View Full Version : Roleplaying Song Ideas for a Friendly Barbarian

2018-12-06, 02:08 AM
So, i'm going to play a half-orc barbarian named ignar, who had been born to a clan as a son of the chief (father) and the shaman (mother). (The clan is constantly warring with humans.) It's is later understood that ignar is a half orc and his now step-father hated him but couldn't do anything because of the spirits communing with ignar's mom. So he got shunned beaten ignored throughout the years in the orc settlement. Finally he killed the chief during a battle with humans, after he realized that chief used the chaos of the battle to kill the shaman (mother). Later he ran and collapsed due to the injuries and got helped from another player which is human.

After years of abusement from orcs in his clan he saw the humans are a lot more fun and likeable. So now he is a jolly giant to the humans that act nice to him.

i'm picking songs to get me in the mood so far i've got songs for combat and rage related situations. Now i'm trying to pick a song for the social interactions with humans.

Any ideas?

2018-12-06, 09:28 AM
A few ideas:


