View Full Version : Under the Ice 5e IC

2018-12-01, 02:10 PM
From your separate corners of the Wastes, you had come together in a small tavern in the heart of Scavenge. For a moment you had forgotten about the cold outside as you sipped a warm mug of ale from a dented and grimy mug, conversing like old friends.

But this was more of a business proposition.

You all had very selective knowledge the others all wanted- locations of ancient a terrifying temples and libraries built by those who served what madness lurked Under the Ice. For your various reasons, you all had decided to roam the ice, visiting and plundering these locations one by one.

However, the road lies open ahead of you. Where do you want to go first?

2018-12-01, 07:36 PM
Dusk sits in her chair and watches people drink and get warm. As a Warforged, she had no need to eat Or drink, and thusly couldn't do so. She found herself wondering idly what drunkenness was like. Fortunately her Raven distracted her from such pointless thoughts by climbing onto her head. The raven looked at the person directly across the table from Dusk. "Murder! Murrrderrr" The raven called playfully, imitating a female voice. Dusk gave a loud sigh. "Shut up you goofy bird."

After taking a moment to calm her familiar, she would speak up. "I have heard of something of note. I have only heard of rumors, so I can't say what is true. I heard there was a valley to the west, between several mountains. Supposedly there used to be an ancient city there. The rumors differ on who built it, But they all say that long ago the tunnel into city collapsed. Supposedly this caused water to build up in the valley and the city was flooded. I hear a recent earthquake collapsed a way into the valley, and the water has drained." Dusk shrugs slightly, but looks curious. "Apparently now the issue is that the later of ice above that giant lake never melts, and some of the buildings help hold the ice layer up. I hear one scout got in and claimed the city was suspiciously intact given the flooding. Sadly that's all I've heard about that particular place. I can't vouch for it existing or not though. We all know how legends grow with time."

2018-12-01, 07:53 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: -- & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

"Little" as she was known to a few in these parts (and by other nicknames hopefully not associated with that one in the minds of the few others who had heard certain dark rumors) had heard rumor of a woman who had found the location of a lost library beneath the ice. Rumor was she was searching for just one book in particular.
One rumor claimed it was a family registry bound in a solid platinum covering that would prove her the rightful heir to certain artifacts, titles, and lands much contested.
Another that it was a volume of tales and poems that in turn contained clues to a secret treasure or pocket dimension.
A third rumor that it was a manual for the creation of a dragonbone or maybe demonflesh golem. Or was it a blood elemental?

In any case, Little was intrigued enough to seek this woman out. Knowing that she would likely be hired for the job in exchange for the likely rather unfair deal of being able to keep whatever it was she wished she found there, given the rarity of anyone of learning who could properly identify the right tome in these lands. Especially any who would be willing to brave such dangers.

So she tracked down these rumors to a particular tavern in Scavenge named....

2018-12-01, 07:56 PM
The strong-built dragonborn sipped from his ale, pale blue eyes piercing each intently. He listened to the machine’s words and considered them for a moment. He had found the undying servant of the Raven Queen a curiosity and a pleasant enigma. “This riddle sounds worthy of our time. Many bodies of knowledge would be preserved in such a place. I have heard a scrollhouse of unusual merit may reside there.”

Son of A Lich!
2018-12-01, 08:35 PM
Yes, Contains many bodies of Knowledge, Lets not add our bodies to its collection...

Gurik's face barely rose up above the level of the table itself. He works himself up to standing on his chair, leaning over the table a little bit.

Now, He says in a more hushed tone Are you talking about Gilmast? He waves his hands promptly, using a minor illusion cantrip to generate a ghostly swirling map on the table. It's barely visiable, just changing the hues and widths of the knot lines in the wood with darker labels dotting various areas. his eyes quickly scan the outer edges of the room for anyone that could be listening in.

{Knowledge, itself isn't exactly valuable here in scavenge.} His voice echoes into everyone's heads at the table {But a good way to get yourselves killed, looted and jumped is to announce to strangers around you That you know where potential salvaging cites may be.}

{You might be new here, and I can forgive you for that. But talking openly about anything that could have gold, magic or, most importantly, POWER this far up north is asking all of us to get jumped}

2018-12-01, 09:06 PM
Dusk nods, and whuspers "My bad. Though I sadly lack your method of communication. But I suppose I can think of something." Though she was intending to be quiet, her raven opened it's beak, only for for Dusk to order the raven to keep it quiet. So murder decided to try to jump into Gurik's shoulder. "Hello.. body... collection?"

2018-12-01, 09:42 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: -- & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

...The Wrong Bird. A place that somehow fit its name, as difficult as that should have been.

After over an hour of asking around and waiting, Little was fairly convinced her contact wasn't here. Disappointed, but hardly surprised, that such a fortuitous rumor wound up being off or maybe even completely fictional, she'd decided to leave just as she heard something like what she'd been listening out for. Looking to the source of the words, she found herself lucking out. She directly behind and in the blind spot of a goblin that she noticed was trying to see if what those at the table were up to was being watched. As she took a few careful steps closer, she saw the faint illusion of a map. A map of a place that certainly wasn't on any of the region's charts that she'd ever seen.

Perhaps this was what the rumors had been formed from. Or mayhap it was just some lucky coincidence. Either way, a lost place to scavenge for lost tomes and the like was something appealing to her. Now... how to insert herself into this group's plans? She mulled this over and concluded on....

...A few moments later a faerie dragon with yellow gem-like scales seemingly drunkenly swoops around the goblin's head and crashed onto the table right onto the illusionary map. As this happens the "young girl" approaches so quickly she practically slams into the back of the goblin's chair and says in a childish voice, "Oh I'm so sorry about Citrine! She didn't knock over any of your drinks did she?" Even as she's saying the second part she's clearly seen the map as she leans down over the table to examine it from about half an inch away from her eyes. "Oh, pretty!" she states not quite loudly, but not quite quietly either. Then she claps a hand over her mouth and says to the people seated at the table in a hushed tone, "Sorry sorry! That's not the kind of thing you'd want everyone here looking at I guess yeah?"

2018-12-01, 09:49 PM
”Mind-speaker, I do not fret, as these street-walkers do not live long beyond these halls. Speaking of rumors may lead them to the Master’s table sooner than later”

Framed by two stiffly standing and heavily cloaked figures at his back, Ventrix sat poised as if just as ready to spring as to recline. These cloaked guards had not moved since they took post watching the other tables. The dragonborn added, ”Yet, caution is warranted, I concede. These whispers remain worth our consideration.”

Son of A Lich!
2018-12-02, 01:12 AM
Gurik was comfortable with a Murder taking interest in him; he dealt with animals all day. He paid the bird little more attention then a soft rub on the head, as he listened to what the white dragonborn had to say. I can work with cautions and whispers... But

The swooping Faerie Dragon however, was not something Gurik was expecting.

He immediately drops the illusion, and his spine stiffens like a cat dunked in water before taking a quick glance over the new familiar in front of him.

Hashuitzit!?! Why I... Oh..? ooh... Oh, Hello there little one...

Standing on the edge of the chair and leaning in almost to the extent of falling face first on the table.

Oh, My... Are you a Draconis Faeteninus? And how did you get all the way up here, lil'un? She is Very Impressive. Our connections to the Feywild are tedious at best... in fact... I'm currently working on a thesis about the severed connection to the Feywilds is a large part of why we are stuck in everwinter in the north here...

He gently examines Citrine, trying to decipher what breed of Faerie Dragon specifically she is.

That's part of the reason, I believe, that the Giant-kin are so rampant up in these parts; The Fae serve as a natural counter balance. No Fae, nothing to stop the Giants from roaming... The Giants and their kin aren't capable of Real magic, as you know... nothing that could manage a bridge to the Feywild and bind a brilliant specimen like THIS! How did you manage...

He turns around to look at the Goliath Magus standing behind him...

2018-12-02, 02:19 AM
"Fascinating. You know, we could always do our "considering" in more private quarters," Malathorn added softly, cutting a lean figure in spite of his heavy armor and the thick pelt about his shoulders. He bore no visible weapon but even in the tavern he kept his helmet on. "I worry less about the scum of this city than to whom they may talk."

2018-12-02, 04:38 AM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: -- & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

Not sure if they were not responding directly to her words either to avoid bringing more attention to what they'd been discussing or to try and hope the "child" would get confused and leave, Little just decided to roll with that kind of behavior if that's what these people were going to do.
She did wonder if the marveling over her familiar was genuine or not. If it was, it wasn't a topic she'd be uninterested in discussing at least. But she couldn't assume it was either.

"We're going somewhere more private to discuss Faerie Dragons? Ok. Where to!?" Little asks with exuberance. By her thinking either they're fooled by the child act and she can continue trying to make it difficult for them to not go along with it or they're be able to tell it's false and hopefully have to good sense to go somewhere more private where they can all be more frank about things. Well.... or they might decided either way to try and take her somewhere unseen and slit her throat, but she's not terribly worried about her chances of escaping such a situation. Even if these individuals are tougher than they look, the construction of the buildings around here were such that it would be easy enough to make an exit where there previous was none.

As an afterthought (or at least her false persona's afterthought) she adds, "This is Citrine by the way. Say hello to the nice people Citrine."

Citrine for her part, very dryly for a voice that actually somehow conveys the sparkling of gemstone, remarks, <"Hello to the nice people Citrine."> in Draconic.

If someone wants to use Golden Rode that I've used for Citrine here just let me know and I'll use something else for her.

2018-12-02, 04:21 PM
Dusk watched this with some minor irritation. What was she doing? Why intervene. And why would this thing just randomly end up on their table right after talk of keeping things quiet. This was obviously some kind of trick to listen in. Or at least that was one of Dusk's thoughts. She supposed it was possible that this was some accident. But why assume she was invited and that they wanted to talk about the pseudo-Dragon thing.

Well Gurik had been talking about it. And that just brought her thoughts around to him. "Why would fae be the counter to giants? Maybe it's just my lack of fae knowledge... But I've never heard of far and giants being at war or something." Dusk asks, curious.

Son of A Lich!
2018-12-04, 01:48 AM
Gurik is very smart, but whenever he is faced with knowledge of things he can't possibly know, he will Gladly make things up on the spot. Consummate know-it-all, Gurik always has an answer, even if it's complete rubbish. Or maybe he's on to something, who knows?

"Ah! Yes, well... Giants, as you know, are slaves to a... sort of... " he works his hands together trying to find the right words "Psuedo-religious principle called "The Ordening". Giants, in the era before time, were carved from the elemental planes essence and given mortal shape... Thus why you have Fire Giants and Rock Giants and so forth. Any way, the Giant's natural state is being categorized into tiers of grandeur based on this Ordening. Heavier elements are on the bottom, and lighter elements on top. Hill Giants and rock giants on the bottom, The Fire, then water, er Frost, then Air Specifcally Cloud and then Storm.

The Fey wilds, however, is predicated on Magic being Natural. The Believe of the individual will shape the nature of reality in a fundamental form of rudimentary magic, and since Giants are elemental in nature and Fae-folk naturally have a disposition to manipulating their very core beliefs as easily as... say... you know the way to the grocer. This is why I believe that the lack of Fae in the northern continent is why the Giant and Giant Kin are so disposed to settle here. They are without a very important natural predator, as per Mercer's Theorem of Hyper-competition, in On Leylines and Magic Disposition of Native Beasts.

He pauses and eyes up the table, appearing to be looking for praise, but in reality he's looking for who believes him and who is politely being quiet.

"It's an excellent read, if you have the chance." He quiets his voice slightly "But I have a room here, at The Wrong Bird, we can ward it and discuss things privately there..."

2018-12-04, 01:29 PM
Insight [roll0] Not sure whom tie goes to, but Ventrix probably smells the scent of manure. :smalltongue:

The white dragonborn stared long at the speaker. ”Dragons and giants are ancient foes. Fey are newcomers to that feud. Yet, a private hall is better to discuss bad blood and new...opportunities.”

