View Full Version : Help me Save my Demon Lord Fiancee

2018-12-03, 11:27 AM
So we're playing Out of the Abyss and most of the party is Good, with a few Evil players sprinkled in the mix.

1 Tiefling Paladin of Conquest, Evil, Worships Asmodeus and two-handed weapon smites with his spell slots and one of the giant strength belts plus a ring of regeneration
1 Half-Orc Barbarian Berserker, Chaotic Good, was raised by Dwarves and so has a Dwarven Thrower plus the best strength item in the game
1 Human Cleric of Life, Good, generally spends every turn healing or casting Bless, though recently uses Death Ward
1 Aasimar Warlock of some variety that learns Revivify, Good, hasn't had much of a chance to shine but indicated he would eventually take Eldritch Smite
1 Dwarf Druid of the Moon, "Good", generally does really stupid stuff like trying to craft an elemental mid-battle or AoE damaging the party, when he does fight he typically Wild Shapes and summons a group of creatures
1 Human Wizard of Necromancy, Evil, has not fought in battle thus far despite attending several sessions
1 Dark Elf Paladin of the Ancients/Hexblade Warlock, Evil, fulfills a supporting role
1 Fighter of some kind that uses a bow, unknown alignment, was basically a gift from Zuggtmoy

Now here's the thing- through nothing short of a miracle (Natural 20, Proficient and max Cha Persuasion, plus using a DM "luck" token that we will never have again)- Zuggtmoy has fallen in love with the Dark Elf Paladin (me) and has proposed a wedding date. My Drow's thinking is that if he does marry her, he can use Zuggtmoy to help destroy the other Demon Lords running around in the Underdark plus maybe the Lolth-worshipping Drow as well, even at the cost of his own life as marrying her assuredly means he's going to end up being taken to the Abyss with her at some point. He views it as a sacrifice for the greater good.

Unsurprisingly, most of the party seems against this idea, some out of personal spite, others because they simply want to fight and kill her, others because they don't think it will work, etc. Given that they refuse to seek a peaceful solution such as convincing her to leave without violence (the DM was sincere in the love angle because he knew it would cause even more shenanigans than just playing me) and they're clashing against my goal and what I believe is the best method to achieve it- I don't really see how conflict isn't inevitable. In which case, how do I best keep these guys from killing Zuggtmoy at the wedding in battle?

Don't get me wrong, she's a Demon Lord and should be quite capable of fighting and needs no man protecting her, but having looked at her statblock (I don't meta-game, no matter what I look up, I don't let it affect my gameplay) she doesn't seem particularly like she'd survive the fight and doesn't bring much to the table. If push comes to shove and the party attacks first (and they will) then I'm going to end up having to protect her or fight alongside her.

The Fighter Archer IS sworn to Zuggtmoy but the player is... finicky and untrustworthy to remain on any given side. So I cannot trust her one way or the other. So call that one a wash. How can I best keep Zuggtmoy alive against the others then when Initiative is rolled and blood burns hot? I'm aware this might be a stupid question but we're clearly looking at a climactic moment and if we do fight- I want to either win and convince her to let them live (probably while becoming a NPC and disappearing from the group while taking her back to the Abyss) or if nothing else really make them earn the win (same difference really- just I lose instead).

Dark Elf
Paladin Ancients 8, Warlock Hexblade 3
Devil's Sight invocation
Improved Pact Weapon invocation
Mage Slayer feat
+3 Trident, +1 Longbow, +1 Studded Leather Armor
Winged Boots, Rod of Resurrection, 3rd Level Spell Gem and the DM ruled it can keep up Concentration for you
Potions of Invulnerability, Gems of Earth Elemental Summoning
If we get two more levels before the wedding I'll be Warlock 5 with Eldritch Smite invocation as well.

The DM fyi is totally fine with this and the party has been almost TPK'd multiple times with only 3 of us still retaining our original characters we started the campaign with (and losing multiple players because after 3 deaths, they're "out" and cannot make more to rejoin). For context- proposing to the Demon Lord was the good plan in a series of crap plans made by the party. They die a lot and the DM has zero issue with them dying more- he doesn't pull punches.

2018-12-03, 11:47 AM
Well, first, what is the level of all those people?

Second, Zuggtmoy is a Demon Lord. She has minions, lots of them. Use them.

Also, I don't really get what you mean by " doesn't bring much to the table." Not counting her magic abilities, Zuggtmoy is literally a better combatant than a level 20 Fighter or Paladin, at least in term of attack. She is quite literally beyond humanoids' limits in term of proficiency. She's also a genius.

Just giving her one Potion of Invulnerability and summoning an Earth Elemental, which would then hide, would already do a lot to ramp up the difficulty of what the other players would have to go through.

2018-12-03, 11:56 AM
Well, first, what is the level of all those people?

Second, Zuggtmoy is a Demon Lord. She has minions, lots of them. Use them.

Also, I don't really get what you mean by " doesn't bring much to the table." Not counting her magic abilities, Zuggtmoy is literally a better combatant than a level 20 Fighter or Paladin, at least in term of attack. She is quite literally beyond humanoids' limits in term of proficiency. She's also a genius.

Just giving her one Potion of Invulnerability and summoning an Earth Elemental, which would then hide, would already do a lot to ramp up the difficulty of what the other players would have to go through.

Same as me, 11, though nobody else has done any multiclassing and all have instead just become very good at their specific fighting methods.

The wedding is a private affair and so she won't have any minions, hence my worry. I believe the DM did that deliberately because he thought this scenario would happen- if I don't turn then she'll just teleport away and we won't fight then. If I do then he's got a relatively even battle.

The "bringing much to the table" was in comparison to other Demon Lords. Her spell list pretty lackluster:
At will: detect magic, locate animals or plants, ray of sickness
3/day each: dispel magic, ensnaring strike, entangle, plant growth
1/day: etherealness, teleport

And her Legendary Actions are one attack or commanding a charmed enemy- which if nobody is charmed and/or is being cured of the charm does nothing. That also is basically her only special ability is the spores that can charm you. The party is aware of that and likely is going to take countermeasures to make that unlikely. At least two members have the book and have looked her up to meta-game. While I'm not quite going about it the same way (I don't think of asking for help as meta-gaming) I find it more than fair to ask how to help fight them because of this.

Granted I do agree, the Potion of Invulnerability would do a lot, especially when just by me considering her an ally and within range she gains resistance to spell damage plus +5 to saves (like she needs it) but the party is chock-full of healing methods to keep themselves all up and running. I don't honestly think she'd win the war of attrition even with just the Potion and Aura buffs, especially if the Fighter goes against her, I think I have to take a more direct role.

2018-12-03, 12:18 PM
Same as me, 11, though nobody else has done any multiclassing and all have instead just become very good at their specific fighting methods.

Which means that even the most resilient of them has around 120 HPs

The wedding is a private affair and so she won't have any minions, hence my worry.

I call BS. Demon Lords don't do private weddings without minions. They want to flaunt it in the face of the world, no matter what "it" is. Also, again, she's a genius, she wouldn't make herself vulnerable when there are other Demon Lords around.

That and your DM's "three deaths and you're out" policy make me question his DMing skills.

I believe the DM did that deliberately because he thought this scenario would happen- if I don't turn then she'll just teleport away and we won't fight then. If I do then he's got a relatively even battle.

Or you could turn and then both her and you teleport away.

The "bringing much to the table" was in comparison to other Demon Lords. Her spell list pretty lackluster:
At will: detect magic, locate animals or plants, ray of sickness
3/day each: dispel magic, ensnaring strike, entangle, plant growth
1/day: etherealness, teleport

And her Legendary Actions are one attack or commanding a charmed enemy- which if nobody is charmed and/or is being cured of the charm does nothing.

I don't see anything lackluster here. If it was the only things she had, sure, but again, she's strong in battle by sheer martial might.

Granted, she is far from the most powerful of the Demon Princes.

Granted I do agree, the Potion of Invulnerability would do a lot but the party is chock-full of healing methods to keep themselves all up and running. I don't honestly think she'd win the war of attrition.

Well the main thing is that the PCs of your group have a TON of magic item.


Alright, there's a plan I can tell you, but there is two things I need to know first:

-Are the other players ok with PvP?

-How muh contact does your character have with Zuggtmoy currently/how much will you have until the marriage?

2018-12-03, 12:19 PM
The DM fyi is totally fine with this and the party has been almost TPK'd multiple times with only 3 of us still retaining our original characters we started the campaign with (and losing multiple players because after 3 deaths, they're "out" and cannot make more to rejoin). For context- proposing to the Demon Lord was the good plan in a series of crap plans made by the party. They die a lot and the DM has zero issue with them dying more- he doesn't pull punches.

Are you saying that if you have your character replaced 3 times, you're effectively kicked from the group?

That's some real life Hard Core mode s***.

2018-12-03, 12:21 PM
I mean, I would expect that even in a private affair a Demon Lord would still have an honor guard. She does have an Int of 20, she's pretty smart. If that doesn't work, ask her to bring an honor guard. I mean, if your character really wants to go through with this wedding and has a feeling that the other characters are going to try and wreak it, talk to her. Maybe having a little more muscle there will help keep the other party members from trying things because this is a DM who you've admitted will kill players if they get in over their head. If she's really intent on this then you should let her know of this so that she can prepare like you will be. Beyond that, if you want a happy marriage you have to start communicating early, right? :smallsmile:

Seriously though, she can cast teleport for free once per day. If things get to hairy she would just teleport you and her away to her realm and leave your friends wonding how to get to her while she plots to kill the rude members of your party that decided to wedding crash.

2018-12-03, 12:46 PM
That and your DM's "three deaths and you're out" policy make me question his DMing skills.

Are you saying that if you have your character replaced 3 times, you're effectively kicked from the group?

That's some real life Hard Core mode s***.

The 3 deaths (being raised or resurrected doesn't count, you must be dead and staying dead) and you're out rule is because:
Plenty of other people want to play (he has a waiting list) and because most of their deaths have been for doing extremely stupid stuff like trying to pickpocket a guard surrounded by other guards or attempting to sneak past a Beholder to steal its treasure, alone, or the guy who straight-up sprinted into dark waters in the Underdark because the enemy was there- he was promptly attacked by like a dozen stingray demons that were unseen.

The younger players clearly weren't learning or caring to try to learn after the first times they died so he implemented that rule to make them care. Notably after that rule popped up- they (mostly) stopped doing idiotic stuff like fighting in combat only via thrown rocks or charging off on their own away from the party. Again, some of us still have our beginning characters and the DM is very lenient with letting you live- you die if you do something dumb.

The no-minions thing for Zuggtmoy is almost 100% based on the DM (correctly) predicting the party will fight itself during the wedding. I made my plans clear to him a while ago and the party has non-stop discussed how they're going to kill her at the wedding. There's no way I can see this working out unless they all fail to save against Zuggtmoy's spores right off the bat- except they know about that ability having faced her twice before.

Note- I am not 100% sure there will be no minions but I was given a vision of the wedding and said vision included only myself, Zuggtmoy, and the party- nobody else- it's not prudent to assume minions will be present.

I don't see anything lackluster here. If it was the only things she had, sure, but again, she's strong in battle by sheer martial might.

Granted, she is far from the most powerful of the Demon Princes.

But her martial might will only get her so far and I don't think it's remotely far enough is the thing- especially if the Druid (50/50) actually plays correctly and the Necromancer shows up for the session to throw his own spells in. The Paladin and Barbarian are no push-overs and the Cleric will be able to keep them up and running for quite some time- though I believe I'm the only one smart enough to invest in potions aside from Healing Potions.

Alright, there's a plan I can tell you, but there is two things I need to know first:

-Are the other players ok with PvP?

-How muh contact does your character have with Zuggtmoy currently/how much will you have until the marriage?

- Oh yes. They have actively fought and killed each other before and there's plenty of sentiment about cold-blood killing the Druid because of how much a liability he's continuing to be in-battle (blasting the party with AoE magic, spending 10 rounds against a boss crafting an elemental instead of fighting, Polymorphing the entire party into T-Rexes against Purple Wyrms). They're only going to be upset if they lose and die. Losing and getting to live won't bother them (it's repeatedly happened in the campaign).
I am the second nicest person in the campaign- ironically I am the second most evil as well.

- I have the handmaiden who has a bond with her that allows communication. Also given the telepathy- I would imagine I have free-reign to speak with her during the ceremony as well and that's plenty of time. And the party has fought her several times (we time-warped back to the start so she does not remember this) so the group generally understands what she can do already.

Seriously though, she can cast teleport for free once per day. If things get to hairy she would just teleport you and her away to her realm and leave your friends wonding how to get to her while she plots to kill the rude members of your party that decided to wedding crash.

While this is possible- I don't think it likely to happen for a variety of reasons- first and foremost because that means she is never going to die in the campaign if every time she falls remotely close to dying she teleports away. Also it's something of a buzzkill to get to a climactic battle and the enemy boss goes, "Know what, peace" and teleports out. Narratively that just irks people because there's not really many ways to stop teleportation.

2018-12-03, 02:46 PM
You are insane.

Marrying a demon lord? That sounds like something from one of my campaigns! :smallwink:

Okay. If you want to go through with this, I'd second what other people have said.

Zuggtmoy is a demon lord. Zuggtmoy eats solar angels as a pancake topping. Zuggtmoy will kill your party without any trouble.

You say it's a private affair. Unlikely. Demons are flashy. They want to flaunt their power. No matter how high you rolled on Persuasion, you aren't going to change a demon's nature. Beyond that, demons are duplicitous. They lie. Like, all the time. Zuggtmoy says she wants to marry you privately. In reality, that may not be the case. The Underdark is full of mushrooms. You can't walk ten feet without stepping on one. Zuggtmoy has control over mushrooms. In the event of a battle, she'll have no problem getting minions.

Edit: You said this:
Note- I am not 100% sure there will be no minions but I was given a vision of the wedding and said vision included only myself, Zuggtmoy, and the party- nobody else- it's not prudent to assume minions will be present.

Just because you didn't see anybody else doesn't mean they aren't there. A bunch of demons get invisibility spells. Myconids look just like regular mushrooms if they stand still. Hell, there could be an entire army of nonbreathing creatures melded into Zuggtmoy's body.

2018-12-03, 03:17 PM
You are insane.

Marrying a demon lord? That sounds like something from one of my campaigns! :smallwink:

Okay. If you want to go through with this, I'd second what other people have said.

Zuggtmoy is a demon lord. Zuggtmoy eats solar angels as a pancake topping. Zuggtmoy will kill your party without any trouble.

Hey- this was the good plan. The plans the party keeps trying suck and only a last-ditch attempt like what I did saved her from attacking us all back then in the first place when we were even lower-leveled.
And I mean- I don't think the numbers support that in a straight slugfest- which is undoubtedly the way that fight is going down.
She has, at most, 428 hit points with no way of regaining them, aside from admittedly me but that's the point of the thread; how best for me to help her. It's the husband's duty to stand with his wife, in sickness and in battling-adventurers-to-the-death.

The party has a full-support Cleric who heals and buffs and a Druid that frequently summons a ton of help- not to mention the Warlock and Wizard likewise throwing their spells into the fray to heal/harm. The Barbarian and other Paladin might not be the tankiest guys but they're sitting on a goldmine of applicable health to keep them up and going. That's also assuming the Fighter handmaiden doesn't turn on Zuggtmoy- which I pretty genuinely am calling 50/50 at best or even better in favor of doing so if only because that means he gets to keep playing his character longer plus he signed a contract with Asmodeus.

A party of 7 level 11 characters isn't exactly something to dismiss lightly- especially if they go up to 12 before the wedding- quite possible.

