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2018-12-09, 09:15 PM
Death in the Upper City

@Bishop Like each day after the war, since you returned to Sharn at least you have always found House Cannith very welcoming of you. Espically the leader of the House based in Sharn, Merrix d'Cannith. And while most days are rather uneventful with him often asking you to speak with him about topics and such, wishing to learn more about you today was something else, something strange. The Scion of the house brought you to his workshop where he showed you ancient blueprints of some bygone age. What is clear however is that they were vert similar to people such as yourself, at least from how they looked. "I believe my grandfather was onto something Bishop and somewhere in Xendirk we will find the key and perhaps with it we will prove that your people have been around a great deal longer than those simpletons believe. I hope my last donation to the church helped some. You know I am always looking for help if some of your friends are ever looking for a job." Merrix says in a friendly manner, allowing you to see the blueprints for yourself.

@Celina Sifou It has been a few months now since you have left home, finding work as a blacksmith was easy enough given the skills you learned back home. However it always seemed a bit to warm in Sharn for you, a woman who grew up high up in the mountains where the snow was a constant reminder almost year round. The ding of hammer hitting steel was a familiar song as you began to finish working on your last order of the day, a giant hammer for a customer. Why such a thing was needed by a dwarf only he knew, for it was to large for himself to wield no doubt, but in your hands you could see it as a powerful tool of creation or destruction. As if on cue the red bearded dwarven customer seems to snap you out of your vision as he slams a tankard full of ale on the counter. Oye their lass, I didn't pay ye to stand around holding me hammer, now give it here. Let me see my prize, see how she swings." the customer says, his calloused hands reaching out covered in his own hard days work of grime and such.

@Ferron the Axe Why couldn't anyone ever just do things the easy way? Always had to turn into a fight, all because they didn't like the look of you. Why should they, after all you were hired to intimidate them. Instead two shifters lay on the ground unconcious, but breathing as your employer instructed as he takes a package from them, dropping a bag of coins at their feet. No doubt someone would come take it while they were unconscious, but that was not your concern. "Well I can not seem to find enough ways to say thank you for the help. I am a bit surpprised though they tried this in the upper part of the city, bloody savages." the short gnome with a balding head and long pointed beard says as he looks up at you. "Anyways a deal is a deal, here is your payment. Now I best be off its getting late." he says handing you a small sack with five gold coins in it before departing to catch a skycab somewhere else, leaving you alone in the rain.

@Rake As you make your way through the crowded streets of Sharn moving from one overhang to the next trying to stay dry in this weather on your way to the Golden Dragon Inn the crowd seems to part around you. People even in noble clothing trying to get away from your savage like appearance. It has always been like this in the city, these people with their painted faces and rich clothes trying to get away from you and those like you. Early in the week you helped two of your fellow shifters from being mugged by an angry mob led by a halfling accusing them of stealing her wares. What these silly people would think if they ever had to live outside their four walls, and fight for their meals. Survive in the wilds of Dragonwood with only their hands and instincts to keep them alive. As the cloudy sky begins to turn black, signaling night approaching you hope you can make it to the Inn in time before it fills up for the night and you have to find another to go to.

@Saoirse Daly The life of a thief was always an interesting one, except when it rained that is. It was a lot harder to rob someone inside a building then it was to slip around the bustling streets of Sharn cutting purses with ease. Because of this your load is very small today, a few simple items no doubt only able to catch you a few silver on the rat market, and enough coin to catch a cab back to the cogs for the night where you could hopefully find shelter from the rain at Gerrut's Smelt. As you are walking you notice a group of nobles parting, purposely stepping into the rain for some unknown reason, before a lone figure steps out on the other side, a shifter from what your eyes can tell, heading towards the Golden Dragon Inn. Now that would be a fat purse indeed.

@Sil work has been dry as of late, if you don't find a client soon no doubt you will be down to your last coppers within the next month. Making your way home for the evening you spot a half-orc making his way in the rain, no doubt to the area where one would best have a chance to catch a skycab if any were still running in this weather that is.

Curtains of water fall from the sky as you traverse the labyrinthine walkways of Sharn. The stone and wooden paths wind around and between the towers and spires high above the ground, forming a complex latticework that can be extremely confusing on evenings such as this one. The rain falls hard, running off higher walkways and balconies in drenching waves, making it difficult to see much more than a few feet ahead of you. The distant glow of everbright lanterns, barely visible in the soaking gloom, does little to light the paths on this warm, wet evening.

Spot check DC 18
Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/141oYGm6ORX4D3Onhm7elQxIZb9Fmb4DpaawjDE5nuuc/edit?usp=sharing)

2018-12-09, 09:26 PM
Although he didn't care for the rain, Sil... *ahem* ...Ravid always appreciated the time when the shadows were growing long. It always made im feel safe. Spotting a half-orc hurrying to catch a skycab, Ravid looked around, deciding on the spur of the moment to practice his 'tail" skills. Between one glance and the next, he slipped into the shadow just outside the everbright's small circle of illumination, flitting along behind the half-orc, watching him closely while never seeming to look directly at him.

Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]
Spot [roll2]

2018-12-09, 09:26 PM
Celina nods, and carefully hands the implement over. Can't say it's the finest work you'll ever receive-I'm a novice yet-but it should suffice. If there are any last alterations you need made, let me know, she says. And preferably soon-I need to get out of the forge and cool off before I melt! But not before you're fully satisfied.

I appreciate you paying in advance, by the way-not common for a customer to do that. As she backs away, she stands up nearly straight-the forge is just a hair too small for her to stand at her full 6'10" height. She's dressed in a sturdy tunic and pants, but is sweating hard under them, and she idly pushes her blonde hair back out of her face.

2018-12-09, 10:42 PM
@Celina As you explain to the dwarf that you are still a novice and thus not the finest work he would ever receive he laughs, a strong hearty laugh as he places one hand on his chest, and another on a nearby post to support himself. "Please if I bought me boy the best he would think himself ready to go and fight anything he wants, why I wanted such an unruly thing to begin with." he says as he lifts up the maul, for their is no other way to describe the sheer size of the hammer he asked you to make, that was almost as tall as he was. "This here will do just fine, it will teach my boy patience as well as build his strength. After all he will have to think twice before trying to swing something like this around. And if he is thinking about it he is less likely to do something stupid." he explains to you stating that there were no more alterations needed.

