View Full Version : Kingdom Organization Help

2018-12-04, 09:46 AM
Has anyone spent any effort on creating an organization for their kingdoms?

Like have you or your group spent time developing the "Ministry of War" and all its sub branches?

Can you share? Or any link to material that tackles this topic?

My group came up with the Ministry of: Justice, War, Knowledge, Intelligence, Expansion and Logistics. They are now trying to flesh out the sub branches/services.

Here is a one shot the group made last night:

Avanti Imperial Armed Forces

Avanti Imperial Army

Imperial High Command

Imperial Subterranean Forces - Underdark

Imperial Oceanic Forces - Under water

Imperial Terran Forces - normal ground troops

Imperial Special Forces

Imperial Reconnaissance Forces

Imperial Consolidation Forces

Avanti Imperial Navy

Imperial Fleet Command

Imperial Space Command? - Spelljammer

All feedback welcome...

2018-12-04, 03:43 PM
So the starting point is how big is your kingdom. From there take a look at heroes of battle they go into military size based on the size of the kingdom. Also look at some of the different organizations that are presented throughout the books, there are quite a few and should give you an idea of the scale you want to shoot for. Also it is worth asking whether some of your listed organizations are subsets of each other like oceanic is under the imperial navy or recon is under the army and so forth...

2018-12-04, 04:15 PM
The most I've ever done was small scale with a leadership village retrained but not rebuilt.


In it, I only had 10 servals as the guards, but I was primarily worried about monetary aspects, and minor spell production for funds and for better quality of life.

2018-12-04, 04:21 PM
Level 8 Superhero (Fighter), Baronet, Village, 10 soldiers.
Level 9 Lord (Fighter), Baron, Town, 100 soldiers.
Level 10 Lord (Fighter), Viscount, City, 1000 soldiers.
Level 11 Lord (Fighter), Earl, County, 10,000 soldiers.
Level 12 Lord (Fighter), Marquess, Prefecture, 100,000 soldiers.
Level 13 Lord (Fighter), Duke, Province, 1,000,000 soldiers.
Level 14 Lord (Fighter), Grand Duke, Minor Nation, 10,000,000 soldiers.
Level 15 Lord (Fighter), King, Moderate Nation, 100,000,000 soldiers.
Level 16 Lord (Fighter), High King, Major Nation, 1,000,000,000 soldiers.
Level 17 Lord (Fighter), Caesarean Emperor, Minor Empire, 10,000,000,000 soldiers.
Level 18 Lord (Fighter), Augustan Emperor, Major Empire, 100,000,000,000 soldiers.

2018-12-04, 08:10 PM
Pathfinder Kingdom Management rules? They don't appear bad as a minigame, and you could adapt the various kingdom roles into offices/ministries maybe.

2018-12-04, 08:43 PM
Has anyone spent any effort on creating an organization for their kingdoms?

Like have you or your group spent time developing the "Ministry of War" and all its sub branches?

Can you share? Or any link to material that tackles this topic?

My group came up with the Ministry of: Justice, War, Knowledge, Intelligence, Expansion and Logistics. They are now trying to flesh out the sub branches/services.

Here is a one shot the group made last night:

Avanti Imperial Armed Forces

Avanti Imperial Army

Imperial High Command

Imperial Subterranean Forces - Underdark

Imperial Oceanic Forces - Under water

Imperial Terran Forces - normal ground troops

Imperial Special Forces

Imperial Reconnaissance Forces

Imperial Consolidation Forces

Avanti Imperial Navy

Imperial Fleet Command

Imperial Space Command? - Spelljammer

All feedback welcome...

Yes we have... Extensively. 5 branches of government and especially all branches of the military and names for all from High Marshal of the Realm (Chief of Defence) down to captain (army). All units have written character sheets, feat, skills etc.

https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/47396423_10156194984087909_1470925684976123904_o.j pg?_nc_cat=110&_nc_ht=scontent-arn2-1.xx&oh=8ec8fd65694b4b6ca75df7bcd171f553&oe=5CA495C3

We have expanded now to have a scount unit too. Rangers being a tier 1 special force, scouts being tier 2. The Coronets are the FBI, the Unbliking Eye are our CIA.

