View Full Version : The Fiery Gates - Chapter 1

2018-12-07, 06:15 PM
The Fiery Gate

The past year has been chaos. The nations of the world rose up in hatred and warfare, leaving little to stop rampaging hordes of monsters and the fringe races from running rampant across the lands. A year spent racing from threat to threat, driving back invaders and pushing good people to return to their homes. A year chasing the shadows of a cult that seemed to thrive on the chaos, devoted to bringing darkness to the lands. Secrets and coincidences began to come to light, strange gifts of jewelry given to the leaders of the land... leaders who turned dark and foul shortly there-after, using their influence to incite war and conquest. One by one, leaders divested of their new jewels in fierce battles, sometimes leaving the heart of a land stripped bare and weak... but pure once more. Nine jewels taken from the nine leaders of the free world, each jewel a shade of smoldering red like a coal at different stages of life. Nine jewels that when brought together case a fiercely bright shadow around them. Nine jewels taken to an ancient dragon, a seer of might and wisdom... a seer slain by a fiercely bright shadow, with its prophecy only half-spoken.

Nine eyes in the dark, Nine shards of the Night,
Channels of the shadow, the Betrayer of Light,
Locked deep in the earth-heart, 'neath the temple of Sky,
Strike hard at the fault-line, for the power draws nigh...

The shadow passed, and the ancient drake lay dead... but his voice carried a few words more. The betrayer is not done, and his plans cannot be undone from here. Open the gate, stride through.... strike down the Betrayer of Light and save the world from their terrible darkness.

With the ghostly words of the Dragon Seer echoing in your minds, the eight heroes gathered their might (for each was mighty and powerful in their demesne) and journeyed forth to the Temple of Sky. It had taken little time to remember the struggle they had taken on pushing the giants back into their mountain homes. The King of the Giants, an enormous Cloud Giant, had surrendered their jewel after a long and dangerous confrontation and had promised a favor to the heroes for releasing him from the jewel’s influence.

Broad crimson wings make lite of the vast distance between the fallen Seer’s home and the Temple of Sky in the Worldspine Mountains. Seven heroes carried on the eighth heroe’s majestic back, the winds of haste cold in the heights whipping hair and clothing alike. Below, the land tells the story of a year of torment. Fields lie fallow, crops left to rot or trampled in needless battles. Forests driven to rampant growth here, cut and burned there without regard to any natural order. Hills leveled, lakes emptied by the machinations of magic or cruelty. Town after town abandoned, the survivors huddling together in cities as they struggle to rebuild their lives after losing everything. One valley bears a twisted carpet of decaying flesh – a testament to one of the greatest tragedies of the conflict, a battle where crazed and tormented commons-folk had thrown themselves into the face of a defending force which was much better armed and prepared. The defending force had attempted restraint at the heroes’ urging, but as the front line was slowly overcome, thrown down, and consumed by the slavering horde the patience had expired into a single-minded fury of violence that had left the common folk bereft of life, and the defenders bereft of the will to live in the face of the tragedy. Another heavy beat of crimson wings bears our heroes past the valley, though the image is burned into their memories.

The crisp air thins as the heroes approach the very heights of the Worldspine, dagger-sharp peaks reaching high and painted with coats of frost and snow. On the highest peak a single tower spirals up, seeming delicate and fine and gleaming like polished bone or the horn of a unicorn… until you get closer and the perspective shifts. The tower is immense, crafted of gleaming marble and somehow shaped into a dizzying spiral that terminates in what you clearly remember to be the wide flat throne-platform from whence reigns the Sky King.

As you come down, the immense figure of the Sky King is clearly visible from his place at the exact centre of the platform. With the lift of an arm and an arcane gesture, a brilliant glyph flashes in the air, and you know that it is now safe to land. A skitter of claws and a few moments of dismounting and organizing follow before you address the King. What little reluctance he might have exhibited is scattered when the jewels are produced, a stark reminder of the service you had provided. You are reminded of the King’s fierce determination, even in the jewel’s influence, to stay in the very centre of the platform. Now, in the face of your passion, your commitment, your drive… the King steps aside, chanting a prayer under his breath. A burst of light follows, flashing from his hands to outline a broad circle at the heart of the platform. Too small for Tiranthir, the mighty dragon takes on its smaller (though still somehow intimidating) form, leaving room for the heroes and their boon companions to fit within the circle. The deep voice of the King speaks once more. “Be respectful and have care, you step into the deepest secret of the Mountains. What lies beneath the Spine of the World? I ask you to be gentle with this World’s Heart.”

The light flares, and you are all falling... together, at the same speed. A glowing platform of pure force descends in absolute darkness, the only evidence of motion being the occasional shift of the air and the disturbing, slightly nauseating lightness in your guts. A small eternity of darkness later, and your journey comes to an abrupt end, as experienced through the heavy settling of your insides and the sudden complaints of your animal friends. In the near darkness, you see a curve or corner ahead made evidence by a bright silver light outlining it. The floor is smooth, yet seems untouched by tools of any sort. Slowly, you make your way around the corner and come into sight of an immense gleaming circle of silver light, framed in platinum and adamant. It is awe inspiring, for those of you capable of awe. None of you are surprised to notice nine sockets around the edge of the circle, nine sockets the same size as the nine jewels you carry with you.

“It must be done.” It matters not who said it, for it is truth. As the first jewel is placed, you realize that the gleaming light is not a simple gleam but a spiral of perfect silver light. This is evident as the lurid red glow of the jewel spills out into the light like blood across ice, sweeping to scribe a spiral down to the very centre of the circle. It looks wrong, feels bad, but you continue. Each jewel added spills its own light into the spiral, dark seething shades of red piercing through the silver, washing it away as it all spirals inwards until only a single stream of gleaming silver light shines out of dark red glow. The last jewel almost vibrates as it is brought near, and it leaps into the final socket. Time seems to slow as the last, darkest jewel spills its colour out, snaking down over that last line of silver. Mighty as you all are, you feel hope dwindling in you as the silver is covered, corrupted, lost... all the way to the core, to a last brilliant point that burns like the last light of hope in a tortured soul..... and dies. The silver light of the room now replaced with a stomach-turning swirl of ruddy shadows.

The moment of loss passes, and you remind yourselves each why you are here. Hope, faith, pride, stubbornness… each has their reason that pushes them to step forward, through the portal.


Before you now stretch the endless fields of tortured broken land that could only belong to the deepest levels of Hell or the Abyss. You stand on a rise, a strange line cut deep into the ground behind you. Before and below you the ground seems to seethe, and it takes a moment for you to realize that as far as the eye can see there are strange mud-like forms that dance, gyrate, and sway in some form of horrid dance.

You have now arrived. What will our heroes do next?

2018-12-07, 06:32 PM
As the last gem sockets in, Brad's beard tingles, a sure sign that things were about to go wrong. But no, a portal opens, a bunch of symbology happens, and Brad steps through without hesitation. After a few moments to recover, Brad looks around, shakes his head, and sniffs. Clearly, this was going to be one of those adventures. Almost on it's own, his arm snakes out, and into his backpack, rummaging around for what seems an eternity, before a brief glimmer of success flashes on Brad's face, and a faint pouring sound can be heard from within. Moments later, his hand emerges, holding a foamy flagon of ale, which he drinks eagerly. A few moments later, he bottoms out, and puts the mug back in his bag, before wiping the foam from his lips.

2018-12-07, 06:36 PM
Lo-Kag takes a moment to reorient himself after stepping through the portal. Upon seeing the dancing mud figures, he instinctively backs against Razortusk, readying an arrow in his bow. Making wider observations of the area, he asks:
"Does anyone know what these... things... are?"

Ooc: Lo-Kag is looking around, for anything dangerous, or anything that isn't a weird, dancing mud thing.

2018-12-07, 07:20 PM
Garreth was in tears, silent, crystalline tears that froze upon his face, and crusted his salt and pepper beard.

The fight was tough, the battle won, the war, continuing, but he still weeped for all those who had fallen, all those who would suffer for this, and all those who had no choice.

No choice in this blasted, desecrated world that bore them into the life, and cradled them like children.

It was too much, too much.

But this band of intrepid companions, he would set it right, he would set it right, and he would undo the travesty of what happened, he swore it so, and if there was one thing that Garreth, King of the 3rd Son of Arien Dur, inheritor to a Lost people, father to a dead son, husband to a fallen wife, King of a destroyed people did, was keep his promises.

Thoughts and emotions assailed him, but he too quickly erected his stalwart ramparts of stoic bitterness. Nothing could change his course now, not a memory, not a thought, and not a doubt.

He wanted to go home, wanted to lie down, and give all this up, plow a field, build a house, enjoy a summers breeze, as he had done, as he had wanted to do. But....all that had changed, and now, he was here, riding on the back of a sworn companion, a battle tested champion, headed to create a portal, and enter....no matter the cost.

No matter what, for the world depended on us, and Garreth would NOT let anyone else down, not this time. Not this life.

Letting his stone into the socket, he forced himself to release his breath, unknowingly holding it in the process, he flexed his gloved sword hand, it had taken a smashing in recent fight, and though healed, ached with a dreadful soreness. He watched as the silver light vanished, and the dark red permeated the air, and his hope with it.

No, he still had hope, it was small, barely a flickering ember, but it was there, and he knew it could not be extinguished, no matter what, and so he held onto it.

But oh did he hold onto it, the appearance upon the grey wastes stifled the flame, and threatened to puff it out, but no, he would not, he could not. Falling to his knees, he cries out in despair.

He quickly overcame his grief, stoppering the tears, he stood with one hand on his knee, like an old man, aching from the many battles he stood up, not looking back. "This place is cursed." he simply said.

1d20+37 = 42

2018-12-07, 08:58 PM
Bright Balion

Astride the mighty dragon, Balion was serene and calm, but inside his heart broke as they crossed the desolate landscapes.

We have lost so much, how much more can these poor lands bear?

The Sky Father had given him so much power beyond mortal ken to save this land, these people, and despite all of the gifts of the mighty, so many lives had slipped through his fingers like grains of sand. The bleary redness of the sky told Balion that even the Unblinking Eye of Od grew weary of witnessing the lands pain.

Father, give me strength.

It wounded Balion to no end to know that in this, the Heart of the World, there was a pathway to the Darklands. This, this was it, the final Redemption. Balion knew his mission, to heal the Darkness in the Heart and fill it with the Light of Od. Balion took the path with a single step, praying for the strength to complete the journey.

"Nine eyes in the dark, Nine shards of the Night,
Channels of the shadow, the Betrayer of Light,
Locked deep in the earth-heart, 'neath the temple of Sky,
Strike hard at the fault-line, for the power draws nigh...