"Its a fine weapon las, in truth I didn't even expect it ta be this good, I guess the rumors are true about the old coot. You keep honing your skills under him, and I'm telling you that one day you will craft weapons of that people kingdoms over will be fighting for." he says referring the senior smith, and owner of the place you now worked. "Go and cool off now, I'm sure most people in the city would not appreciate the rain like it is now, but someone in your trade, being by the fire all day, it must be a godsend."

"Do not worry about it, and who knows next time I'm in Sharn maybe I will stop by again to see how you are doing. Perhaps go share a tankard of ale as I tell ye stories of what my bafoon of a boy did with his hammer." he says hoisting it over his shoulders. "Well goodnight Miss. Names Hamdic Nightbrewer by the way, if you are ever near the howling peaks you should stop by. I'll have a seat for you at me table."

2018-12-09, 10:57 PM
Celina smiles, and offers her hand to shake. Thank you, Mr. Nightbrewer. Hopefully your boy doesn't do anything too stupid with it-but if he does, I'm sure you'll be there to help him get back on track. It's what a good father would do, and you seem a good man.

Once the last of the pleasantries are over with, Celina heads to the back, changing into lighter clothes. Still keeping with a simple tunic and pants, but ones designed for comfort rather than protection from the forge, and steps outside. She walks outside the forge, humming a bright melody to herself and looking around. Just outside, she takes a moment to look up at the rain, laughing into the water as it plasters her tunic to her body.


It's DC 18, so I literally cannot fail. Let's see how bad I do!

El'the Ellie
2018-12-09, 11:24 PM
Saoirse curses the rain, cold and driving. And pushing away any potential marks... She looked down at her coin purse with dissapointment.
Two Platinum pieces: a small treasure for emergencies only.
Nine gold: looked like a lot, reflecting the lanturn light, but it would go faster than it seemed. At least the rain meant she wouldn't have to pay for a shower somewhere.
Twenty silver: eleven started the day in her purse, and a measly nine to show for her troubles.
Ten copper: a hodge podge of some she found in the gutter, some change from lunch, and five she had scooped off a restaurant table before the waiter came around to collect her tip.

She sighed and cursed the rain again. The sheets of rain covered sights and sounds, true, but it also made people like her stick out like a sore thumb. And she was cold and wet and unhappy.

Her eyes light up as she sees the nobles breaking up, one separated from the rest. Good. She started following him, thoughts of a hot roast meal bouncing around her head already.

Spot: [roll0]
Hide: [roll1]
Move silently: [roll2]

2018-12-10, 04:37 AM

With a silent hiss Rake walks faster, his head down a little but moving left to right all the time, his eyes scanning the gloom for potential dangers. This city was worse than any jungle out there and some of its inhabitants more dangerous than those of his native Talenta plains.

"It's just rain. A little water will not kill you. But is does not make me smile, either. And noone will notice in this weather." he thinks as he calls on the power in his blood and shifts, his legs changing, becoming longer, ending in wicked looking claws, the joints popping and turning, his tail growing, His claws make no sound as he keeps them lifted off the ground - no need to announce himself to anyone waiting for easy prey - but the added speed will take him there so much faster.

Rake shifts: +2 STR, growing a tail for better balance and Velociraptor feet for more speed and jumping power. And Claws.

Spot: [roll0]

2018-12-10, 07:13 AM

Bishop doesn't hide the fact that he's looking at the blueprint and grins sardonically, "Perhaps history repeated itself then." Bishop continues to look at the blueprints, clearly troubled. He makes a humming sound for a second before finally glancing back at Merrix, "You know, stuff like this keeps me up at night?"

Grinning he grabs a cloak from the wall, a drab thing mostly to keep dirty water from landing on him, "Tonight has been most eventful and you've given me much to think about my friend. It would be nice to discover my people's original purpose was milking cows but I fear that your grandfather aptly named us."

"And yes; my flock grows stronger, both in size and spiritually. Were I needed to leave for Xen'drik I know they would be left in good hands. As he heads for the door he looks out at the weather and gives Merrix a somewhat annoyed look. "It's been an exciting night. I shall see you tomorrow?

2018-12-10, 12:42 PM

"Some folk just never know when to back down, Master Cobblepot," Ferron replies, glancing down at the unconscious pair. "Shifters more'n most, in my experience. Anyway, nice doing business with you, sir, and you know where to find me if you have any more problems that require a firm hand." Weighing the bag of coins in his hand, Ferron watches the little gnome depart before tucking the bag inside his tunic. Five gold for making scary faces. Not a bad night's wages, he muses to himself. Now to find somewhere warm and dry to spend it.

Hefting his long handled axe, Ferron draws up the hood of his cloak and begins making his way towards the nearest bridge.

2018-12-10, 09:31 PM
@Celina Caught up in the revelry of the rain coming down in torrents, plastering your tunic to your body after a long day of work, the rest of the world seems to be far away from you as are its worries as you enjoy the moment, nothing espically significant about it or out of the ordinary. A simple ordinary moment like this after a hard days work are few and rare between, but always something to be treasured.

@Saoirse as you spot the beautiful hot meal before you something strange happens as the shifter seems to grow a few inches taller before your eyes, slowly moving left to right in the rain. For what reason who knows given how he is not trying to hard to stay out of the rain as your dinner seems to slowly start pulling away from you, moving just a tad faster than it had a moment ago. Did he spot you, couldn't have, and espically not heard you. You had been training like this since a child, and had stolen from more skilled people then this lone shifter no doubt was, so what exactly was making him take the course of action he was, and more importantly how?

@Rake As you make your way around this city you remind yourself that this was a steel jungle, and possibly a lot more dangerous then your homeland. Taking advantage of the rain and low visibilty you call upon your blood to increase your speed this way the walk to the Golden Dragon Inn would go by much faster and no doubt no prey would be able to keep up with you. As you come around a bend you notice a human women standing in the rain laughing as it soaks through her tunic.

@Bishop "It is a possibility myself and it seems my grandfather shared given what we know of your kind. After all the giants from what we have learned were still centuries more advanced then we are now when they feel." Merrix points out before nodding in agreement. "It is in truth why I have been studying so hard to learn what I can about your kind Bishop, and why I often enjoy speaking with you. As a human I can only see what is written, I in the end have no inside angle to look at this. I see blueprints, not even good ones at that, on how to create a simple one of your kind. Yet I do not understand how your people gained life, not that I am upset, just the idea integers me greatly. I still say the worst mistake my house made was agreeing to shut down the forge and hide it."