We have commands, staffs (NATO J-structure), again with written character sheets for all.

https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/47384009_10156195005502909_5654622494439505920_o.j pg?_nc_cat=107&_nc_ht=scontent-arn2-1.xx&oh=c6bf3665c86c4b97edfed636e4875532&oe=5CB22C92

These images are quite outdated, but the only ones I have access to right now!

Feel free to ask questions!

Level 8 Superhero (Fighter), Baronet, Village, 10 soldiers.
Level 9 Lord (Fighter), Baron, Town, 100 soldiers.
Level 10 Lord (Fighter), Viscount, City, 1000 soldiers.
Level 11 Lord (Fighter), Earl, County, 10,000 soldiers.
Level 12 Lord (Fighter), Marquess, Prefecture, 100,000 soldiers.
Level 13 Lord (Fighter), Duke, Province, 1,000,000 soldiers.
Level 14 Lord (Fighter), Grand Duke, Minor Nation, 10,000,000 soldiers.
Level 15 Lord (Fighter), King, Moderate Nation, 100,000,000 soldiers.
Level 16 Lord (Fighter), High King, Major Nation, 1,000,000,000 soldiers.
Level 17 Lord (Fighter), Caesarean Emperor, Minor Empire, 10,000,000,000 soldiers.
Level 18 Lord (Fighter), Augustan Emperor, Major Empire, 100,000,000,000 soldiers.

We play in FR, so these numbers are a bit too high. The King has access to about 100.000 National Guard (The Feudal Army (Level 4 fighters)) and has a professional standing army of about 12.000 (Level 12 fighters). The Scouts (256 soldiers) are level 8, the rangers (64 soldiers) are level 16, all agents (10 of each) of our intelligence agencies are level 20.

We have yet to design the navy... at least not in that detail!

2018-12-04, 09:20 PM
Has anyone spent any effort on creating an organization for their kingdoms?

Like have you or your group spent time developing the "Ministry of War" and all its sub branches?

Can you share? Or any link to material that tackles this topic?


All feedback welcome...

I like using discrete power centers with overlapping areas, and sometimes with unclear jurisdiction. Like, you might have a Kingdom with three Lords -- each Lord is technically subservient to the King, but they are independent powers with their own agendas, and they can come into conflict when their interests are not aligned.

For example:

The Crown
- 3 Knightly Orders (cavalry)
- Royal Guard (elite infantry with some magic users)
- High Hand (cabinet of five appointed experts: might be wizard, druid, aristocrat, bard, and rogue)
- King's Justice (court of international & inter-regional law; adepts, experts, and rogues)
- Shadow Council (cabinet of three vampires bound to obey the royal scepter's wielder -- literally a cabinet made from their coffins, in which they reside -- they keep tight watch over the capital each night, and enjoy sending enemy infiltrators to kill their masters with their dominate ability)

Galphonaris Marquisate - forest region, hills
Values: physical prowess, self-sufficiency, hunting trophies, exploration
- Knightly Order (griffon riders)
- Light Infantry (scouts, rangers, barbarians)
- Grove Liaison (one druid, apprentice druids, retinue + menagerie)
- Sheriffs

Nolnornix Marquisate - two port cities and surrounding region
Values: expanding trade, acquiring luxuries, entertainment, coin
- Navy
- Heavy Infantry (siege engineers, marines)
- Thieves' Guilds
- Wizard Schools

See of Hebredonn - fertile river valley, holy land of Hebredonn
Values: academic excellence,
- 2 Knightly Orders (cavalry, paladins)
- Golden Templars (clerics, heavy infantry)
- Ecclesiastical Tribunal (court of local law; clerics)
- Seminary (archivists, bards, experts)

--- and then you might have local power-centers within each sub-domain ---

Grove of Blue Ivy (Galphonaris) - druids
Though we share an interest in keeping foul monsters from despoiling this land, we demand that the people here honor nature.
- Bear Cavalry
- Druids
- Rangers

Explorer's Guild (Galphonaris) - any
What lies over the next hill? We have the best maps in the world, but we want to see new wonders with our own eyes.
- Trophy Hunters
- Scouts
- Surveyors and map-scribes
- Mercenaries (part-time bandits?)

