View Full Version : Funnest Class in DnD.

2018-12-06, 06:38 AM
Simple, what is the funnest 5e class?

2018-12-06, 07:15 AM
Depends on what you find 'fun'. For some people, an optimized Sorcadin is fun. For others a champion fighter is fun because they can do things without having to manage complicated mechanics.

I'd personally recommend Bard as pretty fun, but only to someone that wouldn't mind having to deal with all the bookkeeping a caster class requires, and the personality to make use of social abilities.

2018-12-06, 07:24 AM
Funny, that’s a difficult word to quantify. Taking it from a purely objective standpoint, a bard has the greatest ability to be funny in game. (Performace expertise+any spells to aid them). However, I don’t think this is what you want.

Barbarians can be hilarious. They have so many stereotypes, that breaking one can lead to high Levels of laughter.

Bards are just plain funny to play. Imangine wielding bagpipes into battle, that’s pretty much a bard. (So bards are Scottish right)

Cleric Druid Fighter. Kinda serious as classes go, but not to say you can’t be funny.

Paladin, once again, stereotypes lead to breaking them, which, if done right, can cause some laughs.

Ranger. See Druid.

Rogue. Although stealing stuff seems funny, it gets kinda boring. I personally love sneaking around and finding out dirt on my team members. Stealing secrets>stealing money.

Warlocks. A good patron will be enough to sneak some comedy in, but otherwise warlock seems serious. Like Druid and others.

Sorc and wiz: be kooky with your magic, it’s yours, have fun and hijinks, unlike divine casters you can abuse it.

Edit: it appears I read the question as “funniest” and not “funnest” well if your’e looking for humor, than you came to the right place.

2018-12-06, 07:41 AM
You are asking an extremely, extremely subjective question here.

Personally I love monks, I have always loved monks, and I always will love monks.

2018-12-06, 08:10 AM
I guess the question becomes, are you looking for class mechanical fun or role play fun?

Fun role play could be the big ugly half orc barbarian on a quest to find true love.

Fun mechanically depends on your playstyle.

I guess a great combo of both could be.


And tell your enimies to...


2018-12-06, 08:36 AM
You might be able to focus in on more relevant answers if you rephrase the question as “What class(es) do you have the most fun with?” Just cut through all the worry about subjectivity and get to the experiential data.

To answer that question, probably Bard (Lore especially). It’s just so much fun finding a theme and figuring out how to use the Lore Bard’s features to achieve it and fluff accordingly. :)

2018-12-06, 09:14 AM
If I'm with a good RP group any class will be fun.


2018-12-06, 09:18 AM
Zealot. Barbarian.

2018-12-06, 09:19 AM
That's like asking what the best ice cream is...

2018-12-06, 09:53 AM
Zealot. Barbarian.

This becomes even more fun if you have a Druid in your party with reincarnate. The zealot barbarian can start each day as a different race.

2018-12-06, 09:59 AM
*Jeopardy theme song plays* HELLO! Today we will spin a wheel with this barbarian on it!

Whatever the pointer lands on, the barbarian will be the most interracial people in existance!

2018-12-06, 10:41 AM
Like many have said, that's subjective, even when asking the same person.

Most fun for being a melee bash-'em kind of character? My vote goes to Barbarian over the others, at least as far as how the mechanics are made interesting and fun for the player.

Some people like playing healers, they tend to enjoy clerics.

Some want outrageously expressive and wild characters that can do a lot of everything. Bards and Rogues are both great for this.

Some like their spellcasters with specific "themes" as far as their spells, such as fire, lightning, etc. They like Sorcerers.

My preferred spellcaster is Wizard, as I like to have a character who is very knowledgeable and versatile.

Bards are just plain funny to play. Imangine wielding bagpipes into battle, that’s pretty much a bard.
LOL. My first 5e character was a Dragonborn Valor Bard, and while he used a hunting horn as his instrument/arcane focus in combat, his instrument of choice for out of combat was the bagpipes.

6'7" dragon man in half-plate playing the bagpipes...

That's like asking what the best ice cream is...

That's a ridiculous question. Everyone knows Dreyer's Slow-Churned Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream is the very best (only available seasonally, sadly). :smallwink:

2018-12-06, 10:45 AM
I don't think I've played a character and thought to myself "boy this class isn't fun", so there's certainly nothing that's lacking in my opinion. As for my favorite... I couldn't decide, as I've had great experiences with multiple characters of every class that I've played.