As you grab your dingy cloak off of the wall Merrix listens to your words and gives a weak smile. " I hear in Xendirk many things are still unknown, who knows perhaps your people once had their own kingdom. After all a few stories I have heard suggest items have been found that seem to integrate with your kind, yet these are ancient items. I sadly have not had the pleasure of getting my hands on such an item yet. However I suspect in the future I will be sending an expedition there in the hopes of finding more of the secrets of your ancient people." he says, you note staying clear of calling you warforged out of respect. " I hope when that day comes I can count on you to lead this expedition?" Merrix asks as he crosses the room, an elegant cane in his hand as he leads you to the door. The cane itself more for show then it was for practical use.

"If plans allow I do hope so, if not I will make sure to let my necie at the front desk know to expect you and let you choose whatever job you would like to do for the day. Goodnight Bishop." he says holding the door open for you.

Once outside you begin making your way back to your home for the night, odd a human woman standing in the rain laughing, you note as you scan the area noticing a shifter making his way, at least from the looks of it to the Golden Dragon in, a human woman close behind following him. On the opposite side you notice a half-orc heading in the same direction as you, a great axe across his shoulders.

@Ferron Well that went better than planned, at least payment wise, sure you were a bit wet but now you could go dry off and relax, and enjoy that gold in comfort as you make your way to the sky bridge, noting a warforged in a dingy cloak not to far away from you, as well as a human woman laughing in the rain almost in the middle of the street, before the skybridge. And a third figure just barely noticable in the distance, their outline barely noticeable due to the rain.

You spot a figure in a dark cloak moving quietly through the rain on the skybridge ahead of you. The cloaked figure seems to be avoiding the dim pool's of light cast by the everbright lanterns, preferring to stay in the deeper shadows. A streak of lighting comes crashing down, and in the center of the stone bridge you see a shape in the brief illumination. You watch as the cloaked figure reaches the railing of the sky bridge and watch as it slips over the barrier and dissappears into the darkness and rain.

Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/141oYGm6ORX4D3Onhm7elQxIZb9Fmb4DpaawjDE5nuuc/edit?usp=sharing)

El'the Ellie
2018-12-11, 12:10 AM
Saoirse grows more curious, and frustrated, as this shifter picks up his pace. Maybe he was just trying to get out of the rain? She would have to pick up her pace to catch him. Stepping more quickly, she follows the shifter around the corner, head long into a group of people.

Oh great... Just act natural. Saoirse slows her pace, walking through the rain like all the others. So close...

2018-12-11, 07:00 AM

Still deep in thought his meditations are interrupted by sound of laughter. His eyes falling on the largest human he's ever seen. If that's not the strangest thing I'll see tonight...

Being this is Sharn where odd things aren't that odd, Bishop turns his eyes towards the sky bridge just in time to catch the figure leap over the railings. His eyes grow wide at the suicidal man. It's not the first time he's seen one of the fleshies end themselves. A thought oddly comforting as he's seen the struggles within his own people as well. Knowledge that it's not just his kind that suffers bouts of insanity has always made it easier working with those in need and point out that all living things struggle with demons.

Bishop will sprint to the bridge railing where he saw the man jump to see if perhaps the man is holding on, a change of mind at the last minute.

2018-12-11, 08:12 AM

Rake gives the strange laughing lady a good look but as she seems to be busy with herself he takes a few longer steps to pass her by without coming too close. This city sure was a place full of crazy people….

2018-12-11, 02:17 PM
Celina's eyes follow Bishop, and she jogs after the man, having missed the jumping, but calling out and asking What's the matter?

2018-12-11, 02:27 PM

Easy mark, Ferron thinks, giving the laughing woman a sceptical look. She better lay off the sauce if she wants to make it home in one piece.

Just then, the warforged suddenly sprints towards the skybridge. "What the hell!?" he exclaims, instinctively bringing his axe up to ward off an attack. "Yeah! What's going on here?" he echoes the laughing woman before moving cautiously after the pair of them to the bridge.

2018-12-11, 05:42 PM
Ravid is shocked as he watches the person jump over the skybridge railing. Several others go running toward the spot, but Ravid sinks back further into the shadows, watching the watchers.

Always watch the watchers...

2018-12-11, 11:27 PM
As you all rush forward towards the sky bridge ahead which spans the distance between the platform you all started on and another off in the distance which you know is where Dalannan Tower and the Kelsa Spire meet you begin to notice a vague, humanoid shape upon the cold stone floor of the skybridge. As each of you grow closer to the shape on your way to examine the person who lept from the bridge, you notice a mixture of blood and rain water pooling around the body, which becomes all to apparent is someone who recently got mugged. However oddly enough a leather satchel is still clutched tightly in the dead mans hands, which lie in the ever expanding puddle of water and gore.

As you look over the bridge into the darkness below you can see no signs of anyone previously being here, if they jumped it must have been to their death.

Listen checks please

Sitting back and observing from the shadows where you have still not been spotted you notice a skycab coming in this direction at a rather fast speed given the weather and low visibility, though it does not seem to notice you yet, no doubt it will be here within the next few seconds. In the cab you notice two figures in raggedy looking cloaks pulled tightly around their bodies, and what appears to be the faint glint of a spear tip in ones hand.

2018-12-11, 11:41 PM

Ah yee, best skill! :P

Celina stops at the body, bending down and seeing if there's any hope for the man. Upon seeing there's not, she cusses harshly, and starts looking around for who might've done it. Did anyone see what happened? Who did this?

2018-12-12, 03:08 AM

Rake stops a few feet away from the body and watches the tall human lady examine the body, then shake her head. "Another victim of this jungle..." he says, his voice quiet and a little sad.

2018-12-12, 07:03 AM

The warforged didn't immediately answer the people who came forward, instead peering down from the skybridge. His aquamarine eyes narrow a bit. Finally he looks at the body on the ground and then between the two who spoke to him. As the rain picks up slightly he somberly begins to speak, "I saw someone jump and assumed it was a suicide; but perhaps it was a get-away instead."

Listen: [roll0]

El'the Ellie
2018-12-12, 09:16 AM
Saoirse steps forward, wiping some of the rain out of her eyes only for it to be immediately replaced.

"Huh... poor fool. Let's see if what 'e's carrying might say who killed 'em?"

She walks towards the body and takes the leather bag, going through it for any valuables and any clues as to why he died.