The betrayer is not done, and his plans cannot be undone from here.
Open the gate, stride through....
strike down the Betrayer of Light and save the world from their terrible darkness
Od guide us with the light and wisdom of his Eye, AMEN"

Knowledge: Religion: [roll0]
Knowledge: Planes: [roll1]

2018-12-07, 10:10 PM
Paragon holds his head high even as they stepped through the portal into a realm certain to be the worst they had faced yet. He is confident in his ability to weather even the worst that this place may hold.

In his tall stance, wearing his shining silvery armor, and sporting two large wings of white feathers, he resembles a noble and powerful angel.

Slowly casting his gaze about, he examines the scene. Then, calmly, he speaks with authority.

"Behold the scene," he dictates, "Behold the shallows of the challenges we shall face. From this point onward, expect everything to seek our lives, but do not expect them to claim them. I have yet to face a challenge able to overwhelm me, and each of you wield similar amounts of power. This may be the most dangerous endeavor any of us have ever undertaken, but we will prevail."

Turning towards the others, Paragon meets each person's eyes individually. And with a slight smile, he makes a statement.

"That is a promise."

Spot check for anything of interest: [roll0]

2018-12-08, 03:44 AM

The tapestry of battles played out in the ground had filled the old general with nothing but sorrow. A few places he had seen where places where his own Lion legion had battled and bled.

Seeing the decaying flesh filled valley forced him to turn away, looking upwards instead as he sat astride Uther, the horse galloping through the air by way of it's strange magical horseshoes.

The portal had opened, he had mechanically helped with the gems and as the portal yawned open revealing the hellscape he grinned for a second. Now was his chance to bring the fight back to them and bring them down with no more of his men dying at his side.

As the strange smells washed over then he curved the rein instinctively, Uther settling and looked at the others. Figures of myths and legends, more so than him at any rate but he would do what he could. Scanning the horizon with his one good eye he glances to the nearest folk, trying not stare at the massive dragon that reeked of raw power and asked "What now eh? In the Abyss itself and no idea where to go. Trouble will find us soon enough I'm sure."

He looks at how and axe for a moment thinking before strapping on his shield and making sure his Lance was sharp and heavy in his hand.

2018-12-08, 11:42 AM
Alvasari the Illusionist

A man in a dapper button up shirt and vest arrives. He has a coat thrown over his shoulders, which rolls in the wind much like a cap. His wild hair and skin are white, and his eyes are golden, belying his own infernal heritage. On his head is a fashionable black hat. Smoke and shadows seem to waft of of him like flames. He brushes off some dust from his shoulders and examines his black gloves, making sure everything is in its order.

Suddenly, and without warning, a shower of fireworks splashes around him, enveloping him in light and hiding him from view.

"Now, for a limited time only, the greatest showman in all of the lands, and now all of the planes, will be performing a marvelous and magnificient act that will astound and astonish you. For the your assistance in the battle, Alvasari, the premiere illusionist of humankind, nay, of all species, both mortal and immortal, will offer you in terms of his genius," says a man in a red coat and a top hat, who has appears out of nowhere.

"That's right!" exclaims a similarly dressed woman. "Prepare yourselves for the show of your lifetime! Mr. Alsarvari the Ambitious will be using his monumental mental might in order to provide you with the answers that you need to succeed in the Abyss! Any takers?"

A crowd forms that has been here as long as the show stands in awe. One man pipes up! "I'll take three!" he exclaims. Suddenly convinced of the value of this advice, the rest of the crowd follows suit scrambling to purchase tickets.

Curtains fall over the stage. "But lo! He arrives!" The barkers exclaim. The curtain part, revealing Al for the second time. He's holding his hat down, pulling it to cover the top of his face by the brim. He hen releases the hat, facing the party directly, swing his arm outward, flourishing his coat out as more fireworks blast behind him once more. Indeed, it is the luckiest man alive, the one who's heart was found pierced in his lover's and tormented the countryside for years in his anguish. He helps you now.

"Yes, it is I, Alvasari the Adept!" He exclaims! The crowd roars with cheers and the barkers clap excitedly. He pulls out a rod a swings to point it at Artorious. "My terrific powers of telepathy have told me that you have a question, young sir," he says, flattering him.

Perform: [roll0]
Planes: [roll1]
Arcane: [roll2]
Religion: [roll3]

2018-12-08, 12:09 PM
Seeing Alvasari's instinctive reaction to an unknown area(That is, make a giant "Attack me now!" show), Brad resumes rummaging in his bag, followed by the sound of another pour, soon followed by another drink. A sense of grumbling can be felt from his general direction.

2018-12-08, 12:33 PM
Lo-Kag had long since grown used to The Showman's displays of grandeur. He simply rolled his eyes and continued to survey the area. Razortusk, however, was deeply engrossed in the flashy display, as he usually was.

2018-12-08, 01:21 PM
Surveying the landscape with a party of mortal heroes upon her back, Tiranthir recalls the "battles" below, her brow only narrowing as she mulls over them. So many lives wasted, opportunities ruined. Her mind thought back to the sudden betrayal by Wrisralka's king, and the ease with which they turned their back on her. But what truly caused it? Mortals were not so foolish as to fully embrace their sins, even with all the pride and greed they could muster. Magic must be at play.

She wordlessly alighted upon the marble spire of the Sky King, a being she found slightly more respect in than most mortals. He was, after all, pretty tall. She takes on her smaller form with little more than a catlike chirp as her form diminutizes, and she follows her allies as they enter the Heart of the World. Though the gemstones and metals of the portal would normally entice her with their shiny qualities, the darkness that seemed to resonate within them made her only wish to destroy them, and she truly hated them for that.

Upon entering the hellish landscape of whichever otherworld they'd been transported to, Tiranthir is swift to assume her normal form, stretching her wings high and digging her claws into the rock below. It all felt hideous, crawling with some kind of presence that felt incredibly unnatural. How could stone and air feel so wrong?

"Fiends are behind this? It makes sense, I suppose," Tiranthir says, her voice bellowing and loud. "Or, perhaps, our enemy simply hides among them." She takes a step toward the edge of the rise, surveying the endlessly writhing fields. Were these creatures of this damned world, or some kind of flora? Her contemplations are interrupted by the illusionist's performance, to whom she offered a toothy grin that perhaps looked too vicious for the enjoyment it was meant to convey. He reminded her of another, a man obsessed with performance and stories.

She finds herself momentarily distracted by the show, though she eventually drifts back to staring out over the fields beyond. "I'll be back," she says, gigantic wings flapping hard as she pushes herself off the rise, taking to the air.

Going to circle about 400 feet away from the rise, about 100 feet up, seeing if Tiranthir can notice anything particularly interesting - a fortification, intelligent-looking creatures, etc.

[roll0] Search
[roll1] Spot

2018-12-08, 01:40 PM
Alvasari the Illusionist

Al smiles back at Tiranthir. Unless some people, she is a woman of finer tastes, and he makes no secret that he believes so.

2018-12-08, 01:52 PM

Artorious eyes the mud strewn landscape and with a click of his tongue the horse steps 20 or so feet off the ground. As the unusual fellow with the hat brings forth an illusory show he sighs. "We fly over a dying kingdom marking the death of thousands and now stand in the hells whee the fiends come from. Perhaps some restraint or respect for the dead?"

He watches as the dragon leaps skywards and nods to Brad who he has heard of in legend. He pulls out his own mug of ale taking a long sip to wash the foul taste of the abyss from his mouth. With only one eye, and an old one at that he was content to see what the dragon or the others would see.

2018-12-08, 02:12 PM
Lo-Kag looks up to the grizzled veteran on his warhorse.
"Ah, leave the Showman be. It's just how he copes with the things we've seen."

2018-12-11, 09:03 AM

We all cope in our own ways... Balion was used to Alvsari's antics, and if anything, it helped to take him out of his own somber mood.

"I hope Alvsari, that your phantoms will have the decency to cheer for us when we fight whatever host your pyrotechnics summon."

Balion says it dourly, but with a wink and a grin at the end.

"It makes no matter, it will be what it will be and the fight is inevitable."

Let them come.

2018-12-12, 07:55 PM
Hoo boy y'all are knowledgeable!

Your current location bears resemblances to both the Abyss and to Hell, though not enough so that you can identify any specific location or detail. Something about the feel of things lends a sense of impermanence or impending change.

The mud-like figures bear some resemblance to Lemures, but instead of flesh appear to be made of some sort of mud or moist clay. None of you have encountered their like before, and they do not seem particularly threatening beyond their numbers.

The horizon is... strange. It seems to flex and bend with your attention as you look, fading into view a moment after your attention focuses, and fading out of view a moment after it leaves.

Looking across the fields of mud-demon-devil-things, sharp eyes can make out that there is very little feature to the figures. The barest hint of eyes and a nose, the impression of where an ear should be. The mouth on the other hand is a savage slash into the head, opening nearly the full distance across.

Our heroes have arrived, some quietly and some in great and dramatic shows of force. Flashing lights and a powerful draconic voice do little to hide their arrival, and so it is with little surprise that the fields of swaying mud-like figures stop their motion, swinging their head-shapes to look up at the tall hill. The attention expands like a ripple of water after a stone is dropped into a still pool, stillness spreading until the only motion about is the heavy flap of wings, and the natural breath and motion of our mortal heroes.

The moment hold for two seconds... five seconds... ten seconds... until DISCORDANT NOISE washes over you as each figure's head-shape splits open at the mouth, a cacophonous torrent of sounds screaming forth, a sound of terror and agony and loss that pierces your minds and tears at the edges of your sanity for a moment. Motion surges across the land again, this time the dance seems almost more random, shapes and sound surging with each moment.

The shapes being made are ancient Draconic, and amidst the screams you hear the name of each symbol being called. The symbols are symbols of growth, congruence, power, and Death.

Faster and faster the shapes appear and are washed away in the chaotic motion of the mud-shapes.

What do you do?

2018-12-12, 07:59 PM
Assaulted by a cacophony of noise, Brad does the totally logical thing.

He reaches into his bag, and, after a bit of fumbling(And some grumbling, some pocket switching, and some more grumbling), pulls out a pair of yellow, crusty earplugs, which he promptly puts in his ears.

2018-12-12, 08:16 PM
In response to the noise, Razortusk rears up, squealing wildly. Grabbing Razortusk's reins to keep him under control (whether he was trying to run in terror or attempting to charge into battle with the mud figures, even Lo-Kag did not know), Lo-Kag shouts over the din: "What is this infernal noise? Are they attacking? Are they casting some spell?"

2018-12-13, 11:18 AM
Garreth collects himself and looks onwards with everyone else, "Whatever it is, it can't be good, not here, not in this place." He instinctively activates his ring, 3 sets of golden angelic wings unfurling from his back, beating one at a time, holding him aloft with out a sign of effort, he hovers over the ground, not wanting to even touch it.

"Ready yourselves, something is happening." He makes a curt gesture, and his giant Holy Avenger, The LionsBlade appears in his hands, as he unhooks his shield from his back, letting it go, to hang before him, like a warding aegis against the oncoming evil. The sword radiated purelight, as if it yearned to quell the evil in this place, to unhinge the blocks of reality, and sever all that could be in this realm of darkness.

