2 to all of them. And then I have to kill and devour the original out of desire to be the only one. Basically Clone dilemma.

Ah. Well, as long as everyone is some measure of ridiculous anime power, might as well go whole-hog and enjoy it!

This is still an alien enough setup that I don't have much mechanical advice to throw at you; it's hard picturing exactly how everything is going to look together in play without seeing it. So focusing more on the funsies...

For no other reason than "it would be amazing," I want to see what happens if you manage to assume the form of a mindflayer. Even with a +2 to its stats and your own goodies, that could be a crazy dangerous original to try and consume. Especially if they've still got their backup. Also, all sorts of complications to poke at like "does the hive mind affect me" and such.

Getting out of the hyper-specific suggestions, I would just wait for the first interesting being that strolled in and made me go "I want it."

2018-12-01, 02:05 PM
Solidarity domain from the amamamamama planeshift immediately comes to mind as a sentient ooze in Egypt faith system.

Alternately the (much maligned) trickery domain (dipping into assasin rouge 3 or hunter ranger 5) seems like a natural choice.

Alternately, consume a giant eagle and go monk for the strongest of kung-foo. Drunken Gandalf Style.

2018-12-02, 03:40 AM
I'd personally take precautions for absorbing abilities that make sense within the world. For example absorbing a Warlock shouldn't give you Warlock powers, absorbing a cleric shouldn't give you cleric powers and arguably absorbing a druid shouldn't give you druid powers, since these powers come from an outter source. So that leaves martial classes. I'd personally lean into the subterfuge portion of your abilities and try to get Arcane Trickster, the ability to morph weapons out of nowhere, change shape at will, all go well into the idea of an ooze rogue.

I'd also try include some character direction of your own, a little later down the line, take some points in great old one Warlock to represent the Demon God of Oozes trying to sway you back to its side.

So from what I understand I don't drain class abilities. It's more of like... Let's say the first thing I touched was a Direwolf. I'd get its attacks, speed, Pack Tactics, etc. If afterwards I absorbed a Gorgon, even not in it's form I'd have one of its abilities. Say, I could grow its horns for Gore Attack in any form or use it's Petrifying breath in any form. The Ooze might drain Innate Spellcasting but I'm not sure.

I definitely plan to work on character direction later but my new character has been sapient for all of... Maybe two hours in game and all it's seen is the inside of a Halfling Pyramid and an odd party of adventurers so it will take time.

I am definitely leaning more toward a Stealth based character but we'll see what happens. I'm actually thinking of holding off on taking the class levels until I figure out what my primary form is going to be.

Solidarity domain from the amamamamama planeshift immediately comes to mind as a sentient ooze in Egypt faith system.

Alternately the (much maligned) trickery domain (dipping into assasin rouge 3 or hunter ranger 5) seems like a natural choice.

Alternately, consume a giant eagle and go monk for the strongest of kung-foo. Drunken Gandalf Style.

Ah yes, the amamamamama plane shift, of course. It actually would make sense for my character to pursue an "Egyptian" Deity given its origin. I've also been playing around with the idea of it being a sapient super weapon, maybe it gets notice by and Old One (Specifically Oblex. My stats are still subject to change based on the new form, Mental included so Warlock is a possibility).

Also, just a thought, I did have an idea that, being a newly 'born' being trying to understand the world, It might become obsessed with stars and the Astral Plane, leading it right into the belief of one of the Void Domain Deities like Ihbur, The Black Butterfly, or one of the Gods of the Dark Tapestry. I found a pretty nice homebrew for a Void Domain Cleric https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/8xtp31/cleric_subclass_void_domain/ That I've been itching to use. In the terms of the encroaching Void my Ooze might consider its eternally expanding, all-devouring nature to be one with the Void.

2018-12-02, 10:00 AM
So from what I understand I don't drain class abilities. It's more of like... Let's say the first thing I touched was a Direwolf. I'd get its attacks, speed, Pack Tactics, etc. If afterwards I absorbed a Gorgon, even not in it's form I'd have one of its abilities. Say, I could grow its horns for Gore Attack in any form or use it's Petrifying breath in any form. The Ooze might drain Innate Spellcasting but I'm not sure.

I definitely plan to work on character direction later but my new character has been sapient for all of... Maybe two hours in game and all it's seen is the inside of a Halfling Pyramid and an odd party of adventurers so it will take time.

I am definitely leaning more toward a Stealth based character but we'll see what happens. I'm actually thinking of holding off on taking the class levels until I figure out what my primary form is going to be.

Ah yes, the amamamamama plane shift, of course. It actually would make sense for my character to pursue an "Egyptian" Deity given its origin. I've also been playing around with the idea of it being a sapient super weapon, maybe it gets notice by and Old One (Specifically Oblex. My stats are still subject to change based on the new form, Mental included so Warlock is a possibility).