2018-12-04, 01:51 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: -- & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

There is only the tiniest moment of being completely unimpressed on Little's face before she resumes her facade of an overly curious child. "I see I see. Uh huh." she replies nodding her head along, as if she half understood what was being said. At the mention of going somewhere else, she picks Citrine off the table, by the tail causing the faerie dragon to have to flap her wings to be in any control over her positioning, and places Citrine on the inner brim of her hat. Then she takes a step back away from the table so she's not in the way of people getting up and waits for the goblin to lead the way.

2018-12-04, 07:30 PM
Ohhh. New opportunities? Lea asked clearly interested.

Son of A Lich!
2018-12-04, 10:13 PM
"Oh! Yes, many Exciting new opportunities..." Gurik says with a small hop from the chair, reeling for a slight second from his left knee with a wince "But lets make our way to privacy for the details."

His walks along side the Dragonborn, guiding the group to his room.

"Clearly" He says with a small chuckle "You aren't that familiar with Mercer's work, allow me to explain..." He starts to ramble, hastily peppering in names of wizards and scholars as he walks the party along to his room, in a very round about way of trying to wow the cleric with what he knows but trying so hard to look confident in his information.

{As a man of scholarly works, I don't believe in Fate or Destiny...}Gurik's voice, in between pauses and breaks of his ramblings, seeps into Little's mind. {But I also Don't believe in coincidences. Your breech into the fey wilds is very intruiging, especially at such a young age. If you are looking for work, we could use someone with your mastery of arcana...} as he leaves the common area, he motions subtly for her. {Just follow us, I'll vouch for you if there is any trouble}

"... And, so... Naturally, it's not so much a "War" per say, between the Giants and Fey, just... Natural selection on an arcane scale... eh... of sorts, so you see" He sighs loudly, proud of his... 'Recovery' of the little fib he just told. He holds the door open to his room and ushers everyone in. Once everyone is inside, he takes out a fist full of rice and salt and scatters it across the floor. He waits a moment, closes the door and prepares an Alarm Ritual.

"This may take a brief moment, so lets all take the time to introduce ourselves to each other..." His eyes scan the room to the strangers around "Who are you, what are you looking for specifically in the dig site, and what can you bring to the table for the group?" He gently starts to unspool silvery thread from one of his many Many pockets of his overalls.

"Well?.. Who wants to go first?"

2018-12-05, 12:12 AM
I'm Lea, Skald and warrior I'm trained in keeping morale up, hampering our foes, and shiving them repeatedly with the sharp pointy end, repeatedly. Lea remarked.

2018-12-05, 01:34 AM
Only when the group retired to the relative safety and privacy of Gurik's room did Malathorn remove his helmet, revealing a man with clear elven features, fair skin and long, dark hair, seemingly approaching middle age. "I am Malathorn, holy warrior and scholar of the arcane. I believe with that, you have my motivation and skillset both," he said curtly.

2018-12-05, 05:16 PM
Dusk follows the group happily enough. And when they finally enter the room. She sits on the ground and seems perfectly comfortable doing so. Her raven familiar hops round on her head and shoulders, and mimics any words he finds to be fun. He begins saying "Thorn of canes!" happily. "Most of you, or at least them,"(Dusk nods to Gurik and centric) "know me. My name is Dusk, cleric of the Raven Queen. I am also a Warforged, should that matter to anyone." Dusk shrugs as she ends her introduction.

2018-12-06, 09:43 AM
The pale dragonborn’s overly cloaked escorts filed in before and behind him. He let the rambler share his soul, listening and occasionally glancing toward the speaker to affirm that he indeed listened. Once in the room, Ventrix selected a chair that faced the door. The two guards took a stand on opposite sides of his chair as Ventrix sat.

”I am also a servant of the Ultimate Master, though I claim no preference to Her many aspects. I am known as Ventrix to my kindred, and Wispcaller to many tribes of the Wastes. Pray tell, generous host, who are you?”

Son of A Lich!
2018-12-06, 05:07 PM
Gurik finishes up with the alarm ritual before cautiously taking the center of the small room.

"I... am Gurik Runepicker... well, technically, Grisslewort at birth but that clan... we're not going to get into the finer details of goblin nomadic societies here. I am Gurik Runepicker."

he collects himself briefly, pulling his hood down and revealing a thinning head of red hair with white roots. For a goblin, he seems to wear clothes that look like they may be a few sizes too big for him. He confidently throws one end of his scarf over his shoulder for a Touch of flair.

"By trade... due to circumstances of the north here... I'm mostly a guide or ranger. I help new comers to the north find safe passage to whatever destination they are heading too."

with a casual use of prestidigitation, he dims the lights and hushes his voice...

"But by profession, I'm researching the cities under the snow... And more specifically... I want to free the north of the Everwinter, and I think the cities below may have details as to how we would accomplish that..."

He takes a quick scan of the people in the room and their reactions.

"I am nearly 50 winters old... I don't know how long it would take for me to find a solution to the problem of the Everwinter... My knees are starting to give and i'm not as young as I used to be. I need help, help from able bodied people like you all. I can only look through so many librarys with the time I have left on this realm, I can only fend off so many Owlbears or wights..."

"What I am looking for, first and foremost, is new cities from before the Everwinter. Details, specifics, ways to find them and what we can expect beneath them. I do have a few magic tricks I've learned in research down beneath the snow..."

He buries his head under his scarf a bit in shame.

"I... Never had the time or means to go to an actual university to practice magic amidst the great scholars... But I can't leave this being without..."

He looks around the room a bit, putting his hood back up.

"Without being something before I go... I want to help provide a better future for my children, my grandchildren, my great grand children. I can't leave, knowing that the bitter cold is just going to force them into lives of strife, bending the knee to whatever beast holds a micron of power over them."

2018-12-06, 08:26 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: -- & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

Little let's Gurik's words hang in silence for a moment so that the rest of the people in the room don't get tonal whiplash when she speaks up to say, "My name is Kuori, but most people call me Little! I used to have a tribe, but I don't now. So I make my own tribe now, sort of. I conjure things like food and water, familiars, beasts, even elementals and elemental and darker forces."

"I was in a place with information before. But I read everything there. So I'm looking for places with more information. But those kinds of places are rare and dangerous. So it sure would be nice to go with a strong looking group like you all." she finishes, laying on the charm probably a little bit too thick and clumsily.

I figure word of what she did to her tribe may have reached this area by now. But it's hardly "big news" for most people. So I'm thinking with the information she laid out, it might be enough for someone to put the clues together. But really just one person as it's not like it's hot news or anything. I'll leave it up to that person how much of the details they know (and whether they received any distorted information) and whether or not to say anything. Just please say so in the OOC if you want to claim your character is the one who knows so we don't wind up with a silly situation like somehow everyone knows.

I also think it probably shouldn't be Gurik because Little and Gurik have already had a decent amount of interaction already compared to other characters and I'd like to mix it up a little. Pun intended. :smalltongue:

2018-12-08, 08:54 PM
Dusk listens and nods. "So we have made our introductions... And if this is the group we will be pursing this with... Let us get back to discussing where we are heading and what we may need to get there and as we work?" Dusk asks, trying to bring the topic back to it's more important subject. Despite this she doesn't seem angry or bugged. Merely more interesting in the bigger picture. Murder the raven hops around energetically.

2018-12-09, 02:52 PM
"I confess that this library, even the rumors of it, are unknown to me," Malathorn admitted. "What sort of journey are we preparing for? Any rumor of guardians, or rival knowledge-seekers? And should we arrive and find the entrance buried beneath tons of ice or rock, does one of you know a spell to remove or circumvent such an obstacle?"

2018-12-09, 05:14 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: -- & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

"Earth elementals are good at moving rocks around I imagine. Or I could turn someone into a very large creature." Little replies to Malathorn's question.

2018-12-09, 11:26 PM
Dusk nods. "One of the arcane Cantrips I learned is mold earth. I could probably use that to move frozen earth out of the way, though it would take a while to use it to tunnel through any frozen soil, rock, or potentially ice." Dusk shrugs slightly. "was for guardians, any city with a library so steeped in folklore probably has it's fair share. And given the seclusion of such a hidden place.... And the darkness in some of these submerged areas.." Dusk thinks out loud, pacing slightly..."I would expect creatures that can deal with cold and dark places. But I doubt there is abundant food. Though if there are warmer areas in this place, I suppose fungi could grow... I imagine it's gaurdian would thrive in darkness, and is probably the type to desire ancient knowledge."

2018-12-10, 01:00 AM
I admittedly, never studied much of my tribe's lore.... Maybe we could find someone who knows? Lea comments.

2018-12-12, 04:15 PM
"I suppose then we shall have to outfit ourselves for the journey, plus a potentially long search for an entrance, followed by a possible lengthy excavation, and combat with fellow treasure-seekers and potential guardians. Again, unless we have some means of providing for ourselves magically, a large purchase of provisions will surely be noticed. I have lived in these parts for long enough to provide for myself, maybe even for the rest of us, but finding game is never a sure thing."

2018-12-12, 04:55 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: -- & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

Little gives Malathorn a blank stare, as she had not more than a minute before announced her ability to conjure food and water. Admittedly, she doesn't feel like it would be a bad idea for others to actually buy extra provisions so they didn't have to rely on her ability to do so.

2018-12-12, 05:04 PM
"Can you conjure food and water for the whole party indefinitely?"

Son of A Lich!
2018-12-12, 05:17 PM
Getting enough food for a week or so excursion isn't going to raise too many eyebrows, especially this time of year. Gurik explains, passively.

He sits cross-legged on the floor and uses Minor illusion to make a map of the surrounding area along the floor.

Worse comes to worse, Gaulgori and I can find some good-eating for all of us, but I'd rather we didn't spend our time rummaging around for food. We don't know what will be down in the depths under the ice, but whatever it is, it likely doesn't need to eat what we would consider food. From time to time, we get little packs of... things... that aren't of the mortal realms.

He changes the illusion to show what he has seen in his many travels.

So there IS an ecosystem down there, whatever it may consist of. Personally, I think the best we can do in preparation for the trip is create a rumor that a better excursion site is over here.

Survival [roll0]
Knowledge (Nature) [roll1]

This is to find a death trap, an area that is lesser known for it's danger; somewhere people can be sent off to and be expected to not come back if you don't know what your getting yourself into...

If no such place exists, I'll go for somewhere that is just simply out of the way, a red herring or difficult-to-navigate terrain.

I would even be willing to put some coin forward to hire some lowly undesirable type vultures to "scout it out for us"... That way, any of the more experienced Vultures will be more inclined to follow them into the dark while we go undisturbed.

Of course... Letting a few shmucks walk in and trigger any of the dangers isn't always a bad idea... but regardless, after we examine the site and get what we can hold, I recommend doing a sweep for the stray sheep that managed to pick through the site first and couldn't make it through the blizzard that may be on route. We're over due for one, you know...

2018-12-12, 05:43 PM
Dusk listens and nods. "I wouldn't be against putting out false rumors that lead to the wrong location. But i'd rather not lead desperate people intentionally to their death. But searching the area for people who may have already been there is perfectly reasonable. As a cleric I can summon food and water, those won't trouble us. Are you all supplies for the winter? Hypothermia is more likely than lack of food or water."

2018-12-12, 07:08 PM
Let me talk to the merchants for any wears we need. I'm quite used to getting my way. Lea lets out.

2018-12-12, 08:07 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: -- & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

Little gives Malathorn a nod and then nods in Dusk's direction before saying, "Yes. If Ms. Dusk's spell works the same as mine, either of us could conjure enough to feed more than our group with a single casting each day. Though of course it would be better if we didn't need to and could save our spells for..... solving problems. So if you have money, buying extra rations wouldn't be a bad idea."

