View Full Version : DM Help Commoners and Feats?

2018-12-12, 01:51 PM
Do Commoners in your game know about feats?

Would you RP a discussion with a commoner about feat selection or just do it data wise and move on? My group is working to recruit a commoner to our cause and one of the PC's is asking to offer the commoner a slotless magi item of Hidden Talent to entice the commoner to our side.

In your games, would a commoner understand the gain there?

2018-12-12, 02:13 PM
For me Commoners have feats, but usually just one of: skill booster feat, Toughness, Dodge, Run, Endurance based on the character

2018-12-12, 02:18 PM
Do Commoners in your game know about feats?No, but then, neither do PCs. It's a game mechanic, not an in-world thing.

If the magic item awakens hidden psychic potential, just say so, in whatever words your character would use. Or imagine you're making just the same offer to a real-life hippy: "This crystal will align your chakras and recalibrate your Third Eye, but only if you fromabulate the proper bloopthers."

The only difference is that, in game, it might actually work!

2018-12-12, 02:19 PM
Well they can have any feat they qualify for by RAW. Although generally Skill focus will be the most useful for them considering they are not likely adventurers.

Edit: Misread the question. I guess that happens when sleep deprived.

Everyone knows of the training and possible abilities to learn. In my game skills and feats are both just seen as knowledge except with skills being training while feats being deeper training in a subject.

2018-12-12, 02:22 PM
Yes, NPCs get feats just like PCs do, anything that isn't mindless has feats. They're just part of the world, like skill points, HD and HP, it's up to the GM whether people actually talk about them in such game-y terms, but they'd certainly understand gaining them and their effects.