You say it's a private affair. Unlikely. Demons are flashy. They want to flaunt their power. No matter how high you rolled on Persuasion, you aren't going to change a demon's nature. Beyond that, demons are duplicitous. They lie. Like, all the time. Zuggtmoy says she wants to marry you privately. In reality, that may not be the case. The Underdark is full of mushrooms. You can't walk ten feet without stepping on one. Zuggtmoy has control over mushrooms. In the event of a battle, she'll have no problem getting minions.

Edit: You said this:

Just because you didn't see anybody else doesn't mean they aren't there. A bunch of demons get invisibility spells. Myconids look just like regular mushrooms if they stand still. Hell, there could be an entire army of nonbreathing creatures melded into Zuggtmoy's body.

The private affair is me being safe and counting on no assistance for planning purposes. The fact that it coincides with the vision is not confirmation but it definitely makes me wary because it would be a much more "fair" fight if the DM is planning on the fight breaking out between us- which he definitely should be given the way the campaign has gone thus far.

Could she have minions? Yes.
Will she? Unknown- so I won't plan on it.
And even if she does- if the party rolls up with bonus troops like they plan to then the DM will likely have both "armies" clash while the heroes fight the big threats like he did Juiblex in order to save on time. Juiblex had an army of Oozes but because the party had so many additional creatures on the field, he ruled the mooks could fight while the party only had to deal with one or two Oozes in order to get to Juiblex.
Which leaves us right back at square 1- me and her vs them.

2018-12-03, 03:27 PM
Given your Devil's Sight, I suppose you tend to use the Darkness spell, yes? How many of your party can see through it?

2018-12-03, 03:33 PM
Given your Devil's Sight, I suppose you tend to use the Darkness spell, yes? How many of your party can see through it?

Though an enemy Shadow Monk used that tactic against them in the past so they know to Dispel it quickly. I only have the one Drow use.
It's definitely my current plan but I was wondering if better ones existed given that it's a very short-term plan and one they definitely know how to deal with.

2018-12-03, 03:59 PM
Well, you're a Paladin/Exblade. Nova-kill the Cleric ASAP, and things will go much better for your side.

2018-12-03, 04:06 PM
You think the fighter might turn against the party: use that. Have Ziggy order her to destroy an axe, the only weapon that can destroy her forever. It's not: its a cursed "Berzerker Axe" that turns the wielder into a mindless killing machine. If the handmaiden is faithful, she gets rid of it as commanded. If she turns, she either tries to use it or hands it off to the barbarian. Either way you take an enemy off the table and put a new wildcard into play.

2018-12-04, 09:47 PM
You think the fighter might turn against the party: use that. Have Ziggy order her to destroy an axe, the only weapon that can destroy her forever. It's not: its a cursed "Berzerker Axe" that turns the wielder into a mindless killing machine. If the handmaiden is faithful, she gets rid of it as commanded. If she turns, she either tries to use it or hands it off to the barbarian. Either way you take an enemy off the table and put a new wildcard into play.

I think a better bet would be a fake Arrow of Slaying but otherwise this is definitely a good way of checking allegiance.

2018-12-05, 12:41 AM
I think a better bet would be a fake Arrow of Slaying but otherwise this is definitely a good way of checking allegiance.

There's no reason to limit it to one plan. The bridegroom could arrange for several cursed items to fall into the paty's hands. If he's very clever, make it really feel like the party is gearing up effectively. Ziggy should have massive resources at her disposal, so filling a dungeon with minions guarding a weapon supposedly capable of destroying her should be entirely within her wheelhouse. Even better if the groom really seems to be trying to stop the party from getting those weapons: really sell it. If he's real good and sneaky also be sure to replace all their healing potions with potions of poison.

Other related ideas:

Let the cleric find a scroll that he thinks is a Scroll of Planar Binding (What did you think Illusory Script was for?). The goal is to get him to try to figure out how he can get within 60 feet of her and cast a spell for 60 minutes without her fighting back. The groom's player will have to test out his IRL manipulation ability: being able to make people think they've come up with an idea on their own. The goal is to get the cleric's player to conclude, "on his own" of course, that he should offer to officiate the wedding ceremony.

(Of course the scroll isn't what he thinks it is at all, it's something harmful he casts on himself, hopefully to take him out of the fight. Maybe "Word of Recall" with the "Sanctuary" being set to a lovely prison cell in a demiplane someplace.)

But once the cleric gets the idea to officiate the wedding, in will naturally follow that the rest of the party will want to be in the wedding party as well, as it puts them closer to the bride. However, this puts the bride and groom in a position of power: they decide where everyone stands during the ceremony. They can have everyone stand right on top of stacked Glyphs of Warding. Or rugs of smothering. Or good old fashioned trap doors leading to a pit of sharks with freakin laser beams.

Hell, Glyphs of warding are a great idea even if the party isn't interested in being in the wedding party. Just fill up whatever area the attendees will be watching from with the glyphs. They're expensive, yes, but this is a freaking DEMON LORD. She's rich as ****, and chicks love spending money on making their weddings perfect. Hell, she'll probably LOVE seeing her wedding decorated with all the exploded guts.

2018-12-05, 02:41 AM
There's no reason to limit it to one plan. The bridegroom could arrange for several cursed items to fall into the paty's hands. If he's very clever, make it really feel like the party is gearing up effectively. Ziggy should have massive resources at her disposal, so filling a dungeon with minions guarding a weapon supposedly capable of destroying her should be entirely within her wheelhouse. Even better if the groom really seems to be trying to stop the party from getting those weapons: really sell it. If he's real good and sneaky also be sure to replace all their healing potions with potions of poison.

I did point out meta-gaming is something of an obstacle. They're well aware that I will not "find" weapons to use against Zuggtmoy and even if I did- they check their items even since the DM pointed out what someone tells you the item is doesn't have to be true. One of them tried stealing a "precious scroll" from a Wizard merchant and ran off months ago. A few seconds later we heard a BOOM and all we ever found of him was his shoes.
They've been pretty trained to deal with most subterfuge-methods through sheer experience of falling to the tricks over and over again in the campaign. Especially with the other Paladin, who's been playing since 2E like myself and is well aware of all the shenanigans you can pull and plans pretty accordingly. He's also quite aware of my intent and disagrees very strongly with it (though him bitching about how my god wouldn't like it is rich, Paladin powers are based on Oaths, not gods, even back in 3.5 that was a thing).

Hell, Glyphs of warding are a great idea even if the party isn't interested in being in the wedding party. Just fill up whatever area the attendees will be watching from with the glyphs. They're expensive, yes, but this is a freaking DEMON LORD. She's rich as ****, and chicks love spending money on making their weddings perfect. Hell, she'll probably LOVE seeing her wedding decorated with all the exploded guts.

The party knows the wedding date and intends to get there first and set/search for traps themselves. I can't think of any viable scenario where I could get something set up prior to the wedding that doesn't involve outright fleeing from the party. That's why I was more concerned about, "How to win the fight" though admittedly if I can get another Warlock level- being able to cast Darkness more than once would be hella-useful.

I'm truthfully the weak link in the scenario. Zuggtmoy can take quite a few hits- I'm only sitting at 120ish hitpoints and they can definitely hit me that hard in one round if they want to- though the straight resistance to all spells helps a lot. In particular I'm going to be pissed if the Druid tries to abuse his, "Call 8 Pixies and have them all Polymorph" strategy that he has used before. Even Zuggy might have a problem with that.

And just to be clear, this is Out of the Abyss, we're not in Zuggtmoy's realm and for practical purposes she likely has no money nor resources except whatever she picks up in the Underdark. Given that she starts in the shroom village and they themselves have pretty much nothing- I don't predict a great deal of preparations that are usable in terms of money.

2018-12-05, 05:52 AM
Could Zuggtmoy create a decoy body out of mushrooms and fungi? It could be enough to make the PCs waste a few attacks.

Are there any NPCs that the group risk to be in contact with?

How likely are the group to split the party in the sessions before the wedding?

2018-12-05, 07:42 AM
Well, fellow SBer, my suggestion would be to either A) Appeal to the party's idea of "The Lesser of Two Evils and/or the possibility of Redemption) or B) Go full Competence mode: Covering the Glyphs of Warding (Putting them under cinder blocks, on the side of cobblestones, that sort of thing), Train your minions into basically Tucker's Kobolds, and Preemptively Assassinate a couple party members.

2018-12-05, 08:00 AM
though him bitching about how my god wouldn't like it is rich, Paladin powers are based on Oaths, not gods, even back in 3.5 that was a thing

He's a follower of Asmodeus, right?

You can tell him that Asmodeus WANTS the Demon Princes to succeed and spill over to the surface.

Why? Because it'd force the people on the surface to desperate actions, and Asmodeus has a "reasonable business plan" for those who want help dealing with large-scale demonic invasions.

2018-12-05, 08:11 AM
She would start with Mind "Control Spores" with a DC 19 wisdom save, she should charm a few of the group and this last 24 hours.

2018-12-05, 09:02 AM
Does your character know (or strongly suspect) that your party will attack Zuggy at the wedding?
If so, why not just WARN her about it. She should be able to flood the place with minions pretty easily come the day, if she suspects there is a danger. Even crap minions soak up actions. The DM can run them as a kind of "environmental hazard" if they are too bad to be worth playing individually (and he is looking for an excuse not to).

its pretty simple.
"There are too many minions, no amount of hacking at them can clear them. However, you also can't miss, so an attack clears a square.
Also, every round you take penalties to attack and AC equal the number of minions next to you (as they grab and force you to dodge). You also take damage equal to the number of minions next to you at the start of your turn.
Minions only get a move action, nothing else, but any slain will immediately reappear at the room entrance.
Now kill Zuggtmoy. Good luck!"

2018-12-05, 01:38 PM
Does your character know (or strongly suspect) that your party will attack Zuggy at the wedding?
If so, why not just WARN her about it. She should be able to flood the place with minions pretty easily come the day, if she suspects there is a danger. Even crap minions soak up actions. The DM can run them as a kind of "environmental hazard" if they are too bad to be worth playing individually (and he is looking for an excuse not to).

Oh yeah he knows. And she presumably knows given that at least some of the party lit her on fire and pissed on her dress the last time we encountered her- even though she did not exact vengeance on them for that.

However, minions or not, I need to figure out how to deal with the potential party at full power with just myself and Zuggy because that's the worst-case scenario and the one I need to worry about. There's significant talk of going to a dungeon they know contains a necklace of fireballs due to time travel and that definitely is great for wiping out swarms of minions.

Obviously I don't have to worry if the field is laced with magic explosives or a small army stands between the adventurers and Zuggy- victory would be nigh-impossible for them. That's exactly why it's not going to happen- the DM isn't going to make an impossible-win scenario for the party in a campaign dedicated to taking down Demon Lords. A certain amount of villain stupidity is required or else it would never end.

He's a follower of Asmodeus, right?

You can tell him that Asmodeus WANTS the Demon Princes to succeed and spill over to the surface.

Why? Because it'd force the people on the surface to desperate actions, and Asmodeus has a "reasonable business plan" for those who want help dealing with large-scale demonic invasions.

The Paladin made it pretty clear he considered this a Chaotic act that would destabilize the world and so as a Lawful "status quo" Asmodeus follower- this would be something he would fight with every tool at his disposal. He's had direct conversations with Asmodeus so I can't pretend I actually know better than him on this account. He's very much the leader of this.

Well, fellow SBer, my suggestion would be to either A) Appeal to the party's idea of "The Lesser of Two Evils and/or the possibility of Redemption) or B) Go full Competence mode: Covering the Glyphs of Warding (Putting them under cinder blocks, on the side of cobblestones, that sort of thing), Train your minions into basically Tucker's Kobolds, and Preemptively Assassinate a couple party members.

A) That appeal has fallen on some stone ears as the entire party is enthusiastically plotting on killing her. I personally do wonder if I can gradually change Zuggtmoy into a force of good (nothing insists Demon Lords cannot change after all) but that's a discussion for another time.
B) I don't have Glyphs of Warding, I do not have access to the wedding site prior to the wedding, Zuggtmoy by RAW does not have Glyphs of Warding, I cannot assume Zuggtmoy has access to the wedding site prior to the wedding. And attacking the party earlier and assassinating is pretty much impossible given our watch system. Two on watch plus two Find Steeds that, by DM call, never sleep and always watch.
I also have no minions save my Carrion Crawler "Kerry" mount from the Find Steed spell so dunno what I'd be training. Kerry's bad*ss but the DM ruled he didn't have poison attacks simply because that would be too strong in comparison to the standard warhorse.

2018-12-05, 01:44 PM
The Paladin made it pretty clear he considered this a Chaotic act that would destabilize the world and so as a Lawful "status quo" Asmodeus follower- this would be something he would fight with every tool at his disposal. He's had direct conversations with Asmodeus so I can't pretend I actually know better than him on this account. He's very much the leader of this.

Err, the thing is, what I told you is literally Asmodeus's plan. Guess your DM had other ideas.

Asmodeus has no interest in a Lawful "status quo" unless he's on top. He'd like Faerun to be destabilized so he can ooze through the tracks and get what he wants.

Have you considered trying to convince them to take Juiblex first?

2018-12-05, 02:05 PM
Err, the thing is, what I told you is literally Asmodeus's plan. Guess your DM had other ideas.

Asmodeus has no interest in a Lawful "status quo" unless he's on top. He'd like Faerun to be destabilized so he can ooze through the tracks and get what he wants.

Have you considered trying to convince them to take Juiblex first?

Technically it's the Paladin's idea and the DM is allowing him to play it through his way. It's not Faerun so much as not wanting any Demon Lord getting too much power and the like- even at the expense of what he wants.

We already took down Juiblex, after the proposal but 116 days prior to the wedding... I wish the DM wasn't openly keeping count of the days with a counter. I know full and well the party wouldn't keep track and I could easily just tell them the wedding is further away than they think and run the hell away before they realized what was up when it was close enough. Longstrider plus a Paladin mount that doesn't sleep would make it impossible for them to catch me- especially when my tracks would be on the ceiling.

2018-12-05, 02:28 PM
Without your paladin save aura I don't see your entire party making the 2 DC 19 checks to avoid being charmed, and fighting with her. Or going mad and becoming her servant.

To be honest if it were me DMing I'd be laughing my ass off at the thought they could take her. With a 20 int and 19 wisdom I take my DM gloves off and and go about killing off PCs in the most effective way.

Tactics aside she can get 7 attacks per round and will attack in the most effective manner possible. 5 will likely hit for an average of 75 damage. Or she can cast entangle dc 22 and attack 3 times with advantage.

I'd imagine the venue will also have lair actions. Keep that in mind as well.

And if your party did manage to all make it's saves and significantly hirt her, she'd teleport and within a 6 rounds you'd be overrun by her minions.

2018-12-05, 02:54 PM
Without your paladin save aura I don't see your entire party making the 2 DC 19 checks to avoid being charmed, and fighting with her. Or going mad and becoming her servant.

To be honest if it were me DMing I'd be laughing my ass off at the thought they could take her. With a 20 int and 19 wisdom I take my DM gloves off and and go about killing off PCs in the most effective way.

Tactics aside she can get 7 attacks per round and will attack in the most effective manner possible. 5 will likely hit for an average of 75 damage. Or she can cast entangle dc 22 and attack 3 times with advantage.

I'd imagine the venue will also have lair actions. Keep that in mind as well.

And if your party did manage to all make it's saves and significantly hirt her, she'd teleport and within a 6 rounds you'd be overrun by her minions.