Elf Enclave (Nolnornix) - elves, spellcasters
The ambassadors of the Faerie Queen have established a presence in the center of trade.
- Unicorn Cavalry
- Light Infantry
- Gish Wizards Everywhere

Wizard School X (Nolnornix)
Value: beating Wizard School Y

Wizard School Y (Nolnornix)
Value: beating Wizard School X

(... repeat for Thieves' Guilds A / B / C ...)

Sanctioned Artifice and Vocational Institute (Hebredonn) - artificers, mechanics
Within the peaceful heart of the holy region, a strange new technological exploration has begun...
- Siege Engineers
- Magewrights
- Artificers
- Gunsmiths

2018-12-04, 09:28 PM
We have yet to design the navy... at least not in that detail!

Roman Navy?

Admiral - Mainguard Squadron (and the Fleet)
Vice Admiral - Vanguard Squadron
Rear Admiral - Rearguard Squadron
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) - Supplies Squadron

Similarly for Army...
General - Mainguard Corps (and the Army)
Vice General (Lieutenant General) - Vanguard Corps
Rear General (Lieutenant General) - Rearguard Corps
Right Wing General (Major General) - Mainguard's Right Wing
Left Wing General (Major General) - Mainguard's Left Wing

2018-12-05, 11:02 AM

Thanks guys, I am not as crazy as I thought. :P

Melcar - Do you have details on what each of those groups does? Updates? :)

Nifft - I like it from a DM perspective for sure. My players are trying to take over the North in FR and have one player as King, the other 6 are to be the Ministers of the departments.

The Ministry will be the main grouping, and the others under that command. I can't do forum formatting apparently.

2018-12-05, 11:17 AM
My number of soldiers is measuring military strength in terms of level 1 warriors. The actual number of characters should be severely less.

2018-12-05, 12:21 PM
Nifft - I like it from a DM perspective for sure. My players are trying to take over the North in FR and have one player as King, the other 6 are to be the Ministers of the departments.

The application of my post would be to ensure that the ministers don't have dictatorship-type power over their area of governance, but that they're negotiating with lots of other powerful people.

As an example, the Minister of Justice would need to talk with the Church of the Triad who run some courts of law. They have their own agenda which is lawful and good but might not be compatible with your players' agendas.

2018-12-05, 08:29 PM
Roman Navy?

Admiral - Mainguard Squadron (and the Fleet)
Vice Admiral - Vanguard Squadron
Rear Admiral - Rearguard Squadron
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) - Supplies Squadron

Similarly for Army...
General - Mainguard Corps (and the Army)
Vice General (Lieutenant General) - Vanguard Corps
Rear General (Lieutenant General) - Rearguard Corps
Right Wing General (Major General) - Mainguard's Right Wing
Left Wing General (Major General) - Mainguard's Left Wing

The King - or should I say, the guy who plays the King - are all about British navy stuff from the Napoleonic era and before, so the navy will probably look like that, when finished.

Melcar - Do you have details on what each of those groups does? Updates? :)

Well yes... this will be a long post...

Cabinet of War: is an executive branch department of the government of the Walden Kingdom charged with coordinating and supervising all agencies and functions of the government concerned directly with national security and the Walden Kingdom Armed Forces. The Cabinet of War is headed by the Chancellor of War, a cabinet-level head who reports directly to the King. Military operations are managed by Walden Defense Command. The Department of Defense also operates the Chamber of Military Law.

