View Full Version : War of the Heavens [5E] - IC

2018-12-09, 09:08 PM
War of the Heavens

The Capital. Some of you have passed through these walls, while some have spent their days avoiding it. Regardless of your history here you are. Not a ten-day prior had you received a missive from the King himself, requesting aid in his holy crusade. He's grown tiresome over the years and rumors have spread of his failing mental health. Yet the populous still believe in him. He is your king and the call to serve is not one to be avoided.

As you enter the castle walls you are led into the grand chamber where the King typically greats his subjects. Upon entering you are greeted with an ill inspiring sight. The room has seen better days with many of the tapestry running tattered and candlewax growth showing months of grime. The King himself looks aged. He is not the once inspiring leader the country all fell behind. Yet he still wears his knightly garb, as if he is prepared to leave in battle.
Sitting there in his thrown he hunches over peering down at you who enter. He rises slowly, the bones creaking in his back as he adjusted his poster.

"So, the great and mighty warriors of my land have answered the Kings call?" He says pointedly and in a dead voice. "Come, step closer so that I may examine my champions." As he demands the party to step forward a man steps out of the darkness behind the Kings right-hand side steps into view and walks to stand beside the king. He is wearing a long robe and carries a staff.

It is clear that the man beside the King is his royal advisor and Arcanum Magistrate. He has been with the King for the past 25 years, advising him and helping guide his hand.

Barbarian MD
2018-12-09, 09:30 PM
Funda "Badger" Turen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1758086)

AC 20.
HP 240/240.
PP:17. Darkvision 60'.
Speed: 35'. Spider Climb. Water Walking.
Initiative:+3 (Adv).
Languages: All (Helm).
Immunities: surprise (by entering rage)
Active Conditions or Buffs: none



S:+10 (adv).
D:+3 (adv if visible)

Int:+2 (adv magic)
W:+2 (adv magic)
Ch:+1 (adv magic)


+2 Battleaxe Atk: +12. Dmg: d8+7. Critical 4d8+7.
+1 Battleaxe (TWF bonus) Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6.
+1 Longbow Atk: +9. Dmg: d8+4.
Bonus action during your move to pass through the space of a Large or smaller creature. That creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength bonus + your proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone and take bludgeoning damage equal to 1d12 + your Strength modifier.
Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.

Rages Used: 0/5. Round: 0/10.

Rage damage: +3
If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic

Potions of Healing: 2
Potions of Greater Healing: 4

Cantrip: Minor Illusion
Gnome: Speak with small animals
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Strength (advantage): athletics +10
Dexterity: acrobatics +8, sleight of hand +3, stealth +8
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/nature/religion +2
Wisdom: animal handling/insight/medicine +2, perception/survival +7
Charisma: intimidation +6, deception/performance/persuasion +1


One would be forgiven for not noticing a gnome in the darkened room. An f-ing tinker gnome with a jaunty stride and a beaming smile whistling a stupid tune about animals and faeries. They tended to be unobtrusive.

But not this gnome.

Badger strode forward as though he owned the place, one axe dancing in his hand and the other casually laid across his shoulders. His loin cloth was on the... short side.

Garbed only in knee high boots, an amulet, a fanged helmet, and a pair of marvelous bracers, the dashing image was only marred by the bag hanging from his belt and an old stained leather pack strapped tightly to his back.

He gave a stiff, unpracticed bow and then stood tall--so to speak, at twenty-four inches--awaiting the pleasure of his king.

Vegan Squirrel
2018-12-10, 09:39 AM
Starlana Naïlo—wood elf valor bard (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 15 Bard | HP: 165/165 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Perception +12.
Proficient: Deception 9, Insight +7, Investigation +6, Stealth +8, Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

Spellbook (https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTw-ArVlq0tVO2OKZ9TuAckxpKpw3c8okjr_2SJrp76FQ9d12RhT4t p_9bfSsXxh81plkwmUjGaY2lm/pub)
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 1/1 - 8th 1/1
Active Spells: N/A
Bardic Inspiration: 4/4 | HD: 15/15 Winged Boots: 240/240 minutes

Starlana Naïlo enters the room, the youthful elf's ears protruding from copper-colored hair which is only long enough to frame her face. A pan flute hangs on a strap around her neck, with a pair of quivers and an ornate longbow at her back, and a rapier sheathed at her side. She carries a single pack slung over her shoulders, and dresses in an enigmatic mix of finery and exploratory gear—ready to dive into the action, but spruced up for the royal audience.

She gives a respectful curtsy as she approaches the king. "Starlana Naïlo, your Majesty. I humbly offer the services of my bow, my blade, my music, and my spellwork."

So this is the human king, she thinks to herself. And what of this other man?


2018-12-10, 01:20 PM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 15 Ranger | HP: 180/180 | AC: 19 | PP: 19

A young man wrapped in hunter's garb with a cloak pulled over his head strides in, longbow in hand and a quiver on his back. He stops beside a nearly nude gnome warrior, and a young elf, who looks the part of an archer as well. The man pulls back his hood, revealing wavy brown hair and strange green eyes. He kneels before the king, Colton Roan of Emerick, last remaining Venator, answering the call, Your Grace.

Orsik Vondal
2018-12-10, 11:05 PM
Battlemage Grufford Cartwright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1759626)

AC: 10/16 (mage armor)
HP: 135/135
PP: 12
Speed: 40'
Initiative: +8
Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Primordial
Active Conditions or Buffs: mage armor





Attacks and Actions:

Quarterstaff Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+4. Critical 2d6+4
Booming Blade Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+d8+4
Toll the Dead DC 18 Wis Save. Dmg: 3d8 (max hp)/3d12
Arcane Deflection: when hit by an attack or fail a saving throw, use reaction to gain +2 bonus to AC or +4 to the saving throw. Can only cast cantrips until end of next turn. Up to 3 creatures you can see within 60 ft. take 8 force damage.
Power Surge: Gain surges when you end an effect with dispel magic or counterspell up to a max of 5. Once per turn you can expend a surge to deal an extra 8 force damage to a hit target.

Toll the Dead
Booming Blade
Sword Burst
True Strike

Detect Magic
Find Familiar
Fog Cloud
Mage Armor (always prepared)
Magic Missile
Protection from Evil and Good

Dust Devil
See Invisibility

Counterspell (always prepared)
Dispel Magic
Magic Circle

Conjure Minor Elementals
Dimension Door
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum

Bigby's Hand
Conjure Elemental
Hold Monster
Legend Lore
Steel Wind Strike
Teleportation Circle

Globe of Invulnerability
Tenser's Transformation
True Seeing

Mordenkainen's Sword
Plane Shift

Dominate Monster

Strength: athletics +4
Dexterity: acrobatics +3, sleight of hand +3, stealth +3
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/religion +10, nature +5
Wisdom: insight +7, animal handling/medicine/perception/survival +2,
Charisma: deception/intimidation/performance/persuasion +1

A middle-aged man with close cropped brown hair and matching beard strides into the throne room. The staff in his left hand, a five-and-a-half foot length of semi-gnarled ash, clicks a steady beat as he walks to the foot of the throne. Had he been anything other than a battlemage, he might have been taken aback by the bare-chested gnome. But he'd seen berserkers like this before on the battlefields. Point them in the right direction and let them hack their way through the enemy. The elf was...bold. So many talents. The wizard perks up when the hunter speaks. Not just a hunter! A Venator. They haven't been around for years.

And there was the King. Old. Probably delusional. And- Who is that?! The wizard glares warily at the newcomer from the shadows as he steps forward, strikes his staff against the floor, clicks his heels, and bows curtly in the military fashion. "Battlemage Grufford Cartwright." He swiftly steps back in line with the others.


Barbarian MD
2018-12-12, 11:16 AM
When the other introduce themselves, an awkward voice pipes up belatedly, high pitched in the range of a child: "And Badger, at your service! You got something that needs killing?"

2018-12-14, 02:43 PM
The King peers down at you all and listens intently at each of your words. Finally he rises up from his seat, and steps down the stairs approaching the party. He stands before you all and addresses each of you individually, "So, before me we have The Spy of Shoatan, The Ruthless Gnome, The Wizard who lost it all, and one of the last of the Venators...." rubbing his chin he ponders for a moment, "Interesting indeed."

He turns around and begins stepping back to his throne but speaks as he walks away, "I appreciate your honestly. Telling me your true names and who you are." Reaching the top of the steps he turns back around to face the party, "I would expect nothing else from those who seek to perform God's work." Looking back he nods towards the robed man.

The robed man taps his staff and within the blink of an eye a kneeling individual is 15 ft before you. He struggles there on the floor as his feet are bound as are his hands behind his back.
The King calls out to you all again, "This is Titivilus. A Devil of Hell. My Crusade starts with him. Kill him, NOW." As the words leave Lachdanans mouth the bounds are released from Titivilus and he jumps to his feet ready to fight!

Roll Initiative!

You are allowed up to two knowledge based skill checks prior to initiative. Combat has not begun so ready actions will not be allowed. While he was bound he did not pose much of a threat or indicate much to be one, especially to yourself being accomplished heroes, so I will allow a defensive spell but nothing cheesy that would be out of character (Delayed Blast Fireball or etc)

Titivilus Initiative: [roll0]


2018-12-14, 03:07 PM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 15 Ranger | HP: 180/180 | AC: 19 | PP: 19

The Arcanum Magistrate taps his staff on the floor and suddenly a bound fiend is kneeling before them. Colton takes a step back and has a hand to an arrow in his quiver, Magistrate! he cries out in alarm. The King calls out the name of the fiend, Titivilus, and Colton wonders if he had heard of the devil in his studies. As the King speaks, he turns his hunter's eye to the fiend, discerning its weaknesses. Suddenly, it is unbound!

Pre-Combat Action (if allowed) - Hunter's Sense on Titivilus - Learn damage immunities, resistances, vulnerabilities, unless creature is shielded from divination.

Initiative w/Advantage - [roll0], [roll1]

Two Intelligence checks:
History w/Advantage (Favored Enemy: Fiends) - [roll2], [roll3] (see if I've heard of Titivilus)
Arcane w/Advantage (Favored Enemy: Fiends) - [roll4], [roll5] (see if I know special abilities or attacks)

Barbarian MD
2018-12-14, 03:18 PM
Funda "Badger" Turen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1758086)

AC 20.
HP 240/240.
PP:17. Darkvision 60'.
Speed: 35'. Spider Climb. Water Walking.
Initiative:+3 (Adv).
Languages: All (Helm).
Immunities: surprise (by entering rage)
Active Conditions or Buffs: none



S:+10 (adv).
D:+3 (adv if visible)

Int:+2 (adv magic)
W:+2 (adv magic)
Ch:+1 (adv magic)


+2 Battleaxe Atk: +12. Dmg: d8+7. Critical 4d8+7.
+1 Battleaxe (TWF bonus) Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6.
+1 Longbow Atk: +9. Dmg: d8+4.
Bonus action during your move to pass through the space of a Large or smaller creature. That creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength bonus + your proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone and take bludgeoning damage equal to 1d12 + your Strength modifier.
Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.

Rages Used: 0/5. Round: 0/10.

Rage damage: +3
If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic

Potions of Healing: 2
Potions of Greater Healing: 4

Cantrip: Minor Illusion
Gnome: Speak with small animals
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Strength (advantage): athletics +10
Dexterity: acrobatics +8, sleight of hand +3, stealth +8
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/nature/religion +2
Wisdom: animal handling/insight/medicine +2, perception/survival +7
Charisma: intimidation +6, deception/performance/persuasion +1

Badger likes this guy already. Ask for somebody to kill, and poof, somebody to kill. Direct, efficient. A smile creeps onto his face. His eyes suddenly alight with red fire as he grits his teeth and flexes his knuckles on the hafts of his axes. He lets loose with a blood-curdling scream and begins to charge with a frenzy towards his enemy.

initiative (adv) [roll0] [roll1]

"I would like to rage!"

Knowledge? Sure. Why not. They're all 2+

What sorts of magics does this loser have? [roll2]
Is he weak to anything? [roll3]

Vegan Squirrel
2018-12-14, 04:03 PM
Starlana Naïlo—wood elf valor bard (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 15 Bard | HP: 165/165 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Perception +12.
Proficient: Deception 9, Insight +7, Investigation +6, Stealth +8, Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

+2 Longbow +10 for 1d8+7 magical piercing damage (600 ft.)
+1 Rapier +9 for 1d8+4 magical piercing damage
Silvered Dagger +8 for 1d4+3 silvered piercing damage (60 ft.)
Extra Attack, Battle Magic, Sharpshooter
Spellbook (https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTw-ArVlq0tVO2OKZ9TuAckxpKpw3c8okjr_2SJrp76FQ9d12RhT4t p_9bfSsXxh81plkwmUjGaY2lm/pub)
Spell Attack +9 | Spell Save DC 17
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 1/1 - 8th 1/1
Active Spells: N/A
Bardic Inspiration: 4/4 | HD: 15/15 Winged Boots: 240/240 minutes

The Spy of Shoatan... The king knew more than Starlana would have believed. Suddenly, at the appearance of the devil, Starlana is caught by surprise. Is this an audition? What is the king playing at? Her decision to come battle-ready has proven wise much more quickly than she had anticipated. One hand darts to her bow, the other to her component pouch, as she assesses the situation.

[roll0] — is this a real devil, or perhaps an illusion or projection?
[roll1] — anything she recalls about this devil, a devil of this appearance, or, failing that, devils more generally.

Orsik Vondal
2018-12-15, 10:02 AM
Battlemage Grufford Cartwright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1759626)

AC: 10/16 (mage armor)
HP: 135/135
PP: 12
Speed: 40'
Initiative: +8
Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Primordial
Active Conditions or Buffs: mage armor





Attacks and Actions:

Quarterstaff Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+4. Critical +3d6
Booming Blade Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+d8+4
Toll the Dead DC 18 Wis Save. Dmg: 3d8 (max hp)/3d12
Wand of Magic Missile: 7 charges. 3x 1d4+1 force damage per charge expended
Arcane Deflection: when hit by an attack or fail a saving throw, use reaction to gain +2 bonus to AC or +4 to the saving throw. Can only cast cantrips until end of next turn. Up to 3 creatures you can see within 60 ft. take 8 force damage.
Power Surge: Gain surges when you end an effect with dispel magic or counterspell up to a max of 5. Once per turn you can expend a surge to deal an extra 8 force damage to a hit target.

Spells marked with "<" are prepared. Can prepare 20 spells per long rest.
Toll the Dead
Booming Blade
Sword Burst
True Strike

Detect Magic <
Find Familiar
Fog Cloud
Mage Armor <(always)
Magic Missile <
Protection from Evil and Good

Dust Devil <
See Invisibility
Web <

Counterspell <(always)
Dispel Magic <
Haste <
Magic Circle

Banishment <
Conjure Minor Elementals
Dimension Door
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound <
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
Polymorph <

Bigby's Hand <
Conjure Elemental <
Hold Monster <
Legend Lore
Steel Wind Strike <
Teleportation Circle

Disintegrate <
Globe of Invulnerability
Tenser's Transformation <
True Seeing

Forcecage <
Mordenkainen's Sword <
Plane Shift

Dominate Monster <

Strength: athletics +4
Dexterity: acrobatics +3, sleight of hand +3, stealth +3
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/religion +10, nature +5
Wisdom: insight +7, animal handling/medicine/perception/survival +2,
Charisma: deception/intimidation/performance/persuasion +1

Grufford blinks in surprise at his given epithet, "The Wizard Who Lost It All". That momentary distraction is replaced with shear hatred as the devil appears before him. He needs no prompting to lash out at any fiend he comes across, but this situation seems a bit odd. In his travels the battlemage had searched for names of devils, hoping to find the ones who slew his family. He wracks his memory for any mention of "Titivilus" and any descriptions that matched this type of devil. Grufford also briefly closes his physical eyes and opens his mind to the arcane. He was a cautious man, and did not wish to be duped into attacking an illusion. He readies himself nonetheless, calling arcane energy to his hands as he grips his staff.

In Celestial he yells, "Prepare yourself, fiend!" as he waits for the devil to tap the arcane.

Gruff has counterspell readied in the event that Titivilus decides to sling a spell.

2018-12-15, 12:17 PM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 150/150 | AC: 17 | PP: 11 | Slots 4/3/3/3/2/1/1/1

A dwarf in jeweled and silvery halfplate marched in with ringing steps. His red beard layered over the breastplate, each lock linked in precious metals. He knelt and bellowed, "Most worthy, the skilled hands and true hearts of Blales are ever eager serve. I, Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers, Master Shaper of Runes, of Wood, of Jewel, of Stone, and of Metal, gladly take up their due."

At the sight of the fiend, he gripped his fluted and studded staff. His eyes kindled with arcane energy.

History: [roll0]
Initiative(Adv): [roll1], [roll2]

2018-12-17, 07:46 AM
Titivivlus glares menacingly at the party preparing to fight. Before he can act the group is able to get the jump on him!

So for now lets see how it goes with regular initiative order. If it ends up slowing down too much we can just do group initiative.
Grufford: 28
Badger: 22
Colton: 19
Titivilus: 19
Anarek: 12
Starlana: 8

Hunter's Sense:
Damage Resistances - cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't silvered
Damage Immunities - fire, poison
History 20: You have indeed heard of this devil. He has been known to be on friendly terms (if you can call it that) with Dispater the Lord of the Second. Titivilus is a charmer who uses his tongue to twist others to his will.
Arcane 20:He has an innate spellcasting ability. Has been known to inflict magical damage on others. Rumors of him regenerating parts of his body have been shared by some.
Need to specify which you are using. That being said the 19 Intelligence check nets you information that Titivilus does have an innate spellcasting ability and has been known to cast high level spells.
Investigation 12: The Devil appears as real as anyone else in the room.
Arcana 7:Devils are all evil and use anything they can to destroy you.
Religion 14: You are not able to discern anymore than his name as Titivilus. Though you do recall his name being used often with the name Dispater
Arcana 19:There does not seem to be any illusions surrounding the devil before you. Nor any magical auras around him. Save for the dispersing arcane energy that was binding him.
History 7:You are not really able to recall much more than this being a Devil of Hell.

Grufford's Turn!


Orsik Vondal
2018-12-17, 12:29 PM
Battlemage Grufford Cartwright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1759626)

AC: 10/16 (mage armor)
HP: 135/135
PP: 12
Speed: 40'
Initiative: +8
Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Primordial
Active Conditions or Buffs: mage armor, 19 STR --> Gauntlets of Ogre Power, attackers have disadvantage to hit until Gruff is hit (resets at the start of next turn --> Cloak of Displacement)





Attacks and Actions:

Quarterstaff Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+4. Critical +3d6
Booming Blade Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+d8+4
Toll the Dead DC 18 Wis Save. Dmg: 3d8 (max hp)/3d12
Wand of Magic Missile: 7 charges. 3x 1d4+1 force damage per charge expended
Arcane Deflection: when hit by an attack or fail a saving throw, use reaction to gain +2 bonus to AC or +4 to the saving throw. Can only cast cantrips until end of next turn. Up to 3 creatures you can see within 60 ft. take 8 force damage.
Counterspell: reaction to cancel a spell being cast by a creature you can see. Auto-cancels 3rd lvl or lower. 4th lvl or higher requires DC 10 + spell's lvl INT check.
Power Surge: Gain surges when you end an effect with dispel magic or counterspell up to a max of 5. Once per turn you can expend a surge to deal an extra 8 force damage to a hit target.

Spells marked with "<" are prepared. Can prepare 20 spells per long rest.

Toll the Dead
Booming Blade
Sword Burst
True Strike

Detect Magic <
Find Familiar
Fog Cloud
Mage Armor <(always)
Magic Missile <
Protection from Evil and Good

Dust Devil <
See Invisibility
Web <

Counterspell <(always)
Dispel Magic <
Haste <
Magic Circle

Banishment <
Conjure Minor Elementals
Dimension Door
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound <
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
Polymorph <

Bigby's Hand <
Conjure Elemental <
Hold Monster <
Legend Lore
Steel Wind Strike <
Teleportation Circle

Disintegrate <
Globe of Invulnerability
Tenser's Transformation <
True Seeing

Forcecage <
Mordenkainen's Sword <
Plane Shift

Dominate Monster <

Strength: athletics +4
Dexterity: acrobatics +3, sleight of hand +3, stealth +3
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/religion +10, nature +5
Wisdom: insight +7, animal handling/medicine/perception/survival +2,
Charisma: deception/intimidation/performance/persuasion +1

Gauntlets of Ogre Power (19 STR)
Broom of Flying (fly 50)
Cloak of Displacement
Wand of the War Mage +2
Wand of Magic Missiles
Vicious Quarterstaff
small knife, spellbook, spell scrolls (2x detect magic, identify, protection from evil and good, invisibility, dispel magic, 2x banishment, 2x steel wind strike, conjure elemental, sunbeam)

Grufford didn't need to know who this devil was, only that it was a devil. He slips a hand to his belt and retrieves a miniature sword with a shining blade and burnished pommel. He bellows in a voice like thunder, "Cayosin Ricin Tlues!". With a a slashing motion he levels the blade at the fiend. In the same instant a translucent blue sword shimmers into view and streaks for the devil's heart. The ethereal sword wheels in midair and slices down again toward the devil as Grufford brings his blade around his head and down in an overhead slash.

"Surround it! Protect the king!"

Draconic Translator (http://draconic.twilightrealm.com/)
"Blade Mind Reality"
Action: cast Mordenkainen's Sword, make attack [roll0], [roll1] force damage + 8 force damage from Power Surge; [roll2] force damage.
Bonus action: Mordenkainen's Sword, make 2nd attack [roll3], [roll4] force damage + 8 force damage from Power Surge; [roll5] force damage.
Move: 15ft. to J11 (Just left of the top corner of the middle-right table)

2018-12-17, 01:18 PM
Titivilus is taken by surprise as the battlemages blade slices across his hip! He collects his wits quickly and dodges the next slice striking towards his heart.

He growls at the floating sword and turns his eyes towards the one who had cast it. His angry look turns into a smile as he stares at the eager Wizard. Grufford hears a voice in his head, speaking to him.

"My friend, do not be so quick to judge. Come let us rejoice in this moment we have together."

The party hears a voice 20 ft from behind them, "You think he is the only foe!?"

Titiviuls takes 16 Damage
Total Damage Taken: 16

Titivilus will use his Legendary Action on Grufford.
Twisting Words: Target makes a DC 21 Cha save or be charmed by Titivilus for 1 minute. Make the save in the OOC.

Badger's Turn!


Barbarian MD
2018-12-18, 02:24 AM
Funda "Badger" Turen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1758086)

AC 20.
HP 240/240.
PP:17. Darkvision 60'.
Speed: 35'. Spider Climb. Water Walking.
Initiative:+3 (Adv).
Languages: All (Helm).
Immunities: surprise (by entering rage)
Active Conditions or Buffs: none



S:+10 (adv).
D:+3 (adv if visible)

Int:+2 (adv magic)
W:+2 (adv magic)
Ch:+1 (adv magic)


+2 Battleaxe Atk: +12. Dmg: d8+7. Critical 4d8+7.
+1 Battleaxe (TWF bonus) Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6.
+1 Longbow Atk: +9. Dmg: d8+4.
Bonus action during your move to pass through the space of a Large or smaller creature. That creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength bonus + your proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone and take bludgeoning damage equal to 1d12 + your Strength modifier.
Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.

Rages Used: 0/5. Round: 0/10.

Rage damage: +3
If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic

Potions of Healing: 2
Potions of Greater Healing: 4

Cantrip: Minor Illusion
Gnome: Speak with small animals
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Strength (advantage): athletics +10
Dexterity: acrobatics +8, sleight of hand +3, stealth +8
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/nature/religion +2
Wisdom: animal handling/insight/medicine +2, perception/survival +7
Charisma: intimidation +6, deception/performance/persuasion +1

Badger, eyes flashing like something from a nightmare, is already sprinting forward as fast as his little legs will carry him. Before the devil can take stock of the situation, the little gnome is there, weaving in and out underfoot. He chops at the devil's Achilles tendons, screaming like a maniac the whole time.

Reckless attack: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.

+2 Battleaxe
Attack 1: [roll0]
Advantage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3]
Advantage: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Bonus action during your move to pass through the space of a Large or smaller creature. That creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 18) or be knocked prone and take bludgeoning damage equal to [roll6].

2018-12-18, 09:40 AM
Titivilus turns towards the rampaging gnome, preparing for a forward assault but is unprepared for the sliding maneuver the totem barbarian performs. Like a graceful elk Funda slides through Titivilus' legs and appears on the other side, slashing the fiend to it's knees. Titivilus regains his composure though and dodges the second attack coming from this furry gnome. He smiles back at Badger who then hears a voice in his mind.

"Come now friend, let us work together and slaughter even bigger challenges!"

Titiviuls takes 19 Damage (11 from 1 magical attack + 17/2 = 8 from fall)
Total Damage Taken: 35

Titivilus will use his Legendary Action on Badger.
Twisting Words: Target makes a DC 21 Cha save or be charmed by Titivilus for 1 minute. Make the save in the OOC.

Colton's Turn

Map will be forthcoming. I'm having issues editing it atm but at this time the Map is the same with Badger in the square behind him.

2018-12-18, 02:15 PM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 15 Ranger | HP: 180/180 | AC: 19 | PP: 19

Titivilus! How did Dispater's Dog wind up bound here? Colton calls out to the devil. He hustles back towards the entrance of the throne room, bringing his bow to bear and calling out to the others, Fire nor poison will harm him, and he is difficult to harm by cold or mundane weapons. He nocks two arrows and takes aim, He ensorcells the mind with his forked tongue, and is skilled in the arcane arts. Show no mercy!

Move to G-20.
Bonus Action - Target Titivilus with Slayer's Prey.
Action - Attack Titivilus.
Attack - [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Extra Attack - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]
Slayer's Prey Damage - [roll4]

2018-12-19, 08:12 AM
Two arrows fly forward striking Titivilus in the chest causing him to roar in pain. He looks at the Human with disgust, "You know little if you truly think I am a dog to that blubbering fool. He is mine to beguile!"

Grufford hears words in his head once again, "Do as I say!"

Titivilus takes 35 Damage.
Total Damage Taken: 70

Titivilus will use his Legendary Action on Grufford.
Corrupting Guidance: Charmed Target makes a DC 21 Cha save. On a failure, Titivilus decides how the target acts during its next turn.

Titivilus' Turn

Titivilus wounds begin to close as he unfurls his wings and flys forward, landing in between Starlana and Anarek. He gives Starlana a cold deep stare speaking into her mind, "Run from this place little elf or you will meet your end!"
Turning towards Anarek he grips his blade with both hands and slices at the dwarf. The blade dripping with the dark energy of death.

Regeneration: Titivilus Regains 10 HP
Movement: Titivilus will rise from prone and then move to G13
Multiattack Action:
*Frightful Word* - Starlana must make a DC 21 Wis save or become frightened for 1 minute. In addition to the Frightened condition target must take the Dash action and move away from Titivilus by the safest available route on each of its turns, unless there is nowhere to move, in which case it needn't take the Dash action. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
*Silver Sword*
- Attack: Target Anarek with [roll0] vs. AC 17
- Damage: [roll1] Magical slashing damage & [roll2] Necrotic damage. Targets HP Maximum is reduced by 12

Anarek's Turn

Map (https://imgur.com/k4da8gE)

2018-12-19, 05:18 PM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 150/150 | AC: 17 | PP: 11 | Slots 4/3/3/3/2/1/1/1

Anarek’s ring flashed as an invisible force deflected the blow just as the blade would bite between two plates. The dwarf smiled grimly, ”You twist and hew, fiend, but your days are numbered. Pity we will have to slay you again in your home—pleasure, more like.”

Anarek laughed as his ring’s runes flashed a second time His eyes gleamed with eldritch light. Anarek shouted as he rose into the air, slipping into the shadowy canopy of the columned room,“Remember the real foe, countrymen!”

React cast shield to deflect blow with ac 22.

Cast Protection from Good and Evil on self from his Ring.

Fly upward 15’ (or whatever is close to the roof and in shadow) and then swoop the rest of his movement to interpose pillars between Anarek, B’Mage, and Archer while keeping the devil in view (E12)

Current charges in Ring: x2 Shield, x1 Feather Fall

2018-12-20, 09:16 AM
Titivilus ignores the words and swings his blade upwards towards the fleeing dwarf.

He then looks towards Badger and speaks to him in his mind This dwarf is pesky, I need your assistance!

Titivilus uses his Reaction to Attack Anarek
*Silver Sword*
- Attack: Lower of two - [roll0] OR [roll1]vs. AC 17
- Damage: [roll2] Magical slashing damage & [roll3] Necrotic damage. Targets HP Maximum is reduced by 4

*Anarek's Turn Ends*

Titivilus will use his Legendary Action on Badger.
Corrupting Guidance: Charmed Target makes a DC 21 Cha save. On a failure, Titivilus decides how the target acts during its next turn.

Map (https://imgur.com/Ct1Q9jm)

Starlana's Turn

2018-12-20, 10:12 AM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 150/150 | AC: 17 | PP: 11 | Slots 4/3/3/3/2/1/1/1

An invisible force caught the blow aimed at Anarek’s calf. The dwarf continued on his ascent into the shadows.

I’m assuming that Anarek’s reaction is spent (Yay for going after the BG!). His arcane ward absorbed the 15 points of damage.

Arcane Ward current status: 20HP

Anarek activated Shield from his ring, ac 22, to deflect the disadvantaged blow.

Current charges in Ring: x1 Shield, x1 Feather Fall

Vegan Squirrel
2018-12-20, 12:17 PM
Starlana Naïlo—wood elf valor bard (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 15 Bard | HP: 165/165 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Perception +12.
Proficient: Deception 9, Insight +7, Investigation +6, Stealth +8, Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

+2 Longbow +10 for 1d8+7 magical piercing damage (600 ft.)
+1 Rapier +9 for 1d8+4 magical piercing damage
Silvered Dagger +8 for 1d4+3 silvered piercing damage (60 ft.)
Extra Attack, Battle Magic, Sharpshooter
Spell Attack +9 | Spell Save DC 17 Spellbook (https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTw-ArVlq0tVO2OKZ9TuAckxpKpw3c8okjr_2SJrp76FQ9d12RhT4t p_9bfSsXxh81plkwmUjGaY2lm/pub)
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 1/1 - 8th 1/1
Active Spells: N/A
Bardic Inspiration: 3/4 | HD: 15/15 Winged Boots: 240/240 minutes
Conditions: Frightened

The terrified Starlana flees at top speed from the devil, singing. ♪"You stay hear and slay the devil; afterwards we'll gladly revel..."♪ She reaches the door, squeezing by Colton to make her exit.