Admittedly that is the most likely outcome- that I refuse to fight her because of my promises (to her) and goals (to save the world and possibly wipe out Lolth's Drow) and either withdraw my buffs to the party or transfer them to her. It's not like outside of meta-gaming the party would know about that anyways. The DM might even be tricksy and just bump the saves the party has to make up by 5 in order to stop them from realizing I'm not buffing them.

That said, I doubt Zuggtmoy would take me not actively helping her all that well, and I can't start the marriage with my wife mad at me before the wedding is even over.

This group features kids that aren't even out of high school and are fairly new to D&D- throwing the full book at them is death. Throwing half the book at them has still resulted in tons of death and multiple times barely escaping TPK with one or two people running around being the only ones not dying/dead. The veteran players (Both Paladins, the Barbarian, the Cleric) are notably the ones who haven't had to reroll characters three or more times. A few players no longer could reroll because they died too much and so they don't play anymore.

I didn't realize Entangle could give advantage though, that's handy knowledge indeed, landing a Ray of Enfeeblement guts the Barbarian's damage by half whether he makes the save at the end of his turn or not; he has nothing but Strength-based attacks.

Lair actions aren't listed on the page I've been looking at and I don't possess Out of the Abyss. What can she do for lair actions?

2018-12-05, 02:56 PM
Now here's the thing- through nothing short of a miracle (Natural 20, Proficient and max Cha Persuasion, plus using a DM "luck" token that we will never have again)- Zuggtmoy has fallen in love with the Dark Elf Paladin (me)

It is meant to be!

Even your Paladin should realize that the Gods have ruled and Fate agreed, that they are now irrevocably bound to each other. Maybe it started out as an attempt at conning her to help you, but it is no longer fun and games. Your Paladin (who is evil anyway, hello?) is falling hard for a Demon Lord and should make it perfectly clear that if they attack his fiancee they are also attacking him. Maybe he isn't entirely sure how the future will turn out, but your strings are now intertwined in the grand tapestry of existence and there is no way in hell these peasants are killing your soul mate!

2018-12-05, 02:58 PM
It is meant to be!

Even your Paladin should realize that the Gods have ruled and Fate agreed, that they are now irrevocably bound to each other. Maybe it started out as an attempt at conning her to help you, but it is no longer fun and games. Your Paladin (who is evil anyway, hello?) is falling hard for a Demon Lord and should make it perfectly clear that if they attack his fiancee they are also attacking him. Maybe he isn't entirely sure how the future will turn out, but your strings are now intertwined in the grand tapestry of existence and there is no way in hell these peasants are killing your soul mate!

Ironically, said character's backstory did involve as part of his Hexblade class the reasoning that his Fate was uncertain (with time travel being rolled in the labyrinth- this makes a lot of sense in hindsight). He had a coin for an Arcane Focus that would never stop spinning to symbolize this- once she proposed he marry her- the coin started slowing down to indicate his Fate was close to being decided. The fact that it was so miraculous only helps solidify the deal to the point where I won't even be mad if I lose the character and he's dragged to the Abyss with Zuggtmoy.

It helps that the DM didn't go into great detail about how hideous she is when she hugged me and proposed. He started to later on but I stopped him, "Nope- you missed your chance and she has a 24 Charisma. So far as I'm concerned- she's fine."

Dunno about "peasants" though. The other Paladin is rolling in the gold (being able to finance other party members to buy +1 magical items and a few of them Cloaks of Elven Kind and +1 Protection) and the Barbarian actually owns land in the Dwarven City Bruenor rules over. My guy had zilch outside of whatever he carries on him. Which admittedly is probably over 30K in assorted magical items. I rolled really well for buying the potions and rocks- getting them as cheap as possible.

2018-12-05, 03:08 PM
Ironically, said character's backstory did involve as part of his Hexblade class the reasoning that his Fate was uncertain (with time travel being rolled in the labyrinth- this makes a lot of sense in hindsight). He had a coin for an Arcane Focus that would never stop spinning to symbolize this- once she proposed he marry her- the coin started slowing down to indicate his Fate was close to being decided.

At the Risk of repeating myself:


Dunno about "peasants" though. The other Paladin is rolling in the gold (being able to finance other party members to buy +1 magical items and a few of them Cloaks of Elven Kind and +1 Protection) and the Barbarian actually owns land in the Dwarven City Bruenor rules over. My guy had zilch outside of whatever he carries on him. Which admittedly is probably over 30K in assorted magical items. I rolled really well for buying the potions and rocks- getting them as cheap as possible.

This has NOTHING to do with money!
Everybody can have money!
This is about Fate!

They are unimportant. Just as we speak their pale, feeble strands are already fading out of the grand weave, being consumed by larger patterns. They can live or they can die. They can have all the riches in the world or end up in the gutter for all you care. But one thing they can not: INTERFERE!

You are a Paladin and the Gods have spoken! Fate has spoken! Take your place and do your Job!

2018-12-05, 03:08 PM
Admittedly that is the most likely outcome- that I refuse to fight her because of my promises (to her) and goals (to save the world and possibly wipe out Lolth's Drow) and either withdraw my buffs to the party or transfer them to her. It's not like outside of meta-gaming the party would know about that anyways. The DM might even be tricksy and just bump the saves the party has to make up by 5 in order to stop them from realizing I'm not buffing them.

That said, I doubt Zuggtmoy would take me not actively helping her all that well, and I can't start the marriage with my wife mad at me before the wedding is even over.

This group features kids that aren't even out of high school and are fairly new to D&D- throwing the full book at them is death. Throwing half the book at them has still resulted in tons of death and multiple times barely escaping TPK with one or two people running around being the only ones not dying/dead. The veteran players (Both Paladins, the Barbarian, the Cleric) are notably the ones who haven't had to reroll characters three or more times. A few players no longer could reroll because they died too much and so they don't play anymore.

I didn't realize Entangle could give advantage though, that's handy knowledge indeed, landing a Ray of Enfeeblement guts the Barbarian's damage by half whether he makes the save at the end of his turn or not; he has nothing but Strength-based attacks.

Lair actions aren't listed on the page I've been looking at and I don't possess Out of the Abyss. What can she do for lair actions?

Entnagle gives the restrained condition, 0 movement, enemy advantage on attacks, restrained person disadvantage on attacks.

Lair Actions are entirely up to the DM's digression and generally occur as a permanent effect or at the very end of a round. The lair acts mostly on it's own accord. Some examples can include environmental effects (ground quakes, ensnaring roots/vines), magical darkness, heal dampening, spell blocking, poison clouds, etc.

Her being a spore creature i'd imagine some restraining vines, poison effects, magical darkness (she has truesight), at a minimum. Possibly even some funky illusionary enemies considering who you're fighting. She is the queen of fungi afterall :)

2018-12-05, 03:24 PM
Lair Actions are entirely up to the DM's digression and generally occur as a permanent effect or at the very end of a round.

Lair actions tend to happen on initiative count 20.

2018-12-05, 03:56 PM
Lair actions tend to happen on initiative count 20.

Ack, you're right. Not sure where I got the end of a round thing from.

2018-12-05, 10:31 PM
Slight update- albeit not one that likely changes much.
The entire party has been outfitted with scrolls of: Bless, Cure Wounds, Command, and Blade Barrier. I'm not entirely sure where the Cleric got the time to make them but he apparently did. And I was wrong about before- the Fighter is a Rogue which makes me abundantly sure he'll side with the party to save his own skin since Zuggtmoy doesn't have actual control over him or anything. In addition the other Warlock also has Devil's Sight- as an update for that bit.

On the plus side, I got a miniature field test of being able to teleport to the mages and mess them up due to Grazzt's "bachelor party" throwing charms, succubus, and crowns of madness all over the joint and they pretty effectively cannot function that well when a teleporting Mage Slayer gets in their face. Grazzt called it off before anyone could die as it wouldn't be "fun" to kill everyone already. The general distrust in the party also makes them very easily give into the urge to hurt one another once charmed. If they fail charm saves- we're golden without any real threat.

That plus the rediscovered faith that Zuggtmoy is going to have minions has removed most of my worries. Myself plus the Rod of Resurrection should be more than enough to keep her healthy and my Fey Ancestry plus Mage Slayer attributes should be more than enough to keep myself free from charm spells- especially if I throw down Darkness and/or Mirror Image as only the other Warlock can see through the former and the latter should theoretically block line-of-sight spells as well since they don't know which one to target if the Darkness is dispelled.

Though I do know for sure the Druid hasn't forgotten the 8 Pixie trick he loves. Don't really know how to outfox that one- especially if he starts making scrolls of it now that that particular downtime method has raised its head. At 78 days till marriage- that's a lot of time for that sort of thing. Having 8x confusion, dispel magic, entangle, fly, phantasmal force, polymorph is just hard to deal with when you have no AoE and they're invisible. If they start getting a lot of those... it's going to be pretty miserable. Also there's another Barbarian (Totem) and I believe an actual Fighter of some kind waiting in the wings to join in. That brings the likely number of level 11 or higher PCs that will fight against me and Zuggy to 7-10 assuming the Rogue does turn on me... bleh.

The DM did hint I might receive power by being Zuggtmoy's consort but one imagines the wedding has to conclude for that to be a thing and it might take some time as well. Even with minions- the sheer numbers starting to be arrayed is somewhat... intimidating. Especially if they all magic up beforehand or we get more levels before the wedding.
If nothing else I need to start really hammering home that Teleporting has risks if you've only been somewhere once so hopefully we miss. I need to eat up more time so the party can't get stronger than they already are, Zuggtmoy won't get any more powerful over time, the party will.

2018-12-05, 11:02 PM
Man, this is why I love DND.

You can marry a demon lord. A DEMON LORD!
I wish I had similar events...
The only thing i have is that I decimate cities on accident...

2018-12-10, 02:38 PM
This is exciting! Please keep us updated!

Also, pixies are cheap.

2018-12-10, 03:02 PM
Casting Blade Barrier on the party could be a good opening mood. Not sure, though.

2018-12-10, 06:24 PM
This is exciting! Please keep us updated!

Also, pixies are cheap.

Agreed. And what's worse is Zuggtmoy's Charm Spores don't work on them- only Humanoids and Beasts. Pixies cannot be Charmed and Zuggtmoy has no AoE to wipe them out at once. I'm not exactly packing much in that vein myself. So 8 invisible (to me) flying Dispel Magics are going to be coasting around or worse- 8 Polymorph saving throws.

Updates are looking grim in all honesty. While I expect not all the players will show up to the wedding session- they have added another possible Druid to the list as well who almost certainly will because her boyfriend attends every week. And her boyfriend (the Barbarian) has literally printed out entire stacks of papers on how to make her the best (most cheap) Druid possible either by spamming animals forms or abusing summons as she's new to D&D and has barely played before... still can't say I don't find that idea ****ty on its own.

I could easily end up facing 10 enemy players or more, all of the same level I am (11 currently but possibly 12 or 13 by the time we clash) at the wedding. Several of whom (Paladin has best Valhalla Horn, two Druids can both summon help, a Necromancer Wizard makes his own help, the Warlock at least once has made an elemental, and I believe the Cleric if he tried could call up something too) can call additional fodder to the field to make life difficult. Man do I long for a few weeks ago where my main worry was the Barbarian hitting really hard.

Casting Blade Barrier on the party could be a good opening mood. Not sure, though.

What's going to piss me off is if the entire party that apparently has these scrolls all opens up using them on round 1 to stack damage on Zuggtmoy as so far as I know RAW does not prohibit stacking Blade Barriers at the same location. There's just nothing I can do at that point if so much crap is thrown her way. I very much hope not everyone shows up to that session. Not to mention combat is going to be tedious as all hell with so many people (and everyone has magic weapons too- so no immunity or resistance to their damages from Zuggtmoy without the potion).

The one thing I have going in my favor is the DM is conniving as all get-out and is more than happy to take the gloves off if the players can handle it. Hopefully that means Lair Actions- though I don't know them if they exist and they're not listed on been checking Zuggtmoy on

2018-12-10, 06:30 PM
Cast Darkness, and just run to your fiancee and have her teleport away to the real wedding. Have the room trapped so the ceiling is a giant pile of mushroom that's only not collapsing and crushing everyone inside thanks to Zuggtmoy's control.

Or try to steal/destroy the party's magic items before the fight, then leave in advance.

Hopefully that means Lair Actions- though I don't know them if they exist and they're not listed on.

Zuggtmoy has Lair actions, but you probably should not link to this site on the forum. Might get it taken down.

2018-12-10, 06:40 PM
Cast Darkness, and just run to your fiancee and have her teleport away to the real wedding. Have the room trapped so the ceiling is a giant pile of mushroom that's only not collapsing and crushing everyone inside thanks to Zuggtmoy's control.

Or try to steal/destroy the party's magic items before the fight, then leave in advance.

Zuggtmoy has Lair actions, but you probably should not link to this site on the forum. Might get it taken down.

At times it really does seem like teleporting away is the only method of victory- which sucks as that pretty much ensures I'll just be a NPC and be "out" of the campaign. Unless I manage to convince Zuggtmoy to go back to the Abyss of her own volition and rejoin the party with both buffs and love intact but I'm half-sure they'd kill me outright for that anyways.

That said I looked up her lair actions which are basically:

1. Cause 4 gas spores or violet fungi to appear
2. Up to 4 plant creatures allied to Zuggy can move and make one weapon attack as a reaction
3. One of her spore abilities fires out from a mushroom or fungus in the area instead of herself

We always have double-watches and the DM ruled our Find Steed mounts don't need to rest because they're spirits. At no time is there less than 4 people watching the party. At best I can accommodate for half of those (one being me and the other my Carrion Crawler steed) but I can't exactly do much to steal all the important stuff and there's nothing I can do about the rampant cheese I'm going to face. I think the other Warlock knows Eldritch Smite automatically prones you without a save to boot.

I really do hope Zuggy has "guests" that are dead and filled with some gas spores. That'd be a good start and hilarious to boot because even the metagamers won't know what those are.

2018-12-10, 06:49 PM
Alright, I might have an idea, but I need to know: does your DM have access to the Mordenkainen's, and how much do they want to take the gloves off?

2018-12-10, 06:53 PM
Alright, I might have an idea, but I need to know: does your DM have access to the Mordenkainen's, and how much do they want to take the gloves off?

He does and given the absurd number of people and the power they're packing there's really not going to be much in the way of gloves.
For example the party looked up the Maze Engine in the time-traveling library and he gave them a list of numbers they could punch in- he just conveniently failed to tell them they had looked up how to run a functional Maze Engine and the one you find is broken so the numbers won't do anything.

He plays Rogues every time he's a player and not a DM- that should tell you how much he cares about gloves.
IIRC he's told the group very officially he won't be holding back anymore because of how many of us there are and how powerful we've become in terms of items.

2018-12-10, 07:12 PM
Nevermind, my idea probably wouldn't work. It was to trick the PCs into accepting a Boon of Zuggtmoy from a spellcaster-looking NPC in exchange for help killing a monster that's bothering them (ex: it's infesting the area they build their lab in). But I don't think your DM would be up for that.

However, good news: Barrier Blade can't be overlapped (or at least, it has no more effect than one spell if you do so), and it doesn't do damage until the start of the turn of the creature that's caught in the AoE.

2018-12-10, 07:26 PM
. In which case, how do I best keep these guys from killing Zuggtmoy at the wedding in battle?

You really want to keep your infernal bride safe. Its very simple. What does a wedding need. Guests. And what better guests than the other PC's friends and family. They must have some people they care about. Just invite them to the wedding so their will be no violence. Their must be some people they care about in the underdark. And if the great queen does not want guests for the private ceremony then its fine. They can wait outside surrounded by her servants.