2018-12-12, 03:33 PM

Ferron stops by the corpse, too late to prevent a second woman from snatching the bag. Where'd she come from?!

"Anything in that bag that can tell us who this guy was? Or do any of you recognize him?" he asks the people gathered on the bridge.

"If it was a getaway," he says to the warforged that spoke up, "whoever it was either has balls of steel - no offence - or magic to stop them dropping dead. Or maybe they're just hanging under the bridge, waiting for us to move on. Anyone for taking a peek?"


2018-12-12, 04:47 PM
Someone jumped? Where? Celina asks. Assuming she is shown, she looks down. I'm going to follow.

She heads to where the bridge meets the wall of the chasm, and starts walking down it, seemingly completely unperturbed by the vertical surface.

Spiderwalk! Love that invocation.

2018-12-12, 06:34 PM
Each of you can hear someone climbing up towards you from underneath the bridge and thus can act in the surprise round

@Celina Looking around to see who may have done this crime sheds little results, no doubt the attacker used the darkness and rain to cover their escape, though from a quick look at the body shows they did not get what they came for given the satchel clasped in the mans cold, dead hands. As the warforged with the assembled group of people answers you, stating someone jumped you begin to make your way to the opposite end of the bridge so you can climb down and see if you can find the person who jumped.

@Rake another victim and for what reason, a few coins in their purse, there was no honor in this. From what it looks the man didn't even have a weapon on his body you note as another of the figures that was close by moves in and begins examining the persons belongings, hopefully looking for a name, though you couldn't be sure.

@Saoirse Well this man wouldn't need this stuff, might as well look through it to see if their were any clues or "other" content you could use for your own good fortune.

You will need to use a sleight of hand to avoid others seeing you slip something out if you choose to take anything.

@Party minus Ravid as the young woman with red brown hair and blue eyes opens the well made leather satchel and begins searching through the items she finds quills and inks, as well as six blank sheets of fine Karrnathi paper. Judging by the content you would have to guess the man was perhaps a scholar of some sort. Next to be pulled out is a wrapped apple, green you note if anyone chooses to unwrap it. And finally a jounral with a thick brown cover with strange mithral threads woven in a pattern.

@ Entire party before anymore of the body can be investigated the distinct sound of a skycab becomes very apparent to everyone as each look up to see the vehicle on a crash course directly at the group, with two cloaked figures jumping out a few feet above the ground before it crashes next to Ferron and Rake, the two figures landing next to Saoirse and Celina.

Reflex DC 12 or take 4 d damage from the skyship crashing and exploding near you, half damage on passed save

With everyone distracted on one side of the bridge a third cloaked figure climbs out from underneath the bridge, a battle axe is aparent in this warforged's hands, and the mark of Karrnath on her brow. You note she looks at the journal momentairly before seeing Bishop along with the rest of you. "Kill them all, leave no survivors." the femine voice says coming from the warforged with the battleaxe, clearly the leader before she charges at Bishop. "Come and taste my steel flesh lover!" she calls out to him as she does so.

Attack roll 21, damage 5

Note Ravid was unseen still meaning he can act in a surprise round if he so chooses, a charge would be within range.
Cloaked Figures 7
Cutter 3

Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/141oYGm6ORX4D3Onhm7elQxIZb9Fmb4DpaawjDE5nuuc/edit?usp=sharing)

2018-12-12, 06:41 PM

Rolling dat init score!

Celina startles, moving back a step or two. She readies herself to move away, not being well-suited to hand-to-hand melee.

I plan on taking a 5' step to avoid an AoO, then Eldritch Blasting a mofo.

2018-12-12, 07:00 PM
Bishop (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1755244)

Bishop dives out of the way, his natural talent at tumbling suddenly being put into good use. Standing and wounded he surveys the scene in confusion. Never in his life had anything like this happened to him.

As the leader charged him, Bishop barely had time to respond with a confused, "Flesh Lover?" before being hit hard, the axe cleaving through a mithral plate and deep into his fibrous tissue beneath it. The warforged dropped to one knee under the attack and his movements quickly became sluggish; those who fought alongside warforged in the last war can tell that he's struggling to stay conscious.

Bishop took 7 points of damage this round and is at 0 hit points.

Initiative: [roll0]
Reflex: [roll1]

If the result is a natural 1 then he will use his domain power to re-roll: [roll2]

Will use an action point if result is 6 - 11; [roll3]

2018-12-13, 03:11 AM

Faster than anyone would believe the tall shifter jumps the warforged who attacked the other warforged, clawd feet slashing, his long tail providing balance. He lands next to his target, crouched and ready for a fight.

Rake takes a step to stand next to both warforged and attacks the "enemy". He uses the claws on his feet to attack only for style reasons, it has no special effect whatsoever.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

El'the Ellie
2018-12-13, 11:31 AM
Saoirse is busy sliding the strange mithral journal into her back, meaning the crashing skycab takes her completely by surprise. Wincing from the burns and cuts as the metal shrapnel goes flying, whirls around with her shortspear in hand, and takes a stab at the cloaked person in front of her.

"Oi, what the f**k!"

She stabs forward without hesitation, aiming for the heart.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

Sneak attack, if applicable (I'm not sure the person near me is considered to have acted in combat yet) [roll2]

Edit: goofed up the damage roll, but I don't think it matters. :smalltongue:

2018-12-13, 12:10 PM

I hate being right, Ferron thinks as the warforged comes clambering over the side of the bridge...and almost misses the skycab that comes bouncing straight at him. Although he manages to avoid a direct hit, he is still struck hard by flying debris from the wreck.

"OH, THAT'S IT! You're going down, tin girl!" he roars as he recovers. Bringing his axe up he sidesteps to take up a flanking position and then unleashes a vicious overhead chop at the warforged in front of him.

Initiative: 4
5-foot step to occupy the square opposite from Bishop. IIRC, since Bishop is surprised, he doesn't provide a flanking bonus.
Standard attack with greataxe [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Roll to confim if critical threat [roll2]
Extra damage on critical [roll3]

2018-12-13, 04:02 PM
As the battle quickly unfolds, many still caught in a daze from the skycab coming crashing down and exploding around them, the battle begins taking a turn for the worst as it becomes clear the warforged with the feminine voice that had come over the side of the bridge almost cuts down the warforged who had come over with all of you, just barely functioning still, no doubt mostly through sheer determination at that. And those who were not caught off guard were still unable to land a single blow on any of the foes, that is of course until the burly half-orc steps to the side, lifting his mighty battleaxe with a practiced ease showing lots of use and familiarity with the weapon, carving a deep gash into the frame of the Karrnath marked warforged. However it is clear she is not down yet as a fire seems to ignite within her eyes at this strike, one can only hope it is extinguished before it gets to full power.