Action: Dash
Bonus Action: Bardic Inspiration to Colton This is a d12 that can be added to any ability check, saving throw, attack roll, or damage roll, or added to your AC against one attack as a Reaction (the underlined options from the College of Valor's Combat Inspiration feature).
It is good for the next ten minutes.
Movement: move up to 70 feet, running down Column F until she reaches the wall, then exiting the chamber.
End of Turn: [roll0] vs. DC 21 to end the Frightful Word effects.

2018-12-20, 01:44 PM
Upon reaching the doors Starlana is surprised to find that they are locked and will not budge. Unable to move further she is forced to turn around and face her fears!

Round 1 Finished

Round 2 Begins

Titivilus reaches into Gruffords mind "Look at this other mage trying to steal your spotlight. He wants to prove to the king that he is the only wizard who can accomplish his goals! Don't let him take all the glory killing fiends!"

Map (https://imgur.com/TWbuoFB)

I sent a PM to Orsik and Barb detailing their actions to take. This way they can post and still "play" and aren't just sitting on the sidelines while I control their character. Figure that is more fun.

Orsik Vondal
2018-12-20, 05:23 PM
Battlemage Grufford Cartwright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1759626)

AC: 10/16 (mage armor)
HP: 135/135
PP: 12
Speed: 40'
Initiative: +8
Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Primordial
Active Conditions or Buffs: mage armor, 19 STR --> Gauntlets of Ogre Power, attackers have disadvantage to hit until Gruff is hit (resets at the start of next turn --> Cloak of Displacement)





Attacks and Actions:

Quarterstaff Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+4. Critical +3d6
Booming Blade Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+d8+4
Toll the Dead DC 18 Wis Save. Dmg: 3d8 (max hp)/3d12
Wand of Magic Missile: 7 charges. 3x 1d4+1 force damage per charge expended
Arcane Deflection: when hit by an attack or fail a saving throw, use reaction to gain +2 bonus to AC or +4 to the saving throw. Can only cast cantrips until end of next turn. Up to 3 creatures you can see within 60 ft. take 8 force damage.
Counterspell: reaction to cancel a spell being cast by a creature you can see. Auto-cancels 3rd lvl or lower. 4th lvl or higher requires DC 10 + spell's lvl INT check.
Power Surge: Gain surges when you end an effect with dispel magic or counterspell up to a max of 5. Once per turn you can expend a surge to deal an extra 8 force damage to a hit target.

Spells marked with "<" are prepared. Can prepare 20 spells per long rest.

Toll the Dead
Booming Blade
Sword Burst
True Strike

Detect Magic <
Find Familiar
Fog Cloud
Mage Armor <(always)
Magic Missile <
Protection from Evil and Good

Dust Devil <
See Invisibility
Web <

Counterspell <(always)
Dispel Magic <
Haste <
Magic Circle

Banishment <
Conjure Minor Elementals
Dimension Door
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound <
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
Polymorph <

Bigby's Hand <
Conjure Elemental <
Hold Monster <
Legend Lore
Steel Wind Strike <
Teleportation Circle

Disintegrate <
Globe of Invulnerability
Tenser's Transformation <
True Seeing

Forcecage <
Mordenkainen's Sword <
Plane Shift

Dominate Monster <

Strength: athletics +4
Dexterity: acrobatics +3, sleight of hand +3, stealth +3
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/religion +10, nature +5
Wisdom: insight +7, animal handling/medicine/perception/survival +2,
Charisma: deception/intimidation/performance/persuasion +1

Gauntlets of Ogre Power (19 STR)
Broom of Flying (fly 50)
Cloak of Displacement
Wand of the War Mage +2
Wand of Magic Missiles
Vicious Quarterstaff
small knife, spellbook, spell scrolls (2x detect magic, identify, protection from evil and good, invisibility, dispel magic, 2x banishment, 2x steel wind strike, conjure elemental, sunbeam)

Grufford's eyes, usually a dark brown hue, flash with an infernal crimson light, as they turn to regard the floating, dwarven wizard. He steps calmly around a pillar to stand by Titivilus' side never taking his gaze from the suspended abjurer. "I've had to prove myself at every turn. Had to fight for everything in my life! I won't have all of that stripped away by some Johnny-Come-Lately like you!" Grufford nonchalantly raises his arm pointing his finger at Anarek in an accusatory gesture. Sickly green light gathers for a brief moment, then a beam of that same light streaks toward the dwarf!

Once the light fades a fluid motion from Grufford slices his upraised hand down in an arc toward the scantily clad halfling. The sword made of magical force blurs to match the mage's movement cutting through the air toward the barbarian.

Grufford blinks and the red suffusing his eyes is gone, replaced by a look of such helplessness as you have never seen. His face contorts in a rictus of rage and hatred that is quickly replaced by a neutral expression. He scans the throne room looking for threats. We're surrounded. A situation I've been in before. No matter. I just need to disable them one by one.

Move to: H13
Action: Cast Disintegrate (8th level) on Anarek.
Anarek must make a DC 18 DEX save or take [roll0] force damage! I hope you can dodge!
Bonus action: Move Mordenkainen's Sword to G8 and attack Badger.
[roll1]; [roll2] force damage + [roll3] force damage.

Vegan Squirrel
2018-12-20, 07:10 PM
Starlana Naïlo—wood elf valor bard (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 15 Bard | HP: 165/165 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Perception +12.
Proficient: Deception 9, Insight +7, Investigation +6, Stealth +8, Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

+2 Longbow +10 for 1d8+7 magical piercing damage (600 ft.)
+1 Rapier +9 for 1d8+4 magical piercing damage
Silvered Dagger +8 for 1d4+3 silvered piercing damage (60 ft.)
Extra Attack, Battle Magic, Sharpshooter
Spell Attack +9 | Spell Save DC 17 Spellbook (https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTw-ArVlq0tVO2OKZ9TuAckxpKpw3c8okjr_2SJrp76FQ9d12RhT4t p_9bfSsXxh81plkwmUjGaY2lm/pub)
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 2/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 1/1 - 8th 1/1
Active Spells: N/A
Bardic Inspiration: 3/4 | HD: 15/15 Winged Boots: 240/240 minutes
Conditions: Frightened

Seeing Grufford casting a spell at Anarek, Starlana instinctively reacts, drawing on her arcane powers to counter the spell.

Reaction: Starlana casts Counterspell to disrupt Grufford's casting of Disintegrate.
[roll1] vs. DC 18

2018-12-20, 10:18 PM
Titivilus snickers as his plan comes to fruition. He looks up at the still flying Dwarf and his smile quickly turns to a frown. His eyes flicker to the gnome before returning back to the dwarf.

"This dwarf thinks he is the hot shot of the group. Look at him flying over you and looking down upon you. He thinks he is stronger than you. Prove him wrong!"

Map (https://imgur.com/yYcOr02)

Badger's Controlled Turn

2018-12-20, 11:35 PM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 150/150 | AC: 17 | PP: 11 | Slots 4/3/3/3/2/1/1/1

The green bolt struck an invisible field, shattering it on its way to the dwarf. Anarek grimaced as the energy coursed through him, drawing deeply on his arcane training to lessen the blow. He spat and snarled “Check your aim, slinger! The winged one, not the one on the wing, is your foe!”

Barbarian MD
2018-12-21, 02:50 AM
Funda "Badger" Turen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1758086)

AC 20.
HP 227/240.
PP:17. Darkvision 60'.
Speed: 35'. Spider Climb. Water Walking.
Initiative:+3 (Adv).
Languages: All (Helm).
Immunities: surprise (by entering rage)
Active Conditions or Buffs: none



S:+10 (adv).
D:+3 (adv if visible)

Int:+2 (adv magic)
W:+2 (adv magic)
Ch:+1 (adv magic)


+2 Battleaxe Atk: +12. Dmg: d8+7. Critical 4d8+7.
+1 Battleaxe (TWF bonus) Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6.
+1 Longbow Atk: +9. Dmg: d8+4.
Bonus action during your move to pass through the space of a Large or smaller creature. That creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength bonus + your proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone and take bludgeoning damage equal to 1d12 + your Strength modifier.
Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.

Rages Used: 1/5. Round: 2/10.

Rage damage: +3
If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic

Potions of Healing: 2
Potions of Greater Healing: 4

Cantrip: Minor Illusion
Gnome: Speak with small animals
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Strength (advantage): athletics +10
Dexterity: acrobatics +8, sleight of hand +3, stealth +8
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/nature/religion +2
Wisdom: animal handling/insight/medicine +2, perception/survival +7
Charisma: intimidation +6, deception/performance/persuasion +1

As the spectral sword slashes down at the little gnome, he tries to roll out of the way, but he has left himself open and at the last moment his foot slips. The sword catches him, but 'tis but a scratch. He continues the roll and comes to his feet, sprinting along the floor and right up the side of the wall towards the floating form of Anarek.

Titivilus' words ring true in his mind. This dwarf is no match for the great and mighty Badger! He must die!

Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! his mind screams as he begins to hack at the dwarf with his axes, showing no hesitation or remorse. His eyes are alight with an eerie glow, and his face is contorted into a grimace of rage and bloodlust.

Not one for half measures, Badger spins with the momentum and strikes out a third time with his second axe.

Take 13 damage from Mord's Sword after rage resistance.

Reckless attack: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.

+2 Battleaxe (Magical/Slashing)
Attack 1: [roll0]
Advantage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3]
Advantage: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

+1 Battleaxe (Magical/Slashing)
Attack 3: [roll6]
Advantage: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

I knew that that third attack was going to crit. I 100% was convinced.

Barbarian MD
2018-12-21, 02:52 AM
crit damage: [roll0]

2018-12-21, 06:26 AM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 84/150 | AC: 17 | PP: 11 | Slots 4/3/3/3/2/1/1/1

The frenzied halfling hurtling through the air made a comical sight to the dwarf. He tried to parry the blows, but their recklessness left little to predict. They slipped past his arcane and adamantine defenses, sinking into his arms and thigh. Anarek glowered as the halfling plummeted on his maniacal arc. “Sweet succubus! You all have the mange! I know you’re small, but even you can see when someone has stones from Dispater hanging from their Nether regions—and when they don’t!”

Barbarian MD
2018-12-21, 06:53 AM
"Devil, Dwarf, who cares, so long as I get to whet my blade?" the gnome muses. "All that matters is that I come out on top!"

2018-12-21, 10:43 AM
Smiling to himself Titivilus glances back towards Grufford "He mocks you still. Hovering there acting like your destructive beams were nothing to him. It must be a fiendish demonic energy he is utilizing! You must stop him!"

Titivilus will use his Legendary Action on Grufford.
Corrupting Guidance: Charmed Target makes a DC 21 Cha save. On a failure, Titivilus decides how the target acts during its next turn.
Legendary Actions Used:2/3 Resets on start of turn.

Map (https://imgur.com/FQ4mgDy)

Colton is up!

2018-12-22, 11:15 AM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 15 Ranger | HP: 180/180 | AC: 19 | PP: 19 | Conc: Protection from Evil and Good

The battle is underway in an instant, and turns against the would-be fiend-hunters almost just as quick. Starlana attempts to leave the chamber, the look of terror in her eyes, but even still she weaves magic in her song and bolsters Colton's resolve. He grips her shoulder, Fight his influence. Anything you have that may bolster your mind or the minds of the others will help! As he speaks, Grufford and Badger attack Anarek, but the dwarf wizard proves resilient. Grufford, Badger, resist Titivilus' mental intrusions!

Colton draws on the rituals and meditations of his order to safeguard his mind from powers like Titivilus. He then moves behind a column to stay out of sight of the devil.

Action - Cast Protection from Evil and Good on Colton.
Effect - Titivilus has Disadvantage on Attack Rolls against Colton. Colton cannot be Charmed, Frightened, or Possessed by Titivilus (among other creatures).
Move - Move to L-20 and duck behind the table.
Bonus Action - Hide [roll0]

2018-12-24, 08:17 AM
Colton dashes behind a table, hoping to eliminate himself from the sight of those who would strike him down.

With more of his wounds closing Titivilus continues his assault on Anarek and unfurls his wings. He closes the gap between the two, hovering next to the dwarf and reaches out to touch him. Titivilus' eyes roll into the back of his head as he begins muttering an unknown language under his breath. Anarek feels a bewitching presence fighting to gain hold over his body and must fight against it!

Regeneration: Titivilus Regains 10 HP
Movement: Move to E13 - 15 ft up
Action: Cast Bestow Curse on Anarek. Target makes a DC 21 Wisdom save or become cursed for the duration of the spell.
*Curse* - While the target is cursed, your attacks and spells deal an extra 1d8 necrotic damage to the target.

Titivilus Total Damage Taken: 70
Titivilus Total Damage Regenerated: 20 HP

Map (https://imgur.com/38qlY9B)

Grufford: 28
Badger: 22
Colton: 19
Titivilus: 19
Anarek: 12
Starlana: 8

Anarek is up!

2018-12-24, 12:55 PM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 47/137 | AC: 17 | PP: 11 | Slots 4/3/3/3/2/1/1/1

Anarek glowered at the archfiend as it spoke in its foul native tongue. His trained resilience to arcane hexes resisted the wicked brand. He laughed "Keep your curses, ye son of a succubus."

He shifted his vicious staff defensively and promised, ”Persist and perish.”

The dwarf then drifted backward. As the first column eclipsed Grufford from view, Anarek reached into a pouch about his waist. He stared the fiend in the eye and chanted in high dwarven words of warding, of holding, of staying. Nothing changed except for those who can see the secret realms beyond the world.

He crossed the hall, slowing as he came level with the war mage. Anarek saluted with his staff and boomed respectfully, “Well met, Svardengrim! It’d be a pleasure to fight alongside you, even more than against a most worthy archmage.”

The abjurer took refuge behind the pillar in anticipation of the reprisals to come.

Reaction (if attacked and necessary): Shield from ring. AC until next turn if so, 22.

Move 5’ back (E11) to interpose the column between him and Grufford to block any attempt to interrupt his action.

Action: Cast Forcecage, point of origin E12; Dimensions 10’x20’x15’ (lxwxh), its corners being E12, E13, H12, H13. Intent to entrap Titivilus, Badger, and Grufford (no save).

Move 20’ to I12 (edit: I11. I blame Titivilus for the scribal error), tucked behind column to keep out of LoS/LoE from Grufford in the box. Edit: still 15’ up.

Persuasion: [roll0] This is a bond building gesture toward Gruff, but Anarek isn’t entrenching himself into trying to beat a charm with a skill check.

2018-12-24, 01:34 PM
Titivilus watches his prey begin to leave and quickly lashes out with his sword, attempting to cut down the foolish dwarf.
He watches Anarek move around the room, not realizing the beams of force forming around him, Badger, and Grufford.

Encased in a bared prison Titivilus growls fiendishly. He reaches out into Anarek's mind "You think you have stopped me. You pitiful creature of the mountains. I will be free within moments and you spell with have been wasted. I will kill you dwarf. But first your friends!"

In anger of the situation Titiviuls grips his sword with both hands and slashes outwards towards the gnome Badger!

Reaction: Titivilus will attack Anarek
*Silver Sword*
- Attack: (Lower Roll) [roll0] OR [roll1] vs. AC 22
- Damage: [roll2] Magical Slashing damage & [roll3] Necrotic Damage. Targets HP Maximum is reduced by 13

Anarek's Turn Ends

Legendary Action: Titivilus will attack Badger, spending two uses of Legendary Action
*Silver Sword*
- Attack: [roll4] vs. AC 20
- Damage: [roll5] Magical Slashing damage & [roll6] Necrotic Damage. Targets HP Maximum is reduced by 11
If Hit: Target may roll another Charisma Save against the charmed effect. They may add either +10 to their saving throw or half the total damage dealt (14). Whichever is higher.
- DC 21

Legendary Actions Used: 2/3
- Resets at start of turn.

Map (https://imgur.com/ait9GiO)

Starlana's Turn

Barbarian MD
2018-12-24, 02:21 PM
Funda "Badger" Turen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1758086)

AC 20.
HP 213/240 235
PP:17. Darkvision 60'.
Speed: 35'. Spider Climb. Water Walking.
Initiative:+3 (Adv).
Languages: All (Helm).
Immunities: surprise (by entering rage)
Active Conditions or Buffs: none



S:+10 (adv).
D:+3 (adv if visible)

Int:+2 (adv magic)
W:+2 (adv magic)
Ch:+1 (adv magic)


+2 Battleaxe Atk: +12. Dmg: d8+7. Critical 4d8+7.
+1 Battleaxe (TWF bonus) Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6.
+1 Longbow Atk: +9. Dmg: d8+4.
Bonus action during your move to pass through the space of a Large or smaller creature. That creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength bonus + your proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone and take bludgeoning damage equal to 1d12 + your Strength modifier.
Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.

Rages Used: 1/5. Round: 2/10.

Rage damage: +3
If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic

Potions of Healing: 2
Potions of Greater Healing: 4

Cantrip: Minor Illusion
Gnome: Speak with small animals
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Strength (advantage): athletics +10
Dexterity: acrobatics +8, sleight of hand +3, stealth +8
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/nature/religion +2
Wisdom: animal handling/insight/medicine +2, perception/survival +7
Charisma: intimidation +6, deception/performance/persuasion +1

Badger is caught by the sword, but something in his brain is jolted by the sudden and intense sensation of pain and betrayal.

He calmly turns his head and looks the fiend in the eyes. A malicious grin splits his face.

Vegan Squirrel
2018-12-26, 11:16 AM
Starlana Naïlo—wood elf valor bard (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 15 Bard | HP: 165/165 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Perception +12.
Proficient: Deception 9, Insight +7, Investigation +6, Stealth +8, Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

+2 Longbow +10 for 1d8+7 magical piercing damage (600 ft.)
+1 Rapier +9 for 1d8+4 magical piercing damage
Silvered Dagger +8 for 1d4+3 silvered piercing damage (60 ft.)
Extra Attack, Battle Magic, Sharpshooter
Spell Attack +9 | Spell Save DC 17 Spellbook (https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTw-ArVlq0tVO2OKZ9TuAckxpKpw3c8okjr_2SJrp76FQ9d12RhT4t p_9bfSsXxh81plkwmUjGaY2lm/pub)
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 2/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 1/1 - 8th 1/1
Active Spells: N/A
Bardic Inspiration: 2/4 | HD: 15/15 Winged Boots: 240/240 minutes
Conditions: Frightened

Starlana hurries into the corner, sidling past Colton, compelled to maximize her distance from the devil. She turns to the power of music to turn the tides of this terrible situation, singing with the hauntingly beautiful voice of elven magic:

♪"Who dares to attack you, toils to no avail; Whoever you face, in the end, you prevail..."♪
♪"Take heart, brave wizard, your charms turn the tide; you fight with the Weave, and with Fate are allied..."♪

Movement: 25 ft. to M20
Action: Countercharm. Starlana and any friendly creatures within 30 ft. have advantage on saving throws against being frightened or charmed. This effect lasts until the end of Starlana's next turn.
Bonus Action: Bardic Inspiration to Anarek This is a d12 that can be added to any ability check, saving throw, attack roll, damage roll, or your AC against one attack as a Reaction (the underlined options are from the College of Valor's Combat Inspiration feature).
It is good for the next ten minutes.
End of Turn: [roll0] with [roll1] (Countercharm) vs. DC 21 to end the Frightful Word effects.

2018-12-26, 01:01 PM
Starlana moves to the corner of the room, the furthest she could get from Titivilus' gaze. Feeling some security she sings out a protective song over the others in an attempt to protect their minds.

Grufford feels the compelling influence take over his body again. Titivilus' call for help rings though his mind.

Badger's mind is free from charming effects of the fiend. All that is left to see is the true nature of this devil.

From his hiding spot Colton has different options on how to proceed. He notices the cage bars being 1/2 inch think with a 1/2 inch opening between them. An arrow could possibly fit through it but would be very difficult to land.

Round 2 End!

Map (https://imgur.com/RVHh6T0)

Round 3 Begins

Grufford: 28
Badger: 22
Colton: 19
Titivilus: 19
Anarek: 12
Starlana: 8

Grufford is up!

Orsik Vondal
2018-12-26, 05:39 PM
Battlemage Grufford Cartwright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1759626)

AC: 10/16 (mage armor) +2 while concentrating
HP: 135/135
Passive Perception: 12
Speed: 40'
Initiative: +8
Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Primordial
Active Conditions or Buffs: mage armor, 19 STR --> Gauntlets of Ogre Power, attackers have disadvantage to hit until Gruff is hit (resets at the start of next turn --> Cloak of Displacement)





Attacks and Actions:

Quarterstaff Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+4. Critical +3d6
Booming Blade Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+d8+4
Toll the Dead DC 18 Wis Save. Dmg: 3d8 (max hp)/3d12
Wand of Magic Missile: 7 charges. 3x 1d4+1 force damage per charge expended
Arcane Deflection: when hit by an attack or fail a saving throw, use reaction to gain +2 bonus to AC or +4 to the saving throw. Can only cast cantrips until end of next turn. Up to 3 creatures you can see within 60 ft. take 8 force damage.
Counterspell: reaction to cancel a spell being cast by a creature you can see. Auto-cancels 3rd lvl or lower. 4th lvl or higher requires DC 10 + spell's lvl INT check.
Power Surge: Gain surges when you end an effect with dispel magic or counterspell up to a max of 5. Once per turn you can expend a surge to deal an extra 8 force damage to a hit target.

Spells marked with "<" are prepared. Can prepare 20 spells per long rest.

Toll the Dead
Booming Blade
Sword Burst
True Strike

Detect Magic <
Find Familiar
Fog Cloud
Mage Armor <(always)
Magic Missile <
Protection from Evil and Good

Dust Devil <
See Invisibility
Web <

Counterspell <(always)
Dispel Magic <
Haste <
Magic Circle

Banishment <
Conjure Minor Elementals
Dimension Door
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound <
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
Polymorph <

Bigby's Hand <
Conjure Elemental <
Hold Monster <
Legend Lore
Steel Wind Strike <
Teleportation Circle

Disintegrate <
Globe of Invulnerability
Tenser's Transformation <
True Seeing

Forcecage <
Mordenkainen's Sword <
Plane Shift

Dominate Monster <

Strength: athletics +4
Dexterity: acrobatics +3, sleight of hand +3, stealth +3
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/religion +10, nature +5
Wisdom: insight +7, animal handling/medicine/perception/survival +2,
Charisma: deception/intimidation/performance/persuasion +1

Gauntlets of Ogre Power (19 STR)
Broom of Flying (fly 50)
Cloak of Displacement
Wand of the War Mage +2
Wand of Magic Missiles
Vicious Quarterstaff
small knife, spellbook, spell scrolls (2x detect magic, identify, protection from evil and good, invisibility, dispel magic, 2x banishment, 2x steel wind strike, conjure elemental, sunbeam)

As the bars of force materialize around him Grufford eyes once again haze with a crimson tint, and he turns an infuriated gaze on Anarek. Pacing a small circle he taunts the wizard. "You dare attempt to confine me?! You hack! They are a mere hindrance! They will hold me no more than hands hold the wind." He begins to spin his staff end over end. Faster and faster until it is a faint blur in the air. As he does so Gruff scans the immediate area for other potential targets. He looks to his right; the upstart mage. He looks to his left; the savage munchkin and...Grufford's brow furrows for a moment. Master Edelbrad? The rush of battle must be playing tricks with my mind. Edelbrad has been dead for years. He shakes the false image from his eyes, and his mentor is replaced by a hideous man being set upon by an uncivilized midget. That midget has murder in his eyes for that repulsive man! Not on my watch!

Staff still spinning Grufford takes a step toward the halfling and disappears. A moment later the ghostly outline of a man reappears behind Badger, staff whipping toward the gnome at incredible speed. Then it is gone.

"Cage me, will you? I think not!" Grufford voice hisses as the disturbance of air phases into existence beside the other mage. In the same instance it sweeps its staff down the persistent sword of force cuts a lateral swath through the air. Both are aimed at the unfortunate target of Grufford's delusional arcane storm.

The apparition winks out of view and Grufford reappears of all places in the cage of force standing beside Titivilus. He eyes Anarek with a smile. "Just so you know. I choose when to leave."

Move to: H12 in a circle wile smack talking.
Action: Cast steel wind strike attacking Badger and Anarek then teleporting to F13.
[roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5], [roll6]
Bonus Action: Move Mord's Sword to H9 15' off the ground.
[roll7], [roll8], [roll9]

Barbarian MD
2018-12-26, 07:29 PM
Funda "Badger" Turen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1758086)

AC 20.
HP 193/240 235
PP:17. Darkvision 60'.
Speed: 35'. Spider Climb. Water Walking.
Initiative:+3 (Adv).
Languages: All (Helm).
Immunities: surprise (by entering rage)
Active Conditions or Buffs: none



S:+10 (adv).
D:+3 (adv if visible)

Int:+2 (adv magic)
W:+2 (adv magic)
Ch:+1 (adv magic)


+2 Battleaxe Atk: +12. Dmg: d8+7. Critical 4d8+7.
+1 Battleaxe (TWF bonus) Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6.
+1 Longbow Atk: +9. Dmg: d8+4.
Bonus action during your move to pass through the space of a Large or smaller creature. That creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength bonus + your proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone and take bludgeoning damage equal to 1d12 + your Strength modifier.
Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.

Rages Used: 1/5. Round: 3/10.

Rage damage: +3
If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic

Potions of Healing: 2
Potions of Greater Healing: 4

Cantrip: Minor Illusion
Gnome: Speak with small animals
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Strength (advantage): athletics +10
Dexterity: acrobatics +8, sleight of hand +3, stealth +8
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/nature/religion +2
Wisdom: animal handling/insight/medicine +2, perception/survival +7
Charisma: intimidation +6, deception/performance/persuasion +1

"You!" The little gnome is grinning now. "Your momma shoulda taught you to mind your manners and stay out of PEOPLE'S HEADS!"

He flies at the fiend, running straight back down the column until he's within reach of his over-sized axes. The axes crash down mightily as he screams those last words.

"And you," he says to Grufford, "Stop embarrassing yourself and break free."

Take 20 damage from SWS after rage resistance.

Move: down the column to melee range as needed. No lateral movement.

Reckless attack: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.

+2 Battleaxe (Magical/Slashing)
Attack 1: [roll0]
Advantage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3]
Advantage: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

+1 Battleaxe (Magical/Slashing)
Attack 3: [roll6]
Advantage: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

Barbarian MD
2018-12-26, 07:30 PM
Two in a row!

2018-12-27, 08:32 AM
Taking multiple hits Titivilus' blood begins pooling onto the floor. He maintains his smile and in the blink of an eye he vanishes from view.

Starlana and Colton and greeted with the unsightly appearance of an exhausted and bleeding fiend in front of them as Titivilus stands before them, silver sword in hand!

Titivilus takes 50 Damage

*Legendary Action*
- Teleport: Titivilus will teleport to M19. (Before it comes up, RAW PHB 195: Teleport does not provoke opportunity attacks)
- Charisma save against Forcecage with Advantage: [roll0] OR [roll1] vs. DC 18
- Should either fail he will use his Legendary Resistance to pass the save.

Titivilus Total Damage Taken: 120
Titivilus Total Damage Regenerated: 20 HP
Titiviuls Legendary Actions Used: 3/3
Titivilus Legendary Resistance used: 0/3

Map (https://imgur.com/SarLAJD)

Grufford: 28
Badger: 22
Colton: 19
Titivilus: 19
Anarek: 12
Starlana: 8

Colton is up!

2018-12-27, 11:23 AM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 15 Ranger | HP: 180/180 | AC: 19 | PP: 19 | Concentrating: Protection from Evil and Good

Colton tries to keep track of what is happening in the force cage between the magic bars. He keeps his arrow trained on Titivilus as best he can, shifting slightly as the devil moves. It appears Badger has fought off the fiend's charms. Suddenly, Titivilus vanishes and reappears beside Colton and Starlana. She is still singing, still instilling resolve and confidence in Colton. The Venator takes a step back and fires two arrows at the fiend, You will soon be under Dispater's iron heel yet again Titivilus!

Move to H-18.
During Move, use Attack action against Titivilus.
Attack 1 - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Extra Attack - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]
Bonus Action - Hide behind pillar [roll4]

2018-12-31, 01:10 PM
Dashing away Colton fires off two shots with one striking true. The dying fiend took the hit, momentarily losing focus but regains it just quick enough to dodge the second arrow. He growls back towards Colton but finds no figure to glare at as the quick footed human disappears behind a pillar.

Looking back at the dwarven mage who had been taunting him Titivilus turns his back on Starlana, thinking her too afraid to do much. He quickly forms a small clay dwarven doll in his hand and begins to rub it's head. Catching a spell at work Starlana is quick to counter the effects using her strongest arcane magic. Foiled again Titivilus crushes the doll and takes off in flight, towards Anarek, clutching his silver sword.

From the dark south western corner of the room, past Grufford, you all hear a voice call out "Quickly finish him so that I may kill you all!"

Titivilus takes 18 Damage
Titivilus regenerates 10 HP

Action: Cast Feeblemind on Anarek
- Spell is countered by Starlana Counterspell level 8!

Movement: Move to J-9

Titivilus Total Damage Taken: 128
Titivilus Total Damage Regenerated: 30 HP
Titiviuls Legendary Actions Used: 0/3
Titivilus Legendary Resistance used: 0/3

Map (https://imgur.com/NXoWQys)

Grufford: 28
Badger: 22
Colton: 19
Titivilus: 19
Anarek: 12
Starlana: 8

Anarek is up!

2018-12-31, 01:57 PM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 47/137 | AC: 17 | PP: 11 | Slots 4/32/3/3/2/1/1/1

Anarek heard the ephemeral blade skitter off his invisible shield. He roared at the mage in the cage. "By Mordekainen's oversized ego, put the pointy end in the fiend, ye daft Erinyes-get!"

He shifted his focus in time to see the devil casting a spell, but he could not react. When Starlana interrupted the devil's work, the dwarf silently praised the Maker for his good fortune. Titivilus' approach finally gave him the opportunity to attack. His staff hummed with violent energy as he chanted and swung it with both hands. He exclaimed as he struck at the devil, ”The Blade of Blales!”