2018-12-13, 07:00 PM

"Hmph. Seems to be some impressive epic magic, being cast by this crowd of muddy lemures," Alvasari says. "They're not quite done casting. Might be a good idea to try and get them to stop. I suggest a large amount of explosions," He continues.

2018-12-13, 07:19 PM
"Excellent. I do not have explosions, but fortunately, I have something much better. " Releasing Razortusk's reins, Lo-Kag commands: "Razortusk. Trample." With an eager squeal, Razortusk gleefully charges full speed into the mass of mud-things, crushing as many of them under his hooves as he can. Lo-Kag, meanwhile, begins firing volleys into a different portion of the crowd.

Ooc: Razortusk will be using his trampling ability, aiming to get as many of the mud-things as he can. Lo-Kag is firing arrows full-speed, in a different place to avoid hitting Razortusk. The words in italics are in Gol-Ka.

2018-12-14, 12:54 AM
With the echoes of the chanting from the mud-horde below, Tiranthir's ears perk as she recognizes the Draconic. A spell, perhaps? She would not get so distracted, however.

She turns and ascends 10 feet into the air, and begins chanting her own spell. Fire begins to boil at her mouth, and she rears back in mid-air, her jaws opening wide. Where one would expect a roar of flame, there is instead a hideous crackle of unnatural lightning, red and white as it surges and branches toward the ground, and the smell of ozone quickly permeates the area. The fury of the storm ends as abruptly as it began and Tiranthir beats her wings once, pushing away from the mud creatures' location, closing in on the hill where her allies now prepare for battle.

Using Flyby Attack to move before and after taking a standard action.

Tiranthir turns around and flies 10 feet higher into the air, on a return course to the hill. Halfway there, where she can affect the most of the creatures, she uses her standard action to cast Breath Weapon Substitution (lightning) and breathe straight downwards, aiming to affect a 60 foot circle on the ground with her breath weapon.

[roll0] Lightning damage, DC 41 reflex.

All creatures within 240 feet of Tiranthir that have fewer HD must make a Will save (DC 38) to avoid her Frightful Presence. 4 or fewer HD = panicked for [roll1] rounds, 5 or more HD = shaken for [roll2] rounds.

2018-12-14, 08:16 PM
Balion watches his companions rush heedless into the fray...

Planning, strategy, alas at least the Father cannot watch such folly HERE. Still, he loves his brothers and their bravery.

Very well then...

Balion casts two spells in rapid succession, one to gird his brothers, and one to assay the enemy.

Casting Quickened Know Vulnerabilities
Casting Mass Energy Resistance (Sonic) at the Party

2018-12-15, 06:48 AM

Lance and shield clutched in hand Artorius spurs Uther higher, circling around 100ft above the party, the horseshoes leaving tiny flaming prints in the sky where they land. He looks down as flames, crackling waves of lightning and flurries of arrows streak out to impale the strange muddy figurines. Confused he glances around and calls down to the others. "What is the noise? Is it an alarm or do they wish us harm?" Flying around he looks out to the wider demonic abyss scanning carefully for signs of danger appearing, a nod and a "My thanks" down to Balion for the resistance to any increase in sonic energy.

2018-12-15, 08:02 PM
Silently, Paragon observes the fields. Something is happening, but what? Whatever it is, he is certain he can endure it... But the others...

For now though, it is inconclusive. What he could do though, is prepare to protect. He produces two platinum rings, slipping on one.

"Alvsari," he addresses, tossing the ring to him, "Wear this. Alia protegat."

At his command, both rings gleam for a moment as a connection is established.

Casting Shield Other on him. Note that it only functions in close range (60'), lest it end, so I will be staying by him.

2018-12-17, 04:40 PM
As the discordant wailing and surging shapes speed toward some form of culmination, our heroes surge into motion. Some stand strong and take heart against the threat, others sending waves of powerful defensive magic out to reinforce their allies, and still more beginning their assault against this first horde of opponents.

Lo-Kag releases a hail of arrows, each one striking true into the center of a mud-shape and splintering it with the force of its impact, cold shards spraying from the wounds further splitting the shapes. Razortusk's gleeful charge meets little resistance as it plows through the ranks, tusks tearing shapes asunder and hooves stamping mud shapes into simple mud. Further down the ranks, Tiranthir's raging breath tears through the mass, arcs of crimson and white jumping from form to form, bursting each on impact.

Moments later the screeching and shapes come to an abrupt end. Four immense distortions in the air appear, just offset from each cardinal direction. A powerful pull draws the mud-shapes up from the ground, spinning in silent motion into each distortion as each is filled, then covered, then swiftly forms a shape much like that the mud-shapes had before, only now immense in size. Rough-formed arms club the air, heavy stumps of legs smash into the ground. One shape, the one that is mostly "east", forms with only two-thirds of one of its legs, and slumps heavily to one side immediately after forming - its heavy arm catching it from fully falling.

Each of the new enormous figures of mud opens its head and draws an immense shuddering breath, a breath that seems to pull at the very essence of our heroes as they stand or fly over their hill. Four of our heroes feel that pull particularly strongly...

The Mud-forms are (were) vulnerable to nothing, and strong against nothing.

[roll0] Alvasari
[roll1] Artorious
[roll2] Tiranthir
[roll3] Garreth

Fortitude Saves from each please, against the equivalent of a negative energy effect.

2018-12-19, 10:34 AM
Bright Balion

The creature seem to be weak to nothing, and equally strong against anything, perhaps the All Seeing Eye of Od cannot penetrate the depths of the Abyss? NONSENSE! Balion foccusses his attention on the incomplete abomination.

OD! Steel my Brother's Hearts! And CONTAIN this Abomination!

Casting Quickened Mass Conviction on my Boyz (+5 Moral Bonus to Saves for 5 hours)
Casting Blade Barrier around the incomplete Beast from the East (or at least his leg if he don't fit in 225ft.

2018-12-19, 10:50 AM
Four heroes brace themselves as the powerful pull washes over them. A dragon, a showman, a warrior, and a holy knight all shudder at the touch of this unearthly power. The dragon and the showman steel themselves, and the power fails to fully affect them. The holy knight resists it completely, rebuffing the energy and sending it crashing back to the mis-formed shape. The warrior, however, staggers at the pull and feels a large part of his essence being drawn forth.

Tiranthir and Alvasari, your max and current HP are temporarily reduced by 25%, and you now have a -5 modifier to all attack rolls and saves.

Artorious, your max and current HP are temporarily reduced by 50%, and you now have a -10 modifier to all attack rolls and saves.

Garreth, you fully rebuffed the effect.

Three of the immense shapes finish their indrawn breaths and shudder, their entire forms rippling. One's body takes on a scaled look, claws forming at the end of its arms and feet and vestigial wings sprouting from its back. Another becomes somewhat more refined in its shape, with an arcane rune stamped in its forehead and sparks of light and color flashing about it. The third takes the deepest breath, and becomes in a moment a near-perfect image of Artorious, from armor to weapons to face, only immense. The fourth, teetering on the stump of its incomplete leg, has its own energy slam back into it and appears momentarily stunned.

The time to act is now, heroes. Strike!

2018-12-19, 11:29 AM
Tiranthir roars as her essence is sapped, and though for a moment she feels weaker, she swiftly shakes off the shuddering as she reorients herself. She finds the one that had stolen her strength, steeling herself against its slightly draconic appearance, and dives through the air towards its face. Her teeth glimmer with some kind of blue magic as she approaches, leaving behind trails of sparkles much like a comet's tail.

Given that Tiranthir is able to reach the colossus that took her power and isn't rebuffed by some kind of knockback effect, she casts Wraithstrike and moves as much as needed (out of 400 avg flight) and uses Ancient Mountain Hammer with her Bite attack.
[roll0] Melee touch attack with 20 feet reach, critical hit of x2
[roll1] Crit roll if they are vulnerable to it and it's needed
[roll2] Damage (4d6+36 + 12d6), automatically overcomes DR and hardness

Afterwards she flies towards the ground, landing approximately 80 feet away from the draconic colossus.

2018-12-19, 02:13 PM

Al sighs, and says "I was hoping I could remove the curse before you went in, Ms. Tirathfir." He Casts greater dispel magic in an area on the cursed teammated (Reserves of Strength I)

Al Casts Permanent Image to make a bunch of little mud golems

Al Casts Haste on as many teammates as possible

Al is now stunned for one round


[roll1] Luck reroll if I roll under 10

2018-12-19, 02:24 PM
Lo-Kag watches the now giant mud-things absorb his friends' life force. "General, Showman, it appears these creatures have stolen something from you. Perhaps we can take it back, remain close to me." Quickened by Al's haste spell, Lo-Kag unleashes a storm of arrows towards the mud-mockery of Artorious. Razortusk, the courageous boar that he is, moves in to engage the stunned and crippled mud-thing.

Ooc: Lo-Kag is gonna shoot the giant Artorious. If Razortusk isn't in melee range, he'll move in and make an attack. If he is in melee range, he'll make a full attack. Rolls are in the ooc.

2018-12-19, 05:55 PM

Artorius gasps as his life force is wrneched from his body, skin greying, hair sloughing off and lungs wracked with pain. Steeling himself he wheels himself aruond in the air gesturing at the mockery of himself. "By the Gods, I shall not go down easily!" he cries and with a great shout spurs his mighty horse down towards the mockery of himself! As he gallops through the air he bellows a cry of "For the White Lions!" and waves for the others to join in his charge as he challenges the massive monstrous mockery of himself.

HPs 348/348 (696)
AC 47 (touch 29, FF 42) +1 haste +2 shield block = 50
Saves +31/23/35 - currently -10 :smallconfused:

Crippled -10 on d20 rolls, 50% HPs,
Knight's CHalleng3 14 rounds +2 hit/dam/saves
Stance: Iron guard glare (-4 to attack not me)

Free: challenge
Free: Robilar's gambit - it gets +4 to attack/damage me but I can attack it back
Swift: activate piercing lance
Full: Warmaster charge
-- ALL allies can charge the EVIL ME as a free action, no AoO from it, and gain 25 damage. If multiple hit then its stunned (No Save)

touch attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] x4 if 53 confirms then x6
base 41 +2 charge +1 haste -10 cursed +9 (using horse's strength) +2 challenge - 2 power attack
damage 2d6+15+9 (horse)+2 challenge +4 PA +50 War master's charge x3 (spirited) x 2 (valorous) = x4 total

If it hits me in melee then Robilar's counter attacks (use as needed) - not sure if the x4 for charging still applies
touch attack [roll2] Damage [roll3]
touch attack [roll4] Damage [roll5]
touch attack [roll6] Damage [roll7]
touch attack [roll8] Damage [roll9]
touch attack [roll10] Damage [roll11]

UTHER the mega horse
[roll12] Damage [roll13]

2018-12-19, 06:41 PM
Seeing a muddy dragon form, Brad does what comes naturally to any red blooded hero. He leaps straight at it's head. You get the feeling that he would be roaring, if only his teeth weren't clenched tightly to keep them in. For all that, the complete and utter confidence he seems to have, as well as the way a sword suddenly appears in his hands, well, it's slightly on the side of terrifying.

