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2018-12-12, 02:22 PM
Hello! I'm Michael Sayre aka Ssalarn, a developer at Paizo and author and designer of materials published by Amora Games, Dreamscarred Press, Drop Dead Studios, Legendary Games, Lost Spheres Publishing, and Rogue Genius Games.
I'm starting this thread specifically to answer questions about Lost Spheres Publishing's products, though since I'll be the primary person responding to queries here for the time being, I'm happy to tackle any questions you may have about interactions between Lost Spheres products and materials I've worked on for another company. I'll be carrying over some questions from other threads (and numbering them for reference) to get them collected in one place, starting with the following:

Q001How do the Zodiac's constellations interact with the Enhanced Capacity feat? I'm assuming you'd either choose a specific constellation or a specific form of a specific constellation to act as your chosen essence receptacle (the class feature as a whole as an option is almost definitely not the case), but going off of reading the class I'm not certain which.

A001You'd choose a specific constellation and the effects would apply to any version of that constellation you conjured.

Q002Is it intended that the equipment form of the Sea Goat constellation has a DC of 10 + full zodiac level + Cha mod instead of 10 + 1/2 zodiac level + Cha mod? Also, inflicting panicked with this seems incredibly powerful, with an unclear duration for Aura of Fear (it only lists a duration for the shaken effect on a successful save).

A002The panicked condition only persists while the creature is within the aura of fear; once they leave the area the effect ends. The DC formula is correct.

Q003The Heaven's Blessing veil says any enemy that can see you must make a save against it, but it has no kind of per round limiter or immunity after a successful save against it (like Bangles of the Jealous Seductress does).

A003 It does not offer immunity after a save since you have the option of covering or averting your eyes, much like a gaze attack. Creatures need only save against it once per round as long as they are subject to its effects.

Q004Regarding the Nexus, when adding their Planar Detonation damage to a weapon-like veil attack, is it only the base damage or can they take essence burn for the increased damage? Similarly, can the tier 2 abilities of the Convergences be activated during such attacks?

A004You can absolutely take essence burn to apply the increased damage from planar detonation to a weapon-like veil attack. This is also true of the Tier 2 convergence powers, though this does mean that you'll be doubling up on the amount of essence burn you'll be taking: 1 to modify the blast damage, and 1 to apply the Tier 2 effect.

2018-12-12, 02:40 PM
Are there any plans for further akashic race support? Walrus-folk would be amusing (gamla variant?). I recall talk of a daeva-based race as well.

2018-12-12, 02:48 PM
Q005Are there any plans for further akashic race support? Walrus-folk would be amusing (gamla variant?). I recall talk of a daeva-based race as well.

A005 There's a significant amount of akashic race support in the upcoming City of 7 Seraphs, though all of these races are more of the planar variety rather than animalistic. Some of the races are specifically akashic (subtype included) and some of them are races with akashic alternate racial traits.
We're also going to be rolling out Akashic Realms in the not-too-distant future, which will have some additional akashic races as well (quite possibly the walrusfolk and some cactus people, though some of that will depend on what all happens during development.)

2018-12-12, 03:34 PM
Thanks for making this, things were starting to get a bit distracting and confusing having it in the Co7S thread since there was no clear better location for it. As for an actual question...

Q006: Might we see an akashic familiar archetype at some point? We've seen separate but similar archetypes such as elemental for both animal companions and familiars from Paizo, so it doesn't seem like it's entirely out of the question as long as you could figure out a balanced set of abilities for it.

2018-12-12, 06:45 PM
Thanks for making this, things were starting to get a bit distracting and confusing having it in the Co7S thread since there was no clear better location for it.
Yeah, I realized we really needed a better space for things, so I touched bases with Christen and asked him if he was cool with me setting this up so we can collect the answers and funnel the questions to one location intended for that purpose.

As for an actual question...

Q006: Might we see an akashic familiar archetype at some point? We've seen separate but similar archetypes such as elemental for both animal companions and familiars from Paizo, so it doesn't seem like it's entirely out of the question as long as you could figure out a balanced set of abilities for it.

A006 This is entirely possible, yes. Akashic Mysteries already has an animal companion archetype and the framework is very similar, so it's just a matter of execution. There's already a lot of akashic pets and even an akashic wizard archetype now, so I have a much better feel for how introducing an akashic familiar will influence the system than it was really possible to have back when I was writing Akashic Mysteries.
I don't know if I can squeeze it into Akashic Realms since that's going over to Christen for development and layout this month, but I'm working on something for the Pillars of Edaiho (a college in the City of 7 Seraphs) that would also be a solid product to drop a familiar archetype in.

2018-12-12, 07:31 PM
Q007: Pathfinder's rules don't specify the HP or hardness (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/damaging-objects/) or ammunition like arrows or bullets, but we have to know them for the purpose of Garden Warden's Gorget. What should we do?

2018-12-12, 08:02 PM
A001You'd choose a specific constellation and the effects would apply to any version of that constellation you conjured.

Thanks! I guess that makes sense, since the constellation can only take one form at a time (and basically only be one receptacle). I have a lot of questions about Zodiac, but I'll try to limit it to one at a time. Here's another one:

Q008: Is it intentional for the Lion champion constellation to do as much damage as it does?

It's pretty reasonable at first, but at 7th level, once it hits large size and gets pounce, with three points of essence invested it'll be pumping out 1d8+3d6+7 (bite) plus 2d6+6d6+14 (2 claws), plus a potential rake for more damage, every single round. I don't have the time to crunch that math offhand, but I'd wager it'll probably shred any enemy of equivalent CR without a very bloated HP count or significant DR/energy resistance. It gets even sillier with Shape Veil and Titles From Distant Shores (from the Rajah playtest), which would allow you to give it a natural attack-boosting veil like Forcestrike Knuckles for even more damage. Fire damage is frequently resisted, but I dunno. It still seems like a lot.

2018-12-12, 08:17 PM
Q007: Pathfinder's rules don't specify the HP or hardness (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/damaging-objects/) or ammunition like arrows or bullets, but we have to know them for the purpose of Garden Warden's Gorget. What should we do?

A007 You'll want to use the Hardness of whatever material the object is primarily made of and hit points based on the object being an inch thick for most ammunition. Adamantine bullets would have hardness 20 and 40 hit points, for example, while a primarily wooden arrow would have hardness 5 and 10 hit points. Standard rules for magical projectile weapons would apply- +2 hardness and 10 hp per +1 enhancement bonus.

Thanks! I guess that makes sense, since the constellation can only take one form at a time (and basically only be one receptacle). I have a lot of questions about Zodiac, but I'll try to limit it to one at a time. Here's another one:

Q008: Is it intentional for the Lion champion constellation to do as much damage as it does?

It's pretty reasonable at first, but at 7th level, once it hits large size and gets pounce, with three points of essence invested it'll be pumping out 1d8+3d6+7 (bite) plus 2d6+6d6+14 (2 claws), plus a potential rake for more damage, every single round. I don't have the time to crunch that math offhand, but I'd wager it'll probably shred any enemy of equivalent CR without a very bloated HP count or significant DR/energy resistance. It gets even sillier with Shape Veil and Titles From Distant Shores (from the Rajah playtest), which would allow you to give it a natural attack-boosting veil like Forcestrike Knuckles for even more damage. Fire damage is frequently resisted, but I dunno. It still seems like a lot.

A008 The Lion is about as equivalently strong compared to the other 4 essence champions as the big cat is to standard animal companions, which is on the upper side of that curve. Between fire being very commonly resisted and the amount of essence you're investing, it's going to be a very solid offensive option but one which is going to hit the same benchmarks as a druid casting buff spells on a big cat companion.
I can't really speak to the rajah and titles as I didn't really have anything to do with it and it follows different mechanical and balance expectations than the rest of the akashic materials.

2019-01-06, 12:02 AM
This is the first i've heard of Akashic realms, is it already on pre-order or anything?

I keep missing all the kickstarters so now I'm worried i just missed stuff again....

2019-01-06, 12:23 PM
This is the first i've heard of Akashic realms, is it already on pre-order or anything?

I keep missing all the kickstarters so now I'm worried i just missed stuff again....

You haven't missed anything, it hasn't been released yet! It actually got a bit delayed because of the holidays so I only just kicked the new Chinese cosmology for the Zodiac over to Christen for review last night.