That's like asking what the best ice cream is...

Don't be ridiculous, everyone knows that mint chocolate chip is the best.

2018-12-06, 10:47 AM
Don't be ridiculous, everyone knows that mint chocolate chip is the best.

Them's fightin' words.

2018-12-06, 10:48 AM
Simple, what is the funnest 5e class? All of them. It's the archer, not the arrow.

Don't be ridiculous, everyone knows that mint chocolate chip is the best. Pistachio almond, at B&R (https://www.baskinrobbinsathome.com/ice-cream/pistachio-almond) You got the right color, wrong flavor. :smallcool:

2018-12-06, 10:58 AM
I've played...

-checks notes-

Every class now. I've played every class, whether a part of a campaign or one shots.

Its going to sound cliche to say, 'play what you enjoy'. Because that's... That's only partly true.

The 'funnest class' for me, is whatever I embraced the most.

My first 5E character, and I enjoyed the ever loving hell out of him, was a Half Orc Barbarian. Nothing crazy, it was nice and simple. He hit things, and he hit them hard. And you'd figure he'd be boring in social encounters and exploration, with his terrible charisma and low intelligence. But I embraced those aspects of him, as well as his strengths. As a Bear Totem Barbarian, his strength was considered doubled for certain aspects. So when it came time to hold a door closed as zombies tried to break in to eat us, he was the man for the job. So I embraced his strength, but also embraced his stupidity. When someone had a Wand of Wonder, he discarded it as a 'weird pointy thing ill-suited to gouge out peoples eyes' and tossed it over his shoulder. His poor charisma? Occasionally he was known to tell metaphors that had NOTHING to do with anything. "They say if you feed a man a fish... Sigil wasn't built in a day."

Embracing the shortcomings is by far how I have the most fun with a character.

The ones I hate have been the ones with no personality at all, that I min-maxxed to the point where that's all I focused on, and I forgot the character. I made stats on a sheet, I made a class/race combo, but I forgot the character.

I typically absolutely despise Druids, but right now I'm playing one. And I absolutely love it! Most are a Humanoid that can occasionally shift into an animal? I inverted it. I'm a Bear that's been cursed to be a Humanoid, and I shift back into my normal Bear form. So I'm a Gold Dragonborn with 5 Int, because I have the brain of a Bear. Why 5 and not 4 Int? Well, I'm smarter than the average bear. :smallbiggrin:

Guy Lombard-O
2018-12-06, 10:59 AM
Bards are just plain funny to play. Imangine wielding bagpipes into battle, that’s pretty much a bard. (So bards are Scottish right)

Edit: it appears I read the question as “funniest” and not “funnest” well if your’e looking for humor, than you came to the right place.

Bards win (for me) in both categories. Played a sciurian (squirrel race) valor bard, was my favorite character to play. Lots to do, lots of class tools to do them with. Actions, bonus actions, reactions, great skills, 1/2 good at all the skills, extra attacks in melee, great spells to buff/debuff/battlefield control, but can damage or heal too when needed. Also shout inspiring nonsense at the other PCs, buffing their actions. Never run out of things to do! And insult the baddies and crack jokes whenever possible with magical effects resulting!

He sometimes literally drove the bad guys up the walls (trying to reach and kill him).

It was a blast!

2018-12-06, 11:17 AM
Simple, what is the funnest 5e class?

Rogue. I love the pure flexibility this class gives me.

You can build this class to be anything, do anything, and excel at almost anything.

Lightly armored melee or range? Check

Skill monkey? Check (even while doing other things)

Spell Caster? Check (weak link, but doable). Use Magic Device is just so damn tasty.

Heavy armored melee or ranged? Check

I think the magical side needs help, but for whatever reason WotC doesn't want to expand on Arcane Trickster/Eldritch Knight type subclasses for Rogue and Fighter.

Why it beats out Bard? A bard must be magical. No option to not be without your spells. I like not being ropped into a specific playstyles before my character gets to decide, in game, which way to go.

2018-12-06, 12:21 PM
Personally, I have the most fun with druid.

I gotta love the +13 insight check and when the dm gives me a legimate reason to use it, He just sighs and tells me if their lying or not.

2018-12-06, 03:07 PM
The funnest D&D class is the one being played by the funnest player. Duh.

