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View Full Version : DM Help Small things in a forest

2018-12-06, 03:15 PM
Small descriptions bring vividness to my campaign, unmached by any material I write myself.

Today I'd ask you all for description of the forest. Here are some top tier examples I have on hand already:

The smell of mud during spring and autumn.
The smell of clorophil when the leaves bake in the sun.
The cute sound of twigs and rustling leaves from rabbits and squirrels.
Possibly the odd branch break from something bigger, hiding from you.
The small squeaks and chirps from migratory birds above you in a canopy. The way the wind can sound like voices when you're alone.
The smell of wildflowers and grasses in spring.
The darkness that surrounds you when you head under a dense canopy in the summer. As if time itself forwarded 10 hours.
The water falling from the tree tops with every blow of wind. Showering you in yesterdays storm.

Feel like adding anything?