Under the Cabinet of War is the Council of War. A body of senior uniformed leaders in the Cabinet of War who advise the Chancellor of War on military matters. The composition of the Council of War is defined by decree and consists of the High Marshal of the Realm, the Chief of Staff of the Defense Staff, the Military Service Chiefs from the Navy Command, Army Command, Walden Defense Academy and the Chief of the Special Operations Command, who concurrently is the National Intelligence Director.

Walden Defense Command: is the strategic level command of all Walden Armed Forces. Walden Defense Command, under the command of the High Marshal of the Realm, is responsible for the planning and execution of all Walden military operations, as directed by the Cabinet of War. Walden Defense Command consists of a strategic-level headquarter, located at Castle Waterdeep, along with four Component Commands each with a dedicated headquarter. Each Component Command is unique and capable of running its own operations, but when the different service forces need to work together for an operation, Walden Defense Command becomes the joint component command of the operation.

Walden Naval Command: is Walden’s Navy supreme authority. The Naval Command’s responsibilities include in peacetime surveillance of sovereignty, search and rescue services, and other state-owned maritime administrations. In crisis and war, the Naval Command is responsible for the operational leadership and execution of the Kingdom’s naval defenses. Finally, the Naval Command is responsible for the management of the Navy personnel, as well as for budget and financial planning and management for all Naval areas.

Walden Army Command: is the army’s highest authority, responsible for training, setting up and deploying army units for resolving national and international tasks in conflict prevention, crisis management and collective defense in the land-military domain. National issues are also solved in connection with the total defense and military assistance to civilian authorities. The Army Command performes its work under the responsibility of the Chief of Defense and in close cooperation with other national and allied authorities. The Army Command consists of a staff as well as subordinate headquarters and regiments. The task of the staff was to plan and carry out operations and logistic activities in connection with logistic operations. In addition, there were plans, programs and study activities as well as administrative tasks relating to the development and operation of the army.

Blackwater: is Walden Kingdom’s Special Operations Command. It is the Unified Command charged with overseeing the various Special Operation Components of the Walden Armed Forces. The command is part of the Walden Defense Command and is headquartered at Walden Castle. Blackwater is responsible for operations that include high threat military or covert operations with which the Walden Kingdom does not wish to be overtly associated. As such, units of the command normally do not carry any objects or clothing (e.g. coat of arms) that would associate them with Walden Kingdom. If they are compromised during a mission, Walden Kingdom may deny all knowledge.

Blackwater conducts several covert and clandestine missions, such as direct action, special reconnaissance counter-terrorism, foreign internal defense, unconventional warfare, psychological warfare, civil affairs, counter-narcotics operations and intelligence activities. Each branch has a Special Operations Command that is unique and capable of running its own operations, but when the different special operations forces need to work together for an operation, Blackwater becomes the joint component command of the operation.

Blackwater is furthermore Walden Kingdom’s National Intelligence Agency, tasked with collecting processing and disseminating information on conditions of importance to Walden’s security, including the military units. The current Blackwater Commander and National Intelligence Director is: General Elenia Nailo.

Scouts: The Walden Scouts are the Walden Military’s designated Long-Range Reconnaissance unit, conducting clandestine military operations for gathering direct human intelligence information within enemy territory. Lightly armored, they infiltrate deep into enemy territory, construct hide and surveillance sites, and provide continuous surveillance/special reconnaissance of an intelligence target of key interest. (Secret)

Rangers: The Walden Rangers are a Walden Army Special Operations unit and the premier Long-Range Penetration and Reconnaissance Patrol, capable of operating long distances behind enemy lines far away from direct contact with friendly forces. The Rangers are tasked with five primary missions: unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance, direct action, and counter-terrorism. (Secret)

King’s Coronets:is the Walden Kingdom's domestic counter-intelligence and security agency. The Coronets conduct activities to protect against espionage, other intelligence activities, sabotage, assassinations, or terrorism conducted for, or on behalf of foreign powers, organizations or persons. They operate primarily within the Kingdom borders. (Top Secret)