Fearsome Fury: Any enemy within 30 feet needs to make a will save against DC [roll0]. On fail, be shaken for 1d4+1 rounds(Or, really, cowering, then panicked, then maybe shaken, thanks to imperious command.)
Dreadful Wrath: Will save, DC 33 vs frightful presence. Shaken for 1 minute, but 1st round cowers, 2nd panics. Each enemy only needs to save against this effect once.
Righteous Wrath(If evil, and if an attack hits), DC 33 or be shaken until Brad flees, dies, or is incapacitated.(1st round cowers, 2nd panics)
Cornugon Smash(If hit, intimidate. Per hit.)
Terrifying Rage: Any enemy that views me needs to make a DC [roll1] Will save or become panicked(Cowering 1st round.), if it has less than 30 HD. Up to 60 hd is shaken(Cowering 1st round, panicked 2nd). [roll2] rounds duration.

Raging. Pounce. PA for 25. Shock trooper to AC. AC 23
All attacks are +2 if evil, +2 if magebane applies
[roll3] Attack(Ignores miss chance due to illusions, dispels illusions on hit.)
([roll4]+([roll5] if evil) + ([roll6] if magebane)) *2
[roll7] negative levels
Intimidate: 90 (Shaken for 1 round + 1per 5 success margin.)(Cowering 1 round, panicked 1 if succeed by more than 5)(Each successive roll extends shaken duration, DC increases by 5.)

[roll8] Attack(Ignores miss chance due to illusions, dispels illusions on hit.)
([roll9]+([roll10] if evil) + ([roll11] if magebane)) *2
[roll12] negative levels
Intimidate: 83 (Shaken for 1 round + 1per 5 success margin.)(Cowering 1 round, panicked 1 if succeed by more than 5)(Each successive roll extends shaken duration, DC increases by 5.)

[roll13] Attack(Ignores miss chance due to illusions, dispels illusions on hit.)
([roll14]+([roll15] if evil) + ([roll16] if magebane)) *2
[roll17] negative levels
Intimidate: 87 (Shaken for 1 round + 1per 5 success margin.)(Cowering 1 round, panicked 1 if succeed by more than 5)(Each successive roll extends shaken duration, DC increases by 5.)

[roll18] Attack(Ignores miss chance due to illusions, dispels illusions on hit.)
([roll19]+([roll20] if evil) + ([roll21] if magebane)) *2
[roll22] negative levels
Intimidate: 72 (Shaken for 1 round + 1per 5 success margin.)(Cowering 1 round, panicked 1 if succeed by more than 5)(Each successive roll extends shaken duration, DC increases by 5.)

[roll23] Attack(Ignores miss chance due to illusions, dispels illusions on hit.)
([roll24]+([roll25] if evil) + ([roll26] if magebane)) *2
[roll27] negative levels
Intimidate: 73 (Shaken for 1 round + 1per 5 success margin.)(Cowering 1 round, panicked 1 if succeed by more than 5)(Each successive roll extends shaken duration, DC increases by 5.)

[roll28] Attack(Ignores miss chance due to illusions, dispels illusions on hit.)
([roll29]+([roll30] if evil) + ([roll31] if magebane)) *2
[roll32] negative levels
Intimidate: 90 (Shaken for 1 round + 1per 5 success margin.)(Cowering 1 round, panicked 1 if succeed by more than 5)(Each successive roll extends shaken duration, DC increases by 5.)

2018-12-26, 01:34 PM
Garreth nods to Artorius as he leaps forward, gesturing for them to as well. He surges forth on silent wings that beat the air, sending him to the evil-Artorius with swift haste.

Charge evil-Artorius without AOO from it and bonus 25 damage

[roll0] (+2 if E.Outsider)
If evil [roll2]
If Evil Outsider Extra - (4d6+2)[17]

[roll3] (+2 if E.Outsider)
Resounding Blow: On crit DC 35 Will or cower for 1 round
Quell the Profane: On crit vs Evil DC 35 Fort or [roll4] points of temporary Strength damage.

2018-12-27, 11:48 AM
Moving to stand right next to the master illusionist, Paragon draws his large sword with one hand and holds it at the ready, his other arm hefting his shield. He spreads his wings to make himself appear larger, and stares defiantly at the terran beasts. As he does, his blade crackles with white energy.

"Stand fast, my friend," he says not quite as a command, "I will be your shield."

Move action: move to stand right next to Al, draw sword
Swift action: Spend one fury point on Furious Strike. Next attack, if against an evil creature, gains +8 to attack and +4d6 to damage.
Standard action: Ready an attack against any creature to attack me or Al

Attack: power attack for -10
Attack roll: [roll0] (crit threat on 17, which would be total result of 38)
If evil, additional +8 to attack roll
Damage roll: [roll1]
If evil, additional [roll2] + [roll3] damage

Note, however, that if these creatures are not considered living at all, my sword has no effect. Also, I ignore any armor or shield bonus to AC.

2018-12-27, 06:23 PM
Our heroes explode into action, some savagely attacking their opponents while others take effort to defend their allies.

Tiranthir and Brad swarm in against the draconic figure, dragon teeth and dragon-slaying blade both piercing the new-formed scales. The hero's strikes start with impressive fury, but slowly lose their strength as the initial fury passes. The figure reaches out with its claws, ignoring the hero to grasp the wings of Tiranthir, pulling the immense dragon in to press against its body. No damage is done, but the red is held tight against the clay-like figure.

The Knight of Clay is valiantly assaulted by the warrior and the paladin, with ranged support from the archer. Slashed and savaged, the figure steels itself and readies to draw a blade that, by size alone, could slash through a mountain. In that moment, a torrent of magical energy lashes into the creature and tears at the bindings that hold it together. Alvasari's assault spreads across the entire being, pulling, stretching... drawing at the clay that has formed this creature. With a sudden burst the creature shatters, mudmen sent flying in all directions as one aspect of the spell is reversed. Like the heaviest of rains, the figures fall to the ground, splattering and littering the landscape... only to rise again and waive and weave and move as they had when the group first arrived. What remains of the Knight of Clay... is a Knight of Void, and enormous Artorious-shaped hole in the universe that draws its sword and lashes out in a flurry of blows divided between the Artorious and Garreth.

The figure of Alvasari raises its delicate hands and weaves an intricate array of symbols in the air. A wave of shadow builds, and builds.... and from it a monstrous horror of tentacles and hooked claws and far too many slavering jaws tears its way from the darkness, flashing through the air to assault the Illusionist. Our demigod's blow slashes through it, but it doesn't stop.

The half-formed monstrosity is savaged by the tusks of the boar before an immense barrier of blades springs up about them.

Half-formed: 26 damage taken. Stunned, surrounded by Blade Barrier
Dragon: 756 damage taken, 16 negative levels applied
Showman: No damage taken
Knight: 776 damage taken... and changed.

One hit landed on each of Artorious and Garreth, dealing 108 damage to Artorious and 76 damage to Garreth.

Paragon and Alvasari to roll a Will Save.

Alvasari to roll a Will Save and a Fortitude Save.

Anyone with Spellcraft can also roll a Spellcraft check in reaction.

2018-12-27, 06:35 PM
Not missing a beat, Brad continues his furious assault without hesitation, swinging his sword with enough force that it almost seemed to thunder through the air.

Raging. PA for 10. AC 48
All attacks are +2 if evil, +2 if magebane applies
[roll0] Attack(Ignores miss chance due to illusions, dispels illusions on hit.)
([roll1]+([roll2] if evil) + ([roll3] if magebane))
[roll4] negative levels
[roll5] Intimidate(Shaken for 1 round + 1per 5 success margin.)(Cowering 1 round, panicked 1 if succeed by more than 5)(Each successive roll extends shaken duration, DC increases by 5.)

[roll6] Attack(Ignores miss chance due to illusions, dispels illusions on hit.)
([roll7]+([roll8] if evil) + ([roll9] if magebane))
[roll10] negative levels
[roll11] Intimidate(Shaken for 1 round + 1per 5 success margin.)(Cowering 1 round, panicked 1 if succeed by more than 5)(Each successive roll extends shaken duration, DC increases by 5.)

[roll12] Attack(Ignores miss chance due to illusions, dispels illusions on hit.)
([roll13]+([roll14] if evil) + ([roll15] if magebane))
[roll16] negative levels
[roll17] Intimidate(Shaken for 1 round + 1per 5 success margin.)(Cowering 1 round, panicked 1 if succeed by more than 5)(Each successive roll extends shaken duration, DC increases by 5.)

[roll18] Attack(Ignores miss chance due to illusions, dispels illusions on hit.)
([roll19]+([roll20] if evil) + ([roll21] if magebane)) *2
[roll22] negative levels
[roll23] Intimidate(Shaken for 1 round + 1per 5 success margin.)(Cowering 1 round, panicked 1 if succeed by more than 5)(Each successive roll extends shaken duration, DC increases by 5.)

[roll24] Attack(Ignores miss chance due to illusions, dispels illusions on hit.)
([roll25]+([roll26] if evil) + ([roll27] if magebane)) *2
[roll28] negative levels
[roll29] Intimidate(Shaken for 1 round + 1per 5 success margin.)(Cowering 1 round, panicked 1 if succeed by more than 5)(Each successive roll extends shaken duration, DC increases by 5.)

[roll30] Attack(Ignores miss chance due to illusions, dispels illusions on hit.)
([roll31]+([roll32] if evil) + ([roll33] if magebane)) *2
[roll34] negative levels
[roll35] Intimidate(Shaken for 1 round + 1per 5 success margin.)(Cowering 1 round, panicked 1 if succeed by more than 5)(Each successive roll extends shaken duration, DC increases by 5.)

2018-12-27, 06:57 PM
At the sight of the "Void Artorious", Lo-Kag shouts: "What in Manethak's name is that abomination?!" Then, roaring over the sounds of battle: "RAZORTUSK. KEEP FIGHTING." Seeing the spell that the Mud-Alvasari cast, Lo-Kag turns, waiting for just the right moment to fire, hoping to keep the creature from casting another spell.

Lo-Kag is gonna command Razortusk to keep fighting(move action), then ready an attack to try to interrupt the Mud-Alvasari's next spell. Rolls in OOC thread

2018-12-28, 01:36 AM
Alvarsari the illusionist

... is Stunned and the most he does is roll saves

[roll0] Will

[roll1] Will

[roll2] Fort

[roll3] Luck domain if I roll 10 or below on the fort save.