2019-01-06, 01:42 PM
You haven't missed anything, it hasn't been released yet! It actually got a bit delayed because of the holidays so I only just kicked the new Chinese cosmology for the Zodiac over to Christen for review last night.
so our sweet little lucy Heartfilia now going to have Chinese celestial spirits to summon to what's next really I am intrigued?

2019-01-06, 01:52 PM
so our sweet little lucy Heartfilia now going to have Chinese celestial spirits to summon to what's next really I am intrigued?

New animal companions like the giant hare and chimpanzee to go with the new constellations, new convergences and nexus capstones for demiplanes like Valhalla and the Kingdom of Five Emperors along with accompanying veil sets, a bunch of new feats including set feats that give you additional bonuses for pulling your veils from the same set, some new eclipse and radiant goodies...

It's the first akashic release that we'll be pushing out through Lost Spheres where you're actually expected to have Co7S (or Akashic Trinity) to be able to use it since there's no standalone class included, but it'll have about the same word count as Classes of the Lost Spheres: The Zodiac.

2019-01-06, 02:44 PM
Just to be safe; Akashic realms will have a kickstarter, right?

2019-01-06, 03:34 PM
Just to be safe; Akashic realms will have a kickstarter, right?

I don't believe that Akashic Realms will require a Kickstarter. Akashic Trinity and The Zodiac have both done really well, so the line should be self-sustaining at this point. Christen will probably announce the specifics of the go-forward plan (whether that be Kickstarter, playtests, direct release with a feedback window before print, or what-have-you) once the main Co7S .pdf is completed. We don't want to delay that release any further by piling additional layout and major time consuming tasks like running a Kickstarter on top of it.

2019-01-06, 05:07 PM
That is more than amazing news, actually, ssalarn. Always nice when your product is so wanted/valued

2019-01-12, 02:46 PM
A005 There's a significant amount of akashic race support in the upcoming City of 7 Seraphs, though all of these races are more of the planar variety rather than animalistic. Some of the races are specifically akashic (subtype included) and some of them are races with akashic alternate racial traits.
We're also going to be rolling out Akashic Realms in the not-too-distant future, which will have some additional akashic races as well (quite possibly the walrusfolk and some cactus people, though some of that will depend on what all happens during development.)

Correction on this one, we'll be doing Akashic Realms as a series of handbooks, the first one will not have any races (just new veils, feats, zodiac cosmology, nexus convergences and capstones, animal companions, some brief planar gazeteer entries to contextualize everything, and also some reprints of various monsters and animal companions used in the materials for convenient reference).

2019-01-13, 05:47 PM
Correction on this one, we'll be doing Akashic Realms as a series of handbooks, the first one will not have any races (just new veils, feats, zodiac cosmology, nexus convergences and capstones, animal companions, some brief planar gazeteer entries to contextualize everything, and also some reprints of various monsters and animal companions used in the materials for convenient reference).

So do we have to but the handbooks one by one or is there a "Season pass" option?

2019-01-13, 07:40 PM
So do we have to but the handbooks one by one or is there a "Season pass" option?

I hope theres a "season pass" option. Maybe list it as the book itself and give us access to each release that will be compiled into the finished product.

2019-01-14, 01:42 PM
Oh, this’ll be useful! Apologies if I got the formatting incorrect.

Q009 Can a Zodiac’s companions benifit from archetypes? Either companion archetypes for those that act as animal companions, or class archetypes for those that act as classes? Or do they have to stick with the baseline for said option? I’d imagine the latter, for balance purposes, but wished to be sure.

2019-01-14, 07:37 PM
Oh, this’ll be useful! Apologies if I got the formatting incorrect.

Q009 Can a Zodiac’s companions benifit from archetypes? Either companion archetypes for those that act as animal companions, or class archetypes for those that act as classes? Or do they have to stick with the baseline for said option? I’d imagine the latter, for balance purposes, but wished to be sure.

A009 Animal Companion archetypes are fine.

For the champions that gain class levels, you have to meet other requirements of the champion (like, The Archer says it has the archery combat style and the group hunter's bond option, so you can't take a ranger archetype that trades out either of those things), but as long as you can do that you'll generally be okay. In theory archetypes are even trades (of course that's not always true in practice) so as long as any requirements laid out in the champion are met and the archetype is one approved for use by your GM you should be fine and I personally would allow it.

2019-01-15, 03:35 AM
Q010 I can't seem to find the range for the ranged attack ability of the Water Bearer equipment form. Does it have a range increment or max range? (also since no action is specified, I presume you can use it anytime you could make a ranged weapon attack?)

2019-01-15, 02:04 PM
Q010 I can't seem to find the range for the ranged attack ability of the Water Bearer equipment form. Does it have a range increment or max range? (also since no action is specified, I presume you can use it anytime you could make a ranged weapon attack?)

A010The range should be 60 feet. I'm digging to see where that disappeared to.

And yes, it can be used whenever you could normally make an attack, so if you had a BAB of +6/+1 you could fire two blasts, or make one attack with a wielded weapon and fire a blast, etc.

2019-01-15, 04:43 PM
A009 Animal Companion archetypes are fine.

For the champions that gain class levels, you have to meet other requirements of the champion (like, The Archer says it has the archery combat style and the group hunter's bond option, so you can't take a ranger archetype that trades out either of those things), but as long as you can do that you'll generally be okay. In theory archetypes are even trades (of course that's not always true in practice) so as long as any requirements laid out in the champion are met and the archetype is one approved for use by your GM you should be fine and I personally would allow it.

I was looking this over and it looks like Sphere archetypes for both the Archer and the Druid are no-go. Now as a GM you can find reasonable ways to make them work, but as of right now there’s not a clean fit.

2019-01-15, 05:55 PM
I was looking this over and it looks like Sphere archetypes for both the Archer and the Druid are no-go. Now as a GM you can find reasonable ways to make them work, but as of right now there’s not a clean fit.

This might be something where the best solution is for me to chat with Adam and Christen and see if either one of them is interested in doing a spheres Zodiac archetype or constellation set. I wouldn't really expect a class feature like constellations to adapt to every subsystem easily (it's a fairly complex subsystem of a fairly complex subsystem already), so conversions and GM fiat are probably the best tools here.

It's less relevant to the upcoming Asian-inspired zodiac cosmology since those are all either animal companions or monsters with standardized progressions (like sovereign dragons), so it's probably not something we'd be able to squeeze in there.

2019-01-15, 06:02 PM
Haven't looked closely; there any reason not to trade the ranger's proficiency and casting to get SoM talents? Or use feat buy-in?

2019-01-15, 07:15 PM
Haven't looked closely; there any reason not to trade the ranger's proficiency and casting to get SoM talents? Or use feat buy-in?

Probably not, but SoM plays a lot more friendly with things than most other subsystems since we made it so compatible with core and added so many access points for using the system. I think one of the playtest zodiacs even had a champion that used SoM (I'd have to pull the character sheets, but I'm pretty sure we had a solar zodiac whose Bull spent its feats on Brute sphere options).

2019-01-18, 10:25 AM
What's the duration of darkness effect created by Imp's Eyes (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/akashic-trinity-veils#toc70)? Does it move with caster?

2019-01-18, 11:55 AM
What's the duration of darkness effect created by Imp's Eyes (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/akashic-trinity-veils#toc70)? Does it move with caster?

A011 It should last for 1 minute, and it moves with the caster.
I'll ping Christen about pushing this clarification ASAP so it makes the final release of Co7S.

Sam C.
2019-01-18, 06:52 PM
How many improvements does the Machine Cultist archetype of the Reaper get on each invention?

2019-01-19, 09:21 PM
I was looking this over and it looks like Sphere archetypes for both the Archer and the Druid are no-go. Now as a GM you can find reasonable ways to make them work, but as of right now there’s not a clean fit.

Why are they no go?

Basic Sphere Druid doesn't seem to be incompatible with "halfing druid with air domain" that I can see.

And it's a very handy fix for my games since I often run "no vancian casting."

2019-01-20, 04:13 AM
How does Aegis' Augment Suit (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/psionics-unleashed/classes/aegis/#TOC-Augment-Suit-Su-) interact with akashic customizations (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/aegis-customizations)?

How does Expanded Veilweaving (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/akashic-feats#toc25) work when qualified via Shape Veil (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/akashic-feats#toc36)? For that matter, how does Shape Veil work when taken twice? Do I still have total veils shaped of 1 and have to choose which one to shape for the day, and Expanded Veilweaving aims to fix that and allow me to shape both veils?