Unblinking Eye: is Walden’s foreign intelligence service. As Walden’s quintessential spies, they are tasked with gathering, processing, and analyzing national security information from around Faerûn, primarily using human intelligence. By means of interpersonal contact they apply clandestine espionage methods, to obtain information which an adversary would not want the entity conducting the espionage to have. This usually involves accessing the place where the desired information is stored, or accessing the people who know the information and having them divulge it through subterfuge. (Top Secret)

Grey Hand: The Grey Hand is Walden Kingdom’s Royal Assassins. They conduct targeted killings of individuals outside a judicial procedures or battlefields. An assassination may be prompted by religious, political, or military motives. “The Greys” are generally considered the most secretive special operations force in the Walden Armed Forces and are known to exist only to a very select few. The group recruits its operatives from other Blackwater special mission units such as the Rangers. (Top Secret/ I)

The Black-light Chamber: The Black Light Chamber is responsible for conducting global surveillance, monitoring, collection, and processing of information for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence purposes, specializing in Scrying (SCRINT). Using highly classified intelligence teams, the Black Light Chamber can insert eavesdropping devices in high value targets, such as Royal palaces. Unlike the other Blackwater intelligence components, which specialize primarily in foreign human espionage, the Black Light Chamber does not conduct human-source intelligence gathering. Black Light Chamber is entrusted with providing assistance to, and the coordination of, Scrying elements for other components of the Walden defense. (Top Secret)

Walden Defense University: conducts training and education of the future leaders of the Walden Military. The education programs are deeply rooted in the military profession in both the Army, the Navy and the Special Forces as well as the elements that cut across the three services. The programs span the basic officer training in one of the three services, advanced education courses for higher ranking as well as individual courses for defense employees. All higher education is based on research within the three core areas of military operations, military strategy and military leadership, which is the responsibility of the University’s two departments. In addition to providing research-based teaching for the military, the knowledge is also widely applied both inside and outside the Armed Forces for the benefit of society, Walden allies and other partners. The Academy has a large network of collaborators in research and education institutions and contributes to the development of doctrine and research.

The Defense University consists of two departments: Department of Educations and Department of Research. The Department of Education trains and educates current and future leaders of Walden Armed Forces and Department of Research conducts academic research into the matters of the three core elements of warfare, develop concepts of operations and writes doctrine. The Laboratory of Advanced Research Projects, conduct research and development into new weapon systems, spells, alchemy and wondrous items.

Department of Education
• Army Academy
• Naval Academy
• Special Operations Academy (Top Secret)
• Command and Staff College
• War College

Department of Research
• Institute of Strategy
• Institute of Leadership
• Institute of Military Operations
o Center for Land Operations
o Center for Naval Operations
o Center for Joint Operations
o Center for Special Operations (Top Secret)

• Laboratory of Advanced Research Projects (Top Secret)
o Laboratory of Special Weapons
o Laboratory of Advanced Alchemy
o Laboratory of Magic
o Laboratory of Wonders

Royal Army and Feudal Army
Squad of 10 soldiers led by a Corporal (OR-6) 10 (11)
Platoon of 2-4 squads led by a Centenar (OF-1) 40 (46)
Company of 2-4 platoons led by a Captain (OF-2) 160 (186)
Battalion of 2-4 companies led by a Major (OF-3) 640 (746)
Regiment of 2-4 battalions led by a Commander (OF-5) 2560 (2.986)
Brigade of 2-4 regiments led by a Brigadier (OF-6) 10.240 (11.946)
Armé Corps of 2-4 brigades led by a General (OF-7) 40.960 (47.786)
Armé of 2-4 Armé Corps led by a Marshal (OF-8) 163.840 (191.146)
Armé Group of 2-4 Armées led by a Field Marshal (OF-9) 655.360 (764.586)
Armé Region of 2-4 Armé Groups led by a Grand Marshal (OF-10) 2.621.440 (3.058.346)
Theater of War of 2-4 Army Regions led by High Marshal of the Realm (OF-11) 10.485.760 (12.233.386)