They may kill her but you can make it hurt so bad they never will.

Also the great and glorious queen can shift into the etheral plane if things get to bad so i would remind the DM about that.

Also one final piece of strategy. If the party is going to kill her at the wedding never let them get their. You nova that druid to pieces before he even makes it to the party. Have the queen barracace herself inside her temple and force them to fight through an army of mushroom men to get to her whiles you Nova burn the cleric and druid to pieces. Whiles the DM can pull punches you don't have to so just ask the queen for some soldiers and order them to focus fire on the spellcasters before they ever get their. You have the resources of a demon lord and the planning of the internet at your back. Use it.

2018-12-10, 07:32 PM
Zuggtmoy could acutally start the fight waiting in the Ethereal.

Another thing to keep in mind: if Zuggtmoy is actually destroyed, she'd just go back to her domain in the Abyss, not harmed in the least.

2018-12-10, 07:37 PM
You really want to keep your infernal bride safe. Its very simple. What does a wedding need. Guests. And what better guests than the other PC's friends and family. They must have some people they care about. Just invite them to the wedding so their will be no violence. Their must be some people they care about in the underdark. And if the great queen does not want guests for the private ceremony then its fine. They can wait outside surrounded by her servants.

They may kill her but you can make it hurt so bad they never will.

Also the great and glorious queen can shift into the etheral plane if things get to bad so i would remind the DM about that.

It's by far not the weirdest thing that has happened in that campaign- though definitely the one hardest to replicate. If we roll time travel from that maze engine again I'm absolutely quitting the campaign just so I can argue with some credibility that he's still running around with Zuggtmoy.

Also... not really. In-character nobody has mentioned family, it's doubtful the kids playing even invented ones to begin with, and the only one that did (the Barbarian) lost her as his backstory involved Eldrith as his love and she's already dead and... currently serving as a body for Frazeblue.

Zuggtmoy could acutally start the fight waiting in the Ethereal.

Another thing to keep in mind: if Zuggtmoy is actually destroyed, she'd just go back to her domain in the Abyss, not harmed in the least.

Hmm, if only I could find a way to be Ethereal as well, be handy for an emergency healing session.

I get that but it's not exactly ideal for a topic dedicated to winning a fight beginning with, "By the way if we lose, no sweat."

2018-12-10, 08:18 PM
Hmm, if only I could find a way to be Ethereal as well, be handy for an emergency healing session.

This is a metaphor for sex right. I mean. Lay on hands and cure wounds are touch spells. :cool:

Also if they have no family find something they care about. Their must be some friends they made or alliance they cultivated or treasure their after . Worst comes to worst stage an attack on something they love so they miss the wedding and never get the chance to strike.

If you are worried you will lose once initiative is rolled then make sure it never becomes a combat encounter and the only dice that are rolled are social dice.

2018-12-10, 09:05 PM
Also if they have no family find something they care about. Their must be some friends they made or alliance they cultivated or treasure their after . Worst comes to worst stage an attack on something they love so they miss the wedding and never get the chance to strike.

If you are worried you will lose once initiative is rolled then make sure it never becomes a combat encounter and the only dice that are rolled are social dice.

You vastly overestimate them. The Barbarian and Paladin are the only ones that have really expressed interests beyond the campaign itself. Somewhat justifiably- the 4 of us (Half-Orc Barbarian, both Paladins, and the Cleric) that haven't yet lost characters have simply stopped asking the others about backstories because so many have died that it's pointless and we fully allow other adventurers to join us with an expectation they'll perish in days. The Tiefling has contracts in-bulk for them to sign because he knows they'll soon die.

And even if there was something it was in the previous timeline- we rolled Time Travel on the Maze Engine. Since then it's been a dedicated beeline to saving the world with no stops or interactions on the side save the funeral for the Dwarf prisoner which resulted in Frazeblue possessing the body.

I did manage to make my own contract with the Tiefling of my design instead of his- which he did sign.
Due to services rendered to the Archdevil Asmodeus, God of Sin, and Ruler of the Nine Hells on behalf of the Tiefling Damian- hereafter referred to as Party A-
certain services are to be rendered to the one rendering the aforementioned services, Drow Ancrath Thorn, hereafter referred to as Party D.

The services rendered by Party D previously were the offering of all souls of Lolth-worshipping Drow that Party D played a direct role in slaying to The Archdevil Asmodeus,
God of Sin, and Ruler of the Nine Hells. These services will, per the signing of the contract by both Parties D and A, extend to all mortal souls Party D plays a direct
role in enacting the fatal and/or killing blow for all times unto eternity and/or infinity unless Party A sees fit to release Party D from the bonds of contractual obligation.

In return, Party A will make any and all attempts to keep Party D alive, in possession of their souls and equipment, and on the Prime Material Plane save in cases where travel to other
Planes of existence is required to maintain the previous conditions. Party D can extend these recieved services to a maximum of three additional mortal souls, which will then be added
to Party D and recieve/give all services Party D is contractually obligated to provide for the same duration or until one of these additional mortal souls willingly and knowingly
breaks the contract- at which point they will no longer be considered Party D and all contractual ties between the additional soul and Parties A and D are to be rendered null and void.

Likewise any actions on the part of Party A or parties unmentioned serving, knowingly or not, willingly or not, the Archdevil Asmodeus, God of Sin, and Ruler of the Nine Hells that violate
the previously established protections of Party A in regards to Party D will null and void any and all souls Party A has ever played any role, no matter the size, in claiming for the
Archdevil Asmodeus, God of Sin, and Ruler of the Nine Hells and will release them from his patronage.

Unfortunately back when I made it at the start of the second timeline, I hadn't really planned on falling in love with Zuggtmoy so the "mortal soul" part of it forbids me from adding her. In addition he's gone Chaotic and broken his own rules before so I can't say this is real protection for me in the first place.
In addition it only forbids actions from Asmodeus or those falling under his command- which means it does nothing to the party unless I push rather hard that everyone who signed his contracts counts as Asmodeus' stooge.
And the punishment technically isn't anything because all it does it free previous souls he's sent to Admodeus... and he can always just replace them with more by killing/claiming others. The punishment only hurts him so much as he lets it.

2018-12-10, 10:33 PM
You vastly overestimate them. The Barbarian and Paladin are the only ones that have really expressed interests beyond the campaign itself. Somewhat justifiably- the 4 of us (Half-Orc Barbarian, both Paladins, and the Cleric) that haven't yet lost characters have simply stopped asking the others about backstories because so many have died that it's pointless and we fully allow other adventurers to join us with an expectation they'll perish in days. The Tiefling has contracts in-bulk for them to sign because he knows they'll soon die.

And even if there was something it was in the previous timeline- we rolled Time Travel on the Maze Engine. Since then it's been a dedicated beeline to saving the world with no stops or interactions on the side save the funeral for the Dwarf prisoner which resulted in Frazeblue possessing the body.

You mean they've been traveling the Underdark being a-holes o everyone?

Man, sounds like you have a lot of potential allies here.

I did manage to make my own contract with the Tiefling of my design instead of his- which he did sign.
Due to services rendered to the Archdevil Asmodeus, God of Sin, and Ruler of the Nine Hells on behalf of the Tiefling Damian- hereafter referred to as Party A-
certain services are to be rendered to the one rendering the aforementioned services, Drow Ancrath Thorn, hereafter referred to as Party D.

The services rendered by Party D previously were the offering of all souls of Lolth-worshipping Drow that Party D played a direct role in slaying to The Archdevil Asmodeus,
God of Sin, and Ruler of the Nine Hells. These services will, per the signing of the contract by both Parties D and A, extend to all mortal souls Party D plays a direct
role in enacting the fatal and/or killing blow for all times unto eternity and/or infinity unless Party A sees fit to release Party D from the bonds of contractual obligation.

In return, Party A will make any and all attempts to keep Party D alive, in possession of their souls and equipment, and on the Prime Material Plane save in cases where travel to other
Planes of existence is required to maintain the previous conditions. Party D can extend these recieved services to a maximum of three additional mortal souls, which will then be added
to Party D and recieve/give all services Party D is contractually obligated to provide for the same duration or until one of these additional mortal souls willingly and knowingly
breaks the contract- at which point they will no longer be considered Party D and all contractual ties between the additional soul and Parties A and D are to be rendered null and void.

Likewise any actions on the part of Party A or parties unmentioned serving, knowingly or not, willingly or not, the Archdevil Asmodeus, God of Sin, and Ruler of the Nine Hells that violate
the previously established protections of Party A in regards to Party D will null and void any and all souls Party A has ever played any role, no matter the size, in claiming for the
Archdevil Asmodeus, God of Sin, and Ruler of the Nine Hells and will release them from his patronage.

Unfortunately back when I made it at the start of the second timeline, I hadn't really planned on falling in love with Zuggtmoy so the "mortal soul" part of it forbids me from adding her. In addition he's gone Chaotic and broken his own rules before so I can't say this is real protection for me in the first place.
In addition it only forbids actions from Asmodeus or those falling under his command- which means it does nothing to the party unless I push rather hard that everyone who signed his contracts counts as Asmodeus' stooge.

You don't have to push anything, the Tiefling is literally claiming he's doing this assault on Zuggtmoy on Asmodeus's name. It means anything that any action or inaction that could potentialy kill you from Tiefling means Asmodeus loses all the souls Tiefling ever helped get.

And the punishment technically isn't anything because all it does it free previous souls he's sent to Admodeus... and he can always just replace them with more by killing/claiming others. The punishment only hurts him so much as he lets it.

That still means Asmodeus will lose hundreds, if not thousands of souls in one instant... souls that are probably already tied in deals with other devils or outright sold... souls that would likely result huge penalties being applied on many parties, but ultimately on Asmodeus if they happened to disappear...

Alright, here's the plan: get Zuggtmoy to get into contact with Glasya's agents in Sigil via her own agents (or yourself), and/or with Moloch (who's in Sigil currently).

Either of them would work, but Moloch is more likely to help but has few means while Glasya is better at rule-lawyering contracts, deals and Hell's legal code, has big assets, but isn't likely to help a demon lord unless the benefits are through the roof.

The idea is to track down every single devil who ever used the souls this Tielfing ever helped send to Hell (including the ones you killed, for that matter) as currency or as part of a deal (something that Asmodeus must have done, and then many, many devils down the line would, probably Mammon himself). What is needed is to bet against them in as many ventures as possible because any devil who pay anyone with a soul that disappears is going to lose credibility and is going to be punished by Asmodeus's own law. Including Asmodeus himself. Now when this happen, what they need to do is to contact the devil who's been ****ed, and point out to whom traded them that faulty soul, and take this person to court.

Basically, every single devil involved will take the devil who owned the faulty soul before to court. And many devils will have several cases of faulty soul they gave to different people. What's important is that Moloch or Glasya manages to make the devils pool their griefs into air-tight group court cases and demand reparations, so that the devils who had the souls before them will do the same, etc, until it all comes crashing down to Asmodeus.

Now, Big D(evil) could have added a "if the soul disappear, I don't have any responsability" clause, but no devil would accept his deals then.

So essentially, Asmodeus would have to deal with thousands of employees and customers, and their own employees and customers, and the employees' and customers' employees and customers, etc, all demanding, and having the right to, compensation.

Important thing: get Belial, who is Hell's main judge, or at least his underlings, on the side which is not Asmodeus's, to make success more likely.

And so you have Admodeus, bound by the laws he cannot break, having to pay back those ernormous compensations, destabilizing the soul market in ways never seen before. And it would fragilise the Archdevil enough to have other Archdevils (*cough*Glasya and Moloch *cough*) attempt a coup.

The only way to make it better would be if Zuggtmoy gave you a ton of souls that you'd give to the Tiefling (in exchange for the Valhala Horn, for example), who would then give them to Asmodeus, to make the impact even bigger. But I don't think she has any souls, demons don't usually have them (Demon Lords are another thing, but she'd need to buy them, and that's one of the few taboos most demons have, which could be countered because those souls are going to be freed anyway).

Even if it doesn't cause that much damage to Asmodeus, it would put the Tiefling paladin on his ****list forever.

In other news, this should play at your marriage after the Tiefling tries to kill you (note that the contract doesn't care if you try to kill him first, if he tries to kill you the souls are gone):


You wanted power and you begged for fame
You wanted everything the easy way
You wanted gain without pain
Now your bill is in the mail

You got stronger but your mind got weak
You made a promise that you couldn't keep
You had it all - You lost more
It's all there in the fee

Via hell incorporated (regeneration)
Ist you love it then you hate it (you're such a saint)
And now you're never gonna make it (bad situation)
Get on get on down
There's hell to pay 'cause

The Devil is a loser and he's my bitch
For better or for worse and you don't care which
The Devil is a loser and he's my bitch
Runnin' into trouble you skitch
He's my bitch

Very appropriate.

2018-12-10, 10:45 PM
Ironically, said character's backstory did involve as part of his Hexblade class the reasoning that his Fate was uncertain (with time travel being rolled in the labyrinth- this makes a lot of sense in hindsight). He had a coin for an Arcane Focus that would never stop spinning to symbolize this...
...is rolling in the gold...
Place the PC with this backstory next to a demon lord, and I will say that the PC is the abomination any single day. The fact that he has treasure only confirms it. Dnd is about killing monsters and stealing their loot. Your lovely wife to be can protect herself just fine. You go about doing your adventuring, if you get my drift.

2018-12-10, 11:15 PM
You mean they've been traveling the Underdark being a-holes o everyone?

Man, sounds like you have a lot of potential allies here.

Well to be fair thus far we have encountered:
The Kua Toa Scooby-Doo city, which was leveled. No allies for anyone here.
Mycanids, which we saved and told to get out of Dodge so to speak, but no lasting relationships were formed. We also have no idea where they went.
The Deep Gnomes, who they did indeed piss off and they threw most of the party out of the city. No allies for anyone here- especially because we were a month late and half the city was melted to nothing.
The Dwarves above, which was pretty much: a funeral, calling heads of organizations about Demon Lords, obtaining of magical weapons, and then departure. They're also really, really far away.
The Zhentarim city, which due to time-travel and us still having the demon rock from time travel (and thus making it never appear in the 2nd timeline by DM ruling) was perfectly fine because nobody had ever stolen the stone nor been driven mad by the demon in it. So we interacted with basically nobody here.

I've got nada- particularly given how isolationist most of the Underdark is. Not to mention it takes months of travel to get around unless you're using teleport/time travel familiarity like we are. Thankfully I looked up teleport and I'm definitely telling the DM if they want to teleport anymore to areas we've only been to once- that's literally in the book as a level of familiarity and no amount of player arguments otherwise trumps that. The spell was presented incorrectly in the first place (as a 5th level spell like older editions instead of the 7th like it is currently) so this shouldn't be a hard sell.

You don't have to push anything, the Tiefling is literally claiming he's doing this assault on Zuggtmoy on Asmodeus's name. It means anything that any action or inaction that could potentialy kill you from Tiefling means Asmodeus loses all the souls Tiefling ever helped get.

That still means Asmodeus will lose hundreds, if not thousands of souls in one instant... souls that are probably already tied in deals with other devils or outright sold... souls that would likely result huge penalties being applied on many parties, but ultimately on Asmodeus if they happened to disappear...

That was the hope yeah. The main reason I got him to sign the contract in the first place was valuable souls were being lost right in front of him with everyone else killing and I pointed out that surely an agent of Asmodeus could outsource the taken souls with the proper contract. It was a hasty affair in order to keep him from reading too heavily into it. At the time I don't believe he saw the lost souls caveat.
If nothing else- he clearly believes it a dire threat. In-character all I know is he values the souls of what he takes very much and they go to Asmodeus.

