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2018-12-04, 11:37 PM
This is going to be where we hold our hard game of pathfinder.

Stats will be 5d6 reroll ones keep 3.
4 6s=20 5 6s=22

Or point buy with 25 points.

We will be using feat tax rules and a bonus feat at first like we normally do.

A quick example of how to use the forum

this is a spoiler
Use [spoiler*]content[/*spoiler]

Without the *

To place a lable on your spoiler use [spoiler*=lable]content[/*spoiler]
Without the *

[roll*]1d20+5[/*roll] without the *

The first number is the amount of dice to roll
Second number is the largest number on the dice ex 20,100,6,14 etc
The + can also be a - if you have a negative to the roll
And the last number is the amount you add or subtract from the roll.

Use rollv to show the number that you rolled for multiple dice this is really good for rolling stats. As you can see each die number to know how many times you need to reroll.

Stats will be 5 d6 reroll ones.
If you get 4 6s your stat will be 20
If you get 5 6s your stat will be 22

or you can use point buy with 25 points.

We will be using the feat tax system.
link to feat tax: http://michaeliantorno.com/feat-taxes-in-pathfinder/
You may have one bonus feat that you could qualify for at first level from you races bonus feats. If your race does not have a bonus feat list we will work something out.
We will also be using the background skills rules.

2018-12-05, 12:05 AM
stat roll


2018-12-05, 12:07 AM
reroll ones


2018-12-05, 12:09 AM
Rereroll ones


2018-12-05, 12:11 AM
rerereroll ones


2018-12-05, 12:13 AM
Final stat block


2018-12-05, 03:53 PM

2018-12-05, 03:54 PM
From left to right is for lines 1,3, and 5


2018-12-05, 04:01 PM

This is just raw stats no racial anything yet

2018-12-06, 05:14 PM

2018-12-06, 05:18 PM
Here we go!!!!!

2018-12-06, 05:19 PM

2018-12-06, 09:29 PM

2018-12-06, 11:42 PM
ok so it have come to light that I need to give you all a little more info on character creation.

HP will be max at first then rolled or average after. If you get under average you can take average.

You can have 2 character traits and up to one drawback to get another trait.
I will not be running major drawbacks.

You each can have one kit that is named from one of your classes.

Starting gold will be 6,000 gp.

here is a link to all the kits so you can pick yours out.


2018-12-07, 12:07 AM
Also as of right now we have in the party a Brawler/Barbarian player by Maria we have a Unchained Rogue/Spiritualist played by Phil and some kind of archer monk played by Alex cant find the classes that make it up in my texts I think warpriest but not sure.

2018-12-07, 01:35 AM
You will be starting in a small boarder town called Paydine. In this world all adventurers are identified by two things one any weapon larger than a light weapon is worn on the back to allow for greater mobility. The second is a soul bound tag that displays the persons class and relative power (aka level) the tag is also changes color to one of three base colors. White (good) gray (neutral) and red (evil)

The good evil and neutral is an over simplification as the tags are more to identify treat to civilization. If you kill hostages to get at the person responsible you would still have a gray tag. If you torture a villager for information that you need that they didn’t give when you asked that would be gray tag. Torturing a monster because you like the way it screams is gray. Doing that to a villager or a fellow adventure is a red tag. There are lich adventures that have gray tags.

There are several reasons for these tags, but they were not implemented till after a war known as adventures last.

First let me tell you about adventures themselves as that will help to explain the cause of the war. One in every 50 births are an adventurer. These people are always gestalt and are infected with a need to get stronger and gather power. They also have a wander lust that cannot be sated. This will cause them to fight monsters and seek adventure and due to their nature, they get stronger far faster than a normal and they get a high off this feeling driving them to experience it more and more. The stronger that they get the harder this is, so they seek out stronger and stronger foes to gather power faster. This caused some adventurers to get the idea to attack and destroy towns as that would both net a large amount of experience and wealth. Because an adventurer is far stronger then the normal people it was a massacre. Other adventurers joined them, and others joined against them in massive battles. This killed off a large portion of the adventurer population and without the adventurers to keep the monster populations down they multiplied out of control almost resulting in the destruction of civilization.

Since that point all adventurers when found have one of these tags bound to them. There is a standing bounty on all red tags so if one is found they are killed on sigh by other adventurers as not only do they get the experience for killing an adventurer they get their gear and an additional award since then there have not been any meaningful amounts of red tags that have surfaced and all adventurers have their tags displayed to not take the chance of being seen as hiding a red tag. This bounty is 50gp X the red tag level + 5gp X the number on the back of the tag representing their crimes.

Once an adventurer is found and tagged, they are given access to special adventure schools to gain their first taste of power and sent on their way.

There are nations comprised of most major races. Some of the less common races have nations that are comprised of multiple races in equal amounts. Each nation is bordered by an area of wastelands that hold monsters and is considered unsafe for all but adventures as such merchants often have adventurers to act as escorts through these regions.
Since the power of adventurers and their history of killing of villages during the war most villagers and town guards fear adventurers and so most have special areas of town for them. It is a very careful balance between keeping the adventurers separate and not angering them that every town must play as it is possible for an adventurer to kill villagers without causing a red tag if they are given cause. Every boarder town and most larger settlements have these areas. In these areas there is everything that an adventurer could want from inns and taverns, to enchanters and weapon smiths all acting politely to them so most don’t mind. In these areas are also adventurer guild halls. These halls are where people put up notices to get help with various things. Here you can get quests and get paid though the guild. As this is the fastest way to find paying work most adventurers use these halls wile a few just wander the wastelands looking for something to kill.

Larger cities are found farther interior in the nations as it becomes safer. You will be starting in the Co nation that is funded by the rest as there is a larger number of unstable portals to various plains scattered about this area. Normally this entire area would be wastelands, but everyone has a vested interest in keeping this area under control. This area has a high number of adventurers and so the area is habitable though the occasional town being destroyed is not uncommon.

The pantheon will be the pathfinder pantheon. Link below

This will be a sandbox game. I will provide the world but its up to each of you to find adventure. There will be an overall plot, but you will have to find it. Due to this being a sandbox and player driven game means that you will have to be careful what kinds of quests and what areas you wander into as not everything will be level appropriate so tread carefully. This world the monsters are also smart so expect them to use tactics that you may or may not be familiar with. There will be traps, poison, and disease.

If you run into a situation without a plan or care thinking that you can just stomp anything in the room, then expect to get yourself killed. I’m not out to kill you but that doesn’t mean I’m going to make it easy. Don’t expect to clear large dungeons in one go.

I have created this setting to be darker and grittier. I have played to much in high fantasy where its bright and happy this is a world on the brink of catastrophe where all it takes is a push and it will come tumbling down this means that if you want you can all play the big bads that take down this world or you can be the heroes that finally pull it from the muck or some other middle ground. The choice is yours. None of the paths are going to be easy with some being harder than others but all are open and free to tread.

The first episode/chapter of the goblin slayer anime/manga is a good one to watch/read as it sets up what this kind of threat looks like.

I know that most of you know what it is to play in hard worlds I just want to make sure that you all know from the get go that this is going to be one of them as most of my games are more on the sunny side of fantasy and this is my first go at dark and gritty as such I ask that you be patent with me while I find the right balance if you have any question or comments feel free. I am always open to others opinions.

2018-12-07, 02:02 AM


will take average for second roll so 7 if I am right

2018-12-07, 02:34 AM


first will change to 5

2018-12-07, 03:34 AM
Mine (1d8+3)[8]

2018-12-07, 04:29 PM
Since I rolled the 2 on my last roll I will be changing it to the average of 6.

2018-12-07, 07:37 PM

Note now that anything below a 4 will just average to 4.

Edit note: There is something interesting to say here. Before rolling I actually considered taking the averages as sort of a testament to my monk balance state of mind thing. Nice to know the dice agreed with me in their own way.

2018-12-09, 02:02 PM
Hyensum kasatha UC rogue/spiritualist link: https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1770000

Zarvum His Phantom link: https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1770063

if anyone see any errors let me know and i will fix them or explain anything you have question about.

2018-12-20, 03:37 AM
Because she can’t post it here is maria’s sheet

2018-12-22, 06:51 AM

2018-12-22, 06:53 AM


2018-12-22, 06:55 AM

HP Rolls
Will take average on 2nd d10 roll, 5.
Total HP is 28 + Stats later decided so far.

2018-12-23, 04:03 AM
Welcome to the team, Airmid Slaine! The tsundere healer/tank/warden!


2018-12-29, 10:38 AM
Being that we’re level 4, I’d like that we were mostly situated with each other quite well.
I kind of hate the “I’ve just met you why should I trust you” rhetoric that tends to happen when just getting the group together. It’s cliché and downright annoying once you’ve been through it a billion times and doesn’t do anything good about bringing the team together.
Rules I’d like to make for us starting out and making the backstories;

No intentionally confrontational personalities, please! I’d much rather have confrontations on a moral level in character later during important decisions having to be made.
We should have at least a year’s worth of experience KNOWING each other, not necessarily combat related as we can develop that in game strategically, but a certain level of trust and care for each other would be appreciated.
Possibly a common goal? We’re all driven to wander and explore! Though each of us may want to go to different locations, if we know of each of our goals even if they’re not common ground we give something for Josh to work with to take us places and something that we all can help others with.
An understanding of each character’s morals, being Lawful Good and especially focused on protection rather than harming, I’m here to help people. If my help would do more harm than good then I’ll be beholden to NOT help. I won’t go attacking people who are doing harm, but I’ll stand there and make damn sure they can’t do any more harm. You’re free to enact your own form of Justice, as long as it doesn’t seem too cruel for the amount of harm done by the villain.
Do we have things that are hidden from each other? That's perfectly fine! Have secrets! Just try not to be one of those, "Mwuahahahahaha, I'll betray the team later" kind of people.... unless you're mind controlled by an enemy I really really really don't want to see this. I've had it happen, and done it, and no matter the situation it was just annoying to do / have done to you.
Do we have opposing morals? That’s great! Lets roleplay it out, have fun and NOT LET IT DETRACT HEAVILY FROM THE STORY, unless it is absolutely necessary to intervene over morality’s sake lets just keep it to minor quips like from the Paladin going, “Typical….” when witnessing the Rogue steal something using his Shadow servant….

2018-12-29, 11:05 AM
She’s young, barely experienced in true combat but makes up for it in her mastery of techniques that she witnessed and copied from Monks, Fighters and Paladins. She didn’t really take note of how they swung their weapons, where they struck their enemies, when they followed up on attacks…. No she was only interested in their avoidance of attacks, treating of injuries and the protection of their allies in combat. She watched fighters and paladins with their shields, saw their armor shield not only their own bodies but allow them to intercept attacks without problem for those that couldn’t withstand it.

Those fighters she watched showed her a mastery of their armor and shields, showed her how she could better use her armor for others and her shield as a barrier against those that would attack her allies.

The paladin corps would show her the power of their god, channeling their divine energy into their armor or shields, their wounds and the wounds of their allies.

The monks showed her how to master her body, calm her mind and master the mixing of stances even in the clunkiest of armors. They also showed her how to defend herself even when caught off-guard and without a weapon.

She was raised by her adoptive halfling family, which taught her the values of helping others above all else. There is good in stopping criminals, but there is a greater good in assessing the situation and whether or not a criminal need punishment. Take a context to the crime, allow your own mind to assess the situation and not to just blindly follow the rules.

As a child she defended her halfling brothers and sisters, naturally even though she was much younger than them she was much larger than they were. Always the protector, but never the aggressor. Much of the skirmishes were between halfling children and teens, if she were to fight them in anger she could likely hurt them on accident. Against larger foes or those with weapons she took more care in protecting everyone rather than herself, she has a few scars on her arms and chest from a few dagger wielding ne’er-do-wells that attempted to mug her. She took the blows, as she wasn’t yet armored and only had a small wooden shield she liked to carry, to allow her brothers to run and get help.

Doing her best to block their escape she kept the would-be muggers at bay almost at her limit when the entire Tormag Paladin corps of 15 high ranking Paladins and the 2 Monks that trained her in their spare time stormed the poor lot and strung them up by their shoestrings.

Impressed by her tenacity and willingness to do protect others she was admitted into training to become an honored Paladin of Tormag at the young age of 10! When she wasn’t having faith and tenant training with the Paladins she had equipment training and defensive training with the fighters’ guild, then training of the mind and body by the two Monks.

2018-12-29, 11:28 AM
Lore update.

The ritual of confirmation.

When people in this world start puberty they have to go through the ritual of confirmation. This is a simple ritual that involves them attempting to bond a tag to the person. If you are not an adventurer there is a small flash of light as a part of your soul is pulled outside your body and snaps back into place. The person will feel sick for a couple of days after wile they recover from this.