2018-12-06, 03:28 PM
Personally, I have the most fun with druid.

I gotta love the +13 insight check and when the dm gives me a legimate reason to use it, He just sighs and tells me if their lying or not.

How are you hitting +13 out of curiosity? This triggered my DM 'sketchy addition' sense, I just want to know.

As a generalization I find mundanes slightly more fun than spellcasters. I have much less book keeping and planning and I find I'm in character and the 'scene' more often. I can just play and not be distracted by double checking a spell.

2018-12-06, 04:13 PM
I'm a simple man.

I've never had a time where Rage+Reckless attack wasn't fun even if it was a bad idea at the time.

Joe the Rat
2018-12-06, 04:51 PM
If I'm with a good RP group any class will be fun.

Absolutely. But we both know the real answer to this one...

The funnest D&D class is the one being played by the funnest player. Duh.
Oh yes. I've got a player who is an absolute blast at anything he plays. His play is equal parts party-supportive, mischievous, and individually awesome.
I never realized how entertaining a Lawful Good Dwarven Paladin can be. Or how much of a team player a Kender Rogue is.

2018-12-06, 04:54 PM
How are you hitting +13 out of curiosity? This triggered my DM 'sketchy addition' sense, I just want to know.

As a generalization I find mundanes slightly more fun than spellcasters. I have much less book keeping and planning and I find I'm in character and the 'scene' more often. I can just play and not be distracted by double checking a spell.

20 wis == +5 mod
Proficiency Bonus=+4
Insightful Feat= +4
Actually, thinking about it, it was 12.
Still this is plausable.
[P.S.] I was wrong, that's 13. Math is hard.

2018-12-06, 04:58 PM
“The Monks of Cool, whose tiny and exclusive monastery is hidden in a really cool and laid-back valley in the lower Ramtops, have a passing-out test for a novice. He is taken into a room full of all types of clothing and asked: Yo, my son, which of these is the most stylish thing to wear? And the correct answer is: Hey, whatever I select.”

2018-12-06, 05:00 PM
Edit: it appears I read the question as “funniest” and not “funnest” well if your’e looking for humor, than you came to the right place.

I see what you did there, using "than" instead of correctly using "then," which just adds to the comedy.

As far as the OP goes, I'd say the character concept and persona is way more important than the mechanics of the class personally.

2018-12-06, 05:25 PM
As others have said it is a subjective question. So I will give my subjective response.

IMO it really just boils down to RP. Sure different classes have more stuff you can do and others have less complicated rules but regardless of how well built your character is, the most fun you can get out of the game is how you and your friends create colorful and fun interactions.

That being said, the class that I had the funnest time playing was an Archefey Warlock. Mainly because the Fey enjoy great mischief and the requests that you get can be absolutely hilarious. I played a male character who had a was "tricked" into a pact by this one fey lady but instead of being upset about it he sees it as her having affection for him. Basically he acted like a doting boyfriend to his patron and it made for some great comedic moments. It was great because my DM took the liberty of playing my Patron like a total Tsundere because she actually kinda liked him. Overall he had a teasing big brother type of personality and had a high insight check bonus. He always knew what people were feeling and would tease them relentlessly. It was great.

2018-12-06, 05:28 PM
Some of you are correct. The answer is Barbarian.

2018-12-06, 06:39 PM
Personally, I really like Storm herald.

2018-12-08, 05:50 AM
Depends on what you find 'fun'. For some people, an optimized Sorcadin is fun. For others a champion fighter is fun because they can do things without having to manage complicated mechanics.

I'd personally recommend Bard as pretty fun, but only to someone that wouldn't mind having to deal with all the bookkeeping a caster class requires, and the personality to make use of social abilities.

Hey, Now WOW, for a simple question this is amazing, I will try to reply 1 at a time.

I enjoy caster classes very much and don't mind book-keeping, I also really enjoy getting to use charisma, I will keep it in mind, Thankyou and 1 question, if you have, what are your favorite Bard experiences? (Open to everyone)

2018-12-08, 05:53 AM
Funny, that’s a difficult word to quantify. Taking it from a purely objective standpoint, a bard has the greatest ability to be funny in game. (Performace expertise+any spells to aid them). However, I don’t think this is what you want.

Barbarians can be hilarious. They have so many stereotypes, that breaking one can lead to high Levels of laughter.