The dwarf then vanished, appearing several feet away. He maneuvered behind a column, kneeling as he felt the black wound burn under his breastplate. He nodded toward Starlana and said, “Thanks, Lass. 'Tis a fine day for a fight.”

Action: Cast Booming Blade with Advantage from Inspiration. [roll0], [roll1]
Add Starlana's bardic Inspiration to attack/damage depending on if the roll requires it to hit: [roll2] (Attack: 31)
Damage: [roll3] bludgeoning, [roll4] thundering ( +[roll5] if Titivilus moves again)
If Crit: add [roll6] bludgeoning and [roll7] thundering +7 vicious weapon damage
Total Damage: Bludgeoning (magical weapon) 6, Thunder 8

Bonus Action: Misty Step to J1615 ground level

Take full move to be behind the cover in K20 I19.

Perception [roll8] to see if he noticed what spoke in the shadows.

2019-01-02, 07:52 AM
Being smashed in the face often muddles the mind, even that of a charismatic intelligent fiend. So when Titivilus saw Anarek flee he thought little of the electric energy forming around his body, and took pursuit. Immediately after he teleported, placing himself in front of Anarek again, the shocks began rattling around inside of him. They cascaded across his body sizzling his flesh until he collapsed onto the floor unmoving.

The beguiling effects taking hold over Gruffords mind disappear in a blink. Same too does the fear instilled into Starlana's core. They were finally free.

Titivilus takes 25 Damage
Legendary Action: Teleport to J-18


Titivilus Total Damage Taken: 153
Titivilus Total Damage Regenerated: 30 HP
Titiviuls Legendary Actions Used: 1/3
Titivilus Legendary Resistance used: 0/3
Map (https://imgur.com/Hlp3YpB)

Grufford: 28
Badger: 22
Colton: 19
Titivilus: 19
Anarek: 12
Starlana: 8

Starlana is up!

Vegan Squirrel
2019-01-02, 11:42 AM
Starlana Naïlo—wood elf valor bard (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 15 Bard | HP: 165/165 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Perception +12.
Proficient: Deception +9, Insight +7, Investigation +6, Stealth +8, Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

+2 Longbow +10 for 1d8+7 magical piercing damage (600 ft.)
+1 Rapier +9 for 1d8+4 magical piercing damage
Silvered Dagger +8 for 1d4+3 silvered piercing damage (60 ft.)
Extra Attack, Battle Magic, Sharpshooter
Spell Attack +9 | Spell Save DC 17 Spellbook (https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTw-ArVlq0tVO2OKZ9TuAckxpKpw3c8okjr_2SJrp76FQ9d12RhT4t p_9bfSsXxh81plkwmUjGaY2lm/pub)
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 2/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 1/1 - 8th 0/1
Active Spells: N/A
Bardic Inspiration: 2/4 | HD: 15/15 Winged Boots: 240/240 minutes
Conditions: N/A

Freed from the grip of deathly fear, Starlana reassesses the situation. The devil is down, but is he dead? And whose voice was that in the corner?

She looks over into the dark corner as she steps over to the fallen devil. Then she draws her rapier, watching Titivilus closely.

Movement: Starlana moves to J19.
Action: Readied action to attack Titivilus, triggered by any sign that he is stirring or regaining consciousness.

[roll0] to notice where the voice came from.

2019-01-02, 12:40 PM
Starlana moves over, ready to strike the fiend should he rise. She glances out into the further corner of the room but finds nothing in sight that could have spoke out to them.

Titivilus Total Damage Taken: 153
Titivilus Total Damage Regenerated: 30 HP
Titiviuls Legendary Actions Used: 1/3
Titivilus Legendary Resistance used: 0/3
Map (https://imgur.com/dGgsfHU)

Round 3 End

Grufford: 28
Badger: 22
Colton: 19
Titivilus: 19
Anarek: 12
Starlana: 8

Round 4 Begins

Grufford, Badger, Colton are up!

Barbarian MD
2019-01-02, 12:51 PM
Badger is snarling and cursing under his breath. As soon as the wall of force is removed, he walks up to the fiend, one axe laid across his shoulder, and then without warning starts hacking away in an attempt to decapitate it.

I don't think I need to reckless attack for advantage since prone and unconscious. Can't remember what rules are for auto-crit against unconscious.

+2 Battleaxe (Magical/Slashing)
Attack 1: [roll0]
Advantage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit damage, if applicable: [roll3]

Attack 2: [roll4]
Advantage: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Crit damage, if applicable: [roll7]

+1 Battleaxe (Magical/Slashing)
Attack 3: [roll8]
Advantage: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
Crit damage, if applicable: [roll11]

Orsik Vondal
2019-01-02, 01:13 PM
Battlemage Grufford Cartwright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1759626)

AC: 10/16 (mage armor)
HP: 135/135
PP: 12
Speed: 40'
Initiative: +8
Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Primordial
Active Conditions or Buffs: mage armor, 19 STR --> Gauntlets of Ogre Power, attackers have disadvantage to hit until Gruff is hit (resets at the start of next turn --> Cloak of Displacement)





Attacks and Actions:

Quarterstaff Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+4. Critical +3d6
Booming Blade Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+d8+4
Toll the Dead DC 18 Wis Save. Dmg: 3d8 (max hp)/3d12
Wand of Magic Missile: 7 charges. 3x 1d4+1 force damage per charge expended
Arcane Deflection: when hit by an attack or fail a saving throw, use reaction to gain +2 bonus to AC or +4 to the saving throw. Can only cast cantrips until end of next turn. Up to 3 creatures you can see within 60 ft. take 8 force damage.
Counterspell: reaction to cancel a spell being cast by a creature you can see. Auto-cancels 3rd lvl or lower. 4th lvl or higher requires DC 10 + spell's lvl INT check.
Power Surge: Gain surges when you end an effect with dispel magic or counterspell up to a max of 5. Once per turn you can expend a surge to deal an extra 8 force damage to a hit target.

Spells marked with "<" are prepared. Can prepare 20 spells per long rest.

Toll the Dead
Booming Blade
Sword Burst
True Strike

Detect Magic <
Find Familiar
Fog Cloud
Mage Armor <(always)
Magic Missile <
Protection from Evil and Good

Dust Devil <
See Invisibility
Web <

Counterspell <(always)
Dispel Magic <
Haste <
Magic Circle

Banishment <
Conjure Minor Elementals
Dimension Door
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound <
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
Polymorph <

Bigby's Hand <
Conjure Elemental <
Hold Monster <
Legend Lore
Steel Wind Strike <
Teleportation Circle

Disintegrate <
Globe of Invulnerability
Tenser's Transformation <
True Seeing

Forcecage <
Mordenkainen's Sword <
Plane Shift

Dominate Monster <

Strength: athletics +4
Dexterity: acrobatics +3, sleight of hand +3, stealth +3
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/religion +10, nature +5
Wisdom: insight +7, animal handling/medicine/perception/survival +2,
Charisma: deception/intimidation/performance/persuasion +1

Gauntlets of Ogre Power (19 STR)
Broom of Flying (fly 50)
Cloak of Displacement
Wand of the War Mage +2
Wand of Magic Missiles
Vicious Quarterstaff
small knife, spellbook, spell scrolls (2x detect magic, identify, protection from evil and good, invisibility, dispel magic, 2x banishment, 2x steel wind strike, conjure elemental, sunbeam)

Grufford shakes his head a moment then sees the fiend laying on the ground at the other mage's feet. He comprehends what had been happening, and in the same moment he lets out an enraged cry, "This is why I HATE devils!" He whips his hand left and right as if banging on a wall with his clenched fist. "Stay! Out of! My! Head!" Each outburst is punctuated by a stab of his hand and an equally violent jab of the large spectral sword into the nearest column. Grufford decides to leave the sword impaling the column and pulls out a scroll. He begins to speak. "Siksta Ixen Mitne Valignat!" Grufford stretches out his hand index and little fingers extended. A small mote of light pops into existence and begins to pulse with an effervescent glow. The light form the mote fills the area with bright luminescence.

"Go back to where you came from, fiend! The next time I see you, will be the last! Out of the way gnome!" With a small forward gesture of his hand the mote of light extends in a moment to become a roaring torrent of light and fire. After a moment, when you think the battlemage would have ceased his attack, the beam of pure sunlight continues to cascade over the fiend's body. The look on Grufford's face is one of extreme hatred and, oddly enough, satisfaction.

Bonus action: Stab the nearest column with MS. Dismiss MS.
Action: Cast sunbeam at Titivilus. Tits makes a DC 18 CON save or take [roll0] radiant damage and is blinded; half damage and no blinding on a successful save.

2019-01-02, 01:54 PM
A solid beam of radiant energy forms above Titivilus and burns through his chest. The fiend is dead!

You all watch as his body begins to disappear, fading back to whence it came, but before it can continue in an instant the King's Royal Advisor and Arcanum Magistrate is standing over Titivilus, holding out an orb. You all see the essence and soul of Titivilus dissolve from the ground and enter into the orb until finally nothing is left.

The Magistrate looks you all over. His gaze falls on both Badger and Grufford confined in the cage and with a wave of his hand he dispels the magics keeping it up, freeing the two.

Finally he speaks, "You all have done well with this test. What you see in my hand is an Orb of Confinement. Each and every devil that you kill must be consumed by this. It is the only way to ensure their death. And it does not matter where you are when fighting these fiends. This Orb will prevent their essence from returning to their homeland." He begins walking back towards the King who is sitting upright, soaking up every detail. "The servents will show you to your rooms where you can rest up. Tomorrow I will send you out in the direction of your next target. The devil known as Bael." Finally stopping next to the king's side the Magistrate turns to face you all, "Any further questions?"

Orsik Vondal
2019-01-02, 03:15 PM
Battlemage Grufford Cartwright - Seriously Pissed Off Mage

"Some test. I do have a request. I'd like for a set of silver bearings to be commissioned. I have a spell that could make effective use of them. And I'll need a new copy of that sunbeam scroll I used. What information can you give us about Bael?"

He turns to the rest of the group. "Don't hold that last bout against me. When it comes to devils, it's hard for me to keep my head straight. I will regain your trust before long." He then bows to the king, turns, and stalks out of the room visibly shaken despite his terse attitude in front of the king.

Once alone outside the throne room, Gruff punches a stone column with his gauntleted fist and lets out a frustrated growl. Feebleminded idiot! Did Master Edelbrad teach you nothing?! He grabs a passing servant and roughly demands to be taken to his quarters.

Barbarian MD
2019-01-03, 10:00 AM
Badger raises his hand awkwardly while also half-shouting, not really clear on decorum. "That devil cut me deeply. I feel like even with a good night's sleep there might be a lasting injury. Is there a healer available?"

Vegan Squirrel
2019-01-03, 10:37 AM
Starlana Naïlo—wood elf valor bard (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 15 Bard | HP: 165/165 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Perception +12.
Proficient: Deception +9, Insight +7, Investigation +6, Stealth +8, Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

+2 Longbow +10 for 1d8+7 magical piercing damage (600 ft.)
+1 Rapier +9 for 1d8+4 magical piercing damage
Silvered Dagger +8 for 1d4+3 silvered piercing damage (60 ft.)
Extra Attack, Battle Magic, Sharpshooter
Spell Attack +9 | Spell Save DC 17 Spellbook (https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTw-ArVlq0tVO2OKZ9TuAckxpKpw3c8okjr_2SJrp76FQ9d12RhT4t p_9bfSsXxh81plkwmUjGaY2lm/pub)
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 2/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 1/1 - 8th 0/1
Active Spells: N/A
Bardic Inspiration: 2/4 | HD: 15/15 Winged Boots: 240/240 minutes
Conditions: N/A

So it was just a test. After Grufford speaks up, Starlana also indicates her desire for information on their enemies. "Please share anything more you know about these threats, specifically Bael's abilities. Do you know if the devils are aware we possess the containment orb?" She lets her episode of fright go unmentioned—these are the perils of fighting the supernatural, but every battle is a new chance to test one's mettle.

2019-01-03, 10:49 AM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 47/137 | AC: 17 | PP: 11 | Slots 4/32/3/3/2/1/1/1

Anarek maneuvered in front of the king and knelt, rising to stand straight backed. He leaned ever so slightly on his staff. Thw dwarf listened to his new colleagues present their questions and added his voice to the mix. ”Blales’ loyalty endures, your Emminence. If I may be so bold, will we strike into their territory? Or are we reclaiming land profaned by their presence? I, too, would be grateful to see clergy of my people. Yet, I will gladly fight on, even if no such healer is present. Blales obeys, as do I.”

2019-01-03, 02:26 PM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 15 Ranger | HP: 180/180 | AC: 19 | PP: 19

Colton watches from behind the pillar as the others blast Titivilus back to its hellish realm. Almost. The Magistrate appears at the last moment and absorbs the devil's essence into a sphere. Colton takes the moment to look around for the source of the voice they had heard, Magistrate, did you release another fiend? I heard a voice speaking of our deaths.


2019-01-07, 09:55 AM
The Magistrate listens to your requests one by one nodding quietly to show he heard you. Finally he answers as the comments and questions finish. Turning to the mage who briefly lost himself he says, "Battlemage Grufford I will arrange for the silver balls to be brought to your room, and in addition to that a new scroll of sunbeam." Then looking over the gnome and dwarf he eases their worry, "Badger and Anarek a servant can bring you to a healer who can mend those wounds. They will direct you to wherever you need."

Looking into the corner of the room and then back to Colton the Magistrate comments, "Colton, you are quick on your feet to react to the voice calling out to you. Luckily there is no one else speaking. Titivilus has the ability to cast his tongue out from him and whisper lies from the corners." He looks down at the orb when speaking. "It was just another one of his tricks." He then finally settles on the wood elven lady but has little to offer, "Starlana, I can't say for certain that the devils do not know of the orb. If they do not know now I am sure they will find out soon enough as your progress on their territory." He glances at Anarek, "To which I will be sending you. Luckily we stopped and captured Titivilus before he could convince the others to invade our lands. Then he was used as a test for you all."

With a heavy sigh he gets to his final point, "Now as for information on Bael. All that we know I will have sent to your chambers. A scribe has made quick copies of the information we have collected. Be sure to read it over carefully and arm yourself with this knowledge."
He glances over at Badger, "Speaking of arms, should you ask for our armory you will find the servant can direct you to it as well."

With that he bows and bids you all a farewell. The King and the Magistrate watch as you exit. Servants meet you at the door to guide you to your room or a different destination. Upon arrival you all find a letter with information pertaining to Bael on it. Also a note to meet at dawn the next morning in the Hall of the King.

With the Blood War raging for eons and no end in sight, opportunities abound for ambitious archdevils to win fame, glory, and power in the ongoing struggle against the demons. Duke Bael, one of Mammon's most important vassals, has won fame and acclaim for his victories. Charged with leading sixty-six companies of barbed devils, Bael has proven to be a tactical genius, earning esteem for himself and his master as a result of victory after victory over the abyssal host. Mammon relies on Bael, because of his battle acumen, to safeguard his holdings. Mammon has never been ousted during a time when so many other archdevils have lost their positions, which is a testament to Bael's skill on the battlefield.
For his accomplishments, as well as for the hue of his skin, Baal has been granted the title of Bronze General. His accolades notwithstanding, Bael has had a difficult time navigating the quagmire of infernal politics. His critics call him naive, though never to his face. His primary interest has always been leading soldiers in battle, so he finds it frustrating to have his ambitions of ascending to a higher rank constantly stymied by politically shrewd rivals.

Bael prefers to make servants out of his adversaries, and mortals bound to his service earn their wretched place by falling victim to Bael's superior stratagems. Bael gladly spares the lives of those he defeats, but only if they pledge their souls and service to him. Although he is willing to corrupt almost any being in this way, he always destroys any demons he defeats.

Bael also welcomes mortals into his service if they can provide him with an advantage in his own politicking. He recruits savvy individuals and relies on them to represent his interests at Mammon's court, which leaves Bael free to pursue his battle lust.

Despite his lack of interest in affairs outside battle, or perhaps because of it, Bael has gained a small following of cultists. Those who worship at his altar call him the King of Hell, and the most deluded believe that he is the lord of all devils. In arcane circles, certain writings, such as the dreaded Book of Fire, say that Bael revealed the invisibility spell to the world, though some scholars of magic hotly refute such claims. Bael is sometimes depicted as a toad, a cat, a male human, or some combination of these forms, though none of these images reflect his true appearance.

2019-01-07, 11:04 AM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 47/137 | AC: 17 | PP: 11 | Slots 4/32/3/3/2/1/1/1

Anarek smiled grimly at the news. The dwarf listened to the magistrates answers and then cordially replied. ”Worthy Magistrate, this is grand news that we shall embark on their soul to deal death to their foul kind. You are gracious to provide a healer. I am most thankful.”

As an aside to the others, the dwarf announced, ”Once you have supplied yourselves with what you need, you are most welcome to sup with me. I will have a feast suitable to your stature and to the grandure of our coming war. Simply enter the shimmering gate once you come to my room. Tel Valhur, as we dwarves say!”

Those who take up his offer do find a large shining portal within Anarek’s sitting area. The servants do not seem to acknowledge its shining existence. Once within the radiance, the darkness of the King’s halls vanished into a glistening dome of polished ruby. Silver veins flowed into stairs while solid emerald columns and arches marked the passages to the wings on either flank. A disc of azure crowned the dome, with a single radiant mote in its center that appeared starlike. More impressive is the solid adamantine ancient dragon in a state of perpetual free fall over the frescoed floor of the antechamber. A dwarf lord rode the felled beast downward with his battleaxe buried in its neck. The frescoes wove dwarvish script and icons in a tapestry of dwarvish magic, craft, and lore.

Spectral dragonborn in trimmed tunics greet the guests, offering goblets of solid sapphire. These goblets bore a golden liquor that warmed the gut without searing the tongue. The servants spoke in a formal, polished tone, ”Well met, most honored guest. Our lord awaits you in the feasthall. Please accept these refreshments.”

The servant then conducted a tour of the hall that led east. Various ornate statues in precious metals lined alcoves, showing dwarven heroes conquering giants, aberrations, fiends, and twisted fey. Once guided down the eastward, a great hall opened. A long table of onyx with silver settings stood with sable cushioned daises for each guest. A monogram for each person stood brightly on its respective dark cushion. While the order seemed random, Grufford’s seat was at Anarek’s right hand side and the Venerator at his left. An ancient white in white gold twisted in melee with an ancient silver dragon high above, their maws turned downward blasting white-blue flames into great cold iron bowls. Their light faded this far down, turning into a pleasant dim that encouraged relaxation and leisure. Dragonborn minstrels played lively battle songs on harps and drums, their music an ode to the glory of battle and victory.

Seated on his gilded and jeweled throne, Anarek stood with his drinking horn in hand and pronounced in a cheerful, booming voice to each guest, “Welcome, friend! I am thrilled you have deigned to join me. Let us eat, as well as devour these morsels the Magistrate left concerning Bael. To the Nines tonight! To the Nine Hells tomorrow. Tel Valhur!”

Vegan Squirrel
2019-01-08, 10:19 AM
Starlana Naïlo—"The Spy of Shoatan" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 16 Wood Elf Valor Bard | HP: 176/176 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Deception +14, Perception +12, Stealth +13.
Proficient: Insight +7, Investigation +6 Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

+2 Longbow +10 for 1d8+7 magical piercing damage (600 ft.)
+1 Rapier +9 for 1d8+4 magical piercing damage
Silvered Dagger +8 for 1d4+3 silvered piercing damage (60 ft.)
Extra Attack, Battle Magic, Sharpshooter
Spell Attack +9 | Spell Save DC 17 Spellbook (https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTw-ArVlq0tVO2OKZ9TuAckxpKpw3c8okjr_2SJrp76FQ9d12RhT4t p_9bfSsXxh81plkwmUjGaY2lm/pub)
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 2/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 1/1 - 8th 0/1
Bardic Inspiration: 2/4 | HD: 16/16 | Luck Points: 3/3 | Winged Boots: 235/240 minutes
Active Spells: N/A | Conditions: N/A

Starlana graciously bids adieu to the magistrate and the king, making her way to her chamber. She carefully reads through the letter on their next target.

Then she finds her way to Anarek's room, entering the portal. She is floored by the mansion, and her respect for her new colleague rises as much from this work of wizardry as it did from his accomplishments in the combat with Titivilus.

Starlana takes several minutes to fly up to the dragon statues, observing their detail and appreciating their majesty. She can see now how Anarek weds the master craftsmanship of the dwarves, the imagination of an arcanist, and the epic scale of an accomplished hero, and feels a kinship to his sense of artistry.

She joins the dwarf mage at his table, and gladly accepts a joyful feast. She proffers a bottle of fine wine from her bag. "Generous friend, may we add a toast of elven wine to this banquet you have provided?" She then proceeds to dine on the vegetable dishes and pastries.

2019-01-09, 03:47 PM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 47/137 | AC: 17 | PP: 11 | Slots 4/32/3/3/2/1/1/1

Anarek set his horn into an ivory stand and cradled the wine bottle. He held it up in the light, admiring the contents in the muted glow. The dwarf spoke reverently. ”You do me a deep honor, envoy of Shoatan. It is said the vintners of your people have a special art with the vines, and that their harvests are doubly blessed. Do you prefer to drink this chilled or warmed?”

Anarek awaited her response and then summoned a servant. He handed the bottle to the dragonborn. He further whispered something to the server before dismissing him. The dwarf returned his attention to the elf and said apologetically, ”We dwarves have a healthy appetite for game, and I must confess the pride of Blales is in cultivating and cooking our great beasts. Yet, I hope you will find the breads, fruits, and vegetables to your liking. Special dishes will be prepared in your people's preference.”

Hors d'oeuvres | Avernus
Deviled Peacock eggs, Blood Sausages served in a silver Rib Cage dish
Absinthe shots, Bloody Mary

Soup | Dis
Pea soup with cut black sausage and black beans served in cold iron bowls
Porter, Red wine

Appetizer | Minauros
Linked sausages, braided bread stuffed with minced meat and spices

Salad | Phlegethos
Regent’s salad, limned with ghost flames
Cinnamon whiskey shots, Peaty whisky

Fish | Stygia
Sahuagin fillet, poached Aboleth on a plate of carved ice
Chilled wine

Main Course | Malbolge
“Hag’s Head” giant boar, filled with a covey of quail and pheasant, as well as eel and viper; served on a cascade of cooked vegetables
Aged ale, Small batch Elysian red wine, Elvish wine

Palate Cleanser | Maldomini
Lemoncello and blood orange sorbet
Carbonated water

Dessert | Cania
Mirror glazed cake filled with molten caramel, chocolate, and cinnamon icing in the form of Mephistar
Mulled cider in ice goblets

Mignardise | Nessus
Jeweled “veins” of fruit compote served on a chilled marbled plate
Huckleberry and Lingonberry liquors, 25yr Port

*Vegetarian additions and substitutions will be provided for those who prefer them. Anarek is a dwarf, but a kindhearted one.
**Depending on the make of the wine, Anarek will pair it with an appropriate course: Likely the Main or the Mignardise.

Vegan Squirrel
2019-01-10, 08:55 AM
Starlana Naïlo—"The Spy of Shoatan" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 16 Wood Elf Valor Bard | HP: 176/176 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Deception +14, Perception +12, Stealth +13.
Proficient: Insight +7, Investigation +6 Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

+2 Longbow +10 for 1d8+7 magical piercing damage (600 ft.)
+1 Rapier +9 for 1d8+4 magical piercing damage
Silvered Dagger +8 for 1d4+3 silvered piercing damage (60 ft.)
Extra Attack, Battle Magic, Sharpshooter
Spell Attack +9 | Spell Save DC 17 Spellbook (https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTw-ArVlq0tVO2OKZ9TuAckxpKpw3c8okjr_2SJrp76FQ9d12RhT4t p_9bfSsXxh81plkwmUjGaY2lm/pub)
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 2/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 1/1 - 8th 0/1
Bardic Inspiration: 2/4 | HD: 16/16 | Luck Points: 3/3 | Winged Boots: 235/240 minutes
Active Spells: N/A | Conditions: N/A

Starlana points to the bottle of wine, saying, "It is best served like so." With a brief incantation, she swirls her fingers, and the wine instantly cools to the optimal temperature.

Starlana casts Prestidigitation, with practiced skill.

Barbarian MD
2019-01-11, 02:54 PM
Badger first follows the servant's instruction to the healers, followed by the armory. "The name's Badger. King's Chosen and all that. You got anything that deals radiant damage?" He sets one of his axes on the counter.

Following that exchange, he finds his way to the mansion and barges in. Seeing the exchange of gifts: "Well, #### me. I dint bring anything other than trail rations."

"So who are you people anyway?" he asks between bites, setting in to the meal. The others find him to be utterly boorish and a slob, eating what must be his body weight in food without real concern for what each individual item is or any kind of mindfulness.

Orsik Vondal
2019-01-12, 12:34 PM
Battlemage Grufford Cartwright - Recently Charmed, Slightly Embarrassed War Wizard

Grufford feels the surge of power from down the hall in his own dormitory. Curious, he pulls himself from his internal recriminations and walks toward the magical disturbance. As he nears Anarek's room the sense of conjuration magic grows stronger. When he enters the shimmering portal, he is impressed by the opulence of the extra-planar abode. Gruff nods in appreciation of the skill and power needed to craft such a dwelling.

Upon entering the lavish dining room Grufford bows slightly and approaches the table. He sits feeling that all eyes are watching-no glaring!-at him. "I..." He looks around at the others and clears his throat. "Please forgive my earlier weakness," he says in a rush. "It won't happen again." His face is sullen and downcast and a little angry. Grufford is no maestro when it comes to masking his emotions. And this situation seems to cause him some measure of anxiety.

"I looked through my spellbook and rearranged some of my castings to better suit the enemies we will soon face. I'm going to take a cue from you, dwarf and prepare my protection spells to better protect our minds from intrusion. I also refamiliarized myself with a few light spells to fend off the darkness." Once he starts talking about battle strategy and combat, Grufford seems to relax a little. "I prefer to use long lasting spells, and if I can, lure enemies into close range where my transmutation and abjuration spells can turn the tables."

Once he is sated physically by food and mentally by strategy, Grufford fades back into his awkward silence. Not knowing the correct protocol for extricating himself from a dinner such as this, he merely rises from his seat and turns to leave the hall with a polite, "Thanks."

Gruff has Protection from Evil and Good and Magic Circle. MC might serve us better as it prevents being charmed, frightened, or possessed.
He's adding Sunbeam and Crown of Stars to his list of spells and subbing in Sickening Radiance for Banishment.
He likes concentration spells, because they can be beneficial over longer periods of time. And he likes to play the weak wizard to make his enemies get into melee, where he can use Tenser's Transformation, Booming Blade, and Shadow Blade without needing to move.

2019-01-12, 04:13 PM
Anarek laughed at Badger’s reckless fervor for food. ”No worries, Gnome. Your presence is all i asked for. Your enthusiasm for grub is gift enough.”

“I am Anarek, Castellan of the Clanfathers. I forge bulwarks and banish traitors for Blales. What about you, beserker?”

The dwarf studied the warmage as he apologized. Then the abjurer swept his drinking horn to point at the chair next to him. “Come, sit, and drink with me. Fret not. Devils are gifted in deception and strife. I was...surprised to see a princeling of fiends dropped in our midst. I think next time we all shall be more wary.”

At the talk of tactics, Anarek leaned in with a gleam in his green eyes that matched the gems in his beard, “We are for the long fight, war wizard. Endure while wearing your enemy down. Fiends are hardier than mortals, though, and craftier. It is good to select wards and incantations that negate their mind magic. Your work with radiance is not my specialty, I must confess. I am better suited to halting a foe’s magic even as I break them. Perchance we can coordinate to render these devils more vulnerable to our friends’ blades and barbs.”

MC is great for a fiend trap as well. Devils are proficient with CHA saves and/or have Legendary saves, however. Alternatively, if we coordinated, we could sync a friendly MC and my Globe of Invulnerability to negate spells, charms, frighten, or charmed for those inside the ring.

Anarek prepped Counter Spell, Dispel Magic, Remove Curse, Banishment, GoI, and Mind Blank to dedicate to his role as denial and defense. He also prepared Resilient Sphere to augment Forcecage, or even to turtle someone in the face of an onslaught.

Barbarian MD
2019-01-12, 04:41 PM
Badger tries to work out what 'castellans' and 'bulwarks' and 'blales' are between bites, wiping his mouth on his sleeve as he does so. He is largely unsuccessful.

"I'm Badger. I'm a gnome, but not one of those gnomes. My people wreck ####. Sometimes for money. Sometimes 'cause we're bored. Mostly 'cause it's there.

"Anyway, being a Baron sounded like fun. And I had never seen a devil before today. So I can add that to the list of #### I've killed." He grins widely.

2019-01-14, 02:58 PM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 16 Ranger | HP: 192/192 | AC: 19 | PP: 19

Colton bows, My Lord, My Grace, as he makes his leave of the Magistrate and King. He finds his room and begins the ritualistic meditations that Venators perform after each combat with the supernatural and evil. He searches his mind for any signs of influence or lingering power. Fiends especially are likely to possess those that might otherwise defeat them in battle. After some time, an hour he thinks, he is confident that his mind is free of any enchantments or illusions. I should check in on the others, he thinks to himself. He makes his way to Anarek's room and sees the shimmering portal.

Inside, he nods to the dragonborn servants as they approach, and they lead him to the banquet hall. He can hear the gnome warrior, Badger, before he enters the chambers, "Anyway, being a Baron sounded like fun. And I had never seen a devil before today. So I can add that to the list of #### I've killed."

Colton walks in, My apologies for my lateness. Thank you for having me, he says as a dragonborn servant seats him, How is everyone feeling? It is no small feat to face a devil in direct combat. His eyes linger on those that were ensorcelled by Titivilus.