2018-12-14, 07:12 PM
Dusk nods, and moves her winter cloak out of the the way stretching slightly. "I suppose we can all imagine what we need to get, if we don't have it. Let us move to the next topic of discussion. How will we travel? If nothing else we should avoid walking haphazardly a cross the Ice and snow. If need be we could grab a donkey and cart, or a wagon. But if so I suggest we find a way to not leave a trail."

2018-12-15, 09:24 AM
Ventrix listened , pale eyes moving purposefully between the speakers. He then added, ”I have three of my Master’s horses that will not tire over ice or across leagues. I believe the servant of the Lady could acquire more.”

2018-12-15, 12:35 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: -- & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

'I have a Pegasus. So I don't need to get a mount, if that helps." Little states.

Son of A Lich!
2018-12-15, 02:42 PM
So, it's settled then; We get simple provisions, horses for those of us without mounts, and lead a stray group to Hailfire and try to keep the lowlier of our problems at bay. We go in and try to find whatever information and books we can find. Artifacts and relics of the old world are to be sent off and the loot is divided up between us. Everyone fights, or everyone runs; There is no half-measure here. The wastes are not forgiving to those weak of heart.

we take what we can carry and we will decide on re-sealing the site upon leaving.

Wispwalker... eh... If Gaulgori happens to try and... um... sample... your master's gifts... Just... Just sternly tell her "No"... If she pretends to not hear you, let me know and... I'll do something about it. Gaugori has a... unusual pallet for the taste of the fallen... so to speak. I hope you don't take any offense to it, personally.

2018-12-15, 04:04 PM
The dragonborn snorted, creating thin curls of chill mist. “While all living grow from death, these servants would be hard to chew without their consent.”

2018-12-15, 06:19 PM
Dusk nods. "I have an arcane cantrip for if the route gets too rough. I can move earth and stone to help make a path out of any normal stone or earth. So hopefully terrain itself won't be too hard, assuming I have the time to. And like my friend here, if need be, I can reanimate any horses that die from cold or damage. Though it uses up some daily resources. I assume such a thing probably would bug anyone here." Dusk shrugs nonchalantly. Death was no big deal here.

2018-12-16, 10:58 PM
"I can summon a steed for myself, at least, and conjure a weapon whose flame does not burn out. Some provisions, then, and we should have all we need."

2018-12-17, 01:41 AM
I would in fact, need a horse. Lea admits looking down at the floor.

2018-12-17, 10:56 PM
Dusk nods as people speak. "As to horses... Ventrix mentioned having 3. There is a chance he might let you guys ride them, depending. They are his after all. Given we are all of some experience from the sound of it, it shouldn't be too hard to procure more if that's not an option." Dusk speaks in a tone of voice that seems like someone is trying to verbally shrug.

"So it seems as if this is winding down. Shall we go make any final supply purchases? Or is there other matter to address first?"

Son of A Lich!
2018-12-18, 02:08 AM
There is a butchery down the road where we can get some salted meats and dried provisions, any equipment would likely have to be bartered in this town. It's named Salvage for a reason, y'know.

I'll send a mind whisper around dawn, and we can set off to the site. I'd recommend preparing yourselves for the bizarre and undead, with holy magics devoted to restorations. We don't know what kind of diseases and toxins they could carry down there, but it's always best to be prepared for such magically.

AND ROPE! he says with a sudden realization We shouldn't expect the opening to be a simple archway! It's likely going to involve spelunking down into the depths below. I have a wide range available to myself, pre-knotted, a trick I learned from a sailor named Chalara back to the east of... never mind, it's not important, but it always comes in handy at unusual circumstances.

Now... Lea... let us see if we can find some young gents and ladies looking to make some quick coin and spread rumors to lead the other vultures astray, yeah? I think...

He looks over to Dusk, and sees the disapproving glare coming from her face...

He takes her hand in one of his and pats the back of it with his other, in a very grandfatherly sort of way I'm Sure they will be fine, they'll probably turn tail at the first sign of trouble and come home. Nothing to worry about at all, dear...


He scuttles back over to Lea and starts explaining what they would look for to identify a scrap savager in this part of the wastes as he and Lea go out the door.

2018-12-18, 09:51 PM
The draconic cleric motioned toward the tall guard at his side. ”Falkstav will bear you on his mount.”

Falkstav bowed his head before returning to his vigil.

2018-12-19, 02:36 AM
"Excellent. When and where shall we meet up before we embark?"

2018-12-19, 02:31 PM
Lea intones a few words under her breath, before booking an all around best tavern tour of the city.

With supernatural charm and grace, does Lea start using the voice of a goddess to lead travelers astray.

~Outthere on the frigid road, lies riches untold.....

Performance [roll0]
Performance [roll1]

2018-12-19, 02:45 PM
As you sing, those in the cramped tavern who look like they're out for coin perk up and are enraptured by your song. By the end of the sweeping tale of the gold hidden under the Hailfire Peak, a larger and burlier human male cries out "let us go to the mountain of the Wyrms! Come, my brothers and sisters, let us seek our fortune!" A cheer goes up from the crowd as they begin to stream out into the cold.

2018-12-19, 06:09 PM
The deagonborn watched the fervor and quietly chanted, ”May their manied paths lead to the One Road all must walk, May their steps be swift and true, The Many-Faced One patiently waits your coming.”

2018-12-19, 06:56 PM
Dusk would approach as they marched out, likely to meet their deaths with a slight a scowl. She hasn't and wouldn't have wanted this. But the prayer was nice. She would turn to Ventrix and nod. He might follow another deity, but she could respect him for that. "And when they walk that one way road, may they be filled with courage. May no one attempt to turn back, and try to unduly deprive death of it's prize."

Dusk says in response to Ventrix and what he had said. Then she turns to the rest. "You all know now that if we find them frozen along the path, you have forced me to stop there and given them a proper death ceremony."

2018-12-19, 08:17 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: -- & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

Little watches with an amused smirk at the crowd of people foolishly heading out to their deaths.

2018-12-21, 04:16 AM
Malathorn likewise simply looked on, his expression unreadable.

2018-12-28, 03:40 PM
Dusk heads out to the Lowry. Since everyone was going to be using horses, she supposed she needed to pick one up. Dusk headed out to take a look, and maybe she'd find a nice horse. Frankly at this point she didn't find herself worried if it was dead or alive. A skeletal horse was as good as a living one, and needn't fear disease or other issues.

2019-01-07, 09:01 AM
You approach one of the merchants around on the rickety wooden streets and platforms suspended high above the icy chasm below. A small man, you can't tell if they're a halfling or a gnome, is hawking some tired-looking and aged horses at the top of his lungs. As you approach, he twists his hardened and grizzled face into a smile, baring yellowed teeth. "Interested in a horse, are ye? Welp, it's a hunnerd for one of these fine animals. Best yer gonna find for miles," he says with a grin as he slaps the flank of one of the larger creatures. As you look in the alley behind, you see a horse carcass beginning to attract flies.

2019-01-07, 03:30 PM
Dusk turns towards the man. "My apologies, but I wouldn't but a good horse for that, let alone the oldest and most weary horses you have. They'd die a day into any trip." Dusk lowers her hood, and States at the man. There was the corpse, but a zombie horse would attract flies, she mu h prefered skeletal undead when undead were needed. And she didn't wish to hold everyone up to flay the flesh from it's bones. "If you don't wish to sell either at a decent price, or better horses, as a cleric of the raven queen, I have other alternatives."

(What condition is it in? It sounded like it just began attracting flies. Given the state of the others I would guess it's an old age type death not cut to bits?)

2019-01-07, 03:55 PM
As you inspect the horse in the alley, flies buzz around the rotted husk. Nearly all the flesh has been stripped off the bones, and what remains is thin and almost translucent. It wouldn't take more than an hour to reduce it to a skeletal form, but there still might be a bit of a smell.

2019-01-07, 07:16 PM
And that? Lea remarks with a raised eyebrow pointing to the body.

2019-01-08, 05:07 AM
"If these are the 'best around', you'd best go with your 'alternative'," Malathorn quipped, clearly showing little patience for the merchant, whom he turned towards to address directly. Drawing himself up to his full height and affecting his best tone of refined menace. "You wouldn't happen to know anywhere around here that healthier beasts might be purchased—would you?"

Intimidate: [roll0]

2019-01-08, 10:08 AM
He cowers. "No, far as I know, I sell the best horses around. It's hard, you know, raising horses in the arctic... 'specially with the missus sick, and the children hungry... I can give you a discount, if you'd like! 75 gold, final offer. And if you want that thing," he nods back towards the corpse, "5 gold and it's yours." He bows his head, visibly shaking.

2019-01-08, 11:36 PM
Dusk nods to herself. An hour wasn't much time. And the scent would go away soon enough. As a cleric of the raven queen, she was familiar enough with the smell of death. Giving last rites to the dead and occasionally using bodies as puppets made you 'noseblind' to some degree, though perhaps not entirely.

"I'll give you 10 gold instead of 5 if you'll help me strip the rest of the flesh off. I don't mind skeletal horse riding, but with bits of flesh, that's an issue. With 2 of us that should take less time. And with the wife suck and kids hungry, it seems like you could use some money. 10 gold for a corpse that's useless to you and 30 minutes helping to clean it, sounds like as quick and easy a job as there could be."

2019-01-09, 09:37 AM
He nods frantically. "That's the most generous deal I've had in a while," he says, preparing to skin the carcass. After about a half-hour of work, the horse has been stripped of its flesh, and you hand 10 gold to the near-ecstatic merchant, who begins to smile as he hawks his horses. Now all you have to do is reanimate it...

It's kind of funny the Warforged is concerned about the smell... I don't think they can perceive smell, can they?

2019-01-10, 02:37 AM
"Of course, of course," Malathorn smiled as he backed out of the merchant's personal space, satisfied that his display had the desired effect. "How soon one forgets that these are not green pasturelands."

2019-01-13, 04:24 PM
Dusk nods to the man and pays him his 10 gold pieces, and stretches. As she stands. "You needn't worry, I have no foul intentions. As a cleric of the raven queen, I have no desire to cause you or anyone else here harm." and with that said, she could get to work. She would start performing the typical somatic gestures, and in time the words of magic, her holy symbol around her neck would definitely help. And soon, the newly cleaned skeletal horse would stand up. "I assume I could also purchase a saddle from you?"

-10 GP
828.56gp left.

Animate Dead
3rd-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S, M (a drop of blood, a piece of flesh, and a pinch of bone dust)
Duration: Instantaneous

This spell creates an undead servant. Choose a pile of bones or a corpse of a Medium or Small humanoid within range. Your spell imbues the target with a foul mimicry of life, raising it as an undead creature. The target becomes a skeleton if you chose bones or a zombie if you chose a corpse (the DM has the creature’s game statistics).On each of your turns, you can use a bonus action to mentally command any creature you made with this spell if the creature is within 60 feet of you (if youcontrol multiple creatures, you can command any or all of them at the same time, issuing the same command to each one). You decide what action the creature will take and where it will move during its next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as to guard a particular chamber or corridor. If you issue no commands, the creature only defends itself against hostile creatures. Once given an order, the creature continues to follow it until its task is complete.The creature is under your control for 24 hours, after which it stops obeying any command you’ve given it. To maintain control of the creature for another 24 hours, you must cast this spell on the creature again before the current 24-hour period ends. This use of the spell reasserts your control over up to four creatures you have animated with this spell, rather than animating a new one.At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you animate or reassert control over two additional undead creatures for each slot level above 3rd. Each of the creatures must come from a different corpse or pile of bones.

2019-01-15, 09:01 AM
The halfling nods vigorously. "O' course, it's not going to be the same quality as ye would get farther south, bu' I can give you one for 15 gold."