2018-12-29, 11:16 AM
An errant gout of fire erupts from Tiranthir's maw as the draconic colossus grabs at her with its abominable claws, and she finds herself drawn close against the creature. For just a moment, she remains still in its grasp, but then explodes a shrill shriek and unleashed fury, she begins to writhe in its grip, lashing out with claws, tail, jaws, even wings, like a great, terrible cat fighting to free itself.

Activating Raging Mongoose, making 2 extra attacks with Tail and Bite. Power attacking for -5/+5.

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Crit confirm
[roll2] Damage

[roll3] Attack
[roll4] Crit confirm
[roll5] Damage

[roll6] Attack
[roll7] Crit confirm
[roll8] Damage

[roll9] Attack
[roll10] Crit confirm
[roll11] Damage

[roll12] Attack
[roll13] Crit confirm
[roll14] Damage

[roll15] Attack
[roll16] Crit confirm
[roll17] Damage

[roll18] Attack
[roll19] Crit confirm
[roll20] Damage

[roll21] Attack
[roll22] Crit confirm
[roll23] Damage

[roll24] Attack
[roll25] Crit confirm
[roll26] Damage

[roll27] Attack
[roll28] Crit confirm
[roll29] Damage

[roll30] Attack
[roll31] Crit confirm
[roll32] Damage

2018-12-30, 07:00 PM
Artorius (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1748266)

The knights ducks back as the clay man explodes revealing a strange void shadow underneath the clay. His amulets flash as the shadowy sword slashes into his chest absorbing most of the impact, he grabs the lance in his shield hand and pulls free his mighty war axe and spins around, hewing into the beast with the most mighty strike he can muster seeking to cripple it. He glances at Garret, "My thanks friend, let us take this thing together." HIs shield and axe ready to hew back any attacks against him.

Swift: n/a
Move: Draw axe
Standard: Mountain Tombstone strike [roll0] Damage [roll1]+[roll2] mage bane + [roll3] CON damage + ([roll4] if fiendlsayer if applies)
Immediate: Shield counter [roll5] vs an attack to block it

Miss Chance vs attacks against him [roll6] [roll7] [roll8] [roll9]

Robilar's Gambit vs attacks
[roll10] Damage [roll11]+[roll12] mage bane
[roll13] Damage [roll14]+[roll15] mage bane
[roll16] Damage [roll17]+[roll18] mage bane
[roll19] Damage [roll20]+[roll21] mage bane
[roll22] Damage [roll23]+[roll24] mage bane

HPs 343/348 (696)
AC 47 (touch 29, FF 42) +1 haste +2 shield block = 50
Saves +31/23/35 - currently -10

Crippled -10 on d20 rolls, 50% HPs,
Knight's CHalleng3 14 rounds +2 hit/dam/saves
Stance: Iron guard glare (-4 to attack not me)

2018-12-31, 01:41 PM
Heeding Artorius' words' he lets the magic of his allies take hold, and swings at the void creature, moving into a combat momentum, turning each swing into another, and another.

As an after thought, he releases a blast of energy outwards, ignoring his enemies, it bolsters his allies, allowing them to shrug off previous effects.

61 damage after DR (76-15 DR)
30 damage is reflected back.
Total 31 damage taken
Fast healing 6
If melee attack hits, triggers Combat focus for 12 rounds (+4 will saves, +8 vs bull rush, disarm, grapple, overrun, and trip, and Fast healing 4)

Free action: Activate Epic Divine Might (+26 to damage for 26 rounds)
swift action: Resurgence, Mass on everyone. But only really benefits: Tiranthir, Alvasari, Artorious, and Paragon
Full attack:
[roll0] (+2 if E.Outsider)
If evil [roll2]
If Evil Outsider [roll3]

[roll4] (+2 if E.Outsider)
If evil [roll6]
If Evil Outsider [roll7]

[roll8] (+2 if E.Outsider)
If evil [roll10]
If Evil Outsider [roll11]

[roll12] (+2 if E.Outsider)
If evil [roll14]
If Evil Outsider [roll15]

[roll16] (+2 if E.Outsider)
If evil [roll18]
If Evil Outsider [roll19]

[roll20] (+2 if E.Outsider)
[roll21] (+2 if E.Outsider)
[roll22] (+2 if E.Outsider)
[roll23] (+2 if E.Outsider)
[roll24] (+2 if E.Outsider) [Potential confirmed crit]
Resounding Blow: On crit DC 35 Will or cower for 1 round
Quell the Profane: On crit vs Evil DC 35 Fort or 1d4+1 [5] points of temporary Strength damage.

forgot to edit the roll, rolled in discord

Gareth (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1746114)
HP's: 339/364
AC: 47
T: 24 FF: 40
Spells -
Mass Energy Resistance - x/rounds? (Sonic resistance) [cast by Balion]
Mass Conviction - 5 hours (+5 morale to saves) [cast by Balion]
Haste - x/rounds? (+1 to-hit, AC, Ref saves, and +1 additional attack) [cast by Al]
Luminous Armor - 40 hours (+5 AC, -4 to hit, and daylight spell) [cast by Garreth]
Righteous Aura - 40 hours (+4 sacred bonus to STR, daylight spell) [cast by Garreth]

Items -
Blur (20%)
Spider Climb
Freedom of Movement
Fast Healing 6
Positive Energy Aura

Misc -
Epic Divine Might (+26 to damage for 26/26 rounds)
Turn undead 19/20
LAW devotion 1/1
Lay on Hands 325/325
Smite Evil 6/6

2018-12-31, 07:31 PM
Seeing the illusionist's daze, Paragon moves to stand directly in front of him. His wings fully outstretched, his armor gleaming, his shield shining, and his sword ready, he is a truly impressive sight.

"Come now, ye silten imposters!" he taunts the great beasts, "I fear ye not, and thine tricks are wasted upon me! An attack of shadow? Ha! I am not impressed. Show unto us some true might already! You try to copy our skill and I see you yet fail! Come now! Come and fall!"

Lifting his blade straight up into the air, it again shines with light and energy. He then levels it towards the beasts, daring them to approach.

Swift: Furious Strike
Move: Stand in front of Al
Standard: Ready attack against any real attacker of me or Al. If I think it's an illusion, I'll ignore it.
Attack roll (with 5 power attack): [roll0] (add +8 if target is evil; ignores armor and shield but does not affect living)
Damage roll: [roll1] (add [roll2] + [roll3] if target is evil)
Critical threat on 17+, which is a 43 with the attack bonus. Critiacal confirmation if necessary: [roll4]
(that is a threat, possibly confirmed, if someone attacks us)

2019-01-01, 02:43 PM
Bright Balion

Balion continues cast spells, first a spell to discern his friends well being, and second to blast at the trickster mud thing.

Casting Greater Status and Light of Venya (targetting the Evil Trickster Thing)

Light of Venya Ranged Touch 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Light of Venya Ranged Touch 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2019-01-03, 11:48 AM
Dragon and Dragonslayer both lay into the slowly-hardening clay dragon as it grasps Tiranthir tightly. Each blow of Brad's blade seems to sap the life from the creature as the warrior takes clever advantage of his opponent's distraction. Caught between the ferocity of two mighty opponents, the clay figure's form begins to show rents, cracks throughout, before it shatters into a fine mist of clay dust that is instantly absorbed into a narrow onyx rift in the air. Dragon and Slayer both feel an immense pull from the rift as it shudders in the air, approaching collapse...

The Paladin and Knight take their turns slashing alternate blows at the Knight of Void that now stands before them. It seems easier to strike now that the hardness of the clay is done away with, and several blows land. Moments later, it emits a shriek like the sound of a newborn star being torn asunder, and lashes out with its blade, a long shaft of nothing that lashes out at Artorious repeatedly. Ready for this, the Knight returns blow for blow and the form of the Void Knight begins to shudder, seeming to find difficulty in retaining its form.

The finely formed arcane monstrosity once again gestures, runes forming before it only to be shattered by twin beams of light and a pair of arrows that strike through the runes and deep into the clay flesh of the creature.

The half-formed monstrosity finally recovers from the shock of its failure, and rises as best it can. Savaged by the boar, it stomps forward towards the heroes atop the hill, largely ignoring the blades of force that tear at it. Razortusk scrambles to not get stepped on....

Half-formed: 113 damage taken.
Dragon: 1142 damage taken, 41 negative levels applied - Destroyed
Showman: 145 damage taken, casting disrupted
Knight: 953 damage taken... and changed.

Tiranthir and Brad - Reflex saves, please.

Artorious is attacked 5 times, the strikes dealing the following damage:
1) Miss.
2) Miss. (as a result of your shield)
3) 37 Force Damage
4) 45 Force Damage
5) Miss.
- 2 Fortitude saves, please.

Razortusk Reflex save, please.

2019-01-03, 04:27 PM
With his foe crumbling, Brad senses his moment, and leaps off of one of the last remaining fragments, sending it spiraling into the rift behind him as he flies towards the Showman, his sword ready to come crashing down, and his face locked into a grimace, as a loud "Grrrr" emerges from between his clenched teeth as he crashes into the clay figure, his sword biting into it with a fury that had to be seen to be believed.

Jump(or fly) in a charge to Showman mud figure. Then, full attack.

Raging. Pounce. PA for 25. Shock trooper to AC. AC 23
All attacks are +2 if evil, +2 if magebane applies
[roll0] Attack(Ignores miss chance due to illusions, dispels illusions on hit.)
([roll1]+([roll2] if evil) + ([roll3] if magebane)) *2
[roll4] negative levels
[roll5] Intimidate(Shaken for 1 round + 1per 5 success margin.)(Cowering 1 round, panicked 1 if succeed by more than 5)(Each successive roll extends shaken duration, DC increases by 5.)

[roll6] Attack(Ignores miss chance due to illusions, dispels illusions on hit.)
([roll7]+([roll8] if evil) + ([roll9] if magebane)) *2
[roll10] negative levels
[roll11] Intimidate(Shaken for 1 round + 1per 5 success margin.)(Cowering 1 round, panicked 1 if succeed by more than 5)(Each successive roll extends shaken duration, DC increases by 5.)

[roll12] Attack(Ignores miss chance due to illusions, dispels illusions on hit.)
([roll13]+([roll14] if evil) + ([roll15] if magebane)) *2
[roll16] negative levels
[roll17] Intimidate(Shaken for 1 round + 1per 5 success margin.)(Cowering 1 round, panicked 1 if succeed by more than 5)(Each successive roll extends shaken duration, DC increases by 5.)

[roll18] Attack(Ignores miss chance due to illusions, dispels illusions on hit.)
([roll19]+([roll20] if evil) + ([roll21] if magebane)) *2
[roll22] negative levels
[roll23] Intimidate(Shaken for 1 round + 1per 5 success margin.)(Cowering 1 round, panicked 1 if succeed by more than 5)(Each successive roll extends shaken duration, DC increases by 5.)

