View Full Version : Creating Boons that scale with Rank.

2018-12-06, 11:46 AM
I'm working on a mechanic for my homebrew game and I'm having a hard time building this without stepping on the feet of the different class archetypes. This is similar to the Dragonmarks in Ebberon, but I want them to be tiered even more.

The players are able to initiate or be challenged by other guilds in the various cities of the continent, each guild has a mark which represents their guild. These marks change the higher in rank they become adding both a visible and mechanical change to the characters. The visible change is very much based on most military ranking type symbolism, each rank they achieve there's a mark that appears. The mechanical benefits will manifest as they achieve higher ranks, each even rank up to 10, and here is where I'm running into some troubles. I'd like to see if you all might have some input on how you'd work some different benefits into this, see if it can help me regain my muse and inspiration.

Rank 2: Gain Proficiency in a skill that uses Strength or Wisdom and add +1 to Strength or Wisdom not exceeding 20.
Rank 4: Once per Long Rest you can force a hostile creature that can see or hear you to attack a friendly target of your choice within range of the creature.
Rank 6: Gain Proficiency in a skill that uses Strength or Wisdom and add +1 to Strength or Wisdom not exceeding 20.
Rank 8:
Rank 10:

Rank 2: Gain Proficiency in a skill that uses Intelligence and add +1 to Intelligence or Constitution not exceeding 20.
Rank 4: Once per Long Rest you can roll a d4 and add it to your AC when a hostile creature successfully hits and reduce the To hit by that amount.
Rank 6: Gain Proficiency in a skill that uses Intelligence and add +1 to Intelligence or Constitution not exceeding 20.
Rank 8:
Rank 10:

Rank 2: Gain Proficiency in a skill that uses Dexterity or Charisma and add +1 to Dexterity or Charisma not exceeding 20.
Rank 4: Once per Long Rest
Rank 6: Gain Proficiency in a skill that uses Dexterity or Charisma and add +1 to Dexterity or Charisma not exceeding 20.
Rank 8:
Rank 10:

Rank 2: Gain Proficiency in a skill that uses Intelligence or Dexterity and add +1 to Intelligence or Dexterity not exceeding 20.
Rank 4: Once per Long Rest
Rank 6: Gain Proficiency in a skill that uses Intelligence or Dexterity and add +1 to Intelligence or Dexterity not exceeding 20.
Rank 8:
Rank 10:

Rank 2: Gain Proficiency in a skill that uses Wisdom and add +1 to Constitution or Wisdom not exceeding 20.
Rank 4: Once per Long Rest
Rank 6: Gain Proficiency in a skill that uses Wisdom and add +1 to Constitution or Wisdom not exceeding 20.
Rank 8:
Rank 10:

Rank 2: Gain Proficiency in a skill that uses Charisma or Strength and add +1 to Charisma or Strength not exceeding 20.
Rank 4: Once per Long Rest you can roll a d6 + Charisma Modifier and add it to each party member that can see or hear you as temporary hit points.
Rank 6: Gain Proficiency in a skill that uses Charisma or Strength and add +1 to Charisma or Strength not exceeding 20.
Rank 8:
Rank 10:

As always feel free to ask questions for clarification. I'll add any changes to this post as they're made. I appreciate any/all help.