Life Bond (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/akashic-feats#toc29). Am I reading it correctly that with 1 point of essence invested, it heals the target for 6 hp while the user loses 1 hp? Was Con 17 considered to be a fair opportunity cost for it?

2019-01-20, 05:06 AM
Q 16: Was it intended for the Chronomancer's (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/chronomancer)Enhanced Teleportation to also apply to Time sphere abilities that normally don't have a scaling duration, like Steal Time, which normally just Dazes for 1 round (and gives you another standard action to use).

I mean, this is basically the only case where I'd even consider taking a Symbiat, because in all other cases, other classes do their things better. But it does seem like a fairly potent scaling on a save-or-die for SoP. (Other time sphere talents do have better scaling save-or-not-contribute spells like the one which forces someone out of the timeline, but they also can't be attacked during that time.)

2019-01-20, 05:15 AM
Q17 is it possible to get some clarification on what the rhyzala favored class bonus for the necros class actually does, it is oddly written and my best guess is giving all your undead an extra free 5 foot step for every six levels of the necros

2019-01-20, 03:12 PM
Q 16: Was it intended for the Chronomancer's (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/chronomancer)Enhanced Teleportation to also apply to Time sphere abilities that normally don't have a scaling duration, like Steal Time, which normally just Dazes for 1 round (and gives you another standard action to use).
Wrong thread, you should be asking DDS not LSP, since it's their content.

2019-01-20, 03:21 PM
How does Expanded Veilweaving (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/akashic-feats#toc25) work when qualified via Shape Veil (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/akashic-feats#toc36)? For that matter, how does Shape Veil work when taken twice? Do I still have total veils shaped of 1 and have to choose which one to shape for the day, and Expanded Veilweaving aims to fix that and allow me to shape both veils?

This is correct, AFAICT

In 3.5, most assumed that Shape Soulmeld gave you an extra Soulmeld you could have active along with any you already had, but Akasha uses different wording and thus operates as you outlined here.

2019-01-21, 05:06 PM
How does Aegis' Augment Suit (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/psionics-unleashed/classes/aegis/#TOC-Augment-Suit-Su-) interact with akashic customizations (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/aegis-customizations)?

Could you be more specific about what you're asking here?

How does Expanded Veilweaving (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/akashic-feats#toc25) work when qualified via Shape Veil (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/akashic-feats#toc36)? For that matter, how does Shape Veil work when taken twice? Do I still have total veils shaped of 1 and have to choose which one to shape for the day, and Expanded Veilweaving aims to fix that and allow me to shape both veils?

A014 Assuming that you have no levels in a veilweaving class or archetype, Shape Veil gives you one veil known and one veil shaped. Each additional instance of Shape Veil increases your library of veils known but does not increase your total veils shaped. Expanded Veilweaving increases your total veils shaped, allowing you to have more veils shaped at once.

Life Bond (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/akashic-feats#toc29). Am I reading it correctly that with 1 point of essence invested, it heals the target for 6 hp while the user loses 1 hp? Was Con 17 considered to be a fair opportunity cost for it?

A015 Correct, if you have 1 point of essence invested and spend a full-round action, you can take 1 point of damage to heal the target for 6 hit points. As this is a Dreamscarred Press feat requiring you to have 5 veilweaver levels, Con 17, the feat in question, and a full-round action to perform the healing, it's actually a bit heavier on prereqs than comparative DSP healing options, but appropriately so given its top-end potential.

2019-01-21, 05:31 PM
In 3.5, most assumed that Shape Soulmeld gave you an extra Soulmeld you could have active along with any you already had, but Akasha uses different wording and thus operates as you outlined here.

"Most" is a pretty broad claim lacking basis. Shape Soulmeld both referred the player to the general meldshaping rules which include the line "A meldshaper's level limits the number of veils he can have shaped at any given time" and the feat itself included the lines "You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack.[...]"

Shape Veil is essentially (heh) a clarified version of how Shape Soulmeld was always supposed to work (though with a few upgrades like giving you full veilweaver level instead of half), based on both general system analysis and conversations with individuals who worked on MoI.

2019-01-22, 02:49 AM
Could you be more specific about what you're asking here?
Augment lasts for a few rounds. Shaping veils takes an hour. Do veils from augment come shaped and bound?
IIRC the answer regarding PoW was "RAW - you need to spend 10 minutes preparing maneuvers, making Augmenting into maneuvers pointless. Rule of cool - all the readied maneuver slots you get from Augment come filled with your choice of maneuvers you get from Augment".

Mithril Leaf
2019-01-22, 03:27 PM
Should the Xodai's Hellcore Affinity ability also apply to any spell-like abilities or veils they acquire? If so, perhaps abilities would work better than spells or powers, as that includes most things that aren't items.

2019-01-22, 07:37 PM
Augment lasts for a few rounds. Shaping veils takes an hour. Do veils from augment come shaped and bound?
IIRC the answer regarding PoW was "RAW - you need to spend 10 minutes preparing maneuvers, making Augmenting into maneuvers pointless. Rule of cool - all the readied maneuver slots you get from Augment come filled with your choice of maneuvers you get from Augment".

A013 The veils gained through the various aegis augments are immediately shaped (and bound if applicable) when applying the augment that grants them.

2019-01-24, 03:28 AM
Which veilweavers count as high casters for the purpose of Combat Training for Non-Spheres of Might Classes (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/using-spheres-of-might#toc4)?

2019-01-24, 07:39 AM
Rajah is DSP, not Lost Spheres, and Ssalarn wasn't involved in writing it.

2019-01-24, 01:16 PM
Which veilweavers count as high casters for the purpose of Combat Training for Non-Spheres of Might Classes (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/using-spheres-of-might#toc4)?
Definitely the Vizier is the most full caster of akasha. They get 30 essence by level 30, and by far the most veils shaped as well as the ability to eventually bind every slot they have access to. The Radiant probably would be considered one as well.

2019-01-24, 01:58 PM
Which veilweavers count as high casters for the purpose of Combat Training for Non-Spheres of Might Classes (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/using-spheres-of-might#toc4)?

A019 Of the three OG akashic classes and the four Lost Spheres akashic classes, the vizier, radiant, and lunar zodiac (but not solar zodiacs). As a loose rule of thumb, anyone with an essence pool class progression that goes up to 30 is a full caster equivalent, 20 is a mid-caster equivalent, and 10-15 is a low caster equivalent.

2019-01-26, 04:38 PM
Q20 The Dragoon's Legendary Drake Power breath weapon says "The drake gains the draconic breath weapon racial trait" what is this racial trait?

Q21 The Dragoon's Legendary Drake Power breath master says it gains the "Expanded Breath Weapon and Powerful Breath Weapon feats" what are these feats?

2019-01-26, 05:31 PM
How many improvements does the Machine Cultist archetype of the Reaper get on each invention?

A12They scale improvements as a Technician of their Machine Cultist Level.

2019-01-26, 05:33 PM
Q17 is it possible to get some clarification on what the rhyzala favored class bonus for the necros class actually does, it is oddly written and my best guess is giving all your undead an extra free 5 foot step for every six levels of the necros

A17The ability should grant a free action 5' step as that the Rhyzala's undead are temporally inconsistent. Wording will be updated.

2019-01-26, 05:35 PM
Should the Xodai's Hellcore Affinity ability also apply to any spell-like abilities or veils they acquire? If so, perhaps abilities would work better than spells or powers, as that includes most things that aren't items.

A18:This was submitted to us via the KS feedback email and the updated text is clearer but yes, it covers both SLAs and veils and has been clarified to impact class features as well. The celestial alternate does the same for all [good] descriptor effects.

2019-01-26, 05:37 PM
Q20 The Dragoon's Legendary Drake Power breath weapon says "The drake gains the draconic breath weapon racial trait" what is this racial trait?

Q21 The Dragoon's Legendary Drake Power breath master says it gains the "Expanded Breath Weapon and Powerful Breath Weapon feats" what are these feats?

A20&A21These referred originally to feats and abilities in the Legendary Drakes supplement by Legendary Games. For ease of use they were added and text updated in the 1.2 release of the Dragoon.

Sam C.
2019-01-26, 06:19 PM
A12They scale improvements as a Technician of their Machine Cultist Level.

So two improvements per invention at 5th level and another improvement per invention every 4 levels thereafter?

2019-01-28, 04:48 AM
Nexus' Convergence says 'At 1st level, 4th level, and every four levels thereafter', but there's no Convergence listed in the table at 20, only Planar Attunement, which doesn't seem to grant an instance of Convergence. IIRC the default rule is text > table, but probably the table should be fixed for the final release.