[roll24] Attack(Ignores miss chance due to illusions, dispels illusions on hit.)
([roll25]+([roll26] if evil) + ([roll27] if magebane)) *2
[roll28] negative levels
[roll29] Intimidate(Shaken for 1 round + 1per 5 success margin.)(Cowering 1 round, panicked 1 if succeed by more than 5)(Each successive roll extends shaken duration, DC increases by 5.)

[roll30] Attack(Ignores miss chance due to illusions, dispels illusions on hit.)
([roll31]+([roll32] if evil) + ([roll33] if magebane)) *2
[roll34] negative levels
[roll35] Intimidate(Shaken for 1 round + 1per 5 success margin.)(Cowering 1 round, panicked 1 if succeed by more than 5)(Each successive roll extends shaken duration, DC increases by 5.)

2019-01-03, 04:49 PM
Seeing the abomination before them slashing towards Artorius, Garreth was filled with a righteous rage, he struggled to contain it, and eventually, it bubbled out, overflowing, streaming from his mouth, eyes, ears and fingertups like a white vaporous light streaming outwards.





He screamed as he sliced at dark thing before him.

Total 0 damage taken
Fast healing 6
If melee attack hits, triggers Combat focus for 12 rounds (+4 will saves, +8 vs bull rush, disarm, grapple, overrun, and trip, and Fast healing 4)

Swift action: Activate LAW DEVOTION (+7 to Hit)
Full attack:
[roll0] (+2 if E.Outsider)
If Evil [roll2]
If Evil Outsider [roll3]

[roll4] (+2 if E.Outsider) Potential Crit
If Evil [roll6]
If Evil Outsider [roll7]

[roll8] (+2 if E.Outsider)
If Evil [roll10]
If Evil Outsider [roll11]

[roll12] (+2 if E.Outsider)
If Evil [roll14]
If Evil Outsider [roll15]

[roll16] (+2 if E.Outsider)
If Evil [roll18]
If Evil Outsider [roll19]

Resounding Blow: On crit DC 35 Will or cower for 1 round
Quell the Profane: On crit vs Evil DC 35 Fort or [roll25] points of temporary Strength damage.

Gareth (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1746114)
HP's: 345/364
AC: 47
T: 24 FF: 40
Spells -
Mass Energy Resistance - x/rounds? (Sonic resistance) [cast by Balion]
Mass Conviction - 5 hours (+5 morale to saves) [cast by Balion]
Haste - x/rounds? (+1 to-hit, AC, Ref saves, and +1 additional attack) [cast by Al]
Luminous Armor - 40 hours (+5 AC, -4 to hit, and daylight spell) [cast by Garreth]
Righteous Aura - 40 hours (+4 sacred bonus to STR, daylight spell) [cast by Garreth]

Items -
Blur (20%)
Spider Climb
Freedom of Movement
Fast Healing 6
Positive Energy Aura

Misc -
Epic Divine Might (+26 to damage for 25/26 rounds)
Turn undead 19/20
LAW devotion 0/1
Lay on Hands 325/325
Smite Evil 6/6

2019-01-03, 06:38 PM
Lo-Kag grunts in satisfaction as he watches the Mud-Alvasari's spell fall apart. Noticing the crippled mud-thing rising off the ground, Lo-Kag shouts: "Razortusk, watch out!" Then, to his friends: "We may have some trouble. Demigod, it seems you may need to do what you do best." As Lo-Kag says these words, he fires another volley towards the now-charging mud-thing.

Razortusk's saving throw:
+5 from Bright's spell

Lo-Kag's attacks(formatted at the bottom):












1. 51-39(3)/5/9
2. 50-27(2)/10/9
3. 55-33(3)/10/6
4. 56-29(2)/10/11
5. 57-33(4)/4/4
6. 52-35(6)/9/9
7. 48-34(2)/12/4
8. 48-35(6)/5/9
9. Nat 1
10. Nat 20!-30(1)/7/10
Confirmation roll was an 11
11. 40-28(1)/7/7
12. 50-33(1)/6/6

2019-01-03, 07:55 PM
The mudbeast lumbers towards Paragon and the illusionist behind him. A terrible monstrosity, formed by some strange magicks, not even heeding the blades that shred at its legs.

Paragon sets his jaw as his gaze follows the monster. He shifts and twists a little, setting his stance against the charge and crouching a little. Shield presented, he draws his sword arm back, blade of light raised and ready. He draws his wings up, tensing them as he watches the approach. Standing there, waiting, more than his blade is wreathed in light; he is a shining beacon himself. He watches, and under his breath he counts...

The beast draws close, about to attack, and Paragon springs into action with a wordless cry, leaping into the air and swinging his blade in a shining curve to meet the beast's attack with a nigh-blinding flash of light, accompanied by the sound of pure energy being discharged.

Swift: Furious Strike
Move: Fly 10' up and 5' forward.
Standard: Readied attack against the beast's attack

(power attack 5)
Attack roll: [roll0] (+8 if target is evil, bypasses armor/shield, does not affect nonliving creatures)
Damage roll: [roll1]
Extra damage if target is evil: [roll2] + [roll3]

Critical threat on 17+ (43 and up)
Critical confirmation if needed: [roll4] (+8 if target is evil)

2019-01-04, 10:02 AM
Bright Balion

Hearing Garreth's defense of Artorious, Balion reaches out with his senses and is aghast, seldom has he seen the might warrior so injured, and yet he endures so much with barely any sign of discomfort. He moves to Artorious's side to comfort him.

"Od, HEAL this humble servant of your will. Bless him, bless us all."

Casting Heal on Artorious for 150pts
Casting Prayer on the Party +1 Luck Atk/Dam/Saves/Skills to us -1 Luck to thems for same, 30rds

2019-01-05, 05:53 AM

The knight backs away, shield and armour battered as the attacks rain down upon him leaving long bleeding wounds and cruel slashes across his body. Even as the pain engulfs him he feels healing energy flowing into him from Balion. Nodding thanks he spins, hurling himself back into the fray with renewed vigour as the axe spins and cuts at the void shadow with a single massive blow.

Fort Save [roll0]
Fort Save [roll1]

Swift: n/a
Standard: Ancient Mountain Hammer [roll2] Dam [roll3]+[roll4]+[roll5]

Miss Chance vs attacks against him [roll6]

Robilar's Gambit vs attacks
[roll7] Damage [roll8] + [roll9] mage bane
[roll10] Damage [roll11] + [roll12] mage bane
[roll13] Damage [roll14] + [roll15] mage bane
[roll16] Damage [roll17] + [roll18] mage bane
[roll19] Damage [roll20] + [roll21] mage bane

HPs 348/348 (696)
AC 47 (touch 29, FF 42) +1 haste +2 shield block = 50
Saves +31/23/35 - currently -10

Crippled -10 on d20 rolls, 50% HPs,
Knight's CHalleng3 14 rounds +2 hit/dam/saves
Stance: Iron guard glare (-4 to attack not me)
Prayer +1 on stuff

2019-01-08, 09:45 AM
Tiranthir struggles against the pull of the void, beating her wings as she stares into the sliver of abyss that consumes the remnants of the clay colossus. Such strange power, wielded by these guardians...

Should she manage to fly free of its gravity, she erupts from its power with a fiery spiral, soaring towards the half-formed colossus. Her wings billowing out, she catches the air and weaves another spell, and a vile deep green glow forms in Tiranthir's mouth. A moment later, a hideous torrent of acid rains down on the creature from above with a hissing sizzle, the acid dissipating before it can fall upon her companions below.

Reflex save was 36 including Mass Conviction
If Tiranthir achieves escape velocity with her reflex, she flies up and toward the hobbled colossus, and casts Breath Weapon Substitution (acid) to breathe on it.

[roll0] Acid damage, DC 41 for half
[roll1] Round recharge on breath weapon

2019-01-09, 01:21 PM
Alvasari the Illusionist

Al concentrates on his permanent image, and has the multitude of dancing mud men form into a big copy of the magician copy, meaning there are now 2 magician copies copying a magician. The copy glares at the other copy, and then begins copying its spellcasting motions.

Al coughs and clutches his chest. He casts invisibility and then scoots himself away from the fighting.

2019-01-09, 05:15 PM
The flow of the battle turns as our heroes begin to resolutely destroy their enemies!

Brad's heroic leap to assault the Showman figure is followed by a torrent of heavy blows that shatter the arms, the legs, the head... and finally the torso of the creature as it explodes in a burst of clay dust. Left in the wake of the creature is another narrow onyx rift that pulls with an unearthly suction, threatening to swallow the ancient hero.

Garreth and Artorious lay into the Void Knight with a fury as yet unseen from the two warriors, their courage strengthened even further by the shining grace of Balion. Two swift chops from Garreth drive the Knight's shield and sword down and to the side... leaving the chest open and easily accessible for Artorioius' mighty strike. The axe hews into the midnight armor, and the creature lets out a terrible wail as its form shivers, wavers, and begins to crumble in on itself around the edge of Artorious' axe. In an instant, the only remains of the opponent is a strange midnight shimmer along the edge of the axe.

Razortusk scrambles as the mighty foot comes down, suffering only a light blow instead of the crushing weight of the beast. In return, it lashes out with its tusks as it charges the titan from behind, tearing into what on a normal creature would be its tendons. In a symphony of coordination, arrows fill the air before lancing into the body of the beast, the rapid impacts sending cracks all through the beast. Paragon strikes a valiant blow against the beast... but it appears to have limited impact. Moments later a stream of acid lances into the creature, shattering it and sending a burst of dust out to cover the ground and many of our heroes.

Tiranthir fights valiantly against the pull of the vortex, unleashing a powerful breath which destroys the final, unfinished monstrosity. The breath expelled, Tiranthir has but a moment of respite before they are pulled from the air, slamming into the onyx rift and becoming engulfed by it. To everyone watching, the rift expands and warps, fitting itself to the dragon's body as it flails in the air, wings beating heavily in an attempt to find some purchase.

You take 50% of your current max HP as damage as your body is squeezed through the portal, and you find yourself in a dizzying expanse of ebon blackness. Though your senses scream at you that there is nothing there, you KNOW that danger surrounds you.
Subtle psychic whispers pull at the edges of your brain, the void presses down against your body, and you sense the approach of dire dangers that must be avoided.

Choose one of the below options:
1 - Roll 3 Fortitude Saving Throws.
2 - Roll 3 Reflex Saving Throws.
3 - Roll 3 Will Saving Throws.
4 - Roll 1 of each saving throw.

**Your saving throws are NOT reduced by the previous effect for this.**

If you have some other action which takes a standard action or less to effect, you may do that in place of one of the 3 saving throws you will need to roll.

Razortusk takes 25 crushing damage.

Artorious succeeded on both saving throws, and now has a... special effect on his axe.