Scout/ Ranger Units
Patrol of 4 Scouts (led by appointed patrol leader) 4
Platoon of 4 Patrols led by a Captain 16 (18)
Company of 4 Platoon led by a Major 64 (74)
Battalion of 4 Companies led by a Commander 256 (297)

squadron of 15 knights led by one knight of arms 15 (16)
company of 5 squadrons led by one knight captain with a standard bearer 75 (82)
battalion of 5 companies led by one knight commander with a Dawnbearer 375 (412)
brigade of 6 battalions led by one knight paragon 2250 (2474)

Gryphon Knights
1 flight of 4 gryphon riders 4
1 squadron of 4 flights led by a squadron leader 16
1 wing of 4 squadrons led by a wing commander 64

Yeah so here an out take. Unfortunately, a detailed description of the different unit types in the army or navy has yet to be written. If you are interested in getting an even greater insight in the military part then I can try and write it, but it will take a day or two. If there are any specific things you want to know then I’ll be more than happy to answer specific questions… Enjoy!

2018-12-05, 09:20 PM
Very nice Melcar! Thank you!

What do you have on the Realm and Commerce Cabinets?

2018-12-05, 09:45 PM
Just a note, with PCs in positions of power, the only reason for traditional, non-magical military I would think would be meat shields and tanks. And even then, magical warfare would be best laid into economic, not military. War Create Element for even just quarry rock(ignoring the immense number of other cheesy applications) can make you a mint and be forcibly taught to anyone. Bonus, any human, elf, half-human elf, or kobold, can cast it once a round.

Prestidigitation can create fertile eggs of greenbound critters and Nurturing Seeds can make them very hearty against everything(namely their fragility from prestidigitation) and again, each could be forcibly taught for 1/round cast to different people. Spell side effects can be chosen ahead of time by their wording, so free gems with every cast or a constant renewing supply of any type of grass crop at ten times yield(rice, wheat, sugarcane, bamboo) would also upset the balance of economic power in your favor. Hell, even just forcing people to have living wood woses 1/day(not unseen servants since they lack versatility) would vastly increase the amount of work they could do and how quickly.

2018-12-05, 10:05 PM
Just a note, with PCs in positions of power, the only reason for traditional, non-magical military I would think would be meat shields and tanks. And even then, magical warfare would be best laid into economic, not military. War Create Element for even just quarry rock(ignoring the immense number of other cheesy applications) can make you a mint and be forcibly taught to anyone. Bonus, any human, elf, half-human elf, or kobold, can cast it once a round.

Prestidigitation can create fertile eggs of greenbound critters and Nurturing Seeds can make them very hearty against everything(namely their fragility from prestidigitation) and again, each could be forcibly taught for 1/round cast to different people. Spell side effects can be chosen ahead of time by their wording, so free gems with every cast or a constant renewing supply of any type of grass crop at ten times yield(rice, wheat, sugarcane, bamboo) would also upset the balance of economic power in your favor. Hell, even just forcing people to have living wood woses 1/day(not unseen servants since they lack versatility) would vastly increase the amount of work they could do and how quickly.

Ok NOW, you did it! Details pls, I am slow. :P

I could cheese out and wreck the world but the group is trying to limit its direct influence. Sure, the group of Epic characters could SIM and army of 10000000 10th level wizards and rule the world....but they dont want it to get ridiculous.

Love to hear your thoughts on better ways to rule an economy via magic while keeping the rest of the world as normal dnd.

2018-12-05, 10:44 PM
Nurturing Seeds and Create Element are from the semi-official Dark Sun content(sort of like Dragonlance/Ravenloft/Kalimdor official but less so) so may be off the table. War spells are from Dragon Magazine, but they would technically lose their feat requirement if made into a power via StP Erudite and thus accessible for the Hidden Talent feat. Because of StP Erudite's existence, Hidden Talent is massively versetile.