An adventurer will have a different ecpereance the soul portion of tied to the tag and they will feel a tugging sensation for the next couple of days as the tag intagrates and becomes fully soul bonded.

The reason that it is mandantory at puberty is that some adventurers don’t show outward sighs till later in life and this is to catch those kind of adventurers. The time of puberty is due to the fact that the soul of a normal is not fully attached to their physical form till this point meaning that if it was done earlier their soul would detach and they would be left an alive but completely empty husk. An adventurer is able to survive this process from birth and even in some cases before birth.

Through a lot of death they where able to figure out the time that normals would survive and that was found to be about puberty. This process results faint after image of magic that is used to denote that the normal has gone through the ritual.

This has been given so that everyone is on the same page again.

2018-12-29, 11:33 AM
Airmid probably went through the ritual before her official training had begun.
10 years old, with a bright blue tag sewn into her hair ribbons, since then she just kept it that way.

2018-12-29, 01:34 PM
When everyone first meets Zetaya she is pretty quiet and and tends to keep to herself and Clarity. After a while, give it a week or two (maybe a month), you'll see her warm up to the rest of the group (Airmid and Hyensum). She won't particularly like your specter Hyensum so it'll take her longer to get used to her and her antics. She is very quiet, calm, collected, and constantly has a nice warm smile (Very much like Yuna from FFX). That doesn't mean that she doesn't show other emotions. You'd notice in battle that she gets really focused; if an enemy gets a good hit on her or she is getting tired of a battle (i.e. it's taking too long or something just won't die) she will instantly start raging (causing the ends of her braids to explode into flame). The only time she starts raging at the beginning of battle is when battling vermin swarms because she hates them with a fury of a thousand suns (hehehe). Lastly, every Friday night if they are in a town she'll go to a tavern and just get wasted, it's her own ritual.

When asked about her past, you see her expression grows a little sad and cold (although she tries really hard not to show it). She will reply "I got verified when I was 7, I trained until about 2 years ago, my teacher died 2 years ago so I left and now I'm roaming around adventuring. That's all there is to say really." If you keep pushing the topic on her she will start getting defensive and after a while she'll grow angry and yell "I ALREADY TOLD YOU MY STORY! QUIT ASKING!" Causing her to storm off away from the group so she can re-collect herself. Also even when wasted she doesn't reveal more about her past, if anything you just hear one word muttered constantly "Dellisar".

Hope this helps everyone get to understand Zetaya a bit better. Any questions please ask, either here or text.

Edit: Her blue tag is sewn into her headband and is in the middle of her forehead, barely hidden by her bangs.

2018-12-29, 01:50 PM
Hyen has a dulistic personality when not on a job he is playful and acts like a 8 year old kid contently fiddling with item with his hands usually knitting. On a job he is very serious and doesn't joke or seem to have any humor.

Zar is quiet and creepy she has no remorse or compassion about any person other than her brother, she also does not care about much other than revenge and looking out for her brother.

Hyen's tag is on his bandanna

Zar's tag was on her vest.

2018-12-29, 02:55 PM
So, Clarity and Zetaya were amidst their travels when they likely encountered a threat of some sort and Airmid being Airmid likely intervened without question, seems like the most likely scenario to happen to get those three together.
As Airmy isn't very forward with introductions it was probably either a task that you both took that I was on, or a chance encounter like that.

As for Hyen and Zar, should Zar ever cause trouble or mischief it could have been perceived as a threat to the public, though some simple explanations from Hyen is very likely to convince the naive Paladin.
She'd much rather protect and scold the shadow rather than hurt it..... even if it is already dead?
Otherwise, lets just assume Airmy interjects as justly as possible and became attached to her newfound fellow adventurers. Since she wouldn't dare take a normal person around with her on such tasks, she's likely been alone for most of the time these last three years of wandering.

2018-12-29, 07:48 PM
Lore update

Another point that it seems that I haven’t distribute as well as I should have...

Almost everyone in this world is a gray tag. Outside of red tags around 98% of people are gray.

Becoming a blue tag is something that you have to work for. Blue tags are trusted in almost every situation. If you are a blue tag you will be tested and most likely going to be turning gray.

Also the tags are not tied to alignment. They are tied to what you do. Blue tags are hard to get without effort. It’s easer to get a red tag then a blue tag.

2018-12-29, 08:16 PM
I'm apparently one of the rare blue tags!! We has a party face!

2018-12-29, 08:47 PM
Zetaya and Clarity met a year ago in an adventurer's guild after Zetaya was warned against doing a quest alone. She saw Clarity sitting across the room and felt like something or someone was telling her to go ask Clarity along with the quest. As they adventure out they start to know each other better and agree to stay together. As they continue to go on quests together they start warming up to each other.

Four months later, as Clarity and Zetaya are going along with another quest they come across another who was on the same quest, Hyen and Zar. After Clarity talking to Zetaya they all agree to continue on the quest together, and find that they work great together. As they go along Zetaya starts to warm up to Hyen, but Zar still creeps her out a bit.

A week later as the group is out going from town to town they come across a small girl, Airmid. She stated that people were complaining of a black spirit causing havoc wherever it went and that she was there to take care of the problem. After a minute of scolding from Airmid she offers them her services, if they ever need it. The group (and reluctantly Zetaya) agree to have her come along and join their group.

Eight months have passed since they have become a band of adventurers. They enjoy each others company (even if Airmid would never admit it), warmed up to each other, and have fun.

2018-12-29, 10:40 PM
I'm probably going to ix-nay the tsundere part of her character except towards strangers.
She'll lecture others as part of the good she's doing. Protect someone once, they're safe for a moment!
Encourage, or scold them, to learn how to protect themselves and they'll be safe and keep others safe for a lifetime!

However, people that have come to rely upon her only receive the lecture once if she expects to accompany them for the sole purpose of protection.
She also takes pride in the fact that people rarely argue with her assessments as she is a blue tag, and looking out for their well-being.

2019-01-02, 12:36 AM
Because I can here is some fun facts and lore about the world.

Adventurers age is measured from the day that they got their tag. They then have two birth days one if the day they where actually born the other is when they where born into the world of adventure.

An adventurer will often say their age by their adventuring age. The oldest adventurer on record is a gnome named Cornak. He was 230. He was a very odd individual. He only went out for the first 50 years of his life as an adventurer then just shut him self into his lab and never came out. He died when his lab exploded and ever since people have been trying to figure out what he was working on but all the notes are in code. Theres also a lot of them missing due to the fire and the few that have been translated make zero since even with magic.

The longest that adventurers typically live is only 100 years even for the long lived races due to the large amount of danger involved in the profession.

The war Adventurers Last took place 340 years ago. I chose this date to make it recent enough that some people where alive back then and so is still fresh but long enough ago for most of the fear that the common people have to go away particularly for the shorter lived races. As well as almost all of the damage caused from the war to be repaired. Due to how bad that it was during that time it will take a much longer time before adventurers are actually trusted as they used to be.

The town of Paydine is very similar to most boarder towns. The closest boarder is that with the Beast folk country of Varkith.

Total pop: 1240
pop break down:
30% human
20% elf
20% dwarf
10% halfling
10% half elf
5% half orc
5% other

Town Mayor
Name Borin
male human
He is also the leader of the local chapter of the adventurers guild.
This town has a democratic system to elect the mayor but all of his opponents have withdrawn their candidacy before the election meaning that there has only ever been his name on the ballot.

Name Trixy
Female Halfling
She takes her job very seriously. She has a large presences for being so small and has been know to yell a subordinate half-orc into substitution. She also spends a large amount of time in the adventurer section of town often seen trying to break up fights between adventurers and so has gained a reputation for being completely fearless possibly suicidal.

common monsters in the area: Goblinoids, Orc, Troll.

Primary local terrain type forest
secondary terrain type grasslands
Common features abandoned fortification and caves

2019-01-02, 12:49 AM
Here is the map that I made... Would like some help making it look not like crap... I can do small scale maps just larger scale maps not so much...

things to note the Co country is shaped like a cats eye drawn by a drunk guy. Wavy and unsteady but still recognizable () shape kinda

the country to the west is the beast folk country
North and largest boarder is the Human country of Nar
East is the Elvin country Estral
South and smallest boarder... smallest country in general is the plain touched country of Parn

map scale is about 2 mile squares

link for mobile

test link

2019-01-02, 03:17 AM
Here is the map made by Maria and looks way better.

Note the reason that the boarder is magical is because it is marked with well magic.

It determined by distance to the nearest rift, the size of the rift, and activity of the rift.

on a large scale the boarder is shaped like a cats eye and is wavy and the rifts are slightly scattered. The largest rift in the country is in the middle and is known as the Eye of Nethys.


link for mobile

2019-01-02, 05:29 AM
Ok so I'm making a calendar for this game because why not. Only problem is I'm having a hard time coming up with the names of the month for this world.

What I have so far
hours in day 24
days in year 365
days in week 7
day names
Sarda, Sheda, Iroda, Abada, Iomda, Cayda, Desda
I used names of 7 core gods for this. Naming convention first 3 letters of gods name followed by da.

There are 10 months. The first month has 36 days the second 37 third 36 and so on with the tenth month having 37.

there are 3 moons
Pillan, Crimon, Pharmorn

They are more or less named for their color.
Pillan is white and smallest but also brightest it is tidal locked with the planet and the side facing the planet has few craters. Picture the brighter spots on our moon and that's its general coloration. It is seen as a moon of prosperity due to the large amounts of what looks like silver ribbons spider webbing across its surface.
Crimon is a volcanic moon with mostly shades of red that change frequently as it has lava flowing on its surface and is the largest its dark side still has some light due to the lava. The longer that the spot on it is exposed to the sun the hotter that it gets causing it to have a gradient to its color with irregularities due to volcanic eruptions due to the fact that there are no fixed points on this moon and the way that it heats and cools with the suns light it is not know if it is tidal locked or not.
Pharmorn is a dark colored moon that does not give off much light its color ranges from dark blue to almost black this moon is not tidal locked with the planet and so you can see each side of it. This moon is named after the god of death Pharasma. Many worshipers of Pharasma have their rituals set by the phases of this moon.

2019-01-02, 06:44 PM
Honestly you probably could have stuck with the dates they do for Pathfinder since we're using their Pantheon it only makes sense.


Days are based on what you're expected to do in the day + a celestial body

Months are based on a God and what the God represents, so unless you totally want to have nonsense names of the months....
Since you already used God names for days of the week...

2019-01-02, 08:12 PM
Alright everyone I am sorry it took so long. My personal backstory isn't complete yet but it's as done as is needed for now. I will finish it when I can. Josh feel free to send me texts regarding any questions you might have.

You may fire when ready.


2019-01-02, 08:19 PM
"Ahh, there you are, Clarity! It's nice to see you again, it's felt like ages.... Almost about 3 weeks and 5 days since I last heard from you."
Airmi proclaims entirely out of character to her companion finally materializing before her, allowing the adventure to begin.

2019-01-03, 10:47 PM
You all just come through the door into the local guild hall in search of a new quest to make a little money. As you enter you can hear what sounds to be an adventurer arguing with the person at the counter. There are several other adventurers in the room sitting at various tables talking to each other.

The half orc at the table bellows “To hell with this you will give me what’s owed or else.” He draws an axe and buries it into the desk.

The Female attendant just looks at him saying in a calm voice “Damaging guild property is punishable by a 2GP fine.”

2019-01-03, 11:25 PM
Zetaya looks to the counter from the attendant, to the half-orc, to the axe in the counter. She calmly walks up to the attendant. "Is everything okay here ma'am?" Looking from the half-orc to the attendant again. "What seems to be the problem?"

2019-01-03, 11:40 PM
Looking over at half-orc Hyensum stopped his knitting and says "Oooo. Whats going sis a fight or is this a.... um whats it called a lovers spat?" as he scratched the side of his face.

2019-01-03, 11:54 PM
What appears to be a sentient tower shield rushes forward to the desk.
"You can't just do this to guild property or to anything that isn't an immediate threat to yourself! Don't you know how to properly handle yourself in professional company!?"
Two ponytails bob up and down in fury wrapped in a blue tag imbued ribbon behind the tower shield.
"Now, please pay your fine and don't embarrass yourself any further."


2019-01-04, 12:48 AM
Zetaya looks to Hyen and smirks and down to Airmid bouncing up and down before her. She shakes her head slightly. "Airmid, calm, we don't know what all this commotion is about." Looking at the half-orc and back to Airmid. "Since it looks like you have this under control Air, I'll be looking at the quest board." With that she leaves to go look at the quest board. She keeps an ear out in case Airmid gets in trouble or the situation escalates.