2019-01-09, 05:33 PM
As the second statue crumbles, and implodes, Brad leaps away once more, easily avoiding the sucking darkness, but as he moves, he sees the plight of Tiranthir, fully coated in the same sucking darkness he had just escaped. Without hesitating, he jumps once more, aiming to pass cleanly under the void covered Tiranthir, his sword raised to slice through the void coating her.

If he's successful, his trailing hand seems to pulse as it touches the dragon, as Brad's raw intent to free Tiranthir expresses itself magically(Casting Freedom of Movement on Tiranthir, if Brad's able to slice through the darkness, and touch her.)

2019-01-09, 06:23 PM
Affirming that Razortusk is safe, Lo-Kag turns his attention to the struggling Tiranthir.

"Ringbearer, hold on! We are coming to assist you!"

With a thought, great flaming wings burst into existence against Lo-Kag's back. He flies up to the silhouette of Tiranthir, stowing his bow and drawing his sword as he does so. He prepares to slice through the void, hoping the holy energy in his blade will disrupt the evil enveloping his companion.

Lo-Kag will fly up to Tiranthir. When he reaches her, he is going to try to carefully slice through the void without hurting Tiranthir.

2019-01-10, 01:58 PM
Feeling the incredible cosmic presence pressing down all around her, Tiranthir feels her body burn with draconic rage as her life force continues to slip away. Drawing on the strength of time immemorial and the bloodlines of ancient dragons, Tiranthir posits the might of her very being against the onslaught in her mind, body and soul.

3 Forts

2019-01-10, 02:50 PM
Tiranthir endures the onslaught of the void, fighting back with resolute endurance and fierce draconic presence. The force of infinity surrounds her, enfolds her, invades her very essence... but she stays resolute and fierce, holding to her identity and to her self. In a moment that lasts for eternity, the trial has passed and Tiranthir feels the weight draw away... leaving a little bit of the void within her, a cold feeling that lies next to the fire that burns in her gullet.

Those without witness the void being drawn into the dragon's body, brilliant red piercing through the infinite darkness until Tiranthir flies once again. Majestic wings beating the air, both Brad and Lo'Kag have more than enough time to stop their blows before striking their ally.

The threat appears to have passed, though there remains perhaps a need to examine your surroundings.

2019-01-10, 04:33 PM
Lo-Kag looks on with relief as Tiranthir frees herself from the void, showing a rare smile.
"Should have known you would not require assistance."

Drifting back down to the ground, then extinguishing the fiery wings, Lo-Kag walks over to Razortusk, giving him a pat on the head.
"Good boar. Very good boar."
Razortusk lets out a short squeal of delight, before walking over to the remaining fragments of the mud-things, curiously examining them.

Returning to Common, Lo-Kag says:
"I suppose that went as well as could be expected, given this... new territory."

2019-01-11, 07:28 AM
Pulling back from his strike as he passes under Tiranthir, Brad sails through the air, landing in a large pool of mud with a great splash, before starting to stand. However, before he can manage it, a rather loud "click" is heard, and he freezes, still doubled over, as his back refuses to move.

2019-01-13, 06:44 PM
Stretching her wings wide as she frees herself from the rift, Tiranthir feels the cold of the void sitting in her heart, and breathes a gout of fire into the air. When the heavy, cold feeling doesn't fade, she looks about, and lands upon the ground close to Brad. For a moment, she seems distracted, carving deep lines in the unholy soil and rock with her claws, staring into them; then, she turns to look at her mortal associate.

"Are you injured? Do you require assistance?" She asks, though she did not offer a claw to help right away. She knew little of these mortals' anatomy, instead waiting for another of their kind to come and assist. When either the others join her and Brad, or she delivers Brad to the others, she diminishes her form and takes to the air around the party, though staying close.

"Whatever was in that void, I can hardly think to attribute it to the work of the fiends. There may be some greater power working its hand here," she says after moments of silence.

2019-01-14, 01:29 AM
Alvasari the Illusionist

Al returns to visibility. He sits a rock and coughs into his shoulder a bit. "I'm a little banged out," he says before wheezing. His lung injury must be acting up. He looks up at the party. "Well, we're here. Where to now? We storm the gates of hell and crash the castle of Asmodeus himself?" There's a certain level of bravado in his voice, but it's restrained for him. He's probably trying to think of a better plan, making the question rhetorical, but would be open to input nonetheless.

Did we get the bits of our HP we lost, the 25%?

2019-01-14, 10:37 AM
Drifting to the ground, Paragon hustles over to Brad and Tiranthir. He helps Brad straighten himself, if he can, then turns his attention to the dragon. Laying a hand on her massive foreleg, light begins to flow from him into her, surging about her injuries and beginning to close them.

"And such is this battle won, but many a clash of might must still remain," he declares, turning his head towards the group as he continues with his healing, "Ye who require healing, call upon me. Mine energies shall not run out so long as I doth not channel them with too great a haste."

I'm using Regenerative Touch, an at-will ability, to repeatedly cast Regenerate on Tiranthir, as well as anyone else who informs me that they require healing. Each use heals 4d8+14 damage. If I recall my rough math correctly, and do some more rough math, it'll take me about two minutes to finish healing Tir. I don't particularly want to roll twenty healings, so unless something urgent comes up I'll just keep healing until she's healthy.

2019-01-14, 09:56 PM
Bright Balion

Thank you oh mighty Od for yet another victory against the darkness, I am sure will be in need of your will, your wisdom, and your strength in the trials to come.

Balion looks about his brethren in confidence, but his eyes linger on his compatriots new found....gifts

Rolls and What not
Look around to see what Od's all seeing Eye reveals: Spot [roll0]
Cast Telepathic Bond on the party (300 minute duration)
Knowledge Planes about our new void matter: [roll1]

2019-01-15, 07:36 PM
The silence that falls after the battle is broken first by the solid *WHUMP* of Brad's landing, immediately followed by a pained whimper from the old Hero as his back locks up and he topples to the side, gesturing feebly for his pouch of ointment.

Reacting to this clear crisis with haste and alacrity, our heroes turn and examine their surroundings, licking their wounds as they take in what surrounds them. The trackers of the group easily identify several pathways that lead away from their vantage points, each beginning from a cardinal direction before curving very subtly to the left. None appear to be of any particular difference one from the next.

As each catches their breath, those who fell prey to the voracious hunger of the mud-beasts feel their strength and energy slip back into their forms. Returned to their strength, each feels a renewed sense of confidence in their situation now. Bright, eyeing askance the axe wielded by Artorious, has a feeling that it resembles some form of negative energy.

Brad, even as he moans in abject agony, hears very close to his head the slightest sound of wings disturbing the air... and a tiny little giggle.

2019-01-15, 08:08 PM
Lifted up and straightened, Brad can only bite down, hard, on his dentures as he tries to suppress the unmanly moan that escapes his lips, before he finds himself dropped, as his savior finds other, more helpable allies to help. Through the blinding pain, and the soft sound of giggling wings, Brad manages one thing. He manages to pull his pack to the ground, and starts going through it with the focus only someone in terrible pain can manage. The muddy field behind him quickly starts to fill up with things as he seeks his balm, a leather tarp coming first, followed by a handful of rations(They seem to be honey and dried fruit, primarily)(Landing on the tarp close to him), quickly followed by hammers, axes, poles, pitons, and many more, sailing merrily past the rations, to the far side of the tarp.

2019-01-17, 04:51 PM

The old man straightens as the energy flows back into him and he breathes a relief. Not only at the strength returning but also to not being dead weight dragging the rest of his fellows down. "A fitting welcome to the Hells eh?" he jokes to the others. He glances at the blade of the axe, still tinged with void stuff. "Do any of you more learned people know what this is on my axe?" Flying down from the air he gazes around the desolate landscape. "Its not inviting eh? But where do we go now?"

2019-01-17, 11:33 PM
Lo-Kag will run over to Brad and help him(assuming Brad lets him).

Once Brad has been taken care of and is back on his feat, Lo-Kag says, in response to Artorious' question:
"There are four very faint paths, each sharing a direction with the location of one of those... mud creatures. Each path curves very slightly leftward as it goes on, counterclockwise around the hill. Other than their direction, they are all identical. Even my tracking skills tell me nothing. We may have to simply pick one and hope it takes us where we need to go."

2019-01-19, 02:30 PM
Bright Balion

Balion eyes the voided edge of the axe.

It appears to be composed of negative energy. That which snuffs the light of life and brings the darkness.

2019-01-22, 04:44 PM
With Lo-Kag's assistance, Brad eventually manages to find the cake of tiger balm, and directs Lo-Kag(With helpful pointing) to spread it on his lower back. It takes a bit for the pain to subside, but Brad soon finds himself able to stand once more. He offers a slow nod of thanks to Lo-Kag, before he starts to put his tools back into his bag.

2019-01-23, 07:12 PM
As the heroes examine their surrounds and consider options, Lo-Kag assists Brad in applying the thick, extremely strong-smelling ointment into the old man's back. Each of them, with their sharp ears, hear a periodic chuckle, giggle or snort that is quickly quieted. As one particularly stiff muscle is worked out to a chorus of creaks and groans from the aged hero an abrupt GUFFAW sounds, quickly quieted.

Razortusk, having been curious as to his master's activities, had wandered over to observe. At the sudden loud laugh, the boar jerks its head back and snorts, an act that sends a strong burst of air blasting downwards towards the ground. "Whoa!" a small voice says before a heavy thump is followed by an "Oof!" Razortusk, somewhat curious, takes a step forward to investigate... at which point all of our heroes can clearly hear...

"ow ow Ow Ow OW OW! Getoffgetoffgetoff! Life your foot, stupid pig!
Get OFF!" The dusty ground around Razortusks feet is scuffing and appears to have some form of scrabbling happening right in front of one hoof.

2019-01-23, 07:25 PM
Lo-Kag's head snaps round to the source of the tiny voice.
"Good boar."

He draws his sword and levels the tip at the scuffling under Razortusk's hoof.
"Reveal yourself, creature, or you may experience more discomfort than a razor boar's hoof.

2019-01-25, 07:59 AM
With the tiger balm applied(And no unmanly sighs of relief were uttered. Not even one!), Brad wanders over to Razortusk, and lifts the foot in question, before giving a long look at Lo-Kag, expressing his displeasure with his actions.

2019-01-25, 08:38 AM
Lo-Kag does not try to stop Brad, and meets his gaze.

"We are in the depths of a hellish plane, on a journey to destroy an immense force of evil. Within moments of arrival, we were attacked by mud creatures with powerful life draining magicks. It is within reason to assume that every creature down here is out for our blood."

Lo-Kag lowers his blade, but does not put it away.

2019-01-25, 08:45 AM
Brad just keeps looking staring, clearly not overly pleased by the waffling.

2019-01-25, 10:07 AM
Paragon strides over to the commotion. He examines the scene, then his eyes flash white, settling into a persistent glow.

Spell like ability: Detect Evil. Concentrate on it to detect presence/absence of evil.