Greenbound (https://www.realmshelps.net/monsters/templates/greenbound.shtml) creatures are plants and we can see by the Dracinomicon that living eggs are objects not creatures and thus creatable by Prestidigitation(and one of the uses that is permanent) and targetable by Nurturing Seeds, which makes the seeds or cuttings of a plant immune to pretty much all non-creature, non-magical, phenomena. I was mostly thinking of this for growing strange plant chickens. Is it meat? Is it veggie? Is is vegan? I've no clue, but it would be able to be mass produced. Alternatively you could just get some chicken infested commoners. You could also try raising beasts of war, though remember the egg limitation. So birds, and dinosuars are fine, horses and riding wolves are not.

With Hidden Talent you need Psycarnum Infusion, Azure Talent, and preferably Psionic Meditation to get the 1/round manifesting. This is attainable by normal means by a level one human commoner with two flaws. You can force retrain with Shun and Embrace the Dark Chaos shuffle. From the DM perspective you could say they don't have psionic talent, forcing them to either forge an alliance with Elans to force talent from them as they're converted into Elan, or pay massive sums for a level 7 Transmuter to do it via Savage Species race change or have a side quest of all that chaos and order magic drawing the attentions of/planar breaches for the abyss and mechanis.

If you wanted to leave the peasants with some character and most of their feats. Living Wood Woses can farm, mine, and build things and would only need the Hidden Talent feat. Since they are living, their duration becomes indefinite until they leave the area of the spell(or power in this case), but they are still under the command of the manifester due to their spell text never being revoked by the living template(nor indeed even the ability to be cast and learned).

Spell Side Effects are from I think Dragon #302 and could be of immense value in making those 2/day hidden talents a lot more versatile and useful. The two I mentioned, gems and grass, are the most monetarily significant, but healing, lightning bolt, and brief water walking/difficult terrain ignoring are also good options.

2018-12-06, 12:33 AM

We were thinking of using boon traps to make materials. Either giving it away in our realm, IF the craftsmen makes the finished item in our realm, labels the item with our empire sigil and sells it in our realm. If you could get free mithril and all you had to do is move to Neverwinter to get a potentially unlimited supply, would you? Kinda game breaking there though...

We were also thinking about using Psychic Reformation and giving each citizen Hidden Talent and PsiCrystal: Crafting thingy and make new low level powers that would help a commoner more.

So the Side Effect thing is just saying whenever my commoner uses a power, assuming psionic, they get a handful of gems or a pile of grain?

Wood Woses?

2018-12-06, 02:10 AM
Well, the gems are shot in a line dealing damage so may need to be cushioned a bit. The grass growth is 160sq ft with any overlapping growing 10x normal size, and you can have two side effects(even the same) on any magical ability. Presumably this might require psionic magic transparency, but yeah how it is worded the caster can decide to apply a fitting side effect.

Woose Wose are basically druid versions of unseen servants. However the limitation of them not being able to use anything to do with technology(such as a door or a backpack clasp) came with the enormous benefit of being able to perform Trained Only tasks such as Profession Herbalism, and Survival. Mining is an exception to the professions and can be done by both versions of the spell. Making it a living spell makes it strange as it is now actually a creature, but the biggest difference is that it is permanent and has spell resistance. It will still effectively die from 6 AoE damage regardless of how much health it actually has.

2018-12-06, 09:23 AM
Where are those side effects found or did you just make your own there?

Same for the woose wose...?

2018-12-06, 09:56 AM
Dragon Magazine #302 for the side effects as I already said, page 54. Wood Wose is Spell Compendium page 242.

2018-12-06, 10:17 AM
Gotcha, I found the article, just not the listed effects you quoted so I assumed you created your own. They aren't one of the 60 examples is all...

Gotcha, I like the wose. If I convert it to a power, all my Hidden Talent commoners can make them is what your suggesting?