Bards are just plain funny to play. Imangine wielding bagpipes into battle, that’s pretty much a bard. (So bards are Scottish right)

Cleric Druid Fighter. Kinda serious as classes go, but not to say you can’t be funny.

Paladin, once again, stereotypes lead to breaking them, which, if done right, can cause some laughs.

Ranger. See Druid.

Rogue. Although stealing stuff seems funny, it gets kinda boring. I personally love sneaking around and finding out dirt on my team members. Stealing secrets>stealing money.

Warlocks. A good patron will be enough to sneak some comedy in, but otherwise warlock seems serious. Like Druid and others.

Sorc and wiz: be kooky with your magic, it’s yours, have fun and hijinks, unlike divine casters you can abuse it.

Edit: it appears I read the question as “funniest” and not “funnest” well if your’e looking for humor, than you came to the right place.

JK Lol, thanks for the reply, and I was thinking of opening another thread but you have it covered, I guess I should try Barbarian to, Thakyou. Open to all, what are you favorite Barbarian moments?

2018-12-08, 05:56 AM
You are asking an extremely, extremely subjective question here.

Personally I love monks, I have always loved monks, and I always will love monks.

Why do you love monks?

2018-12-08, 06:02 AM
I guess the question becomes, are you looking for class mechanical fun or role play fun?

Fun role play could be the big ugly half orc barbarian on a quest to find true love.

Fun mechanically depends on your playstyle.

I guess a great combo of both could be.

And tell your enimies to...



That is a good way to put it. I enjoy mechanically spell casters but role playing anything. But I will say I think I have to try that Barbarian Idea!

2018-12-08, 06:05 AM
You might be able to focus in on more relevant answers if you rephrase the question as “What class(es) do you have the most fun with?” Just cut through all the worry about subjectivity and get to the experiential data.

To answer that question, probably Bard (Lore especially). It’s just so much fun finding a theme and figuring out how to use the Lore Bard’s features to achieve it and fluff accordingly. :)

People recommend a Bard or Barbarian, I will play both but when I play Bard I will try a Lore Bard, thanks for the pointer!

2018-12-08, 06:07 AM
That's like asking what the best ice cream is...

I get what you mean, that's why I asked, It's the exact same problem.

2018-12-08, 06:10 AM
Like many have said, that's subjective, even when asking the same person.

Most fun for being a melee bash-'em kind of character? My vote goes to Barbarian over the others, at least as far as how the mechanics are made interesting and fun for the player.

Some people like playing healers, they tend to enjoy clerics.

Some want outrageously expressive and wild characters that can do a lot of everything. Bards and Rogues are both great for this.

Some like their spellcasters with specific "themes" as far as their spells, such as fire, lightning, etc. They like Sorcerers.

My preferred spellcaster is Wizard, as I like to have a character who is very knowledgeable and versatile.

LOL. My first 5e character was a Dragonborn Valor Bard, and while he used a hunting horn as his instrument/arcane focus in combat, his instrument of choice for out of combat was the bagpipes.

6'7" dragon man in half-plate playing the bagpipes...

That's a ridiculous question. Everyone knows Dreyer's Slow-Churned Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream is the very best (only available seasonally, sadly). :smallwink:

Thank you for your answer, I can see that depending on what mechanics you like, will depend on what class you will enjoy.

2018-12-08, 06:13 AM
I don't think I've played a character and thought to myself "boy this class isn't fun", so there's certainly nothing that's lacking in my opinion. As for my favorite... I couldn't decide, as I've had great experiences with multiple characters of every class that I've played.

Don't be ridiculous, everyone knows that mint chocolate chip is the best.

Every class can bring out the fun, which is always a good sign. Thankyou for your contribution.

2018-12-08, 06:16 AM
I've played...

-checks notes-

Every class now. I've played every class, whether a part of a campaign or one shots.

Its going to sound cliche to say, 'play what you enjoy'. Because that's... That's only partly true.

The 'funnest class' for me, is whatever I embraced the most.

My first 5E character, and I enjoyed the ever loving hell out of him, was a Half Orc Barbarian. Nothing crazy, it was nice and simple. He hit things, and he hit them hard. And you'd figure he'd be boring in social encounters and exploration, with his terrible charisma and low intelligence. But I embraced those aspects of him, as well as his strengths. As a Bear Totem Barbarian, his strength was considered doubled for certain aspects. So when it came time to hold a door closed as zombies tried to break in to eat us, he was the man for the job. So I embraced his strength, but also embraced his stupidity. When someone had a Wand of Wonder, he discarded it as a 'weird pointy thing ill-suited to gouge out peoples eyes' and tossed it over his shoulder. His poor charisma? Occasionally he was known to tell metaphors that had NOTHING to do with anything. "They say if you feed a man a fish... Sigil wasn't built in a day."