From the nearby towers you can all hear the commotion of people opening their windows trying to find out what all the noise is down below, and seeing the body and people fighting on the bridge many voices can be heard shouting out. "Hey, stop that!", "Call the Watch!", and "Murder!" to name a few that you can hear over the clash of battle and the sound of the rain cascading down upon you, and the clash of thunder above.

Map (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/141oYGm6ORX4D3Onhm7elQxIZb9Fmb4DpaawjDE5nuuc/edit?usp=sharing)

Rake 25
Saoirse 17
Bishop 14
Celina 12
Ravid 7
Cloaked Figures 7
Ferron 4

El'the Ellie
2018-12-13, 04:09 PM
Not to be deterred by her earlier swing and miss, Saoirse stabs again, then pulls out a rusty looking sickle.

"What do any of ya even want?"

Attack again! [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Sneak attack, if applicable: [roll2]

Then taking a 5 foot step away from the guy next to me (unless he dies) and drawing my sickle in my other hand.

2018-12-13, 04:58 PM
Bishop (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1755244)

As the axe is forcibly dislodged from his chest Bishop feels as if time slows down for him. He watches as rain water mixes with his blood-like fluid as it slowly drips down his holy symbol. Perhaps it was hubris that he selected his own Ghulra as his symbol but Bishop had always felt that true faith in oneself was the only path for his kind. In the same instance his confidence had been sapped he suddenly felt it restored. He would not die here today. He felt that power again, the same rush he felt when he healed his brothers. Except this was different; begging to be released from within him.

Looking up at his assailant, time continued as normal, and as the half-orc landed his own blow into the warforged, Bishop had his own response, "It is not I that would commit fratricide today, brother." Quickly standing tall, he brings his holy symbol to bear, "When you strike me. You strike all warforged. NOW STAND DOWN."

Standard Action: Rebuke ConstructWarforged Domain granted power
Rebuke Check: [roll0] plus action point [roll1]
Rebuke Damage: [roll2]

2018-12-14, 02:59 AM

As the warforged who attacked them was distracted by others, Rake slashes at her (she has a female voice so he thinks of her as a she) again and again, trying to finally hit her.

Attack 1: [roll0] damage: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2] damage: [roll3]

2018-12-14, 09:00 AM
Ravid watches the fight intently. The cloaked figures are obviously trying to cover up a crime, while the others just seem to be trying to survive the battle. It is that which makes the decision for him. Always help folks trying to survive. He slips through the shadows, drawing both his hand crossbow and a dagger. The crossbow is tied under his cloak by a length of twine, so he can drop it immediately after firing if someone engages him up close. Closing the gap, he takes aim at the closest, the woman who is doing the most damage. This is for the witnesses, bitch!

He fires.

Move Silently: [roll0]

Hand Crossbow: [roll1] for [roll2] Piercing damage + [roll3] Sneak Attack damage

Crit Confirm? [roll4] for [roll5] extra damage

2018-12-14, 09:45 AM
Okay I'm doing this a little out of Initative order, otherwise Bishops Actions would not have made a great deal of sense. So Bishop will take place first, followed by everyone else how they posted.

As the battle ensues, each of you watch the barely functioning warforged who walked forward with each of you slowly rise to his feet, holding a symbol in the shape of the Ghulra on his own forhead. The words he speaks seem to hold an unseen power behind them as you watch all three assailants seem to stop for a split second, as if each was obeying the command to stand down. Seizing the opportunity it seems everyone begins to lash out against their would be attackers.

@Saoirse "To be free of your weak skined race, to no longer be looked down upon and oppressed." the warforged replies in anger, slowly beginning to come back to, it seems while it refuses to go near the other one with the strange symbol in its hand, it has no problem fighting you as you bring your sickle down into its mithral body, however while the blade does indeed cut in, it does not seem to strike anything important you note as you realize the person you are fighting is another warforged. Taking a step back so you stand over the dead body of the man they murdered in a protective pose, you withdraw your second sickle ready for the oncoming attack.

@Celina Using your powers to walk on any surface, much like a spider, you step on the side of the bridge, using it as a natural barrier as you fire forth a beam of Eldritch energy at the warforged that you just watched the cloaked woman with red hair and sickles slice into. And it is a solid hit as where your eldrithch energy connects it seems to dismantle the creature leaving a small hole in the creatures chest as its body falls to the ground lifeless.

@Rake While others spoke words, and asked questions you allowed your claws to do all the talking for you, knowing from your life in the wild that allowing your guard to slip, if even for a moment could be the difference between life and death. And as both of your claws rip into this female warforge you note with satisfaction as the fire in her eyes begins to go out, until she at last crumbles on the ground motionless however a tiny winged thing pops out of her chest as she falls, flying off into the rain filled sky to who knows where.

@Ravid getting ready to let loose an arrow as you move forward to help these people survive this attack, you hold as at the last second you watch two of the three attackers fall to this group, taking a shot at the quickly moving flying like creature in the sky, your shot misses as the shrill sound of the guard whistle becomes loud and clear no doubt only a few moments out.

@ Party watching two of his brothers fall the final warforged breaks out into a run, fleeing to the south west, in the opposite direction the town guards are coming from. You could pursue the lone figure, though doing so may cause the guard to think you are fleeing from them, or take the time to finish examining the body before the guard arrive.

As you watch the final person fleeing, you catch the markings of the Ghulra on the figures head, and it is one you know rather well. For the last three months this young boy has been attending the reforged community with you, and he always seemed shy, but kind. What could of led him to do this, and should you tell these others?

2018-12-14, 01:20 PM
Celina walks back onto the bridge. Okay-does anyone have ANY IDEA WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?

2018-12-14, 03:19 PM

The warforged falls back to one knee once the fight is over and begins praying quietly to himself. Laying his hands on his own wound, you see the fibrous tissue beneath begin knitting backtogether followed by his mithral plate. By the time it's done he looks fully repaired.