2018-12-06, 10:23 AM
The effects are listed under the Rod of Wonder, option 14 sub 59-62 for grass and 88-90 for gems. The Hummingbird Side Effect is the one for difficult terrain ignoring/water walking. It is also worth noting that the healing granted by the side effect is untyped for all of your undead, construct and presumably object needs.

Yes, though I would add the Living Spell template if possible to lengthen their duration to permanent. Technically living spells are still learnable and castable despite being creatures.

Do note that this is theoretical optimization and while not insanely powerful pun pun cheese, is cheesy none the less. If you were to use this in game, I would suggest them having to quest to find at least one Spell Sovereign and a Spell to Power Erudite and gain their aid in the reformation process.

2018-12-06, 03:39 PM
Love it Ruethgar, thank you.

Here is my expanded run at the Ministry of War:

Avanti Imperial Armed Forces

Avanti Imperial Army

Imperial High Command

Imperial Subterranean Forces
Imperial Oceanic Forces
Imperial Terran Forces
Imperial Special Forces
Imperial Reconnaissance Forces
Imperial Consolidation Forces

Imperial Logistics Command

Avanti Imperial Navy

Imperial Fleet Command

Imperial Home Fleet
Imperial Naval Squadron One - Seven
Imperial Shipyards

Imperial Airship Command

Imperial Realspace Home Fleet
Imperial Naval Squadron Eight - Ten
Imperial Airship Shipyards

Avanti Imperial Special Projects Division
Avanti Imperial War College

2018-12-12, 01:23 PM
So, here is the latest list. I am struggling with filling in the Realm and Commerce Ministries...

Our group has 7 PC's...one King then the other 6 are Ministry Heads is the idea.


Avanti Ministry of Justice -Lagatha Ironfist - Female Phrenic Shield Dwarf Priestess of Moradin / Rune Master

Avanti Imperial Justice Services

Imperial Court Services

Imperial Law Enforcement Services

Imperial Watchmen Branch
Imperial Inquisitor Branch

Imperial Corrections Services

Avanti Ministry of the Realm- Nizanna Olrythii - Female Phrenic Drow - Bladesinger

Avanti Imperial Diplomatic Services

Imperial Realmspace Branch
Imperial Greyspace Branch
Imperial Krynspace Branch
Imperial Special Emissaries Branch

Avanti Imperial Citizen Services

Imperial Health and Nutrition Services
Imperial Infrastructure Support Services

Avanti Ministry of War - Dain Frostbeard - Male Phrenic Shield Dwarf Crusader / Dragon Lord

Avanti Imperial Armed Forces

Avanti Imperial Army

Imperial High Command

Imperial Subterranean Forces
Imperial Oceanic Forces
Imperial Terran Forces
Imperial Special Forces
Imperial Reconnaissance Forces
Imperial Consolidation Forces

Imperial Logistics Command

Avanti Imperial Navy

Imperial Fleet Command

Imperial Home Fleet
Imperial Naval Squadron One - Seven
Imperial Shipyards

Imperial Airship Command

Imperial Realspace Home Fleet
Imperial Naval Squadron Eight - Ten
Imperial Airship Shipyards

Avant Imperial Special Projects Division
Avanti Imperial War College

Avanti Ministry of Information- Arion Starsong - Male Phrenic Moon Elf Archivist/Malconvoker

Avanti Imperial Ministry of Information

Imperial Field Operations Command
Imperial Divination Operations Command
Imperial Counter-Intelligence Command

Imperial Special Operations Intelligence Command

Avanti Ministry of Knowledge - Syrenna Starym Female Phrenic Sun Elf High Mage/Archmage

Avanti Imperial Ministry of Knowledge

Imperial Faith Services
Imperial Arcana Services
Imperial Psionic Services

Imperial Archives

Avanti Ministry of Commerce - Varros Estelda - Female Phrenic Moon Elf Druid

Avanti Imperial Economic Development Services

Imperial Trade

Avanti Imperial Treasury