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2018-12-03, 02:34 PM
I have a monk that is an aarakacro, and I plan for her to be a messanger. I have some ideas on the personality, but I would like to make her personality more prominent and defined. Any advice?

2018-12-03, 03:07 PM
I have a monk that is an aarakacro, and I plan for her to be a messanger. I have some ideas on the personality, but I would like to make her personality more prominent and defined. Any advice?

Talk fast and stern, like you're in a hurry for the next job. You're a bit impatient, and don't like people giving long-winded details, but you also don't like too few of details, which comes off as just being overall impatient.

You enjoy flying, so much that you made your career off of it, and maybe you grumble about how "Walkers are always doing stuff WAYYY too slow".

You have higher wisdom than most, so maybe you're actually quite kind with just an outer shell of brashness. You actively pursue music, as it's one of the few hobbies and forms of enjoyment that can be accentuated by flight and movement. You also enjoy dancing, although maybe you're not graceful enough at doing it the way Walkers do it. They both remind you of Walkers trying to duplicate a feather in the wind, or the feeling of the air beneath your wings, and so you have a strong kinship with Bards and performers.

You hear a lot of things with your above-average wisdom and the fact that Walkers don't look up, so you've developed into a massive gossip, improved by the fact that you've been all over the place, so you are good at spreading it around.

2018-12-03, 03:22 PM
I have a monk that is an aarakacro, and I plan for her to be a messanger. I have some ideas on the personality, but I would like to make her personality more prominent and defined. Any advice?

Well, first you need to define what you want.

How does she handle the world she travels through? Is she curious? Blasé due to having seen everything? Confident while facing conflict or even overconfident that nothing can hurt her?

How does she handle her work? Is she professional? Distracted? Lazy? Loyal to a fault to the rulebook? Feeling like her role as messenger for important people defines her worth?

How does she see the people she adventures with?

How does she see the adventuring business?

Does she prefer fighting or talking to diminish the number of enemies?

2018-12-03, 03:28 PM
Where is she a messenger? In an urban environment M_O_G has some good ideas. If it's rural messaging you could take your time and enjoy long winded chats. You like gossip and sharing news of the world with people.

You snack constantly because flying is hard work, maybe customers bribe you with sweets for info & gossip. You hate spellcasters with sending because they eat into your bottom line.

You could also hate being a messenger. It's the only job you could find. Only rich folk & nobles hire you, or maybe you work for royalty, and you find them repellent. This could help explain why you are adventuring. Happy, well adjusted people generally don't volunteer for a life of murderhoboing.

2018-12-03, 04:19 PM
Well, first you need to define what you want.

How does she handle the world she travels through? Is she curious? Blasé due to having seen everything? Confident while facing conflict or even overconfident that nothing can hurt her?

How does she handle her work? Is she professional? Distracted? Lazy? Loyal to a fault to the rulebook? Feeling like her role as messenger for important people defines her worth?

How does she see the people she adventures with?

How does she see the adventuring business?

Does she prefer fighting or talking to diminish the number of enemies?

Her being from a rural mountain village, I would think that she is more curious, but I don't think she would be very much of a confident person.
The reason she is a messanger in the first place is because she has seen what a simple message can mean too someone, so I would think that she would take her job seriously, probably a little too seriously. The adventures... She probably would treat them the same, as they all have thoughts they would want to send to another.
For the fighting, probably try to convince them not to fight, though more often then not if they're in the way, she'll probably fight them to reach her objective.
[Edit] Thanks for the advice everyone! Also I would think due to her living more in the mountains, I've roleplayed her being unused to the crowdedness of cities. She's prone to crash into things more often. Though not currently present, her ears and eyes are able to hear and see into the ethereal plane. I was planning on delivering messages from the dead, words they didn't have a chance to say, things like that.
Also, I have done some roleplaying with her, I just feel as though the personality isn't quite where I'd like it to be.