Vegan Squirrel
2019-01-14, 03:31 PM
Starlana Naïlo—"The Spy of Shoatan" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 16 Wood Elf Valor Bard | HP: 176/176 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Deception +14, Perception +12, Stealth +13.
Proficient: Insight +7, Investigation +6 Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

+2 Longbow +10 for 1d8+7 magical piercing damage (600 ft.)
+1 Rapier +9 for 1d8+4 magical piercing damage
Silvered Dagger +8 for 1d4+3 silvered piercing damage (60 ft.)
Extra Attack, Battle Magic, Sharpshooter
Spell Attack +9 | Spell Save DC 17 Spellbook (https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTw-ArVlq0tVO2OKZ9TuAckxpKpw3c8okjr_2SJrp76FQ9d12RhT4t p_9bfSsXxh81plkwmUjGaY2lm/pub)
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 2/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 1/1 - 8th 0/1
Bardic Inspiration: 2/4 | HD: 16/16 | Luck Points: 3/3 | Winged Boots: 235/240 minutes
Active Spells: N/A | Conditions: N/A

"It was an unnerving experience, to be sure," Starlana says, responding to Colton's query, "but such is the nature of fiendish magic. Let's try to be more prepared next time."

She continues by introducing herself more thoroughly and getting into the tactics discussion. "My name is Starlana Naïlo, of the elves in Shoatan, as it was called in my youth. I've honed a number of skills over the decades—the powers of song, spells, archery. I prefer to strike from a distance, if given the choice, but much of my magic works best if I'm not too far from my allies. My strategy is to have a good assortment of tools at the ready, and find the best fit in the moment. Oh, and I can provide some healing magic, should someone fall in battle. And I prize maneuverability—these winged boots help there, but I've short range teleports as well."

"Then there's this." Starlana adjusts the red hat on her head, and suddenly, in her place, a human youth looks at you, slipping her long, dark curls under the brim of her white lace bonnet. "I gots me way with disguises," she says, giggling. She places her hand on her bonnet, and Starlana reappears before you, but now she's dressed in all black, her hair a dark purple, with a small black cap fastened around her chin.

Gotta love the Hat of Disguise!
DM, how much can she change her voice with Disguise Self? Can she pass as a deep-voiced man? The spell text only mentions looks. If not, she'll mostly stick to female aliases, but it would be a fun aspect to play with.

2019-01-17, 02:51 PM
The night wore on and for a moment you all began to forget the horrible encounter your new founded team had first engaged in. Although some found it harder to move on than others a nights rest was not too hard to achieve.

As each of you go about your typical morning routine, should you have one, about 2 hours after sunrise a knock emits from your door. Waiting there is a servant ready to take you to the grand chamber hall to stand before the king once again.

Once there you find the King and the Magistrate wearing full decorated combat gear. They are standing near the throne having a discussion until they notice your entrance. The King turns to you all and addresses the party, "Come, enter enter. You all look well rested. I was amazed by your performance. It certainly was harrowing at times but an excellent display of your prowess." He leans back and whispers something into the magistrates ear who then turns around and grabs a box that was situated next to the throne.

"Please line up." the King says to you all. As you form a line across his hall the magistrate walks before you and opens up the case. Inside you see 5 potions filled with a deep red liquid. Below the potions are 5 dark rings with slashes of gray running across the bands.
The magistrate stops before each of you, allowing you to take one of each from the chest. As he passes the case before you he explains their intent, "I saw that Titivilus' blade struck deeper in some of you with a wound that lasted past normal means of healing. While during a test this was acceptable I find that being in the depths of the abyss or the bowls of hell this could cost you your lives. This ring should help you stave off some of the necrotic damage that these fiends wield." Stepping back to the kings side the magistrate continues, "And should you find yourselves in such dire need, these potions of final healing, my own creation, will help you stave off death when it inevitably comes knocking."

The Magistrate then pulls from his robe the Orb of Confinement. "Who among you shall carry the Orb?"

Each of you receive both of the following items. Use them wisely.

Ring of Necrotic Resistance: You have resistance to necrotic damage while wearing this ring.
Potion of Final Healing: You regain 100 hit points when you drink this potion. The potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated.

Vegan Squirrel
2019-01-18, 10:51 AM
Starlana Naïlo—"The Spy of Shoatan" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 16 Wood Elf Valor Bard | HP: 176/176 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Deception +14, Perception +12, Stealth +13.
Proficient: Insight +7, Investigation +6 Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

+2 Longbow +10 for 1d8+7 magical piercing damage (600 ft.)
+1 Rapier +9 for 1d8+4 magical piercing damage
Silvered Dagger +8 for 1d4+3 silvered piercing damage (60 ft.)
Extra Attack, Battle Magic, Sharpshooter
Spell Attack +9 | Spell Save DC 17 Spellbook (https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTw-ArVlq0tVO2OKZ9TuAckxpKpw3c8okjr_2SJrp76FQ9d12RhT4t p_9bfSsXxh81plkwmUjGaY2lm/pub)
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 1/1 - 8th 1/1
Bardic Inspiration: 4/4 | HD: 16/16 | Luck Points: 3/3 | Winged Boots: 240/240 minutes
Active Spells: N/A | Conditions: N/A

Starlana thanks the King and Magistrate, placing the ring upon her finger and stowing the potion in her Bag of Holding. "I am willing to bear the orb," she adds, "if that meets with everyone's approval." She hopes her attempt to flee the last battle doesn't weigh too heavily on her companions' minds.

2019-01-18, 04:12 PM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 160/160 | AC: 17 | PP: 11 | Slots 4/3/3/3/2/1/1/1

Anarek held a hank of pork up in salute to the Venerator. ”I am glad for your coming. The taste of the fiend's blade lingers. Not to worry. It will take a bit more than a devil's tooth to claim this dwarf!”

Anarek chuckled deeply at Starlana's antics, ”A shifty one, lass! This could be very handy in slipping through the devils' defenses. Though I hear their lordlings can see through guises. Come, now we are all here: A toast! To the blades, bows, and battlemages of our age: May your edge be keen and your mind's keener. Tel Valhur!”

Anarek quaffed his liquor from his ram's horn and a small army of dragonborn scurried forward in lines, bearing laden trays of meats, fruits, and vegetables...

The Next Day...

The dwarf arose from his hidden sanctuary within the mansion. He set an alarm in the soon fading refuge, feeling the surge of protective magic swirl around him. The routine had become habit since his initiation into the order of abjurers. He then marched forth to the summons of his king.

The king's praise swelled the abjurer with pride. He took the offered gifts reverently, saying, "Your generosity is tremendous, Your Eminence."

Starlana's claim to the orb surprised the dwarf. Anarek stared at her for a moment then said to the King, The orb should be in the Venerator's hands or mine. While all here are brave and true, fiendish magic is yet a hazard we must face."

Barbarian MD
2019-01-19, 02:01 AM
The little gnome is roused from bed with the knock at his door and wipes some of the spittle from his mouth as he wakes with a stretch and a yawn. After a short stop at the armory and for breakfast he arrives with the others. There is still dried devil blood on his chest and in his hair, though one of his axes looks surprisingly fresh, and he holds it lovingly.

Badger's eyes light up at the sight of the gifts.

"Oh, shiny!" he cries and slides the ring onto his finger. He thoughtfully considers the weight of the bottle before slipping it into his bag of holding, and looks up in time to see the orb unveiled.

He is already reaching for it as the others discuss its fate, and the Magistrate is forced to quickly raise the orb in his hand a few inches out of reach before the gnome can grab it.

Orsik Vondal
2019-01-20, 05:37 PM
Grufford Cartwright - Battlemage With Nothing To Lose

Grufford gives a curt bow and takes a ring and potion from the box. "Thank you." He slips the ring on his right middle finger and puts the potion in a side pouch.

He raises his index finger. "Two questions: This orb, in what way does it 'trap' or 'destroy' the fiends we defeat? And what would happen if it were destroyed? I always like to understand the weapons in my arsenal."


2019-01-22, 12:39 PM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 16 Ranger | HP: 192/192 | AC: 19 | PP: 19

Tel Valhur, Colton says quietly as he raises his glass with the others. He enjoys the company of the others for the rest of the evening but is mostly quiet. The fight against Titivilus was tough, and it is likely the fights yet to come will be tougher still. He hopes that his training has prepared him for this. The fate of the Kingdom depends on it.


Colton accepts the gifts and bows to the Magistrate and the King. He slips both the ring and the potion into a belt pouch, and steps back into the line.

Vegan Squirrel
2019-01-22, 05:11 PM
Starlana Naïlo—"The Spy of Shoatan" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 16 Wood Elf Valor Bard | HP: 176/176 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Deception +14, Perception +12, Stealth +13.
Proficient: Insight +7, Investigation +6 Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

+2 Longbow +10 for 1d8+7 magical piercing damage (600 ft.)
+1 Rapier +9 for 1d8+4 magical piercing damage
Silvered Dagger +8 for 1d4+3 silvered piercing damage (60 ft.)
Extra Attack, Battle Magic, Sharpshooter
Spell Attack +9 | Spell Save DC 17 Spellbook (https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTw-ArVlq0tVO2OKZ9TuAckxpKpw3c8okjr_2SJrp76FQ9d12RhT4t p_9bfSsXxh81plkwmUjGaY2lm/pub)
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 1/1 - 8th 1/1
Bardic Inspiration: 4/4 | HD: 16/16 | Luck Points: 3/3 | Winged Boots: 240/240 minutes
Active Spells: N/A | Conditions: N/A

"As far as I am concerned, we have all proven our worth, so I have no objection to another bearing the orb." Starlana is a little disappointed, but none of that shows in her practiced diplomatic countenance.

Barbarian MD
2019-01-22, 05:20 PM
"Great!" Badger reaches upwards towards the orb again.


Orsik Vondal
2019-01-31, 09:07 AM
Grufford Cartwright - Battlemage

Grufford clears his throat and steps forward barring the halfling from advancing too far. "If I may, I would like to request the responsibility of the Orb. I feel it is the least I can do to repay my poor performance. Ever since Master Edelbrad took me in and began to train me as a mage, I have wanted to be the very best. Better than any mage there ever was. Defeating the evils of this world will be my test, and confining them, my cause." He sighs and tone of resolve and confidence suffuses his voice, like something you might hear from a military commander. "I will travel across the planes searching the furthest reaches and deepest Hells to find these fiends and trap them all inside."

He takes another step forward toward the Magistrate and turns to face the strike squad. "Every challenge along our path we will face with courage. We may have to battle every day to reclaim this and the rest of the planes!"

Eyes burning, fists clenched, passion pouring from him in a palpable arcane wave, Battlemage Grufford Cartwright raises his voice in an emphatic timbre. "We were brought together at this time. And it must be destiny! This team has been assembled for this one purpose! Arm in arm we will end this fight! This has always been my dream!"

Grufford will approach the Magistrate and take the Orb of Confinement from his hand.
To his commrades:
"I do not accept this burden lightly. I will need your help to carry it. We will need to rely on and learn from each other as we journey. Now...let's go catch some fiends!"

2019-02-02, 12:22 AM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 160/160 | AC: 17 | PP: 11 | Slots 4/3/3/3/2/1/1/1

Anarek shook his head in protest, the many jewels in his bead clinking as they did. He advised in a respectful tone, ”Nay, warmage, you will have plenty of ways to prove your worth soon enough. The Venerator is a steady fiend slayer, and I would rather he bore the weapon for us all. Let’s not drag this out. Any dreams or aspirations come second to prudence, however great or true.”

“Venerator, will you bear the orb for our fight to come?"

Barbarian MD
2019-02-02, 12:25 AM
"Oh, for f----'s sake!"

Badger reaches up, grabs the jewel out of the mage's hands, and tosses it to the Vena-nator (whatever that was).

"There. Now what?"

2019-02-02, 11:12 AM
The magistrate looks you all over, behind him the King is staring with a hungering eager look that has not diminished since you entered.
"Well, certainly you all will need to work on your skills as a team." The magistrate says, before continuing, "To which I find combat to be the best way to grow together."
He looks at Grufford, "The magic of the orb is beyond your comprehension. It can not be destroyed saved by the one who created it. You need not worry yourself with that. Just hold it over the body of the fiend you wish to absorb and it will do its work."

He turns and steps back to the Kings side at the throne, "I hope you have prepared yourselves. I am going to open up a gate to Bael himself." He smiles, "We were fortunate enough to get a spy inside his very fortress and provide us with the details. You will be dropped right into combat with the devil."

Opening a tome next to him the Magistrate begins an incantation while forming his hands into magical symbols. As this is occurring the Kings finally speaks to you all, "Are you ready?!" As he finishes speaking you see the outline of a gate begin to form in front of you, subtle waves of heat coming off of it.

You feel as though you have time enough to prepare yourself with one action before it is completed.

Through your arcane readings and study you find that the orb is similar to a spell commonly known as 'Magic Jar'
While you have not learned this one yourself you understand the similarities between the orb and the spell. Though it seems like whoever made the orb had taken that spell and twisted it into an even more powerful version, making this device.

Barbarian MD
2019-02-02, 11:22 AM
Badger awkwardly raises his hand again.


Orsik Vondal
2019-02-02, 12:23 PM
Battlemage Grufford Cartwright - So Close to Being a Fiend-e-mon Master

Feeling slightly dejected, but understanding the tactics of giving the Orb to the Venator, Grufford returns to his place in front of the throne. When the halfling, Badger, right?, raises the point about returning, Gruff points to him and says in a flat tone, "What he said."

2019-02-02, 11:54 PM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 160/160 | Ward: 37/37 | AC: 17 | Init: +2 (Advantage) | PP: 11 | Slots 4/3/3/3/2/1/1/1

Anarek raised an eyebrow at Badger’s rash action, but quickly let it go. He saluted with his bladed quarterstaff and pronounced words of power in the Dwarvish tongue. He stood battle-grim, eyes gleaming, ready to charge into the fray. ”We march on a general. Gates rarely go unseen. Let your blades be loose and your incantations on your lips. If it comes to it, I can bring us back. To the Hells! Blade of Blales!”

Cast Mind Blank on self.

Fun fact: Conducting coordinated movement and actions without rehearsals usually ends in disaster for IRL militaries. We should be in for a treat. :smallbiggrin:

Vegan Squirrel
2019-02-04, 09:48 AM
Starlana Naïlo—"The Spy of Shoatan" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 16 Wood Elf Valor Bard | HP: 176/176 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Deception +14, Perception +12, Stealth +13.
Proficient: Insight +7, Investigation +6 Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

+2 Longbow +10 for 1d8+7 magical piercing damage (600 ft.)
+1 Rapier +9 for 1d8+4 magical piercing damage
Silvered Dagger +8 for 1d4+3 silvered piercing damage (60 ft.)
Extra Attack, Battle Magic, Sharpshooter
Spell Attack +9 | Spell Save DC 17 Spellbook (https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTw-ArVlq0tVO2OKZ9TuAckxpKpw3c8okjr_2SJrp76FQ9d12RhT4t p_9bfSsXxh81plkwmUjGaY2lm/pub)
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 1/1 - 8th 1/1
Bardic Inspiration: 3/4 | HD: 16/16 | Luck Points: 3/3 | Winged Boots: 240/240 minutes
Active Spells: N/A | Conditions: N/A

Starlana is once again shocked at the suddenness of this looming encounter. Is this another test? She promptly channels the arcane powers of the world around her through the conduit of song.

♪"May this valorous song steel your heart with bravery; Though archdevils be strong, we can best their knavery."♪

While she sings, she draws her bow with one hand, the other prepared to either reach back for an arrow or dig into her spell component pouch.

Starlana grants Bardic Inspiration to Grufford.
This is a d12 that can be added to any ability check, saving throw, attack roll, damage roll, or your AC against one attack as a Reaction.
It is good for the next ten minutes.

2019-02-05, 10:49 AM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 16 Ranger | HP: 192/192 | AC: 19 | PP: 19

Colton receives the orb from the impatient, but direct, gnome. He looks at the others, and when no one objects, he sticks the orb in his pack, I understand your confidence in me, he says to the group, but do not overlook the strength in yourselves as well. These fiends are powerful, and sinister. But we prevailed nonetheless. I saw the fear in Starlana's eyes, but she had courage enough to continue singing and use her magic to inspire us. We are each a force to be reckoned with, and we will be stronger still working together.

He closes his eyes and meditates, guarding his mind again from fiendish influence. When his eyes open, he regards the king and the magistrate with some confusion on his face, It is no easy feat to sneak a spy into the dominion of an archdevil. What did they learn? The more we know before we cross over, the better chances we have.

Cast Protection from Evil and Good on himself.

Orsik Vondal
2019-02-06, 08:20 PM
Battlemage Grufford Cartwright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1759626)

AC: 10/16 (mage armor)
HP: 135/135
PP: 12
Speed: 40'
Initiative: +8
Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Primordial
Active Conditions or Buffs: mage armor, 19 STR --> Gauntlets of Ogre Power, attackers have disadvantage to hit until Gruff is hit (resets at the start of next turn --> Cloak of Displacement)





Attacks and Actions:

Quarterstaff Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+4. Critical +3d6
Booming Blade Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+d8+4
Toll the Dead DC 18 Wis Save. Dmg: 3d8 (max hp)/3d12
Wand of Magic Missile: 7 charges. 3x 1d4+1 force damage per charge expended
Arcane Deflection: when hit by an attack or fail a saving throw, use reaction to gain +2 bonus to AC or +4 to the saving throw. Can only cast cantrips until end of next turn. Up to 3 creatures you can see within 60 ft. take 8 force damage.
Counterspell: reaction to cancel a spell being cast by a creature you can see. Auto-cancels 3rd lvl or lower. 4th lvl or higher requires DC 10 + spell's lvl INT check.
Power Surge: Gain surges when you end an effect with dispel magic or counterspell up to a max of 5. Once per turn you can expend a surge to deal an extra 8 force damage to a hit target.

Spells marked with "<" are prepared. Can prepare 23 spells per long rest.

Toll the Dead
Booming Blade
Sword Burst
True Strike

Catapult <
Detect Magic
Find Familiar
Fog Cloud
Mage Armor <(always)
Magic Missile <
Protection from Evil and Good <

Dust Devil <
Mirror Image <
See Invisibility
Web <

Counterspell <(always)
Dispel Magic <
Magic Circle <

Conjure Minor Elementals <
Dimension Door <
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
Polymorph <
Sickening Radiance <

Animate Objects <
Bigby's Hand <
Conjure Elemental <
Hold Monster
Legend Lore
Steel Wind Strike <
Teleportation Circle

Disintegrate <
Globe of Invulnerability
Sunbeam <
Tenser's Transformation <
True Seeing

Mordenkainen's Sword <
Plane Shift

Demiplane <
Dominate Monster

Strength: athletics +4
Dexterity: acrobatics +3, sleight of hand +3, stealth +3
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/religion +10, nature +5
Wisdom: insight +7, animal handling/medicine/perception/survival +2,
Charisma: deception/intimidation/performance/persuasion +1

Gauntlets of Ogre Power (19 STR)
Broom of Flying (fly 50)
Cloak of Displacement
Wand of the War Mage +2
Wand of Magic Missiles
Vicious Quarterstaff
small knife, spellbook, spell scrolls (2x detect magic, identify, protection from evil and good, invisibility, dispel magic, 2x banishment, 2x steel wind strike, conjure elemental, sunbeam)

"If we are going to be heading straight into combat, I will prepare a defensive bastion for us. I will hold the spell until we know we are in combat. It will create an area about twenty feet wide in which we will have protection from fiendish mental intrusions and physical attacks. I would suggest Starlana and I begin in the circle. I can switch out as the fight progresses if any one needs a reprieve." Grufford nods, pulls out a small flask from his belt pouch, and begins to chant. The flask contains what looks like water with metallic flecks floating in it. "Tharm. Pok. Kavar. Atonus." He sweeps his arm to the side and extends his thumb, forefinger, and little finger.

As the chant fades Grufford holds his hand in position ready to expend his protection spell at the opportune moment. "Let's go!"

Gruff readies Magic Circle and will finish casting once he sees they are truly about to fight Bael.

Barbarian MD
2019-02-06, 08:30 PM
Badger, lacking any significant preparations, begins running toward the portal as soon as the king/archimage have answered his question.

2019-02-07, 01:30 PM
With the Gate fully formed the Magistrate yells over the roaring portal, "I will contact you once you have defeated this fiend and help guide you in the right direction for your next target! Go now before Bael invades the throne room! I can only hold this gate open for one minute!"

He urges you to head forward through the swirling gate. You are not certain on what the other side holds, but one thing is for sure a fight is waiting!

Barbarian MD
2019-02-07, 02:57 PM
Funda "Badger" Turen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1758086)

AC 20.
HP 256/256
PP:17. Darkvision 60'.
Speed: 35'. Spider Climb. Water Walking.
Initiative:+3 (Adv).
Languages: All (Helm).
Immunities: surprise (by entering rage)
Active Conditions or Buffs: none



S:+10 (adv).
D:+3 (adv if visible)

Int:+2 (adv magic)
W:+7 (adv magic)
Ch:+1 (adv magic)


+1 Radiant Battleaxe Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6. Critical 4d8+6.
+1 Battleaxe (TWF bonus) Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6.
+1 Longbow Atk: +9. Dmg: d8+4.
Bonus action during your move to pass through the space of a Large or smaller creature. That creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength bonus + your proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone and take bludgeoning damage equal to 1d12 + your Strength modifier.
Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.

Rages Used: 0/5. Round: 0/10.

Rage damage: +4
If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic

Potions of Healing: 2
Potions of Greater Healing: 4

Cantrip: Minor Illusion
Gnome: Speak with small animals
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Strength (advantage): athletics +10
Dexterity: acrobatics +8, sleight of hand +3, stealth +8
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/nature/religion +2
Wisdom: animal handling/insight/medicine +2, perception/survival +7
Charisma: intimidation +6, deception/performance/persuasion +1

Badger is already running towards the portal, leaping through with a final burst of speed.

2019-02-07, 04:21 PM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 160/160 | Ward: 37/37 | AC: 17 | Init: +2 (Advantage) | PP: 11 | Slots 4/3/3/3/2/1/1/1

Anarek nodded in respect and surged into a battle march, raising his staff in preparation to fight once within Bael's lair.

Orsik Vondal
2019-02-07, 11:26 PM
Battlemage Grufford Cartwright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1759626)

AC: 10/16 (mage armor)
HP: 135/135
PP: 12
Speed: 40'
Initiative: +8
Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Primordial
Active Conditions or Buffs: mage armor, 19 STR --> Gauntlets of Ogre Power, attackers have disadvantage to hit until Gruff is hit (resets at the start of next turn --> Cloak of Displacement)





Attacks and Actions:

Quarterstaff Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+4. Critical +3d6
Booming Blade Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+d8+4
Toll the Dead DC 18 Wis Save. Dmg: 3d8 (max hp)/3d12
Wand of Magic Missile: 7 charges. 3x 1d4+1 force damage per charge expended
Arcane Deflection: when hit by an attack or fail a saving throw, use reaction to gain +2 bonus to AC or +4 to the saving throw. Can only cast cantrips until end of next turn. Up to 3 creatures you can see within 60 ft. take 8 force damage.
Counterspell: reaction to cancel a spell being cast by a creature you can see. Auto-cancels 3rd lvl or lower. 4th lvl or higher requires DC 10 + spell's lvl INT check.
Power Surge: Gain surges when you end an effect with dispel magic or counterspell up to a max of 5. Once per turn you can expend a surge to deal an extra 8 force damage to a hit target.

Spells marked with "<" are prepared. Can prepare 23 spells per long rest.

Toll the Dead
Booming Blade
Sword Burst
True Strike

Catapult <
Detect Magic
Find Familiar
Fog Cloud
Mage Armor <(always)
Magic Missile <
Protection from Evil and Good <

Dust Devil <
Mirror Image <
See Invisibility
Web <

Counterspell <(always)
Dispel Magic <
Magic Circle <

Conjure Minor Elementals <
Dimension Door <
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
Polymorph <
Sickening Radiance <

Animate Objects <
Bigby's Hand <
Conjure Elemental <
Hold Monster
Legend Lore
Steel Wind Strike <
Teleportation Circle

Disintegrate <
Globe of Invulnerability
Sunbeam <
Tenser's Transformation <
True Seeing

Mordenkainen's Sword <
Plane Shift

Demiplane <
Dominate Monster

Strength: athletics +4
Dexterity: acrobatics +3, sleight of hand +3, stealth +3
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/religion +10, nature +5
Wisdom: insight +7, animal handling/medicine/perception/survival +2,
Charisma: deception/intimidation/performance/persuasion +1

Gauntlets of Ogre Power (19 STR)
Broom of Flying (fly 50)
Cloak of Displacement
Wand of the War Mage +2
Wand of Magic Missiles
Vicious Quarterstaff
small knife, spellbook, spell scrolls (2x detect magic, identify, protection from evil and good, invisibility, dispel magic, 2x banishment, 2x steel wind strike, conjure elemental, sunbeam)

Spurred on by the enthusiastic gnome, Grufford begins running toward the portal. "Come get some, you slimy son of a b-" His words are swallowed by the roar of the vortex as he rushes through the gate.

"-itch!" When he lands on the other side of the portal, Grufford immediately looks for a strategic place to drop his spell. Surveying the battlefield laid before him, he eyes a good place and slams his hand down and a glowing circle on the ground appears not far away. "We will be well protected from Bael's attacks in the circle! Let us prepare for our guest's arrival."

As soon as we get a map, I'll mark out my magic circle area.

Vegan Squirrel
2019-02-08, 12:00 AM
Starlana Naïlo—"The Spy of Shoatan" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 16 Wood Elf Valor Bard | HP: 176/176 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Deception +14, Perception +12, Stealth +13.
Proficient: Insight +7, Investigation +6 Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

+2 Longbow +10 for 1d8+7 magical piercing damage (600 ft.)
+1 Rapier +9 for 1d8+4 magical piercing damage
Silvered Dagger +8 for 1d4+3 silvered piercing damage (60 ft.)
Extra Attack, Battle Magic, Sharpshooter
Spell Attack +9 | Spell Save DC 17 Spellbook (https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTw-ArVlq0tVO2OKZ9TuAckxpKpw3c8okjr_2SJrp76FQ9d12RhT4t p_9bfSsXxh81plkwmUjGaY2lm/pub)
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 1/1 - 8th 1/1
Bardic Inspiration: 3/4 | HD: 16/16 | Luck Points: 3/3 | Winged Boots: 240/240 minutes
Active Spells: N/A | Conditions: N/A

"Here goes." Starlana follows suit and enters the portal.


2019-02-08, 09:36 AM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 16 Ranger | HP: 192/192 | AC: 19 | PP: 19 | Concentration: Protection from Evil and Good

Colton is the last one to leap through the portal. He stands there, holding the magistrate's gaze as the man struggles to keep the portal open. The man refused to answer Colton's question, to give the group vital information. This is the second battle within a day's time where the magistrate sends the group into a battle almost completely unprepared. Colton turns his gaze from the magistrate to the portal, he will not abandon the others, and he holds the orb. But when they return, he will speak with the group. As a Venator, Colton is trained to prepare for fights meticulously and stack all advantages in his favor. What the magistrate is doing is reckless.

Colton steps through to join the fight on the other side.


2019-02-11, 09:16 AM
You step through the gate and find yourself surrounded by a cavern of ashen rock. The heat quickly wraps around you and you feel hotter than any summer day prior in your home plane. Although you are in a cave there is an strange dark red glow enveloping the area, providing dim light.

Surprisingly you do not see Bael in sight but instead two Barbed Devils (https://5e.tools/img/bestiary/MM/Barbed%20Devil.jpg?ver=1.70.2). They are quicker than you to attack as they had watched the gate form in their home!

Barbed Devil 1: 23
Barbed Devil 2: 21
Grufford: 21
Badger: 17
Colton: 16
Starlana: 11
Anarek: 7

Grouped Initiative Order:
Enemies: Barbed Devil 1 & 2


Party: Grufford, Badger, Colter, Starlana, Anarek <---- Any Order

Round 1
Enemies Turn!

The two barbed devils begin their onslaught by hurling fire at the group, hoping to turn you back through the gate!

Barbed Devil 1
Movement: None
Action: Hurl Flame
- Hurl Flame 1st: Ranged Spell Attack (Target Badger) [roll0] vs AC 20! Hit = [roll1] fire damage!
- Hurl Flame 2nd: Ranged Spell Attack (Target Grufford) [roll2] vs AC 16! Hit = [roll3] fire damage!

Barbed Devil 2
Movement: None
Action: Hurl Flame
- Hurl Flame 1st: Ranged Spell Attack (Target Badger) [roll4] vs AC 20! Hit = [roll5] fire damage!
- Hurl Flame 2nd: Ranged Spell Attack (Target Colton) [roll6] or 15 (lower of the two) vs AC 19! Hit = [roll7] fire damage!

Players Turn!

Map Link (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q34D7052fniqqFWTZYfttDckhDSyFoE9YXlMk3xDP9c/edit?usp=drivesdk)

2019-02-11, 10:05 AM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 160/160 | Ward: 37/37 | AC: 17 | Init: +2 (Advantage) | PP: 11 | Slots 4/3/3/3/2/1/1/1

Anarek fell behind simply due to his shorter stride. He came in after some others, just in time to see bolts of flame flash past. The two fiends responsible stoke his ire. Yet, the canny dwarf does not like the lack of their prey. It smelled of a trap. "Be watchful! Our true foe is likely hidden in this lair."

The abjurer launched into the air, conjuring a ghostly, skeletal claw around one of the devils.

Chill Touch Ranged attack: [roll0]. If it hits, damage is [roll1] necrotic. Crit: 22+27= 49 necrotic.

Moved 5' into the room and 20' into the air.

2019-02-11, 10:09 AM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 160/160 | Ward: 37/37 | AC: 17 | Init: +2 (Advantage) | PP: 11 | Slots 4/3/3/3/2/1/1/1


Vegan Squirrel
2019-02-11, 10:13 AM
Starlana Naïlo—"The Spy of Shoatan" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 16 Wood Elf Valor Bard | HP: 176/176 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Deception +14, Perception +12, Stealth +13.
Proficient: Insight +7, Investigation +6 Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

+2 Longbow +10 for 1d8+7 magical piercing damage (600 ft.)
+1 Rapier +9 for 1d8+4 magical piercing damage
Silvered Dagger +8 for 1d4+3 silvered piercing damage (60 ft.)
Extra Attack, Battle Magic, Sharpshooter
Spell Attack +9 | Spell Save DC 17 Spellbook (https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTw-ArVlq0tVO2OKZ9TuAckxpKpw3c8okjr_2SJrp76FQ9d12RhT4t p_9bfSsXxh81plkwmUjGaY2lm/pub)
Spell Slots: 1st 3/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 1/1 - 8th 1/1
Bardic Inspiration: 3/4 | HD: 16/16 | Luck Points: 3/3 | Winged Boots: 240/240 minutes
Active Spells: N/A | Conditions: N/A

Starlana quickly assesses the situation and determines that weakening the devils' potency is the best course of action. She slips around the gateway's frame to take a defensive position, drawing her spell components and chanting an incantation at the same time. Her incantation resonates in the cavern, as she directs its energy at the barbed devils. Then she looses an arrow at one of the devils.

