View Full Version : Dragonheist resolution

2018-12-11, 04:07 PM
My PC's just finished dragonheist and are preparing to find somewhere to stash the gold and go out searching for the lost laboratory. Anyone else run into problems with their party and the huge pile of money?

Couple of immediate things come to mind:

They have to deal with the possibility that Jarlaxle will be resurrected and come a'calling for his loot. (they slew him and used his portable hole to move the money).

They could leave town and take the money with them... I'm thinking that they will have many thieves and opportunities to lose the portable hole.

They could invest the money but they would need to monitor that and therefore can't leave town right away.

I also tossed the plot hook of the walking statues waking up to them, prompting the start of the lost laboratory of Kwalish module. I had considered mad mage but then this became available for tier 2 (and its for charity so why not?)

Just curious how other DM's handled the gold and next adventure tie-ins. The gold presents a lot of challenges and I want it to be a boon to the party but not DEFINE the party.


2018-12-11, 04:16 PM
The PCs would require to escape Silverhand, the Blackstaff, all of their allies, the entire city watch and city guard, and the casters in service of the city. WITHOUT a super-vault that can't be tracked unless by a specific artifact.

Don't think that's a good idea. They should get the monetary reward and all the perks and prestige being a hero of Waterdeep gives.

Also yeah, Jaralaxle will definitively be on their tails.

How did they kill him, anyway?

Alternatively, the Cassalanters could contact them and offer protections in exchange for half of the gold. Cassalanter and Co can give the PCs an out to go to Sigil, where they'd still have a ton of money without pesky debtors and old enemies after them.

2018-12-11, 08:18 PM
The PCs would require to escape Silverhand, the Blackstaff, all of their allies, the entire city watch and city guard, and the casters in service of the city. WITHOUT a super-vault that can't be tracked unless by a specific artifact.

Don't think that's a good idea. They should get the monetary reward and all the perks and prestige being a hero of Waterdeep gives.

Also yeah, Jaralaxle will definitively be on their tails.

How did they kill him, anyway?

Alternatively, the Cassalanters could contact them and offer protections in exchange for half of the gold. Cassalanter and Co can give the PCs an out to go to Sigil, where they'd still have a ton of money without pesky debtors and old enemies after them.

They lured him into a confrontation with the dragon. Technically.... the dragon killed him. Super dead. My PC's just looted his corpse after they dealt with his henchmen.

As of right now the other authorities aren't on to them YET. My strong insinuation was that if they started to throw around "texas oil baron" money they would arouse immediate suspicion and the attention of everyone you mentioned. My thought is that they wouldn't be spamming a scry attempt at all times. Given their prior lack of success the elite of the City would probably only attempt it intermittently. I plan to give the party at least a week in game for either Jarlaxle to be revived or the city leaders to get wise.

I am honestly hoping they try to beat feet out of town so EVERYONE is after them. Like Ocean's 11 but instead of Clooney you have these clowns.