Bishop casts repair light damage and heals himself for [roll0] points of damage.


non-gendered warforged cleric 1
NG medium construct (living construct)
Init +3; Senses spot +2, listen +2
Languages Common, Celestial, Giant, Draconic, Abyssal, Undercommon
AC 18 (+5 Armor, +3 Dex), touch 13, flat-footed 15
HP 7/7 (1d6+1)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4 (Rerolls on natural 1's)
Immune poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause sickened, energy drain
Speed 40 ft.
Melee Dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20)
Full Attack Dagger +2 and Slam -3 (1d4+2/19-20 and 1d4+1/x2)
Combat Options: Divine Might, Power Attack
Special Actions: Turn Undead (6/day), Rebuke Construct (6/day)
Base Atk +0; Grp +2
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st):
1st- Repair Light DamageD, Unity Wine, Identify
0th- Light, Read Magic, Detect MagicAbilities Str 15, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 16
Skills Profession (Minister) +6, Diplomacy +5, Tumble +5, Balance +4, Concentration +3, Jump +3, Knowledge (Arcana) +2, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +2, Knowledge (History) +2, Knowledge (Local) +2, Knowledge (Nature) +2, Knowledge (Psionics) +2, Knowledge (Religion) +2, Knowledge (The Planes) +2, Spellcraft +2
Feats Mithral Body, Power Attack, Divine Might
Flaws Racial Devotion, Brash
Traits Quick
Possessions Silver Holy Symbol, Cloak, Dagger, Bank Note

2018-12-14, 03:37 PM

"Nice scratchers you got yourself there," Ferron says, acknowledging the shifter's handiwork. Checking the blade of his axe for any nicks, Ferron looks over at the giant woman. "My best guess? This was no ordinary mugging. The dead man had something these warforged really wanted. They killed him, but something spooked 'em before they could grab it. Then we came along and they got desperate. Or maybe they weren't sure dead guy was actually dead and they needed to finish him off...or take his corpse with 'em."

Glancing over at the redheaded woman, Ferron asks: "You picked up the satchel. Anything in there that might clue us in to what this was all about?"

2018-12-17, 06:08 PM
Ferron - OOC

Since no one has responded, Ferron will take a moment to search the dead man and the dead warforged for clues as to their identities and what this fracas was all about.

If taking 10 is allowed, his Search check is 13.
If a roll is required, his Search check is [roll0] plus [roll1] from an Action Point. Total = 24.

2018-12-17, 08:59 PM
Ravid kneels beside the body of the dead man, quickly going through his clothes before the watch arrives. As he looks for clues, he introduces himself to the group, "Everyone stay calm. We'll want to talk to the watch when they arrive. My name is Ravid, Ravid Thorn. I am a member of the Warning Guild, and a local Inquisitive. No one has done anything wrong here."

Spot [roll0]
Search [roll1]

2018-12-17, 11:30 PM
@Ferron and Ravid as you explore the corpse of the dead man, as well as the two warforged very little is revealed. However what is interesting is the man was a provost at Morgrave University, school of Pre-Galifar studies by the name of Bonal Geldem from what his papers say that you easily find in his coat pocket. A small sack seems to also be hanging from his belt, though the satchel is still with the red haired woman who picked it up earlier.

The warforged are however conpletly unknown, while one bears the mark of Karrnath the other bears a different Ghulra, neither of which seems to be containing any papers stating who they were however. Ferron due to your time fighting with warforged during the war however you note the small part of the femine warforged's body missing and realize what it was. Something your commanders used to use to relay orders across long expanses, a Final Messenger. On her body you note the dingy cloak she is wearing, the rather simple looking battleaxe of Karrnath design and a sling with roughly 15 bullets tucked inside her backpack is all she seems to be carrying with her. The other however seems to be a little more wealthy, carrying his spear, a warforged repair kit,a pair of potions of cure light wounds, and a bag containing 285 gold coins, from the looks of it all from different kingdoms.

2018-12-18, 01:19 AM
Removing the sack, Ravid shoves it behind his belt. He turns to the others, "One of the Warforged got away with whatever the Provost here was carrying, got it? The guard will muck this up, and I'd like to know why and who did it.
Keep the papers out, but hide the rest quickly, they are almost on us."

2018-12-18, 03:30 AM

Unsure of what to do but intrigued by the situation, Rake lets his shifting fall, reverting to his usual shape.
He nods to the big guy with the axe, a nod of respect and thanks.

"You can call me Rake, most people do."

Rake does not take part in the looting but stands guard instead.

2018-12-18, 06:26 AM
Removing the sack, Ravid shoves it behind his belt. He turns to the others, "One of the Warforged got away with whatever the Provost here was carrying, got it? The guard will muck this up, and I'd like to know why and who did it.
Keep the papers out, but hide the rest quickly, they are almost on us."
"Whoa there, stranger! Just who in the hells do you think you are?" Ferron exclaims furiously. "You come running out o' nowhere after I just risked my neck fighting these tin men an' think you can tell me what to do? Now, I don't know you or what your beef is with the Watch, but that ain't none o' my concern. What is my concern is that sack you just pocketed - hand it over right now, and no funny stuff or you're eating my axe for dinner, savvy?" Lifting his axe with one hand, Ferron holds it easily at neck level, the threat to Ravid's life and limb clear. "As for what story the Watch gets to hear, how about you leave that up to the folk that actually did something to put these assassins down, 'kay?"

OOC: Yay, roleplaying! Maybe a big waste of time, but sometimes it's just necessary. Kvard51, I don't know if you meant for it to come across this way, but Sil/Ravid skulking out of sight for almost the whole encounter, then barging in when the fight was won and trying to take charge - while grabbing what could be an important item - smells way too much like a conman trying to take advantage of the situation to pick up some free loot. Especially when Sil/Ravid's also warning everybody to keep the details from the Watch. So yeah, Ferron thinks he's seen your type before and he sure as heck isn't trusting you - a complete stranger - over the Watch.

Edited to take into account OOC clarification of which bag was taken.

2018-12-18, 10:39 AM
Ravid kneels beside the body of the dead man, quickly going through his clothes before the watch arrives. As he looks for clues, he introduces himself to the group, "Everyone stay calm. We'll want to talk to the watch when they arrive. My name is Ravid, Ravid Thorn. I am a member of the Watcher's Guild, and a local Inquisitive. No one has done anything wrong here."

Spot [roll0]
Search [roll1]

Agreed, Celina says. But if there's any other danger afoot, we should try to help there too.

2018-12-18, 03:42 PM

After healing himself the warforged slowly gets up and checks the condition of the two fallen warforged to verify they are dead or merely inert. He takes a good long look at the two warforged to see if he can figure out who they are or where they are from. Bishop utters a prayer under his breath while touching his forhead and begins looking around for magical aura's.