Embracing the shortcomings is by far how I have the most fun with a character.

The ones I hate have been the ones with no personality at all, that I min-maxxed to the point where that's all I focused on, and I forgot the character. I made stats on a sheet, I made a class/race combo, but I forgot the character.

I typically absolutely despise Druids, but right now I'm playing one. And I absolutely love it! Most are a Humanoid that can occasionally shift into an animal? I inverted it. I'm a Bear that's been cursed to be a Humanoid, and I shift back into my normal Bear form. So I'm a Gold Dragonborn with 5 Int, because I have the brain of a Bear. Why 5 and not 4 Int? Well, I'm smarter than the average bear. :smallbiggrin:

Nice mate, and I love the bear story, I agree with your clip on shortcomings, they define characters more than there actions ever could.

2018-12-08, 06:21 AM
Bards win (for me) in both categories. Played a sciurian (squirrel race) valor bard, was my favorite character to play. Lots to do, lots of class tools to do them with. Actions, bonus actions, reactions, great skills, 1/2 good at all the skills, extra attacks in melee, great spells to buff/debuff/battlefield control, but can damage or heal too when needed. Also shout inspiring nonsense at the other PCs, buffing their actions. Never run out of things to do! And insult the baddies and crack jokes whenever possible with magical effects resulting!

He sometimes literally drove the bad guys up the walls (trying to reach and kill him).

It was a blast!

I'm gonna answer the rest tomorrow, so don't worry.

That Bard though, reminds of a cheeky cartoon squirrel. I definitely have to try a bard some day.

Dark Schneider
2018-12-08, 06:49 AM
Maybe a megalomaniac Wild Magic Sorcerer.

2018-12-08, 12:56 PM
SpacePiggy, you really need to do multi-quotes. Double (or septuple) post a are a no-no. I would hate to see someone get violations for something so silly.

2018-12-08, 01:00 PM
For me, spell casters are the most fun. Sorcerer, Bard, and Warlock I especially enjoy because I like to make hard choices about what my characters spells are going to be. Clerics, Druids and Wizards are fine, but the fact that they can just know every spell takes away some of the customization fun away from them.

What metamagic do I take? What will I choose for my very limited spells known? What Magic Secrets do I take? Which Eldritch Invocations? I love building characters and putting a lot of thought into decisions like that. Plus it means any two of those characters can have wildly different abilities even if they are the same class.

2018-12-08, 03:17 PM
Honestly? Depends on the mood I'm in at the time. Which is admittedly not a particularly helpful answer. Sorry.

Dark Schneider
2018-12-09, 04:45 AM
For me, spell casters are the most fun. Sorcerer, Bard, and Warlock I especially enjoy because I like to make hard choices about what my characters spells are going to be. Clerics, Druids and Wizards are fine, but the fact that they can just know every spell takes away some of the customization fun away from them.

What metamagic do I take? What will I choose for my very limited spells known? What Magic Secrets do I take? Which Eldritch Invocations? I love building characters and putting a lot of thought into decisions like that. Plus it means any two of those characters can have wildly different abilities even if they are the same class.
About Wizards, you have to choose 2 each level, then looking for spells to write them into your spellbook, the spellbook itself (making copies).

Also selecting your prepared spells from your spellbook is fascinating as you have to think each time the best to fit the situation. IMO that is more interesting than always knowing the same, yes it is hard to choose at the moment you get them, but after that they are fixed.

With the Wizard, depending if you are going to face a dungeon, an open space, exploration, getting information, interacting with NPC, expecting a boss battle...you (try to) prepare for that.

So the same character could:
- Enclose foes in a small room using his familiar with Arcane Lock and then cast a Wall of Fire inside (using familiar sight if you have a spider i.e.). You could also use Clairvoyance if not having a familiar.
- Buff allies or debuff the boss, while expending the boss HP with Magic Missile.
- Rescue someone from a prison using Arcane Eye and Dimensional Door, if not protected against it.