You draw out some arcane runes with a bit of chalk you have on you, uttering the sacrosanct whispers you were taught in the black-glass halls of the Raven Queen's place of worship. Suddenly, the skeleton of the horse ignites with a black and arcane fire as what little meat remains is burned off and the fearsome mount begins to stand. Some bystanders appear to gawk, whispering among themselves and hurrying down the road, but no one appears to confront you. The halfling looks slightly uncomfortable.

2019-01-15, 11:49 PM
Dusk nods, and will fish around in her purse, and hand the man her money. "I appreciate it. I'll try to be out of your hair as soon as I can. I have urgent business and have already delayed more than I had hoped. I appreciate your help greatly, and as thanks, have another coin. You can get something extra for your family." And unless delayed, Dusk would depart to rejoin the group as soon as she could get the saddle attacked to the skeleton.

812.56g left

2019-01-15, 11:57 PM
As you saddle up on the skeletal steed, the man looks to you with a grin on his face. "I'll neva' furget yer kindness... sir? madam? If ye every need anythin' from me, you can find me right here sellin' steeds from morning to midnight."

2019-01-18, 11:00 AM
Upon your various mounts and steeds, you meet at the edge of Scavenge, looking out onto the icy wastes ahead. A sharp breeze carries snow off of the snowdrifts and into your eyes, whistling a shriek in your ears. You all look at each other, sharing a nod before you mount your steeds and set off into the snow.

The journey will take about 3 days on mount. Are there any activities you'd like to engage in on the first day of travel?

2019-01-18, 01:46 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

At some point while they're resting for a break Little will say, "We were in a rush before, so I didn't get to introduce you. This" she pats the pegasus to indicate that's who she's talking about, "is Mistral Stargale. She's a smart girl and can understand Common and three other languages, so you can tell her things if you need to. And she's also a good girl isn't she?" At which point she strokes Mistral Stargale's mane.

((And before leaving she cast Mage Armor.))

2019-01-23, 01:53 PM
As you advance off of the warped timbers of Scavenge and out into the foot-high (or more) snowdrifts, your teeth shiver. No matter how long you've lived here, you've never gotten used to the frigidity.

No more than an hour out onto the dark wastes, flecks of snow getting into your eyes and up your sleeves despite your heavy layers, you hear a noise from one of the taller drifts along the path your horses carve in the uniform white snow. It sounds like a strange hybrid between a gurgle and a moan, and you can hear it only faintly, even though it is close. Even from your height, you can't see what's making the sound.

What would you like to do?

2019-01-23, 03:34 PM
Dusk pulls her horse to a stop, and listens for a moment. "Do you all hear that? I wonder if it's one of the men we sent out towards hailfire peaks? Given the undisturbed white snow it wouldn't be too hard to get lost. Especially for any normal man. I feel that we should at least check."

2019-01-23, 04:52 PM
Is it really our responsibility though? Lea questions.

2019-01-23, 08:45 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

"Let me see if I can get a better view." Little states, deliberately not answering the question, and then flies up a bit higher to see if that helps at all.

2019-01-23, 09:36 PM
Ventrix (ddb.ac/characters/6994338/qPPJTr)
White Dragonborn Death Priest with Skeletal Entourage (Skeletons and Warhorse Skeletons)
HP: 63/63 & HP: 13/13, 13/13 & HP: 22/22, 22/22, 22/22
AC: 18 | Init +2
Ring of Spell Storing: Calm Emotions & Inflict Wounds (3rd level slot: 5d10 necrotic)
Concentrating On: --
Spell DC 16 | +8 | 4/3/3/3/2
PP: 14 / PInv: 15 / PIns: 18

The other cleric answered emotionlessly, ”Many are dying or already wander in death in these wastes. While we may succour them on their passage, it will delay our own mission.”

2019-01-23, 10:12 PM
As Little ascends, she catches a glimpse of two humanoid legs peeking out from behind one of the larger snowdrifts, both clad in hole-coated rubber boots, laces akimbo in the snow. The bare and exposed feet you can see are a bright crimson, turned that way from the temperatures as far as you can tell.

Everyone on the trail hears another gurgle from behind the drift. "p-p-please..." a hoarse whisper calls, "h-h-h-help me..."

2019-01-23, 11:07 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

"Found them." Little comments as she swoops down to where the person are and has Mistral Stargale drag the person out from under the snow.
She didn't really care about helping whoever this was, but at least uncovering who/what it was seemed more expedient than having a debate about it.

2019-01-24, 12:43 AM
Lea starts sighing, riding over as she does so.

2019-01-24, 01:36 AM
Malathorn held his burning glaive up like a torch as he advanced on the other voice, eyes up and looking for signs of an ambush.

Perception: [roll0]

2019-01-24, 06:59 AM
Ventrix (ddb.ac/characters/6994338/qPPJTr)
White Dragonborn Death Priest with Skeletal Entourage (Skeletons and Warhorse Skeletons)
HP: 63/63 & HP: 13/13, 13/13 & HP: 22/22, 22/22, 22/22
AC: 18 | Init +2
Ring of Spell Storing: Calm Emotions & Inflict Wounds (3rd level slot: 5d10 necrotic)
Concentrating On: --
Spell DC 16 | +8 | 4/3/3/3/2
PP: 14 / PInv: 15 / PIns: 18

Unphased that the others did not heed his advice, the death priest advanced with his guards on their warhorses. They moved ahead of him in a Vee formation, placing the gurgling sound directly in the notch so as to catch the creature in a maw of some undead beast. He eyed the frostbitten person and said to Little, ”What do we have here?”

2019-01-24, 10:00 AM
As you all advance on the body in the snow, you see an older human man with a bushy white beard, now filled with tiny snow particles. All of his skin is the bright pink of frozen flesh. He is dressed in scrappy, low-quality dark clothing, patched and worn in many places, certainly not ready to advance into the Wastes. He stares at you with wide eyes, trying to reach out to you with shaking arms and hands frozen into claws. "H-h-h-help," he whispers as he looks up at you.

2019-01-24, 11:12 AM
Ventrix (ddb.ac/characters/6994338/qPPJTr)
White Dragonborn Death Priest with Skeletal Entourage (Skeletons and Warhorse Skeletons)
HP: 63/63 & HP: 13/13, 13/13 & HP: 22/22, 22/22, 22/22
AC: 18 | Init +2
Ring of Spell Storing: Calm Emotions & Inflict Wounds (3rd level slot: 5d10 necrotic)
Concentrating On: --
Spell DC 16 | +8 | 4/3/3/3/2
PP: 14 / PInv: 15 / PIns: 18

The dragonborn looked down at the old man. He spoke softly to the ailing elder, "Be brave. Be strong. We all must walk this way. You are almost home. Can you hear the bells tolling?”

He chanted a prayer, pointing toward the frostbitten man, and the mournful peal of bells arose around his frail form.

Toll the Dead (WIS 16): [roll0] if injured. [roll1] if uninjured.

2019-01-24, 02:10 PM
The man looks at you with wide and wild eyes before they roll into the back of his head. The clanging din ceases as the man's muscles grow limp and he slumps over. He is dead.

2019-01-24, 02:23 PM
Ventrix (ddb.ac/characters/6994338/qPPJTr)
White Dragonborn Death Priest with Skeletal Entourage (Skeletons and Warhorse Skeletons)
HP: 63/63 & HP: 13/13, 13/13 & HP: 22/22, 22/22, 22/22
AC: 18 | Init +2
Ring of Spell Storing: Calm Emotions & Inflict Wounds (3rd level slot: 5d10 necrotic)
Concentrating On: --
Spell DC 16 | +8 | 4/3/3/3/2
PP: 14 / PInv: 15 / PIns: 18

Ventrix watched the man settle into the snow, no longer pained by the wounds of winter. "Walk now in the dark meadows, where neither heat nor frost prevail. Wander in the shadow glens where the fathers and mothers reunite with their young. You fell in the pale of the frostfather, but you will wander in the hall of the Last Lord forevermore.”

He turned in his saddle toward the minstrel, "He is one of your children. One of perhaps several to make the crossing at your behest. You have sung many into the Everlasting Halls this night."

He then offered to his colleague, "You may conduct your rites...or I may add him among the weisheitkopfen. 'Grey beards do not grow long without wisdom.'"*

Ventrix carries a chest with a number of things including a set of skulls/heads of elders, learned, or skilled creatures he has met. These are the "Heads of Wisdom" (German above), with whom he communes for lore and secrets via Speak with Dead

2019-01-24, 02:23 PM
Did you really need to do that? Lea sighed rolling her eyes.

2019-01-24, 02:26 PM
Ventrix (ddb.ac/characters/6994338/qPPJTr)
White Dragonborn Death Priest with Skeletal Entourage (Skeletons and Warhorse Skeletons)
HP: 63/63 & HP: 13/13, 13/13 & HP: 22/22, 22/22, 22/22
AC: 18 | Init +2
Ring of Spell Storing: Calm Emotions & Inflict Wounds (3rd level slot: 5d10 necrotic)
Concentrating On: --
Spell DC 16 | +8 | 4/3/3/3/2
PP: 14 / PInv: 15 / PIns: 18

The dragonborn answered without emotion. "We could not keep him where we are going, nor would it be wise to so soon return to Scavenge. He was more among the dead than the living. He suffers no more from the price of his enchantment.”

2019-01-24, 05:06 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

"You'll be healing us instead of killing us if any of us are at death's door I hope." Little comments as she callously goes through the dead man's things to see if there's anything of value.

2019-01-24, 06:33 PM
Ventrix (ddb.ac/characters/6994338/qPPJTr)
White Dragonborn Death Priest with Skeletal Entourage (Skeletons and Warhorse Skeletons)
HP: 63/63 & HP: 13/13, 13/13 & HP: 22/22, 22/22, 22/22
AC: 18 | Init +2
Ring of Spell Storing: Calm Emotions & Inflict Wounds (3rd level slot: 5d10 necrotic)
Concentrating On: --
Spell DC 16 | +8 | 4/3/3/3/2
PP: 14 / PInv: 15 / PIns: 18

Ventrix solemnly answered. "I will do as my Master bids.”

A guard dropped from his horse and severed the old man’s head with a jerky strike. He lifted the head by the beard to his partner, who silently set it within a chained chest. The guard on the ground then crossed the corpses’ arms and pushed snow over it, entombing the body from sight.

2019-01-25, 09:27 AM
As the small Goliath girl frisks through the dead man's pockets, all she finds is a small handful of grubby copper pieces and a piece of faded paper talking of mining opportunities around some mountain far off in the Wastes.

Meanwhile, Ventrix's undead guard stands patiently behind, waiting to remove the head of the recently deceased. Dusk, will you perform final rites?

If Little will actually take the 3 copper pieces on him, nothing's stopping her, but that might be a bit rude, particularly considering you're toting around 2,500ish times that already.

Also, as far as final rites Dusk can perform, the Raven Queen is the one who judges souls before they pass into the afterlives on Cheron's ferry, so your rites will consist of acts to try and make his soul more appealing to pass onto a more pleasant afterlife by sprinkling with herbs and chemicals and appealing to the Matron of Ravens to have mercy on his soul. Of course, the option exists to curse those who have died as well, so if a humanoid you don't like ever dies, you can put a bad word in with the RQ...

2019-01-25, 01:19 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

Little takes the coppers because she's pretty broke and the dead can't take their wealth with them as far as she knows. She then shows the piece of paper to the others.

2019-01-26, 11:43 PM
Dusk sighs as the man is killed by Ventrix. She turns to address Lea. "His skin was scarlet, and the frosbite would have disabled him. He would be lucky to keep his legs. The man wouldn't have been fit to live a healthy life. Ventrix did the right thing, and spared us the trouble of doing it ourselves." Dusk turned towards Ventrix and bowed slightly. She then kneels before the body, pulling some herbs from her bag and sprinkling them onto him, and begin the rites of death, and a final blessing

"May the matron of ravens judge you fairly. For all that you did, and for all your flaws and gifts. May you have all the mercy you are worthy of, and all the forgiveness you have given to others, have given back to you by the lady of ravens" With that done, Dusk will cast the Ceremony first level spell, as a final blessing of sorts.

Dusk stands them, and mounts her horse. It wasn't a great blessing, but knowing nothing of the man, all she knew to ask was for fairness.

2019-01-31, 09:40 AM
You bury the now-headless man in the snowdrift, taking care to avoid red stains. After the quick burial, you continue along the trail making light conversation as the sun continues to drift towards the horizon and the sky gradually darkens. When the final glimmer of sunlight peeks over the horizon, you decide to make camp.

You clear a section of ground and set your supplies down, preparing for a night of rest. You're going to have to find dinner, and declare who's taking watch when.

2019-01-31, 11:56 AM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

Rather than waste their time hunting and risking someone getting hurt or lost somehow, Little conjures up a bunch of food and water for the group since she hasn't had to cast any spells in the day so far as figures there's little risk of her doing so.

"I do not have good dark vision, but I do have a light and my familiar can see in the dark." she notes, for the sake of the others to help figure out which watch she should take.

Casting Create Food & Water

2019-01-31, 02:12 PM
I can't see in the dark, as well.

2019-01-31, 03:27 PM
"I can see quite well in the dark, and my weapon provides a light beyond that of any torch. If one of you wishes to use its light during your watch, you are welcome to it. But keep in mind that the glaive will not bear to be away from me."

2019-02-01, 01:35 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

"Then I will take first watch." Little says and then looking to Lea and says, "You may borrow Citrine's light ring for your watch. I could make you one of your own at some point if you ever have fifty gold worth of ruby dust." She pulls a ring that glows with light out of a pouch to show what she means.

2019-02-01, 03:03 PM
Ventrix (ddb.ac/characters/6994338/qPPJTr)
White Dragonborn Death Priest with Skeletal Entourage (Skeletons and Warhorse Skeletons)
HP: 63/63 & HP: 13/13, 13/13 & HP: 22/22, 22/22, 22/22
AC: 18 | Init +2
Ring of Spell Storing: Calm Emotions & Inflict Wounds (3rd level slot: 5d10 necrotic)
Concentrating On: --
Spell DC 16 | +8 | 4/3/3/3/2
PP: 14 / PInv: 15 / PIns: 18

The priest led his horsemen and horses away, saying, "Let us welcome the night, precursor to the Master.”

Ventrix dismounted and removed his fur wrappings from behind his saddle. He layed them in a hollow in the ground, and his steed moved to block the dragonborn from the wind. One guard, the one with the boxes, strode his warhorse beside the dragonborn’s resting spot and sat unmoving, watchful. The other rode in a slow, silent circle around the outskirts of the camp in silent vigil.

The sun dipped low as the death priest rode onto a knoll. He intoned words of power in an ancient language, consecrating his cadre of lifeless attendants. The guards and horses seemed to sit or stand a bit taller as the divine energy flowed through them, reasserting their service to the priest.

Once finished, the priest extended his hand toward the keeper of the chest. It placed the dead man’s head in his hands. Ventrix raised the head and called out to it. It’s mouth opened and answered to his questions. Before he asked, each time he would intone, ”May the Master provide...

“Where were you going?”

“How many went with you?”

“What dangerous creatures did you see?”

“What direction did your companions/those creatures head?”

“What village does your family live in?”

Once finished, Ventrix looked into the now still face of the dead. His attendant handed him a bowl, which he set on the pommel of his saddle. He gazed into it seeking to see the truth of the elder’s words.

He then replaced the head and bowl, peering into the wild as he whispered words of searching. After he finished, he returned to the others and found his place for the night.

While V is a private creature, nothing he does is cabalistic. People may come watch his rituals. He will begin by using his CD to extend his control over most of the undead, as well as Animate Dead on the rest, for another 24hrs.

He then casts Speak With Dead to ask those questions along with Guidance to Persuade the spirit to speak honestly. If the dead man offered words of warning about monsters or roving ills, he casts Locate Creature for their description. If not, he casts LC to find out if aberrations are near. He also casts Locate Object if any weapons are near beyond his party’s collection.

He will also cast Scrying to either attempt to view either the dangers/other wanderers, or the man’s family if he did not mention any others beyond his family’s village.

Once satisfied they are alone as far as he can tell, he places himself in a concealed location and puts his skeletons and horses on watch all night to augment the others.

Rolls in OOC

2019-02-03, 05:43 PM
Dusk nods as they move on towards the night, and stop to camp. She would lay a bedroll for herself and pull a tent out. "I can take any time. I don't technically go unconcious when I sleep. I need only not move. So I'll be awake, mostly, all night. So I can simply position myself with a good view of one direction before sleeping. I can just activate long enough to cast light and 'sleep' again easily enough. That should help with keeping a watch." Dusk would smile in a slightly mechanical way. It made her wonder what dreams were like.

After a moment, she would consider that her heavy clothes and her boots of the hinterlands meant the cold didn't bother her. So she wouldn't perhaps need the tent. "I've got a tent if anyone is struggling with the cold. I can just sit on my bedrol while I sleep. The cold doesn't bother me so much."

2019-02-04, 10:12 AM
As the dragonborn intones ancient and gravelly syllables, an unearthly white energy flows from his hands into the severed head in front of him. The head reanimates suddenly, eyes pools of the same eldritch white. As far as you can tell, you have compelled the head to speak the truth.

“Where were you going?”
There was tell of a silver mine that would be profitable out by Mount Clatterhelm. Near my parents, so I thought it could be a fine opportunity.

“How many went with you?”
There were a few going to the same place that left Scavenge around the same time, but I left alone.

“What dangerous creatures did you see?”
There was a... serpentlike creature. Like snow, but it was... oozish? I didn't get a good look at it before it paralyzed me. Not minutes after the attack, you found me.

“What direction did your companions/those creatures head?”
I dunno. It swims through the snow, undetectable until it emerges...

“What village does your family live in?”
Me mum and pop are a ways away in Kavotter, near Clatterhelm, but I moved to Scavenge.

Upon hearing of this creature, Ventrix grabs a shallow bowl of near-frozen water and dunks his head into it. He invokes his patron in order to try and see a creature of the description. However, as the creature is foreign to your knowledge of the Wastes, your projection is fruitless, and you are left with a vague sense of paranoia. You've never heard of anything like this before.

Looking for weapons turns up fruitless. Nobody is armed, far as you can tell, within about a fifth of a mile.

2019-02-04, 10:30 AM
Ventrix (ddb.ac/characters/6994338/qPPJTr)
White Dragonborn Death Priest with Skeletal Entourage (Skeletons and Warhorse Skeletons)
HP: 63/63 & HP: 13/13, 13/13 & HP: 22/22, 22/22, 22/22
AC: 18 | Init +2
Ring of Spell Storing: Calm Emotions & Inflict Wounds (3rd level slot: 5d10 necrotic)
Concentrating On: --
Spell DC 16 | +8 | 4/3/3/3/2
PP: 14 / PInv: 15 / PIns: 18

The priest set the head and bowl down and studied the darkening wastes about him.

Upon returning to the camp, the dragonborn announced coldly, "You may wish to keep a look for frost serpents slinking in the earth. They are known to hunt here."

This is where the my contingent spellcasting ran afoul. Based on his answers, Ventrix cast Scry to the find the creature (and failed). He would focus his casting of Locate Creature on frost serpents to sense if it was nearby. This is likely to fail due to the nature of the spell's limitations. I assume his Survival check did not pick up any signs of it either.

If the man had not spoken of any danger or having been attacked, Ventrix would have scried the family to confirm the truth of his story and for returning the head later.

Looks like V may have a scaly snuggle buddy!

Son of A Lich!
2019-02-06, 05:05 PM
Gurik looks over the body of the fallen man and the surrounding area slowly and carefully.

As you know, Carrion Crawlers are pretty frequent in the under depths. It's a good place for them, the dark frozen corpses of cities beneath the snow are good eating for the buggers He gently nudges Gaulgori, carefully and patiently waiting to eat. No, no, love, we learn first, then we eat good stuff. Right? Gaulgori nustles uncomfortably with a whirning growl. Hey! None of that...

But this... this looks like External digestion... Something was trying to dissolve it from the outside and slurp up the remains... It's likely an Ooze of some form, not a frost snake, or Remorhaz or what not...

Gaulgori is an odd creature. On the surface she looks like a white snowshoe hare, but immense in size. Comparable to a small horse or perhaps a mule. Her eyes are a dead dark violet and if she stayed still, you might mistaken her for simply a large rabbit...

But when she moves, it looks almost like something is wearing a rabbit suit and cant quite pull off the movements. She doesn't waddle or hop, more like... Scuttling, with a distinct crab like grace of fluid directional movement. Her front and back feet have a pair of reverse toes behind the normal toes. her nips and shrieks sound something like a dying cow, guttural and harsh. Her growls sound like digesting gravel. Her lower jaw opens entwine with a rope like tongue that licks and pulls food in, and a dim iridescent light from within.

Close inspection of her ears show a faint line of suction cups perfectly spaced along the outside rim, just beneath the fur.

Gurik pulls out a heavy tome from her saddle bags and uses his shield as a lap desk for reading.

Sleeping is largely a Luxury I don't afford time to these days. So much to learn, much to learn, so... so very much...

He turns to see Gaulgori slowly shifting towards the dead man's body... he gives an unapproving glare and a whistle with a frozen rat from his coat pocket. Gaulgori's ear pique upright, and she awkwardly shimmies up to Guriks side, taking an opportunity to frog-snatch the rat and nuzzling up against Gurik.

2019-02-06, 08:26 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: Conjure Elemental (1 hour)

Little looks upon the menagerie of strange creatures (and undead, which to her might as well just be "not particularly huggable friends") and smiles. Then decides they could use with another. She kicks away some snow to reach the hard ground beneath and places a hand upon it and seems to sort of pull out of it a large vaguely humanoid creature made of volcanic rock, which most here would probably immediately recognize as an elemental even if for lack of anything else it could logically be.

"Guard this area. Patrol the nearby underground area. Alert us to anything you are not sure you can defeat on your own." she commands the earth elemental and then prepares to spend the rest of her watch grooming Citrine and Mistral Stargale as they keep watch together.

Cast Conjure Elemental, summoned an Earth Elemental.

2019-02-08, 05:16 PM
The elemental rises from the earth, hulking and ready to guard.

Who will take which watch?

2019-02-09, 01:13 AM
Lea will take first watch.

2019-02-10, 04:43 PM
Dusk will position herself do that she can see a's much ad she can and go to 'sleep'. She stops moving entirely, but is still concious, guarding from that direction.

2019-02-20, 03:20 PM
Little assumes first watch, taking a position next to her critter companions and casting her gaze outward to the dark and icy wastes. As the minutes pass, nothing seems to happen besides the sky growing ever darker and the biting air becoming even harsher on your collective skin, making sleep difficult. However, as the darkness starts to become stifling, Little walks over to Gurik, fallen asleep with pointed green nose in his book, and taps him on the shoulder to wake him up to assume watch. He casts his goblinoid eyes out into the darkness, his vision unhindered by the lack of light. He scans the surroundings, but other than a strangled hissing noise that he attributes to wither an overactive imagination or a piece of cloth from one of your party fluttering against the crisp snow.

As Gurik grows lethargic, he approaches Dusk, who immediately returns to consciousness and begins to patrol the perimeter of the campsite mechanically. About a half-hour into the watch, Dusk hears a strangled hissing noise unlike anything she's ever heard before. The snow around the campsite appears to ripple, like it were wate rand some large creature were swimming under it.