Cast Detect Magic

2018-12-18, 11:33 PM
@Bishop As you check on the two fallen warforged it becomes very apparent to you that whatever driving force that gave them life, be it a soul or something more, no longer resides within them. The leader, for it seemed at least she was calling the shots, is unknown to you, however the other you believe you have seen around town a few times now that you have a closer look, but you can not seem to place where unlike the one who got away. He was a member of your religion, if it could be called such, why would he be involved in something like a murder? As you scan the area for magical aura's none seem to jump out at you from the bodies of the three dead figures. However a small ball of light that seems to be coming towards your group does.

@The Party As you all seem to bicker back and forth on what should be done two males, and a female dressed in the black and green studded leather armor of Sharn's city watch emerge from the rain drenched night. It is apparent almost immediately who the leader is, as a powerfully built bald dwarf with a close cropped beard steps forward leveling a crossbow at you all, the two other guards a human male, and female quickly aim their halberds at you. A small glowing orb of arcane light seems to linger just behind his left shoulder, almost as if it is focused on all of you, but made to stay out of his own vision, illuminates the area.

"Olladra's bloody nose!" you hear the dwarf curse as he looks at the three dead bodies, and the well armed group in front of him, some with wounds of their own, as well as the debris from the crashed skycab. "By order of the guard I demand you drop your weapons and explain yourself!" he says sternly as he keeps his eyes on each of you making sure no one tries to run or attack.

2018-12-19, 12:25 AM
Sil steps forward, hands waist high with palms up, "Good evening to you, Seargent. You may remember me? Ravid Thorn of the Warning Guild? I was out for a stroll this evening when I saw this group set upon by a crew in dark cloaks. As you can see, they made a good showing for themselves. It appears the cloaked figures were Warforged and that they had first killed this man here, as what drew me to the fight was hearing one of them tell the others, 'Leave no witnesses'. One of the assailants fled, the others are dead." He looks around at the group and guestures to the papers, The dead man is a provost at Morgrave, according to his identification papers. A Bonal Geldem by name. Perhaps you know of some reason he may have been targeted?"

2018-12-19, 11:28 AM
Celina takes her dagger's sheathe off and sets it down when the guard approaches and demand for weapons to be dropped. I didn't see it, but there was also a man who jumped off the bridge. I was going to follow, see if he needed help or could even be helped, when we were attacked.

2018-12-19, 02:09 PM
Ferron carefully lays his axe on the ground, then draws his sword and lays it on the ground as well. Giving Ravid a sour look, he addresses the sergeant. "I didn't see anyone jump off the bridge, but the tin man here said he did, and moments later that one" - he points at the warforged leader - "climbed up the side of the bridge and attacked us. If I were a gambling man, I'd guess she was the one that went over the side in the first place. As for what's going on, we were trying to figure that out for ourselves when you showed up."

2018-12-20, 02:58 AM

Rake drops his dagger - more a tool than a weapon but he wanted no misunderstandings - and shows his bare hands to the officers. Inside he was glad his shifting had run its course before the guard arrived. Shapebounds were so sensitive about nature's gifts….

El'the Ellie
2018-12-20, 11:01 AM
Saoirse briefly considers running after and hunting down the last one, but figures it might be a bad idea in all the rain and in her current state: she's still bleeding fairly badly from the piece of cab that struck her. It shouldn't be anything life threatening, but still painful.

She sheaths her weapons and flips through the journal, though in truth she's more interested in the fanciful mithril embroidery than the actual contents of the pages. Still, maybe there's something in there worth something to someone.

Her eyes light up when they discover the sack of gold, but before she can say anything about splitting it among the group that defended themselves, the trio of guards arrive. She'd dealt enough with the guard to know this doesn't usually end well, and not wanting the journal to be confiscated, she discretely shoves it under her jacket.

She turns to the guard and shrugs, made more difficult by her injury. "'e yelled something at me about killin people with skin. T'be fair I thought they might'a just been racists who done snapped."

Sleight of Hand: [roll0]

2018-12-21, 12:24 AM
As the group drop their weapons as ordered by Sergeant Dolom and begin explaining themselves a you all note a few people slowly making their way out of the buildings, collaborating the story you the bald dwarf. "I must say, it is not often we are so lucky to find such good and noble samaritans such as yourselves." he says lighting up and lowering his crossbow. "It's clear they didn't do this boys, and thank you for letting us know who this poor soul is. We will contact his next of kin. Also take this as a reward for helping the guard." Sergeant Dolom says handing each of you two gold pieces marked with the symbols of Breland. "Now move along and be about your business, and thank you again." the bald dwarf says trying to keep the crowds away from the crime scene.

Sergeant Dolom is now friendly towards all of you in future engagements.
250exp for resolving the encounter

2018-12-21, 03:06 AM
Sil nods to the dwarf, "thank you kindly, sergeant. And if you find yourself needing an Inquisitive, ask for Ravid Thorn at the Warning guild, alright?"

He waves to everyone assembled, the warriors and the witnesses, "The same goes for all of you. Ravid Thorn, at the Warning Guild."

2018-12-21, 11:13 AM

"Much obliged, sergeant, we'll be on our way," Ferron replies with a nod. Moving out of earshot he turns to the others and continues. "The tin girl had something called a final messenger stuck in her, but it's gone now. It's a safe bet it flew off to whoever's behind this hit and that he knows it went wrong. The tin man that got away 'll fill his boss in on the rest, so it won't be long before he knows who we are and that we" - he pauses to give Saoirse and Ravid a stern look - "most likely have whatever his crew was after. For my money, that means we're all in this together from here on. I suggest we all go somewhere warm and dry, go through the stuff we recovered and try to get a handle on what's going on. And that means anybody who took anything from anyone puts it on the table when we get there. Savvy?"

2018-12-21, 06:02 PM
I have a room above a forge. It's not spacious, but it's warm and dry, Celina offers.

2018-12-21, 06:16 PM
"Sounds alright to me," Ferron replies. "Name's Ferron, by the way."

2018-12-22, 02:40 AM

Rake picks his knife up again and looks around carefully before nodding to Celina: "Fine with me. Thank you for offering shelter to us."

2018-12-26, 01:56 PM

Bishop was deep in thought about his next move. As the excitement wore down he clacked his teeth a couple of times as he contemplated to himself what his next move was. Finally with a determined look on his face he approached the Sergeant as they were getting ready to leave. "Sergeant, I have information on one of the murderers who got away. I could draw his Ghulra to assist in apprehending him."