Also, just a thought, I did have an idea that, being a newly 'born' being trying to understand the world, It might become obsessed with stars and the Astral Plane, leading it right into the belief of one of the Void Domain Deities like Ihbur, The Black Butterfly, or one of the Gods of the Dark Tapestry. I found a pretty nice homebrew for a Void Domain Cleric https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/8xtp31/cleric_subclass_void_domain/ That I've been itching to use. In the terms of the encroaching Void my Ooze might consider its eternally expanding, all-devouring nature to be one with the Void.

Mechanically weak but... that second bit seems in keeping with the seeker partron for lock.

2018-12-11, 09:55 PM
Hello there, I'm new to posting stuff on sites like this. This thread caught my eye cuz I just finished watching this series not too long ago and also wanted to make this character. I saw that 5e has a class called Intelligent Ooze and wanted to know if wa the base for your character?

2018-12-12, 04:28 AM
Hello there, I'm new to posting stuff on sites like this. This thread caught my eye cuz I just finished watching this series not too long ago and also wanted to make this character. I saw that 5e has a class called Intelligent Ooze and wanted to know if wa the base for your character?

Welcome to the threads, then! I'm rather new myself but threads like these seem pretty inviting all around.

Anyway, I think what you saw was a Homebrew Class/Race and out group usually isn't open to outside homebrew (Basically anything we make is fine but outside of that it has to go through a pretty rigorous vetting process from our group. My friend made the idea originally as a Creature, he wanted to send it against us in battle and its whole thing is duplicating and then replacing living beings it touches. However, thanks to an angry Mummy Lord, my character fell in, died immediately and I was given the choice of playing it as a race or making a new character. I know my friend who made this has watched the anime but I don't know if it played into his creation of this creature. I know that my powers are fairly lacking in comparison so I doubt it.


Also for anyone still watching this thread, for now I chose my first 3 levels as Rogue and subclassed into Assassin. With a little bit of experimentation, we learned that, after eating one, I can be fired as a bullet from our Gunslinger's gun, and... Well, turning back into an ooze while flying toward/into someone is pretty surprising.

2018-12-12, 12:51 PM
I would want to find something that has a high dex and slightly more Charisma so you can be a Warlock. Great Old One would probably be the best for your concept. Blade lock, to show that you can twist your Ooze form into weapons, T-1000 style. Then pick up a single level of War Cleric at some point early on. I'd fluff the War Cleric from a "service to diety" to more of a paladin-esque Oath or focused determination.

That'll give you:

Heavy Armor
Martial weapons
2 attacks via thirsting blade
An occasional bonus action attack (4/LR with 18 wisdom)

You won't need more than 13 charisma, but you'll want to absorb someone (or something) with high Dex for both saves and melee damage. You'd want at least 14 Dex (+2 to 16), but more is always better.

If you're level 3, I'd do War Cleric 1 / GOO Warlock 2. Both give the same stat proficiencies, but that first level of cleric will give you shield proficiency, which you may or may not want. The War Priest ability will stand in for the extra attack feature until you reach 6 (Warlock 5/ Cleric 1)

2018-12-13, 03:11 AM
I would want to find something that has a high dex and slightly more Charisma so you can be a Warlock. Great Old One would probably be the best for your concept. Blade lock, to show that you can twist your Ooze form into weapons, T-1000 style. Then pick up a single level of War Cleric at some point early on. I'd fluff the War Cleric from a "service to diety" to more of a paladin-esque Oath or focused determination.

That'll give you:

Heavy Armor
Martial weapons
2 attacks via thirsting blade
An occasional bonus action attack (4/LR with 18 wisdom)

You won't need more than 13 charisma, but you'll want to absorb someone (or something) with high Dex for both saves and melee damage. You'd want at least 14 Dex (+2 to 16), but more is always better.

If you're level 3, I'd do War Cleric 1 / GOO Warlock 2. Both give the same stat proficiencies, but that first level of cleric will give you shield proficiency, which you may or may not want. The War Priest ability will stand in for the extra attack feature until you reach 6 (Warlock 5/ Cleric 1)

And in one post you've caused me to rethink my idea. I like yours but I'm thinking of tooling it a bit differently. Specifically going 20 War Cleric as opposed to multiclassing. Obviously as it learns and grows there's a chance I might decide to multiclass but after chatting with my friend we decided that the Creature I'm playing knows what it is, what it was made to do, and one thing about its past before being returned to the hivemind and sealed away (Yeah, we broke into an ancient pyramid and I single-handedly re-released an ancient, sleeping, destructive race upon the world. I'm not the first one in my group to do this though so I don't feel that bad about it honestly).

