View Full Version : Looking for picture of ugly woman for character

2018-12-07, 07:37 PM
I am playing a Chaotic Evil Rimesoul Undine Evoker (admixture subschool) who has the amphibeous and mostly human traits. As a Rimesoul Undine, she has 5 charisma despite looking human. I'm having a hard time finding a picture I can use on mythweavers that looks like a woman with 5 charisma, though.

2018-12-07, 07:48 PM
Charisma has very little to do with looks and everything to do with personality.

2018-12-07, 07:53 PM
Charisma has very little to do with looks and everything to do with personality.

What would a 5 charisma woman act like?

Her complete statblock is 7str, 16dex, 18con,18int, 7wis, 5cha. She also has cold resist 5.

2018-12-07, 07:59 PM
What would a 5 charisma woman act like?

Her complete statblock is 7str, 16dex, 18con,18int, 7wis, 5cha. She also has cold resist 5.

Charisma is presence. That's why Undead, Sorcerers or Paladins are powered by it. Lack of Charisma (like in situations where you get it drained) usually results in cases of Extreme Doormats (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ExtremeDoormat) or Shrinking Violets (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ShrinkingViolet). There's also being a straight up Insufferable Jerk (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Jerkass), but I advise going this way because at that point it's hard to justify why your fellow adventurers don't just throw your character out.

2018-12-07, 08:04 PM
We use comeliness in our games for physical attractiveness. Could have a beauty with a 20 comeliness, but a 5 charisma who has the personality of a door mat.

2018-12-07, 08:06 PM
Charisma is presence. That's why Undead, Sorcerers or Paladins are powered by it. Lack of Charisma (like in situations where you get it drained to zero) usually results in cases of Extreme Doormats (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ExtremeDoormat) or Shrinking Violets (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ShrinkingViolet).

I guess that would be a wispy, sprite-like character who works mostly in her own head and just goes along with whatever force is hitting hardest at the moment?

You have to remember she’s also Chaotic Evil, unless you think I could/should be true neutral. Its an evil game.

2018-12-07, 08:17 PM
I guess that would be a wispy, sprite-like character who works mostly in her own head and just goes along with whatever force is hitting hardest at the moment?

You have to remember she’s also Chaotic Evil, unless you think I could/should be true neutral. Its an evil game.

If you think your character should still maintain enough drive and cognition to be Chaotic Evil, then I suggest going straight for the Uncanny / Repugnant (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DisgustTropes) angle.

2018-12-07, 08:23 PM

2018-12-07, 08:26 PM

I like it, and will probably use it eventually. The problem is its TOO unusual. I'm going for uncanny but believably common.

2018-12-07, 08:30 PM
I'm gonna chime in and disagree a bit. Charisma isn't just appearance, but it does include appearance.

Sure, Charisma isn't limited by a big nose or dumbo ears, but personal hygiene, effort placed toward appearance via make-up and dress, and posture are all very much both part of appearance and within the domain of Charisma.

A character can be pretty and have a Charisma of 8-10, but I don't think a 5 Charisma character is going to be pretty. At 5 Charisma they are making decisions about their appearance that actively make them look less like they want to--less intimidating, less attractive, more cargo shorts and sandals with socks.

At 5 Charisma, I would expect a character to bathe only when they are being in some way obstructed by the filth on their person. After all, that's just what other people think of you, and screw 'em, I'll smell like rancid horse piss all I want.

At 5 Charisma, shaving of anything happens never, cleaning of hair happens never, brushing of teeth likely happens never, cleaning of face happens never. These things produce an ugly, ugly person.

2018-12-07, 08:38 PM
In that regard, why not good ol' Faldorn (http://baldursgate.wikia.com/wiki/Faldorn) of Baldur's Gate fame?

2018-12-07, 10:14 PM
In that regard, why not good ol' Faldorn (http://baldursgate.wikia.com/wiki/Faldorn) of Baldur's Gate fame?

That’s the picture I’ll go with.

2018-12-07, 11:18 PM
Personally, I houserule that Disguise is used to determine how good you look on any given day. I mean, think about it...
-You're trying to change your natural state of looks to appear as something else
-Is based off of CHA (thus the personality of a door-mat won't necessarily look bad, but in all likelihood...)
-Has varied results from day to day (bad hair days exist in D&D, too! <Insert edge case where the low-CHA dwarf looks better than the high-CHA princess>)
-Takes an inordinate amount of time if you want to look "perfect" (unless you're a changeling, then...)

2018-12-08, 03:19 AM

Katie Boundary
2018-12-09, 07:27 PM

2018-12-09, 08:53 PM
What would a 5 charisma woman act like?

Her complete statblock is 7str, 16dex, 18con,18int, 7wis, 5cha. She also has cold resist 5.
With that array of mental stats, and the chaotic evil alignment, one possibility is that she's brilliant but utterly cold, uncaring and arrogant. She has no real idea how other people work, or how to relate to them...in large part because she can't be bothered to learn. Even when it would be to her advantage to learn some empathy, she thinks it's beneath her.

Or there could be dozens of other ways to interpret the same three mental stats and the same alignment. I would start by deciding how you imagine the character's mind and personality working, and then reshape this initial concept by playing up the aspects that say high-intelligence, and low wisdom and charisma.

EDIT: And for the character's physical appearance, it sounds like you might be looking for something along the lines of Lovecraft's Deep Ones, in the early stages of their transformations when they can still pass for human. A google search for "lovecraft deep ones" returns mostly full-blown fish monsters, but a search for "lovecraft fish people" or "lovecraft innsmouth" gives a lot of uncanny images of folks who just ain't quite right...

2018-12-09, 09:27 PM
With that array of mental stats, and the chaotic evil alignment, one possibility is that she's brilliant but utterly cold, uncaring and arrogant. She has no real idea how other people work, or how to relate to them...in large part because she can't be bothered to learn. Even when it would be to her advantage to learn some empathy, she thinks it's beneath her.

Or there could be dozens of other ways to interpret the same three mental stats and the same alignment. I would start by deciding how you imagine the character's mind and personality working, and then reshape this initial concept by playing up the aspects that say high-intelligence, and low wisdom and charisma.

EDIT: And for the character's physical appearance, it sounds like you might be looking for something along the lines of Lovecraft's Deep Ones, in the early stages of their transformations when they can still pass for human. A google search for "lovecraft deep ones" returns mostly full-blown fish monsters, but a search for "lovecraft fish people" or "lovecraft innsmouth" gives a lot of uncanny images of folks who just ain't quite right...
This was just what I needed. Thanks!