View Full Version : Luck Domain (test)

Great Dragon
2018-12-09, 08:45 PM
Here is my idea for a Luck Domain.

1st: Curse, Bless
3rd: Aid, Mirror Image
5th: Greater Invisibility, Stoneskin
7th: Forbiddance, Resurrection
9th: Foresight, Time Stop

First level: Able to use an action to give yourself or a touched willing creature a bonus to a Hit, a Save, or an Ability Check equal to your Charisma Modifier.

Channel Divinity 2nd level: As a bonus action, give Advantage to yourself or an ally within thirty feet.

Channel Divinity 6th level: As a reaction, impose Disadvantage to one creature within thirty feet.

Eighth level: Gain three plus Charisma Modifier luck points. (Works like, and with, the Lucky Feat)

Seventeen level: Gain three more luck points, and can give to allies within sixty feet.

2018-12-09, 08:54 PM
1st: Curse, Bless
3rd: Aid, Mirror Image
5th: Greater Invisibility, Stoneskin
7th: Forbiddance, Resurrection
9th: Foresight, Time Stop

You seem to have mixed up level gained and spell levels here.

First level: Able to use an action to give yourself or a touched willing creature a bonus to a Hit, a Save, or an Ability Check equal to your Charisma Modifier.

For how long? Can multiple people benefit at a time? I'd worry about stacking this plus guidance plus advantage a little.

Channel Divinity 2nd level: As a bonus action, give Advantage to yourself or an ally within thirty feet.

On anything? Time restrictions?

Channel Divinity 6th level: As a reaction, impose Disadvantage to one creature within thirty feet.

Again, on anything when they do anything?

Eighth level: Gain three plus Charisma Modifier luck points. (Works like, and with, the Lucky Feat)

That is potentially a very large number of luck points...

Seventeen level: Gain three more luck points, and can give to allies within sixty feet.

Really doubling down there.

Edit - It occurs to me I assumed you were wanting feedback. Apologies if you just wanted to share :smallbiggrin:

2018-12-09, 09:01 PM
Domain spells work off caster level. Meaning that when you see 9, that means 9th level caster and not 9th level spell, so no time stop and foresight for example as domain spells, but instead you should pick two 5th level spells. Unless of course what you did was an intentional choice. Also, the 8th level domain feature should probably be either divine strike or potent spellcasting, at least if you would like to keep it in line with how the official domains are structured. Blink might be a good choice for a domain spell, with that 50% of either working or doing nothing. Mirror image is a good choice for that same reason (meaning that there is that luck/random element regarding if it works or not), so well done on including it. Enhance ability maybe? Cause it's a versatile spell that lets you overcome obstacles by giving you advantage on rolls (a ''I am making my own luck'' kind of thing). Death ward perhaps? Fluffing it like a hit that would normally drop you, somehow doesn't.

Here is another idea for a domain feature (don't know how balanced it would be). That feature would allow you to leave one prepared slot open which you could fill when you wanted during the day (as a free action, or as an action, or whatever; all other limitations regarding cleric preparing spells still apply). The idea here is, that you had that spell prepared all along. You were just lucky that you happened to have that spell prepared and it so happened that it really came in handy during the day. If you can ignore the meta of it (which I personally could), it can translate to an extraordinary amount of luck. If such a feature is a bit too powerful, then maybe it would be better suited as the 17th level domain feature.

Edit: Maybe a channel divinity option that allows you to automatically succeed on any checks involved in divination spells? You know, cause you are lucky and your deity is always on the other end of the phone.

Edit2: Feather fall as a domain spell perhaps? It always struck me as a luck related spell for some inexplicable reason. Or are we stepping too much on the shoes of arcane casters?

2018-12-09, 09:26 PM
Why Charisma based features on a Cleric? That alone gets a thumbs down from me.

2018-12-09, 11:10 PM
I think the 17th level ability should enable your character to realize they are a pawn in a game, and should be able to directly manipulate the dice of a single roll to whatever they desire once per long rest. And/or they get to swap their mini with another piece or manipulate the game table in some fashion (dungeon map rotates 90 degrees, or bad guy is struck by a sudden tidal wave of Dr.Pepper, etc).

Some other thought would be to steal some of the Precog abilities from my favorite Sci-Fi game Stars without number.

Some possible channel divinity or level 6+ features:

Just what we needed: For some reason, your PC grabbed some essential item/McGuffin your party currently needs without realizing it’s usefulness at the time. So Channel Divinity and produce any mundane item or a specific non-magical plot related item, and retcon a quick scene of the PC putting the item in their pack.

Banking rolls: The PC when making a successful attack roll, check, or save that is essential to gameplay, can store that roll for later use, and then use it later. They have to then reroll their last check.
Kind of a variant of portant.

In fact, I think I am going too far in a Diviner direction now, so never mind :)

There is some fun potential with this one.
Would a Cleric of Luck make all decisions based on dice rolls, or some other random fact?
Their beleif is that the only certainty is the uncertain?

2018-12-10, 12:13 AM
I think the 17th level ability should enable your character to realize they are a pawn in a game, and should be able to directly manipulate the dice of a single roll to whatever they desire once per long rest. And/or they get to swap their mini with another piece or manipulate the game table in some fashion (dungeon map rotates 90 degrees, or bad guy is struck by a sudden tidal wave of Dr.Pepper, etc).

Oh my. I might have to make a subclass entirely devoted to this. Cleric Domain: Game? Sorcerous Origin: DM's Favorite? Rogue Archetype: Roll-Fudger or Rules Lawyer? The concept is brimming with possibilities...

