View Full Version : Crosscode

2018-12-11, 03:42 PM
THis is a game that I believe deserves more attention.
If anyone else has played it I'd love to here your thoughts on it.
I really don't like to describe this game, not the best at it. I do recommend checking it out.

2018-12-13, 03:37 PM
Only half an hour in so far, but enjoying myself.

I am mused that Shizuka runs just like an anime character, Mugen in specific- arms pointed directly behind while running.

Or like Tina from Bob's Burgers, heheheheh.

2018-12-13, 04:02 PM
It's quickly become one of my favorite story-heavy video games. The big plot twist at about the halfway point of my play time was especially well done in my opinion, though my main criticism would be that the major dungeons did tend to drag on for longer than they were welcome. I'm also pretty sure I missed about half of the side content because I wasn't persistent enough to find it, but, oh well.

Also, the music is =fantastic and pretty dance-able too.

Lord Raziere
2018-12-13, 10:09 PM
I love it, I ship Lea and Emilie. I'm at the halfway point of the second dungeon right now, I should get around to progressing upon it. the twist that
Lea is not the real version of her- that the real one is in a coma made me feel so sad for Lea. She is basically a digital copy of herself with no memories whose main form of interaction is in temporary bodies in some weird MMO set on a planet. with a limited form of dialogue. that must be really distressing.

Edit: the only thing that really ticks me off about this game are its ice puzzles. those ice pillars came back seemingly instantly and frustrated me to no end, I had to turn down the difficulty just for them and I still had trouble. and many of its other puzzles are challenging, but some are definitely things you can get stuck on and be mystified how your supposed to solve it for a while, and then when you do solve it, turns out the real problem often is doing it fast enough to work. I don't see it as forgiving game in that regard.

2018-12-19, 11:11 AM
Only half an hour in so far, but enjoying myself.

I am mused that Shizuka runs just like an anime character, Mugen in specific- arms pointed directly behind while running.

Or like Tina from Bob's Burgers, heheheheh.
They released a ninja costume as dlc, and The creators said this "I mean, she already runs like a ninja, so it was obvious we had to add this skin eventually."

Lord Raziere
2018-12-23, 03:58 AM
Lea is an AI? I KNEW IT! this was too cyberpunkish to not have that kind of twist. and wow, Shizuka is a JERK. your literally attacking and abusing a (mostly) mute person who has no idea whats going on, could soon grow to have your memories and to add idiocy on top of this, is proving is to be a good player of the game you made. methinks that Lea's goodness is thanks to all her friends influence....

Game, your only providing me more evidence for the LeaxEmilie ship! evidence:
-Emilie is the only one thats mad at Lea for being gone for so long, everyone else is just casual about it.
-their tearful hug reunion is the most dramatic of all and C'tron's is meh in comparison
-Lea is fine around C'tron but when Emilie comes in she hides as if from a lover who is mad at her
-Emilie refers to Lea as "cherie"
-Emilie wants to get to know Lea the most

and Apollo is a nice guy for being a self righteous hot-headed JUSTICE! speeechifying weirdo. good thing he has a friend to keep him from going too off the deep end....