Meanwhile, Lea tosses and turns in her sleep, appearing to have a nightmare.You find yourself sitting in a familiar cavern of black ice. Behind the ice, thousands of incorporeal faces swim in a tumultuous sea, each one with a different expression on its face, some laughing in glee, some twisted in sorrow, some devious and yet others in soul-wrenching agony. A voice calls out to you, one composed of thousands of discordant yet coordinated voices.

"Be wary of the goblin. He serves a different master. One that we do not want to succeed." You begin to sweat, an anxious feeling knotting your stomach. "Make sure he does not get the Tome of Bal-Arunkar or you will pay dearly for your failure The voices fade, and you are thrust into a claustrophobic darkness."

2019-02-21, 12:47 AM
Lea starts to whimper in her sleep.

2019-02-21, 02:17 AM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

At the sound of the sleep whimpering, Citrine (Little's faerie dragon familiar) half sleep-flies over to Lea and cuddles up next to her. Almost as if its used to this kind of thing happening. If there are any tears, it gently licks them up.

2019-02-22, 07:16 PM
(So sorry for the delay!)

Dusk watches this motion for a moment as it begins to sink in, and then moves to go wake the others. Rather than yell out, she will try to wake the people without drawing too much attention. Whatever it was she had never seen something quite like this.

Dusk will try to wake people up more quietly, jest it attack before everyone was awake. After all, it must have a reason for not attacking right away.

Edited in for Ramsus:

Dusk will wake people in order of who is nearest 'her'. I just assumed people who just post menation being woken up as opposed to an order. My bad. Ramsus''s character first?

2019-02-26, 11:03 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

Upon being woken up and alerted to the danger, Little runs over to Mistral Stargale so that they can leap into the air for safety while they figure out what exactly is happening.

2019-02-27, 07:42 AM
Ventrix (ddb.ac/characters/6994338/qPPJTr)
White Dragonborn Death Priest with Skeletal Entourage (Skeletons and Warhorse Skeletons)
HP: 63/63 & HP: 13/13, 13/13 & HP: 22/22, 22/22, 22/22
AC: 18 | Init +2
Ring of Spell Storing: Calm Emotions & Inflict Wounds (3rd level slot: 5d10 necrotic)
Concentrating On: --
Spell DC 16 | +8 | 4/3/3/3/2
PP: 14 / PInv: 15 / PIns: 18

The guard nearest Ventrix dropped down with a naked blade and awoke his master once the machine started stirring the camp. The priest rose and pulled himself into the warhorses saddle in one motion. He tucked his bedroll under his thighs, as its warm layers were still draped around his lap. He then drew his sword and shield. The shield’s tortured dragon skull twisted into rage.

The second horseman rode into the camp and pulled silently alongside his master. The three sat with blades ready, looking into the darkness.

[roll0] Survival to detect disturbed snow
[roll1] Insight on creature’s disposition if detected

2019-02-27, 10:46 AM
As Ventrix looks out, he notices that the snow isn't so much disturbed like something tunneling below it, but more as if it were warped by someone passing through it, leaving a raised ridge that night be confused for a snow bank. Whatever this creature is, it can glide through snow.

Ventrix quickly follows the movement of this predatory creature. It appears to be moving about in a circle, preparing to strike out at an easy target. Currently it's just circling, but you don't know how long that'll last.

2019-02-27, 03:01 PM
Ventrix (ddb.ac/characters/6994338/qPPJTr)
White Dragonborn Death Priest with Skeletal Entourage (Skeletons and Warhorse Skeletons)
HP: 63/63 & HP: 13/13, 13/13 & HP: 22/22, 22/22, 22/22
AC: 18 | Init +2
Ring of Spell Storing: Calm Emotions & Inflict Wounds (3rd level slot: 5d10 necrotic)
Concentrating On: --
Spell DC 16 | +8 | 4/3/3/3/2
PP: 14 / PInv: 15 / PIns: 18

Not one to wait for death to come to him, Ventrix and his guards road forth into the snow. The guards charged ahead on their bone destriers, ploughing into the bank with heavy hooves. The trio galloped in a vee, placing the predator within the formation's open, waiting mouth. Each horse attempted to overrun the creature before whirling around and reforming the vee around their prey. The death priest unleashed the destruction of raw lifeforce and summoned a dire flail of his master.

As radiant flame swirled in the snow, Ventrix shouted, "Death awaits!"

Ventrix casts Sacred Flame (action) and Spiritual Weapon (Bonus) action. Sacred Flame ignores cover, though SW does not.

Initiative: [roll0]
Sacred Flame: DC 16 DEX or take [roll1] radiant damage
Spiritual Weapon: [roll2] If hit, then [roll3] force damage
SW Crit (If applicable): [roll4]

Three warhorse charges: [roll5], [roll6], [roll7]
Damage if they hit: [roll8], [roll9], [roll10]
Crit roll (if applicable): [roll11], [roll12], [roll13]

Two skeleton sword attacks: [roll14], [roll15]
Damage if hit: [roll16], [roll17]
Crit roll (if applicable): [roll18], [roll19]

Move: Warhorses close the distance and then circle within 5' of the target to place it as follows:


V=Ventrix, T=Target, S1=Skeleton 1, S2=Skeleton 2

2019-02-27, 06:59 PM
Wha? What's going on? Lea lets out, starting to rise to her feet being distrubed from her slumber.

Son of A Lich!
2019-02-27, 07:21 PM
(Gurik prepares to cast Hex when the beast is seen)

Everything will be fine dear, we just have a bit of company is all...

He looks over to Gaulgori who is keeping her eyes peeled and waiting for the signal to attack.

Hopefully, they were kind enough to bring Food for dinner...

Gaulgori Ghortles in anticipation

2019-02-28, 02:21 AM
Malathorn slowly rose to his feet, clutching his burning glaive in a guard stance but unsure of where to be watching.

Also readying to Hex the enemy when it appears.

2019-03-01, 09:40 AM
As you all begin to rise from your sleeping quarters to combat this creature, Ventrix and his allies leap up and follow the ripple in the snow. Eventually they manage to race ahead of the ripple, putting themselves in a V formation around it. Suddenly, a creature erupts from the snow. It appears to be a long, snakelike creature composed of jellies and oozes. Inside of the clear outer layer of jelly are some things that might be organs or bits of half-digested food. On the front, a ring of wickedly sharp teeth lies underneath a blood-red eye.

As the creature emerges, Ventrix's guards wing their blades out as a holy flame emerges from the dragonborn's hands. Meanwhile, Malathorn concentrates for a moment on a vile curse, sending this malediction out towards the creature.

Dex save for Sacred Flame: [roll0]
Only the last warhorse charge was successful, but both skeletons were successfulin their attacks.
I don't know the mechanics for Hex off the top of my head, am I supposed to roll a save for the creature?

2019-03-01, 06:42 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: Invisible (conc.) & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: Conjure Elemental (1 hour) HP: 73/73

Little sees the strange and horrible thing and decides to respond the only way she knows how. With a strange and horrible thing of her own. She growls out some arcane words in Infernal and points to the ground, her hand in a claw-like shape that she lifts upwards. At her words and gestures a grotesque looking thing rises silently from the earth. "Kill it!" she hisses a harsh command, pointing at the ooze-wurm or whatever it is.

Before her conjured creature can act, Mistral Stargale swoops down and Little unleashes a jet of water at the ooze-wurm and then they swoop back up, hopefully out of range. As the Xorn thrashes and gnashes at it, Citrine also swoops over to help out. She breathes as glimmering gas in its face(?) and then vanishes from sight.

Oh boy is this character ever a complicated pile of actions.

So first, Conjure Elemental to summon a Xorn adjacent to the enemy.

The swooping down (from let's just say 50 feet up) to be in range of 30 feet away from the enemy and using the Decant of Endless Water's bonus action of Geyser on it. It needs to make a DC 13 Str save or take [roll0] bludgeoning damage and fall prone.

Then the Pegasus flies back up as far as it can. Flying Speed of 90 so... *shrug* I'm not sure how tall this ooze-wurm thing is, if I did I would have tried for a more concrete answer for how high up they are.

Then the Xorn makes it's attacks.
Claw 1: [roll1]
Advantage if enemy is prone: [roll2]
damage: [roll3] slashing
if crit: [roll4]

Claw 2: [roll5]
Advantage if enemy is prone: [roll6]
damage: [roll7] slashing
if crit: [roll8]

Claw 3: [roll9]
Advantage if enemy is prone: [roll10]
damage: [roll11] slashing
if crit: [roll12]

Bite: [roll13]
Advantage if enemy is prone: [roll14]
damage: [roll15] slashing
if crit: [roll16]

Then Citrine uses Euphoria Breath on the enemy.
The target must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw, or for 1 minute, the target can't take reactions and must roll a d6 at the start of each of its turns to determine its behavior during the turn:
1-4. The target takes no action or bonus action and uses all of its movement to move in a random direction.
5- 6. The target doesn't move, and the only thing it can do on its turn is make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Then Citrine uses their bonus action to turn invisible while it maintains concetration.

2019-03-03, 01:41 AM
Malathorn followed his curse with a swift move towards the creature, darting in with his burning glaive and tracing bright arcs against the black night as he struck.

I'll have Malathorn's hex target its Strength checks, in case it tries to grab someone.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Slashing + [roll2] Fire + [roll3] Necrotic

Extra Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5] Slashing + [roll6] Fire + [roll7] Necrotic

Bonus Action Attack (from Polearm Master): [roll8]
Damage: [roll9] Bludgeoning + [roll10] Fire? + [roll11] Necrotic

2019-03-03, 08:49 PM
After waking up everyone in the camp, she would ready herself for her own attack. she would leave her only undead servant out of the fight, because she wanted to preserve her mount.

It was only after now, having been busy alerting others, that she got a good look at it. 'what kind of slime has teeth? just what is this thing? She had never heard of a toothy slime before, usually they didn't have any sturdy, more physical features.

Dusk runs foreward, and thrusts her rapier towards the slime-snake-monstrosity, aiming to hit what she though must be the 'back' of the toothy slime.

(initiative, no one else rolled but I want to be sure.)

(To-hit and damage from the rapier. the third is for the sneak attack if she is flanking it. (there should be many around it given all the attacks.)

HP: 73
AC: 22
Equipment Used: Rapier & Shield
Passive Perception: 22

2019-03-04, 12:17 AM
Lea rushes forward shiving her ice coated blade into the creature.

Attack 1
Dmg [roll1]

Attack 2
Dmg [roll3]

Son of A Lich!
2019-03-04, 11:14 PM
After his reaction to the Glacier Snake and Hexing the unlucky bastard, he snuffles his nose and drops his goggles down.

If any of you fine lads and ladies have a way to keep it still, I think we may have dinner delivered to us tonight...

... I'll get the fire started...

He raises his hands from the snow to above his head and from under the snow comes a roaring bonfire.

and lets make sure it cooks evenly!

DC 14 Dex save to save against half.


2019-03-05, 02:55 PM
The creature hisses at the sudden onslaught from the various combatants. As the burst of water slams into it from above, it tries to evade the geyser, but Malathorn's dark energy keeps it in place, making it suffer the full blast and washing off a top layer of mucus, allowing easier access to what may be vital organs inside to target more easily. As you all stab at the large creature, it seems to be avoiding Malathorn's blade and Gurik's strikes more vigilantly, hissing when the fire comes near it and screaming in pain when it comes in contact with the extreme heat.

However, it takes your proximity as an opportunity, lashing out at Ventrix with its teeth and Malathorn and Gurik with swipes of its tail, now completely free from the snow.