Movement: Starlana moves to G6, using the gateway frame for cover.
Action: Starlana casts Bane, targeting both of the devils. DC 17 Charisma saves, -1d4 to attacks and saves if they fail. Duration 1 min. (concentration).
Bonus Action: Starlana shoots BD 1.
[roll0] (includes -5 from sharpshooter)
[roll1] (includes +10 from sharpshooter)

2019-02-11, 10:32 AM
The devil on the right takes the necrotic chilled touch painfully and his screams echo the cavern. He is surprised to find the necrotic touch not coming from his master but another source.

The other devil dodges the arrow coming his way from Starlana. He thinks himself swift but strangly begins to feel a weird effect wash over him. His reflexes seem to dull and his aim worsened.

BD 1 Charisma Save: [roll0]VS DC 17 - FAIL
BD 2 Charisma Save: [roll1]VS DC 17 - PASS

2019-02-11, 11:21 AM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 16 Ranger | HP: 192/192 | AC: 19 | PP: 19 | Concentration: Protection from Evil and Good

As soon as the group gets through the gate they are dodging fireballs hurled from a couple of bearded devils. Colton struggles to catch a breath in the intense heat, and his eyes sting at the smoke and ash in the air. He tracks Anarek's spell and takes aim at the same fiend the dwarf had struck with a spectral hand, before the venator moves swiftly behind cover of the gate frame.

@DM: Fiends have Disadvantage to attack Colton, as per Protection from Evil and Good. So the Bearded Devil needs to roll a second attack roll against him and take the lower roll :smallamused:. In case the attack still hits, I'll roll a Concentration check here - [roll0]

Bonus Action - Designate BD2 as Prey
Action - Attack BD2
Attack - [roll1]
Damage - [roll2]
Extra Attack - [roll3]
Damage - [roll4]
Slayer's Prey - [roll5]
Move Action - Move to L4

2019-02-11, 11:47 AM
The Barbed Devil to the right isn't as swift has his companion and takes two arrows to his chest. He staggers a bit but presses on, clearly winded.

Orsik Vondal
2019-02-11, 02:15 PM
Battlemage Grufford Cartwright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1759626)

AC: 10/16 (mage armor)
HP: 135/135
PP: 12
Speed: 40'
Initiative: +8
Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Primordial
Active Conditions or Buffs: mage armor, 19 STR --> Gauntlets of Ogre Power, attackers have disadvantage to hit until Gruff is hit (resets at the start of next turn --> Cloak of Displacement)





Attacks and Actions:

Quarterstaff Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+4. Critical +3d6
Booming Blade Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+d8+4
Toll the Dead DC 18 Wis Save. Dmg: 3d8 (max hp)/3d12
Wand of Magic Missile: 7 charges. 3x 1d4+1 force damage per charge expended
Arcane Deflection: when hit by an attack or fail a saving throw, use reaction to gain +2 bonus to AC or +4 to the saving throw. Can only cast cantrips until end of next turn. Up to 3 creatures you can see within 60 ft. take 8 force damage.
Counterspell: reaction to cancel a spell being cast by a creature you can see. Auto-cancels 3rd lvl or lower. 4th lvl or higher requires DC 10 + spell's lvl INT check.
Power Surge: Gain surges when you end an effect with dispel magic or counterspell up to a max of 5. Once per turn you can expend a surge to deal an extra 8 force damage to a hit target.

Spells marked with "<" are prepared. Can prepare 23 spells per long rest.

Toll the Dead
Booming Blade
Sword Burst
True Strike

Catapult <
Detect Magic
Find Familiar
Fog Cloud
Mage Armor <(always)
Magic Missile <
Protection from Evil and Good <

Dust Devil <
Mirror Image <
See Invisibility
Web <

Counterspell <(always)
Dispel Magic <
Magic Circle <

Conjure Minor Elementals <
Dimension Door <
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
Polymorph <
Sickening Radiance <

Animate Objects <
Bigby's Hand <
Conjure Elemental <
Hold Monster
Legend Lore
Steel Wind Strike <
Teleportation Circle

Disintegrate <
Globe of Invulnerability
Sunbeam <
Tenser's Transformation <
True Seeing

Mordenkainen's Sword <
Plane Shift

Demiplane <
Dominate Monster

Strength: athletics +4
Dexterity: acrobatics +3, sleight of hand +3, stealth +3
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/religion +10, nature +5
Wisdom: insight +7, animal handling/medicine/perception/survival +2,
Charisma: deception/intimidation/performance/persuasion +1

Gauntlets of Ogre Power (19 STR)
Broom of Flying (fly 50)
Cloak of Displacement
Wand of the War Mage +2
Wand of Magic Missiles
Vicious Quarterstaff
small knife, spellbook, spell scrolls (2x detect magic, identify, protection from evil and good, invisibility, dispel magic, 2x banishment, 2x steel wind strike, conjure elemental, sunbeam)

Grufford dodges the bards shot at him from the disgusting devil and charges the both of them after his companions have softened them up. As he nears the despicable creatures the thrill rises in him. He slides to a stop and throws his arms out in a sweeping gesture. Spectral blades materialize in the air around him and spin in a halo of death.

After a moment the blades dissipate and the devils are left with an eager-eyed battlemage wielding a staff in one hand and giving them the bird with the other.

Move to: J10
Action: cast Sword Burst BD1 and BD2 must succeed on a DC 18 Dex save or take [roll0] force damage
Bonus Action: Give 'em the finger!

Barbarian MD
2019-02-12, 01:25 AM
Funda "Badger" Turen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1758086)

AC 20.
HP 256/256
PP:17. Darkvision 60'.
Speed: 35'. Spider Climb. Water Walking.
Initiative:+3 (Adv).
Languages: All (Helm).
Immunities: surprise (by entering rage)
Active Conditions or Buffs: none



S:+10 (adv).
D:+3 (adv if visible)

Int:+2 (adv magic)
W:+7 (adv magic)
Ch:+1 (adv magic)


+1 Radiant Battleaxe Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6. Critical 4d8+6.
+1 Battleaxe (TWF bonus) Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6.
+1 Longbow Atk: +9. Dmg: d8+4.
Bonus action during your move to pass through the space of a Large or smaller creature. That creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength bonus + your proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone and take bludgeoning damage equal to 1d12 + your Strength modifier.
Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.

Rages Used: 1/5. Round: 1/10.

Rage damage: +4
If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic

Potions of Healing: 2
Potions of Greater Healing: 4

Cantrip: Minor Illusion
Gnome: Speak with small animals
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Strength (advantage): athletics +10
Dexterity: acrobatics +8, sleight of hand +3, stealth +8
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/nature/religion +2
Wisdom: animal handling/insight/medicine +2, perception/survival +7
Charisma: intimidation +6, deception/performance/persuasion +1

Badger literally laughs at the pathetic fire the fiends conjure, running straight through it like the boss that he is.

The sweet sweet song of his axes can be heard throughout the chamber as he hacks away at the least obviously wounded of their foes, dancing underfoot and generally making a nuisance of himself.

Take 0 damage

Move: to whichever fiend looks less damaged. K11

Reckless attack: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.

+1 Radiant Battleaxe (Radiant/Magical/Slashing)
Attack 1: [roll0]
Advantage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3]
Advantage: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

+1 Battleaxe (Magical/Slashing)
Attack 3: [roll6]
Advantage: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

Crit damage, if applicable: [roll9]

By the way: how tall are these ceilings?

2019-02-12, 09:02 AM
Badger swings around Grufford and momentarily distracts the Barbed Devil with his quick movements. He runs around the fiend until he is behind it and in-between the two. One would think he put himself in a bad position, but it just may be the other way around for these fiends!

Relentlessly he swings his axe. Chopping at each any every body part of the Barbed Devil in sight! Landing three blows and leaving multiple gashes across it's body.

Round 2
Enemies Turn!

With a deadly foe within reach the two Barbed Devils unleash their tail and claws onto the eager gnome.

Barbed Devil 1 (Suffering from Bane)
Movement: None
Action: Multiattack - One Tail and Two Claw Attacks. - All Targeting Badger!
- Tail: Melee Weapon Attack w/Advantage [roll0] - [roll1] (8) OR [roll2] - [roll3] (11) vs AC 20 - If Hit = [roll4] piercing damage!
- Claw 1: Melee Weapon Attack w/Advantage [roll5] - [roll6] (15) OR [roll7] - [roll8] (16) vs AC 20 - If Hit = [roll9] piercing damage!
- Claw 2: Melee Weapon Attack w/Advantage [roll10] - [roll11] (25) OR [roll12] - [roll13] (15) vs AC 20 - CRIT = [roll14] + 4 (Crit) = 8 piercing damage!

Barbed Devil 2
Movement: None
Action: Multiattack - One Tail and Two Claw Attacks. - All Targeting Badger!
- Tail: Melee Weapon Attack w/Advantage [roll15] or [roll16] vs AC 20 - If Hit = [roll17] piercing damage!
- Claw 1: Melee Weapon Attack w/Advantage [roll18] or [roll19] vs AC 20 - If Hit = [roll20] piercing damage!
- Claw 2: Melee Weapon Attack w/Advantage [roll21] or [roll22] vs AC 20 - If Hit = [roll23] piercing damage!

Players Turn!

Map Link (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q34D7052fniqqFWTZYfttDckhDSyFoE9YXlMk3xDP9c/edit?usp=drivesdk)

Barbarian MD
2019-02-12, 09:16 AM
Funda "Badger" Turen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1758086)

AC 20.
HP 245/256
PP:17. Darkvision 60'.
Speed: 35'. Spider Climb. Water Walking.
Initiative:+3 (Adv).
Languages: All (Helm).
Immunities: surprise (by entering rage)
Active Conditions or Buffs: none



S:+10 (adv).
D:+3 (adv if visible)

Int:+2 (adv magic)
W:+7 (adv magic)
Ch:+1 (adv magic)


+1 Radiant Battleaxe Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6. Critical 4d8+6.
+1 Battleaxe (TWF bonus) Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6.
+1 Longbow Atk: +9. Dmg: d8+4.
Bonus action during your move to pass through the space of a Large or smaller creature. That creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength bonus + your proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone and take bludgeoning damage equal to 1d12 + your Strength modifier.
Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.

Rages Used: 1/5. Round: 2/10.

Rage damage: +4
If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic

Potions of Healing: 2
Potions of Greater Healing: 4

Cantrip: Minor Illusion
Gnome: Speak with small animals
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Strength (advantage): athletics +10
Dexterity: acrobatics +8, sleight of hand +3, stealth +8
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/nature/religion +2
Wisdom: animal handling/insight/medicine +2, perception/survival +7
Charisma: intimidation +6, deception/performance/persuasion +1

Tails and claws whirl and rip in a frenzy, with the little gnome at the center. They stop, as the fiends look to see how much destruction they have wrought.

Badger stands still for a moment. A small trickle of blood slides down from a scratch on his cheek.

There is a long silence, and then the berserker starts to chuckle. A low, menacing growl of a laugh.

"My turn."

Take 11 damage.

Move: no

Attack same fiend as before.

Reckless attack: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.

+1 Radiant Battleaxe (Radiant/Magical/Slashing)
Attack 1: [roll0]
Advantage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3]
Advantage: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

+1 Battleaxe (Magical/Slashing)
Attack 3: [roll6]
Advantage: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

Crit damage, if applicable: [roll9]

2019-02-12, 09:41 AM
Badger unleashes another flurry of axe swings, landing each and every single one! The Barbed Devil reflexively brings up it's tail to defend itself not realizing it's mistake. In one quick slash it's gone, chopped off by the gnomes axe!

The Barbed Devil is still standing, though bleeding heavily.

2019-02-12, 09:59 AM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 160/160 | Ward: 37/37 | AC: 17 | Init: +2 (Advantage) | PP: 11 | Slots 4/3/3/3/2/1/1/1

Seeing the battlemage and barbarian wade into the fray, Anarek switched tactics to avoid striking an ally. He intoned words of mortality and decay, and the peal of bells answered around the tailless devil.

Cast Toll the Dead on BD1: Roll Wis Save vs DC18 or take [roll0] necrotic damage.

Move: Fly to H9 at same height.

2019-02-12, 10:18 AM
Anarek flies forward and reaches out towards the devil. It begins hearing death bells within it's mind. Looking around frantically the devil begins to reel back in anguish until it collapses onto the floor, twisted and bent like a dead spider.

[roll0] - [roll]1d4/roll] = vs DC 18 - FAIL Target takes 23 necrotic damage.

Barbarian MD
2019-02-12, 10:20 AM
Badger looks over at Anarek.

"Hey! Get your own!"

2019-02-12, 10:41 AM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 160/160 | Ward: 37/37 | AC: 17 | Init: +2 (Advantage) | PP: 11 | Slots 4/3/3/3/2/1/1/1

The dwarf laughs, invigorated by the heat as if within the mouth of a forge. "It seems I have claimed mine. You need to find another!"

2019-02-12, 01:42 PM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 16 Ranger | HP: 192/192 | AC: 19 | PP: 19 | Concentration: Protection from Evil and Good

Colton steps out from behind the gate frame and looses two more arrows at his prey, before vanishing behind cover once again.

Move to N5
Action - Attack BD2
Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Extra Attack - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]
Slayer's Prey - [roll4]
Move to L4
Bonus Action - Hide [roll5]

2019-02-12, 01:51 PM
With two swift arrows the Barbed Devil is knocked off it's feet, dead.

Combat is over and within the minute the gate behind you shuts, sealing your exit. You look forward, past where the two devils were and see a small hallway of ashen rock. Even further past that you can feel the immense heat of volcanic activity. You feel as though you would not want to waste time when moving forward as the temperature can be quick to exhaust you.

A stonework bridge lies in the distance.

2019-02-12, 02:08 PM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 160/160 | Ward: 37/37 | AC: 17 | Init: +2 (Advantage) | PP: 11 | Slots 4/3/3/3/2/1/1/1

Anarek was no foreigner to the power and dangers of heat. He made the note to watch the others carefully. "My guess is the Magistrate was off the mark. Bael lurks deeper, but if he is half as clever as noted, he will wear us down with the terrain alone. Stay vigiliant."

The dwarf flies deeper, careful not to stray too high where the heat collects.


2019-02-12, 03:11 PM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 16 Ranger | HP: 192/192 | AC: 19 | PP: 19

Colton keeps an arrow trained on the bearded devil until he's certain it is dead. Is everyone okay? He jogs towards the fiendish corpses and searches both for anything useful. Anarek flies further in, My guess is the Magistrate was off the mark. Bael lurks deeper, but if he is half as clever as noted, he will wear us down with the terrain alone. Stay vigiliant.

Colton sets his face in a grim countenance, We should speak about the magistrate's... methods, once we are finished here. Give me one moment Anarek, I can sense where the devils are. Colton meditates briefly, feeling out with his Venator senses where the fiends are ahead of them.


You can attune your senses to determine if any of your favored enemies lurk nearby. By spending 1 uninterrupted minute in concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell), you can sense whether any of your favored enemies are present within 5 miles of you. This feature reveals which of your favored enemies are present, their numbers, and the creatures' general direction and distance (in miles) from you.

If there are multiple groups of your favored enemies within range, you learn this information for each group.

2019-02-12, 05:28 PM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 160/160 | Ward: 37/37 | AC: 17 | Init: +2 (Advantage) | PP: 11 | Slots 4/3/3/3/2/1/1/1

The dwarf nodded as he hovered, watching vigilantly into the inferno. "Aye, agreed. You might be able to collect these vermin," Anarek answered. His unease at not seeing the archfiend was evident in his wariness.

Barbarian MD
2019-02-12, 06:25 PM
Badger gleefully sets about searching the two corpses for loot!

2019-02-13, 08:51 AM
Moving forward Anarek heads into the tunnel and peers out. The cavern opens up wide with the open sky of hell above, a dark reddish hue full of smoke fills it. Straight ahead he sees a stonework bridge in disrepair that appears to be the only pathway to travel past a river of lava. The heat from it almost blows him backwards but his magical boots keep him steady in place. In the distance he can almost make out a structure but it is hard to see past the smoke.

Badger and Colton do a quick check of the body but find little. A few pieces of gold are all that the barbed devils held. (45 gp)

Colton steps forward towards the tunnels entrance and feels out for his prey. He discerns that within a quarter mile three fiends are ahead, across the river of lava.

2019-02-13, 11:23 AM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 16 Ranger | HP: 192/192 | AC: 19 | PP: 19

Colton regards the coins in his hand, I dare not think how these devils came across these coins. He puts them in his belt pouch with the intent to split the gold with the group when they return to the Prime. There are three fiends up ahead, not that far. I do not sense any others, so either Bael is outside the range of my senses, which would put him over a league away from us, or we are coming up on him now.

Vegan Squirrel
2019-02-13, 11:55 AM
Starlana Naïlo—"The Spy of Shoatan" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 16 Wood Elf Valor Bard | HP: 176/176 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Deception +14, Perception +12, Stealth +13.
Proficient: Insight +7, Investigation +6 Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

+2 Longbow +10 for 1d8+7 magical piercing damage (600 ft.)
+1 Rapier +9 for 1d8+4 magical piercing damage
Silvered Dagger +8 for 1d4+3 silvered piercing damage (60 ft.)
Extra Attack, Battle Magic, Sharpshooter
Spell Attack +9 | Spell Save DC 17 Spellbook (https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTw-ArVlq0tVO2OKZ9TuAckxpKpw3c8okjr_2SJrp76FQ9d12RhT4t p_9bfSsXxh81plkwmUjGaY2lm/pub)
Spell Slots: 1st 3/4 - 2nd 3/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 1/1 - 8th 1/1
Bardic Inspiration: 3/4 | HD: 16/16 | Luck Points: 3/3 | Winged Boots: 240/240 minutes
Active Spells: N/A | Conditions: N/A

"I suppose we should proceed with caution. Anarek and I have flying boots... does anyone else have a means of crossing the lava, should this bridge not hold?" She muses upon whether they could anchor ropes on each side tautly enough to carry everyone's weight.

Forgive my slow posting this week; it's a busy one. In case everyone's ready to move forward and I'm not responding, we can use Starlana's 500 ft. of silk rope to aid us (with a flight-capable person crossing first to create "hand-rails" as a safety). If that seems unlikely to work, she can cast Polymorph or Dimension Door as well.

2019-02-13, 04:47 PM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 160/160 | Ward: 37/37 | AC: 17 | Init: +2 (Advantage) | PP: 11 | Slots 4/3/3/3/2/1/1/1

Anarek studied the hazardous bridge, weighing the options for those who could not fly. "At the very least, I could form a wall of force or ferry ye across via arcane means," he muttered into his beard.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] Edit: It duplicated this roll instead of providing my investigation roll. Invest in OOC Thread.

Orsik Vondal
2019-02-13, 07:53 PM
Battlemage Grufford Cartwright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1759626)

AC: 10/16 (mage armor)
HP: 135/135
PP: 12
Speed: 40'
Initiative: +8
Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Primordial
Active Conditions or Buffs: mage armor, 19 STR --> Gauntlets of Ogre Power, attackers have disadvantage to hit until Gruff is hit (resets at the start of next turn --> Cloak of Displacement)





Attacks and Actions:

Quarterstaff Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+4. Critical +3d6
Booming Blade Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+d8+4
Toll the Dead DC 18 Wis Save. Dmg: 3d8 (max hp)/3d12
Wand of Magic Missile: 7 charges. 3x 1d4+1 force damage per charge expended
Arcane Deflection: when hit by an attack or fail a saving throw, use reaction to gain +2 bonus to AC or +4 to the saving throw. Can only cast cantrips until end of next turn. Up to 3 creatures you can see within 60 ft. take 8 force damage.
Counterspell: reaction to cancel a spell being cast by a creature you can see. Auto-cancels 3rd lvl or lower. 4th lvl or higher requires DC 10 + spell's lvl INT check.
Power Surge: Gain surges when you end an effect with dispel magic or counterspell up to a max of 5. Once per turn you can expend a surge to deal an extra 8 force damage to a hit target.

Spells marked with "<" are prepared. Can prepare 23 spells per long rest.

Toll the Dead
Booming Blade
Sword Burst
True Strike

Catapult <
Detect Magic
Find Familiar
Fog Cloud
Mage Armor <(always)
Magic Missile <
Protection from Evil and Good <

Dust Devil <
Mirror Image <
See Invisibility
Web <

Counterspell <(always)
Dispel Magic <
Magic Circle <

Conjure Minor Elementals <
Dimension Door <
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
Polymorph <
Sickening Radiance <

Animate Objects <
Bigby's Hand <
Conjure Elemental <
Hold Monster
Legend Lore
Steel Wind Strike <
Teleportation Circle

Disintegrate <
Globe of Invulnerability
Sunbeam <
Tenser's Transformation <
True Seeing

Mordenkainen's Sword <
Plane Shift

Demiplane <
Dominate Monster

Strength: athletics +4
Dexterity: acrobatics +3, sleight of hand +3, stealth +3
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/religion +10, nature +5
Wisdom: insight +7, animal handling/medicine/perception/survival +2,
Charisma: deception/intimidation/performance/persuasion +1

Gauntlets of Ogre Power (19 STR)
Broom of Flying (fly 50)
Cloak of Displacement
Wand of the War Mage +2
Wand of Magic Missiles
Vicious Quarterstaff
small knife, spellbook, spell scrolls (2x detect magic, identify, protection from evil and good, invisibility, dispel magic, 2x banishment, 2x steel wind strike, conjure elemental, sunbeam)

Grufford immediately begins casting a protection spell, holding it in reserve for when the real fight with Bael happens. As the others move forward he wipes sweat from his brow and follows. As they reach the broken bridge he reaches into his bag and pull out a sleek-looking broom with rigid stirrups and hand holds. He mounts the broom and begins to glide forward.

"Bael, better be up ahead. I don't want to have to wade through a legion of fiends just to get to his front gate. I was under the impression the Magistrate was sending us, and I quote, 'right into combat with the devil.' Apparently, his aim was off. I also agree that this all is starting to seem a bit off. We should be on our toes when we return."

Barbarian MD
2019-02-14, 02:32 AM
Badger takes a swig from a waterskin before spaking up. "It's a f-ing bridge, isn't it?" He steps right up to it, one foot on, one foot off, dancing back and forth.

"I'm on the bridge. I'm off the bridge. On. Off. On. Off. Let's go," he says, as he boldly crosses the bridge without delay.

2019-02-14, 09:07 AM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 16 Ranger | HP: 192/192 | AC: 19 | PP: 19 | Concentration: Protection from Evil and Good

Colton stands by as Anarek inspects the bridge, I have no means other than my own two legs to get across. He keeps watch with an arrow knocked to his bow. Though he senses the fiends are still across the river, they have the power to teleport, and the bridge would be a strategic location to ambush Colton and the others.

2019-02-26, 09:19 AM
One by one you make your way across the chasm, feeling a heat like never before. As you are crossing you can feel the sweat drip down your face, watching the droplets fall downward. They evaporates into the air before even making it all the way down to the lava below.

Roll me a DC 15 Constitution Saving Throw.
Pass - Yay you can take on intense heat!
Fail - Take one level of exhaustion :smallfrown:
Once across you take a moment to catch your breath, but your moment of respite is short lived. The smoke and smog before you passes by with kick up of wind and the ruins of an old stonework structure appear. The structure lies around 45 ft away. Sitting inside what appears to be a circular room with pillars for walls and a ceiling that exists no more, is a large horned fiend. Similar to a minotaur yet exaggerated in features. Standing closer to the entrance to this room are two more barbed devils, like how you fought prior.

Bael rise from his seat, beckoning you all to come closer. He hefts a heavy mace and rests it easily on his shoulder, a smirk on his lips. He, nor the devils, seem to have begun combat or appear overtly threatening yet. (OOC Note: Not calling for initiative yet.


Map Link (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q34D7052fniqqFWTZYfttDckhDSyFoE9YXlMk3xDP9c/edit#gid=0)

Barbarian MD
2019-02-26, 09:40 AM
Funda "Badger" Turen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1758086)

AC 20.
HP 245/256
PP:17. Darkvision 60'.
Speed: 35'. Spider Climb. Water Walking.
Initiative:+3 (Adv).
Languages: All (Helm).
Immunities: surprise (by entering rage)
Active Conditions or Buffs: Rage. Ring of Necrotic Resistance.



S:+10 (adv).
D:+3 (adv if visible)

Int:+2 (adv magic)
W:+7 (adv magic)
Ch:+1 (adv magic)


+1 Radiant Battleaxe Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6. Critical 4d8+6.
+1 Battleaxe (TWF bonus) Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6.
+1 Longbow Atk: +9. Dmg: d8+4.
Bonus action during your move to pass through the space of a Large or smaller creature. That creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength bonus + your proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone and take bludgeoning damage equal to 1d12 + your Strength modifier.
Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.

Rages Used: 2/5. Round: 1/10.

Rage damage: +4
If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic

Potions of Healing: 2
Potions of Greater Healing: 4

Cantrip: Minor Illusion
Gnome: Speak with small animals
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Strength (advantage): athletics +10
Dexterity: acrobatics +8, sleight of hand +3, stealth +8
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/nature/religion +2
Wisdom: animal handling/insight/medicine +2, perception/survival +7
Charisma: intimidation +6, deception/performance/persuasion +1

Badger advances on the devils, not even breaking a sweat as the intense heat roils the landscape. He casually swings both his axes and crosses them in salute as he smiles at Bael.

Con save: [roll0]

Advance down column J as far as they allow before initiative is rolled.

Rage! Round 1/10

2019-02-26, 09:56 AM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 16 Ranger | HP: 192/192 | AC: 19 | PP: 19 Condition: Exhaustion (1)

Colton can feel the presence of the fiends grow stronger as they traverse through the blazing hellscape. Once across the bridge, Bael, awaits them on his throne, a massive weapon resting on his shoulder. He is flanked by two barbed devils. Colton tries to draw in a full breath but the air is too hot and stuffy. Despite his training, the heat is wearing on his body. Let's make this quick, he mutters to himself. As if in reply, the gnome badger runs forward on his own, Madman!

2019-02-26, 10:18 AM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 160/160 | Ward: 37/37 | AC: 17 | Init: +2 (Advantage) | PP: 11 | Slots 4/3/3/3/2/1/1/1

Anarek sailed forward wary of a trap. He watched over his companions, seeming some of them flag in the heat. He knew time was on the archfiend's side in a long fight. He called out to the devil, halting midair before entering the circle of pillars that demarcated Bael's lair. "Come, now, fiend. A warrior does not fight from his larder! Come out from under your mother Tiamat's aprons and join the fray!"


2019-02-26, 11:38 AM
Feeling the heat intensify some of the party begin to feel tired from their recent fight in this heat. Crossing the bridge over a chasm of lava did little help and left almost half the party a bit exhausted already.

Seeing Bael at last sparks an intensity within Badger. He strides forward in a calm yet determined demeanor. He is ready to shed some more blood and nothing will stop him.

Tailing behind and above is Anarek. He does a quick once over of his friends, noticing the weariness growing on their faces. Getting closer to the stone structure he stops to inspect the area while calling out to Bael.
"Come, now, fiend. A warrior does not fight from his larder! Come out from under your mother Tiamat's aprons and join the fray!" As he speaks Anareks eyes dart back and forth, looking for anything out of the ordinary.
Bael watches with a smile on his face, "Why would I come to you when..." He stops and looks at Badger stepping ever closer. Anarek's eyes look down towards Badger and that's when he finally see's it. A nearly invisible glyph on the stonework ground just at the entrance. Before he could warn the eager gnome Badger steps onto the glyph, triggering the symbol!

A glow of dim light fills the cavern and open air, extending outward 60 from the point that Badger stepped on. Everyone within it feels a hold come over their body, they must fight to regain movement!

I am going to need Wisdom saves from everyone!

Symbol - Stunning [Point of Origin I33, Extends 60 ft radius] SAVE DC 21
- "Once triggered, the glyph glows, filling a 60-foot-radius sphere with dim light for 10 minutes, after which time the spell ends. Each creature in the sphere when the glyph activates is targeted by its effect, as is a creature that enters the sphere for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there."
- Each target must make a Wisdom saving throw and becomes stunned for 1 minute on a failed save.

To put it plainly, Until the 10 minutes elapse or it is dispelled I will need Wis saves from you if:
- are in the area when it activates
- enter the area for the first time on any turn
- are in the area at the end of your turn.

WIS save DC 21 - FAIL = Stunned for 1 Minute

Bael Save w/ Advantage: [roll0] OR [roll1] VS DC 21 <---- Will use his Legendary Resistance and PASS instead.
BD 1 Save w/ Advantage: [roll2] OR [roll3] VS DC 21 - FAIL
BD 2 Save w/ Advantage: [roll4] OR [roll5] VS DC 21 - FAIL

Bael Legendary Resistance Used 1/3

Bael: [roll6]
BD 1: [roll7]
BD 2: [roll8]

Map Link (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q34D7052fniqqFWTZYfttDckhDSyFoE9YXlMk3xDP9c/edit#gid=0)

2019-02-26, 11:52 AM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 16 Ranger | HP: 192/192 | AC: 19 | PP: 19 | Concentration: Protection from Evil and Good | Condition: Exhaustion (1)

Colton grimaces as a symbol, utterly profane and corrupt, appears where Badger had stepped. It wracks Colton's mind, but his will is strong, tempered by years of training and dedication. He will withstand the obscene mark and refuse to let it corrupt his mind and soul.

Will Saving Throw w/Advantage (Greater Favored Enemy) - [roll0], [roll1]
Initiative (Disadvantage from Exhaustion is canceled by Advantage from Natural Explorer) - [roll2]

2019-02-26, 12:02 PM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 160/160 | Ward: 37/37 | AC: 17 | Init: +2 (Advantage) | PP: 11 | Slots 4/3/3/3/2/1/1/1

Anarek curses the blithe bumbling of feral gnomes. "Stop steppin' in Dispater's piles of septic larvae!"

His mind countered the impulse to freeze under the devil's arcane trap. The abjurer quickly assessed whether his colleagues fell under the paralytic attack.

