View Full Version : Mitigate Suffering vs Continuous exposure to ability damage.

2018-12-04, 03:54 PM
How does Mitigate suffering interact with additional sources of ability damage? Example:
A fighter with 18 strength is fighting a shadow, the shadow attacks him for 6 strength damage reducing his strength to 12. His cleric friend uses Mitigate suffering while he has a 4th level restoration spell prepared, giving him 6 points of temporary strength back up to a maximum of 18 strength. The next round the shadow again hits him for 6 strength damage, which the cleric then gives him another 6 points of temporary strength back. The fighter then kills the shadow.

10 minutes pass without any other healing/combat.
Does the fighter have 12 strength or 6 strength?

Since the feat says they are "temporary" ability points I am inclined to say they function like temporary HP and are lost first. Which would result in the 2nd attack hitting them instead of the actual strength points, and therefor have the fighter end up with a strength of 12 and not 6 after they disappear.