2019-01-04, 12:57 AM
Seeing that he is outnumbered the half orc says “Well hell.” Before pulling out a couple of gold and practically throwing it at the attendant. He rips his axe free and stomps our shoulder chucking dwarf on the way out.

The attendant calmly picks up the coins before casting mend on the table.
“Thanks for that. Boss gets annoyed when I have to use this.” She holds up a wand before putting it back behind the counter. “Anyway here for your trouble.” She hands the two gold from the half orc to Airmid. “If you need any thing just let me know.”

There are several post available currently all sorted into several different categories. The current available categories are subjugation, escort, scout, and retrieval. What kind of quest are you looking to find.

2019-01-04, 01:03 AM
I would be looking at mainly the escort or retrieval quests, if none of those pique my interest then I'll look at the other types.

2019-01-04, 01:10 AM
She shakes her head and politely declines the gold.
"It wouldn't be right, as it was just doing my duty. Also, it wasn't a posted job."
Airmid bows before the guild woman and follows behind Zetaya.

2019-01-04, 01:38 AM
There are two escort quests one to the town deeper to the town of Arakil and another to the town Haydun. These types quests offer free food and pay by the mile. Arakil reward 68 gp. Haydun reward 104 gp.

There are three retrieval missions. The first is a body retrieval a group of adventurers seems to have bitten off more then they could handle and most of their group died and the last member would like what’s left of their bodies back. Reward any loot left in the area and half of what was on the bodies quest giver requests first pick.

Second is more search and rescue. A farmer seems to have gone missing his family is paying for his return. Reward 10 gp (gm note this is likely most of all the money the family has)

Last is the retrieval of items stolen from a merchant convoy. They where attacked on the road coming from Faford. Reward 100gp.

The attendant gives the first expression other then boardbom to show a little surprise before she puts the gold into a drawer in the counter.

2019-01-04, 01:51 AM
Zetaya calls her comrades over, wanting to discuss her findings with them. Seeing Airmid she questions "which would though like to do?" Pointing out the quests. "I would like to do the body retrieval or the farmer quest. Your preference?"

2019-01-04, 02:14 AM
walking over to the board Hyen says "What do you think sis?" after saying this Zar flouts up from under the floor and then through Hyen's body poking her head out of his chest to look at the quests. she then turns to look Hyen in the eyes about 4 inches from his face and points to the merchant convoy retrieval quest with her mangled left arms. "Alright that looks like a good one sis." Hyen says with sparkling eyes.

2019-01-04, 02:17 AM
Airmid shrugs her shoulders in disinterest,
"They all seem about the same, though retrieval missions aren't my favorite I'll happily help out."

2019-01-04, 02:45 AM
Zetaya turns to Clarity. "What do you think Storm-breaker?" Tilting her head to one side smiling up at her.

2019-01-04, 12:47 PM
Clarity, who has been quietly observing from beside the door since the party walked in, begins by walking over to Zetaya next to the board and examining all the quests equally.
"Taya, I do believe it best if we tried to maximize our potential and cross examine all board postings to see if any happen to have ties to each other. It would only make sense if we looked at any postings for harmful groups bounties that coincide with any escort, retrieval, or search and rescue quests. After all, why kill two birds with one stone when you can gather four eggs from two nests?" Clarity says with a slight monotone to her voice and a semi smile.

After a little more examination of the postings, Clarity walks over to the receptionist.
"Hello Guild Girl. What was Korag so mad about this time? Expecting more from a small job again? I hope he realizes that not every clam yields a pearl, let alone a golden one. Is there any news we should know about from the guild masters?"

(You mentioned other adventurers sitting around chatting)
Clarity looks around the room while waiting for a response from Guild Girl to see if there is anyone here she recognizes as having crossed paths with on friendly terms.

Perception for guild board [roll0] and for looking around room of people [roll1]

2019-01-04, 12:49 PM
I just wanted to point out to any RWBY fans that we are totally team H.A.C.Z.Z

Isn't that hilarious?

2019-01-04, 01:04 PM
Zetaya contemplates what Clarity said. "Hmm. You're right Storm-breaker, we should maximize our potential. Okay, I'll do that." She watches Clarity go over to the counter. Turning to look at the board once again she overhears Clarity calling to the woman.
She now focuses on the quests to see if any do indeed have ties to each other or cross paths.

2019-01-04, 01:29 PM
There are three quests that all look like they could be completed in the same area a scout, subjugation, and retrieval.
Scout: There is activity that indicates there is A group of orcs some where between Faford and Paydine. The task is to find the group and figure out their numbers and capabilities. Reward 120gp

Subjugation: There is a group of bandits suspected to be opporations on the road toward Faford. They seem to avoid groups of adventurers as well as more heavily protected merchants striking at targets of opportunity. The reward section has been crossed out and raised 2 times to reflect other adventurers lack of ability to solve the quest. Reward 205gp

Retrieval: Merchant convoy was attacked on the road coming from Faford. They would like you to get the items stolen. Reward 100gp.

You don’t see anyone that you recognize though do notice a group in the far back that seem to be rather shady. They talking in low voices and stopping quickly whenever someone gets close and seem to be nervous being there.

You find the same as Clarity but you also note there is a goblin subjugation in the direction of Arakil. Destroy the goblin nest. Reward 100gp.

She smiles at you and says in a much more interested voice “No this time he’s mad that his little quest turned into something not so little and ran away. She gestures at the board that goblin subjugation over there turned out more then he could take alone. Found out that there is an ogre leading the group so he ran off. Now he wants payment without even completing the job.
As for news only new thing is that a shipment of potions is late. A quest to go find it will probably pop up tomorrow. If you want to get a jump on it. It was coming from Arakil.”

2019-01-04, 02:29 PM
"Ah, that explains much, at least he was able to get away with his skin in tact. Perhaps he should work with a partner, maybe then he won't be lonely and so lost in his anger and failings. I am sorry you have to be on the receiving end of such frustrations Guild Girl. I am sure they pay you to handle the physical trophies we adventurers bring in but not the emotional burdens. *Slips her a gold* A tip of good faith from Korag and I. I am sure he didn't mean it; have a drink after work on us." Clarity says with a slight head bow.
"GG, I have to ask more information about the most rewarding quest posted right now... Where can the farmers family be found?"
Clarity then lowers her voice some, "And could you possibly tell me what you know of the nervous looking bunch in the back there. I have had some suspicions of bandits posing as adventurers to see if their operations have been compromised to keep low on the radar. You would think they could just change their ways but I suppose that is too much to ask."
*volume returns to normal* "We will have to see about retrieving those potions as well, it sounds like we can accomplish much at once."
Clarity finishes this thought a little louder towards her team mates as if also asking their opinions on it.
"I am always in the mindset of the most efficient and rewarding path my friends."

2019-01-04, 02:37 PM
Zetaya's smile falters a little bit, she quickly puts it back on. "Well, we can either do two quests in Arakil or three in Faford. Or be overzealous and do all four." She sighs as she walks over to Clarify to tell her what she's found. As she comes closer she notices the hushed air and keeps her distance. When the talking returns to normal she approaches. After Clarity announces about doing them all Zetaya speaks "We know Air doesn't care that much. The bandits seem dangerous and should be dealt with, the same said of the goblins. What say you Yen?" After asking Zetaya's head falls slightly, her eyes fixated on the floor, deep in thought.

Do I notice the group and do I recognize anyone?

2019-01-04, 02:46 PM

There is a thing to note with the rewards section of quests the money stated is an extra amount. Anything that you find along the way is obviously yours

On retrieval missions there is often a hidden reward that is tied to how much is returned. Normally some portion of how much it is worth.
This amount is not stated due to in the past adventurers keeping a large portion of the things to be returned when the reward was not high enough for them or the adventurers getting a little too crazy in trying to find more when the reward was good.

Normally the value is around 1/5th the full value of the items

Other lore that I should have put in the first post but is didn't cuz ya...

Date Toilday, Lamashan 16th, 342

Moon phases
Pillan: Waxing Gibbous
Crimon: Last Quarter
Pharmorn: Waxing Crescent

no solar phenomena today.

2019-01-04, 03:25 PM
Zetaya's perception to notice people


2019-01-04, 06:07 PM
HACZZ, or ZACHZ? I like Zach LOL oh oh oh, CHAZZ!!

"I want to do all of them!" blurts out from the Tower Shield, "I mean, we should do all of them that we can. We could buy a wagon, or rent one, for the retrieval quests and start with the Bandits."
She thinks for a moment, "Actually that's a great idea, since the bandits are relatively close to the orcs we need to scout they may have already scouted them!"
Airmi starts laughing, "Nothing scares a bandit more than stronger bandits that bandit the bandits! Besides they likely robbed the merchant caravan, and then we can head off to Arakil..."
She pauses, "Though... I'm not a fan of eradicating anyone, I'll just consider it future protection to other unlucky travelers."

2019-01-04, 06:25 PM
Reaching out with all four of his hands Hyensum pats Clarity, Airmi, Zetaya, and Zarvum on there head all are good ideas lets go with he points his hand at them self and shakes the three time before letting them play rock paper siccors with them self with his input

each hand rolls a d3 1 is rock 2 is paper and 3 is siccors. hand 1 is Airmi, 2 is Clarity, 3 is Zarvum and 4 is Zetaya.

Hand 1 [roll0] paper
Hand 2 [roll1] rock
Hand 3 [roll2] rock
Hand 4 [roll3] siscors

His smile fades as he looks at his hands "o right that doesn't work for more than two." Zarvum hug him with her arm flowing inside him.

2019-01-04, 06:38 PM
Post for Clarity
Guild attendant says in a silky voice “I’ll have to look up their info but that group just showed up last night. Keeps coming in here and doing that during the more busy times. They never take quests or talk to anyone other then their little group.” While talking she pulls out a large binder and flips through it then seems to find what she’s looking for. “Here it is. Looks like the family lives about a mile out of town farm number 18 east.” She looks at you and purrs “Anything else I can help with?” She says wile looking you up and down.

2019-01-04, 06:38 PM
Zetaya looks to Airmid and sighs. "Airmid your enthusiasm and excitement are well placed. Don't get half-cocked. The goblins have an ogre aged the bandits already have defeated two other groups." She eyes Yen "please don't Yen, you know how I feel about being touched." She backs up a little, out of reach.

2019-01-04, 06:50 PM
[roll0] to touch Zetaya

2019-01-04, 07:00 PM
Zetaya clears her throat and takes his hand off her head. "Or you can ignore my wishes... I'm perfectly fine with completing all of the quests at hand, as long as we're smart about them. Excuse me." Zetaya turns and leaves for the door. As she leaves she tries to hide a shudder. She exits the hall.

2019-01-04, 07:07 PM
"Hyeeeeen!! Are you under the influence of your shadow again? You should know better than to touch Zetaya. Do I need to perform an exorcism? ..... When I learn how to, I will."
Pulling off five of the bounties she turns back to the group, "Lets do the search and rescue and make sure he gets home to his family, and no pressuring them for more money.
Then we can also do the three bounties involving scouting the orcs, stopping the bandits and getting the stolen goods back. After that we can turn those in, and make our way to the goblins.
Though if you want we can also take the escort quests," she says pulling the two escorts to Arakil bounties down. "Since we could escort them to Arakil then go after the goblins, and if we're truly
unlucky we could end up protecting these two from the goblins we needed to take care of anyways."

2019-01-04, 07:27 PM
*accepts the patting from Hyensum before turning temporarily and watching the unfolding destruction from the patting of Zetaya to the outburst of Airmid.*
Clarity arches an eyebrow and smirks slightly before turning back to Guild Girl as she is flipping through the book.
"Sorry for them they just get a little rambunctious sometimes."
*Pauses slightly as she processes what GG said and what she says after*
"Um... thanks for the information I hope we can put it to good use." Clarity ponders why she is talking like that.(See Spoiler)
"I'll check back about that group at a later time.

What is her angle, she keeps looking at me like that. Perception: Taking in as many details about this girl as possible. 1d20+ Sense Motive: To detect what she means with her words and actions. Sense Motive: [roll0]

While thinking about it, Clarity turns to her allies briefly, "I agree with the cute short one, I had similar thoughts about how to handle these journeys myself. It will be a glorious testament to our basic ability to plan." She finishes with a small laugh before turning back to the Guild Girl.

2019-01-04, 07:32 PM
Messed up the spoiler roll so redo

[roll0] = Perception

2019-01-04, 08:50 PM
"I'm certain you mean only nice things, with that description. So I'll take the compliment! Hyen, go apologize to Zetaya so we can get the missions underway."
Airmid turns to the Guild Woman and bows again, "We'll be taking these missions, stay safe and keep sharp!"
"Let us get on with the missions, Clarity!" Shoving the bounty postings to her companion beside her, Clarity, she then proceeds out the door with the rattling
of metal and a thud with each step that would deceive most that it was coming from a giant. How she carries her gear shall remain a mystery unsolved.