Is it intended that Planar Detonation never upgrades to attack action? Would it be fair to allow it to work with Spell Attack (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/champion-feats#toc15) at level 6+?

Underworld tier 2 convergence doesn't mention where the cylinder can be placed. Presumably in Close range as basic planar detonation?

2019-01-28, 03:01 PM
Is it intended that Planar Detonation never upgrades to attack action? Would it be fair to allow it to work with Spell Attack (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/champion-feats#toc15) at level 6+?

A023 It intentionally gets a standard action upgrade instead of an attack action upgrade because of how much customizable damage they can crank out. Between weapon-like veil bonus damage plus enhancements and the bonus damage from planar detonation (which can typically be either one of at least two different types for most nexus characters, more in some instances) the nexus's top-end damage formula is going to be something like (STR × 1.5) + (CHA × .5) + (11d6) + 20d6 + (base weapon dice) + (+5 enhancement bonus) + (+5 enhancement equivalents) + (+12 Power Attack) + (+18 Circlet of Brass or equivalent). That damage starts out good and scales pretty evenly across the class progression. Generally it would be overkill to stack attack action boosters on top of that, which is why it's specifically a standard action instead of an attack action.
If you're using other systems where stacking that much bonus damage on top of an attack action won't distort the party's performance, something like Spell Attack or an equivalent feat is probably fine.

Underworld tier 2 convergence doesn't mention where the cylinder can be placed. Presumably in Close range as basic planar detonation?

A024 Correct, it can be placed anywhere within the planar detonation's usual range.

2019-01-29, 07:50 PM
The Zodiac notes that summoning a Constellation causes you to take and essence burn cost, which cannot be healed until you dismiss the summon.

However, earlier Akasha rules note that Temporary Essence is always burned first.

So lets say I manage to get a few points of temporary essence and burn them to summon a Constellation.

What then?

Do I count my non-temporary essence as having been burned for the same number of points once the duration on the temp essence goings away?

Is the amount of "temp essence" i can have reduced by the amount burned until the summon ends?

2019-01-29, 08:06 PM
Q025 The Zodiac notes that summoning a Constellation causes you to take and essence burn cost, which cannot be healed until you dismiss the summon.

However, earlier Akasha rules note that Temporary Essence is always burned first.

So lets say I manage to get a few points of temporary essence and burn them to summon a Constellation.

What then?

Do I count my non-temporary essence as having been burned for the same number of points once the duration on the temp essence goings away?

Is the amount of "temp essence" i can have reduced by the amount burned until the summon ends?

A025 The essence burn for a constellation acts as an assigned value. If that temporary essence would hit its normal expiration and you would no longer be able to sustain your constellation, the constellation is immediately dismissed. If the temp essence would reach it's normal expiration and you have enough essence available to sustain the constellation out of your normal essence pool, you can immediately subtract the difference from your normal pool as burn. We'll get this published in an official update.

2019-01-30, 09:45 PM
Q026 Is the Corpse puppet from the Necros class intended to act as an undead you Reanimate for effects such as Superior Reanimation?

2019-02-03, 09:58 PM
The veil, "Ceradon's Eternity" has this line in the Chest Chakra Bind:

I'm just slightly confused by the word "attempt."
Q027 Is there supposed to be a dispel check involved, or is it automatic, like most counterspells? Given any word on a dispel check being mentioned or the use of veilweaver level in place of caster level, am I correct in assuming that it is the latter, an automatic counterspell?

A027 It does not require a check. "Attempt" just exists in the event that there is some other effect in play which could interrupt or prevent something being countered.

Q028 Another question, Essence Burn recovers at a rate of 1 per minute, correct? What does this mean if you burn essence once per round, for say, 10 or more rounds? Can you begin to recover one point of essence burn while suffering from another point of essence burn?

A028 Yes. Essence burn recovers naturally at a rate of 1 point per minute and the first point of essence burn you took continues to recover at that rate even if you take additional points of burn.

2019-02-04, 11:58 AM
Thanks for answering my question.

2019-02-05, 09:34 AM
Q027 Is it intended for Veryx that take the weaver caste alternate trait to lose any bite or claw attacks along with the venomous bite and spellmark?

2019-02-19, 09:48 AM
Q028: I haven't dabbled much with akashic stuff, so I might have missed something, but a 20th-level Radiant gets access to eight veils. Let's say they shape the Immaculate Touch (hands), Avatar of Light (head), Headband of Holy Light (Headband), Sparkling Alicorn (Neck), Unicorn's Barding (Belt) and Ceradon's Eternity (Body) veils. That's six of their eight veils. What are they supposed to do with their remaining two veils? All their veils occupy one of the above six slots and you can't shape multiple veils into the same slot without the Twin Veil feat.

2019-02-19, 12:26 PM
Q028: I haven't dabbled much with akashic stuff, so I might have missed something, but a 20th-level Radiant gets access to eight veils. Let's say they shape the Immaculate Touch (hands), Avatar of Light (head), Headband of Holy Light (Headband), Sparkling Alicorn (Neck), Unicorn's Barding (Belt) and Ceradon's Eternity (Body) veils. That's six of their eight veils. What are they supposed to do with their remaining two veils? All their veils occupy one of the above six slots and you can't shape multiple veils into the same slot without the Twin Veil feat.

A028 The radiant actually does have access to veils that occupy other slots, they simply can't bind all of them.

For example, a max level radiant could have the entire Circle of Six set shaped and bound, with Cloak of Thorns in their Shoulders slot and Heart of Yggdrasil in their Chest slot unbound.

Binds are not a given for veils; an unbound veil is functionally right between a cantrip and an at-will 1st level spell. Binds upgrade this to a higher level ability. (this (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jXcOSEITHLEBh4AcSsYfnAT4GRm2J3KZ3qedU8f53eo/edit?usp=drivesdk) is a rough design doc I use for akasha that kind of explains the approximate power levels of different slots). Since the radiant, much like the eclipse, has very powerful class features, they also have weaker veilweaving. Those two extra veils are basically ways to round out the radiant's abilities without escalating them too powerfully outside of their intended niche.

2019-02-21, 04:37 PM
The Radiant can also bind their full suite of veils with two feats. Some mix of Access X Chakra and Double Chakra in the level 15-19 range will do it.

2019-02-21, 05:47 PM
The Radiant can also bind their full suite of veils with two feats. Some mix of Access X Chakra and Double Chakra in the level 15-19 range will do it.

Indeed. I tend not to go to "You can bind those with feats" as my initial response since that can spin into arguments about "taxes"; the radiant does indeed have that option, but it isn't necessary from a balance perspective.

2019-02-21, 10:28 PM
Oh, certainly. And neither of us mentioned the fact that the Radiant gets a lot of binds earlier than others. Getting body slot when others get chest slot makes the absence of the latter a much easier pill to swallow.

2019-02-22, 01:07 PM
Oh, certainly. And neither of us mentioned the fact that the Radiant gets a lot of binds earlier than others. Getting body slot when others get chest slot makes the absence of the latter a much easier pill to swallow.

Early access to Headband's nothing to sneeze at either given some of the effects it grants the radiant, like breath of life.
There's also the Cardinal's Cape from The Zodiac (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/242464/Classes-of-the-Lost-Spheres-Zodiac?affiliate_id=435758) which is super good for the radiant even if it's just left unbound.

Long story short, radiant has a ton of options for what they can do with their veils. The fact that their veils shaped outpace their binds is an intentional part of their design, and not something they're suffering as a result of. Many of the veils on their list have multiple slots that include slots the radiant doesn't unlock binds for to as a way of making sure they don't run out of options or combinations.

Tariyan Draegr
2019-02-23, 03:15 PM
Q 029

Have a question about the trinity warrior feat.

Trinity Warrior

Benefit: +3 BAB, Spellcraft Rank 3, spellcasting, manifesting or other similar ability. Benefit: Select one class that grants you spells, spelllike abilities, powers, supernatural abilities or veils. You may choose to substitute your BAB for your caster level, manifester level or other level based resolutions for that class. This effective level can stack with other abilities and feats that increase caster level but will never take a character’s caster level above their hit dice.

In the context of Spheres of Power, does this count your BAB as your caster level, or does your BAB count as your class level in terms of what your caster level would be (Ex: would this give an armorist 4/daevic 4 a caster level of 4 total or a caster level of 8 total).