Initiative (Adv): [roll0] [roll1]

2019-02-28, 09:28 AM
Colton: 25
Grufford: 23
Starlana: 22
Anarek: 22
Bael: 19
Barbed Devil 1: 18
Barbed Devil 2: 17
Badger: 15

Grouped Initiative Order:
Party: Anarek, Badger, Colten, Grufford, Starlana <---- Any Order


Enemies: Bael, Barbed Devil 1 & 2

Round 1

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 20ft Up

Raging 1/10 + Stunned

Exhaustion Level 1

Exhaustion Level 1


Legendary Resistance 1/3

BD 1

BD 2

With the trap sprung a few members of the party are already taken out of combat! But to Baels disappointment his own devils failed to resist the effect. He shakes his head and looks onward towards the 3 members of the party still moving, "Fine, I'll do it myself"

Party Turn!
Map Link (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q34D7052fniqqFWTZYfttDckhDSyFoE9YXlMk3xDP9c/edit#gid=0)

2019-02-28, 06:22 PM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 160/160 | Ward: 37/37 | AC: 17 | Init: +2 (Advantage) | PP: 11 | Slots 4/3/23/3/2/1/1/1

Anarek noted the devils and his party freeze. He turned to the bard and shouted, "This infernal ruin is full of enough silence. Why not brighten it up!"

He chanted dwarvish words of undoing and resilience. As he did, he held in his mind the mirth found in the feast the night before, channeling that unyielding fighting spirit into his spell.

Dispel check (Adv): [roll0], [roll1]

Wis Save (if needed): [roll2], [roll3]

Orsik Vondal
2019-02-28, 11:00 PM
Battlemage Grufford Cartwright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1759626)

AC: 10/16 (mage armor)
HP: 135/135
PP: 12
Speed: 40'
Initiative: +8
Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Primordial
Active Conditions or Buffs: mage armor, 19 STR --> Gauntlets of Ogre Power, attackers have disadvantage to hit until Gruff is hit (resets at the start of next turn --> Cloak of Displacement)





Attacks and Actions:

Quarterstaff Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+4. Critical +3d6
Booming Blade Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+d8+4
Toll the Dead DC 18 Wis Save. Dmg: 3d8 (max hp)/3d12
Wand of Magic Missile: 7 charges. 3x 1d4+1 force damage per charge expended
Arcane Deflection: when hit by an attack or fail a saving throw, use reaction to gain +2 bonus to AC or +4 to the saving throw. Can only cast cantrips until end of next turn. Up to 3 creatures you can see within 60 ft. take 8 force damage.
Counterspell: reaction to cancel a spell being cast by a creature you can see. Auto-cancels 3rd lvl or lower. 4th lvl or higher requires DC 10 + spell's lvl INT check.
Power Surge: Gain surges when you end an effect with dispel magic or counterspell up to a max of 5. Once per turn you can expend a surge to deal an extra 8 force damage to a hit target.

Spells marked with "<" are prepared. Can prepare 23 spells per long rest.

Toll the Dead
Booming Blade
Sword Burst
True Strike

Catapult <
Detect Magic
Find Familiar
Fog Cloud
Mage Armor <(always)
Magic Missile <
Protection from Evil and Good <

Dust Devil <
Mirror Image <
See Invisibility
Web <

Counterspell <(always)
Dispel Magic <
Magic Circle <

Conjure Minor Elementals
Dimension Door <
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
Polymorph <
Sickening Radiance <

Animate Objects <
Bigby's Hand <
Conjure Elemental <
Hold Monster
Legend Lore
Steel Wind Strike <
Wall of Force <

Disintegrate <
Globe of Invulnerability
Sunbeam <
Tenser's Transformation <
True Seeing

Mordenkainen's Sword <
Plane Shift

Demiplane <
Dominate Monster

Strength: athletics +4
Dexterity: acrobatics +3, sleight of hand +3, stealth +3
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/religion +10, nature +5
Wisdom: insight +7, animal handling/medicine/perception/survival +2,
Charisma: deception/intimidation/performance/persuasion +1

Gauntlets of Ogre Power (19 STR)
Broom of Flying (fly 50)
Cloak of Displacement
Wand of the War Mage +2
Wand of Magic Missiles
Vicious Quarterstaff
small knife, spellbook, spell scrolls (2x detect magic, identify, protection from evil and good, invisibility, dispel magic, 2x banishment, 2x steel wind strike, conjure elemental, sunbeam)

Feeling the oppressive heat bearing down on him, Grufford is almost done in by the concussive blast that emanates from the glyph. But this was nothing new to the battle-hardened mage. This was his wheelhouse. Knowing he would only get one shot at dispelling this trap, Grufford summons all the arcane power he can muster in one disruptive blast and makes a tearing motion with his hands. He can feel the weave of the spell in his hands and strains to rip it apart.

With sweat dripping down his face Grufford rends the spell in twain. As the arcane forces seek release, he intakes a sharp breath. Out of the corner of Anarek's eye, the dwarf can faintly see what appears to be glittering dust stream from Grufford's wrenching hands into his nose and mouth. Grufford's eyes momentarily flash with silvery light, and he doubles over as if in pain. When he regains his stance there is a menacing grin on his face. He strides forward purposefully.

"Little imp. You may have flummoxed some of our companions, but we already took out Titivilus with half out party indisposed. I don't think you will pose a significant problem." With that he brandishes his staff, ready to strike if Bael came closer.

Move to H32
Action: cast dispel magic at 8th-level on the symbol
**if the symbol was cast at 9th-level**
[roll0] vs. DC 19

2019-03-01, 11:05 AM
Anarek focuses his magic, freeing Starlana from her stunned state. She blinks a few times, getting her bearings straight, nodding at Anarek in appreciation.

Grufford trudges forward closer to the glyph, all the while preparing his spell. He funnels his strongest magical abilities into his mind, letting forth a powerful dispel spell! The glyphs dim light grows brighter and brighter until it is almost blinding. Finally with a pop the light blinks out of existence, the glyph with it.
Badger can feel his limbs freed and his body flex's its control once again. Unfortunately everyone is quick to watch as the barbed devils that were stunned both begin moving again, ready to strike!

Round 1

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 20ft Up

Raging 1/10

Exhaustion Level 1

Exhaustion Level 1


Legendary Resistance 1/3

BD 1

BD 2

Badger, Colton, & Starlana left to go
Map Link (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q34D7052fniqqFWTZYfttDckhDSyFoE9YXlMk3xDP9c/edit#gid=0)

2019-03-01, 04:57 PM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 16 Ranger | HP: 192/192 | AC: 19 | PP: 19 | Concentration: Protection from Evil and Good | Condition: Exhausted

Anarek and Gruff weave together their spells, nullifying the magic in the air. The profane symbol winks out and Colton can feel the presence leave his mind. In an instant, he has drawn two arrows, nocked them, drawn, and loosed, and is on the move.

Bonus Action - Target Bael with Slayer's Prey
Action - Attack Bael
Attack 1 w/Advantage+Sharpshooter - [roll0], [roll1]
Damage - [roll2]
Extra Attack w/Advantage+Sharpshooter - [roll3], [roll4]
Damage - [roll5]
Slayer's Prey Damage - [roll6]

Barbarian MD
2019-03-02, 09:41 AM
Funda "Badger" Turen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1758086)

AC 20.
HP 256/256
PP:17. Darkvision 60'.
Speed: 35'. Spider Climb. Water Walking.
Initiative:+3 (Adv).
Languages: All (Helm).
Immunities: surprise (by entering rage)
Active Conditions or Buffs: none



S:+10 (adv).
D:+3 (adv if visible)

Int:+2 (adv magic)
W:+7 (adv magic)
Ch:+1 (adv magic)


+1 Radiant Battleaxe Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6. Critical 4d8+6.
+1 Battleaxe (TWF bonus) Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6.
+1 Longbow Atk: +9. Dmg: d8+4.
Bonus action during your move to pass through the space of a Large or smaller creature. That creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength bonus + your proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone and take bludgeoning damage equal to 1d12 + your Strength modifier.
Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.

Rages Used: 1/5. Round: 2/10.

Rage damage: +4
If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic

Potions of Healing: 2
Potions of Greater Healing: 4

Cantrip: Minor Illusion
Gnome: Speak with small animals
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Strength (advantage): athletics +10
Dexterity: acrobatics +8, sleight of hand +3, stealth +8
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/nature/religion +2
Wisdom: animal handling/insight/medicine +2, perception/survival +7
Charisma: intimidation +6, deception/performance/persuasion +1

Badger shakes off the effects of the infernal magics, completely oblivious that any of the last six seconds have occurred. The smile is still on his face, and he starts to move more quickly now, running straight for the big [expletive deleted]. He dashes between his legs and starts hacking away at his ankles.

*Maniacal screaming*

Move: I38

Bonus action during your move to pass through the space of a Large or smaller creature. That creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength bonus + your proficiency bonus) (DC 18) or be knocked prone and take bludgeoning damage equal to [roll0]

+1 Radiant Battleaxe (Radiant/Magical/Slashing)
Attack 1: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Crit damage, if applicable: [roll5]

2019-03-04, 09:15 AM
Round 1

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 20ft Up

Raging 1/10

Exhaustion Level 1

Exhaustion Level 1


Legendary Resistance 1/3

BD 1

BD 2

With swift precision two arrows fly past everyone and straight into Baels chest. He roars in pain but laughs it off in enjoyment. "Finally a good fight!"
Within a second Badger is on him hacking away at the fiend, nailing a solid blow followed by another!

With a gleam in his eye Badger finally has his prey within sights, on the ground and ready to slaughter! But in the blink of that very same eye Bael is gone from Badgers sights. Instead he is quickly spotted to be standing in front of the bridge, behind Colton and next to Starlana!

Legendary Action 1/3: Teleport - H+I 38+39 TO I+J 24+25

Starlana left to go
Map Link (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q34D7052fniqqFWTZYfttDckhDSyFoE9YXlMk3xDP9c/edit#gid=0)

2019-03-04, 09:40 AM
Starlana Naïlo—wood elf valor bard (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 16 Wood Elf Valor Bard | HP: 176/176 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Deception +14, Perception +12, Stealth +13.
Proficient: Insight +7, Investigation +6 Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

+2 Longbow +10 for 1d8+7 magical piercing damage (600 ft.)
+1 Rapier +9 for 1d8+4 magical piercing damage
Silvered Dagger +8 for 1d4+3 silvered piercing damage (60 ft.)
Extra Attack, Battle Magic, Sharpshooter

Spell Attack +9 | Spell Save DC 17 Spellbook
Spell Slots: 1st 3/4 - 2nd 2/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 1/1 - 8th 1/1
Bardic Inspiration: 3/4 | HD: 16/16 | Luck Points: 3/3 | Winged Boots: 240/240 minutes
Active Spells: N/A | Conditions: N/A

At the appearance of the fiend, the bard shouts an arcane phrase and vanishes in a silvery mist. Moments later a dart sailed through the dissipating fog straight toward Bael.

Bonus Action: Misty Step
Action: +2 Longbow attack at Bael. for [roll]1d8+7 damage if a hit. (Crit if necessary: [roll1] ) Edit: Accidentally dropped the bracket on the damage roll. We can use the crit roll (since it wasn't a crit) and add +7 to make it 15 damage. Or I can re-roll in the OOC thread.
Move: Move down along the pillars to hunker down by the second pillar on the rightside of the ruins (From the throne's perspective). I cannot access the spread sheet from my work computer, but I will take a stab at the location. ~K 34?

2019-03-04, 10:21 AM
Round 1

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 20ft Up

Raging 1/10

Exhaustion Level 1

Exhaustion Level 1


Legendary Resistance 1/3 + Prone

BD 1

BD 2

Starlana swiftly moves away and gets an arrow lodged into Baels thigh!

Legendary Action 2/3: Awaken Greed - A second Bael appears in I+J 31+32

Map Link (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q34D7052fniqqFWTZYfttDckhDSyFoE9YXlMk3xDP9c/edit#gid=0)

2019-03-04, 11:44 AM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 160/160 | Ward: 37/37 | AC: 17 | Init: +2 (Advantage) | PP: 11 | Slots 4/3/13/3/2/1/1/1

Anarek noted Bael vanish. He scanned for the fiend only in time to see the tell-tale mist of Starlana vanishing. Bael began to chant after an arrow sprouted in his thigh. The dwarf spoke the swift words of spell-rending in an effort to sever his magic.

Counterspell check (if spell is above 3rd level): [roll0]

2019-03-04, 12:49 PM
Round 1

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 20ft Up

Raging 1/10

Exhaustion Level 1

Exhaustion Level 1


Legendary Resistance 1/3 + Concentrating

BD 1

BD 2


Anarek is quick to counter the spell that Bael attempted to cast, eliciting a growl from the fiend....

With a devilish like appetite the Barbed Devils move upon Badger, clawing away at his exposed flesh and stabbing down with their tails!

Barbed Devil 1
Movement: Move to H36
Action: Multiattack - One Tail and Two Claw Attacks. - All Targeting Badger!
- Tail: Melee Weapon Attack [roll0] vs AC 20 - If Hit = [roll1] piercing damage!
- Claw 1: Melee Weapon Attack [roll2] vs AC 20 - If Hit = [roll3] piercing damage! + 4 Crit Damage
- Claw 2: Melee Weapon Attack [roll4] vs AC 20 - If Hit = [roll5] piercing damage!

Barbed Devil 2
Movement: None
Action: Multiattack - One Tail and Two Claw Attacks. - All Targeting Badger!
- Tail: Melee Weapon Attack [roll6] vs AC 20 - If Hit = [roll7] piercing damage!
- Claw 1: Melee Weapon Attack [roll8] vs AC 20 - If Hit = [roll9] piercing damage!
- Claw 2: Melee Weapon Attack [roll10] vs AC 20 - If Hit = [roll11] piercing damage!

As the devils carve away at Badger Bael smiles from his position on the ground. Once again he begins to recite an incantation and his presence appears in between Anarek and Grufford!

Legendary Action 3/3: Awaken Greed - A second Bael appears in I+J 31+32

Rising to his feet Bael unleashes a horrendous roar, appearing even more dreadful than normal, the arrows pushing out of his body as his wounds begin to close! He begins to smash his mace down onto Colton and moves around him. Putting himself near Anarek, separating Colton from the rest of the party.

Anarek can see Bael on either side of him! Both very menacing.

Regeneration: 20 HP (Just kidding here. I forgot Badger dealt radiant damage :smallredface: )
Movement: 15 ft to rise from Prone
Bonus Action: Dreadful - Each creature, other than a devil, that starts its turn within 10 ft of Bael must succeed on a DC 22 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until the start of the creature's next turn. = Anarek & Colton

Action: Multiattack - 2 Melee Attacks - All Targeting Colton!
- Hellish Morningstar 1: Melee Weapon Attack [roll12] vs AC 19 - If Hit = [roll13] magical piercing damage & [roll14] necrotic damage! + 26 Crit Damage
- Hellish Morningstar 2: Melee Weapon Attack [roll15] vs AC 19 - If Hit = [roll16] magical piercing damage & [roll17] necrotic damage!

Movement: Move to I+J 27+28

Edit: See OOC for disadvantage rolls. All missed due to the forum being shoddy.

Round 1 END

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 20ft Up

Raging 1/10

Exhaustion Level 1

Exhaustion Level 1


Legendary Resistance 1/3 + Concentrating

BD 1

BD 2

Round 2 - START!

Map Link (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q34D7052fniqqFWTZYfttDckhDSyFoE9YXlMk3xDP9c/edit#gid=0)

Barbarian MD
2019-03-04, 01:27 PM
Funda "Badger" Turen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1758086)

AC 20.
HP 240/256
PP:17. Darkvision 60'.
Speed: 35'. Spider Climb. Water Walking.
Initiative:+3 (Adv).
Languages: All (Helm).
Immunities: surprise (by entering rage)
Active Conditions or Buffs: Raging. Ring of Necrotic Resistance.



S:+10 (adv).
D:+3 (adv if visible)

Int:+2 (adv magic)
W:+7 (adv magic)
Ch:+1 (adv magic)


+1 Radiant Battleaxe Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6. Critical 4d8+6.
+1 Battleaxe (TWF bonus) Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6.
+1 Longbow Atk: +9. Dmg: d8+4.
Bonus action during your move to pass through the space of a Large or smaller creature. That creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength bonus + your proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone and take bludgeoning damage equal to 1d12 + your Strength modifier.
Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.

Rages Used: 1/5. Round: 3/10.

Rage damage: +4
If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic

Potions of Healing: 2
Potions of Greater Healing: 4

Cantrip: Minor Illusion
Gnome: Speak with small animals
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Strength (advantage): athletics +10
Dexterity: acrobatics +8, sleight of hand +3, stealth +8
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/nature/religion +2
Wisdom: animal handling/insight/medicine +2, perception/survival +7
Charisma: intimidation +6, deception/performance/persuasion +1

Badger is frustrated at Bael's sudden disappearance, and turning almost lazily swats at the nearest barbed devil with his axes as he searches for the arch-devil.

*Screaming intensifies.*

Move: none

Reckless attack: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.

+1 Radiant Battleaxe (Radiant/Magical/Slashing)
Attack 1: [roll0]
Advantage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3]
Advantage: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

+1 Battleaxe (Magical/Slashing)
Attack 3: [roll6]
Advantage: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

Crit damage, if applicable: [roll9]

2019-03-04, 01:43 PM
Round 2

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 20ft Up

Raging 1/10 & Reckless Attack

Exhaustion Level 1

Exhaustion Level 1


Legendary Resistance 1/3 + Concentrating

BD 1

BD 2

Searching for his prey Badger unleashes on the nearest Barbed Devil, hacking away at it's flesh!

Back towards the bridge Bael looks back towards Anarek up in the sky and swings his weapon upwards, hoping to knock him out!

Legendary Action 2/3 - Attack once with Hellish Morningstar targeting Anarek!
- Hellish Morningstar 1: Melee Weapon Attack [roll0] vs AC 17 - If Hit = [roll1] magical piercing damage & [roll2] necrotic damage!
Total Damage: 29

Anarek, Colton, Grufford, & Starlana are up!

Map Link (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q34D7052fniqqFWTZYfttDckhDSyFoE9YXlMk3xDP9c/edit#gid=0)

2019-03-04, 02:38 PM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 160/160 | Ward: 8/37 | AC: 17 | Init: +2 (Advantage) | PP: 11 | Slots 4/23/13/3/2/1/1/1

Anarek watched at the wicked morningstar smashed into his arcane barrier. He knew it could not take another blow. Mist enveloped him as he vanished and reappeared near the lip of the gorge. He flew higher as he lashed out with necrotic energy at the attacking Bael.

Bonus Action: Misty Step to E24
Move: 10' higher in the air to get out of swing reach of the bedeviled morningstar. E 24/30' up
Action: Cast Chill Touch. for [b]3d8 necrotic damage. Edit: I will roll damage in the OOC because post-lunch me cannot seem to write bb code :P

2019-03-04, 03:21 PM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 16 Ranger | HP: 192/192 | AC: 19 | PP: 19 | Condition: Exhaustion 1

Colton turns just in time to see Bael appear behind him and let out a terrifying bellow. With the speed of a highly trained Venator, Colton lets loose an arrow into Bael's gaping maw to stuff the supernatural shout before it can take hold of his mind.

Slayer's Counter - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1] + Slayer's Prey (1/turn) [roll2]

If attack hits, automatically succeed the saving throw.

If attack misses, Wisdom Save w/Advantage: [roll3], [roll4] + Supernatural Defense [roll5]

2019-03-04, 03:38 PM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 16 Ranger | HP: 192/192 | AC: 19 | PP: 19 | Condition: Exhaustion 1

Colton's cloak, taken from the skin of his first displacer beast kill, confuses Bael's attack, causing the morningstar to crash dangerously into the craggy rock beside him. Colton uses the opportunity to dash around Bael and find cover, running across the battlefield behind the pillars that encircle the throne before releasing two more arrows at the archdevil.

Bonus Action - Dash (speed 60)
Move to E32
Action - Ranged Attack vs Bael 1
Attack -
Damage - [roll]1d8+13
Extra Attack - [roll1]
Damage - [roll2]
Slayer's Prey Damage - [roll3]
Move to D36

2019-03-04, 05:27 PM
Round 2

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 20ft Up

Raging 1/10 & Reckless Attack

Exhaustion Level 1

Exhaustion Level 1


Legendary Resistance 1/3 + Concentrating

BD 1

BD 2

Colton lands an arrow into Baels shoulder, dumbing down his dreadful presence. Retreating back he invites an attack from the fiend and upon reaching a safe space he fires off two more arrows!

Attack of Opportunity against Colton - Attack once with Hellish Morningstar targeting Colton!
- Hellish Morningstar 1: Melee Weapon Attack at Disadvantage (CoD) [roll0] OR [roll1] vs AC 19 - If Hit = [roll2] magical piercing damage & [roll3] necrotic damage!

Grufford, & Starlana are up!

Map Link (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q34D7052fniqqFWTZYfttDckhDSyFoE9YXlMk3xDP9c/edit#gid=0)

Orsik Vondal
2019-03-04, 09:35 PM
Battlemage Grufford Cartwright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1759626)

AC: 10/16 (mage armor)
HP: 144/144
PP: 12
Speed: 40'
Initiative: +8
Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Primordial
Active Conditions or Buffs: mage armor, 19 STR --> Gauntlets of Ogre Power, attackers have disadvantage to hit until Gruff is hit (resets at the start of next turn --> Cloak of Displacement)





Attacks and Actions:

Quarterstaff Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+4. Critical +3d6
Booming Blade Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+d8+4
Toll the Dead DC 18 Wis Save. Dmg: 3d8 (max hp)/3d12
Wand of Magic Missile: 7 charges. 3x 1d4+1 force damage per charge expended
Arcane Deflection: when hit by an attack or fail a saving throw, use reaction to gain +2 bonus to AC or +4 to the saving throw. Can only cast cantrips until end of next turn. Up to 3 creatures you can see within 60 ft. take 8 force damage.
Counterspell: reaction to cancel a spell being cast by a creature you can see. Auto-cancels 3rd lvl or lower. 4th lvl or higher requires DC 10 + spell's lvl INT check.
Power Surge: Gain surges when you end an effect with dispel magic or counterspell up to a max of 5. Once per turn you can expend a surge to deal an extra 8 force damage to a hit target.

Spells marked with "<" are prepared. Can prepare 23 spells per long rest.

Toll the Dead
Booming Blade
Sword Burst
True Strike

Catapult <
Detect Magic
Find Familiar
Fog Cloud
Mage Armor <(always)
Magic Missile <
Protection from Evil and Good <

Dust Devil <
Mirror Image <
See Invisibility
Web <

Counterspell <(always)
Dispel Magic <
Magic Circle <

Conjure Minor Elementals
Dimension Door <
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
Polymorph <
Sickening Radiance <

Animate Objects <
Bigby's Hand <
Conjure Elemental <
Hold Monster
Legend Lore
Steel Wind Strike <
Wall of Force <

Disintegrate <
Globe of Invulnerability
Sunbeam <
Tenser's Transformation <
True Seeing

Mordenkainen's Sword <
Plane Shift

Demiplane <
Dominate Monster

Strength: athletics +4
Dexterity: acrobatics +3, sleight of hand +3, stealth +3
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/religion +10, nature +5
Wisdom: insight +7, animal handling/medicine/perception/survival +2,
Charisma: deception/intimidation/performance/persuasion +1

Gauntlets of Ogre Power (19 STR)
Broom of Flying (fly 50)
Cloak of Displacement
Wand of the War Mage +2
Wand of Magic Missiles
Vicious Quarterstaff
small knife, spellbook, spell scrolls (2x detect magic, identify, protection from evil and good, invisibility, dispel magic, 2x banishment, 2x steel wind strike, conjure elemental, sunbeam)

Grufford blinks as the duplicate Bael appears right next to him. "Well, this just got interesting. I think I'll use the gift I got from the king." With that he thrusts his hand into a pouch at his side and pulls out a handful of silver marbles. He mutters a few arcane words, "Tobor Svahiac." and tosses them into the air where they hang suspended.

Grufford then flings his arm forward, and the floating beads streak towards the two Baels. Half sail right through the image by the bridge. The other half pelt the Bael right in front of him. Well, now I know which one is real. "The one by the bridge is a fake! Badger, need any help in there?"

Despite all his rage, Badger was still just a gnome in a cage. Grufford figured he didn't need much help at the moment. A quick glance at the screaming gnome confirmed that thought. He prepared for the eventual onslaught from the devil.

Action: Animate Objects animating 10 tiny silver marbles.
Bonus Action: 5 attack Bael 2 fake!
5 attack Bael 1
[roll0], [roll1] silvered bludgeoning damage + [roll2]
[roll3], [roll4] silvered bludgeoning damage + [roll5]
[roll6], [roll7] silvered bludgeoning damage + [roll8]
[roll9], [roll10] silvered bludgeoning damage + [roll11]
[roll12], [roll13] silvered bludgeoning damage + [roll14]
Grufford's AC is now 18 while he concentrates.

2019-03-04, 10:36 PM
Round 2

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 20ft Up

Raging 1/10 & Reckless Attack

Exhaustion Level 1

Exhaustion Level 1 & Concentrating


Legendary Resistance 0/3

Legendary Resistance 1/3

BD 1

BD 2

Pulling out a bag of Silver Balls Grufford focuses his magical energy into them. They swirl around them and in an instant fire out towards both of the Baels. Three of the silver balls nail the northern most Bael in the chest, leaving him ragged and short of breath. While the other two fly straight towards the other Bael. Grufford smiles as they seem to fly through the image of Bael, knowing he could trust in his magical expertise. Alas, his smile soon fades as two of the balls connect with something. As they strike the illusion begins to shimmer and dissipate leaving behind a monstrous looking beast. He stands over 10 feet tall with leathery wings coming out of his back. In his hand is a hefty mace.

Bael looks up towards him and smiles, "Hutijin, it seems I needed your help after all. Good thing we knew they were coming eh?" Bael coughs up a bit of blood as he speaks, yet his ferocity has not diminished.

"Yes brother. Good thing indeed!" Hutijin responds, looking down at the battlemage with an intense glare from piercing red eyes!


Starlana is up!

Map Link (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q34D7052fniqqFWTZYfttDckhDSyFoE9YXlMk3xDP9c/edit#gid=0)

2019-03-07, 01:56 PM
Starlana Naïlo—wood elf valor bard (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 16 Wood Elf Valor Bard | HP: 176/176 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Deception +14, Perception +12, Stealth +13.
Proficient: Insight +7, Investigation +6 Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

+2 Longbow +10 for 1d8+7 magical piercing damage (600 ft.)
+1 Rapier +9 for 1d8+4 magical piercing damage
Silvered Dagger +8 for 1d4+3 silvered piercing damage (60 ft.)
Extra Attack, Battle Magic, Sharpshooter

Spell Attack +9 | Spell Save DC 17 Spellbook
Spell Slots: 1st 3/4 - 2nd 2/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 2/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 1/1 - 8th 0/1
Bardic Inspiration: 3/4 | HD: 16/16 | Luck Points: 3/3 | Winged Boots: 240/240 minutes
Active Spells: Branding Smite (Level 8) 0/6 rounds | Conditions: N/A

The elf whispered words stolen from the vows of holy warriors, causing her bow to glow with an astral gleam. She then fired two bolts with all her focus and fury at the bloodied Bael before darting further back along the outside of the pillars to seek cover.

Bonus Action: Branding Smite (Level 8)
Action (Adv using Inspiration): +2 Longbow attack at Bael with sharpshooter. [roll0], [roll1] for [roll2] damage if a hit. (Crit if necessary: [roll3])
Second Attack: +2 Longbow at Bael. [roll4] for [roll5] damage if a hit.
Branding Smite damage if either hits: [roll6] radiant damage (Crit if necessary: [roll7])
Total Damage: 48
Move: Move into shelter in K38. Stealth [roll8]

2019-03-09, 08:08 AM
Round 2

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 20ft Up

Raging 1/10 & Reckless Attack

Exhaustion Level 1

Exhaustion Level 1 & Concentrating


Legendary Resistance 0/3

Legendary Resistance 1/3

BD 1

BD 2


The arrow strikes true into Bael's chest. Though he just rose to his feet moments ago the arrow knocks him off his feet and onto the ground. With haggard breaths he looks up towards Hutijin, reaching out. The newly arrived fiend stares at him for a moment before finally beginning an incantation, forming symbols with his hands.

Innate Spellcasting: Cast [REDACTED] on Bael!
Target regains [REDACTED] Hit Points

Within moments Baels wounds begin to heal. Grufford can see a smile on the fiends face as they do and then it's gone. The smile and Bael both disappear!
Colton watches Bael fall to the ground and out of sight, perhaps victory is nearby! Alas, his hopes were quickly dashed as just with that thought processing Bael begins to materialize in front of Colton, down on the ground yet eagerly smiling up at The Last Venator!

Cast Teleport - Teleport to D+E 33+34

Bael and Barbed Devils 1+2 Still have to go!

Orsik Vondal
2019-03-09, 08:34 AM
Battlemage Grufford Cartwright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1759626)

AC: 10/16/18 (normal/mage armor/concentrating)
HP: 144/144
PP: 12
Speed: 40'
Initiative: +8
Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Primordial
Active Conditions or Buffs: mage armor, 19 STR --> Gauntlets of Ogre Power, attackers have disadvantage to hit until Gruff is hit (resets at the start of next turn --> Cloak of Displacement)





Attacks and Actions:

Quarterstaff Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+4. Critical +3d6
Booming Blade Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+d8+4
Toll the Dead DC 18 Wis Save. Dmg: 3d8 (max hp)/3d12
Wand of Magic Missile: 7 charges. 3x 1d4+1 force damage per charge expended
Arcane Deflection: when hit by an attack or fail a saving throw, use reaction to gain +2 bonus to AC or +4 to the saving throw. Can only cast cantrips until end of next turn. Up to 3 creatures you can see within 60 ft. take 8 force damage.
Counterspell: reaction to cancel a spell being cast by a creature you can see. Auto-cancels 3rd lvl or lower. 4th lvl or higher requires DC 10 + spell's lvl INT check.
Power Surge: Gain surges when you end an effect with dispel magic or counterspell up to a max of 5. Once per turn you can expend a surge to deal an extra 8 force damage to a hit target.

Spells marked with "<" are prepared. Can prepare 23 spells per long rest.