2019-01-04, 09:36 PM
She is an elf. She has caramel colored hair and her eyes are dark forest green in the center blending into chartreuse green at the edge giving her a piercing gaze. She has simple clothing of a low cut auburn colored blouse and a short pair of pants rather then a skirt.
Her ears seem to be slightly shorter then the normal for an elf but not as short as a half elf.
She has a very pronounced figure and about size C breasts. She also has a very athletic form. Her hands look soft to the touch and her skin is very smooth and even in both color and texture.

Also it seems like she is hitting on you and not being very subtle about it.
The guild attendant seems to notice your quick appraisal as her smile widens and looks like she is considering doing a little spin to let you examine her other... assets.

You find an inn a couple of buildings down the street. From the sign it seems to be called the wandering sprite. Inside it looks much like what you would expect at this time of day. There are only a couple of patrons in the main room and the only staff are the barkeep/inn keeper and one bar maid.

The bar maid is sweeping the floor when you walk in wile the barkeep is polishing a counter that doens't look like it could be polished to a greater shine without magic. Both give you a welcoming smile when you enter.

There are 5 patrons in total a group of 4 females of various different races and a man sitting by him self with a mug and what looks like a growing black eye. All are dressed as adventurers of varying classes. All of them have gray tags.

2019-01-04, 09:48 PM
Zetaya enters the inn and returns their smiles with quick smiles of her own and walks up to the bar. "What kind of drinks do you offer here? Perhaps something non-intoxicating, my party and I will be leaving shortly, I'm sure, and I don't want to be caught unawares in the wilds." She takes a seat at the bar to recollect her thoughts and relax.

Zetaya will be sitting there for about 5 minute to relax or until a party member comes and gets her. She just needed time alone.

2019-01-04, 10:00 PM
Zarvum tilts her head to the side over 90 degrees at Airmid and mover her face through the tower shield to look her straight in the eyes.

"OOOo right Zet doesn't like to be touched. I have to go say i'm sorry and give her a hug or something." Hyensum says rushing out the door after Zetaya.

Zarvum flouts back under the floor after him still staring at Airmid never blinking.

let me know when I get to the inn or if I have to roll anything

2019-01-04, 10:13 PM
Airmid's face is lit up with surprise by Zarvum's sudden appearance, almost freezing her in place.
"D-d-don't do that! You startled me!" She shakes off the sudden fright and follows behind Hyen and Zarvum to go after Zetaya.
"Don't give her a hug! That's what started this in the first place!"

Gotta love losing Aura of Courage, no immunity to fear here ;D

2019-01-04, 10:23 PM
Hyensum will look for the way she went [roll0] perception

Zarvum will try to follow tracks [roll1] survival

2019-01-05, 12:36 AM
Clarity averts her eyes some and blushes shyly before looking back at the elven guild girl, pocketing the board papers handed to her by Airmid.
"Ah... um... wow. So....hi. Um, could I ask your name before I go? I mean I know you know mine because of the registry but... you really should wear a name tag." Clarity stammers nervously clearly caught off guard, "Ah actually, you know what, that was rude of me, um I'm gonna just....go.... I'll see you when I get back. I mean of course I will because we have to turn in the quests and..."
She stops talking suddenly, her body visibly stiffens and she awkwardly shuffles out the door after her companions, dark green clearly on her cheeks."

I have decided that throughout her journeys that Clarity hasn't really ever considered romance or even sexual closeness very much. She has her parents story to learn from in that department but through training and conflict and trying to find her missing family she's never really had time to ponder it, let alone been around people who might actually consider her as she is not considered normal in both looks or mannerisms. This isn't to say it hasn't crossed her mind it's just one of the few things that she has very little experience dealing with. In other words, good job Josh at finding something fun to tease my character with right out of the gates. The awkwardness warms my heart.

2019-01-05, 12:50 AM
The barkeep says in a slow drawl “Well we has some goats milk, some tea, and water. Anything in particular you lookin for?”

spots someone that looks like it may be Zetaya ducking into an inn down the way.

As you exit you can hear the guild attendant give a throaty laugh at your stammering awkwardness. “Come back any time your in town! I’ll be waiting!”

2019-01-05, 12:55 AM
Hyensum runs over to the inn and then stop cold and calmly walks in looking around for Zetaya.

[roll0] perception

2019-01-05, 12:57 AM
"Tea would be wonderful, soft and soothing." Zetaya takes a deep breath, shutters once more, and let's out a sigh. 'It's okay,' she mutters to herself. 'Just calm yourself, let your inner wind calm down and everything will be fine." She looks behind her at the man and women, shrugs, and then turns back to the bar keep.

She hears the door open and looks over to see Hyensum standing in the doorway looking around. 'Oh as the wind blows,' she muttered again, putting her head down 'that was short lived.' Quickly she placed another warm, soft smile upon her face.

2019-01-05, 01:04 AM
As Clarity leaves the guild hall she quickly takes a look around to see if her companions haven't gotten too far.
[roll0] If she notices her allies she will pull out one of the papers and starts to record the farm number on the back of it and starts to head in the direction of them.

2019-01-05, 01:07 AM
Hyensum walks up to Zetaya and with calm dead eyes bows. "I apologize for my earlier actions. We will wait for you outside." after saying that He raises up and calmly turns around and walks outside.

2019-01-05, 01:19 AM
Zetaya returns the bow with a bow of her head. "It's perfectly fine, just please keep it in mind for later."

2019-01-05, 01:25 AM
You see Hyensum duck into an inn. On you way toward it he comes back out

When you enter you see the group of 4 women at one table and the man at the other table. The barkeeper is turned the other way about to go into the back. There is a bar maid that is sweeping the floor she gives you a welcoming smile when you enter. And looks a little confused when you leave so quickly after.

The barkeeper turns around and goes into the back room to get your tea. He comes back a little later with a small pot with hot water and a mug with a small brick of tea and a small grater. “That’ll be 2 copper”

Reference picture so you inderstand the tea

These where broken into smaller pieces and then they would use a grater and grate the tea into the mug. A brick like the one in the picture could last months. The piece you have is about .25 in cube and could be used for about 5 cups of tea or more

2019-01-05, 01:59 AM
Zetaya turns to the barkeep and the tea in front of her, she takes a sip of the hot liquid and feels her irritations melt away. "Thank you," she said to him. "I must go, my party is waiting for me outside." She stands, bows deeply, and leaves him 10 gp. She turns to the door and walks outside.

She notices her comrades outside. "I'm sorry for leaving so abruptly, shall we head out for one of the towns? Which one first?"

I'm sure he is surprised by the gross overpay, and Zetaya would notice. She would just simply tell him to "Keep the change" and give him a smile and wink.

2019-01-05, 02:03 AM
"There you guys are, let's go we've got a lot to do!"
Airmid points towards Clarity, "She's got the bounties, any questions?"

2019-01-05, 02:08 AM
Hyensum pulls out his bow and strings it, "no we are ready to go."

2019-01-05, 02:25 AM
Zetaya shakes her head and walks over to Clarity. "Ah, already done with your romantic interlude Storm? She sure seemed into you, from what I saw before I left." She chuckled. "Well, now that I think of it. One question, where to first? After that, let's get going."

2019-01-05, 03:06 AM
"Sh...shut up Taya. I don't know what you are talking about." Clarity stammers with a small huff before getting more serious.
"First place to go is closest. We are talking to the farmers family at *checks paper* farm house 18 east. Did you guys get your problem squared away?"
Clarity looks to Airmid. "You know I think your adorable, sea sprite, don't take offense."

2019-01-05, 05:40 AM
"Yeah, yeah. Lovey dovey stuff, you can do all that mushy stuff when there's none counting on us."
She pouts at the cute comment, "You can call me cute, but who's the one that keeps you all safe and unharmed?
ME, A.I.R.M.I.D. and if I keep getting patronized for my stature you may very well just get hit the next time we're in combat."
She turns her face away, as she is a very unconvincing liar, to hide the fact that she knows that no matter what she'll still protect you jerks.

2019-01-05, 07:42 AM
It is a short walk out of town via the east gate and only takes a little under half an hour to reach the farm. When you arrive there are several children outside. The younger ones are playing around the farm house while the older ones are helping in the fields. One of the older ones sees you and yells for the younger ones to get inside. Shortly after the yell the mother comes rushing out with wearing a light brown dress with an apron on that is partially covered in flower she calls the children inside and stays to confront you at the half way mark between the gate and the house. From the way she is holding her self she is obviously afraid but is doing her best to hide it. "Hello wh what can I do for you." she manages to say in a shaky voice.

2019-01-05, 10:37 AM
Airmid steps up from the group, "Yes, we're here for the search and rescue mission."
She hands the bounty posting to the woman. "We're hoping for as much information as you could possibly give us, to be certain we find him and get him home safe."

2019-01-05, 11:05 AM
You see her look at your tag and visibly relax when she sees that is it blue. “My husband was going to go hunting some of the deer that have been seen in the back fields to the east to get us some meat. He left about 5 days ago but was suppose to be back yesterday at the latest. He knows the area and has never taken the full 4 days before. I’m worried that the same this that’s been taking the sheep the last 3 days got him as well. I kept the last sheep that we found if you want to look at it.”

2019-01-05, 11:40 AM
Zetaya stepped forward slightly. "Yes, that could give us some information. We would like to see the sheep, if it isn't too much trouble." Zetaya's smile falters slightly as she bows, thinking that if she bows no one would be able to see her smile fade. She stays low for a few seconds, muttering under her breath (in Aquan) "as the wind blows, this is not my day," lets out a sigh. As she rises again her smile is back in place.

"I am truly sorry for your husband's disappearance. We will try everything within our power to see him home. Your farm is lovely by the way."

2019-01-05, 12:15 PM
Just letting out my inner demons with post titles!
"Oh... So he's been gone for a few days longer than usual," Realizing she said that out loud she quickly tries to keep the woman's spirits up.
"Though, don't worry! We'll do our best to get him home safe! After all you're looking at the best group of adventurers this side of the barrier!"
"I was just thinking about the state of being he may be in, and what supplies we'll need to take with us for all kinds of scenarios!"
To distract her, Airmid follows up with a series of questions; "Has he ever had to survive in the forested area for extended periods of time?
Should he be unable to leave a certain area due to danger, does he have a strong will to stay alert?
I'm certain he's good at hunting, but can he also defend himself from possible bandits?
What kind of gear does he take out to go into the forest? Would he climb a tree to hide from danger? Find shelter in a cave?"
She pauses, "I'm sorry, any sort of information about his usual habits would also be great to try and pinpoint where he'd go in an emergency."

2019-01-05, 04:59 PM
(In aquan to Zetaya) "The waves call us home, Taya, still your mind and be at peace."
(In common) "I have some means to help track down many, but a starting point would be very appreciated. Please trust that we will try all we can."

2019-01-05, 05:47 PM
Zetaya looks over at Clarity "yes you're right" (in Aquan) as she smiles widely and does a quick head bow/bob. (In common) "we should look at the sheep as well, keep our wits about to any unforeseen dangers, you never know." She looks to the woman. "I'm sure your husband is fine, but better to be safe. Did he take any extra precautions before leaving after finding the sheep? "

2019-01-05, 06:30 PM
Hyensum stands back from the group rolling his kukris in his top hands.
[roll0] slight of hand
As the other talk to the wife he whispers to Zarvum find his tracks and come and show me where they are.
[roll1] stealth
[roll2] perception
[roll3] survival
just to note she is incorporeal and just has her head skim over the ground and she can only get 50 feet from me.

2019-01-05, 08:35 PM
Your right next to a busy farm house she isn’t going to find anytime within 50ft she would have to go at least closer to his normal hunting ground before she had any hope of finding anything

“Yes yes of course the sheep is right over here.”While she walks toward the barn she continues to talk “My husband left before our sheep started going missing so he didn’t know or he wouldn’t have left. But he does have his longbow and his knife. He is normally good at bringing home food without getting into trouble even the couple of times that his kill was contested by a bear or cougar.”
She looks back with a small smile as if she is starting to feel more comfortable to see if you all are following. Her eyes immediately lock into Hyensum playing with his knives and her face is filled fear as she stops dead in her tracks and looks toward Airmid as if pleading for help.

Its a strange day in hell when an NPC looks to Nathan’s character for comfort
What exactly made you think that it would be a good idea to show off how good you are with knives to a farm wife that already showed signs that she was afraid of the party.