Q 030In addition, using the armorist example, would this feat let you count your BAB as your armorist level in terms of the bonus you'd get from bound equipment?

Q 031The last question I had about this feat was does this count towards the number of spell points you hold?

2019-02-23, 03:55 PM
Q 029

Have a question about the trinity warrior feat.

Trinity Warrior

Benefit: +3 BAB, Spellcraft Rank 3, spellcasting, manifesting or other similar ability. Benefit: Select one class that grants you spells, spelllike abilities, powers, supernatural abilities or veils. You may choose to substitute your BAB for your caster level, manifester level or other level based resolutions for that class. This effective level can stack with other abilities and feats that increase caster level but will never take a character’s caster level above their hit dice.

In the context of Spheres of Power, does this count your BAB as your caster level, or does your BAB count as your class level in terms of what your caster level would be (Ex: would this give an armorist 4/daevic 4 a caster level of 4 total or a caster level of 8 total).

Q 030In addition, using the armorist example, would this feat let you count your BAB as your armorist level in terms of the bonus you'd get from bound equipment?

Q 031The last question I had about this feat was does this count towards the number of spell points you hold?

Christen may pop in with a more complete answer, but my understanding is that that feat was written without really accounting for spheres, and a reworked version that more specifically covers the interactions with spherecasting characters will appear in the finalized version of Co7S.

2019-02-23, 04:29 PM
Q 029

Have a question about the trinity warrior feat.

Trinity Warrior

Benefit: +3 BAB, Spellcraft Rank 3, spellcasting, manifesting or other similar ability. Benefit: Select one class that grants you spells, spelllike abilities, powers, supernatural abilities or veils. You may choose to substitute your BAB for your caster level, manifester level or other level based resolutions for that class. This effective level can stack with other abilities and feats that increase caster level but will never take a character’s caster level above their hit dice.

In the context of Spheres of Power, does this count your BAB as your caster level, or does your BAB count as your class level in terms of what your caster level would be (Ex: would this give an armorist 4/daevic 4 a caster level of 4 total or a caster level of 8 total).

Q 030In addition, using the armorist example, would this feat let you count your BAB as your armorist level in terms of the bonus you'd get from bound equipment?

Q 031The last question I had about this feat was does this count towards the number of spell points you hold?

Ssslarn is correct in that this was from a turnover from a contributor with limited awareness of Spheres and it was frequently brought up in backer feedback. The finalized version of the feat includes a sphere-specific caster level boost similar to the elementalists weave energy feature's as a GM approved option for Spheres. The feat could under similar circumstance allow either Summon Equipment or Bound Equipment to scale of BAB but would require separate instances of the feat for each feature. Without these restrictions the feat proved problematic with Spheres. It should be noted that it is also considered "gated" as a reward for Eternal Dawning members and if used in another campaign should be something earned through affiliation with a organization unless building the character at higher levels.

A 030With a specific instance dedicated to that feature only with no benefits to caster level.

A 031No, the feat does not award more spell points, spell slots, or power points.

Hope this helps.

2019-02-23, 04:40 PM
Q026 Is the Corpse puppet from the Necros class intended to act as an undead you Reanimate for effects such as Superior Reanimation?

A026While necros predates the Necromancer's Handbook (and thus was not explicitly written with it in mind) the corpse puppet is an undead animated by the necros. It is NOT technically created by the Reanimate death sphere talent and some GMs might not wish to allow it to count. As that the feature is intended to represent the necros' strongest effort we do recommend that it is allowed the benefits of most talents that would augment a single reanimated corpse. However abilities such as Mass Reanimate and other talents directly impacting the active use of the reanimate talent would not be appropriate.

2019-02-23, 04:44 PM
Q027 Is it intended for Veryx that take the weaver caste alternate trait to lose any bite or claw attacks along with the venomous bite and spellmark?

A027 Amxi are intended to be sort of "worker drones" for the veryx hive and weren't optimized as such for PC use. It is assumed that their natural weapons are adapted instead to the shaping of extruded web materials and generally ineffective in combat if a PC pursues playing one.

Tariyan Draegr
2019-02-23, 06:19 PM
Ssslarn is correct in that this was from a turnover from a contributor with limited awareness of Spheres and it was frequently brought up in backer feedback. The finalized version of the feat includes a sphere-specific caster level boost similar to the elementalists weave energy feature's as a GM approved option for Spheres. The feat could under similar circumstance allow either Summon Equipment or Bound Equipment to scale of BAB but would require separate instances of the feat for each feature. Without these restrictions the feat proved problematic with Spheres. It should be noted that it is also considered "gated" as a reward for Eternal Dawning members and if used in another campaign should be something earned through affiliation with a organization unless building the character at higher levels.

A 030With a specific instance dedicated to that feature only with no benefits to caster level.

A 031No, the feat does not award more spell points, spell slots, or power points.

Hope this helps.

Christen may pop in with a more complete answer, but my understanding is that that feat was written without really accounting for spheres, and a reworked version that more specifically covers the interactions with spherecasting characters will appear in the finalized version of Co7S.

Big thanks, this helps alot.

2019-02-24, 12:25 AM
A028 (this (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jXcOSEITHLEBh4AcSsYfnAT4GRm2J3KZ3qedU8f53eo/edit?usp=drivesdk) is a rough design doc I use for akasha that kind of explains the approximate power levels of different slots).

How are you getting an essence cap of 11? Multiclassing?

2019-02-24, 02:12 AM
How are you getting an essence cap of 11? Multiclassing?
4 + 3 from class + 1 from enhanced capacity + 3 akashic catalysts.
There's a few ways to spike above that, but I'm really only looking at permanent sustainable levels in that chart.

2019-02-24, 04:29 AM
4 + 3 from class + 1 from enhanced capacity + 3 akashic catalysts.
There's a few ways to spike above that, but I'm really only looking at permanent sustainable levels in that chart.

Oh, for some reason I though Akashic catalysts just gave you virtual essence investment, and didn't let you go above your cap.

Thanks for explaining.

You can only have one of each akashic catalyst right? So only 1 veil can have 11.

2019-02-24, 10:55 AM
Oh, for some reason I though Akashic catalysts just gave you virtual essence investment, and didn't let you go above your cap.

The catalysts can "break" your normal ceiling, yeah. This is because they don't actually change your invested essence, they just boost the effects of what's there.

Thanks for explaining.

No problem!

You can only have one of each akashic catalyst right? So only 1 veil can have 11.

That's correct. You can move the catalyst around (generally outside of combat), but you'll only have one veil with that boosted cap. Assuming you have one of each type, that would put your top 3 at 11, 9, and 8 (assuming you arranged to have one veil at the maximum possible capacity without using temporary boosters like Divine Essence).

2019-03-01, 06:45 AM
A few questions on the Liminal Power book:

Q032: Does the Crux of Power feat, when increasing your manifester level, give you more power points and/or allow you to augment powers up to your improved manifester level?

Q033: Is the Dreamsealer intended to be usable with Spherecasting classes? Unlike other PrCs in the same book the spellcasting advancement doesn't mention spherecasting at all, but then one of its class features can give a boost to caster level with a specific sphere and another one mentions augmenting a Life sphere effect. (And if so, how does Dreamseal Healing work with spherecasting classes, which have neither spell slots nor power points to expand?)

Q034: Dreamborn Magic either has some uneccessary text or a typo, because it lets you select a second school/sphere/discipline at 5th level, and then it also lets you select a second school/sphere/discipline at 10th level. Is it meant to be a third school/sphere/discipline at 10th level?

Q035: Are Dreamseals intended to prohibit healing entirely, or to just prevent the dreamsealed hitpoints from being actually healed? The text of the ability specifies the former, but the 'rules element' sidebar says the latter.

2019-03-02, 02:29 AM
A few questions on the Liminal Power book:

Q032: Does the Crux of Power feat, when increasing your manifester level, give you more power points and/or allow you to augment powers up to your improved manifester level?

Q033: Is the Dreamsealer intended to be usable with Spherecasting classes? Unlike other PrCs in the same book the spellcasting advancement doesn't mention spherecasting at all, but then one of its class features can give a boost to caster level with a specific sphere and another one mentions augmenting a Life sphere effect. (And if so, how does Dreamseal Healing work with spherecasting classes, which have neither spell slots nor power points to expand?)

Q034: Dreamborn Magic either has some uneccessary text or a typo, because it lets you select a second school/sphere/discipline at 5th level, and then it also lets you select a second school/sphere/discipline at 10th level. Is it meant to be a third school/sphere/discipline at 10th level?