My problem is if he decides to go against Asmodeus again. He did it before and Asmodeus forgave him but warned that it was a one-time thing. I can certainly see him arguing somewhat successfully with Asmodeus that kicking a Demon Lord out of the material plane is worth the loss of souls- particularly since he's taken far less in the 2nd timeline than the former.

Place the PC with this backstory next to a demon lord, and I will say that the PC is the abomination any single day. The fact that he has treasure only confirms it. Dnd is about killing monsters and stealing their loot. Your lovely wife to be can protect herself just fine. You go about doing your adventuring, if you get my drift.

I'm not familiar with color-based context. What's blue?
Also ironically I have killed very little- mainly playing Support by keeping key players healthy, within my aura, or buffing them or debuffing enemies. For example I once jumped into a squad of 4 swordsman and cast Darkness before slapping each in the head to make them attack each other trying to get at me. Didn't kill any of them- I just tied them up for a few rounds as at the time almost everyone save the Barbarian was down, dead, or dying and I needed to keep my 4 off of the Cleric while the Barbarian took on the other 4.
My little money was made via trading stuff to other party members that they wanted such as purple worm eggs. Pretty much the only thing I own that actively required spilled blood is the +3 Trident, Wave, and even then I didn't participate in the battle at all (wisely hanging back to keep the blast doors open) it was only given to me because it was clear I wasn't going to die and lose it immediately like everyone else and nobody could attune to it. Even I cannot attune to it but even without that- it's still a +3 Trident. I promised Wave I'd return her to the ocean instead of a dungeon anyways once we finished saving the world so ultimately this was a good thing on my part.

2018-12-11, 01:51 AM
This whole thing is the most metal thing I’ve ever heard of. But I have questions.

So... who is giving away the bride? Her dad? Her brother? Her uncle? A close friend? Someone unyielding badass, I imagine.

Who are the bridesmaids, and how hideous their dresses?

Are you writing your own vows?

Are they planning to spring the attack when the officiator asks that people speak now or forever hold their peace? Because if not, they don’t deserve to win.

Look, it's a wedding. You have to get all tuxed up, but this is really about the bride. It's her day. You are the support character, so play like a support character. She's better when you're near, which is sweet and a reason to stick by her side. She doesn't have any ability to heal on her own, so you have to be the one to fill in her gaps. Turtle up, (I don’t care if you took great weapon style, because on wedding day you are using whatever shield you have handy) and lay hands on your lady love. That can help negate one person’s round of smashing. Between her own numbers and your substantial bonus, she’s probably not going to fail saves; she’s normally pretty good at tanking spells, but you’ll send that to the stratosphere.

She’s really only going to be directly vulnerable against the folks that’ll be hitting her with objects, but you can help there, too; prepare shield of faith. Having an even higher AC is a no brainer, and also gives your party a reason to prioritize you as a target to break concentration.

As far as targets, if you are going to go full striker you have to celebrate the spirit of the day; commit 100%. Not just nova; supernova. Thunderous Smite is yet another spell slot for the round that can add to damage; that extra 2d6 will stack with all your regular smite damage for the cost of a bonus action. Most importantly, it’ll set your lady love up for success; the potential to prone someone who would otherwise threaten her lets her blender someone with advantage. If you don’t kill them outright (and being honest, you probably won’t), she will. If you see the opening, take it 100%.

You probably (hopefully) have another trick up your sleeve for enabling her success; Hex. Hex has no saving throw attached and can give the target disadvantage on strength ability checks, which are the very thing that your enemies will be making to try and end her casting entangle. Should you feel that pinning down one of the melee warriors is more important than giving her AC, you have an option.

As for fey, you’ve got a unique advantage in your roots as an Ancients paladin; turn them. With telepathy and a genius mind just think about doing it first so she can cover her ears, and you can nullify at least a portion of them.

As for who to target, I’d actually break from the group and say the cleric isn’t the problem here; the rival paladin is. Having someone who makes your opponents more resistant to her spells and effects who also hits fiends like a ton of bricks makes him the potential MVP for your opponents. Bless can be dealt with by breaking concentration, but his auras can’t. Neither can his channel divinity, which effectively means that he will be hitting your lady love, despite your best efforts. And you can’t have that, not when he can easily pump out 80+damage per turn by himself.
If there’s anyone you need to unload the fullness of your smitey wrath on, he’s it.

And once you do, immunity to fear vanishes as a trump card for your opponents, opening up applications of wrathful smite to hold back the melee brutes remaining. Fear effect means they can’t approach you, and if you’re glued to her then they can’t approach her, either.

Most of the spells in question require concentration; you’ll have to decide which thing you’re doing at a given time. But so long as you remember that you are here primarily as support, then your short life will have been spent well.

2018-12-11, 02:56 AM
My problem is if he decides to go against Asmodeus again. He did it before and Asmodeus forgave him but warned that it was a one-time thing. I can certainly see him arguing somewhat successfully with Asmodeus that kicking a Demon Lord out of the material plane is worth the loss of souls- particularly since he's taken far less in the 2nd timeline than the former.

Asmodeus wants the Demon Lords to be in the Material Plane. Or at least he should.

Also, did you just ignore all I wrote about how you could turn this soul thing into an opportunity?

2018-12-11, 03:06 AM
This whole thing is the most metal thing I’ve ever heard of. But I have questions.

So... who is giving away the bride? Her dad? Her brother? Her uncle? A close friend? Someone unyielding badass, I imagine.

Who are the bridesmaids, and how hideous their dresses?

Are you writing your own vows?

Are they planning to spring the attack when the officiator asks that people speak now or forever hold their peace? Because if not, they don’t deserve to win.

She's kinda giving herself away. I don't know if you've noticed but Zuggtmoy really is quite forceful in asserting what she wants. So yes, an unyielding badass indeed.

She does have bridesmaids AFAIK and their dresses are some combination of orange/green/brown.

Dunno about her vows but mine is more or less promising to help her take her layer of the Abyss from Juiblex (who I already helped beat on the physical plane) or assisting her in wrecking every temple of Lolth we can get her hands on.

I don't think we have an officiator- it's only her law she cares about after all. I'm certainly not asking who objects and if she doesn't, nobody gets to.

Look, it's a wedding. You have to get all tuxed up, but this is really about the bride. It's her day. You are the support character, so play like a support character. She's better when you're near, which is sweet and a reason to stick by her side. She doesn't have any ability to heal on her own, so you have to be the one to fill in her gaps. Turtle up, (I don’t care if you took great weapon style, because on wedding day you are using whatever shield you have handy) and lay hands on your lady love. That can help negate one person’s round of smashing. Between her own numbers and your substantial bonus, she’s probably not going to fail saves; she’s normally pretty good at tanking spells, but you’ll send that to the stratosphere.

She’s really only going to be directly vulnerable against the folks that’ll be hitting her with objects, but you can help there, too; prepare shield of faith. Having an even higher AC is a no brainer, and also gives your party a reason to prioritize you as a target to break concentration.

Given that the Barbarian is packing a +3 hammer and a strength score of either 27 or 29- I don't think the +2AC will hurt him enough to warrant my concentration. I'll consider that a situational response given that I somewhat genuinely do not know who's going to show up for that session. If a bunch of more melee-types show up, that would indeed be a good response given that nobody else is so absurdly good at hitting stuff.
The other Paladin for example only has some lesser belt and a +1 weapon. He does have GWF though so a higher AC definitely does mess with him.

For context, I do have a spell-stone of 3rd level and the DM ruled the stone concentrates for you. Given the Cleric, Druid, Warlock, and Wizard in the party- I can definitely get pretty much any buff spell in the game to put in there so that may change your answer.

Bearing in mind if the party does decide I'm a worthy target to jump en masse instead of her- I'm going down in flames. I have a fine line to tread. Luckily most of them only have 60 feet of Darkvision so with the exception of the enemy Warlock, being over 60 feet away makes me basically invisible to the rest of them.

As far as targets, if you are going to go full striker you have to celebrate the spirit of the day; commit 100%. Not just nova; supernova. Thunderous Smite is yet another spell slot for the round that can add to damage; that extra 2d6 will stack with all your regular smite damage for the cost of a bonus action. Most importantly, it’ll set your lady love up for success; the potential to prone someone who would otherwise threaten her lets her blender someone with advantage. If you don’t kill them outright (and being honest, you probably won’t), she will. If you see the opening, take it 100%.

You probably (hopefully) have another trick up your sleeve for enabling her success; Hex. Hex has no saving throw attached and can give the target disadvantage on strength ability checks, which are the very thing that your enemies will be making to try and end her casting entangle. Should you feel that pinning down one of the melee warriors is more important than giving her AC, you have an option.

As for fey, you’ve got a unique advantage in your roots as an Ancients paladin; turn them. With telepathy and a genius mind just think about doing it first so she can cover her ears, and you can nullify at least a portion of them.

As for who to target, I’d actually break from the group and say the cleric isn’t the problem here; the rival paladin is. Having someone who makes your opponents more resistant to her spells and effects who also hits fiends like a ton of bricks makes him the potential MVP for your opponents. Bless can be dealt with by breaking concentration, but his auras can’t. Neither can his channel divinity, which effectively means that he will be hitting your lady love, despite your best efforts. And you can’t have that, not when he can easily pump out 80+damage per turn by himself.
If there’s anyone you need to unload the fullness of your smitey wrath on, he’s it.

And once you do, immunity to fear vanishes as a trump card for your opponents, opening up applications of wrathful smite to hold back the melee brutes remaining. Fear effect means they can’t approach you, and if you’re glued to her then they can’t approach her, either.

Most of the spells in question require concentration; you’ll have to decide which thing you’re doing at a given time. But so long as you remember that you are here primarily as support, then your short life will have been spent well.

His own Charisma is only +2 and ideally the ranged units will be staying back anyways so they won't benefit from his aura as he explicitly never has ranged stuff. The typical setup we ran was he and the other melee types ran forwards while I hung back around the backline giving them better saves. If this traditional holds, the casters are all going to be on their own anyways so they won't likely make those saves.

I don't have hex unfortunately, I considered it inappropriate to have when Hexblade has a hex ability that isn't a spell, the two clash imo so I never took it.

Asmodeus wants the Demon Lords to be in the Material Plane. Or at least he should.

Also, did you just ignore all I wrote about how you could turn this soul thing into an opportunity?

I did not ignore it- I just try to trim quotes to shorten comments.
Currently Asmodeus is being viewed by the Paladin and thus the DM as a "status quo" sort of guy. He likes law and order- any chaos such as Demon Lords running around is bad for business and so bad for him.
Since that's the angle the other Paladin is pushing- it's the one the DM has been running with for months. He's not going to heel-turn and tell the other Paladin he's wrong almost a year into the campaign.

2018-12-11, 03:26 AM
Fair, I suppose.

Regardless, the Paladin giving souls to Asmodeus then making them disappear by breaking a contract should be a Big Deal (TM). If he was a full Devil he'd be obliterated on the spot.

2018-12-11, 03:44 AM
Honestly, as a general rule for inter-party subterfuge and secret actions and stuff, to prevent metagaming just pass a note to your DM instead of saying "I do X." I feel like anyone objecting to that would be in bad taste. Of course, you might have to pass some kind of stealth check first, but hey. There's ways around that.

2018-12-11, 08:59 AM
Couple things.

First, I love the idea of marrying a demon lord.

Second, you mention the pixie trick the druid used. While true it can be overwhelming, people always seem to overlook that the druid casting the summoning does not get to choose what creatures show up. The DM does. They can decide randomly (which means there is a chance for the pixies to show back up and polymorph everyone) or he can side with rational reason and NEVER have pixies show up, because they are cheap and broken in this specific aspect. A solid DM will allow something like that to happen once, and then never again (because it is really cool the first time turning everything into different critters, but every time after its just annoying/boring for everyone).

Third, you keep saying she will have no minions because the wedding is private. If the wedding is private (to the point where she has no one attending), then your party shouldn't be invited either (especially if they're intent on killing the bride). A truly private wedding would be you, her, and whoever is the officiant (whom both should agree on). If your party gets to attend, so should hers. And hers could consist of other demon lords. Baphomet could walk her down the aisle, Graz'zt and Orcus could stand beside her. It doesn't make sense for the Bride to be alone and the Groom to only have his adventuring party who is intent on killing her.

2018-12-11, 09:35 AM
Also I'm pretty sure that the Pixie's invisiblity doesn't mean **** against a Demon Lord with truesight, and any of Zuggtmoy 4 summons from Lair action can kill them.

2018-12-11, 12:40 PM
Second, you mention the pixie trick the druid used. While true it can be overwhelming, people always seem to overlook that the druid casting the summoning does not get to choose what creatures show up. The DM does. They can decide randomly (which means there is a chance for the pixies to show back up and polymorph everyone) or he can side with rational reason and NEVER have pixies show up, because they are cheap and broken in this specific aspect. A solid DM will allow something like that to happen once, and then never again (because it is really cool the first time turning everything into different critters, but every time after its just annoying/boring for everyone).

Third, you keep saying she will have no minions because the wedding is private. If the wedding is private (to the point where she has no one attending), then your party shouldn't be invited either (especially if they're intent on killing the bride). A truly private wedding would be you, her, and whoever is the officiant (whom both should agree on). If your party gets to attend, so should hers. And hers could consist of other demon lords. Baphomet could walk her down the aisle, Graz'zt and Orcus could stand beside her. It doesn't make sense for the Bride to be alone and the Groom to only have his adventuring party who is intent on killing her.

You should've seen the time he got 70% of the party polymorphed into T-Rexes when purple worms attacked- he legit thought that would make us deadlier in combat. It's actually not that hard of a save to block the polymorph in the first place and I'm not really worried about it after further reflection truthfully- I'm going to be much more irked by 8x dispel magic. Because it's not HIS polymorph the DC is very low (12) Zuggtmoy literally cannot fail that on a 1 with her natural +11 and come to think of it- I can't either (5 Cha + 4 Prof + 2 Wis + roll).
However I don't really see why the DM chooses what shows up, the "you" in a spell description is always referring to the caster and Conjure Woodland beings makes no mention of the DM determining what shows up, only that the DM has their stats. Our DM runs on precedent, if he allows something he probably shouldn't have, he lets it slide if we've done it multiple times simply because he finds it unfair to decide later that it's no good instead of right then. Consistency is more important than being right. He allowed the Pixies before and so he's going to keep allowing the Pixies.

I've regained confidence she'll have minions such as Chamberlains and Bridesmaids. The only problem now is her minions AFAIK are pretty crap. However the DM was very specific that Demon Lords all hate one another with a passion so no other Demon Lord will be attending if Zuggtmoy can help it. One of the plans the party had was to find a stronger Demon Lord and invite them to the wedding purely so they'd attack Zuggtmoy and help defeat her- though blessedly this plan hasn't born any fruit.

Also I'm pretty sure that the Pixie's invisiblity doesn't mean **** against a Demon Lord with truesight, and any of Zuggtmoy 4 summons from Lair action can kill them.

Zuggtmoy having truesight doesn't mean her minions do and Pixies can fly plus constantly have superior invisibility on.

2018-12-11, 12:44 PM
Wait. If you know your party will try to murder her at the wedding. Don't invite them. Simple as that. Just do not invite them to the wedding and place an army between you and them. Its that simple.

2018-12-11, 01:01 PM
Wait. If you know your party will try to murder her at the wedding. Don't invite them. Simple as that. Just do not invite them to the wedding and place an army between you and them. Its that simple.