Toll the Dead
Booming Blade
Sword Burst
True Strike

Catapult <
Detect Magic
Find Familiar
Fog Cloud
Mage Armor <(always)
Magic Missile <
Protection from Evil and Good <

Dust Devil <
Mirror Image <
See Invisibility
Web <

Counterspell <(always)
Dispel Magic <
Magic Circle <

Conjure Minor Elementals
Dimension Door <
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
Polymorph <
Sickening Radiance <

Animate Objects <
Bigby's Hand <
Conjure Elemental <
Hold Monster
Legend Lore
Steel Wind Strike <
Wall of Force <

Disintegrate <
Globe of Invulnerability
Sunbeam <
Tenser's Transformation <
True Seeing

Mordenkainen's Sword <
Plane Shift

Demiplane <
Dominate Monster

Strength: athletics +4
Dexterity: acrobatics +3, sleight of hand +3, stealth +3
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/religion +10, nature +5
Wisdom: insight +7, animal handling/medicine/perception/survival +2,
Charisma: deception/intimidation/performance/persuasion +1

Gauntlets of Ogre Power (19 STR)
Broom of Flying (fly 50)
Cloak of Displacement
Wand of the War Mage +2
Wand of Magic Missiles
Vicious Quarterstaff
small knife, spellbook, spell scrolls (2x detect magic, identify, protection from evil and good, invisibility, dispel magic, 2x banishment, 2x steel wind strike, conjure elemental, sunbeam)

As Hutijin begins his incantation Grufford seizes the moment to steal the arcane force that is coalescing in his hands. "No no no, little imp! That power is mine!"

casting counterspell at 7th-level
If the spell was 8th or 9th-level, [roll0] vs. DC 18 or 19

2019-03-09, 08:50 AM
As Grufford thrusts forward his intense magical ability in an attempt to overcome Hutijin's spell he surprisingly finds some pushback.
The Fiend turns his gaze back over to Grufford, swinging his head violently to peer at the battlemage!

Cast Counterspell against Grufford - [roll0]

Of course, Grufford wouldn't be in this position if he wasn't the best at what he does. He easily overcomes Hutijin's magical defense and destroys his initial spell to heal Bael!

Bael continues to lie on the ground, seemingly unmoving.

Bael and Barbed Devils 1+2 Still have to go!

2019-03-12, 09:45 AM
Round 2

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 20ft Up

Raging 2/10 & Reckless Attack

Exhaustion Level 1

Exhaustion Level 1 & Concentrating (Animate Objects)

Concentrating (Branding Smite)

Legendary Resistance 0/3

242 - Dying
Legendary Resistance 1/3

BD 1

BD 2

With his spell countered Hutijin moves to get in a better position, in between his enemies!

Movement: Move to E+F-33+34

Back over with Badger one of the Barbed Devils continues their assault on Badger while the other runs over to face off against the Battlemage!

Dexterity Saving Throw: [roll0] vs. DC 22 = FAIL - Take 20 (See below for reason)
Movement: NO
Action: Multiattack - One Tail and Two Claw Attacks. - All Targeting BADGER?! WITH ADVANTAGE

Tail: Melee Weapon Attack [roll1] or [roll2] vs AC 20

If Hit = [roll3] piercing damage!

If Crit - Extra [roll4] piercing damage!

Claw 1: Melee Weapon Attack [roll5] or [roll6] vs AC 20

If Hit = [roll7] piercing damage!

If Crit - Extra [roll8] piercing damage!

Claw 2: Melee Weapon Attack [roll9] or [roll10] vs AC 20

If Hit = [roll11] piercing damage!

If Crit - Extra [roll12] piercing damage!

As the Barbed Devil moves to pounce onto Grufford an electrical storm fills the area originating from Hutijin! The shocks cascade in every direction, electrocuting everyone nearby!

Lightning Storm: Hutijin releases lightning in a 20-foot radius. All other creatures in that area must each make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw, taking [roll13] lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one = 10

Targets - Badger, Colton, Grufford, BD 1 & 2

@EVERYONE = Hutijin has a feature - Infernal Despair: Each creature within 15 feet of Hutijin that isn't a devil makes saving throws with disadvantage.

Taking some damage did nothing to deter a fiend who is used to torture. He pounces on the Battlemage, tearing into him with full clarity of his position!

Dexterity Saving Throw: [roll14] vs. DC 22 = FAIL - Take 20 Damage
Movement: Move to H-33
Action: Multiattack - One Tail and Two Claw Attacks. - All Targeting GRUFFORD?!

Tail: Melee Weapon Attack [roll15] vs AC 18

If Hit = [roll16] piercing damage!

If Crit - Extra [roll17] piercing damage!

Claw 1: Melee Weapon Attack [roll18] vs AC 18

If Hit = [roll19] piercing damage!

If Crit - Extra [roll20] piercing damage!

Claw 2: Melee Weapon Attack [roll21] vs AC 18

If Hit = [roll22] piercing damage!

If Crit - Extra [roll23] piercing damage!

Bael continues to lie on the ground, unmoving

Death Save! [roll24] = Fail

Round 2 END

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 20ft Up

Raging 2/10 & Reckless Attack

Exhaustion Level 1

Exhaustion Level 1 & Concentrating (Animate Objects)

Concentrating (Branding Smite)

Legendary Resistance 0/3

242 - Dying (Pass = 0 / Fail = 1
Legendary Resistance 1/3

BD 1

BD 2

Round 3 - START!

2019-03-12, 10:27 AM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 16 Ranger | HP: 164/192 | AC: 19 | PP: 19 | Condition: Exhaustion 1

Colton peeks around the column to see Bael down and unmoving. He pulls the orb out but doesn't see it reacting to the devil, Should I get closer or is he not dead? Colton thinks to himself. He pockets the orb and knocks two more arrows to make sure Bael is down, but the other devil, Hutijin moves in his way and summons a storm of lightning. Colton moves to avoid the surge of energy, Make sure Bael stays down! I have to get the orb to him!


Orsik Vondal
2019-03-12, 11:13 AM
Battlemage Grufford Cartwright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1759626)

AC: 10/16/18 (normal/mage armor/concentrating)
HP: 112/144
PP: 12
Speed: 40'
Initiative: +8
Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Primordial
Active Conditions or Buffs: mage armor, 19 STR --> Gauntlets of Ogre Power, attackers have disadvantage to hit until Gruff is hit (resets at the start of next turn --> Cloak of Displacement)


Saves (Normal/Concentrating):



Attacks and Actions:

Quarterstaff Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+4. Critical +3d6
Booming Blade Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+d8+4
Toll the Dead DC 18 Wis Save. Dmg: 3d8 (max hp)/3d12
Wand of Magic Missile: 7 charges. 3x 1d4+1 force damage per charge expended
Arcane Deflection: when hit by an attack or fail a saving throw, use reaction to gain +2 bonus to AC or +4 to the saving throw. Can only cast cantrips until end of next turn. Up to 3 creatures you can see within 60 ft. take 8 force damage.
Counterspell: reaction to cancel a spell being cast by a creature you can see. Auto-cancels 3rd lvl or lower. 4th lvl or higher requires DC 10 + spell's lvl INT check.
Power Surge: Gain surges when you end an effect with dispel magic or counterspell up to a max of 5. Once per turn you can expend a surge to deal an extra 8 force damage to a hit target.

Spells marked with "<" are prepared. Can prepare 23 spells per long rest.

Toll the Dead
Booming Blade
Sword Burst
True Strike

Catapult <
Detect Magic
Find Familiar
Fog Cloud
Mage Armor <(always)
Magic Missile <
Protection from Evil and Good <

Dust Devil <
Mirror Image <
See Invisibility
Web <

Counterspell <(always)
Dispel Magic <
Magic Circle <

Conjure Minor Elementals
Dimension Door <
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
Polymorph <
Sickening Radiance <

Animate Objects <
Bigby's Hand <
Conjure Elemental <
Hold Monster
Legend Lore
Steel Wind Strike <
Wall of Force <

Disintegrate <
Globe of Invulnerability
Sunbeam <
Tenser's Transformation <
True Seeing

Mordenkainen's Sword <
Plane Shift

Demiplane <
Dominate Monster

Strength: athletics +4
Dexterity: acrobatics +3, sleight of hand +3, stealth +3
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/religion +10, nature +5
Wisdom: insight +7, animal handling/medicine/perception/survival +2,
Charisma: deception/intimidation/performance/persuasion +1

Gauntlets of Ogre Power (19 STR)
Broom of Flying (fly 50)
Cloak of Displacement
Wand of the War Mage +2
Wand of Magic Missiles
Vicious Quarterstaff
small knife, spellbook, spell scrolls (2x detect magic, identify, protection from evil and good, invisibility, dispel magic, 2x banishment, 2x steel wind strike, conjure elemental, sunbeam)

Grufford's muscles tense with the sudden jolt of lightning, and he barely fends of the barbed devils ferocious attack, coming away with only a few cuts and gashes. Hutijin had moved away between him and the Venator, giving Grufford a clear view of Bael's prone form. He hears Colton call out to keep Bael down, and by the gods, no one had to ask him twice to do that! With a flick of his mind, Grufford directs the silver marbles to pelt the downed devil.

He smiles at the barbed devil in front of him. "Now you see me. Now you don't!" Then Grufford is gone. At least for the moment. He reappears next to Hutijin floating in the air. "Boo!" he cries as he swipes his staff across the devil's face. Stepping back into time next to the barbed devil engaged with Badger he says, "We have bigger fish to fry, Badger!", and takes a swing at the gnome's target. Lastly, Grufford reappears next to the barbed devil that attacked him. "Did you miss me?" He sidesteps a feeble strike from the hideous creature and retaliates with a strike of his own. "I guess not." He then vanishes from view only to pop into existence just to the side of the devil.

He speaks just loud enough for the devil to hear over the din of battle. "You know, if you turn on your to-be-dead masters, we might let you live. Just a thought..."

So many attacks!
Bonus Action: When Animated Objects Attack!
[roll2] silvered bludgeoning damage, [roll3] silvered bludgeoning damage
[roll6] silvered bludgeoning damage, [roll7] silvered bludgeoning damage
[roll10] silvered bludgeoning damage, [roll11] silvered bludgeoning damage
[roll14] silvered bludgeoning damage, [roll15] silvered bludgeoning damage
[roll18] silvered bludgeoning damage, [roll19] silvered bludgeoning damage
[roll22] silvered bludgeoning damage, [roll23] silvered bludgeoning damage
[roll26] silvered bludgeoning damage, [roll27] silvered bludgeoning damage
[roll30] silvered bludgeoning damage, [roll31] silvered bludgeoning damage
[roll34] silvered bludgeoning damage, [roll35] silvered bludgeoning damage
[roll38] silvered bludgeoning damage, [roll39] silvered bludgeoning damage

Standard Action: Steel Wind Strike on Hutijin, BD2, and BD1; ending in I33
[roll40], [roll41] force damage, [roll42] force damage
[roll43], [roll44] force damage, [roll45] force damage
[roll46], [roll47] force damage, [roll48] force damage

2019-03-12, 11:35 AM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 160/160 | Ward: 8/37 | AC: 17 | Init: +2 (Advantage) | PP: 11 | Slots 4/23/13/3/2/1/1/1

Anarek continued to ascend. As he did, he drew on the bone chill found on the heights of his ancestral mountains. His voice boomed with eldritch fury as the abjurer shouted, "Vardekhanen!"

An blue-white globe shot from his hand and struck into the scorched earth, trailing long ghostly fingers of frost. The sphere erupted into an expansive dome of frigid energy.

Move: Keep on truckin' higher another 25' to try and get out of the diagonal expanse of my spell. E 24 55' up
Action: Cast Freezing Sphere at the intersection of L25, K25, L26, K26. DC 18 Constitution save or take [roll0] cold damage. Save for half.

2019-03-12, 12:06 PM
The cascade of steel balls pelting down onto Baels body make quick work into turning it from what used to be the body of a feared devil to now a mushy form of flesh, hair, and bones....

Catching his work a success Grufford teleports around the field, swinging away at each of the enemies left. Unfortunately with Bael down they are more engaged than ever, and are quick to dodge his attacks.

Everyone in the immediate area glances over to see a soft glowing essence emanating from Bael, their eyes follow as it flows across the battlefield and the essence begins to head in the direction of Hutijin. It appears that within seconds the what appears to be absorption will be complete (by Hutijins next turn)

With that Anarek takes higher into the sky and casts down a frozen sphere! It breaks apart above the lava and flows out across the battlefield, extending it's chill touch unto anyone within the area!

Constitution Saving Throw vs. DC 18
Pass = 23 Cold Damage
Fail = 46 Cold Damage

Hutijin: [roll0] or [roll1] = PASS

BD 1 takes 12 cold damage - Resistant to Cold

BD 1: [roll2] = PASS

BD 1 takes 12 cold damage - Resistant to Cold

BD 2: [roll3] = FAIL

BD 1 takes 23 cold damage - Resistant to Cold

2019-03-12, 12:52 PM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 16 Ranger | HP: 144/192 | AC: 19 | PP: 19 | Condition: Exhaustion 1

The wizards rain down magic on Hutijin and Colton uses it as an opportunity to run past and capture the essence now escaping Bael's diminishing form.

Bonus Action - Dash
Move - J26
Action - Use that fancy Orb

2019-03-12, 01:21 PM
Round 3
Seeing the very soul essence they came her going towards Hutijin causes Colton to spring forward! He dashes over to Baels mangled body, back to where he had been prior. Holding the Orb out and focusing on it he causes the essence to turn back and instead be drawn into the orb! Hutijin curses under his breath as he loses the potential power, "BOY! DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU ARE DOING! GIVE ME THAT ORB!"

The has a telling look of anger across his face, his eyes ready to pounce upon the last Venator.

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 20ft Up

Raging 2/10 & Reckless Attack

Exhaustion Level 1 - (CoD AC)

112/144 (- 23-46 damage based on save)
Exhaustion Level 1 & Concentrating (Animate Objects) - (CoD AC)


Legendary Resistance 0/3


BD 1

BD 2

Badger & Starlana are up!

Barbarian MD
2019-03-12, 03:23 PM
Funda "Badger" Turen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1758086)

AC 20.
HP 219/256
PP:17. Darkvision 60'.
Speed: 35'. Spider Climb. Water Walking.
Initiative:+3 (Adv).
Languages: All (Helm).
Immunities: surprise (by entering rage)
Active Conditions or Buffs: Raging. Ring of Necrotic Resistance.



S:+10 (adv).
D:+3 (adv if visible)

Int:+2 (adv magic)
W:+7 (adv magic)
Ch:+1 (adv magic)


+1 Radiant Battleaxe Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6. Critical 4d8+6.
+1 Battleaxe (TWF bonus) Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6.
+1 Longbow Atk: +9. Dmg: d8+4.
Bonus action during your move to pass through the space of a Large or smaller creature. That creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength bonus + your proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone and take bludgeoning damage equal to 1d12 + your Strength modifier.
Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.

Rages Used: 1/5. Round: 4/10.

Rage damage: +4
If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic

Potions of Healing: 2
Potions of Greater Healing: 4

Cantrip: Minor Illusion
Gnome: Speak with small animals
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Strength (advantage): athletics +10
Dexterity: acrobatics +8, sleight of hand +3, stealth +8
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/nature/religion +2
Wisdom: animal handling/insight/medicine +2, perception/survival +7
Charisma: intimidation +6, deception/performance/persuasion +1

As the first barbed devil tries to run away like the coward it is from the mighty axes of the best gnome in the land, Badger screams in anger.

"We're not done 'till I say we're done!"
he roars as he hacks at his hamstrings.

"Okay, we're done... Hey big guy, let me introduce you to my friends!" and he runs past the devil towards Bael Number Two, standing sideways on the wall so that he can get a good angle on his neck.

Take damage 21

Attack of opportunity:
+1 Radiant Battleaxe (Radiant/Magical/Slashing)
Attack 1: [roll0]
Advantage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Move: G33

Reckless attack: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.

+1 Radiant Battleaxe (Radiant/Magical/Slashing)
Attack 1: [roll3]
Advantage: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Attack 2: [roll6]
Advantage: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

+1 Battleaxe (Magical/Slashing)
Attack 3: [roll9]
Advantage: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

Crit damage, if applicable: [roll12]

2019-03-12, 07:41 PM
Round 3
Badger sprints away from the Barbed Devil towards Hutijin, prompting an attack. It claws at any opening it can get at the mini devil!

Attack of Opportunity against Badger!

Tail: Melee Weapon Attack [roll0] vs AC 20

If Hit = [roll1] piercing damage!

If Crit - Extra [roll2] piercing damage!

Badger nails some hearty blows on his fiendish foe but in return Hutijin swings his mace towards his face, hoping to knock some sense into him!

Attack Badger with his Mace

Mace: Melee Weapon Attack [roll3] or [roll4] vs AC 20 <---- Advantage from Reckless Attack

If Hit = [roll5] magical bludgeoning damage
If Crit - Extra [roll6] magical bludgeoning damage

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 55ft Up

Raging 3/10 & Reckless Attack

Exhaustion Level 1 - (CoD AC)

Exhaustion Level 1 & (CoD AC)


Legendary Resistance 0/3


BD 1

BD 2

Starlana is up!

2019-03-12, 09:08 PM
Starlana Naïlo—wood elf valor bard (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 16 Wood Elf Valor Bard | HP: 176/176 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Deception +14, Perception +12, Stealth +13.
Proficient: Insight +7, Investigation +6 Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

+2 Longbow +10 for 1d8+7 magical piercing damage (600 ft.)
+1 Rapier +9 for 1d8+4 magical piercing damage
Silvered Dagger +8 for 1d4+3 silvered piercing damage (60 ft.)
Extra Attack, Battle Magic, Sharpshooter

Spell Attack +9 | Spell Save DC 17 Spellbook
Spell Slots: 1st 3/4 - 2nd 2/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 1/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 1/1 - 8th 1/1
Bardic Inspiration: 3/4 | HD: 16/16 | Luck Points: 3/3 | Winged Boots: 240/240 minutes
Active Spells: N/A | Conditions: N/A

Seeing Badger charge off and leave the devil, Starlana fired two bolts into the fiend’s back. She then raced off around the pillars to get a better view of the situation. Mist curled from most of the landscape around Colton and Grufford. She noted the frostburn on the human and called out words of solace.

Bonus Action: Healing Word (Level 5): [roll0]
Action: +2 Longbow attack at BD2. [roll1] for 15 (check OOC) damage if a hit. (Crit if necessary: [roll2] )
Second attack sharpshooter: [roll3] for [roll4] (crit: [roll5] )
Move: Move down along the pillars to J32

2019-03-13, 08:14 AM
Round 3

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 55ft Up

Raging 3/10 & Reckless Attack

Exhaustion Level 1 - (CoD AC)

Exhaustion Level 1 & (CoD AC)


Legendary Resistance 0/3


BD 1

BD 2

Hutijin would like nothing more than to snatch that orb from Colton's hands, alas that must wait. He turns his sights onto Badger and unleashes a torrent of attacks. Tooth, mace, claws, and tail all fly towards the brave gnome! If it were any other being they would have been eviscerated. But this is no ordinary gnome. He is one of the toughest barbarians alive with skin thicker than stone!

As Hutijin attempts to whittle Badger away, into something smaller than he already is, he barks orders to the two Barbed Devils, "KILL THE BATTLEMAGE!"

Action: Multiattack - 4 Melee Attacks - All Targeting BADGER! <---- With Advantage

Bite: Melee Weapon Attack [roll0] or [roll1] vs AC 20

If Hit = [roll2] magical piercing damage & DC 22 Con Save or be Poisoned - See Below (*NOTE* Save is at disadvantage because of Infernal Despair)
If Crit - Extra [roll3] magical piercing damage & Extra [roll4] necrotic damage! (Ignore the necrotic. Leftover from Bael block)

Poisoned = Target can't regain hit points & takes [roll5] poison damage at the start of each of its turns. Target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns. Success = End

Claw: Melee Weapon Attack [roll6] or [roll7] vs AC 20

If Hit = [roll8] magical slashing damage
If Crit - Extra [roll9] magical slashing damage

Mace: Melee Weapon Attack [roll10] or [roll11] vs AC 20

If Hit = [roll12] magical bludgeoning damage
If Crit - Extra [roll13] magical bludgeoning damage

Tail: Melee Weapon Attack [roll14] or [roll15] vs AC 20

If Hit = [roll16] magical bludgeoning damage
If Crit - Extra [roll17] magical bludgeoning damage

With two arrows in it's back and blood pooling on the floor the Barbed Devil nearest to Starlana rushes over to tear into Grufford, hoping to re-open the wounds that were just healed.

Movement: I-33
Action: Multiattack - One Tail and Two Claw Attacks. - All Targeting GRUFFORD!

Tail: Melee Weapon Attack [roll18] vs AC 16

If Hit = [roll19] piercing damage!

If Crit - Extra [roll20] piercing damage!

Claw 1: Melee Weapon Attack [roll21] vs AC 16

If Hit = [roll22] piercing damage!

If Crit - Extra [roll23] piercing damage!

Claw 2: Melee Weapon Attack [roll24] vs AC 16

If Hit = [roll25] piercing damage!

If Crit - Extra [roll26] piercing damage!

Hutijin glances over towards Baels body, and seeing an opportunity present itself he attempts to take it! His body begins to disappear right in front of Badgers and everyone's eyes. Anyone trained in the arcane arts are quick to tell he is attempting to Teleport!

Teleport to H+I - 29+30

BD 1 is still to go!

Orsik Vondal
2019-03-13, 09:16 AM
Battlemage Grufford Cartwright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1759626)

AC: 10/16/18 (normal/mage armor/concentrating)
HP: 87/144
PP: 12
Speed: 40'
Initiative: +8
Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Primordial
Active Conditions or Buffs: mage armor, 19 STR --> Gauntlets of Ogre Power, attackers have disadvantage to hit until Gruff is hit (resets at the start of next turn --> Cloak of Displacement)


Saves (Normal/Concentrating):



Attacks and Actions:

Quarterstaff Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+4. Critical +3d6
Booming Blade Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+d8+4
Toll the Dead DC 18 Wis Save. Dmg: 3d8 (max hp)/3d12
Wand of Magic Missile: 7 charges. 3x 1d4+1 force damage per charge expended
Arcane Deflection: when hit by an attack or fail a saving throw, use reaction to gain +2 bonus to AC or +4 to the saving throw. Can only cast cantrips until end of next turn. Up to 3 creatures you can see within 60 ft. take 8 force damage.
Counterspell: reaction to cancel a spell being cast by a creature you can see. Auto-cancels 3rd lvl or lower. 4th lvl or higher requires DC 10 + spell's lvl INT check.
Power Surge: Gain surges when you end an effect with dispel magic or counterspell up to a max of 5. Once per turn you can expend a surge to deal an extra 8 force damage to a hit target.

Spells marked with "<" are prepared. Can prepare 23 spells per long rest.

Toll the Dead
Booming Blade
Sword Burst
True Strike

Catapult <
Detect Magic
Find Familiar
Fog Cloud
Mage Armor <(always)
Magic Missile <
Protection from Evil and Good <

Dust Devil <
Mirror Image <
See Invisibility
Web <

Counterspell <(always)
Dispel Magic <
Magic Circle <

Conjure Minor Elementals
Dimension Door <
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
Polymorph <
Sickening Radiance <

Animate Objects <
Bigby's Hand <
Conjure Elemental <
Hold Monster
Legend Lore
Steel Wind Strike <
Wall of Force <

Disintegrate <
Globe of Invulnerability
Sunbeam <
Tenser's Transformation <
True Seeing

Mordenkainen's Sword <
Plane Shift

Demiplane <
Dominate Monster

Strength: athletics +4
Dexterity: acrobatics +3, sleight of hand +3, stealth +3
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/religion +10, nature +5
Wisdom: insight +7, animal handling/medicine/perception/survival +2,
Charisma: deception/intimidation/performance/persuasion +1

Gauntlets of Ogre Power (19 STR)
Broom of Flying (fly 50)
Cloak of Displacement
Wand of the War Mage +2
Wand of Magic Missiles
Vicious Quarterstaff
small knife, spellbook, spell scrolls (2x detect magic, identify, protection from evil and good, invisibility, dispel magic, 2x banishment, 2x steel wind strike, conjure elemental, sunbeam)

Grufford had been in battles before. Friendly fire was inevitable, especially when mages were involved. Hells! He had singed a few foot-soldiers in his day! He knew the risks of engaging in war!

Grufford looks around and sees an opportunity. He pulls a scroll from his side pouch and begins to read. As he does the glyphs on the parchment glow with a silvery light. Then he disappears.

One. Two. Three strikes at the remaining devils before he reappears in the doorway to the throne room. He raises his hand in a claw-like formation as if he was trying to pull something extremely dense from the air. "And for my next trick..."

Standard Action: Steel Wind Strike on Hutijin, BD1, and BD2
[roll0], [roll1] force damage, [roll2] force damage
[roll3], [roll4] force damage, [roll5] force damage
[roll6], [roll7] force damage, [roll8] force damage
End in I34
Gruff is setting up for Sunbeam. Not really doing anything, just being dramatic!

2019-03-13, 09:53 AM
Round 3

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 55ft Up

Raging 3/10 & Reckless Attack & Poisoned

Exhaustion Level 1 - (CoD AC)

Exhaustion Level 1 & (CoD AC)


Legendary Resistance 1/3


BD 1

BD 2

As Hutijin teleports towards Baels body the other Barbed Devil continues the duel assault on Grufford. Hoping to actually land some hits that the other devil in failing health had missed.

Action: Multiattack - One Tail and Two Claw Attacks. - All Targeting GRUFFORD!

Tail: Melee Weapon Attack [roll0] vs AC 16

If Hit = [roll1] piercing damage!

If Crit - Extra [roll2] piercing damage!

Claw 1: Melee Weapon Attack [roll3] vs AC 16

If Hit = [roll4] piercing damage!

If Crit - Extra [roll5] piercing damage!

Claw 2: Melee Weapon Attack [roll6] vs AC 16

If Hit = [roll7] piercing damage!

If Crit - Extra [roll8] piercing damage!

Seeing the essence drift away Hutijin acknowledges it is too late to stop the transfer. But all is not lost... He points his mace up at the sky, calling down lightning from the stormy hellscape above! Lightning strikes his mace and strikes out from him, electrifying everyone in the near vicinity!

Lightning Storm: Hutijin releases lightning in a 20-foot radius. All other creatures in that area must each make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw, taking [roll9] lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one = 12

Targets - Badger, Colton, Grufford, Starlana, BD 1 & 2

BD 1 Dex Save: [roll10] or [roll11] = FAIL
BD 2 Dex Save: [roll12] or [roll13] = FAIL

@EVERYONE = Hutijin has a feature - Infernal Despair: Each creature within 15 feet of Hutijin that isn't a devil makes saving throws with disadvantage.

Round 3 END

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 55ft Up

Raging 3/10 & Reckless Attack & Poisoned

Exhaustion Level 1 - (CoD AC)

Exhaustion Level 1 & (CoD AC)


Legendary Resistance 1/3


BD 1

BD 2

Round 4 - START!

Orsik doesn't let the electricity deter him! Using a scroll he had kept hidden he disappears again, striking out at all the enemies surrounding him!
First he starts with the weakest and teleports behind the hurt Barbed Devil! With a swift swipe he takes it's clean right off! Smacking it like a ball and landing it in the lava behind Colton.
Next he teleports in front of the other Barbed Devil, landing a swift strike that knocks the wind of out its chest, leaving it gasping for air!
Finally he pops in front of Hutijin, PAYBACK! He lands a smooth blow along the fiends abdomen sending a shock-wave throughout it's body. The Devil looks down at the battlemage and utters one word,

The sounds bellows through the cavern you are in and fills each of you with dread. Your bodies scream 'retreat' yet your minds do their best to maintain their hold on your senses....

Fearful Voice:Each creature within 30 feet ,that isn't a devil, must succeed on a DC 22 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of Hutijin for 1 minute.
A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature that saves against this effect is immune to Hutijin's Fearful Voice for 24 hours.

Targets: Badger, Colton, Grufford, Starlana

- A frightened creature has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the source of its fear is within line of sight.
- The creature can't willingly move closer to the source of its fear.

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 55ft Up

Raging 3/10 & Reckless Attack & Poisoned & Frightened

Exhaustion Level 1 - CoD AC

Exhaustion Level 1 & Frightened & CoD AC


Legendary Resistance 1/3


BD 1

BD 2

Anerek, Badger, Colton, & Starlana are up!

2019-03-13, 10:45 AM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 160/160 | Ward: 8/37 | AC: 17 | Init: +2 (Advantage) | PP: 11 | Slots 4/23/13/3/2/1/1/1

Anarek grimaced when he saw the freezing blast hit after Bael had died and smash into Grufford and his constructs. The dwarf whispered, "Fickle fates."

When Hut appeared below amid the others, the dwarf prepared to leap into action only to watch as the devil unleashed a fury of lightning and terror. Anarek gritted his teeth and unleased a salvo of his own psychic overload.

Move: Staying put. E 24 55' up
Action: Cast Synaptic Static at the intersection of E/F 26/27. DC 18 Int save or take [roll0] psychic damage and subtract d6 from attack rolls, ability checks, and concentration checks for one minute. Save for half and no rider.

2019-03-13, 11:12 AM
Round 4

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 55ft Up

Raging 3/10 & Reckless Attack & Poisoned & Frightened

Exhaustion Level 1 - CoD AC

Exhaustion Level 1 & Frightened & CoD AC


Legendary Resistance 1/3


BD 1

BD 2

Hutijin prepares for his next move but before he can he feels a jolt of mental blasts hitting him. His head is wracked with pain as the psychic damage bounces around inside his brain pan! Hutijin does his best to stave off as much of the damage as possible!

Intelligence save: [roll0] or [roll1] VS. DC 18 = PASS
Hutijin takes 11 Psychic damage

Badger, Colton, Starlana are up!

2019-03-13, 02:07 PM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 16 Ranger | HP: 121/192 | AC: 19 | PP: 19 | Condition: Exhaustion 1

Use Nemesis feature to Counter teleport.

Colton pockets the orb once the essence has been transferred and steps back and away from Hutijin. He marks the devil with the Venator's Judgement and looses two arrows at him.