Q035: Are Dreamseals intended to prohibit healing entirely, or to just prevent the dreamsealed hitpoints from being actually healed? The text of the ability specifies the former, but the 'rules element' sidebar says the latter.

A032 As per our understanding it A) does not increase power points per day via class but it DOES increase bonus power points by stats vs. manifester level, B) yes you may augment up to the new level.

A033 Yes, and it references Life sphere healing in the dreamseal class feature.

A034 Dreamborn magic should reference the Life sphere (and spheres in general), and the 10th level effect should read "additional" instead of "second", we will update this in the next revision.

A035 Dreamseals prohibit healing entirely, and a creature can only gain dreamseals and more (stacking) temporary HP after the first one is applied. It is reasonable to assume a save vs. healing prevents unwanted dreamseals (and reduces healing to half). As passive supernatural abilities a creature market with a dreamseal could suppress it as a standard action which limits there use as a "weaponized" heal stop.

Hope this is helpful. We be revising some of these abilities for clarity.

2019-03-05, 09:12 AM
Q36 I have a question about the Necros class, specifically the Brutal Necromancer archetype

Necromantic Modification (Ex): At 3rd level, a brutal necromancer treats themselves as an undead they control for the purpose of their fleshcrafting ability. However, they cannot use their fleshcrafting ability on undead they control except for their corpse puppet.

The way I personally viewed the intent for the class is that you're the archetypical "WoW" style Death Knight and that it would allow you to use the fleshcrafting abilities on yourself. However as it is worded that is not the case and this ability does absolutely nothing except for disallowing the use of fleshcrafting on anything else but your corpse puppet due to the fact that you "treat yourself as an undead you control for the purposes of your fleshcrafting" but can't use fleshcrafting on undead you control (which you now are) except for your corpse puppet (which you aren't).

Was the intention for the archetype to be able to fleshcraft themselves or not?

2019-03-07, 12:44 PM
Q37 I have a question similar to Q26: The Necros Class Feature, the Corpse Puppet - does animating it count against total HD the Necros can control with Reanimate? So a Level 8 Necros without any investments into Greater Reanimate would control 2x8=16HD, and 7 of them would be taken up by their Corpse Puppet?

2019-03-10, 12:38 PM
Q38: What does the radiant's ability to transfer/negate the 'cursed' condition (which doesn't exist) affect? Based off the paladin's equivalent mercy my assumption is that it can only mess with things that are subject to remove curse, but that's pretty much a guess.

Q39 (which is actually rewriting the part of Q33 that didn't get answered): How many spell points does a spherecaster have to spend to augment a spell/power with Dreamseal Healing?

Kris Moonhand
2019-03-10, 03:04 PM
The cursed condition DOES exist. It's a condition from Path of War (and the Malefex book) that acts as a gateway to other, worse effects.

Curse Maneuvers: Some maneuvers in Eternal Guardian have the curse descriptor. These maneuvers, much like spells with the curse descriptor, use persistent, malicious energies to inflict penalties on their victims. A creature immune to curses is immune to the effects of these maneuvers, with the exception of any weapon damage inflicted by them.

Many of these curse maneuvers inflict a new condition: cursed. By itself, the cursed condition does nothing, but many maneuvers or abilities have an increased effect on cursed creatures, or can only be used on cursed creatures (see individual maneuver descriptions for more information on how they interact with the cursed condition). Spells with the curse descriptor also apply the cursed condition for a duration equal to the spell’s duration. Multiple applications of the cursed condition do not overlap; instead the duration of each new application of the condition is added to the remaining duration of the previous application. The successful use of break enchantment, remove curse, or similar effects removes the cursed condition from the target in addition to their normal effects.

Mithril Leaf
2019-03-15, 09:55 PM
Trinity Angel still has the issue of requiring Merge, although the text itself is more sensible now.

Really enjoying the release though!

2019-03-15, 10:53 PM
Q36 I have a question about the Necros class, specifically the Brutal Necromancer archetype

The way I personally viewed the intent for the class is that you're the archetypical "WoW" style Death Knight and that it would allow you to use the fleshcrafting abilities on yourself. However as it is worded that is not the case and this ability does absolutely nothing except for disallowing the use of fleshcrafting on anything else but your corpse puppet due to the fact that you "treat yourself as an undead you control for the purposes of your fleshcrafting" but can't use fleshcrafting on undead you control (which you now are) except for your corpse puppet (which you aren't).

Was the intention for the archetype to be able to fleshcraft themselves or not?

That is the intention. We see your point about the technical exception of the ability and will add it to the next update.

2019-03-15, 10:54 PM
Q37 I have a question similar to Q26: The Necros Class Feature, the Corpse Puppet - does animating it count against total HD the Necros can control with Reanimate? So a Level 8 Necros without any investments into Greater Reanimate would control 2x8=16HD, and 7 of them would be taken up by their Corpse Puppet?

Corpse puppet is not intended to count against reanimate HD.

2019-03-15, 10:55 PM
Trinity Angel still has the issue of requiring Merge, although the text itself is more sensible now.

Really enjoying the release though!

This has already been noted and will be corrected both in PDF and before print.

2019-03-16, 05:32 PM
The cursed condition DOES exist. It's a condition from Path of War (and the Malefex book) that acts as a gateway to other, worse effects.

While this is true, I was working on the assumption that the radiant didn't expect you to have a book from an entirely different publisher without telling you (and also I believe it would be against the terms of the OGL to poach content from other books without actually referencing them.)

Q41: What happens if a Trinity Knight picks Soulknife as one of their aligned classes and Enhanced Mind Blade for Path of the Knight? Does the Enhanced Mind Blade improvement from Path of the Knight stack with any Enhanced Mind Blade improvement from advancing their Soulknife levels (potentially resulting in getting +2 effective levels of soulknife in a single level?)

2019-03-16, 06:09 PM
While this is true, I was working on the assumption that the radiant didn't expect you to have a book from an entirely different publisher without telling you (and also I believe it would be against the terms of the OGL to poach content from other books without actually referencing them.)

The radiant's ability to remove or transfer conditions maps to the paladin's mercies, though it would inherit the cursed condition from Path of War since that automatically maps to core curses.

2019-03-16, 06:19 PM
Q37 I have a question similar to Q26: The Necros Class Feature, the Corpse Puppet - does animating it count against total HD the Necros can control with Reanimate? So a Level 8 Necros without any investments into Greater Reanimate would control 2x8=16HD, and 7 of them would be taken up by their Corpse Puppet?

A37 The Corpse Puppet should not count against Reanimate hit dice.

2019-03-16, 06:25 PM
While this is true, I was working on the assumption that the radiant didn't expect you to have a book from an entirely different publisher without telling you (and also I believe it would be against the terms of the OGL to poach content from other books without actually referencing them.)

Q41: What happens if a Trinity Knight picks Soulknife as one of their aligned classes and Enhanced Mind Blade for Path of the Knight? Does the Enhanced Mind Blade improvement from Path of the Knight stack with any Enhanced Mind Blade improvement from advancing their Soulknife levels (potentially resulting in getting +2 effective levels of soulknife in a single level?)

A41: Absolutely but with the required rotation of lowest aligned class at 5 levels of the class and the requisite of two other classes before entering the PrC it generally won't force the mind blade above a single class soulknife's abilities. After seeing this question it is clear the table needs to read "+1 level to two aligned classes" instead of "both aligned classes" the intention is to keep all three requisite base classes balances as you progress. Thanks for pointing this out.

2019-03-17, 05:50 AM
Q42: Another Trinity Knight question - if you're (for instance) a fighter 2 / elementalist 2 / incanter 4 with Trinity Warrior, do you qualify for the Trinity Knight PrC if your elementalist and incanter levels apply to the same tradition? My assumption is no, because that opens the pathway to having a spherecaster level higher than your actual level, but technically both the elementalist and incanter have spherecasting with a caster level of at least 1; it's just the same caster level in both cases.

2019-03-17, 06:23 PM

For Trinity Angel, it has this as the requirement: Form astral armor or conjuration sphere (with merge talent). I can't find the Conjuration Merge talent at all? And the actual class makes mention of the Protection sphere, is this a case of something changing before going to print but getting lost? Is it supposed to be Form Astral Armor or a Protection (Aegis) talent or similar?