Setting Intelligence for that class is very appropriate as the player also have to think much due to the class flexibility. Notice that is the class more flexible due to its spell list, compared to Cleric, Paladin, or Druid, that are much more closed to some tasks.

For me, that is priceless.

2018-12-09, 06:06 AM
As others have said it is a subjective question. So I will give my subjective response.

IMO it really just boils down to RP. Sure different classes have more stuff you can do and others have less complicated rules but regardless of how well built your character is, the most fun you can get out of the game is how you and your friends create colorful and fun interactions.

That being said, the class that I had the funnest time playing was an Archefey Warlock. Mainly because the Fey enjoy great mischief and the requests that you get can be absolutely hilarious. I played a male character who had a was "tricked" into a pact by this one fey lady but instead of being upset about it he sees it as her having affection for him. Basically he acted like a doting boyfriend to his patron and it made for some great comedic moments. It was great because my DM took the liberty of playing my Patron like a total Tsundere because she actually kinda liked him. Overall he had a teasing big brother type of personality and had a high insight check bonus. He always knew what people were feeling and would tease them relentlessly. It was great.

That Warlock sure sounds like a lot of fun. I really enjoy Warlocks and put them, currently as my favorite class.

For me, spell casters are the most fun. Sorcerer, Bard, and Warlock I especially enjoy because I like to make hard choices about what my characters spells are going to be. Clerics, Druids and Wizards are fine, but the fact that they can just know every spell takes away some of the customization fun away from them.

What metamagic do I take? What will I choose for my very limited spells known? What Magic Secrets do I take? Which Eldritch Invocations? I love building characters and putting a lot of thought into decisions like that. Plus it means any two of those characters can have wildly different abilities even if they are the same class.

I agree, making hard choices connects me to a character and I enjoy the choice, Roleplay and Freedom some of the choices have.

SpacePiggy, you really need to do multi-quotes. Double (or septuple) post a are a no-no. I would hate to see someone get violations for something so silly.

Don't worry, thanks for the advice but I figured it out.

Maybe a megalomaniac Wild Magic Sorcerer.

Why do you enjoy a Sorcerer?

2018-12-09, 08:12 AM
Why do you love monks?

I've always loved the image of monks. They are in a world of heavy armor and dragons and great swords and here they are completely unarmed and wearing no armor causing just as much damage.

2018-12-10, 05:04 AM
I've always loved the image of monks. They are in a world of heavy armor and dragons and great swords and here they are completely unarmed and wearing no armor causing just as much damage.

They way you put it makes the monk sound awesome, I will try it out.

Dark Schneider
2018-12-10, 07:25 AM
Why do you enjoy a Sorcerer?
Not the Sorcerer class, the character itself. Sorcerers get the power from their own, the Wild Magic one even more, as it is a normal human that sometime discovers a hidden power within himself. That could be his megalomania starting point, also Charisma is his main stat, so it can be presented as a leader. Add Chaotic alignment and voilà.

I think it is a very interesting character and fun to play with, due to his mind and how he use his skills (power and charisma). And, if he survives and get powerful, at high level tier maybe he could get some kingdom, and become a conqueror, as he wants to dominate the world! (megalomaniac, do you remember? :) )

2018-12-10, 10:10 AM
Arcane Trickster Rogue! It's got the word "trickster" right there in the name! I worry less about damage and devastating spell effects, and more about mischief and shenanigans. I mean, I've had fun with pretty much every class I've played, but I have found the Arcane Trickster, while far from optimized, to be the most entertaining.

2018-12-11, 05:43 AM
Arcane Trickster Rogue! It's got the word "trickster" right there in the name! I worry less about damage and devastating spell effects, and more about mischief and shenanigans. I mean, I've had fun with pretty much every class I've played, but I have found the Arcane Trickster, while far from optimized, to be the most entertaining.

That sounds like a fun concept, I will try it soon as we're about to have a fun game coming up which is about fun more than anything, I will create a ATR.

2018-12-11, 08:30 AM
There is this custom fighter subtype that's called banneret[no not the ua.] that I play. I give out morale die(d4) and temp hp as a bonus action. These die can be used on saving throws, ac if your attack, skill checks, attack rolls and damages roll.
I find it really fun, because I can be a front line offense while still supporting other people. Also them being morale really adds to the flavor.

