View Full Version : Optimization Optimizing Speed

2018-12-04, 05:13 PM
So, I want to make a character that can move as far as possible in a single round while remaining AL legal. Now, I already know the items that I need to get, and since I am playing AL I can get them pretty easily by playing the right Modules. I just want to know if I can optimize it better.


Tabaxi: Base speed is only 30, but I can use Tabaxi Speed to double that


Monk: 13

Fighter: 2

Wizard: 5

This nets me +20 to base speed, Action Surge Dash, Longstrider, and Haste. That said, I'm not sure if Haste is worth losing out on the +30ft I'd get if I went Monk 18 / Fighter 2.


Obviously Mobile.


Boots of Speed

With all of this, I'll have:

- A base speed of 60, 30 from race + 20 from Monk + 10 from Mobile.

- Haste doubled my speed, for 120

- Boots of Speed doubles my walking speed for another 120

- Tabaxi speed doubles my speed for another 120

- With my action, bonus action from Monk, and action surge I can Dash three times.

With my Movement and all three Dashes, I could potentially move 1,440 feet in one round...am I correct? I am pretty sure I did the math correctly. Unless Haste and Tabaxi speed double current movement speed instead of base speed. In which case with my movement and dashes I'd be moving 1920 feet in a round.

EDIT: I forgot about Longstrider. It is non-concentration and increases Speed by 10. Which depending on how Haste and what not interact with it means either a grand total of +40 from move/Dash/Dash/Dash. Or I need to do all my math with 70 instead of 60.

2018-12-04, 06:30 PM
You said you have all the items figured out. You took the time out to list boots of speed and only boots of speed.

Why no love for Eagle Whistle?

2018-12-04, 06:39 PM
Even a plain old Wind Walk + Haste + Longstrider + bonus action dash is 2480 feet.

2018-12-04, 06:39 PM
Because I forgot the name of the Eagle Whistle and forgot exactly how it works XD I know it gives you a fly speed, but I'd need to check if that fly speed is double your base speed, or double your total movement speed

2018-12-04, 07:23 PM
While you blow an eagle whistle continuously, you can
fly twice as fast as your walking speed.

60 modified base (actually 70?)
120 haste
240 racial
480 boots
960 whistle
4800 all actions

Its a bajillion. Like three quarters of the speed of sound.

When you arent concentrating on haste cast enlarge so you can grapple drag enemies out of combat and run back to the fight.

2018-12-04, 07:30 PM
Don't forget that potions of haste are a thing. I don't know if they stack, but if they do just chug nine of them and then go all out.

Edit: You could actually chug more than nine as haste can be used for an object interaction. Doing the math you get to drink 54 potions I think. SONIC SPEED!!!

2018-12-04, 07:35 PM
Unfortunately potion of speed grants the effects of the haste spell, and of course since we all read the spellcasting rules we're aware we cant benefit from two instances of the same spell.

Unless your play group is into that sort of thing.

Oh. Right. Adventurers League.

2018-12-04, 07:38 PM
Dang it. And I got my hopes up.

2018-12-04, 08:10 PM
Artist's depiction of /thread


2018-12-04, 08:25 PM
Ohhh, I'll have to grab that whistle then!! And I totally forgot about potions!! I wonder if I can buy any...I can also use spell scrolls of Haste as well if I don't want to cast it.

EDIT: Hoo boy, I'll be going 545.5 mph at max speed with all this. XD Who wants to speedrun a dungeon...literally.