2019-03-17, 08:03 PM

For Trinity Angel, it has this as the requirement: Form astral armor or conjuration sphere (with merge talent). I can't find the Conjuration Merge talent at all? And the actual class makes mention of the Protection sphere, is this a case of something changing before going to print but getting lost? Is it supposed to be Form Astral Armor or a Protection (Aegis) talent or similar?
Not affiliated with Lost Spheres, but there was a companion merger ability in the Conjurer's handbook playtest that got cut before release. It had balance issues that were difficult to resolve.

2019-03-21, 10:04 AM
Copying from another thread so I can ping Christen-

Omninode (3 points): Your armor acts as a magical converter allowing you to move energies between your various abilities. You may recharge a spell slot or regain a prepared spell you have cast from any class by paying twice is level in psionic power points. Alternatively you can pay half a spell point to regain half your caster level in power points, restore a spell slot, or a spent prepared spell of half your spherecaster level.

Q44 Is it possible to spend half a spell point, or is this a typo?

2019-03-21, 11:23 AM
Not affiliated with Lost Spheres, but there was a companion merger ability in the Conjurer's handbook playtest that got cut before release. It had balance issues that were difficult to resolve.

This was changed to protection sphere (armored magic talent) as of the last update.

2019-03-21, 11:24 AM
Copying from another thread so I can ping Christen-

Q44 Is it possible to spend half a spell point, or is this a typo?

A44Typo, fixed.

2019-03-21, 11:30 AM
This was changed to protection sphere (armored magic talent) as of the last update.

The Trinity Angel now says that a 'crystal angel' (not Trinity Angel) with the Protection Sphere gains the 'Armoured Aegis' talent (not Armoured Magic.) Aside from typos, what's the point of giving someone a talent they had to possess to qualify for the PrC in the first place?

2019-03-21, 11:39 AM
Q42: Another Trinity Knight question - if you're (for instance) a fighter 2 / elementalist 2 / incanter 4 with Trinity Warrior, do you qualify for the Trinity Knight PrC if your elementalist and incanter levels apply to the same tradition? My assumption is no, because that opens the pathway to having a spherecaster level higher than your actual level, but technically both the elementalist and incanter have spherecasting with a caster level of at least 1; it's just the same caster level in both cases.

A42We tried to handle this using the phrase "single source" but we made it clearer in last nights update. General guidance should be that the "types" of powers should be different. Psychic spells, psionic powers, arcane spells, divine spells, etc. Spherecasting is a bit more complex in that that aspect of the class is definable under tradition. If you want to use spherecasting more than once with the PrC we recommend that they be defined as separate traditions and allowed to progress individually tracking access to spheres independently and separate spell points if you want this to "feel" as intended. We play tested it and it worked well but it works a little against the elegance of base spheres system.

2019-03-21, 11:45 AM
The Trinity Angel now says that a 'crystal angel' (not Trinity Angel) with the Protection Sphere gains the 'Armoured Aegis' talent (not Armoured Magic.) Aside from typos, what's the point of giving someone a talent they had to possess to qualify for the PrC in the first place?

Now reads: "A trinity angel with the protection sphere instead gains a special variant of the armored magic talent." Was intended to modify the talent not grant an extra talent.

2019-03-26, 05:18 PM
Q45: With the advent of Eternal Dawning organization in Co7S, does the Trinity Mage in the Book of Beyond: Liminal Power retroactively require affiliation with the organization?

Q46: For the Trinity Mage, do powers cast for a sequence have to be cast in consecutive rounds? Or can they be spaced out as long as you still have a trinity time? (Ex. Round 1 cast from Source 1, round 2 run around in circles, round 3 cast from Source 2 gaining the benefit of the sequence, round 4 run around in circles again, round 5 cast from Source 3 and gain final effect of sequence)

Q47: Do you have to finish a sequence before starting a new one? If not, can a new sequence be started with the source that was last used?

Q48: Universal Force's wording seems a bit clunky, shifting from fluff to crunch partway in one sentence. But the intent is to get a spell for free that's lower than spells used in the sequence, correct? Is it actually cast, thus making it eligible for abilities that affect your spells (such as being able to qualify for a sequence), or not? If yes, then for the previous example can an ability cast with Universal force count as being from any source for the purpose of a sequence (like a wild card), or does it count the origin that granted the knowledge of the spell/power? (i.e. an arcane/divine/mental trinity mage uses Universal Force to cast an arcane spell that they only have an arcane version of. Can they make it count as divine for the purpose of the sequence or will it just be arcane?)

Q49: For Tri-Trinity, are the 3 spells or powers cast at the same time, in the space of 1 round (full-round action/whatever)?

Minor quibble, Sequence of Admixture seems to be missing the final source effect in the current version.

Q50: Implications of the Source system, seem to indicate that individual classes only have one source. Is the Theurge class just an exception given that it is explicitly stated as casting both Arcane and Divine? If it does have two sources, then how does it interact with prestige classes presented that only give bonuses to one source at a time?

2019-03-28, 05:18 PM
Q51: In your source references page in The City of 7 Seraphs, I get that you had to obliquely reference most of Paizo's books because of IP concerns ("Official regional magic campaign setting book" marked as ISM was obviously Inner Sea Magic, but couldn't be called that, for example), but why couldn't you mention the crossover spheres book Champions of the Spheres?

Q52 Which brings me to my next question, why did you preface virtually every single mention of a spherecaster or practitioner option with "If you are using the the Spheres of Might/Power system..."? You never preface an initiator with "If you're using the Path of War system..."

2019-03-28, 10:38 PM
Q45: With the advent of Eternal Dawning organization in Co7S, does the Trinity Mage in the Book of Beyond: Liminal Power retroactively require affiliation with the organization?

Q46: For the Trinity Mage, do powers cast for a sequence have to be cast in consecutive rounds? Or can they be spaced out as long as you still have a trinity time? (Ex. Round 1 cast from Source 1, round 2 run around in circles, round 3 cast from Source 2 gaining the benefit of the sequence, round 4 run around in circles again, round 5 cast from Source 3 and gain final effect of sequence)

Q47: Do you have to finish a sequence before starting a new one? If not, can a new sequence be started with the source that was last used?

Q48: Universal Force's wording seems a bit clunky, shifting from fluff to crunch partway in one sentence. But the intent is to get a spell for free that's lower than spells used in the sequence, correct? Is it actually cast, thus making it eligible for abilities that affect your spells (such as being able to qualify for a sequence), or not? If yes, then for the previous example can an ability cast with Universal force count as being from any source for the purpose of a sequence (like a wild card), or does it count the origin that granted the knowledge of the spell/power? (i.e. an arcane/divine/mental trinity mage uses Universal Force to cast an arcane spell that they only have an arcane version of. Can they make it count as divine for the purpose of the sequence or will it just be arcane?)

Q49: For Tri-Trinity, are the 3 spells or powers cast at the same time, in the space of 1 round (full-round action/whatever)?

Minor quibble, Sequence of Admixture seems to be missing the final source effect in the current version.

Q50: Implications of the Source system, seem to indicate that individual classes only have one source. Is the Theurge class just an exception given that it is explicitly stated as casting both Arcane and Divine? If it does have two sources, then how does it interact with prestige classes presented that only give bonuses to one source at a time?

A45Canonically, the Trinity Mage tradition was included in the knowledge Nexalla took with her when the Daestari exiled her. This allowed for non-Dawning individuals to also be trained in the same lore and abilities.

A46As long as you remain in trinity state each rotating source will count for a sequence.

A47As long as you break source rotation, the current sequence automatically ends and a new one can be started so long as you are still in a trinity state.

A48We will look at clearing it up, but the intent was in line with wish's spell simulation at the lowest level, total wildcard of any nature or source, a small window into infinity. Sorry it isn't clearer currently.

A49It is a single action cast resolved in the order of the caster's choosing for purposes of their sequences. As currently written it would be a standard action, and should likely only impact standard action cast spells. Sequence of admixtures final step is 100% bonus damage as though the spell had been "twinned" with a second element.

A50Theurge could be "gamed" in a permissive GM's campaign but as that it already covers Divine and Arcane sources, a player would likely need to have more esoteric origins like Temporarl, Umbral or Entropic to make full use of it. Even still a GM would be well within rights to restrict or forbid the theurge class (though we had no problems with it running at strength in playtest). Mythic games also might use our overmage path to interesting effect with the PrC.

Hope this helps.

2019-03-28, 10:46 PM
Q51: In your source references page in The City of 7 Seraphs, I get that you had to obliquely reference most of Paizo's books because of IP concerns ("Official regional magic campaign setting book" marked as ISM was obviously Inner Sea Magic, but couldn't be called that, for example), but why couldn't you mention the crossover spheres book Champions of the Spheres?