Zuggtmoy invited everyone on the spot. The only way I'm going to get to the wedding without them is if I lie about how far away it is and then desert at top speeds to get there ahead of them. Honestly that does sound fun in a way- me vs them in a race to get to the wedding. Them to stop me and me to get there and marry without their interference. Actually that might be a really good idea- to see if I can get them some levels of Exhaustion prior to the wedding! The first level won't do much but anything after that is super useful.

They've never been there nor has the place been described to them outside as a location on a map so teleporting shouldn't work well for them to stop me (they shouldn't have the damned spell in the first place but they used it plenty of times by insisting it was 5th level in previous editions and the DM only towards the end looked it up to see it's not so now they can use scrolls of Teleport but cannot cast it themselves) and with my never-sleeping mount I should be able to make much better time than the rest of them, especially when they'll never track me because my tracks are on the ceiling.

2018-12-11, 08:58 PM
I don't think we have an officiator- it's only her law she cares about after all. I'm certainly not asking who objects and if she doesn't, nobody gets to.
You're going to want to rethink that!

Someone who can cast the level one spell Ceremony can net you both another +2 to AC. And a full +4 to AC between Ceremony and Shield of Faith should be enough to impact even your barbarian friend's smashing.

And since it's likely that you or she or both will be widowed by the end of it, you haven't even really prevented yourself from doing it in the future. Virtually zero opportunity cost.

And hey, if you're willing to exchange rings along with vows, Warding Bond between you and her courtesy of your casting stone can net her another +1 to her AC and resistance to all damage. I mean, you'll be taking damage, too, but she's sitting on a +5 AC... +6 if you can manage a platinum ring of protection as the spell component, which I'd argue is more valuable than 50gp.
Flavorful and cheesy.

+6 to AC should be swingy enough to count as a decided advantage for your lady love. The barbarian will still hit since he’s got something like a +16-17 to hit and at will advantage, the paladin will still hit at least once with GWF, but everyone else should have a significantly harder time of it.

Such is the power of an enduring commitment.

If you can feed her a potion of speed, that’s another +2AC; that’s the power of an enduring commitment and an open bar at the reception. Or the ceremonial drinking from the chalice during the actual wedding. Planning the ceremony as a covert way to stack a metric ton of buffs into a short time seems like a decent way to go about it, actually. People in the pews might be questioning why drinks take such a prominent place in this religion; it’s tradition to drink from a chalice with a potion of speed and another with a chalice of heroism. If anyone questions it, pull out your phone and let Tevya explain it.

Hmm, if only I could find a way to be Ethereal as well, be handy for an emergency healing session.
Oil of Etherealness.

I know I’m bringing up a bunch of random items, but you’ve got 100+ days on a countdown timer to mention this stuff to the DM or otherwise seek it out. Your lady can go ethereal, has a genius intellect, and telepathy; I'd assume you guys are basically conspiratorial half smiles at all points in time as you reconnoiter with none the wiser.

You guys are a pretty cute couple in my mind's eye.

I don't have hex unfortunately,
That’s fine. It's better than fine.

At warlock 5th you might have something far better: Fear.

This is part of why I brought up your rival paladin as the prime target; his aura basically frees people from what is one of your best available crowd control effect. The barbarian is immune regardless, but everyone else? Would they plan to prepare for it when you just got the ability and never advertised it?

Look, I don’t think you can stop the barbarian. His strength is too high to entangle, he’s immune to fear and charm, he’s resistant to damage and probably has a ton of hp, and has a viable ranged attack with a dwarven thrower. Killing the paladin knocks out the other heavy hitter and frees you up to throw down fear against everyone else. IE, the best you can do is isolate him and control for the others, and laying down Fear can keep them at bay for a few rounds at least.
About the only angle for directly occupying him I can think of is illusion spells; clever uses of phantasmal force or silent image might occupy him for a little while, as I have a sneaking suspicion that the guy with a 29 strength may not have the best int score. But neither you nor she has access to any of the useful illusion spells.
Hold Person might be the only thing you could access that would actually effect him, but with extremely limited spell slots you’d have to be pretty confident it was the right way to go. If it works, your lady love might get to auto crit a few times, or you could simply do him no damage nor allow him to attack for a round, ending his rage and leaving him to deal with the effects of exhaustion.

… somehow stealing his belt of strength Brunhild style might be in the cards if you want to even this out? But even with it, his damage potential when targeting your lady love is leagues behind the Paladin’s. He’ll hit nearly every time, but he’s not going to be taking a third to a half of her hitpoints by himself in a round the way the paladin will.

So yeah, kill the paladin, debuff everyone else; your love can probably take the barbarian in a one on one fight, and you have it within your power to potentially make it a one on one fight... or at least a one on fewer fight. You’ve got some options, albeit most of them consist of sticking near her and taking the dodge action after throwing down a concentration effect.

I think Unoriginal's on to a good argument as to how destabilizing the soul economy might be a great way to dissuade you ally/foe, but when he probably doesn't see reason...

2018-12-11, 11:41 PM
You're going to want to rethink that!

Someone who can cast the level one spell Ceremony can net you both another +2 to AC. And a full +4 to AC between Ceremony and Shield of Faith should be enough to impact even your barbarian friend's smashing.

And since it's likely that you or she or both will be widowed by the end of it, you haven't even really prevented yourself from doing it in the future. Virtually zero opportunity cost.

I have been convinced that we absolutely need a priest. I cannot rely on the party Cleric though as he stands firmly in the "kill demon" camp.

If you can feed her a potion of speed, that’s another +2AC; that’s the power of an enduring commitment and an open bar at the reception. Or the ceremonial drinking from the chalice during the actual wedding. Planning the ceremony as a covert way to stack a metric ton of buffs into a short time seems like a decent way to go about it, actually. People in the pews might be questioning why drinks take such a prominent place in this religion; it’s tradition to drink from a chalice with a potion of speed and another with a chalice of heroism. If anyone questions it, pull out your phone and let Tevya explain it.

I do have two potions of invulnerability but that's the beginning and end of my potion stores. Nor am I likely to get a chance to shop again.

Oil of Etherealness.

I know I’m bringing up a bunch of random items, but you’ve got 100+ days on a countdown timer to mention this stuff to the DM or otherwise seek it out. Your lady can go ethereal, has a genius intellect, and telepathy; I'd assume you guys are basically conspiratorial half smiles at all points in time as you reconnoiter with none the wiser.

You guys are a pretty cute couple in my mind's eye.

I somewhat doubt the DM is going to have the Demon Lord go shopping and lacking followers is kind of one of Zuggtmoy's main problems in the first place.

That’s fine. It's better than fine.

At warlock 5th you might have something far better: Fear.

This is part of why I brought up your rival paladin as the prime target; his aura basically frees people from what is one of your best available crowd control effect. The barbarian is immune regardless, but everyone else? Would they plan to prepare for it when you just got the ability and never advertised it?

I'd have to get two levels prior to the wedding- which means everyone else does too. I need to kill time so they stay at 11. Leveling up absolutely does not benefit me at this point. I get one level. The party gets five or more depending on how many people show up. Zuggtmoy's already going to have max HP (we all do) and otherwise will grow no stronger at all.
On the plus side the enemy casters cannot be within range of his aura without being way, way too close to the fight, they'll hang back and fight from afar which means they'll get no benefit at all from his aura. Or, they'll be right up on him and that's literally 10 feet away from the front line.

So yeah, kill the paladin, debuff everyone else; your love can probably take the barbarian in a one on one fight, and you have it within your power to potentially make it a one on one fight... or at least a one on fewer fight. You’ve got some options, albeit most of them consist of sticking near her and taking the dodge action after throwing down a concentration effect.

I think Unoriginal's on to a good argument as to how destabilizing the soul economy might be a great way to dissuade you ally/foe, but when he probably doesn't see reason...

Yeah, I need to see what a good buff/debuff to stick in that 3rd slot gem would be. If the Druid falls to Charm then I don't have to worry about 8x Dispel.
I'm pretty sure I can get any Wizard spell stuffed in there since we'll probably pass by the one uber-Drow wizard on the way to the wedding. Slow would be hella useful- so would Enlarge actually. Adding 1d4 to her attacks would be very useful in the long run given the stone can't fail concentration and in addition it prevents the Barbarian from using his superior strength to grapple her via being 2 sizes larger.
Alternatively, if I could give Zuggy the rock during the ceremony, SHE could have a buff directly centered on her like Spirit Guardians that would make the melee line's life... well- hell. It lasts for 10 minutes too so 10 rounds (1 minute) in when the other buffs and abilities wear off (enjoy your exhaustion Berserker)- SG will still be going strong.

DM did admit Zuggy could hear my prayers, so that is nice.

2018-12-12, 10:10 AM
DM did admit Zuggy could hear my prayers, so that is nice.

Oh. Oh. Oh.

You're fine, then.

I'd have to get two levels prior to the wedding- which means everyone else does too. I need to kill time so they stay at 11. Leveling up absolutely does not benefit me at this point. I get one level. The party gets five or more depending on how many people show up.

100+days on a counter makes that unlikely; it's a third of the adventuring days required to get from 1st to 20th level. Even if you dragged your feet maximally, two levels seems like the best case limit. So, yeah, drag your feet, but anticipate a few levels between now and then.

Which isn't all bad. In fact, this might be your greatest advantage. See, you're the dude on the inside. You know their strengths. You know their weaknesses. You know who the real challenges in your group are.
And you, Mr. 20 Charisma, just "lost" your rod of resurrection.

You have an ethereal, genius, telepath who knows whatever you want to tell her. And you aren't the only one who she can ethereal, genius, telepath to. Every encounter from here to there? Those monsters act with advance knowledge of what's coming; when, how many, who, their strengths, their weaknesses, their vices, and their virtues, their equipment, their abilities. All appearing in a zephyr whisper in their minds in advance of your coming. All told that the paladin on the back row is the least of their worries; the paladin that positions himself just slightly less optimally than usual, the paladin that engages the enemy with slightly less gusto than in the past.

How many monsters, mages, and mighty men between now and then might disintegrate a cleric if informed in the right direction? How many might pile on to a parallel paladin? How many might reward the entity that provides such valuable information?

Every encounter from now till then is:
1. Hard Mode.
2. An assassination mission.
3. An opportunity for your lady love to cultivate allies, boons, trinket, or information. All of which can pass on to you at her choosing.

For the next hundred days, you can expect to go down the list of your "allies" in encounter after encounter.

Damned inconvenient that it should happen after your rod disappeared, eh?

All you have to do is think. Even in the event that someone casts detect thoughts in just the right moment and actually passes your save, the only explanation you need to give is that your character - traumatized by all the difficulties you've faced in the last few weeks - is constantly reevaluating the tactics and strengths and weaknesses of the group to try and optimize their outcomes. I mean, who wouldn't be? In the face of the cleric's recent disintegration, who wouldn't be mentally auditing their tactics constantly? Who wouldn't be wondering about what sort of effects a recently acquired oil of sharpness might have on the next set battles? Who wouldn't be privately thankful that the barbarian has a belt of giant strength and would thus be largely immune to strength based effects... and who wouldn't quietly wonder if an illusion might entirely mitigate him for a combat?

It isn't just the fight at the wedding. It's every fight between now and then.

The leveling up is inevitable. The cast of opposition and the insane magic items at their disposal are not. After all, should the barbarian or paladin fall, maybe you could step up to fill his role in the party should that belt make it's way to you? You aren't greedy, of course, only suggesting it for the things that'll make you better at protecting your allies. And that belt (or whatever actually catches your fancy) might be the thing that keeps someone from dying next time... but that also pulls you out of your normal role of protecting the flank, leaving it exposed for the next set of encounters. No matter where you go to fill in (the front line is going down recently, I need to step up because they need it), there really is just one of you to go around (gah, stepping up to the front line means the druid was killed this encounter) and that can't help but be "frustrating" for you, as even unintelligent monsters fight you with a tactical acumen that would make Sun Tzu shamed. And that can only lend greater weight to your arguments to slow down and make sure that you're all properly prepared for what's coming... and maybe level a little slower by extension.

The world is your burrito, brother. Bite into it.

2018-12-12, 10:21 AM
One thing I would recommend is talking with the DM privately, and possibly even showing him this thread. Some of the ideas here are amazing, but if the DM peruses through he can come up with a mishmosh of what he likes. If he is looking for a way to make this game so much more exciting and memorable, he'll at least want you to have a chance at thwarting their ideas, or even doing it.

2018-12-12, 12:51 PM
100+days on a counter makes that unlikely; it's a third of the adventuring days required to get from 1st to 20th level. Even if you dragged your feet maximally, two levels seems like the best case limit. So, yeah, drag your feet, but anticipate a few levels between now and then.

It's the Out of the Abyss campaign module. It can easily take weeks to get from one location to another due to the difficult terrain plus just the length of travel time. I think even the most efficient route through the Maze alone is still a week or two for example.
Also at the time of writing this (not in the maze yet) we are down to 78 days and have not even seen major combat in 20+ days. We've stopped doing random encounters just for the hell of it because we level via milestones/Demon Lord defeats now and it's a waste of time.

You have an ethereal, genius, telepath who knows whatever you want to tell her. And you aren't the only one who she can ethereal, genius, telepath to. Every encounter from here to there? Those monsters act with advance knowledge of what's coming; when, how many, who, their strengths, their weaknesses, their vices, and their virtues, their equipment, their abilities. All appearing in a zephyr whisper in their minds in advance of your coming. All told that the paladin on the back row is the least of their worries; the paladin that positions himself just slightly less optimally than usual, the paladin that engages the enemy with slightly less gusto than in the past.

How many monsters, mages, and mighty men between now and then might disintegrate a cleric if informed in the right direction? How many might pile on to a parallel paladin? How many might reward the entity that provides such valuable information?

All of the bigger threats already know what we do and how we do it. Grazzt in particular was clever enough to manipulate both Paladins away from a majority of the party before busting out the charms and succubus because he knew their chances of avoiding charm without us nearby was drastically lowered.

The leveling up is inevitable. The cast of opposition and the insane magic items at their disposal are not. After all, should the barbarian or paladin fall, maybe you could step up to fill his role in the party should that belt make it's way to you? You aren't greedy, of course, only suggesting it for the things that'll make you better at protecting your allies. And that belt (or whatever actually catches your fancy) might be the thing that keeps someone from dying next time... but that also pulls you out of your normal role of protecting the flank, leaving it exposed for the next set of encounters. No matter where you go to fill in (the front line is going down recently, I need to step up because they need it), there really is just one of you to go around (gah, stepping up to the front line means the druid was killed this encounter) and that can't help but be "frustrating" for you, as even unintelligent monsters fight you with a tactical acumen that would make Sun Tzu shamed. And that can only lend greater weight to your arguments to slow down and make sure that you're all properly prepared for what's coming... and maybe level a little slower by extension.

The world is your burrito, brother. Bite into it.

It's technically very much not. At this point we level up via milestones or defeat of large-scale boss. I could very easily get the entire party to end up fighting at the exact same level they are now purely by arguing that Teleport is being abused and they should read the spell. A few misdirected landings and boom- an entire month is gone just walking to get back where we want to be.

Also given how at least four different members are now packing Raise Dead scrolls, I doubt anyone is going down and staying down without a significant battle against a powerful enemy. Now if we find said enemy and somehow coming back isn't on the table (falling into lava's a big one) I'm perfectly fine with that sort of thing but we simply have too much healing for someone to effectively stay dead without massive casualties.
Other Paladin- Revivify
Warlock- Revivify
Cleric- Raise Dead
And that's without the scrolls passed out to other members. Now granted the DM might retcon that because I don't know if the Cleric actually followed the rules for making those things (for example I don't think he had like 6 grand in diamonds) so if that's the case we're much better off.