Strength save for the decanter, disadvantage from Hex: [roll1]
Wisdom save from the breath: [roll2]
Dexterity save for Gurik's fire: [roll3]
35 from Ventrix
32 from Little
37 from Malathorn
19 from Dusk
17 from Lea
10 from Gurik

Total damage dealt: 35 plus 37 plus 19 plus 17 plus 32 plus 10 = 115. The Glacier Snake was proned after the decanter, that'll come into effect after this action.

Ventrix: [roll]1d20+5
Damage: 4d10+3 in acid
Gurik: 1d20+5
Damage: 6d6+3 in nonmagical bludgeoning
Malathorn: 1d20+5
Damage: 6d6+3 in nonmagical bludgeoning

2019-03-05, 03:52 PM
Ventrix (ddb.ac/characters/6994338/qPPJTr)
White Dragonborn Death Priest with Skeletal Entourage (Skeletons and Warhorse Skeletons)
HP: 52/63 & HP: 13/13, 13/13 & HP: 22/22, 22/22, 22/22
AC: 18 | Init +2
Ring of Spell Storing: Calm Emotions & Inflict Wounds (3rd level slot: 5d10 necrotic)
Concentrating On: Vampiric Touch
Spell DC 16 | +8 | 4/13/13/23/12
PP: 14 / PInv: 15 / PIns: 18

The blast of acid smoked through Ventrix's cloak. He hissed and barked dark words that cloaked his claws in black flames. He lashed out with one at the beast while his guardians drove in with hooves and blades. His spectral flail crashed down against the ooze as well.

Ventrix casts Vampiric Touch (action) and attacks with Spiritual Weapon (Bonus) action

Vampiric Touch (Adv): [roll0], [roll1] to take [roll2] necrotic damage (If Crit: [roll3])
--Channel Divinity if VT hits: 25 points of necrotic damage. Total Dmg if hit: 34 necrotic (Heal: 17, V back to full health)
Spiritual Weapon (Adv): [roll4], [roll5] If hit, then [roll6] force damage (If Crit): [roll7]

Three warhorse hoof attacks (Adv): [roll8], [roll9]; [roll10], [roll11]; [roll12], [roll13]
Damage if they hit: [roll14], [roll15], [roll16]
Crit roll (if applicable): [roll17], [roll18], [roll19]

Two skeleton sword attacks (Adv): [roll20], [roll21]; [roll22], [roll23]
Damage if hit: [roll24], [roll25]
Crit roll (if applicable): [roll26], [roll27]

2019-03-05, 06:01 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor, Spiritual Weapon (4th level 0/10 rounds) & Conditions: Invisible (conc.) & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: Conjure Elemental (1 hour) HP: 73/73

Somewhat surprised the glacier snake was knocked over by the water, Little decided to keep her distance. Feeling that there's little need to hold back as she's just going to return to sleep after this fight is over, she decides to playfully compete with Ventrix. They both have multiple minions in the fight... and so she conjures up her own spiritual weapon. A translucent black Zweihänder.
As it swoops down to strike the glacier snake, she sends a bolt of fire trailing after it. Mostly curious to see how fire affects it.

As she makes her attacks, Citrine and the Xorn again do much the same as they did before.

Even more actions!

Moving to be 60 feet above the glacier snake.

Casting Spiritual Weapon at 4th level.
Spiritual Weapon: [roll0]
advantage from prone: [roll1]
damage: [roll2]
if crit: [roll3]

Fire Bolt: [roll4]
damage: [roll5] fire damage
if crit: [roll6]

Then the Xorn makes it's attacks.
Claw 1: [roll7]
Advantage from prone: [roll8]
damage: [roll9] slashing
if crit: [roll10]

Claw 2: [roll11]
Advantage from prone: [roll12]
damage: [roll13] slashing
if crit: [roll14]

Claw 3: [roll15]
Advantage from prone: [roll16]
damage: [roll17] slashing
if crit: [roll18]

Bite: [roll19]
Advantage from prone: [roll20]
damage: [roll21] slashing
if crit: [roll22]

Then Citrine uses Euphoria Breath on the enemy.
The target must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw, or for 1 minute, the target can't take reactions and must roll a d6 at the start of each of its turns to determine its behavior during the turn:
1-4. The target takes no action or bonus action and uses all of its movement to move in a random direction.
5- 6. The target doesn't move, and the only thing it can do on its turn is make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Then Citrine uses their bonus action to turn invisible while it maintains concetration.

2019-03-05, 06:02 PM
Lea for her part snarls at she is ignored by the monster whipping Fimbulvetr around in a massive overhead swing.



attack 2

2019-03-05, 06:11 PM
Malathorn evaded the creature's flailing tail and pressed the attack with his fiery blade.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Slashing + [roll2] Fire + [roll3] Necrotic

Extra Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5] Slashing + [roll6] Fire + [roll7] Necrotic

Bonus Action Attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9] Bludgeoning + [roll10] Necrotic

2019-03-11, 09:03 PM
As you all surround this creature, your powerful and mighty onslaught severely damages it, from two spectral weapons flailing at it to numerous undead thrusting with rust-coated and battered blades to swings from frost and flame-coated blades. Finally, with a hideous scream, the oozy creature simply melts into a puddle of acidic goop before you, succumbing to your strikes. The teeth begin to melt away (as it seems they were composed of acidic icicles), as do the rest of the organs, until all that remains is the swollen red eyeball and, as you dig through the snow, a single half-melted bit of metal. It's twisted nearly beyond recognition, but it appears to be some form of a plaque or badge in the shape of a seven pointed-star. Beyond that, you can discern no detail unless you were to mend it in some way.

Ventrix: 47//82
Little: 82, holy heck//114
Lea: 12//29
Malathorn: 43//80

In terms of sheer damage ouput, Little wins with a whopping 114 in two rounds, followed by Malathorn and Ventrix, neck-and-neck at 80 and 82 respectively.

115 + 184 = well enough to kill this creature. You all are beasts, I hope you know that.

2019-03-11, 10:35 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: Conjure Elemental (1 hour) HP: 73/73

Little instructs the Xorn to guard their camp and magically fixes the bit of metal and examines it.

Casting Mending

Arcana/History/Religion/Investigation: [roll0]
advantage in case someone decided to Help: [roll1]

2019-03-11, 11:53 PM
"Well struck, all of you." Malathorn said after the creature died, when it seemed clear no others were inbound. "If this is the best the wastes can throw at us, we shall be laughing all the way to the library."

2019-03-12, 08:42 PM
Dusk watches the thing melt down and pour outwards with some fascinstion. Many would find it distasteful, but as Dusk's inards were metal shards and magical wood, she didn't have the same aversion to watching. "Let's keep a better eye out. If there was one of these, there could be more on their way."

2019-03-15, 04:49 PM
As Little inspects the star-shaped medallion, she sees that the entire surface of such is covered in fine text in a language that you don't recognize, swirling across in intricate spiraling patterns and utterly unrecognizable to you. However, on the back side of this trinket is a sort of face design of a scowling draconian figure.

2019-03-15, 07:26 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: Conjure Elemental (1 hour) HP: 73/73

Little passes the medallion around to see if anyone can recognize the language.
If nobody does she ritual casts Comprehend Languages and tries again.

2019-03-15, 11:06 PM
Yeah, I'm not exactly a linguist. Lea pipes up.

Son of A Lich!
2019-03-21, 07:28 AM
It's probably Draconian, given the figure on the front...

He says snatching the medallion with a bit of a pick-pockets grace and glancing over it quickly...

Hmph, Brass dialect... overtly rolled Rs in Brass Draconian, which you can tell with a the use of Kellen lines here....

He looks up, realizing one of his companions is a Dragonborn and feigns a sudden realization -

Gah! I'm Daft at times, the old eyeballs aren't as good as they used to be, y'know. This is Aquan...

He examines it a bit closer, intently focused on the details for a bit before...

But it's mostly gibberish and nonsense. A large amount of fawning over a king and some very creative praises to him. I'll see if I can find a recorded name for this king in due course

He slides the Medallion in his pocket with the frozen mice.

But for now, lets get to bed, Hm? Last thing we want is for any of you to be behind on your rest...

2019-03-21, 10:04 AM
Ventrix (ddb.ac/characters/6994338/qPPJTr)
White Dragonborn Death Priest with Skeletal Entourage (Skeletons and Warhorse Skeletons)
HP: 52/63 & HP: 13/13, 13/13 & HP: 22/22, 22/22, 22/22
AC: 18 | Init +2
Ring of Spell Storing: Calm Emotions & Inflict Wounds (3rd level slot: 5d10 necrotic)
Concentrating On: Vampiric Touch
Spell DC 16 | +8 | 4/13/13/23/12
PP: 14 / PInv: 15 / PIns: 18

The priest watched Gurik ramble, his pale blue eyes searching as he listened. Once nothing came of the inspection, Ventrix silently rode off with his retinue and reestablished the same watch as before.


2019-03-21, 12:35 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: Conjure Elemental (1 hour) HP: 73/73

Little holds her hound of for the medallion back and continues chanting for her spell. The look on her face is saying "Don't make this a thing. Just hand it back. I'm tired."

2019-03-26, 07:05 PM
(Sorry for the delay! I thought I had posted a few days ago! Oh well.)

Dusk would continue moving around for the rest of her watch. Unless something else came, 'she' would continue her watch as planned. If her 6 hours of rest were not finished yet, she would sit on her bed roll and face one direction where she had a good view of anything aproaching camp. And it would be then that she went inactive again, completely unmoving but entirely aware.

(Short but there was little to say.)

Son of A Lich!
2019-03-28, 10:16 AM
Save the effort dear... He takes the out reached hand in his and pats it gently to diffuse the situation in a very grandfatherly way. and get yourself some sleep...

I'll take notes along the ride and pass them along to you, see if you recognize anything in particular.

Y'know, goblins aren't particularly gifted in long lives - we tend to forget the kings and lords warring over the wastes and what they call themselves.

2019-03-28, 12:27 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: Conjure Elemental (1 hour) HP: 73/73

Little does in fact not stop casting her spell but interrupts it for a moment to say with a glare, "Ten."a second later, "Nine."

As she counts Mistral Stargale and Citrine both flank the goblin menacingly. Though one being very small doesn't menace quite so well as the other.

"Eight." and so on she continues counting, hand still held out for the medallion.

2019-03-30, 03:50 PM
"What a shame it would be," Malathorn said coldly, "if we proved more than a match for the wastes, only to destroy each other. The medallion is no mere bauble writ with 'gibberish and nonsense'—that much has been made clear, else you'd have no problem giving it back. I too am keen to know what it really says."

2019-04-15, 04:17 PM
Grumbling, Gurik forks the medallion over to Little. Her eyes flare with magic as she reads the small and twisted script on the trinket.

2019-04-15, 07:14 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: Conjure Elemental (1 hour) HP: 73/73

Little skims over the information on the medallion, and in the spirit of the nature of the argument they just had decides to simply read the information aloud.

Reading from the non-dragon, she appears to be reading out information from an aboleth's diary from the days leading up to the catalyst of the end of the Godswars, the death of Moradin, and some information about the events leading up to and following this monumental event.

Reading from the draconic side, she recites what seems to be a bunch of cryptic gibberish, most of it related to symbolism related to floors, keys, walls, and other similar architectural features. The word 'key' pops up disproportionately.

2019-04-17, 02:10 AM
"A lucid account of world-shattering events on one side, and an impenetrable riddle on the other," Malathorn mused after the translations were read. "I knew scholars who'd consider the expedition a success with this chance discovery alone, but I assume we're more practical-minded. Does the amulet do anything or possess some property beyond its words?"

2019-04-17, 12:26 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: Conjure Elemental (1 hour) HP: 73/73

Little nods in agreement to Malathorn's words and gives a "wait a moment" gesture and begins chanting again. This time to determine if the medallion has any magical properties.