2018-12-12, 05:37 AM
There is this custom fighter subtype that's called banneret[no not the ua.] that I play. I give out morale die(d4) and temp hp as a bonus action. These die can be used on saving throws, ac if your attack, skill checks, attack rolls and damages roll.
I find it really fun, because I can be a front line offense while still supporting other people. Also them being morale really adds to the flavor.

Sounds like a class to command the battlefield, I have a campaign coming up that this, this class is perfect for. Thank you.

2018-12-12, 10:28 AM
Why do you enjoy a Sorcerer?

Not the same person but...

Sorcerer is my second favorite class.

Their limited spell selection is only "bad" because everyone else gets too many or ways to change theirs up. I find that to be a game design flaw on the other classes, not on the Sorcerer.

The base sorcerer could be better. Short rest metamagics or spell points actually go a long way at helping the Sorcerer. However, I've found metamagics such as empower, subtle, careful, and twin to be diabolical levels of fun at tables.

Subtle spell is one of the most, well not broken, but awesome abilities in the game. Sadly, D&D tries to focus only on combat so many people don't get to see this in play as much.

2018-12-12, 11:17 AM
Well, the Jester obviously !

I played a Jester (optional class published in Dragon magazine for AD&D) for a few games. At low levels its was a fun class to play.
Someone wrote a 5e version.

2018-12-12, 11:18 AM
Well, the Jester obviously !

I played a Jester (optional class published in Dragon magazine for AD&D) for a few games. At low levels its was a fun class to play.
Someone wrote a 5e version.

Found the link:

2018-12-12, 11:25 AM
Let me clarify some things here about the subclass
Well, the options

You are able to inspire and bolster your comrades in battle, using special dice called morale dice. To do so, you use a bonus action on your turn to choose one creature other than yourself within 30 feet of you who can see or hear you. That creature gains one Morale die, a d4, and temporary hitpoints equal to your fighter level + your Charisma modifier.
Once within the next 10 minutes, the creature can roll the die and add the number rolled to one attack roll, weapon damage roll, or saving throw it makes.
The creature can wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to use the Morale die, but must decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails.
Alternatively, when an attack roll is made against the creature, it can use its reaction to roll the Morale die and add the number rolled to its AC against that attack, after seeing the roll but before knowing whether it hits or misses.
Once the Morale die is rolled, or the creature loses its temporary hitpoints, it is lost. If the creature's temporary hitpoints are overwritten by another source, the creature keeps the Morale die until rolled. A creature can have only one Morale die at a time.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain any expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.

At 7th level, you lead your troops through fear or love. Choose Intimidation or Persuasion. You gain proficiency in the chosen skill. If you are already proficient in it, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks made with it.
Hold the Line
Beginning at 7th level, you can rally your allies even in the most dire of situations. When you use your Second Wind feature, you can expend one of your uses of Morale to rally your allies. When you do so, roll a morale die, and each friendly creature within 30 feet of you that can see or hear you regains hitpoints equal to the number rolled + your fighter level.
Additionally, when a friendly creature within 30 feet of you falls unconscious, you can use your reaction to expend one use of Morale and move up to your speed towards that creature. Roll a Morale die, the target regains hitpoints equal to the number rolled times the number of opportunity attacks you provoked by this movement (1, if no opportunity attacks were provoked).
Starting at 10th level, you can lead your allies in daring assaults upon your enemies. As an action, you can expend one of your uses of Morale and make a weapon attack, rolling a Morale die and adding the number rolled to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you can immediately command your allies to attack. When you do so, choose a number of allies within 30 feet of you equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of 1). The chosen creatures can each use their reaction to make one weapon attack against the target.
Starting at 15th level, your fearless presence emboldens your allies. You, friendly creatures within 10 feet of you, and creatures with a Morale die from you can’t be frightened while you are conscious.

Beginning at 18th level, you are a dominating presence in battle, striking fear into your enemies and courage
into your allies. Your morale dice become d6s. Additionally, when you score a critical hit, the target becomes frightened of you until the start of your next turn, and you regain 1 use of Morale.

2018-12-12, 12:56 PM
I'm having a ball with my halfling Sun Soul monk. He's currently level 10, has a speed of 45 feet, and an AC of 19. He can run up walls and across water, he shoots radiant sun bolts like DBZ ki blasts, and is just an overall beast in combat.

In social situations, it kind of depends on the campaign and the stats you roll.

2018-12-12, 05:16 PM
Well, the Jester obviously !