One thing I would recommend is talking with the DM privately, and possibly even showing him this thread. Some of the ideas here are amazing, but if the DM peruses through he can come up with a mishmosh of what he likes. If he is looking for a way to make this game so much more exciting and memorable, he'll at least want you to have a chance at thwarting their ideas, or even doing it.

Currently he's already agreed to look over a list of ideas for how becoming Zuggtmoy's Consort might power me up so I'm focused on that. I've made a list of various things of different power levels to see what he likes.
Lesser Buffs Worth approximately less than a level-up
Resistance to Poison damage
Immunity to Poisoned condition
1/day being able to cast one out of the following spells without any components: dispel magic, ensnaring strike, entangle, plant growth, ray of sickness
You no longer age. You are immune to any effect that would age you, and you can't die from old age.

Medium Buffs Worth approximately as much as a level-up
+2 Charisma
Immunity to Poison damage and Poisoned condition
Resistance to all non-magical weapon damage
1d8 poison damage added to every melee attack
Whenever making an attack action, the first melee weapon against an opponent forces them to make a Constitution save or else be Poisoned for 1 turn
+1d10 HD
1/day can cast three out of the following spells without any components: dispel magic, ensnaring strike, entangle, plant growth, ray of sickness
Gain one additional spell slot of the highest level spell slot you possess at this time- this slot can be of any class
As an action against a plant you can touch it to absorb hitpoints from it up to a maximum of 3x your Charisma score per day
20 feet Blindsight

Greater Buffs Worth more than a level-up
Gain the plant-type instead of humanoid
+40 hit points
15 feet True Sight
Can cast each of the following spells once per day without any components: dispel magic, ensnaring strike, entangle, plant growth, ray of sickness
A number of times per day = to Charisma modifier you can add 2d8 poison to a melee attack after a hit is confirmed
1/short rest as an action, creates a spore cloud 15 feet in radius that lasts for 1 minute, all flesh and blood creatures within the radius at the start of their turns or entering the cloud on their turns take the caster's Charisma modifier in damage per round
1/short rest as an action, creates a spore cloud 15 feet in radius that lasts for 1 minute, all creatures within the radius at the start of their turns must make a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by the caster or Zuggtmoy similar to her own ability
Giving me the plant-type alone would be invaluable since I basically get an extra turn every round under Zuggy's lair actions and she could simply channel her spores through me. "Oh sorry- was the back-line hanging back expecting +5 to their saves against the spores that they thought they were out of range of? Oops."

2018-12-12, 09:30 PM
So, you've alluded to the party not being all that loyal to each other, and more specifically not liking the druid. They also have few attachments to the world aside from the more faithful ones as far as I can tell.

Therefore.. can't you just convince one or more of them to:

A) Switch sides.
B) Stay out of the fight.
C) Play both sides - As long as they use a less effective strategy (e.g. "No Pixies") you and yours will aim to knock them out instead of killing them and/or raise them if they do die, and you'll owe them a similar favor if Ziggy survives.

(A) would depend on inter-party rivalries. Sure, they want to kill Ziggy but it's also a chance to finally off the druid! Or a chance for the druid to ensure someone will be behind them 100% when the rest of the party finally snaps~

(B) Likely depends on if you can bribe them well enough, and should require they come up with an excuse to not even be on the battlefield to avoid last minute betrayals.

(C) has a good chance of working, given the impression I've gotten of this party. Unless, I suppose, they can't keep secrets - but that could also be used in your favor.

Might not even need to promise an extra favor beyond getting the rezzed if they die, really.

2018-12-12, 11:19 PM
So, you've alluded to the party not being all that loyal to each other, and more specifically not liking the druid. They also have few attachments to the world aside from the more faithful ones as far as I can tell.

Therefore.. can't you just convince one or more of them to:

A) Switch sides.
B) Stay out of the fight.
C) Play both sides - As long as they use a less effective strategy (e.g. "No Pixies") you and yours will aim to knock them out instead of killing them and/or raise them if they do die, and you'll owe them a similar favor if Ziggy survives.

(A) would depend on inter-party rivalries. Sure, they want to kill Ziggy but it's also a chance to finally off the druid! Or a chance for the druid to ensure someone will be behind them 100% when the rest of the party finally snaps~

(B) Likely depends on if you can bribe them well enough, and should require they come up with an excuse to not even be on the battlefield to avoid last minute betrayals.

(C) has a good chance of working, given the impression I've gotten of this party. Unless, I suppose, they can't keep secrets - but that could also be used in your favor.

Might not even need to promise an extra favor beyond getting the rezzed if they die, really.

A) As much as they do not like one another in-character, the meta-caring has ensured they will not really kill one another nor really fight. The ones most hating of other members are also the ones who are most adamant about killing Zuggy and have the most potential to do so.

B) I've nothing to bribe them with. I never had much money in the first place and what little I had I spent on potions and Winged Boots.

C) Truth be told after seeing the Paladin and Barbarian attempt to beat on the Gnoll Demon Lord in the labyrinth today, my biggest threats are the two I simply cannot sway or really trick outside of the contract. Everyone else is so much ineffective that honestly I expect without either of the Paladins helping them or the Barbarian- they'll simply die or otherwise fail to lesser threats. Offering resurrections is all I have and it's no good as we've abundant options for that. I have no tools to bargain with.

They generally do not dislike one another. This is very much a Paladin/Paladin/Barbarian party with us providing a majority of the action. The Paladin and Barbarian are the ones that routinely hate on everyone else for being less effective (only the three of us plus the Cleric and DM are over 25 while the rest of the players are still in high school) That said, I can point out with some sincerity that I am the only one who has never threatened to murder them and does not constantly insult their intelligence or abilities... except if the 4 or 5 players that rarely show up do so for the wedding I don't even have that.

At least I finally got the Barbarian to start taking a Bonus Action to Rage. He'd not been doing that the whole campaign and that's one less attack on round 1 of battle that I have to deal with. And I got the other Paladin to learn Heavy Armor Master doesn't apply to magical damage.
The most likely line-up is:
Conquest Paladin (smites)
Berserker Barbarian (hits really hard) though I have a feeling I can nerf him because I'm damn-sure he has no reason to hit as hard as he does on a thrown hit without criting.
Life Cleric (Lots of healing)
Divine Warlock (Eldritch blasts and healing)
Necromancer Wizard (Honestly fireballs and that's it)
Druid (Wild Shape and summoning help)

2018-12-13, 02:09 AM
If you actually win everyone else will likely be unconscious or dead, which is where them having a deal ahead of time to survive if the party fails would be useful. Many of the members have basically no pasts or outside attachments, right? Their only allies are in the party.

But if you think the druid and such are irrelevant, or at least so weak it won't matter if they are intentionally pulling their punches, what if you took the initiative to invite more guests to the party (like other demon lords)? Or used the definitely-a-traitor-fighter to make the party think more guests are being invited by talking about all those new invitations. Since they metagame you might be able to trick them by acting like more guests is a sure thing even if the in-game evidence is largely non-existent. Maybe ask the DM questions that imply you're setting up some kind of horrifying meat grinder. The goal would be to convince the main trio that even showing up to the wedding is suicidal.

That said, the racing plan could be your best bet. In fact, just add that to any other plans you do. Whatever resources they use to chase after you are resources they're not using in the fight. Is tiring out the main trio a possibility? Exhaustion would hit them pretty hard. Main flaw in that plan, however, is that you might run into something along the way. Could Zuggy have some minions scout out a reasonably safe path for your mad dash?

2018-12-13, 03:16 AM
Also sorry but this (https://youtu.be/_8-0rAm5mSY?t=129) is absolutely the song that's going to play at the wedding once the metaphorical feces hits the fan and people start choosing sides and screaming nasty words like, "Traitor, genocide, chaotic, evil, mothereffing demon lords, kill you, no brother of mine, I trusted you" and so on.

If you actually win everyone else will likely be unconscious or dead, which is where them having a deal ahead of time to survive if the party fails would be useful. Many of the members have basically no pasts or outside attachments, right? Their only allies are in the party.

But if you think the druid and such are irrelevant, or at least so weak it won't matter if they are intentionally pulling their punches, what if you took the initiative to invite more guests to the party (like other demon lords)? Or used the definitely-a-traitor-fighter to make the party think more guests are being invited by talking about all those new invitations. Since they metagame you might be able to trick them by acting like more guests is a sure thing even if the in-game evidence is largely non-existent. Maybe ask the DM questions that imply you're setting up some kind of horrifying meat grinder. The goal would be to convince the main trio that even showing up to the wedding is suicidal.

Just to be clear he's a Rogue and he may or may not be a traitor. He hasn't shown up for several sessions and so I cannot plan around his help one way or another. That said, that does sound like a good ending to the, "You should side with me because I'm not an evil abusive ass" speech. I'm evil mind you- just not evil towards the party.

"So let me end with this- if you help me or don't interfere at all- I'll resurrect you if I win and you've died anyways. For those of you who signed away your souls- this is kinda useful don't you think? Not going to hell? If you aid those trying to hurt me or hurt me yourselves- you're dying and staying dead or worse."

Who'd have thought a year of the Barbarian ripping on the mages for not being good with spells or the Paladin blatantly trying to get their souls might benefit me?
Hell, I could point out they could still even do the ritual if they wanted, my love for Zuggy is eternal and might as well start with the basics; booting Juiblex's slimy bum out of our layer of the Abyss. Getting us both banished isn't the worst outcome- our love being ended before the wedding is.

That said, the racing plan could be your best bet. In fact, just add that to any other plans you do. Whatever resources they use to chase after you are resources they're not using in the fight. Is tiring out the main trio a possibility? Exhaustion would hit them pretty hard. Main flaw in that plan, however, is that you might run into something along the way. Could Zuggy have some minions scout out a reasonably safe path for your mad dash?

Oh it's definitely good because I just realized the Druid would just call horses again and horses don't have Darksight. They can have torches all they want- I'd fully argue with the DM that a full-speed chase in the dark twisting Underdark should have a massive possibility of crashing your mount and I bet you I'd win that argument.
I'm already perfectly willing to start lying to my party about the wedding date and I'll even write the wrong day on my character sheet in case they peek at it.
I'm not really sure what would catch me tbh. With Expeditious Retreat there's no normal enemy that's going to keep pace with my mount (120 feet per round is some serious mileage and I can heal any damage he takes from attacks of opportunity) and if they become too much trouble the DM has already ruled in the past Earth Elementals can carry you through the rock with them so I can burrow instead of go overland (4x crystals that summon those) and an hour of that should shake off any pursuit. With some rule diplomacy I can even point out in emergency situations my mount can get me 120 feet and then I myself can fly off onto the ground and take off running myself for additional movement.

IF the Rogue is with me, which I may message him about privately instead of at the table, I could almost certainly have him steal the one teleportation scroll they might have or in some way ruin it. I just need to make sure I have proof that even if he's not at the table- his character isn't going to help the rest of the party. So far as I'm aware, the party doesn't even have the location marked on their maps but I'm definitely not sure how far that argument will go. Zuggtmoy marked it on my map yes, and the DM pointed out the Rogue should know of the location as they're one of Zuggtmoy's wedding party. But if the Rogue doesn't show up to help the party and only I have that information- they'll never find the place anyways.

2018-12-13, 06:32 AM
Zuggtmoy having truesight doesn't mean her minions do and Pixies can fly plus constantly have superior invisibility on.

Pixie invisibility requires concentration on the pixies part. Meaning if they use their 1/day polymorph that breaks the invisibility. Or if they turn invisible after the poly, the concentration on polymorph breaks.

2018-12-13, 01:49 PM
Pixie invisibility requires concentration on the pixies part. Meaning if they use their 1/day polymorph that breaks the invisibility. Or if they turn invisible after the poly, the concentration on polymorph breaks.

Druid failed to mention that. I don't think it was malicious on his part I think he just didn't realize it.
Though I'm not worried about polymorph anymore. I literally can't fail a DC12 Wisdom save. Charisma +5, Proficiency +4, Wisdom +2, and then a minimum of +1 for rolling. That threat has ended to me.

Though I think we can win a 2v2 or 2v3 against the Paladin, Baelrbarian, and Cleric.
Zuggy's max hp is 448. Doubled thanks to the potion is 896. I have up to 5 heal spells with the rod, which is 350 doubled to 700 more hp. I can make her very hard to kill.

2018-12-14, 06:41 PM
Update on the Consort Idea List. This is the finalized result. Note this is a list of possible ideas- obviously not all would be gained

Possible Appearance Alteration Ideas
Crawling Arm
~One of your arms has manifested your connection to the Lady of Fungus. Mushroom growths have sprouted along the limb, issuing fragrant odors and swaying in a wind that nobody can see or feel.~

Eerie Eyes
~Sometimes when others look into your character’s eyes, they receive the unnerving visual of something moving behind them, a stirring that is not quite expected or natural. At times your irises (if you possess them) also seem to change shape to resemble the poisonous patterns of certain mushrooms.~

Rotted Flesh
~Your skin has begin to rot and decay, though not as if an undead. Your wounds still heal as normal but wherever the damage was located will instead begin to grow fungal growths as though it were dead.~

~No longer does your blood, if you possess it, resemble the normal mortal hue. Instead whenever your blood is drawn or your body damaged it instead looks as though the juices of poisonous plants and the insides of your skin look and feel like the inside of mushroom stalks.~

The Toad
~A natural mushroom cap begins to form atop your character’s head. While your hair continues to exist as normal, the cap grows over it to create a cap that extends a foot in every direction past the crown of your skull.~

Possible Stat Alteration Ideas
Condition/Status Related
~As the bound Consort to the Queen of Fungus, poison in all its forms finds it more difficult to inflict harm. Through special new growths in your body- many poisons and other mind-altering afflictions have begun to lose power over you.~

Advantage on Saving Throws against Poison
Immunity to Poisoned condition
Resistance to Poison damage.
Immunity to Poison damage.
Immunity to Charmed condition.
Advantage on Saving Throws against Frightened
Immunity to Frightened condition.
Replace your existing type with Plant-Type.

Stat Related
~As the bound Consort of a Demon Lord, you have gained a new force of personality that few can boast of possessing. Fiendish vigor rushes through your body and continues to supply you with the power and ability to find, battle, and defeat enemies- both yours and hers.~

Gain an increase of 2 points to your Charisma score even past 20.
Gain 25 Hit points.
Gain an additional HD of your highest value (1d0) plus your Constitution modifier in additional health points. Unlike normal HD, this one will be available every short rest.
You no longer age nor will age-affecting afflictions work on you.
You regain 1 hit point every 6 seconds, automatically stabilizing you if you fall below 0 hit points once per day.
Gain truesight up to 30 feet.
Gain truesight up to 10 feet.
Gain the ability to see through illusions if they’re within 15 feet of you.

Possible Ability Alteration Ideas
~As the Bound Consort of a Demon Lord, the magic that flows through you is no longer strictly your own, but an extension of Zuggtmoy’s will and power.~

Gain one new spell slot of your choice at the highest level you already possess (2nd)- this spell slot can be used for spells from any class and restores itself on a short rest.
Once per long rest you can cast one out of the following spells without any components: dispel magic, ensnaring strike, entangle, plant growth, ray of sickness.
Once per long rest you can cast three out of the following spells without any components: dispel magic, ensnaring strike, entangle, plant growth, ray of sickness.
Once per long rest you can cast each of the following spells once without any components: dispel magic, ensnaring strike, entangle, plant growth, ray of sickness.
Three times per short rest, you can change one instance of damage from a spell you cast to poison instead of whatever type it usually is.
Three times per long rest, you can change one instance of damage from a spell you cast to poison instead of whatever type it usually is.
Three times per long rest, you can force any number of creatures you’ve dealt damage to with a spell in a single round to make a Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start of your next turn.
If an enemy humanoid has advantage to the saving throw you force them to make with a spell- once per long rest you can force them to have no advantage on it.
If an enemy humanoid has advantage to the saving throw you force them to make with a spell- once per short rest you can force them to have no advantage on it.