Move - I24
Bonus Action - Target Hutijin with Slayer's Prey
Action - Attack vs Hutijin
Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Extra Attack - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]

Barbarian MD
2019-03-14, 05:25 AM
Funda "Badger" Turen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1758086)

AC 20.
HP 170/256
PP:17. Darkvision 60'.
Speed: 35'. Spider Climb. Water Walking.
Initiative:+3 (Adv).
Languages: All (Helm).
Immunities: surprise (by entering rage)
Active Conditions or Buffs: Raging. Ring of Necrotic Resistance. Frightened. Poisoned.



S:+10 (adv).
D:+3 (adv if visible)

Int:+2 (adv magic)
W:+7 (adv magic)
Ch:+1 (adv magic)


+1 Radiant Battleaxe Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6. Critical 4d8+6.
+1 Battleaxe (TWF bonus) Atk: +11. Dmg: d8+6.
+1 Longbow Atk: +9. Dmg: d8+4.
Bonus action during your move to pass through the space of a Large or smaller creature. That creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength bonus + your proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone and take bludgeoning damage equal to 1d12 + your Strength modifier.
Reckless: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn.

Rages Used: 1/5. Round: 5/10.

Rage damage: +4
If brought to 0 HP, DC10+(n-1)5 Con check, 1 hp instead of 0.
Resistance all damage except psychic

Potions of Healing: 2
Potions of Greater Healing: 4

Cantrip: Minor Illusion
Gnome: Speak with small animals
Rituals: Beast sense, speak with animals, commune with nature

Strength (advantage): athletics +10
Dexterity: acrobatics +8, sleight of hand +3, stealth +8
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/nature/religion +2
Wisdom: animal handling/insight/medicine +2, perception/survival +7
Charisma: intimidation +6, deception/performance/persuasion +1

Badger is not running away. He's certainly not scared. The invincible gnome fears nothing and no one. He's just... repositioning himself, so he can keep an eye on the big [expletive] while he chops at the little [expletive]. That's all. He lets out another scream to drown out the noise.

Move: H34

Reckless attack: gain advantage on melee attack this turn, give advantage to enemy attacks until end of next turn. [This cancels the disadvantage]

+1 Radiant Battleaxe (Radiant/Magical/Slashing)
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

+1 Battleaxe (Magical/Slashing)
Attack 3: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Crit damage, if applicable: [roll6]

Out of his 15 foot aura, so no disadvantage on the saves.
Poison re-save: [roll7]
Fear re-save: [roll8]

That blood from the little [expletive] splashes across his face, and he feels much better. Yep. Nothing to fear. Certainly not from an arch-devil. He smiles.

2019-03-14, 06:23 AM
Starlana Naïlo—wood elf valor bard (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 16 Wood Elf Valor Bard | HP: 140/176 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Deception +14, Perception +12, Stealth +13.
Proficient: Insight +7, Investigation +6 Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

+2 Longbow +10 for 1d8+7 magical piercing damage (600 ft.)
+1 Rapier +9 for 1d8+4 magical piercing damage
Silvered Dagger +8 for 1d4+3 silvered piercing damage (60 ft.)
Extra Attack, Battle Magic, Sharpshooter

Spell Attack +9 | Spell Save DC 17 Spellbook
Spell Slots: 1st 3/4 - 2nd 2/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 1/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 1/1 - 8th 1/1
Bardic Inspiration: 2/4 | HD: 16/16 | Luck Points: 1/3 | Winged Boots: 240/240 minutes
Active Spells: N/A | Conditions: N/A

Starlana felt the waves of fear course through her. She noted the nuance between its notes and the last archfiend. The elf then wove her countersong to break its hold.

“A dark bark / is but wind / from a fiend / doomed to die!”

When badger sauntered off, the bard called out, “Small hands wield dangerous blades—Bael’s brother’s blood waits to whet their edge!”

Bonus Action: Bardic Inspiration. Badger can add a +1d12 to a save, attack roll, damage roll, or (as react) to his AC within next 10min
Action: Countercharm. Adv negates disadv for everyone within 30’ of Starlana.
Move: Staying to keep everyone in countercharm.
Re-Save vs Fear: [roll0]

2019-03-15, 12:06 PM
Round 4

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 55ft Up

Raging 4/10 & Reckless Attack & Poisoned

Exhaustion Level 1 - CoD AC

Exhaustion Level 1 & Frightened & CoD AC


Legendary Resistance 1/3


BD 1

BD 2

Two arrows fly towards Hutijin's back but he is quick to dodge one, yet stumbles and in turn takes the other. The pain sears into him more than any normal would. Colton has marked Hutijin as his prey, and now fires off these arrows with deadlier force!

Back over towards the throne Badger is stuck in his tracks! He takes a moment to center himself by eviscerating the Barbed Devil nearest to him. Slash after slash opens up a gushing wound on the fiend until nothing is left except a dismembered pile of what used to be...
Taking a step away from Hutijin Badger revels in the slaughter, collecting himself and removing any doubt that may have entered into his mind.
Though still the poison flows through his blood from the devils nasty teeth.

Starlana breaks out into song, hoping to bolster the defenses of her companions.

Hutijin's Turn
With his wounds healing again Hutijin gains some confidence and gazes upon Grufford, stepping forward towards him. He lets the horrid fear ooze out of him and flow into the bleeding Battlemage.

His face lurches forward with his maw open revealing dripping rancid teeth! He attempts to bite down onto Grufford and follows the attack with a Claw and on and on continuing to unleash hell upon the fool who would challenge him!!!! Hutijin continues his assault until Grufford drops to the floor. Then he turns onto Badger who has regained his confidence in fighting against the devil.

Regeneration: 20 HP
Fearful Voice Recharge: [roll0] - Recharges on a 5 or a 6 = FAIL
Movement: Move to H+I-32+33

Action: Multiattack - 4 Melee Attacks - All Targeting GRUFFORD! until he drops then the rest target BADGER!

Bite: Melee Weapon Attack [roll1] or [roll2] vs AC 16 <--- Disadvantage due to Cloak of Displacement

If Hit = [roll3] magical piercing damage & DC 22 Con Save or be Poisoned - See Below
If Crit - Extra [roll4] magical piercing damage

Poisoned = Target can't regain hit points & takes [roll5] poison damage at the start of each of its turns. Target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns. Success = End

Claw: Melee Weapon Attack [roll6] or [roll7] vs AC 16 <--- Disadvantage due to Cloak of Displacement - Unless above hit, then take first roll.

If Hit = [roll8] magical slashing damage
If Crit - Extra [roll9] magical slashing damage

Mace: Melee Weapon Attack [roll10] or [roll11] vs AC 16/20 <--- Disadvantage against Grufford (CoD) - Unless above hit / Advantage Against Badger (Reckless Attack)

If Hit = [roll12] magical bludgeoning damage
If Crit - Extra [roll13] magical bludgeoning damage

Tail: Melee Weapon Attack [roll14] or [roll15] vs AC 16/20 <--- Disadvantage against Grufford (CoD) - Unless above hit / Advantage Against Badger (Reckless Attack)

If Hit = [roll16] magical bludgeoning damage
If Crit - Extra [roll17] magical bludgeoning damage


Badger: Poison damage for Badger at the start of his next turn - [roll18]

Round 4 Ends!

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 55ft Up

Raging 4/10 & Reckless Attack & Poisoned

Exhaustion Level 1 - CoD AC

DYING - Exhaustion Level 1 & Frightened & CoD AC


134 -20 (Regen)
Legendary Resistance 1/3


BD 1

BD 2

Round 5 STARTS!
Party Turn!

2019-03-15, 12:42 PM
Starlana Naïlo—wood elf valor bard (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 16 Wood Elf Valor Bard | HP: 176/176 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Deception +14, Perception +12, Stealth +13.
Proficient: Insight +7, Investigation +6 Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

+2 Longbow +10 for 1d8+7 magical piercing damage (600 ft.)
+1 Rapier +9 for 1d8+4 magical piercing damage
Silvered Dagger +8 for 1d4+3 silvered piercing damage (60 ft.)
Extra Attack, Battle Magic, Sharpshooter

Spell Attack +9 | Spell Save DC 17 Spellbook
Spell Slots: 1st 3/4 - 2nd 2/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 0/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 1/1 - 8th 1/1
Bardic Inspiration: 2/4 | HD: 16/16 | Luck Points: 1/3 | Winged Boots: 240/240 minutes
Active Spells: N/A | Conditions: N/A

Starlana watched Gruff take an onslaught from the fiend and cries out in a celestial voice, urging him back into the fight. She then continued to rail against the devil's fear aura.

“Fiendish folly continues to fight / When death is nearing / Prepared to bite!”

Bonus Action: Healing Word (5th Level) [roll0]
Action: Countercharm. Adv negates disadv for everyone within 30’ of Starlana.
Move: Staying to keep everyone in countercharm.
Re-Save vs Fear: [roll1]

2019-03-15, 12:51 PM
Round 5

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 55ft Up

Raging 4/10 & Reckless Attack & Poisoned

Exhaustion Level 1 - CoD AC

Exhaustion Level 1 & Frightened & CoD AC


134 -20 (Regen)
Legendary Resistance 1/3


BD 1

BD 2

Grufford drops down to the ground causing Starlana to gasp in pain and fear! She quickly recites and incantation infusing him with healing energy. His wounds close and the battlemage gasps for air once again.
Looking up towards the hulking Hutijin his eyes grow wide as the devil lifts his mace up into the sky once again, calling down a lightning storm in the area!

Lightning Storm: Hutijin releases lightning in a 20-foot radius. All other creatures in that area must each make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw, taking [roll0] lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one = 6

Targets - Badger, Grufford, Starlana

@EVERYONE = Hutijin has a feature - Infernal Despair: Each creature within 15 feet of Hutijin that isn't a devil makes saving throws with disadvantage.

Anarek, Badger, Colton, Grufford Turns!

2019-03-15, 03:47 PM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 160/160 | Ward: 8/37 | AC: 17 | Init: +2 (Advantage) | PP: 11 | Slots 4/23/13/3/2/1/1/1

Anarek watched the human drop under the fury of the archdevil. The abjurer flew forward to get a better angle of attack and loosed a pale green blast at the fiend.

Move:Move to I26, same altitude. I 26 55' up
Action: Cast Chill Touch at Hut. [roll0] If hit, [roll1] (If crit, [roll2])

Barbarian MD
2019-03-16, 12:12 AM
Badger ignores all else and instead rushes to his downed ally, pouring the precious healing potion gifted to him by the king down his throat.

"Wake up! There's still killing to do!"

dex save (adv cancels disadvantage) [roll0] fail
Con save (using DM inspiration to cancel disadvantage)[roll1] no longer poisoned
If fail by 1-6, use Starlana's [roll2]

Barbarian MD
2019-03-16, 12:24 AM
After reviving Grufford, the gnome dashes underfoot to the Hutt's other side, trying to trip him up and distract him.

Move to H31

Bonus action during your move to pass through the space of a Large or smaller creature. That creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength bonus + your proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone and take bludgeoning damage equal to 1d12 + your Strength modifier.
DC 18

Orsik Vondal
2019-03-16, 06:17 AM
Battlemage Grufford Cartwright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1759626)

AC: 10/16/18 (normal/mage armor/concentrating)
HP: 102/144
PP: 12
Speed: 40'
Initiative: +8
Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Primordial
Active Conditions or Buffs: mage armor, 19 STR --> Gauntlets of Ogre Power, attackers have disadvantage to hit until Gruff is hit (resets at the start of next turn --> Cloak of Displacement)


Saves (Normal/Concentrating):



Attacks and Actions:

Quarterstaff Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+4. Critical +3d6
Booming Blade Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+d8+4
Toll the Dead DC 18 Wis Save. Dmg: 3d8 (max hp)/3d12
Wand of Magic Missile: 7 charges. 3x 1d4+1 force damage per charge expended
Arcane Deflection: when hit by an attack or fail a saving throw, use reaction to gain +2 bonus to AC or +4 to the saving throw. Can only cast cantrips until end of next turn. Up to 3 creatures you can see within 60 ft. take 8 force damage.
Counterspell: reaction to cancel a spell being cast by a creature you can see. Auto-cancels 3rd lvl or lower. 4th lvl or higher requires DC 10 + spell's lvl INT check.
Power Surge: Gain surges when you end an effect with dispel magic or counterspell up to a max of 5. Once per turn you can expend a surge to deal an extra 8 force damage to a hit target.

Spells marked with "<" are prepared. Can prepare 23 spells per long rest.

Toll the Dead
Booming Blade
Sword Burst
True Strike

Catapult <
Detect Magic
Find Familiar
Fog Cloud
Mage Armor <(always)
Magic Missile <
Protection from Evil and Good <

Dust Devil <
Mirror Image <
See Invisibility
Web <

Counterspell <(always)
Dispel Magic <
Magic Circle <

Conjure Minor Elementals
Dimension Door <
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
Polymorph <
Sickening Radiance <

Animate Objects <
Bigby's Hand <
Conjure Elemental <
Hold Monster
Legend Lore
Steel Wind Strike <
Wall of Force <

Disintegrate <
Globe of Invulnerability
Sunbeam <
Tenser's Transformation <
True Seeing

Mordenkainen's Sword <
Plane Shift

Demiplane <
Dominate Monster

Strength: athletics +4
Dexterity: acrobatics +3, sleight of hand +3, stealth +3
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/religion +10, nature +5
Wisdom: insight +7, animal handling/medicine/perception/survival +2,
Charisma: deception/intimidation/performance/persuasion +1

Gauntlets of Ogre Power (19 STR)
Broom of Flying (fly 50)
Cloak of Displacement
Wand of the War Mage +2
Wand of Magic Missiles
Vicious Quarterstaff
small knife, spellbook, spell scrolls (2x detect magic, identify, protection from evil and good, invisibility, dispel magic, 2x banishment, 2x steel wind strike, conjure elemental, sunbeam)

Grufford falls to a knee after the devil's onslaught. The healing magic from Starlana restores some energy to the battlemage, but he can still feel the poison coursing through his veins. The lightning brings the mage to the brink of unconsciousness. Grufford had to survive a few moments more. He needed to take down this fiend! The timely intervention of the half-crazed gnome is just what he needed. He nods to the gnome in thanks.

Grufford reaches inside himself and takes hold of the arcane strings that hold his power fast. And he begins to pull...

"Errrrrrrraaaagh!", Grufford screams as he rights himself and stands up. Only now he's about 6 inches taller and much...thicker. His eyes are smoldering and around his head is a faint glow in the shape of curling ram's horns. He lets out a huff of derision through his nose in a manner reminiscent of an irate bull and spins his staff. As Hutijin turns to take in the recently revived battlemage, Grufford yells in rage!


Standard Action: cast Tenser's Transformation
Gain 50 temporary HP [current (50 THP)+91/144 HP]
Advantage on attack rolls that you make with simple and martial weapons.
When you hit a target with a weapon attack, that target takes an extra 2d12 force damage.
You have proficiency in Strength and Constitution saving throws.
You can attack twice, instead of once, when you take the Attack action on your turn.
Move: Stand up.
Bonus: Yell in Jabba's face!


2019-03-18, 08:02 AM
Round 5

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 55ft Up

Raging 5/10 & Reckless Attack

Exhaustion Level 1 - CoD AC

90/144 - 50 Temp
Tenser's Transformation & Exhaustion Lvl 1 & Poisoned/Frightened & CoD AC


134 -20 (Regen)
Legendary Resistance 1/3


BD 1

BD 2

Seeing the lightning storm begin again drives Anarek to mover closer in an attempt to stunt Hutijin's healing. Unfortunately the same chill touch that worked before failed to grasp it's icy fingers onto the devils body.

Badger rushed over to Grufford once his companion dropped. Though he saw his eyes re-open the gnome took no chances and pouring his healing potion down the battlemages throat. Gruffords wounds all but fully heal as he is renewed in strength! He rises to his feet with this new found energy and pulls forth from within himself the magical strength to physically alter his very being!

Meanwhile Badger attempts to trip up Hutijin by passing between the fiends feet.

Save against Prone & 15 Bludgeoning Damage: [roll0] vs DC 18 = PASS

Hutijin looks around him, taking in the situation. He grimaces before finally speaking to himself again, "So be it!"
He begins to disappear from his position, looking to teleport again.

Teleport Hutijin will Teleport to H+I-38+39 95 ft in the air.

He appears 95 feet up flying in the air above the throne that Bael was sitting on.

Colton's Turn!

2019-03-18, 01:23 PM
Colton Roan of Emerick (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757292)
Level 16 Ranger | HP: 121/192 | AC: 19 | PP: 19 | Condition: Exhaustion 1

Colton lines up another two arrows and lets them fly.

Bonus Action - Cast of Guardian of Nature.
Action - Attack Hutijin
Attack w/Advantage and Sharpshooter - [roll0], [roll1]
Damage - [roll2]
Extra Attack w/Advantage and Sharpshooter - [roll3], [roll4]
Damage - [roll5]
Slayer's Prey Damage - [roll6]
Move - D24

Spell Effects - Colton gains: +10 THP, Terrain within 15ft of Colton is Difficult Terrain, Advantage on Con saves, Advantage on Dex/Wis attacks

Barbarian MD
2019-03-19, 06:12 AM

Badger looks around, looking for their foe, before realizing he's above them.

"You fat [expletive]!" he screams, stomping around in an ineffectual rage, pointing with one of his axes. "You coward! You call yourself an arch-devil? And you're afraid of five mortals!" He spits. He loudly describes what he's going to do to his corpse when he's through. "Come down here and fight like the master of hell that you claim to be!"

2019-04-01, 09:42 AM
Round 5

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 55ft Up

Raging 5/10 & Reckless Attack

121/192 - 10 Temp
Exhaustion Level 1 - Concentration (1/10) - CoD AC

90/144 - 50 Temp
Tenser's Transformation & Exhaustion Lvl 1 & Poisoned/Frightened & CoD AC


134 -20 (Regen)
Legendary Resistance 1/3


BD 1

BD 2

Hutijin looks down upon you all from high up in the air, his face twisted with disgust. He then holds his arm out as if reaching to grab something. You each witness the form of a grotesque devil materialize, it's horn grasped in Hutijins right hand. The fiend is dangling there, though appears alive yet not struggling. It's eyes wide open in disbelief yet some sort of hold has restrained him from moving.

"Molach. You knew your time would soon come. Asmodeus has set his plan into motion. Nothing may stop it now my dear friend."
The eyes of the devil hanging from Hutijin's hand scream for help, still his body refuses to move.

"Be glad. You may serve him one final time!"
Hutijin's tail whips around his body and the tip of it slams through the back of Moloch's throat and comes out the other end. The tip continues sliding through until the devils head is severed right off of it's body, letting it tumble down onto the throne below, destroying it under it's lifeless weight. Hutijin brings his arm to his face and drinks the blood that is oozing out of the lifeless head of Moloch.
The same sort of soul energy your witnessed go into the orb, twice now, leaves the skull of Moloch and enters into Hutijin. His muscles seem to flex with visible power and all of his wounds close up tightly, as if they were never there at all.


Round 5 Ends!

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 55ft Up

Raging 5/10 & Reckless Attack

121/192 - 10 Temp
Exhaustion Level 1 - Concentration (1/10) - CoD AC

90/144 - 50 Temp
Tenser's Transformation & Exhaustion Lvl 1 & Poisoned/Frightened & CoD AC


134 -134 (Regen)
Legendary Resistance 0/3 - USED


BD 1

BD 2

Round 6 Begins

The intense heat of the battlefield and quickness of the combat is taking it's toll on everyone. Sweat is rush down your face and it becomes harder to keep a stable breath while fighting.
At the start of each party members turn you must roll a DC 15 Constitution Save.
Fail = One level of Exhaustion

Party Turn!

2019-04-02, 11:21 AM
Colton summons forth a group of faeries, and they immediately fly forth, casting their magic on Gruff and Badger, and trying their best to transform Hutijin into something less formidable.

Move to G28
Action - Conjure Woodland Beings to summon 8 Pixies.

Pixie 1 - Summoned in G31. Action is to cast Fly on Badger. Fly to G25.
Pixie 2 - Summoned in J33. Action is to cast Fly on Gruff. Fly to N29.
Pixie 3 - Summoned in E35, 35' in the air. Action is to cast Polymorph (crab) on Hut (Will save 12). Fly to B33.
Pixie 4 - Summoned in F34, 35' in the air. Action is to cast Polymorph (crab) on Hut (Will save 12). Fly to D30.
Pixie 5 - Summoned in L38, 35' in the air. Action is to cast Polymorph (crab) on Hut (Will save 12). Fly to I42.
Pixie 6 - Summoned in E40, 35' in the air. Action is to cast Polymorph (crab) on Hut (Will save 12). Fly to B41.
Pixie 7 - Summoned in L35, 35' in the air. Action is to cast Polymorph (crab) on Hut (Will save 12). Fly to O34.
Pixie 8 - Summoned in K35, 35' in the air. Action is to cast Polymorph (crab) on Hut (Will save 12). Fly to O40.

Move to E27
Bonus Action - Stealth check in Difficult Terrain [roll0]

Con save vs Exhaustion - [roll1]

2019-04-03, 09:44 AM
Round 6

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 55ft Up

Raging 5/10 & Reckless Attack

121/192 - 10 Temp
Exhaustion Level 1 - Concentration (1/10) - CoD AC (Hidden DC 15)

90/144 - 50 Temp
Tenser's Transformation & Exhaustion Lvl 2 & Poisoned/Frightened & CoD AC


134 -134 (Regen) = 0
Legendary Resistance 0/3 - USED

Colton is first to take action, jumping into the fray and summoning 8 little pixies ready to assist in any way. Almost all of them hovering above the throne area. With them in place and their orders given Colton retreats slightly, taking cover behind some crushed rocks near the cliff wall.
Seeing the pixies summoned Hutijin smiles to himself, "I do love slaughter!" in an instant he is hovering 20 ft off the ground and in the center of almost all of the pixies.
The first to be summoned hovers above Badger and sends her magic into him. The gnome feels weightless, gaining the ability of flight.

The second pixie looks to Grufford, preparing to do the same but before it can act Hutijin raises his mace into the sky with a deadly grin on his face. The air begins to fill with static, gaining more and more until it all connects. An explosion of electricity fills the air. The pixies who were within range had but a moment to react. Unfortunately the damage was too much, snuffing them out of existence. Only one surviving the slaughter.
Badger, Grufford, and Starlana also feel the effects of the storm. Suffering whatever lightning damage they were unable to dodge!

Hutijin lets out a laugh, pleased with himself,

At the end of Coltons turn Hutijin will use: Teleport - Teleport to H+I / 35+36 20 ft in the air.
At the end of P1 turn Hutijin will use his -
Lightning Storm: Hutijin releases lightning in a 25-foot radius. All other creatures in that area must each make a DC 23 Dexterity saving throw, taking [roll0] lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one = 11

Targets - Badger, Grufford, Starlana, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8
Pixies all die whether they succeed or not as the half damage is more than their HP - No need for a save.

@EVERYONE = Hutijin has a feature - Infernal Despair: Each creature within 20 feet of Hutijin that isn't a devil makes saving throws with disadvantage.

Anarek, Badger, Grufford, Starlana Turns!

2019-04-03, 01:29 PM
Starlana Naïlo—wood elf valor bard (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1757047)
Level 16 Wood Elf Valor Bard | HP: 118/176 | AC: 19 | PP: 22 | Init: +5 | Speed: 35 ft, Fly 35 ft
Str 12/+1, Dex 16/+3 (saves +8), Con 16/+3 (saves +8), Int 12/+1, Wis 15/+2, Cha 18/+4 (saves +9)
Expertise: Acrobatics +13, Deception +14, Perception +12, Stealth +13.
Proficient: Insight +7, Investigation +6 Thieves' Tools +8
Jack of All Trades: +2 to all non-proficient ability checks

+2 Longbow +10 for 1d8+7 magical piercing damage (600 ft.)
+1 Rapier +9 for 1d8+4 magical piercing damage
Silvered Dagger +8 for 1d4+3 silvered piercing damage (60 ft.)
Extra Attack, Battle Magic, Sharpshooter

Spell Attack +9 | Spell Save DC 17 Spellbook
Spell Slots: 1st 3/4 - 2nd 2/3 - 3rd 3/3 - 4th 3/3 - 5th 0/2 - 6th 1/1 - 7th 0/1 - 8th 0/1
Bardic Inspiration: 2/4 | HD: 16/16 | Luck Points: 1/3 | Winged Boots: 240/240 minutes
Active Spells: Branding Smite | Conditions: Frightened

Starlana faltered in the heat, feeling her heart pounding in her head like a terrible drum. She raised her bow, prayed for divine vengeance on this supposed minor lord of hell, and fired at the hovering fiend in his terrible mein before retreating from his presence.

Bonus Action: Branding Smite (7th Level) [roll0] radiant on next hit (if crit: [roll1])
Action: Two +2 longbow attacks. 1: Sharpshooter [roll2] for [roll3] (crit: [roll4])
2: [roll5] for [roll6] (crit: [roll7])
Move: Bound backward to M31.

2019-04-03, 06:55 PM
Round 6

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 55ft Up

Raging 5/10 & Reckless Attack

121/192 - 10 Temp
Exhaustion Level 1 - Concentration (1/10) - CoD AC (Hidden DC 15)

90/144 - 28 Temp
Tenser's Transformation & Exhaustion Lvl 2 & Poisoned/Frightened & CoD AC


178 -134 (Regen) = 44
Legendary Resistance 0/3 - USED

Hutijin takes an explosive arrow to the chest. He glares at the elf who shot it and in an instant is hovering above her. The shadow he casts darkens the area around her, reminding her of the fear of death....
Teleport: Hutijin will teleport to H+I 32+33 (Still 20 ft up)

Anarek, Badger, Grufford, turns!

2019-04-03, 07:10 PM
Anarek Stonedragon, Castellan of the Clanfathers (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1760671)
Level 15 Abjurer | HP: 160/160 | Ward: 8/37 | AC: 17 | Init: +2 (Advantage) | PP: 11 | Slots 4/2[s]3/13/3/12/1/1/1

Anarek glared at the spectacle of Moloch’s demise. He whispered, ”The Forger prevail.”

He was not one to quell in the face of hard odds. The abjurer unleashed another blast of mortality at the fiend.

Move: Staying put
Action: Cast Chill Touch at Hut. [roll0] If hit, [roll1] necro (If crit, [roll2] even more necro touch)

Orsik Vondal
2019-04-03, 07:35 PM
Battlemage Grufford Cartwright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1759626)

AC: 10/16/18 (normal/mage armor/concentrating)
HP: 90/144 + 50 THP
PP: 12
Speed: 40'
Initiative: +8
Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Primordial
Active Conditions or Buffs: mage armor, 19 STR --> Gauntlets of Ogre Power, attackers have disadvantage to hit until Gruff is hit (resets at the start of next turn --> Cloak of Displacement)


Saves (Normal/Concentrating):



Attacks and Actions:

Quarterstaff Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+4. Critical +3d6
Booming Blade Atk: +9. Dmg: d6+d8+4
Toll the Dead DC 18 Wis Save. Dmg: 3d8 (max hp)/3d12
Wand of Magic Missile: 7 charges. 3x 1d4+1 force damage per charge expended
Arcane Deflection: when hit by an attack or fail a saving throw, use reaction to gain +2 bonus to AC or +4 to the saving throw. Can only cast cantrips until end of next turn. Up to 3 creatures you can see within 60 ft. take 8 force damage.
Counterspell: reaction to cancel a spell being cast by a creature you can see. Auto-cancels 3rd lvl or lower. 4th lvl or higher requires DC 10 + spell's lvl INT check.
Power Surge: Gain surges when you end an effect with dispel magic or counterspell up to a max of 5. Once per turn you can expend a surge to deal an extra 8 force damage to a hit target.

Spells marked with "<" are prepared. Can prepare 23 spells per long rest.

Toll the Dead
Booming Blade
Sword Burst
True Strike

Catapult <
Detect Magic
Find Familiar
Fog Cloud
Mage Armor <(always)
Magic Missile <
Protection from Evil and Good <

Dust Devil <
Mirror Image <
See Invisibility
Web <

Counterspell <(always)
Dispel Magic <
Magic Circle <

Conjure Minor Elementals
Dimension Door <
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
Polymorph <
Sickening Radiance <

Animate Objects <
Bigby's Hand <
Conjure Elemental <
Hold Monster
Legend Lore
Steel Wind Strike <
Wall of Force <

Disintegrate <
Globe of Invulnerability
Sunbeam <
Tenser's Transformation <
True Seeing

Mordenkainen's Sword <
Plane Shift

Demiplane <
Dominate Monster

Strength: athletics +4
Dexterity: acrobatics +3, sleight of hand +3, stealth +3
Intelligence: arcana/history/investigation/religion +10, nature +5
Wisdom: insight +7, animal handling/medicine/perception/survival +2,
Charisma: deception/intimidation/performance/persuasion +1

Gauntlets of Ogre Power (19 STR)
Broom of Flying (fly 50)
Cloak of Displacement
Wand of the War Mage +2
Wand of Magic Missiles
Vicious Quarterstaff
small knife, spellbook, spell scrolls (2x detect magic, identify, protection from evil and good, invisibility, dispel magic, 2x banishment, 2x steel wind strike, conjure elemental, sunbeam)

Grufford grimaces as the devil's poison courses through his veins and he staggers back a few steps. Immediately he feels the oppressive despair lift from his mind. He reaches into the wand holster at his side and brandishes a plain length of wood no longer than his forearm. "Dodge this, a**hole!"

Eight minute comets fly from the wand and strike Hutijin in the chest. Grufford grins at the pain this archdevil is feeling as he stows the wand back in its holster.

Move: to I38
Action: Use Wand of Magic Missile (use 6 charges)
[roll0] +8 (Power Surge) force damage

2019-04-04, 09:03 AM
Round 6

Star next to a name denotes inspiration!

Damage Taken / HP
Condition / Status Effects

Flying 55ft Up

Raging 5/10 & Reckless Attack

121/192 - 10 Temp
Exhaustion Level 1 - Concentration (1/10) - CoD AC (Hidden DC 15)

90/144 - 16 Temp
Tenser's Transformation (C) & Exhaustion Lvl 2 & CoD AC

Frightened & Concentration (1/10)

227 -134 (Regen) = 93
Legendary Resistance 0/3 - USED & Flying 20 ft up

Hutijin feels the cool touch of necrotic death on his back as he turns to look at Grufford retreating. He turns just in time to get a slew of magical bolts smashing into his chest. The energy eats it's way into his body.

Still the devil stands ready to slaughter!

Badgers turn!