2019-01-05, 09:32 PM
"I'm sorry, but I'm not so naive as to let deranged strangers travel with me. I have SOME judgement about me, as a Paladin of Torag and a Monk of the Iron Mountain."
She gestures towards her holy symbols adorning her armor and the largest placed on the front of her tower shield. "Also, I know it means I'm a good person and that I should practically be wearing a halo..."
Pointing to her blue tag, "But just because I may seem young, doesn't mean I am naive and just because I am blue doesn't mean I like every little thing my friends do in their strangeness causing others to be wary.
Look, I am sorry for being a little blunt. However; time is of the essence and should you hesitate even if it were a group of the scariest looking gray tags you'd ever seen offering their assistance?
Think of your husband, and your children and your farm! I'd much rather complete a search and rescue, rather than a retrieval."


2019-01-05, 10:17 PM
She doesn’t seem to calm down much but does manage to stammer out “O Okay... umm th the sheep is in the barn.” She moves to place Airmid between herself and Hyensum. She also keeps glancing back at him frequently.

In the barn you find the sheep. It looks like it was almost ripped in half. The skull is crushed all the organs are missing including the intestines but most of the meat is still there. The hide is also in tatters. The missing meat comes from the large bite marks on it.

Please roll knowledge nature

2019-01-05, 10:31 PM
Oh...oh my. That's a lot of damage. Hmm." Zetaya closely examines the body.

Knowledge nature is [roll0]

2019-01-05, 11:43 PM
From the wounds on the body and what was eaten there is a high chance that it was a troll.

Trolls like to eat organ meats and if they are not that hungry will often leave everything else. The hide in tatters with large bite marks is very indicative of a troll as they grab and rip their pray. It being almost torn in half is normally how trolls get to the internal organs where as the crushed head was it probably from the troll stepping on to hear the pop that the skull makes for fun.

2019-01-06, 01:01 AM
"Oh as the wind blows," Zetaya says rather sharply as she stands turning towards the woman. "Ma'am I would suggest going into town with the family for a few days and staying at the inn there. What has been killing your sheep is most likely a troll, you're pretty lucky it's just been wanting to eat your sheep. Being in town will be safer for you, here" She hands her a coin purse of 50 gp "this should get you into town and comfortable. Once we find your husband we will get him to the inn, and hopefully we can end this menace." Looking at the woman again she sighs and puts both of her hands on the woman's shoulders "Keep calm, if not for yourself then for your children. We will do everything in our power to find your husband and bring him home safely. Now I feel it best if you show us where your husband entered the woods and then collect a few belongings and take your leave. Please." Zetaya takes her hands off the woman's shoulders, wincing slightly, and rubbing her hands together. Seeing the woman's confused reaction, she replies "Uh, static electricity, my weakness..."

2019-01-06, 01:11 AM
She seems rather taken aback by your generosity but nods and steps outside "If you follow that fence line to the east the next fence you will encounter will be the back property line. The deer where seen in the back fields so would be bedding down the the woods behind that fence. My husband should be in those woods some where. I'm sorry I cant give you more information. If you'll excuse me but I have to get my kids ready to go into town. Should I inform the guild that there are trolls in the area?"

Fun face monster subjugation quests are often funded by the town or the guild itself so it is uncommon for a private citizen to have to pay for a subjugation quest.

2019-01-06, 11:43 AM
"Actually, if you go and update your quest to a monster hunt and tell the guild woman that we're already on it
then the guild will pay for the mission. We'll make sure to take care of these trolls."
If it is common knowledge about trip weakness to fire and acid then I'll suggest she buy some acid splash potions to make traps along her property line to keep them from wanting in
Turning to the group she takes a moment to enter her combat stances and grants everyone here knowledge of the feat, Extend the Bulwark.
"There, we're ready to go. Since we're tracking we don't have to worry about how slow I am anyways!"

2019-01-06, 05:04 PM
"Oh Airmid," Clarity says lightly clicking her tongue, "When time is of the essence and lives are on the line speed is always a factor. I can track fast when it is needed. Rare is it that others could keep up though."

2019-01-06, 07:52 PM
"That's not fair!!! Usually it takes a while with all this armor for me to get around, but now you just want to speed ahead!?"
Airmid seems about on the verge of tears, "I-it's fine, you're r-r-right.... I just thought we could go at my pace now so I didn't have to catch up. Like I usually do. Go find him or the trolls, either is fine. If we kill the trolls then he'll be safe, if we find him we can protect him from the trolls."
She sniffles lightly and weakly waves for Clarity to go search for the woman's husband, though weakly is kind of impressive as the arm is wielding 100 pounds of pure steel tower shield.

2019-01-06, 08:09 PM
"Now Air," Zetaya soothed as she knelt down a little to meet eyes, "I'm sure Storm didn't meant to hurt your feelings, but we do need to get there as quickly as possible." Zetaya gives Clarity a slightly stern look then smiles. "We won't leave you behind, but we do need our wits about us, so let's clear those tears and get going. Hm?" She stands up, looks to Clarity, walks over and whispers (in Aquan) "Yes you're right movement is important, maybe next time not so blunt or harsh? I know you meant well, but..." Zetaya trails off turning towards a sniffling Airmid. "You know..."

2019-01-06, 08:09 PM
"Airmid, I won't leave you or anyone else behind. I can track and find him faster but we always attack as one. It would only make sense to find him fast so there is something to save."
Clarity moves over and gives Airmid a light hug and brushes a small tear from her eye.
"Know that no beast or army great or small moves far without it's heart."
She finishes this line with a small boop on the armored girls nose.

2019-01-06, 08:22 PM
She rubs her eyes and nods, "I know, we'll await your report as we trek through the forest while you track ahead. I appreciate your talents, but I prefer closeness with allies. Nothing worse than losing you, without knowing I could have been there to protect you."
Clearly Airmid doesn't like to chance losing anyone, so she may just break into a frenzy should there be a forced party separation event.
"One day I'll learn to move faster in all this armor, but until then I can resign myself to catching up if I need to."

2019-01-06, 08:24 PM
Walking behind the others "Not all weapons move fast but that does not make them unuseful. A dagger moves fast but a earthbreaker is no not without its use just as is the case with forms of protections." Hyensum says putting his kukri away.

2019-01-06, 08:29 PM
"Hyeeen, I always like your silly metaphors. Of course I'm not useless, but I do sometimes feel like I'm holding you guys back a little."
*Airmid status, reverts to normal!*
Her face is a lit with a smile and her confidence seems restored. "Lets go save..... um...."
She turns back to the woman, "What's your husband's name again? I don't think it was provided, but it'd be useful to call out!"

2019-01-06, 08:33 PM
"Yes, let's get going" Zetaya states with a slight head nod. She turns to Clarity once again (in Aquan) "If you insist on going ahead, tracking and mapping the area, please be careful."

2019-01-06, 08:43 PM
"I assure you I will move with purpose but never so far gone that I can't fall back to you all."
Clarity looks to the woman and waits for an answer to Airmid's question.

2019-01-06, 08:50 PM
- full of holes!~
Airmid also awaits the response of the simple farmer's wife, whilst also picturing herself running like a gazelle fully plated in the heaviest adamantine full plate.

2019-01-06, 11:31 PM
As she steps out the barn she calls back “My husbands name is Balde.” With that she hurries to the farm house.

Im assuming that Clarity is going to scout ahead so that’s what I’m going with. If that’s wrong just let me know and I’ll change it.

You all move out Clarity moving ahead to scout the area.

Roll survival to track or knowledge nature to find good hunting grounds and so find him

2019-01-06, 11:36 PM

2019-01-06, 11:43 PM
[roll0] perception Hyensum looking out for anything +2 for any traps

[roll1] Survival Zarvum

2019-01-07, 12:02 AM
Survival [roll0]
Knowledge Nature [roll1]

2019-01-07, 08:27 PM
Lay of the land and dead eye lore are both cast by Clarity as soon as she gets to the spot in question stated by the farmers wife.

Knowledge Geography [roll0] to know the lands for good hunting spots.
Survival [roll1] to start searching for areas to track

2019-01-07, 08:38 PM
You spot a section of wall that has a small trail that heads into the forest. That area seems to be the location that the deer are jumping the fence. Your sharp eyes are able to pick up part of their trail.

With the help of the others you are able to find and follow the farmers tacks. About a half mile in you find a leg with a blood trail leading away from it. Following the blood trail you find a tree that looks like its been mauled and in the tree you see the farmer though he looks to be either unconscious or dead.

After you find the farmer you notice a bush move a little ways off and can see the tips of a trolls ears peeking above the bush as it waits in ambush. It doesn’t seem to notice that you’ve seen it though does look about ready to pounce.

2019-01-07, 09:12 PM
"At least you don't abandon me, Zetaya...." Airmid mumbles under her breath as they enter the forested area and await Clarity.
"Any idea which direction Clarity and Hyen are?"

2019-01-07, 10:39 PM
"Oh Airmid, " Zetaya spoke softly "no once is leaving you behind. Storm-Breaker is just scouting ahead and Yen is right here with us. No worries."


2019-01-07, 10:51 PM
"Ah!" Airmid jumps at the sight of Hyen. "I didn't actually see you there, I thought I saw you go ahead."
She stares at Hyen, then back to Zarvum and back to Hyen. "............You've always been a bit sneaky..."
"Thanks, Zetaya, you always can cheer me up." Airmi gives her a strong hug.

Would I notice that Hyen has seen something, if he hasn't said it just yet. AKA Sense Motive

2019-01-08, 12:12 AM
Zetaya stops, pats Airmid on the head with one arm as the other slightly returns the hug. She pulls herself away from Airmid, before she does her body lets out a big shudder. She smiles down at Airmid and clears her throat. "Let's get going, no time to waste."

You can physically feel the shudder, her body couldn't hide this one...

2019-01-08, 02:23 AM
"R-right, sorry. You don't like to be touched, it's why we're basically a perfect duo.
I keep you from getting hit, but I usually get the bruises for you... At least Torag's blessing allows me to heal myself and others."
She scratches the back of her head in a dismissive way.

2019-01-08, 01:51 PM
Clarity rushes back to the group.
"Farmer found in a tree. Leg missing, there is blood everywhere. Danger is likely imminent as the blood is fresh. Getting into storm position... the rains may fall soon. Stand firm my brother and sisters."
With that, Clarity moves to back of the line and watches the parties movements roughly 80 feet away and preferably near a tree.

2019-01-08, 04:44 PM
After Clarity finishes her report Hyensum says "And in that bush the troll is hiding waiting for us." He points to the hidden troll drawing his weapons.

2019-01-08, 06:46 PM
"Let's get ready then."
Also I hope it's ONCE per fight we're doing initiative otherwise that'll get too annoying via forums
Since everyone was already granted the feat and only Clarity, who doesn't need it, left my range they still have it
then Airmid channels as a standard action into her shield to give everyone +6 to their AC as a shield bonus,
and extends her armor as a free action to grant Hyen, Zarvum and Zetaya a circumstance bonus to their armor of
+5, as we aren't in combat yet this was all just preparation for the upcoming fight and not actually her turn.
Though, since her shield now goes as per the light spell, the element of surprise may not be here anymore.
She truly is the tiniest and shiniest.

LoH : 12/14
Rnds of shield bonus : 8/8
Adj. Ally AC bonus : +11
My current AC : 19 (extending the Bulwark denies myself my own armor bonus)

2019-01-08, 07:04 PM
Trolls maybe dumb but even they are smart enough to know that when people stop and start talking then one of them lights up that it’s probably been seen. The troll lunges out of the bushes and starts to rush you all. You all notice right away that it has what looks to be several different brands across its chest and has a more burnt orenge coloration then the normal dark green.

Roll initiative


2019-01-08, 07:05 PM
Zetaya takes out her kronens and gets ready for the battle at hand. "I can handle it's weakness. Let's save this farmer post haste." She starts walking towards the opening with the tree.


2019-01-08, 07:20 PM
[roll0] for initiative. First round will be casting a spell on self.

2019-01-08, 08:17 PM
[roll0] initiative

First action will be to cast blur on Airmid, and have Zar move 30 feet in front of me moving between us and the troll.

2019-01-08, 08:19 PM
This is the layout. fyi the path that you can see on the map doesn't exist this was just the best looking and largest map that I could find. When the troll is in the area of the trees it has improved cover from ranges attacks. It can be hit you just have to shoot around the trees.
Hyensum, Airmid, Clarity, Troll, Zetaya



2019-01-08, 08:33 PM
"Alright, good thinking sending her up first! Let's all move up together, be ready for anything this doesn't seem like a normal troll..."
Airmid will hold action until Zetaya and Hyen move up, if no one moves this round she'll grant herself +4 Cover AC from all attacks via her Tower Shield, otherwise she'll make up to a double move to stay caught up with the party (40ft).

2019-01-09, 03:17 AM
Clarity finishes her spell and holds her move action, the trigger will be when the troll engages a member of the party in combat. The movement will be around the fight and heading towards the base of the tree where the farmer has climbed up. (Intent is to pick up the leg and climb the tree with it and spell re attach it)

Dead Eye Tutor (3 minutes from this round) - Reduces range penalty by 1 per increment and reduces penalty from Deadly Aim feat.