Feature Related
~Due to your status as being the bound Consort to the Demon Queen Zuggtmoy, her powerful will and influence have reached even the magical and martial portions of your being, altering and enhancing them beyond what they once were.~

Whenever you hit a creature with a melee weapon, the creature takes an extra 1d8 poison damage.
Whenever you hit a creature with your pact weapon, the creature takes an extra 1d8 poison damage.
As a bonus action you can create a Pseudopod and make a melee attack with it using your spellcasting stat (Charisma) to calculate to hit and damage. You are proficient in attacking with this Pseudopod and it deals deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage plus 1d8 poison damage. You can apply the Charisma damage to one type of damage of your choice but not both.
A number of times per day equal to your spellcasting stat (Charisma) modifier when you smite a creature, you can add 1d8 additional poison damage and force them to make a Constitution save or be poisoned until the start of your next turn.
Once per day, you can touch a plant and replenish your Lay on Hands pool by draining the life from it, regaining up to your Paladin level x 3 points of the pool.
Once per long you can release a cloud of spores in a 15 foot radius sphere for 1 minute. Whenever you hit a creature with a melee weapon within this sphere they take an additional 1d8 poison damage.
Once per long rest as an action, you can create a spore cloud 15 feet radius sphere around yourself that lingers for 1 minute. All flesh and blood creatures within the radius at the start of their turns or entering the cloud on their turns take 2d8 + your spellcasting stat (Charisma) modifier in poison damage.
Once per long rest as an action, create a spore cloud 15 feet in a radius around yourself that lasts for 1 minute. If Zuggtmoy is within 300 feet of you, this cloud functions identically to the cloud she produces for the Infestation Spores ability and she can use it as such.
Once per long rest as an action, create a spore cloud 15 feet in a radius around yourself that lasts for 1 minute. If Zuggtmoy is within 300 feet of you, this cloud functions identically to the cloud she produces for the Mind Control Spores ability and she can use it as such


2018-12-16, 10:38 AM
Update. Had a moment to speak with the Rogue player about the wedding in private when everyone left the game store to smoke- his exact words were, "Well my job is guarding you so I suppose I'm for it."

Not the most ringing endorsement but it's more than I have from practically anyone else. At this point I'm fairly confident I can Diplomancy my way out of conflict at the wedding. If nothing else because the Barbarian has multiple times said he hard-stops at slavery and... well it's pretty easy to point at the Lolth-Worshipping Drow and mention they're Evil Slavers that routinely wipe out entire families including the children.

2018-12-16, 10:49 AM
Well, this promises to be some honeymoon, but I'm not sure which of you is going to end up "bearing fruit".

2018-12-16, 11:24 AM
Well, this promises to be some honeymoon, but I'm not sure which of you is going to end up "bearing fruit".

I am somewhat entertaining the idea of running a future campaign as offspring

2018-12-16, 11:33 AM
This really has been some fun reading. It's too bad you all aren't doing this in a similar manner to the Godsfall podcast.

2018-12-17, 01:56 AM
This really has been some fun reading. It's too bad you all aren't doing this in a similar manner to the Godsfall podcast.

Given that half the group are minors- I don't entirely see that being something we could do without a lot of potential problems.

I might pitch the idea to the store owner (the other Paladin) that he might try just getting a recording of game sessions in other campaigns just to see if it's amusing. Being able to post audio recaps of what occurs on the store's Facebook page could be quite useful in terms of showing what happens at the store to potential customers.

2018-12-26, 08:43 PM
Well it was said keep updated...

All of our magical items have been destroyed

At this point Zuggtmoy and the wedding are something of a second worry

2018-12-26, 09:39 PM
Well it was said keep updated...

All of our magical items have been destroyed

At this point Zuggtmoy and the wedding are something of a second worry

Just put replacements on the gift registry.

2018-12-26, 09:47 PM
Well it was said keep updated...

All of our magical items have been destroyed

At this point Zuggtmoy and the wedding are something of a second worry

Great news for you, it means most of the team can't hurt Zuggtmoy in any significant fashion, and now they need a powerful backer.

2018-12-26, 10:21 PM
Great news for you, it means most of the team can't hurt Zuggtmoy in any significant fashion, and now they need a powerful backer.

Yep yep. The DM actually let me wiggle out that I could resummon the Pact Weapon I had bonded (which I said was the +1 Longbow instead of the Rod since I technically think that's cheap and I certainly don't think of it as a weapon) so I have the lone magical weapon at the moment.

In addition if they decide to go back to the surface to get magic weapons (which I'm quite sure they don't have funds for exempting the other Paladin) then I'm parting ways because we'll never make it to the wedding on time.

2018-12-26, 10:41 PM
So, question: You said you're a Paladin of Vengeance, yes? What are the other players playing? If you're a Paladin/Warlock, you should be able to handle most threats pretty easily. Even if those threats are party members. Also, keep in mind that your Paladin auras affect allies and enemies...meaning if the party is your enemy, they deal with your dangerous auras, while Zuggtmoy can be protected by them

2018-12-26, 11:39 PM
So, question: You said you're a Paladin of Vengeance, yes? What are the other players playing? If you're a Paladin/Warlock, you should be able to handle most threats pretty easily. Even if those threats are party members. Also, keep in mind that your Paladin auras affect allies and enemies...meaning if the party is your enemy, they deal with your dangerous auras, while Zuggtmoy can be protected by them

No. I am a Paladin of the Ancients/Hexblade Warlock.

Tiefling Paladin of Conquest
Half-Orc Berserker Barbarian
Dwarf Moon Druid
Elf or Half-Elf Moon Druid (Barbarian's girlfriend who is not likely to act on her own)
Human Healing Cleric
Aasmir Divine Soul Warlock or whatever the equivalent is for Warlock
Rogue- not sure what kind

Actually I'm not too worried about combat by now. My, "This is why you should listen to me" speech has only gotten better now that not listening to me has literally cost all of our magic items (which honestly might well be half a million gold in total) and in a meta-sense has most definitely robbed us of two levels because the Maze Engine solved two Demon Lords with zero effort on our part.
At this point the party really has no in-character reason to doubt me minus the newcomer who replaced the party-killed Necromancer: I've consistently made the right calls that were ignored, my reasons for doing so involve the destruction of a slave-making genocide-condoning religion, I've not once hurt someone for no reason, and I've always tried to help them even if they screwed me.

We're also dreadfully short of finances to get magical weapons and armor to buff us up to the proper state to fight regular opponents much less Demon Lords. The DM is likely to throw some bones our way mind you as a party full of level 11 characters without any magic items, or indeed regular items given that most of them now have no armor or weapons in the first place, is looking at a helluva steep climb against even normal battles.

On the upside, the Maze Engine upped my Charisma up to 22. :belkar:
On the downside, it killed the Necromancer that teleports everyone around and, of course, took all of our magical items. Well the engine didn't kill him but he was hitting buttons and the party interpreted that to mean he did it so... the Rogue shot him a few times, I may have hit him once (with Booming Blade to tell him to hold still, I even warned him not to move, I healed him too mind you) and then he mouthed off to the other Paladin who promptly threw him back into the pit of lava.

2018-12-27, 12:01 AM
Oh, well with a group that size even a PAladin/Hexblade would have trouble...but seeing as you guys lost all your magic items and the party is willing to listen to you now, you may not need to fight.

2018-12-27, 12:13 AM
Oh, well with a group that size even a PAladin/Hexblade would have trouble...but seeing as you guys lost all your magic items and the party is willing to listen to you now, you may not need to fight.

Honestly we're probably not fighting. And even if we do- I have no idea what the math involved is but everyone collectively likely lost far more from it than I did. Which means Zuggtmoy is much better off than she was previously given that two other Demon Lords are off the table and we gained no levels from it.

In addition, the DM has stated once we finish Out of the Abyss, we have the option of porting our characters to another campaign; so the group is likely to care a lot about potential deaths now.

But in all honesty- I've legit reasons to perform the act and the kicker is I'm not even going to stop them from casting the ritual. Why would I? It'll just draw all the Demon Lords to Menzoberranzan- exactly where I want them going.

2019-01-03, 07:00 PM
Presumably last update.

The party and myself have parted ways. They're off to go deliver the final ingredient for the ritual and I was forced to head in the opposite direction to make it to the wedding. We seem to have parted on good terms, surprisingly. I don't think they realized the ritual means the Demon Lords attack the Drow city no matter what.

My Rogue handmaiden has been hit with Gromph's Imprison spell and nobody in-character has the slightest idea where she went or how she left. She dead for all practical purposes.

We got a few magic items, mainly uncommon stuff. I personally got back my Winged Boots because fighting from beyond melee-range is just too useful. I think the Barbarian got magic and even if he didn't his GF is a Druid so she'll just make him have magic.

2019-01-03, 07:27 PM
Well, be sure to tell us how you help destroying the drow city alongside your wife.

2019-01-03, 07:49 PM
Well, be sure to tell us how you help destroying the drow city alongside your wife.

Given that we'll be sharing the city with: Demogorgan, Grazzt, Orcus, and Freezeblue, I don't predict survival or us being the biggest problem.

2019-01-09, 10:53 PM
For the last and final update I'd like to make sure to thank anyone who offered help during the events of this thread- but the campaign is over.
The results? We'll call it a draw.
Fair warning- I'll be spoiling several parts of the campaign so if you care- stop at the surviving party members and read no farther.

As it stands the surviving party members are:
Aasimar Blessed Soul Warlock
Dwarf Druid of the Moon
Human Life Cleric
and your boy- the Ancient Paladin Hexblade Drow

The Rogue is technically 'alive' but is Imprisoned in a gem in Gromph's study- which we did not retrieve as between everyone assembled nobody had the slightest clue in-character what happened to her and we didn't want to poke around his study as it had already caused great mischief at the time and harmed a lot of us. Not to mention that cursed Maze Intelligence check...

As for the rest- a brief bit of backstory.
The background I had involved being present at the war between Drow and Dwarf at Mithral Hall. I had an 86 fame roll for that so whatever I did- people noticed. A male Drow showing that sort of initiative was not to be left alone and I was executed and left for dead when they retreated. The background stated Eilistraee saw the potential for light and saved me. For the interlude between the war and the start of Out of the Abyss, I stayed with Eilistraee followers but never really was 'with' them. They sang, they danced, they were happy in the light but I was not- for I resented Lolth and her followers. So when Demon Lords showed up I set off hoping to not only prevent them from harming Eilistraee's people but maybe, just maybe, turning some of that ire onto Lolth.

Cut to today.
I had split with the party to make it to my wedding on time. Through the use of teleportation they went to Whiteplume mountain and grabbed Blackrazor as we'd had it before in the previous timeline so they knew exactly where it was, though ultimately it had been cast away by the Tiefling Conquest Paladin when facing a Beholder because it was controlling him to attack the party back then. Blackrazor in-hand, they encountered Fraz-Urb'luu who decided to teleport them all to the wedding.

It was then revealed to us all that various Demon Lords and even Deities actually loved the idea of Zuggtmoy marrying me as that would strengthen/create bonds between Eilistraee and Zuggtmoy while weakening Lolth. "The children from this union of Zuggtmoy and Eilistraee will begin the new army that would bring down Lolth."

Now for more backstory, the DM has a past character from Horde of the Dragon Queen called, "Princess" who is a tricked-out level 20 Rogue with all the wealth of... well- Horde of the Dragon Queen. Plus she stands very high in the Zhentarim as well. The Tiefling Conquest Paladin and the Half-Orc Berserker Barbarian both owed her a favor for services provided earlier in the campaign and received a letter from her stating that they must prevent the wedding from occurring which is why they teleported to go get Blackrazor since they knew the wedding was only in one or two days.

So when the wedding rolled around and it came time for the, "I do" the Tiefling Conquest Paladin drew Blackrazor and smote Zuggtmoy as hard as he could while the Warlock blasted her from afar and the Druid turned into a Constrictor Snake and attempted to grapple. The Barbarian meanwhile was running around punching whatever he could in the crowd.

And so, I cast Command on the Conquest Paladin (with my Charisma of 22 at level 11) which he failed as I didn't exactly consider him an ally at the time. I commanded him "throw" and pointed to the chasm the wedding took place in front of. So he threw Blackrazor into the depths of the earth. The party kinda lost their minds at that point as aside from that their magical weapons were a +1 Maul and a +1 Axe or hammer- whatever the Barbarian had, along with my own +1 Bow.

And then the ritual went off and everyone of us and every still-present Demon Lord spawned in Menzoberranzan. They had their great Demon Lord melee and Demogorgon was the only one left standing after snapping Orcus' neck and sending his staff flying away. Demogorgon then looked at us and decided we were going to be his next targets.

Everyone reacts differently to impending death:
I flew away while casting Mirror Image
The Conquest Paladin charged Demogorgon (fairly sure he hated me enough that he just wanted to die)
The other Warlock flew away and started spamming Eldritch Blast
The Cleric attacked with spells like Blade Barrier
The Druid did something to warrant Demogorgon deciding to target him first even with the Paladin smiting him, I forget what spell he used
The Barbarian ran off to grab Orcus' staff as he (for some reason) just now questioned whether he was a Dwarf and was going to fully embrace is Half-Orc heritage in hopes that Orcus would allow him to wield the staff and defeat Demogorgon. The entire campaign he insisted he was a Dwarf because he'd grown up with them.

In the same order:
I tried buffing a few party members before realizing what the Barbarian was doing and tore off after him
The Conquest Paladin was taken down again and again before finally falling too far dead to get back up
The Warlock stayed away sniping while Demogorgan planted his tendrils firmly up the colons of the meleeing party members
The Cleric started spamming every healing ability he had
The Druid ran away because Demogorgon almost killed him and then proceeded to cast Call Lightning and then later Cloudkill on Demogorgon
The Barbarian reached Orcus' staff, touched it, and suffered the consequence of dropping dead on the spot at full HP

And then the battle concluded:
I was face-to-face with an undead Barbarian with Orcus' staff in-hand and so I lured him back to Demogorgon
Conquest Paladin at this point was dead and staying dead
The Warlock had been drawn via Telekinesis to Demogorgon, who was happily sitting in Cloudkill and using him as a punching dummy
The Cleric was down at that point but not dead
The Druid was... I believe turned into a T-Rex and attempting to fight Demogorgon in melee after the entire table telling him to turn off Cloudkill because it was hurting the party members
And upon arrival the undead Barbarian used Power Word Kill on Demogorgon- who had 95 hit points.

That was the abridged version of the battle anyways- it took more than 3 rounds since it lasted long enough the Conquest Paladin wasn't able to be Revivified.
So it's over. I'm alive, the Druid, Warlock, and Cleric are all still alive.
The Barbarian is dead and in whatever good afterlife he went to in order to see his beloved again.
And the Tiefling Paladin is in hell getting screamed at by Asmodeus because all the souls he'd collected belong to Zuggtmoy now per the DM ruling.
We'll not be using these characters any farther but the DM did pointedly tell me we are still married so my next step is getting a ticket to the Abyss. After that- who knows?

2019-01-10, 02:13 AM
Well, that's what youn call a wedding and quite a few burials.

Thanks for sharing!