Ritual casting Identify

2019-04-17, 03:05 PM
The medallion isn't a magic item that requires attunement, however, it is faintly magical. When the draconic face is slotted into some specific chamber or relief, it will unlock something. This is all the information you can discern, as the magic is incredibly diluted.

2019-04-17, 03:44 PM
Lea patiently waits, trying to hide her boredom.

2019-04-18, 12:28 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: -- & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: Conjure Elemental (1 hour) HP: 73/73

"That was a good catch Malathorn. It is a bit magical. It seems if the dragonic face side is put into a particular slot, probably some kind of chamber or relief, it acts as a key of some sort." Little says after she finishes her examination.

2019-04-18, 10:47 PM
"I wonder if the key will be used at our destination. It seems like too good a coincidence to be true, but then again, the late monster's victims were likely going the same place as we are."

2019-04-22, 08:13 PM
Everyone settles to bed, Little keeping hold of the Aquan medallion. Gurik grumbles something about ageism as he curls up next to his massive, snow-white hare and falls asleep. As Little keeps an eye on the gradually brightening horizon, she sees no major threats, and in a matter of hours, everyone is woken up. Breakfast is hunted for and cooked in short order, and you set back out into the wastes by midmorning, saddling up onto your undead mounts.

The skies are a roiling grey, and at about lunchtime, you pause, taking the opportunity to conjure or hunt for your meal. As you continue down the way you estimate the library under the lake to be, nothing appears to come near you other than a couple native critters curious as to who disturbs the otherwise pristine plane of snow they call home.

Nightfall approaches, and as you settle down, you consider the watch once more.

I assume watch order is the same as you took watch last night. If not, speak now. If so, I'd like everyone actively taking a watch to make a Perception check.

2019-04-30, 12:21 PM
The watch order of Lea, Gurik, Dusk and finally Little is upset a bit as Malathorn opts to take Gurik's spot in the watch so that the goblin man can get a bit of much-needed sleep. He happily obliges, and snuggles up next to his rabbit companion ad is snoring loudly within minutes.

Lea takes first guard, looking across the dark snow. Her watch passing without event, she wakes Malathorn for second watch. He remains vigilant, and nothing sniffs around the campsite. He wakes Dusk, who 'boots up' and takes watch. After a couple of hours, the sun begins to come up and Little and her compatriots take final watch. The night continues uneventful.

This is the final day of travel, and as you all wake up in the biting cold, you finally see the sun emerge from behind the blanket of grey clouds that it was behind in days prior. About half a day of travel passes before you see the towering and jagged mountains said to surround the frozen lake on the path ahead of you. A feeling of anticipation swells in your near-frozen bodies as you make your way to where you think the entrance to the library may be.

As your horses shudder to a stop at the edge of the vast frozen lake, Little gestures emphatically at a black spire emerging from the center of the lake. A small opening in the rock looks to lead into the greater library. How would you like to go across the lake?

2019-04-30, 04:47 PM
(Dang it! I could have sworn that I had posted!)

Dusk looks upon the spire with great curiousity. It seems something of value was indeed here. The travel had taken them to a most interesting place. Dusk will stand in the stirrups for a better view of the opening. "Perhaps we should.test the ice a bit first, I imagine it's solid given I sout it ever truly melts, but caution would be wise."

2019-04-30, 11:36 PM
"I can send my summoned steed ahead of us. If the ice can bear a horse, it can bear at least a few of us at a time."

2019-05-01, 12:41 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: Invisible (conc.) & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

"If the ice proves too thin I have a number of options. If it's safe for us to go one at a time Mistral Stargale can take us in turns. If we need to go all together I could try summoning up a larger creature that could fly and carry multiple people. Or if for some reason we must go over the water or under it I have rituals that would allow us to walk on water or breath it. Though that final one is a last resort for anyone who can get hypothermia."

As she waits for replies/the horse test she looks to apparently nothing in the air and says, "Be a good girl and go see if there's anything over by the entrance there that's a threat would you?" and then she seemingly gives head scratches before sending the invisible Citrine off to scout.

2019-05-01, 01:18 PM
Lea will wait for the horse to return.

2019-05-02, 08:10 AM
The invisible Citrine flutters through the air, and after a few minutes, returns. She communicates to you that there doesn't appear to be much of anything in that area of the tower, only some bookshelves and some sculpture-like device near the center of the room that looks dilapidated. That's all the info you get from Citrine.

Meanwhile, Malathorn's horse steps out onto the ice. The ice creaks and cracks in an uneasy manner, but the horse takes a few steps out onto the lake without major problems. When the horse gets about halfway out, the cracking of ice becomes so loud that you call the horse back in fear of its safety.

2019-05-02, 12:21 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: Invisible (conc.) & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

"Citrine didn't see any threats over there, so....?" and she points at her Pegasus.

2019-05-03, 12:17 AM
"If any ambushers have escaped Citrine's detection, I shall be hard-pressed indeed," Malathorn muttered as he stepped toward the Pegasus. "Should I be attacked, I will conjure a sphere of darkness that should be visible even from here, and will hopefully buy me enough time. How long will it take to summon a creature capable of carrying the rest of you?"

2019-05-03, 12:20 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: Invisible (conc.) & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

"Just a few seconds. But I'd rather not waste spells if I don't have to." Little replies.
She then hops off Mistral Stargale and says to her, "Well, you heard the plan. Try not to go too fast, I don't know if any of them are used to flying." The pegasus whinnies at this while Little gives a little chuckle and then Mistral Stargale walks over to Malathorn and takes them over the lake once they get on.

2019-05-04, 08:59 AM
As Malathorn climbs onto the pegasus, Mistral spreads her wings and takes off across the lake, landing on the solid ice very close to the exposed spire. Malathorn disembarks and scrambles up through the crumbling window into the small room inside.

Citrine's description was pretty head-on; four empty stone bookshelves carved out of the walls mark the edges of the vaguely elliptical room. In the center of the room is what appears to be a shrine or a table of some sort. It's make out of a different stone from the rest of the room, while the rest of the room is made from charcoal-black, almost grey matte stone, this structure is made of a shining rock that's almost pure black with hints of emerald green. It's shaped in an hourglass-like way, coming up to just about your midriff. Various bands wind their way from the top edges down into the floor. Small chunks of stone appear to be sporadically missing from the stone, and looking around the room, you spot some pieces of the broken stone amidst the other bits of rocks and debris on the ground. On top of this dias, some ancient arcane runes are carved.

As you look around for danger in the room, make me a Perception check. Meanwhile, Mistral Stargale rides back for another passenger. Who's next up?

2019-05-09, 02:46 PM
Lea is next up, the bard, spectral whisperer flying low in the cold air.

2019-05-10, 12:23 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: Invisible (conc.) & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

And finally once all the others have been ferried over, Little gives Mistral Stargale a few pats as a reward and then flies over on the pegasus herself.

2019-05-13, 12:54 AM
"Welcome to the Spire," Malathorn greeted the others with mock gravitas. "Seems all clear so far."

2019-05-13, 09:18 AM
Malathorn, as you look out for danger or hostility, nothing becomes apparent to you. You think you're safe.

After our compatriots take their trips, Lea and Little fly over to join Malathorn. What would you all like to do in the small section of tower?

2019-05-13, 12:37 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: Invisible (conc.) & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

Little examines the runes to see if she can tell what they are.

Arcana/History if needed: [roll0]

If that doesn't work she'll ritual cast Comprehend Languages.

2019-05-13, 06:10 PM
Lea will start humming a ditty as the runes are identified.

2019-05-15, 10:02 PM
Most of the runes don't appear to be writing, instead, they are magical sigils. You recognize them to be linked to teleportation and conjuration. The number 4, written in Aquan, appears a few times amidst the sigils. The entire pedestal seems to be devoid of magical energy, but looks to be able to receive energy to initiate effect, presumably a teleportation. Unfortunately, the dias doesn't give any hints as to how you could do this.

2019-05-16, 12:07 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: Invisible (conc.) & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

Little explains this to the others and puzzles it over for a moment.

My two guesses are that it needs 4 spells cast at it or a 4th level spell slot. But I have no idea how to express "4th level spell" in character. Is that a term they would use in universe?

2019-05-17, 12:05 AM
"I'm no expert in these matters, I'm afraid, and I'd rather not tinker with it without some surety of what it'll do."

Assuming the rules at least somewhat reflect the laws of magic in-universe, spell slots being quantized means spellcasters would have to use "fourth" in some capacity: Fourth Sphere, fourth-order conjuration, tetra-something-or-other.

2019-05-17, 12:27 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: Invisible (conc.) & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

After pondering a moment Little says, "It might require the energy of four spells? Or a fourth circle spell?" She doesn't respond to Malathorn's comment about not messing with it, because she's not sure what other option they have.

Is this a thing I can cast Identify on? If so I'll do that.

2019-05-17, 04:07 PM
Dusk walks this section of the tower and examines it with great curiousity, unsure of what to really do with this. "I suppose I can volunteer to cast a few spells if needed. What manner of casting? Would a simple blessing spell work for this? I'm unfamiliar with such devices. But I suppose there is no wonder why it needs magical energy. Who knows how long it's gone without being 'charged'."

Dusk turns towards little as 'she' speaks, then back towards the device. Being a creature of magic and technology herself, she was always intrigued by such things.

2019-05-18, 02:53 AM
And I can certainly donate some magic. Lea offers brightly.

2019-05-19, 11:54 AM
Little, you cast Identify and touch the device of greenish stone. The signals you get are garbled, almost like trying to watch a TV show with heavy static, but you get the idea that you must cast a 4th level spell or higher to get teleported somewhere. You don't know where, and you don't know what happens if you cast a lower or higher level spell.

2019-05-19, 12:22 PM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: Invisible (conc.) & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

"Oh good. That worked.... somewhat." Little says frowning at that. "If we cast a fourth circle spell it will teleport us somewhere. Though I have no idea where." She omits to add that she has no idea if there will be as convenient a way back since she is determined to go anyway and doesn't wish for this whole venture to potentially collapse right here if someone decides they'd rather not take that risk.

2019-05-22, 09:48 AM
Lea closes her eyes and mutters some words under her breath. As she does, the stone takes on a much more green and clearer hue, looking almost emerald before flashing in a wave of bright light that explodes outwards and envelops Lea and blinds the rest of you for a brief instant. As the spots in your eyes clear, Lea is gone, the stone in the center of the room making an audible descending hum as it 'powers down'.

You wake up with your back on moist stone. You sit up groggily, a headache pounding in your ears. As you look around the cavernous room you're in, you realize that you're sitting near the center of a large magical circle carved into the stony floor.

This room is about the size of an indoor football field. The stone space is bitterly cold, and around you can see that the space does indeed have some natural stalactites and stalagmites hanging about, so the space must be at least partially natural, or at least have been left alone long enough to develop these formations. However, most of the room is dominated by massive bookshelves, almost scraping the ceiling of the cavern. Most are empty, but some contain rotting and musty tomes. You can't make out anything else in this lighting at this distance.

Lea, as you awaken, you hear a raspy and hissing voice that reminds you of the sound of nails on a chalkboard echo out from the shelves beyond. "Who'ssss there?" it hisses, almost tauntingly. "What do you want from meee?"

2019-05-30, 11:47 AM
Little (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1762908)
Goliath Black Mage & Familiar & Mount
HP: 62/62 & HP: 40/40 & HP: 59/59
Conditions: Mage Armor & Conditions: Invisible (conc.) & Conditions: --
Concentrating On: --

Little has everyone remaining hold hands as she expends a 4th level spell slot to activate the teleportation.

2019-06-23, 03:06 PM
Dusk shrugs and figures there was no reason not to try it, and will hold hands with little, as she seemed to desire. If they could waste less resources, it might help them deal with wherever this went. Dusk would close her eyes for a moment, anticipating the flash.