I played a Jester (optional class published in Dragon magazine for AD&D) for a few games. At low levels its was a fun class to play.
Someone wrote a 5e version.

That looks as if it is a fun class to play, I never knew about it until now, thank you!

Waterdeep Merch
2018-12-12, 06:16 PM
I'm a huge paladin fan, been playing them for several editions and different gaming systems. They're more fun in 5e than ever, and seem to have more serious build permutations than usual. I love 'em.

Huge personal bias aside, I think the barbarian is the most cathartic to play in combat, the wizard has the best toys for solving problems, and a bard is the most magnificently awesome class during any social encounter. I see these three a lot, almost as often as the obligatory rogue played by the newbie least-suited to playing a rogue.

Blood of Gaea
2018-12-12, 10:04 PM
Illusion Wizard, nothing gets my creative juices flowing like specializing in Illusion,

2018-12-12, 11:45 PM
Most fun I have had was with a swashbuckler rogue half elf.

Focused on high dex and charisma.

He was the face of the group and a totally aloof guy who played the flute and danced to make others happy, even when the situation was more serious than that. He sought in combat with a razored yellow sash of a dancer.

However his whole persona was a lie, he was a cold blooded killer and head problem solver for a house of unscrupulous magical craftsmen who sold their souls for the power to craft magical trinkets.

He acted aloof and haughty because nobody would expect the dancing and singing idiot to be an assassin.

His sash came from his sister who killer herself in front of him in grief after his first mission to prove he was a man was to kill her fiancée because she would not marry who the family wanted.

He was lawful evil, fighting his way through revenge of killing his entire house of corrupt businessmen to finally become lawful neutral. Although he eventually was betrayed by a teammate and ended up lawful evil again.

As a swashbuckler rogue:

You will have great social and thief type skills.
Never run out of resources.
Their level 9 ability is just bonkers.
Can play great from any range with the scag version.
With so many skills with the half elf rogue and later taking he skilled feat you always have something to do.
Once you get reliable talent, the world is yours.

2018-12-13, 10:54 AM
Most fun I have had was with a swashbuckler rogue half elf.

Focused on high dex and charisma.

He was the face of the group and a totally aloof guy who played the flute and danced to make others happy, even when the situation was more serious than that. He sought in combat with a razored yellow sash of a dancer.

However his whole persona was a lie, he was a cold blooded killer and head problem solver for a house of unscrupulous magical craftsmen who sold their souls for the power to craft magical trinkets.

He acted aloof and haughty because nobody would expect the dancing and singing idiot to be an assassin.

His sash came from his sister who killer herself in front of him in grief after his first mission to prove he was a man was to kill her fiancée because she would not marry who the family wanted.

He was lawful evil, fighting his way through revenge of killing his entire house of corrupt businessmen to finally become lawful neutral. Although he eventually was betrayed by a teammate and ended up lawful evil again.

As a swashbuckler rogue:

You will have great social and thief type skills.
Never run out of resources.
Their level 9 ability is just bonkers.
Can play great from any range with the scag version.
With so many skills with the half elf rogue and later taking he skilled feat you always have something to do.
Once you get reliable talent, the world is yours.

Perhaps my favorite thing about Swashbuckler is that you can use it to make a good armored tank and still have a way to have an initiative bonus when dumping dex.

Rogue is just... Such a wonderful class.

2018-12-29, 10:10 AM
Was having fun doing a captain america smasher straight by the rules, but every time I turned the corner there was the word or re-wording of "fluffed and DM approved". I was just hoping to have him follow the rules to the letter and let things go from there to save my IRL DM headaches and some sanity points, because everyone else wants to play the overpowered, DM approved, limited time offered big X.

However I was reading over the fun concepts of x + y = new class in 5e.

Therefore HELP is requested with this "new" direction for a currently level 3 fighter that always needs to save his allies:

Level X fighter / Level X [insert caster type here] / SMALL LEVEL X artificer:

Concept: use the current protective (allies get in A LOT of trouble), battle master (needs to move / COMMAND allies A LOT!!!), tavern brawler to get a mount of a certain type, make the mount intelligent, give it freedom of movement, spider climbing, then make the mount to be all terrain inline roller-skates in order to bullet train the shield not only through combat, but above it... All while moving his allies in whip / push fashion.
In order to become the first medieval roller derby person.

So thoughts?