2019-01-09, 04:12 AM
The troll rushes forward and throws itself at the phantom in an obvious attempt to knock it aside. The troll stumbles and almost falls from the fact there is no resistance and stops with a confused look on its face after passing though the phantom.


2019-01-09, 11:58 AM
Zetaya takes a potion, downs it, and gets back into ready for battle stance.

I drank a Potion of Enlarge Person

2019-01-09, 03:41 PM
Hyensum will take a 5 foot step towards the troll and use a full round action to have Zar become ectopasmic and she will use a full attack action.

[roll0] slam 1 attack if hit [roll1] slam damage

[roll2] slam 2 attack if hit [roll3] slam damage

2019-01-09, 06:25 PM
Airmid rushes up to face the troll, 20 feet, and then uses a move action to re-grant herself +4 cover AC. Since she is no longer extending her armor at the moment her AC has her armor bonus as well.
Then using her swift action to target the troll with Archon Style, granting any adjacent ally an additional +2 Dodge bonus to AC against the troll's next attack, and allows me to redirect one attack per round from the troll to myself.

LoH : 12/14
Rnds of shield bonus : 7/8
Adj. Ally AC bonus : +6 Shield +2 Dodge (always stacks with other dodge)
My current AC : 29 +4 Cover Bonus (33)

If the troll attacks an adjacent ally this round (which I don't think can happen), these steps in order:
1) NO ACTION USED - Archon Diversion : Redirect first attack to my AC, 29, done before their roll is known.
2) if they hit me with that attack, then every ally threatening the creature gets an attack of opportunity via Archon Justice
3) if they have any other attacks, use AoO to grant +4 AC to adj. ally being targeted (must make DC 10 with a +7 bonus to my roll)
4) while using the action of AoO, consume a free action to use the feat Extend the Bulwark, granting my ally 1/2 my armor bonus +5 Circumstance bonus, losing my armor for the rest of the round
5) Repeat 3&4 until out of AoO's (3 Attacks)
6) if any attacks would still hit the ally, use bodyguard and in harm's way to automatically take the damage/effects of the attack instead of the original target as an immediate action (1/round)

2019-01-09, 08:58 PM
Clarity after moving the held. Will take a double move to the leg, attempt to grab the leg as part of the move and start climbing the tree.

[roll0] For the climb check, if this entire action has to take multiple rounds to accomplish I will of course bow to the rule. However if it can all be done and requires more rolls just let me know.

If Clarity falters on the way up she will immediately cast the spell 'Grasp' as an immediate action.

2019-01-10, 12:37 AM
The phantom misses the troll completely. The troll now seems to become angry and starts to steam as it looks at Airmid and bellows and with that bellow releases a cone of flames that stretches all the way past Hyensum and Zetaya lighting the brush on fire in the process as well as a couple of trees.

roll reflex saves
Damage [roll0]

The troll then turns to the phantom and attempts to rip it apart

Bite attack [roll1]
Bite damage [roll2]+[roll3]:fire

claw 1 attack [roll4]
claw 1 damage [roll5]+[roll6]:fire

claw 2 attack [roll7]
claw 2 damage [roll8]+[roll9]:fire

If both claws hit rend damage [roll10]


2019-01-10, 12:46 AM
[roll0] reflex save

2019-01-10, 01:02 AM

Zetaya moves to the right of Airmid, diagonal of the troll. "The Wind shall strike you DOWN!" She exclaims, her braid ends catch fire as she enters her rage and her right arm becomes covered in acid. She'll punch the troll with her right hand, the adamantine kronen (if that makes any difference).


If that hits here's the damage
Acid Damage

2019-01-10, 01:09 AM
Yes the troll is size large... It was always size large I just forgot to make it so...



2019-01-10, 01:23 AM
Hyensum will fire his bow and then move 15 feet towards the troll.

[roll0] attack if hits [roll1] damage

2019-01-10, 02:59 AM

Airmid swings her hammer at the troll, hoping to keep its attention.
[roll1] : [roll2] if hit
She'll take her move action to keep the cover bonus, and a swift to give adjacent allies +2 dodge versus its next attack.

HP : 32/44
LoH : 12/14
Rnds of shield bonus : 6/8
Adj. Ally AC bonus : +6 Shield +2 Dodge (always stacks with other dodge)
My current AC : 29 +4 Cover Bonus (33)

If the troll attacks an adjacent ally this round, these steps in order:
1) NO ACTION USED - Archon Diversion : Redirect first attack to my AC, 29, done before their roll is known.
2) if they hit me with that attack, then every ally threatening the creature gets an attack of opportunity via Archon Justice
3) if they have any other attacks, use AoO to grant +4 AC to adj. ally being targeted (must make DC 10 with a +7 bonus to my roll)
4) while using the action of AoO, consume a free action to use the feat Extend the Bulwark, granting my ally 1/2 my armor bonus +5 Circumstance bonus, losing my armor for the rest of the round
5) Repeat 3&4 until out of AoO's (3 Attacks)
6) if any attacks would still hit the ally, use bodyguard and in harm's way to automatically take the damage/effects of the attack instead of the original target as an immediate action (1/round)

2019-01-10, 03:08 AM


2019-01-10, 03:30 AM
[roll0] to climb further
[roll1] perception to examine farmer. [roll2] heal check to reattach leg next round if farmer is alive before using heal spell next round after that. If farmer is dead then following rounds will be dedicated to other actions.

2019-01-10, 03:57 AM
The farmer seems to be alive but barely holding on. He seems to have used his belt to stop the bleeding but looking closer at the leg and the stump it doesn't seem like its going to be able to be attacked with a simple heal spell though one would prevent the farmer from death.

The troll howls in pain from the hits and with wild swings the troll tries to rip Zetaya apart.

bite attack [roll0]
bite damage [roll1]+[roll2]:fire

claw 1 attack [roll3]
claw 1 damage [roll4]+[roll5]:fire

claw 2 attack [roll6]
claw 2 damage [roll7]+[roll8]:fire

if both claws hit rend
damage [roll9]

the fire speads


if you are in the area of the fire please roll a reflex save dc 15 if you fail you take [roll10] fire damage and must roll a reflex save for all flammable objects on you things inside bags and such are excluded this time. if the item fails the save it takes damage as per the rules for damaging objects most items will take half damage. the amount of damage is the same as you took. aka its on fire

2019-01-10, 04:01 AM
First bite is redirected to me and misses, even without a successful aid another the troll misses the other hits.
This is because I take my free action to give Zetaya +5 along with +8 for the first and +6 on the second.
So, first hit misses me with 33AC, then misses Zetaya with her 15+8+5, and misses again with her 15+6+5.

Current AC is : 23

2019-01-10, 04:11 AM
Okay so the bite missed, the second attack hit but was given to Airmid, the third (thanks to the AC bonus of 17) missed. Here are my reflex saves for myself [roll0] and my stuff (mainly my clothing) [roll1]

"The breeze will lull you to SLEEP!" She yells as she puts all she has into this blow.

I will be using knockout for this next attack. (If I hit) It's a fortitude save and the DC is 10+1/2 brawler level + str or dex mod (whichever is higher), so the DC is 19. If it fails it is unconscious for 1d6 rounds. My elemental assault is still going off with acid.


Acid Damage

2019-01-10, 04:59 AM
You strike the troll and it seems to stagger slightly before recovering from your punch.

fort save [roll0]

2019-01-10, 10:30 PM
[roll0] reflex save

hyensum will attempt to acrobatics next to the troll so he and Zetaya are flanking it and attack with a kukri.

[roll1] acrobatics

[roll2] attack if hit then [roll3] damage and [roll4] sneak attack damage

forgot to add +2 from flanking to attack

2019-01-11, 12:33 AM
You try to get passed the troll but it lashes out with a bite that's just a little faster then you thought it would be. Though you do manage to slide your blade into its shoulder.

bite attack [roll0]
bite damage [roll1]+[roll2]:fire


2019-01-11, 02:35 AM
Airmid will do her best to resist the flames, [roll0]
She'll take a standard action to heal Zetaya with LoH, [roll1]
Then take a swift action to heal herself, [roll2]

HP : 38/44
LoH : 10/14
Rnds of shield bonus : 5/8
Adj. Ally AC bonus : +6 Shield +2 Dodge (always stacks with other dodge)
My current AC : 29 +4 Cover Bonus (33)

2019-01-11, 03:23 AM
The troll grasps out trying to grab Zetaya to pin her down and more easily rip her apart.

grapple check [roll0]

The trolls claws miss by a large margin and fails to grapple Zetaya

2019-01-11, 03:39 AM
Clarity decides to place/drop the leg near Balde after seeing the shape he is in. She then spontaneously casts cure light wounds on the poor farmer from one spell that was once abundant ammunition.

Standard action cure light wounds.
Swift action apply healers blessing to the casting which empowers it.
Move action draw bow from quiver.

[roll0] +50% = 13 altogether

After the spell is cast and the bow is out, Clarity will look back and observe the troll to see how injured it looks and to survey the intensity of the forest fire. (ie perception check D.M.)

2019-01-11, 04:21 AM
The farmer's breathing seems to stabilize when you cast you spell on him.

When you observe the troll you note something strange the flames that are around it almost seem to be drawn into its brands causing them to glow faintly though its hard to make out in the light of the fire. You also note that the acid burns are starting to heal. From your knowledge of things it seems that the fire is healing and granting the troll some form of power that is probably on of the major reasons that the troll used fire not just as a method of attack but also self empowerment.


new fire damage on failed save [roll0]

2019-01-11, 10:56 AM
Zetaya's arms go back to normal as she calls forth inner strength and delivers another blow.

I'm turning off my elemental assault at the moment, also I'm spending a move action to use Martial Flexibility and gain the Weapon Specialization feat for her Kronens. In addition she is also going to use Power Attack.

Reflex Save [roll0]

Attack [roll1]

Damage [roll2] acid [roll3]

2019-01-11, 11:44 AM
[roll0] reflex save

Hyensum will take a 5 foot step up to get into flanking position.

[roll1] attack kukri 1 if hit [roll2] damage [roll3] sneak damage

[roll4] attack kukri 2 if hit [roll5] damage [roll6] sneak damage

2019-01-11, 12:04 PM
As the blows land the troll staggers and falls to the ground and stops moving.

2019-01-11, 04:24 PM
"Comrades, the fire is allowing it to regenerate from it's acid wounds! Pull it out of the fire or douse the flames around it's body before finishing it! We need to control the flames before the whole forest catches. I will summon as much water as I can around the spread!" Clarity shouts as she prepares herself for what is to come.

Move action put bow back in quiver (hahaha didn't keep long)
Free action drop off tree. Fall half way down. Swift action Cast Grasp spell.
Once secure free action drop again the remaining distance safely.
Standard-Double move action to put myself 10 feet before the spread.

Intent, next round will create water and move around line to slow spread of flames.
If rolls needed please advise.

2019-01-11, 05:38 PM
"I've got this!!!"
An adult troll weighs around 1,000 pounds.
Airmid's lift off ground is 1,040, and push/drag is 2600.
Airmid grabs the troll around its arm and in a staggering feat of strength drags the troll to the east forty feet and out of the fire.
"Quickly, keep it from the fire like Clarity said!"

2019-01-11, 06:43 PM
"Acid will kill," Zetaya growled as she walks the 40 feet to where Airmid drug the troll. "I'll take care of him."

Zetaya with all her fury punches the troll in the head with acid, burying her right kronen into its head (between the eyes). After the deed is done she yanks her kronen out of the troll's skull and calms herself, losing her rage. She turns to Airmid "The troll is dead but in order to help put out this fire I need your shield so I can use it for a shovel. I will personally clean and shine it to its original glory afterwards."

Attack [roll0]

Damage [roll1]

Because I accidentally rolled acid in my last post it will be utilized here.

2019-01-11, 06:51 PM
(out of game) Sorry I forgot to roll my reflex save for my turn. Here it is.


2019-01-11, 10:34 PM
Hyensum will walk over to the troll and cut out its throat so it can't breath.

[roll0] reflex save

coup de grace [roll1] damage [roll2] sneak damage

2019-01-11, 10:53 PM
Airmid takes her shield and tosses it to Zetaya, "Use that to pile dirt onto the fire!"
She quickly undoes the ribbon like straps around her waste and hands it as well, "Put this on, it's the secret to my strength!"
Turning to Hyen, "Can I get that tool of yours? It can turn into a shovel, right?"

2019-01-12, 03:12 AM
Hyensum reaches into his pack and pulls out the every tool and tosses it to Airmid.