"Reveal yourself, whomever you be," the impressive figure demands, "Else I shall simply open mine own eyes and see."

He stands tall, impressive, and bright, his armor gleaming and his eyes glowing. His grand sword is still held in one hand, his magnificent shield in the other. It is no longer just his (normally golden) eyes that shine white; his entire being now sheds a bright light.

2019-01-25, 10:55 PM
Alvarsari the Magnificent

"Oh, is someone over there?" Alvasari says quietly. "If there is, please tell me, I want to make a good impression." By good impression he probably means an extravagant show, probably including more fire works and a hell lot of noise. It's his habit, and probably one he's not to eager to kick.

2019-01-26, 05:22 PM

Nodding his thanks to the healing from his allies and feeling buoyed up by the return of his power the old general looks at the the writhing ground and pushes gently on the horse. With a flare of magical power and a few hoof prints that crackle in the air he gently ascends some 20ft above the ground before looking down at the creatures and the commotion that follows. His one good eye scanning the surrounding terrain for any trouble approaching.

2019-01-26, 06:47 PM
As Alvasari speaks up, Brad's unnerving gaze moves from Lo-Kag for a moment, shifting to the showman, before offing a brief nod, and returning to Lo-Kag.

2019-01-30, 02:35 AM
As our heroes discuss the strangeness of the incident, and some bring their utmost vision to bear, a figure springs to view. Baggy skin creased and lined with mildew and the color of a foul infected mucus forms most of the figure, with a long somewhat flattened tail dangling behind it as it is suspended on wings not unlike those of a wasp. It’s face is a bone white mask that appears to be made of true bone, and moves almost like skin when the creature speaks.

”Thankyoudonthurtme! Mighty slayers of mountains and rescuers from uncooked breakfast meats, in what way may Ipthis serve? Many options, many things, many deals!”

2019-01-30, 08:45 PM
"What are you, Ipthis?" Tiranthir chirps, flapping over to the strange creature. "And why do you come to us?" She carefully considers the thing, her smaller cat-like transformation probably less intimidating to the weird fae thing maybe letting her investigate it without tipping it off to her true form.

[roll0] Arcana check to ID ipthis
[roll1] Nature check to ID ipthis
[roll2] Sense motive to try and figure out what he's up to

2019-01-30, 08:51 PM
Paragon gestures to his allies to hold back and keep a little distance. Kneeling down to get a closer look at the creature, he examines it, then looks it directly in the eyes. Eyes that still shine white. Those alone are a bit intimidating, to say nothing of his passively majestic appearance. Angelic, brilliantly armored, literally glowing with a bright light; quite the figure, especially in contrast to the bleakness of the setting.

"Ipthis, that is thine name?" he does not speak loudly, but his words still resound, "What manner of creature are ye? To what end art thou in this place of fire and darkness? Speak, with candor."

Diplomacy check (I don't recommend using RAW with this skill. Use the check as a guideline for his reaction, perhaps.): [roll0]

Sense Motive check (I want to examine his reaction for any information I can glean): [roll1]

Knowledge (the planes) check to identify the creature: [roll2]

2019-02-01, 03:50 PM
"Ipthis saw, observed, witnessed, perceived, appreciated! Funfunfun, big spells, major orchestrations, lots of filthy little things big and gone!" This to the flying cat, before turning to the demigod.

Its tone becomes oily, unctuous, and entirely appeasing. "Ipthis, yes that is thine name! Much pleasing, in this home vacation passing through travel place. Amused interested devoted guiding harming protecting understanding defeating uplifting! Merchant Guide Jester Diplomat! Ipthis helps, Ipthis helps!"

2019-02-01, 04:21 PM
Lo-Kag's expression pulls into a frown, and his grip tightens on his sword.


2019-02-01, 04:59 PM
With things seemingly going peacefully, Brad gets back to repacking his bag.

2019-02-03, 08:17 AM
Bright Balion

Balion's eyebrow grows a noticeable twitch.

"Deal, Unclean thing? What have you that will spare your wretched existence long enough for another chance at redemption?"

2019-02-04, 04:17 PM
"Harming? Not harming, Helping! So sad, many muscles must squeeze brain to small small size! Not unclean neither! Very clean, tidy clean, squeaky speaky clean!
Only dusty from dinner-step!" The flapping creature appears quite put out, crossing its small arms and pouting.

2019-02-04, 05:33 PM

Artorious slowly riding in a circle through the air looks down at the strange beast. "What manner of beast is this?" he asks to his more learned friends and comrades. Whilst they speak with the small creature he continues to circle around the peak staring out at the wasteland...

2019-02-07, 07:45 PM
Having finished picking up the contents of his bag and putting them back inside, Brad looks at the small creature, before gesturing at the terrain around him, and then shrugging.

2019-02-08, 09:54 AM
Raising a hand to quiet his comrades, Paragon considers the creature before him.

"Ipthis. Merchant Guide Jester Diplomat. Grave is our business in these lands, and I would that ye would speak with much plainness, lest confusion abound. Wherewith doth thou hail from? Again, what manner of creature art thou? And, perhaps most important, ye call thineself a guide. I would that ye would elaborate. Please, loose thine tongue, and grant us these words."

What manner of creature this... creature, is, Paragon does not know. But he does know that he needs more words from it before he can make any judgement.

2019-02-09, 11:39 AM
Al pops his head up from behind the rock. This isn't the kind of audience he wanted.

[roll0] knowledge to identify
[roll1] Sense motive

2019-02-09, 11:42 PM
"Harming? Not harming, Helping! So sad, many muscles must squeeze brain to small small size! Not unclean neither! Very clean, tidy clean, squeaky speaky clean!
Only dusty from dinner-step!" The flapping creature appears quite put out, crossing its small arms and pouting.


Balion sucks in a breath, he looks very much like a man in need of a head tonic or one about to unleash Heaven's wrath on this strange creature. Still, Od taught the faithful patience and tolerance, even in the most intolerable things.

Ahem, yes, well, you mentioned helping?

2019-02-19, 04:40 PM
"Yes yes! Helping guiding Diplomat to nice nice people. Tell Ipthis, for what Grand Purpose do NobleHeroTypes come to this place? To where, to what? Guide Ipthis can, but a destination end-point finality is needed required before the path journey trial can be provided."

2019-02-19, 04:42 PM
Brad repeats his previous actions, giving Ipthis a questioning look, then looking over the area, then shrugging.

2019-02-25, 07:18 PM
Knowledge: The creature has aspects of undeath, of fiendish nature, of the Hells and the Abyss, of Pandemonium... this creature is very hard to define, but fits the image of an imp by any other name.

Sense Motive: You get the feeling that it wants to help, though the motives for that are unclear.

2019-02-26, 02:29 PM
Alvasari the Magnificent

Al pops his head over the rock, his eyes squinting in confusion. "A most curious creature, indeed... it appears to be some sort of amalgam of undead and outsider, both chaotic and evil. I do trust it to help us, however. Such creatures can be usually trusted as long as they're getting out of it." Al vaults the rock, but when lands, he grunts and wraps clutches at his chest with a hand. "Oh, that's the mistake." He stands up, straightens his cloak, and magics away the dusts off of himself with a twirl of his hand. "We're here to end a war. So, what is it you're getting out of this, young gentleman?" He extends a hand for a handshake.

2019-03-01, 11:06 AM
"Getting? Getting to guide, to help, to see! Here to stop a war?" The creature spins in a circle, taking in the knights, the grizzled warrior, the priest, the godling, the archer, and the cat that was a dragon. "Ipthis thinks it looks like war is to be waged by you, not stopped. Who dies at your hand? What heart do your arrows seek? To what End can Ipthis lead you?"

2019-03-01, 02:35 PM
"We wage war against the Betrayer of Light. Our world above spins in chaos. To save it, our prey must be hunted down."

2019-03-02, 04:13 PM

Artorious looks around at the others. "Are we following this strange beast? Either way I feel we had best move somewhere soon. After our display of power in destroying those things..." he looks nervously at the axe blade still glittering with the strange void energy, "It won't be long before some other creatures come this way." He looks out towards the horizon, horse still riding around the sky above the battlfield.

2019-03-17, 01:18 PM
"I suggest we vote on whether we trust this... Ipthis, or if we should find our own path. What say each of you?"

2019-03-19, 05:37 AM
Brad simply grumbles, and shrugs, gesturing broadly once more, as if to point out the lack of anything of interest in sight.

2019-03-20, 04:36 PM

THe old general looks around and shrugs stiffly. The axe still trailing horrible black void stuff. "ALl of this is beyond my ken my brave fellows. I will follow you all where you lead and do my best in the fights to come." He looks at the spaces where the void creatures had been and shudders, remembering the weakness he had felt when it had stolen his strength and vigour - what little he had left now in his aged frame.

2019-03-20, 10:46 PM
"I suggest we vote on whether we trust this... Ipthis, or if we should find our own path. What say each of you?"

Bright Balion

Trust is a strong word when dealing with such a creature, but we should see where this path leads us. We may be betrayed, we should not be surprised.

2019-03-23, 09:18 AM
Alvasari the Astonishing

Al leans up against the rock and looks at the team with his yellow eyes. He gives a confident smirk. "Well, you have my answer already. Some form of informant would be immensely helpful, and the stranger the better." He gestures to Ipthis. "Strangeness is usually a good sign of one being well traveled."

2019-04-08, 08:06 PM
"The Betrayer? Indeed indeed to a mighty resolve you race! Strong fierce belabored warriors seek great quarry, warrior with many allies. All allies fight... maybe too much for warriors. Strike allies first, yes? Leave quarry prey predator alone to die slowly painfully agonizingly gloriously dead!" The creature bounces in the air with excitement as it squeaks. "Then, then, then must choose! A path to great battle and certain death, or a path to certain battles and great deaths! To the Betrayer, or to make others betray with their blood! Choose, choose!"

The creature streaks away from you, flashing through the air towards the paths at the bottom of the hill. Fluttering in the air, the creature bobs and weaves and swirls about, leaving trails of foul inky darkness streaking down like oil on a window pane. Two immense portals form, two archways. At the peak of one, a radiant black sun casts ebon rays down the arms of the portal. At the peak of the other, a winding path of faint black stars leading to a distant sunset of ebon-black light. "Come, warriors slayers chattel predators victors-to-be! Choose, and Ipthis will lead you."

2019-04-10, 08:25 PM
"We need our quarry to be alone. I say we destroy the servants before we close the gap with our prey."

A large hand gestures to the left portal.

"The stars are the servants, the light, our prey. If we are in agreement, we should take the left portal."

Now Lo-Kag gestures towards Razortusk.
"Razortusk, come."

As Razortusk trots over, Lo-Kag stows his sword, and swings into the saddle on Razortusk's back.

2019-04-11, 05:25 AM
Listening, Brad shrugs, before walking towards the starry portal.