View Full Version : 3 x Free Starter Adventures for Low Fantasy Gaming

2018-12-06, 01:56 AM
Coinciding with Andrew Murphys excellent Zero Level PC Generator https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fxpzmrDW3EB3OTCLx0HaPcIx0cBB_cTDvtz-9L58UBU/edit?usp=sharing and our impending Kickstarter for LFG Deluxe Edition, three of our starter adventures are now (permanently) free on DTRPG:

No.13 Gift of the Silent God (uncovering a cultist plot whilst hunting for an owlbear in the woods),

No.25 Revelry in Northgate (tavern crawl to rescue a drunken lord from his own antics, before he causes his family too much embarrassment), and

No.40 Call of the Colossus (a Zero Level Ordeal PC creation adventure, with a caravan massacre, suspicious outpost and lost temple).

https://lowfantasygaming.com/2018/12/06 ... dventures/

Hope you can get some good gaming out of them.