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2007-09-21, 06:17 PM
Does anyone no where I could find a good monster generator (program or writen system) I need to create a enemy for a camapain and I need to balance the CR and the abilities.

2007-09-21, 07:55 PM
While there might be software packages out there that help with the basic number crunching (I seem to recall that PCGen (http://pcgen.sourceforge.net/) has some support for monsters, but it's been a long time since I've used PCGen), I extremely doubt that there's anything out there that'll do a good job with an entire monster. There's too many unquantifiables - at some point, the process turns into a combination of educated guesses and artistry, and there's not much software that'll help you there.

If you have time, look through VT's 3.5 Monster Making For the Feebleminded (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=43009), which does a pretty good job of explaining the process. If you have less time, write something down and post it, and I'm sure someone here will help you out.

2007-09-22, 06:09 PM
Thanks I will, I am more worried about over powering them. They can: fly, have ranged, and melle touch attacks, spell like abilities, immune to most physical effects, immune to most mental effects, damage reduction through the roof, spell resistance, and on top off many other things have access to a epic artifact that given enough time to triger it they could basicly conquer every plain.

Basicly I need to get the CR balanced with their abilities, if you want to sugest things just picture a "Dalek" from "Doctor Who".