View Full Version : Help Me Relocate A Fantasy Painting…

2018-12-05, 03:22 PM
A few weeks ago I found some online art that perfectly illustrated a character I’m working on. The artwork shows an Asian woman in jade-green robes against an ethereal bamboo forest, and I found it by searching for Oriental-themed druid images. No sword, no armor, no dramatic combat poses and definitely no cleavage, just the jade robes and a wistful mood.

It was perfect, but for some reason the image didn’t save properly, and now I can’t find it through any combination of “druid,” “woman,” “Asian,” etc. It might have been from a wallpaper site, but I have no idea where it could have been. Can anyone help me find this again?

2018-12-06, 05:26 AM
This (https://i.pinimg.com/236x/db/88/42/db8842b1bf9f9880574194902a035984--mystical-forest-asian-artwork.jpg) one? 10

2018-12-06, 05:46 PM
Interesting, and it does match my description...but no, that's not it. I appreciate your trying, though.

Rogar Demonblud
2018-12-06, 11:19 PM
Sounds kind of like L5R card art I've seen, but none of the ones I found match it.

If you found this a couple weeks ago, is there a chance you can find the site by looking at your web history for the day(s) in question?

2018-12-07, 07:27 AM
The folder "Temporary Internet files" can also have it. Pictures you look at online are generally stored in the computer's cache folders.

Scarlet Knight
2018-12-16, 12:00 AM
A few weeks ago I found some online art that perfectly illustrated a character I’m working on. The artwork shows an Asian woman in jade-green robes against an ethereal bamboo forest, and I found it by searching for Oriental-themed druid images. No sword, no armor, no dramatic combat poses and definitely no cleavage, just the jade robes and a wistful mood.

It was perfect, but for some reason the image didn’t save properly, and now I can’t find it through any combination of “druid,” “woman,” “Asian,” etc. It might have been from a wallpaper site, but I have no idea where it could have been. Can anyone help me find this again?

I confess: this intrigued me. I wanted to find a good female Asian druid by your requirements.

Asian women in green dresses were easy; in fantasy art? Still OK. Forest? Check. But the rest became hard as I dropped all with swords , combat poses, or scanty attire.

Still, I found some; will any of these serve?


2018-12-17, 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Scarlet Knight
Still, I found some; will any of these serve?

Thanks for doing some searching on my behalf, I appreciate it.

In fact, I came across most of these early in my searching. The one you’ve placed first is my favorite of the random finds; apparently this was based on a friend of the artist, and of course the spirit-squirrel thingy is memorable on its own. The others are a little more generic, although I do like the one of the woman leaning against the statues (while wishing I could see a larger version).

As it happens, I did finally come across the image I was looking for, although I wouldn’t be able to post it easily. I did make sure to save it properly this time, so a happy ending on this search.

2018-12-18, 04:16 AM
Thanks for doing some searching on my behalf, I appreciate it.

In fact, I came across most of these early in my searching. The one you’ve placed first is my favorite of the random finds; apparently this was based on a friend of the artist, and of course the spirit-squirrel thingy is memorable on its own. The others are a little more generic, although I do like the one of the woman leaning against the statues (while wishing I could see a larger version).

As it happens, I did finally come across the image I was looking for, although I wouldn’t be able to post it easily. I did make sure to save it properly this time, so a happy ending on this search.

Congratulations! Now I am really curious. :smallbiggrin:
Can you link to it or tell us how to find it?

2018-12-18, 10:05 AM

I found it, saved it, then got involved with other things, so I don't have the link handy. And I don't have an image-hosting account where I could easily post it.

If you're really interested, you can PM your email address and I'll be glad to send it as an attachment.

2018-12-20, 04:06 AM

I found it, saved it, then got involved with other things, so I don't have the link handy. And I don't have an image-hosting account where I could easily post it.

If you're really interested, you can PM your email address and I'll be glad to send it as an attachment.

If you want to do a quick n dirt pic up of something I recommend this:
Lightshot screen capture app (https://app.prntscr.com/en/index.html)

It's a tool to post screenshots, but you can just crop it down to the important parts. It can jsut in one click upload a pic to the providers servers no accounts and such needed. Gives you the link to the pic right as it uploads.

Super easy to use too IMO, perfect for things you want to post up in forum and don't expect to be showing and linking to forever.