View Full Version : What Would the Talking Sword Wear to the Ball?

2018-12-08, 01:19 AM
If Intelligent Magic Items had access to good enough illusion magic that let them appear however they liked... what appearance would they use?

Its largely a subjective question I imagine, depending on the situation, the creator, experiences, age, the task at hand, etc.
Is there a likeness carved into them? Do they admire art or royalty?
Left in a dragon's hoard would they choose a draconic likeness or a dragon slayer's?

When even would it be useful for an Intelligent Magic Item to appear as anything but itself?

When it's mobile? Via the PF ability to give them legs, Telekinesis, mage hand, g. teleport or g. plane shift, or similar spells, or even via the Flying weapon enhancement for example.

Thoughts playground?

2018-12-08, 03:10 AM
Ingelligent items are as varied as any other NPC. Literally the answer to all your questions boils down to "it depends on the item's personality". If your question is more "do intelligent items have personalities?", then the answer is quite definitely yes, as pretty much all published intelligent items have backstories and/or bios depicting them with various kinds of personality quirks and traits.

2018-12-08, 03:37 AM
a fancy sheath

2018-12-08, 04:40 AM
A fighter.

2018-12-08, 12:09 PM
The talking sword wore a dress with the perfect cut, and everyone said it looked very sharp.

(In contrast, the ranged weapons all wore bow ties, and the consensus was that they missed the mark.)

2018-12-08, 12:11 PM
The talking sword wore a dress with the perfect cut, and everyone said it looked very sharp.

And THERE’S the pun I was expecting when I clicked on this topic.

2018-12-08, 02:58 PM
The talking sword wore a dress with the perfect cut, and everyone said it looked very sharp.

(In contrast, the ranged weapons all wore bow ties, and the consensus was that they missed the mark.)
(applauds in admiration)

2018-12-08, 03:14 PM
Are you sure some Evil Wizard did not steal the soul of your Girlfriend to craft that Talking Sword?

The Talking Sword takes a Talking Full Plate Armor to the Ball.

2018-12-08, 06:53 PM
You know those boutique fantasy knives and swords with weirdly shaped edges and non sensical protrusions that are marketed to early twenty something men and goth chicks?

Those are to weapons what sexy halloween costumes are to people on Halloween: trashy and curiosity inspiring.

So just work from there. And intelligent weapon that is going to the ball wants to be a little trashy but mostly traditional.

2018-12-08, 07:52 PM
The talking sword wore a dress with the perfect cut, and everyone said it looked very sharp.

(In contrast, the ranged weapons all wore bow ties, and the consensus was that they missed the mark.)

Gal Gadot?