2019-01-12, 04:16 AM
Clarity casts create water and starts to dump 8 gallons of water on a 5 foot are of fire. Taking care to avoid the fire.

2019-01-12, 07:08 AM
Airmid looks up at the once twice as big, Zetaya who now stands almost four times as tall as her.
"Can I get one of those potions, I'll pay you back. Also one for Hyen."

2019-01-12, 11:33 AM
Zetaya reaches into her pack and pulls out two potions of enlarge person and hands them to Airmid and Yen. She then starts to dig.

2019-01-12, 02:00 PM
Drinking the potion she rushes to the edge of the eastern fire and uses the any tool as a shovel to start digging a trench around the fire, putting the dirt onto the burning forest floor.
"Quickly, I'll dig out a trench around it and you guys help pile the extra dirt into the fire!"

This should work even BETTER to keep the fire at bay!

2019-01-12, 06:14 PM
Hensum drinks the potion and starts to shovel dirt on to the fire with all 4 hands shouting " Clarity pour water on the dirt to soften it so we can dig faster."

2019-01-13, 03:33 AM
Clarity nods to Hyensum and casts again this time extending the water to requested fields.

2019-01-13, 02:01 PM
Zetaya uses the shield to dig into the ground and putting dirt on the flames. She turns to Airmid "you may pay me back if you wish though it is not requested. I'm happy to lend a hand or potion to those who need it."

2019-01-13, 09:45 PM
"That's very kind of you, but it wasn't truly essential to the mission so you shall be repaid!"
Airmi keeps shoveling southward around the fire tossing the moist dirt upon it as she goes.

2019-01-13, 11:28 PM
With the effective tactics large size and fast execution you are able to bring the fire under control in only a couple of rounds. The fire managed to increase by about 20% but past that there where no other problems putting out the fire.

2019-01-13, 11:35 PM
The fire dies and Zetaya starts cleaning the shield to the best of her abilities and hands it back to Airmid. "Thank you for lending me this." She wipes her brow of the sweat and dirt. "Whew, that was a heated battle, it boiled my blood." She smirks and chuckles at her lame joke. Looking over at Clarity "How's Balde?"

2019-01-14, 12:17 AM
Clarity says to Zetaya "Stable and unconscious. He lost a lot of blood and reattaching his leg may be beyond what I can do out here." She looks down slightly with a lack luster expression, "He may yet live but his life will be most trying for him and his family from this point on. Come, we should get him down and bring him back as fast as we can."

Clarity turns away then, and she walks solemnly back to the tree. Then starts the climb up with steady movements.

2019-01-14, 01:40 AM
"So much of that is more true than you think, who knows how many of these trolls are truly in these woods. Their livestock is threatened, their farm could be invaded at any point, the husband probably can no longer protect or provide for the family. It's just so..... sad. The children also wouldn't be able to play outside for fear of their lives. Either they move, or the guild pays a handsome fee to adventurers to exterminate them. There's still no real way to be sure it's all done forever."
Airmi's usually fiery tempo is a watered down somber expression, matching the current surroundings.
"Umm, I'll take my straps back and drag this thing out of the woods. We can show the family, and tell the guild of the dangers here."

2019-01-14, 03:19 AM
"Airmid, the cycle is terrible and we must find a way to break it when we have the power." Clarity calls down to the soot covered girl.
" By my thinking a regular troll would be a problem for them. This one was modified." Those below hear a hint of irritation, perhaps light anger in Clarity's next vocalization, "The question we should be asking is where did it come from... And who turned it loose?"

Clarity gets to Balde and his leg and prepares them both for decent. Accepting help from any who choose.

2019-01-14, 04:22 AM
Airmid rushes towards the tree using her new, albeit temporary, stature to hold up her hands to take Balde from Clarity and gently lay him upon the ground.
"There we go, now how should we carry him out as gently as possible? Two people or four arms?"

2019-01-14, 10:47 AM
Zetaya frowns at the conversationand situation while giving Airmid back her cords. "I could cradle him in my arms while walking him back to town, but maybe it best for Yen to do that." She looks over at Yen "I'm sorry about Zar." She looks away and stares down at the burnt floor of the forest. "As for the troll. Isn't it possible for someone to be experimenting on this poor thing and it broke free? Besides how would we find the culprit? I mean who knows the troll could've done this to himself..." her voice trails off as she gets lost in thinking, almost blocking out the world around her. She wanders over to the troll to take a look at its brands to see if any clue to its origins.

2019-01-14, 08:03 PM
"No.... NO! This is just wrong, we can't stand around moping. We won! We stopped a monstrous fire breathing beast, we kept the husband alive, we stopped a forest fire!"
Airmid gives the troll body a swift kick in the ribs. "What else could we ask for!? Divine insight into the locations of where this thing was made? Lets just find a proper oracle!"
She turns back to her squadmates, "We did amazing things today, and we should be proud of ourselves. Now lets get him home and keep him safe until we're there!"


2019-01-14, 11:17 PM
Hyensum tilts his head to the left "Yes we have won but death, pain, fear, and loss are always a part of what we do. It follows our type like a flock of carrion birds follow a army. So smile if you can but my kind show neither smiles or frowns." He points to his bandanna. He then walks over and carefuly takes the farmer and picks up his leg and walks towards the farm.

2019-01-15, 12:04 AM
Zetaya snaps out of it and looks to Airmid, smiles and does a head nod. "You're right Airmid, we did do great things today." She turns towards Yen "Yes death, pain, fear, and loss follows us wherever we go but it is our choice to either make our days happy or miserable. I choose to make my journey filled with smiles and laughter and trying to make those around me smile and laugh as well. Now that we have the farmer in safe hands let's get going." She looks down at the troll. "I can lug this to town if either of you don't object." She grabs the troll and starts dragging it, following Yen.

2019-01-15, 02:42 AM
Clarity scales down the tree and picks up Balde with the help of Airmid. She takes the time to smile and nod at Airmid but say's nothing.

The party then makes it's way back to the farm, glad to deliver at least somewhat happy news to the family and hoping to cash in on the fallen troll.

2019-01-15, 05:42 PM
The party makes it back with little problem. The hardest part of the journey is when the potions of enlarge runout. Once at the farm the wife runs out to see if her husband is ok.

She stares in horror but gives Airmid a slightly hopeful look.

2019-01-15, 08:54 PM
"Clerics in the city may be able to regenerate the limb or attach it in a way that won't hobble him."
She points to the creature she's dragging behind her, "There was a troll, a fire troll... almost started a forest fire, but we stopped it, killed the troll and found your husband still alive!"

"We're going to take this creature's body to the guild, see if it was created or just a natural occurrence. We've got other much more lucrative jobs, so I think I can say we don't
think you should have to pay for this. Save up all that you can and get him able to work again. Also, if the sheep disappear or are killed again. Put in an extermination request and leave this place for safety.
We don't know if there were any more, but this was the only one that we saw."
Airmid turns to the rest of the group, "I'll happily give up part of my shares of the next mission if you desperately desire payment."

2019-01-15, 09:11 PM
Zetaya smiles and shakes her head. "No, no payment should be required. I'm just happy that this journey has a happy ending, minus a leg perhaps, but still good. Keep the 50 gold, it'll help get yourselves back on your feet." She shuffles her hand to regain a good grip on the troll body. "Let's get this thing into town please. We need to figure out if there is still danger here, plus I would like to carry onward to our next journey."

2019-01-15, 11:17 PM
"Airmid, I don't think you will have to worry too much about us collecting from you in this matter. I hope they find their way though."
Clarity grabs a section of the troll and helps Zetaya and Airmid pull it.
"Reward is bragging rights eh sister's?" Clarity says to the girls while slightly smirking and arching an eyebrow, "Can't wait to see their faces so soon after our departure and dragging such a creature to boot."

2019-01-16, 02:02 AM
She sighs “So he’s still alive. I’ll put on a request to the guild for a healer. If any more of the sheep get attacked I will let the guild know right away. Thank you for returning my husband to me.”

After dropping off the husband the trip back to the guild is uneventful other then the guards giving your strange looks as you drag a troll through the gates. By the time you manage to drag the troll back to the guild hall night has almost fallen and the guild attendant from earlier is talking to another who is obviously her replacement for the night shift.

They both look up and get half way through greeting you before stopping and looking at the troll.

Guild attendant from before “Umm I take it you want to sell the troll components to the guild?” She asks obviously confused why there is a troll in more or less one piece laying on the guild hall floor.

2019-01-16, 02:18 AM
"Yes and no, selling to the guild tradesmen is fine; however, we were interested in whether or not this is a naturally made troll or an engineered one."
Airmid sets the troll down and proceeds, "It was also responsible for starting a forest fire that we were able to put out and attack the livestock of the Balde farm."

2019-01-16, 02:25 AM
Zetaya sets down her part of the troll when Airmid sets down her part. "It's true, but we found the missing farmer, Balde, and is safe and sound with his family." she says in a cheerful tone. "As my companion said we would like to see this troll's origins." She looks to the sky and stretches, letting out a slight yawn. "What a beautiful night," she sighs.

2019-01-16, 06:12 AM
“Well if that’s what you want to know feel free to use the guild library for your research. Also I would suggest talking to Torf just don’t drink anything he hands you but he knows a lot of things about specialty monsters.” She then gives you directions to both the library and Torfs house.

2019-01-16, 06:12 PM
Hyensum rolled his neck and shoulders "I will go talk to Torf, does anyone want to come with me?"

2019-01-16, 07:53 PM
"Actually, I think we should just pass along our inquiries to him. I think the guild lady would be able to pass those along for us? We should really go out and finish the rest of these quests. We can get a full research report when we get back and have the mission expenses to pay for the information."
Airmid turns to the guild lady, "Would that be possible?"

2019-01-17, 02:25 AM
Zetaya looks to her fellow comrades "Well it would be best if we do get going but it would be best if we rest for tonight and get a fresh start in the early morning." Then looks to the guild girl to wait for her response.

2019-01-17, 08:59 AM
Guild girl “There are a couple of resherchers that you could hire. They cost is 2sp per day and we could find them for you for another silver.” She also gives you directions to Torf’s house.

2019-01-17, 12:16 PM
Clarity puts 2 gold down on the counter.
"I would like for you to do just that be sure that a good couple of them research and report their findings for us to collect later. The information doesn't have to stay private either. In fact I would like for it to be made as public as possible."

Perception to check for a nametag [roll0]

Clarity rejoins the group, "I feel as though we should get back on the road tonight personally. If we rest now we miss out on a head start to our next tasks and there could be more people like Balde who are in desperate need of some help. This isn't to say we shouldn't stop after a couple hours travel mind you all. Just better to cut distance as best we can."
She looks to the faces of her companions for any sort of response to her logic, specifically Zetaya, "I... could be persuaded to stay here for the night if that would make you feel better Taya. Perhaps we should call it an early Friday?"

2019-01-17, 01:43 PM
Zetaya is taken aback by Clarity's offer, her eyes widen in shock. She stops and thinks, finally she shakes her head. "Thank you Storm-Breaker for the offer. If I were to go it wouldn't be for that, maybe a tea or something. I don't want to be unaware on the road. I appreciate it, but you're right we need to get on the road. Those people could be in real trouble and we can't delay."

2019-01-17, 04:28 PM
Her name tag says her name is Tawariell. FYI there is another guild attendent she has just remained quiet as she has just stepped up to handle it.
Guild girl Tawariell “I can recommend a couple of good inns in the area.” To Clarity “I’m off now so I would be happy to show you the way.”

The other guild attendent just looks vaguely scandalized by her attitude.

2019-01-17, 05:12 PM
Zetaya looks to Clarity with a grin "I don't need an early Friday but maybe you do?" She nudges clarity with her elbow. She whispers (in Aquan) to her "go on, have fun. Release your inhibitions."

2019-01-17, 08:16 PM
Airmid just sits there looking back and forth between the group members and the guild lady, Tawariell, "Soooo, a-are we going to do the missions or not?
Because if we're going to stay here over night I'm going to go and patrol the city and see if there's anyone that would require help.... While you all get lovey-dovey or drunk."

2019-01-17, 11:50 PM
Zetaya turns to Airmid and chuckles "no my protective companion, I won't be drinking tonight. If I'm drinking it's tea or another non-alcoholic drink. You know we'll that I like to be alert while in the wilderness."

2019-01-18, 06:45 PM
"Oh, not you, Z. I was talking about Clarity acting all distracted by Tawariell over there. I just don't understand the appeal of holding hands and slobbering over each other, and I'm willing to get stabbed for you guys....."
Airmid looks towards Clarity and Tawariell with what could be read as a curious jealousy. "Hyen wants to go talk to Torf himself, if Clarity is staying already because of Tawariell then I shall accompany him."