Anyway, they're starting true Neutral and the party leans more heavily toward Lawful, so I'm thinking that when they realize what they've done they'll decide to use their War Cleric powers to defend those they're not choosing to devour as opposed to killing and eating everything in sight. Apparently even with the lack of a Deity they're still able to harness War Cleric abilities because of their natural affinity toward it. Depending on influence from the world and party I could see them maybe learning of Religion and following someone like Sekhmet or Baphomet (Despite my hate of his depiction in 5e) and they could either become a renowned holy war hero or a devastating war criminal...

I know that wasn't what you had in mind, but thanks Vogie!

2018-12-13, 05:42 AM
A nilbog might be fun to absorb the form of and play as. They have some fun abilities, but not much HP to use them with. Being able to play one with class levels would fix that HP problem and make for a pretty interesting character (mechanically).

But yeah, this seems to be incredibly OP- it reminds me of the Illithid Savant prestige class from D&D 3.5e, which was hideously broken/OP even among the many, many broken/OP things in 3.5e. The DM is trusting you to not abuse this power to the point of making the game unfun for other people, so don't do that.

Barbarian looks good- it seems like you're gonna get access to some really strong weapons but a low proficiency bonus to use them with, so the Advantage from Reckless Attack could really help you there. Also, Bear Totem Barbarians look ridiculously good under your DM's houserule about their third level ability- you're basically getting a better version of the Zealot's 14th level ability at 3rd level.

2018-12-13, 05:45 AM
Hello there, I'm new to posting stuff on sites like this. This thread caught my eye cuz I just finished watching this series not too long ago and also wanted to make this character. I saw that 5e has a class called Intelligent Ooze and wanted to know if wa the base for your character?
5e does not have an Intelligent Ooze class (in official or even semi-official material); that Intelligent Ooze class was a piece of homebrew.

Let me guess, you saw that on dandwiki? The site's notorious for its unmarked homebrew material; I highly recommend staying away from it.

2018-12-13, 07:44 AM
A nilbog might be fun to absorb the form of and play as. They have some fun abilities, but not much HP to use them with. Being able to play one with class levels would fix that HP problem and make for a pretty interesting character (mechanically).

But yeah, this seems to be incredibly OP- it reminds me of the Illithid Savant prestige class from D&D 3.5e, which was hideously broken/OP even among the many, many broken/OP things in 3.5e. The DM is trusting you to not abuse this power to the point of making the game unfun for other people, so don't do that.

Barbarian looks good- it seems like you're gonna get access to some really strong weapons but a low proficiency bonus to use them with, so the Advantage from Reckless Attack could really help you there. Also, Bear Totem Barbarians look ridiculously good under your DM's houserule about their third level ability- you're basically getting a better version of the Zealot's 14th level ability at 3rd level.

If you'll look at some of the earlier posts you'll see that this isn't quite that op compared to other things my DM wants us to get away with.

I like the Nilbog idea but I don't know if that would work. When the Nilbog dies it leaves the goblin it's inhabiting and finds a new host so I might just be stuck with a regular goblin.

I do want to avoid Totem Barb too because if I take that, it basically just means I'll be fighting nothing but psionics and I don't want to put the party through that nonsense.

All in all right now it seems my best bet is War Cleric. We're in what is essentially Egypt right now and heading to the Mediterranean and apparently there's some terrifying things in between so I've got some interesting form choices coming up. But since my Physical stats are so lacking right now I'm focusing on a caster that'll keep me useful until I can find a suitable new form.

2018-12-13, 12:25 PM
If you'll look at some of the earlier posts you'll see that this isn't quite that op compared to other things my DM wants us to get away with.

I like the Nilbog idea but I don't know if that would work. When the Nilbog dies it leaves the goblin it's inhabiting and finds a new host so I might just be stuck with a regular goblin.

I do want to avoid Totem Barb too because if I take that, it basically just means I'll be fighting nothing but psionics and I don't want to put the party through that nonsense.

All in all right now it seems my best bet is War Cleric. We're in what is essentially Egypt right now and heading to the Mediterranean and apparently there's some terrifying things in between so I've got some interesting form choices coming up. But since my Physical stats are so lacking right now I'm focusing on a caster that'll keep me useful until I can find a suitable new form.
You could transform into something that's immune or resistant to psychic damage, then take/combine that with Bearbarian levels.

2018-12-13, 02:26 PM
You could transform into something that's immune or resistant to psychic damage, then take/combine that with Bearbarian levels.

We’ll see the thing is if I do do that, my DM is going to make things that are able to get around it. His whole DM style is “Gain as much power as you want, but the more you have, the worse you’re going to have to deal with. So seeing that I would be Immune to All Damage Types and most Status effects, the character would either be tossed, or we’d start seeing horrific new DM creations that no one can deal with because he wants to keep it challenging for us.