If needed, Bishop will sketch the ghulra for Sergeant Dolom. He will conclude the encounter by telling him, "If you need further assistance, House Cannith knows how to summon me. Thank you Sergeant."

The mithral warforged will then approach Ferron and Rake, "Thank you good sirs for saving my life. I feel as if it was more than luck that you were here when I needed you. It is one in a thousand who would risk their life to save my kind. My friends call me Bishop." Bishop will extend a hand to shake theirs and smile warmly at each person who introduces themselves to Bishop.

"I can follow you to your forge and discuss the events in greater detail. I have time tonight before my friends expect me."

2019-01-02, 08:40 PM
Bishop as you approach the dwarven sergeant he stops taking a statement from oone of the nearby witnesses and turns to you. A look of surprise crosses his face as you state that you could identify one of the attackers. "That would be greatly appreciated thank you." he says thinking perhaps this case could make him move up in the world with so much information falling into his lap no doubt as you draw the ghulra for Sergeant Dolom. "House Cannith you say, that is good to know, but if I may what is your name? It is a lot easier asking for a persons name than trying to describe what they look like." he says, shifting a foot as he tries not to say one of your kind. After all most warforged would look similar to someone who didn't know them personally.

"Ravid Thorn of the Warning Guild, I will do, and again thank you all for your help. With luck this will be an open and closed case." the sergeant says to all of you as you make your way to Celina's offered forge. After all, almost anything had to be better than standing in the rain or being attacked as Ferron even points out that you should all work together because whoever was behind this was looking for all of you given the final messenger.

Finally arriving at the small abode promised by Celina above the forge she works at it becomes quickly packed with bodies and clear that while a good place to talk, you all will not be able to stay here for more than a few nights. You would be tripping over each other simply turning around. The air filled with tension of recent events and what could possibly be found out and learned with a simple look inside the satchel.

As you open the satchel and poor out its contents a small journal measuring three inches by six inches, and 1 inch thick flops onto the table. The cover is made of some strange dark brown leather you can't quite place, with strands of mithral thread woven in a strange pattern. It bears no title from what you can see, just the mithral thread icon on the front cover. Inside, every page is blank, but the sheets of paper have a strange feel to them; they do not seem to be typical paper nor leather. Nobility and royalty

The less obvious stuff is ink and quills which given his profession is not surprising, six sheets of fine Karrnathi paper, and a wrapped apple.

2019-01-03, 06:31 PM

"Well, it's a nice looking book, but not much use to us if there's nothing written in it. Anyone recognize the thing on the cover?"

OOC: I'm going to assume for the sake of moving the plot forward that everyone is on board with emptying the satchel.

2019-01-05, 07:22 PM
No clue, Celina responds.

2019-01-08, 05:47 PM

"I don't recognize it and it doesn't radiate magic." Bishop adds. "I don't know why there was such... theatrics to obtain it from this gentlemen."

"If it has to do with warforged, perhaps I could take it to a friend I have in House Cannith to see if he knows more about it. If some of you are interested in safeguarding me there, I would appreciate it" Bishop adds with a wry grin and a glance at Ferron

2019-01-09, 05:13 PM

"Well, unless anyone else has any better ideas, I suppose we'll have to take whatever help we can get. This Cannith friend of yours - he got a name?"

2019-01-09, 09:59 PM
Sil nods at Ferron. "I agree. There seems no better option. I can, however, begin a line of inquiry with regards to the pattern of ribbon weaving. I also recommend having a scribe take a look at the paper to see if they have seen the like before."

El'the Ellie
2019-01-10, 09:37 AM
Saorise gives a noncommittal shrug as they discuss the fate of the journal. "Well whatever we do, we'd better make it worth our while. A thing like that is obviously important, if only because it's nice. If we're taking it to Cannith, we should make sure we'll at least get a couple of gold for our troubles."

She crosses her arms and leans back against the wall, watching the others a bit cautiously. She didn't really have a reason to trust this person's "friend" at House Cannith, and the prospect made her uneasy. Still, this wasn't an every day occurrence: she'd be a fool to not try to turn it into a profit in some way.

2019-01-10, 11:58 AM

"If we take the journal to Bishop's contact then we'll be the ones asking for help," Ferron reminds Saorsie. "Chances are we'll be paying House Cannith for their services, so its a good thing we liberated some coin from the tin men, eh?"

2019-01-10, 03:32 PM
Celina chuckles, a little darkly, at the comments.

2019-01-10, 11:21 PM
As you are all deciding what to do, and the vote seems to be leaning towards going to see Bishop's friend in house Cannith you are reminded of the late hour, and how if not for the fight no doubt all of you would no doubt already be in bed when a resonating knocking sound can be heard from the front door to the home.

Once opened a cloaked figure stands, with their hood pulled down hiding all of their features. "I could not help but overhearing you planned to go see House Cannith tomorrow. Let me save you a trip." the cloaked figure says, holding up a hand to reveal a signet ring with the House Cannith symbol emblazoned upon it. "If you would like to know the truth of Bonal Geldem's murder, go to the Broken Anvil tavern at dawn." and before any of you can ask any questions the figure takes off, running into the darkness and soon out of sight.

2019-01-10, 11:45 PM

Bishop had sidestepped the question of who his contact was and let the rest of the group talk for a bit. When the stranger entered, Bishop eyed him to see if he recognized the man.

2019-01-11, 02:43 AM

Silent through all of the discussions, Rake was leaning against the wall at the back of the room when the stranger knocked. "It seems house Cannith is interested in us and what we are doing. I am not sure if I like that thought…."

2019-01-11, 08:28 PM
Could be worse, I imagine, Celina says. I suppose I'll see you all in the morning, then? Or do we wish to sleep in the same area, for protection?

2019-01-12, 06:25 AM

"What the FECK!? Where did he come from? And how did he overhear that we were planning on going to see House Cannith anyway?" Cautiously, Ferron moves over to the door and looks out, searching for any hidden watchers.

Spot [roll0]

Seeing nothing in the rain and dark, Ferron closes the door and turns to Celina. "If it's all the same to you, I'll bunk here tonight. I don't like the idea that we were that easy to trail and listen in on, but at least this fella doesn't seem to be immediately hostile. And if any more tin men turn up, they won't be able to pick us off one by one."