2019-01-18, 07:59 PM
"Simply put, not at this time Lady Tawariell. This was not the return I had in mind and we still have much to do. Business before pleasure I suppose, though I am almost certain that will be taken out of context by everyone listening. I have had a little time to think about earlier and I am not sure what it is I want or that I can offer you that I am comfortable with. I am not even sure if I would be worth your consideration to be perfectly honest. I do however appreciate your efforts and you taking the time to listen to me so if you are willing to be a little patient with me perhaps we could share a drink some time. I leave that entirely to your consideration."

Clarity turns to Zetaya
"I know you mean well in your jests but I feel you are egging me on needlessly. As such I ask that we drop the subject of my personal affairs until I can think on how I feel about it a bit more. I mean no offense, Taya, I just find myself a little uncomfortable at the moment and I am sure you know how that feels here more than anyone."

"And as for you Tank Girl; unless you actually have some sort of useful insight into the ways of romance or the basic concepts of how to talk to someone politely then perhaps keep your opinions, observations, and assumptions to yourself on the matter and not make needless bratty jokes. In the mean time when you are ready to catch up, both figuratively, mentally, and literally, I will be at the town gates meditating."

Clarity then turns back to Tawariell, bows lightly, turns and makes full speed motions out the door before anyone can respond. Nothing stopping her outside of physical interference.

2019-01-18, 08:27 PM
Zetaya blushes slightly to Clarity's comment, waits a minute or two, and turns to Yen and Airmdi "If you wish to visit Torf, then you two go on ahead. I'm going to go wait with Clarity." She pats Airmid on the head, leaves, and goes to Clarity next to the town gates.

Once she gets to Clarity she clears her throat. "I-I'm sorry if I was inconsiderate of how you felt Storm. It was all in good fun, but not fun to you." She bows her head. "You're right I do understand how uncomfortable it is. I took no offense to your words but I wanted to apologize." She looks Clarity in the eyes and smiles. "Would you mind if I sat with you...Sister?" Zetaya struggles slightly to get the last word out but afterwards smiles widely and giggles, waiting for Clarity's response.

2019-01-18, 08:29 PM
"W-wait, that's not what I meant.... Wait a minute, catch up!? Another slow joke from you and I won't be protecting you! Unless you really need it, but even if you didn't you know I still will...."
Airmid just trails off, slumping down in a dejected lump of armor.

2019-01-18, 08:45 PM
From her meditative position on the ground Clarity cracks an eye open and looks at Zetaya. Her expression of neutrality doesn't change for a few seconds before patting the spot next to her with an open hand and a small smirk breaking it's way to the surface. She returns her hand into meditation position and closes her eye again and focuses on breathing patterns as her face returns to calm. (On the surface anyway)
She says nothing.

2019-01-18, 09:05 PM
Zetaya sits next to Clarity and looks up to the sky, observing the stars. She takes a deep breath in, smelling all that she can, and lets out a satisfied sigh. "Thank you," Zetaya whispers before she starts humming slightly, to herself, and closing her eyes.

If you're interested in what song she is humming it is called Kero Hiyero by Cirque Du Soleil (Varekai)

If no one comes along in about 15 minutes or so, it's most likely that Zetaya might take a slight nap and fall asleep against the post.

2019-01-18, 10:55 PM
The guild girl just has a little pout on her face while you turn her down after you leave she tisks and sighs looking annoyed “Well **** and she seemed fun too. O well” to the other attendent “See you in the morning.”

once your ready to go to Torf’s let me know

2019-01-18, 11:24 PM
I think a lot of us get more time to post and breeze by when some don't get a chance.
We can have general discussions without others, like the teasing going on here, but shouldn't try to really progress things while a member isn't able to respond.
If it's something that anyone COULD interject or interrupt etc please do wait for all persons to reply to it, or post in Discord saying there's nothing their character would add.

"Hyen, lets you and I go to see the Gnome researcher, Torf I think I recall."

2019-01-19, 09:36 PM
"Yes let us go." Hyensum head tilts to the left "by the way what is this lovey dovey kiss face thing you are talking about?"

2019-01-19, 09:58 PM
Airmid shrugs, "It's different sometimes, when you see it you'll know though, 'cause mostly you just see two people pressing their face together mouth on mouth and grabbing each other all over."
She wraps her arms around herself and starts making mock kissing sounds, "Usually you see them grabbing each others' behind, or chest. It's really off-putting because sometimes you intervene and they thank you and other times you intervene and you get yelled at."
She just shakes her head, "I'm just not going to judge, or help, unless someone calls for it during those times though."

Airmid pauses and turns back to the Guild Lady, whichever one is remaining, "I think Clarity ran off with the directions to Torf's place? Can we get another copy?"

2019-01-20, 12:24 AM
Tawariell gestures to the other guild attendant, "She is on shift now and can help you." She then just walks out.
The other one just laughs and hands you the directions. “You all may want to wait till morning he doesn’t normally like to be disturbed at this hour. Best of luck.” She says cheerfully.

The directions are to a small warehouse behind the markets.

2019-01-20, 01:09 AM
"Thanks, I'm sure we can at least deliver a message of our needs and payment to the house and be on our way."
Airmid takes the directions and hands them to Hyen, "Lets head out, we can find the others later or on the way, I'm sure despite their 'warning' I'm certain a little message of work and payment won't truly be looked upon too unfavorably."

2019-01-20, 01:46 AM
Hyensum nods "let us go" he then starts walking towards the marketplace.

2019-01-21, 01:58 AM
Airmid does a brisk jog beside Hyen to keep up as they make their way through the marketplace area towards the warehouse.
Her eyes dart back and forth as she keeps an eye out for anything shady as they make their way to Torf's.

2019-01-21, 07:57 AM
As you make your way though the town to the warehouse nothing really interesting happens all the shops are all just closing done for the night. Then you arrive at the warehouse you notice that it has seen better days, not that it is has started to rot more like the owner doesn't bother with the little upkeep that help make looking nice. The white wash is almost completely gone leaving weather worn wood exposed in its place almost making the structure look like its melting though bright lights shining through its small windows even now and you can hear someone rummaging around on the inside.

2019-01-21, 11:09 PM
Hyensum walks up to the front door and knocks once with his right arms.

2019-01-21, 11:33 PM
You hear a crash followed by low cursing and the sounds of heavy steps and ticking coming closer to the door. Before you can figure out what to do the door is opened by some kind of metal creature with a top hat. It speaks in a very smooth voice "How may I be of service?" as it speaks it jerks around as if there is something wrong with it.
A wrench flies through the air clattering to the ground out of sight on the other side of the door followed by a low grumble "How many times don't answer the door when its dark you stupid automaton." The creature then slams the door closed and you can hear it stomping and ticking away.

2019-01-22, 12:43 AM
"Master Torf, my party and I would like to hire you to research a troll that was healed by fire." Hyensum says.

2019-01-22, 01:51 AM
You hear the same low voice yell "And how about you come back later with it. Maybe during the light hours I get way to much done at night because I don't have to worry about people knocking every hour! Now go away and come back in the morning!"

2019-01-22, 02:11 AM
Airmid knocks again, "Please, we've got a lot of escorts to perform and we don't need the info this minute.
We'd just love to drop off our request and payment then be out of your hair."
She does her best puppy dog eyes expression waiting for Torf.

2019-01-22, 02:42 AM
The door opens quickly and what stands before you is obviously the gnome he has wide eyes that have a maniac energy to them he has enough lime green hair that if not for the color he could pass as a dwarf unfortunately no dwarf would let their bear get into this state his hair and clothing look to have been caught of fire and in explosions several times and not repaired. He says in his low voice "Fine if it will make you leave me be. Charge is 5 gold put the troll over there." He points to a small pile of various odds and ends from slate tablets to small mechanical devices. "Come back in 3 days that should be enough time for tests."

2019-01-22, 03:02 AM
Airmid bows, "Thank you, very much! I'll bring the troll from the guild office and leave it there as soon as I can!"
Nudging Hyen she takes off towards the guild, "Be sure to pay him, I'll be right back."

2019-01-22, 03:56 AM
Clarity opens her eyes but maintains her meditative form. She then focuses every sense at her disposal to observe everything around her and take in as much detail as she can. Noting specific details of any people that might be around and any conversations or noises happening at her location.

2019-01-22, 04:07 AM
Zetaya's song ends after about a minute when she switches to humming random notes. Her head, slumped slightly, rocks side to side as if keeping a slow tempo; her eyes are closed. As moments pass her humming trails off into silence, head still rocking side to side.

2019-01-22, 04:49 AM
The trip back to the guild to grab the troll and drag it back pass without event other then the odd looks you get from dragging around a dead troll.

You notice that the guards that are manning the gate are watching you. You note that there are 2 other people talking while sitting on a bench a little ways away one is a male human the other female they both look to be uncomfortable with the current conversation. Other then this you don't see anyone out at this hour.

2019-01-22, 04:52 AM
Airmid barges into the guild hall, "We'll need this for a little longer, Torf does actually, thank you~!"
With that she tosses the troll's arms over her shoulders and proceeds to drag it back to Torf's.

As she makes her way back at a measly 20 foot movement, running while dragging the troll for a total of 60 feet of movement per round, she ignores the stares of others.
However, to anyone with a trained eye in sense motive you can see a tiny smirk of pride in one's self glad to receive either the admiration or the awe of strangers.

2019-01-22, 03:39 PM
Hyensum pulls out the gold and hands it to Torf.

2019-01-22, 07:00 PM
The gnome takes your gold and waits for Airmid to come back

Airmid makes it back quickly the gnome grumbles “Bout time gods your slow.”

2019-01-22, 07:33 PM
(Are the guards specifically watching me or are they just looking my general direction.)
Clarity will wave at them and smile enough for them to see before returning back to her meditation stance.

Clarity focuses on the discussion to try and hear specifics of the conversation. She will then glance briefly to her companion to see if she has fallen asleep.

2019-01-22, 08:17 PM
Airmid slumps the troll where she was told, then crosses her arms and pouts. "Well I'm sorry that I had to drag this behemoth by myself..."
She bows, "We look forward to your findings and thank you for your patience." Then takes Hyen's lower left hand and drags him along back to the Guild Hall.
"Lets go look for Clarity and Zetaya."

2019-01-22, 09:02 PM
Zetaya's head sway stays in motion. Her lips move silently as if she is reciting a prayer or talking to herself. Her brow is slightly furrowed, eyes closed.

2019-01-23, 02:29 AM
It seems that eh conversation is the two breaking up because the girls father doesn't like the boy.

You both remember after a short ways that Clarity said that she was going to go to the gate to meditate.

2019-01-23, 05:14 AM
Airmid rushes back to the gate with Hyensum in tow, "We're back, the gnome was kind of rude but he'll help."
Her informative outburst and the loud shuffling of her plated armor would disturb the calmest of meditating monks.

2019-01-23, 07:12 PM
Zetaya's lips stop as her brow furrows further giving her a look of displeasure. She breathes in deeply and lifts her head, eyes open, and lets her breath out. Looking to her small metallic comrade she smiles warmly. "Well if we're finished here then let's get going." Zetaya lifts herself off the ground (taking Clarity's hand) with a grunt and dusts herself off, waiting for the others to express what they would like to do.

2019-01-24, 02:01 PM
Clarity stands up and walks over to behind the couple and speaks behind them "Answer these questions not to me but to yourselves." Clarity speaks to the guy, "Can you provide a home that is safe and a livelihood that will keep you both healthy and happy?" She then turns to the girl, "Will you be living under your father's roof forever and if not then what power does he hold over you then?"

She then returns to the group and holds out her hand to Zetaya (if she wants help up) and says to the newly assembled group. "Alright, everything is taken care of now I assume? Great, then let's be on our way. It feels like we meant to be half done with all of our duties by now but we have just scratched the surface."

She then beckons Airmid to lead the way since she has an idea of what she wants to do next.

2019-01-24, 08:23 PM
"We need to get going if we want to make the escorts to Arakil, but remember we've got bandits to stop, merchandise they stole to retrieve and we need to ask them about the nearby Orcs or scout them our-self."
Airmid nods her head in an approving way with a smirk on her face. "Remember, we've got tasks to do and gold to earn. Can't just sit around holding hands and doing nothing."

2019-01-25, 08:14 PM
Hyensum shrugs his shoulders " fine then lets go."

2019-01-26, 11:06 AM
"Clarity, mind helping me take off my armor? If we're going to be sneaking I think I'll just use my shield and if it really looks like I'll need it I'm certain we could find the time to put it on before hand as we'll not be caught by surprise, we're too aware of our surroundings as some of us don't like to be touched." She slides that last little jab in at Zetaya with a 'I'm not touching you' motion before lifting her arms straight out and waiting for the plates to be removed so she can slip out of the armor.