2018-12-10, 12:38 AM
Apart from what others have already pointed oit as problems, there are a few really bad things.

1) The Channel Divinities you gave it suck. There are a lot of very easy ways to get advantage. Mainly the help action which is, let me check... FREE

2) The level one feature is whack. There is no duration listed and charisma does not come up often with clerics.

3) Luck Points are also whack with the number you suggested.

I already have a Luck domain build so I'll give you some tips.

1) Level one ability. A could fix could be allowing you to use the help action as a bonus action on somebody you can touch. Call it Touch of Luck. In my build I also gave them shortswords, rapists, and longswords though so you could also do that. They should also get the Guidance spell for free but that might be a bit to much.

2) Spells. Your level one picks are good. I would suggest Augury at level two because it's kinda like die casting the future.

3) Channel Divinity. I would suggest a not dying abiltiy. Call it Lucky Save or something. You can use it to be dropped to 1 instead of 0 hp.

4) Level six. At this level I would imrove your level one. I would give your help action a range of 30 ft like a mastermind. This would also allow to target enemies in that range as well.

5) Level 8. Divine Strike. Radiant damage. Pure and simple. Improves at level 14

6) Seventeenth Level Ability. When you use your Lucky Save channel divinity you recover 50 hp. Maybe? This one is a weird level to work with and I personally never fleshed mine out because it never needed to be.

2018-12-10, 12:54 AM
Ignoring the balance issues others pointed out, the thematics of this domain need a lot of work.

What is even going on here? You should write up a paragraph, following the format in the Player's handbook, that describes this clerical domain and how it fits in the world. The spell list just seems like a random smattering of spells without any central theme. The abilities certainly improve the party's die rolls, but that's just a game mechanic; pretty much every class' abilities do that.

2018-12-10, 02:04 AM
Also, the 8th level domain feature should probably be either divine strike or potent spellcasting, at least if you would like to keep it in line with how the official domains are structured.

Alternatively, just give the cleric advantage on all melee weapon attacks at 8th, instead of bonus damage. That doesn't increase damage directly but certainly does improve DPR, and it makes crits more likely. Seems "luck"ish to me.

2018-12-10, 04:45 AM

2018-12-10, 08:38 AM
The spell list is also OP. It would immediately be the best domain list in the game with great spells at every stage.

Idea seems fine but it needs a lot of balancing, imo.

2018-12-11, 12:52 AM
You aren't getting how the spell list works. It gives you

2 level one spells

2 level two spells

2 level three spells

2 level four spells

2 level five spells

You don't get to mix and match what level of spells you get like you keep doing.

Also, I think that they should get Divine Strike over potent casting because they shouldn't be a blaster cleric like the Light Domain.

Also, they shouldn't use charisma. That's like saying a Arcana Domain should use intelligence. That's bad and not how clerics are supposed to work.

P.S. My build was more melee focused because of the short range of spells like bless and bane. I gave the swords because I want them to be able to wield the Luck Blade.

2018-12-11, 12:58 AM
Background from my game:
The Luck Domain is for "Aeida Whisperfoot" a Light Halfling Rogue (Thief) that was an Adventurer that ascended. She was known for her extreme luck in life, even beyond that normally associated with Halflings.
So that she was not in competition with Brandobarius, the Halfling deity of Rogues, she chose Luck when she ascended.
Any assistance is welcome. I did try to pick spells (regardless of Class) that seemed Lucky.

What does this tell us about what luck clerics value or revere? What is going on with this domain other than bending probability curves (which is what every ability in the game does)? Take a look at the domains in the Player's Handbook. Each domain there has a large paragraph describing the significance of the domain, the philosophies of their clerics, and what the domain encompasses. Try to emulate that.

Great Dragon
2018-12-11, 10:56 PM
You aren't getting how the spell list works. It gives you

2 level one spells

2 level two spells

2 level three spells

2 level four spells

2 level five spells

You don't get to mix and match what level of spells you get like you keep doing.

Also, I think that they should get Divine Strike over potent casting because they shouldn't be a blaster cleric like the Light Domain.

Also, they shouldn't use charisma. That's like saying a Arcana Domain should use intelligence. That's bad and not how clerics are supposed to work.

P.S. My build was more melee focused because of the short range of spells like bless and bane. I gave the swords because I want them to be able to wield the Luck Blade.

Part of the problem that I was having, was using only spells of those specific levels.
There aren't that many that "feel" Lucky.
Which is why I was using a spell of equal level or lower.
Not sure about Stoneskin, but there does not seem to be a Displacement Spell in 5e.

So, here is what I have so far:

1st level: able to use an action to give yourself or a touched willing creature a bonus To Hit, Save, or an Ability Check equal to your Charisma Modifier. The cleric chooses which at the time.
This will last one minute.
Usable only once per Short Rest.

Channel Divinity stayed the same, with a new one at 10th level: Lucky Save, usable as a Reaction to only drop to 1 hp.

6th: 3 Luck points.

8th: Divine Strike. +1d8. 14th +2d8.

17th +3 Luck points. (Max 9) and
Option A: Swap 1x short rest.
Option B: Uncanny Dodge
I'll try to work on the beliefs, philosophy, etc.
Thanks for the input.

Looks like I accidentally deleted a post.

1st Bless, Curse.
3rd Feather Fall, Mirror Image
5th Invisibility, Augury
7th Blink, Death Ward
9th Greater Invisibility, Far Step