View Full Version : Storm Kings Thunder: Help making changes

2018-12-09, 01:50 AM
Good evening all.

I am a bit new to forgotten realms and 5e in general. I'm looking for a bit of Lore and design advise.

Been reading a LOT about the setting, but its a BIG setting with a lot going on, and we're getting under way with the campaign so i'm not going to be an expert before we get knee deep.

We are 1 session in to Storm Kings Thunder. The players are about to get to the Dripping Caves. After that, I have decided to totally drop the entire section involving Zephyros. It's just a little to random, railroady, silly for my group of gamers, and my self, quite frankly.

However I know that he gives them some valuable information about the Ordning. So, to substitute, I've designed a brief encounter that will explain all that stuff.

So what I need now is some mini-quests to fill the journey from Nightstone to their chosen quest location, Bryn Shander, Goldenfields or Triboar. This will need to get them from Lvl 3-5 ish.

But, since they have spent so much time farting around in Nightstone ( killing Goblins, Killing Zhentarim, Killing Orks) and basically killing random crap to level up without much story, I really wanted these couple of levels to be eventful.

So here's a couple of Ideas I've had so far.

A War.
I wanted there to be a war backdrop that the players could get involved with if they wanted to. Basically, there's a huge hoard of orks, goblins, and whatever else will fight alongside their kind, that have gathered along the eastern boarders of the Waterdeep region. The mighty Lord Vengar has been tasked with raising an army to repel this threat. However, Vengar is secretly a devout follower of Bhaal and wants bloodshed no matter what. And the Ork leader Bloodfang, however brutal he may seem, is just trying to save his people.

Problem is I cant figure out what he's trying to save them from. It definitely needs to tie into the Giant threat, But I cant make the connection!

The Dodkong
I really want to add the Stone Giant Lich into the campaign, but I'm exactily unaware how.
I was thinking at first there would be a small dungeon involving an evil cleric loyal to the dodkong raising an undead army, that would have connections back to my party's dwarf paladin's home fortress that was overrun by goblins years ago that also houses a direct portal to the underdark, tying into the Dodkong.

If anyone has any ideas to expand on these concepts, or original concepts of their own, please let me know. I'm trying to get caught up on the lore of the forgotten realms, but its going to take a minuet. Until then everything helps.

2018-12-09, 03:02 AM
I am also running SKT atm.

The Zephyrus plot I liked because as a researcher he has all these little sub plot/quests you can have him know about but never have gone looking for to resolve.

A few weeks before we started playing I found a link called 20 rare magical items and where to find them in campaign. And one of the items is a staff of the Magi. Its off the coast of the Icewind Dale on an island just off the map in SKT. So I put a clue about it in Zephyrus tower. Maybe they find it maybe not but it makes the world a bit bigger having a place where they can see some one has found these clues.

As far as adding your own stuff, love it. Make it your own I am finding the point between the return trip to Waterdeep and the hunt for the relics a hard place to say OK here's the campaign go forth mighty adventurers. The bones of a plot are in the book but the meet to get your players that comes from you.

IMO Cullyn

2018-12-09, 10:54 AM
That link is great! I'm definitely going to use Staff of the Magi