Q52 Which brings me to my next question, why did you preface virtually every single mention of a spherecaster or practitioner option with "If you are using the the Spheres of Might/Power system..."? You never preface an initiator with "If you're using the Path of War system..."

A51A lot of it has to do with exceptions to the Section 15 of the OGL. Any use of anything but a core body of Paizo Books requires express written permission to reference the titles. Sometimes we had permission to use full titles anywhere, others were title only in the reference tables, others were not at all. Each company got to select what degree they wanted to be referenced if at all.

A52Related to the above, the Spheres Systems are both the names of the Rules system AND their books. By the statement you mentioned above we can reference them as rules. Only 33% of our backers identified as being familiar with systems like Path of War or Spheres and we wanted to our best to show them where to find those awesome systems without violating OGL terms or Written permissions. Sorry if it is frustrating to you. We would have loved to call out all of the subsets like Path of War by title but didn't always have express permission to do so.

Hope this helps clear things up.

2019-03-29, 07:56 AM
Q53: What book is Trinity Mage in? I can't seem to find it in the City of the Seven Seraphs or the Akashic Trinity!

Never mind! Found it in Liminal Power.

2019-03-31, 03:55 PM
Is there any rules/guide to making your own Veils?

2019-04-02, 11:22 AM
Is there a projected ETA for Akashic Realms: Emperors & Einherjar?

2019-04-02, 12:37 PM
Is there a projected ETA for Akashic Realms: Emperors & Einherjar?

I think we're just waiting on the last few pieces of art before we can start wrapping up layout. I don't have a specific ETA beyond "not too much longer", but I'll let you know as soon as I know anything more specific.

2019-04-04, 02:48 PM
Q: 55

For the Necros's Undead Rebirth, what is the amount of HP recovered using it?

Q: 56

For the Necros's Fleshcrafting ability, can they only have one instance of it on an undead at a time, or can they stack fleshcrafting on the same target?

Q: 57

When using Fleshcrafting on themselves with the Brutal Necromancer archetype, can the Necros apply Necrotic Shield to themselves?

2019-04-07, 04:43 PM
Q: 55

For the Necros's Undead Rebirth, what is the amount of HP recovered using it?

Q: 56

For the Necros's Fleshcrafting ability, can they only have one instance of it on an undead at a time, or can they stack fleshcrafting on the same target?

Q: 57

When using Fleshcrafting on themselves with the Brutal Necromancer archetype, can the Necros apply Necrotic Shield to themselves?

A55We see your confusion, given the costs involved we recommend 5d8+Death sphere caster level and will be updating to reflect this.

A56Given the abilities built in advancements some GMs may wish to limit it to only a single fleshcraft enhancement. However, since there are restrictions on multiple selections and built in ramping for leveling, the resource expenditure as written can be used as often as it can be paid for. In playtesting it was generally found to be more effective to spread fleshcrafts on multiple creatures than stacking on a single creature.


2019-04-14, 03:18 PM
Q: 58

I'm having some difficulty deciphering something in Trinity Knight. When Path of the Knight references Proficiency, what exactly does it advance from your Spheres of Might classes? I can't find a reference to 'proficiency' as a class feature beyond traditions.

2019-04-15, 11:32 AM
Q: 58

I'm having some difficulty deciphering something in Trinity Knight. When Path of the Knight references Proficiency, what exactly does it advance from your Spheres of Might classes? I can't find a reference to 'proficiency' as a class feature beyond traditions.

I believe this is a dated reference that is likely to be stripped from the final book, but I'll have to double-check with Christen on that since I'm not as familiar with Trinity Knight.

Is there any rules/guide to making your own Veils?

A54 Not formally, since there's a certain amount of art that goes into veil design which is best learned through experience, but I did link the general design guidelines that I use for designing and/or developing new veils and other akashic mechanics at the bottom of page 2 of this thread. Note that those are more back-end developer's notes than a proper consumer-facing "product".

2019-04-20, 06:50 PM
Q59 The trinity warrior text says "three aligned classes" but the table only seems to advance two. Whats up with that?

Q60 As there's no prohibition, I think I can take levels in both Trinity Angel and Trinity Warrior, is that correct?

Now reads: "A trinity angel with the protection sphere instead gains a special variant of the armored magic talent." Was intended to modify the talent not grant an extra talent.

Speaking of that,

Q61 If i have both an astral suit and the protection sphere, and i used the Armored Magic option, do i have ACP/ASF to go with my customizations?

Copying from another thread so I can ping Christen-

What is an Omninode, was that in Co7S?

2019-04-25, 08:40 PM
I believe this is a dated reference that is likely to be stripped from the final book, but I'll have to double-check with Christen on that since I'm not as familiar with Trinity Knight.

Bump! This is relevant to my table too :)

2019-05-03, 03:08 PM
Q62: For the Undines FCB for Radiant applied to Unicorn Feathering which of the following is correct?

Fast Heal 5+3 per essence +FCB? for 1+ essence rounds.

Fast Heal 5+3 per essence for 1+ essence rounds with a burst heal to start of FCB?.

2019-05-03, 04:26 PM
Q62: For the Undines FCB for Radiant applied to Unicorn Feathering which of the following is correct?

Fast Heal 5+3 per essence +FCB? for 1+ essence rounds.

Fast Heal 5+3 per essence for 1+ essence rounds with a burst heal to start of FCB?.

The latter. The FCB modifies the total healing or damage granted by veil abilities by the gained amount, so in the case of a 5th level undine radiant using Unicorn Feathering, the target would gain an extra 5 points of healing up front, but they would not increase each occurrence of healing from their fast healing by that amount.

2019-05-04, 09:56 PM
Bump! This is relevant to my table too :)

Bumping again! And a new question!

Q63: If a multi-classing Daevic took Trinity Warrior (or any veilweaving class, but let's use Daevic here) would its Veils/maximum Essence increase based on its BAB?

What about its Passions? Would it gain those effects at the BAB it would've gained them at prior?

And what about Binds?

Q64: If you take Trinity Warrior, can you apply it to something like Sage to advance its class features that aren't dependent upon Spherecasting?

2019-05-07, 09:08 PM
So the Daevic of Secre- erm, i mean, Knowledge states that it must have a neutral alignment. Does this mean it must have N as one alignment component (as a Druid) or that it must be purely neutral on both axes?

Also the Daevic aspect (Knowledge) as of the version I have lacks a section for what you get for essence investment. I can guess based on previous versions of Daevic aspect, but you probably should fix that if you haven't already.

2019-05-08, 10:20 AM
So the Daevic of Secre- erm, i mean, Knowledge states that it must have a neutral alignment. Does this mean it must have N as one alignment component (as a Druid) or that it must be purely neutral on both axes?

Also the Daevic aspect (Knowledge) as of the version I have lacks a section for what you get for essence investment. I can guess based on previous versions of Daevic aspect, but you probably should fix that if you haven't already.

My version says they are "almost always of neutral alignment," which is less a rule and more a descriptive trend. Admittedly, it is unclear whether this implies 90% are true neutral or 90% are some form of neutral.

I'm guessing the stock essence investment line of "The granted bonuses increase by +1 for each point of essence invested in this veil." is meant to apply here.

2019-05-08, 12:58 PM
So the Daevic of Secre- erm, i mean, Knowledge states that it must have a neutral alignment. Does this mean it must have N as one alignment component (as a Druid) or that it must be purely neutral on both axes?

Daevic passions always have a "are almost always of alignment X" entry so that players have a roleplaying hook and guidance. These are not hard limitations and you can play a Knowledge daevic of any alignment, though TN or XN/NX Knowledge daevics are far and away the most common.

Also the Daevic aspect (Knowledge) as of the version I have lacks a section for what you get for essence investment. I can guess based on previous versions of Daevic aspect, but you probably should fix that if you haven't already.

Nothing to fix because nothing's broken? It uses the exact same essence block as every other passion uses for the Daevic Aspect veil.

2019-05-10, 11:31 PM
Question about weapon-like veils. Is the additional damage granted to some of them via investing essence, such as the additional d6s of bludgeoning damage gained to ebon stars, multiplied on critical hits or rolled twice via vital strike?

2019-05-11, 04:28 PM
Question about weapon-like veils. Is the additional damage granted to some of them via investing essence, such as the additional d6s of bludgeoning damage gained to ebon stars, multiplied on critical hits or rolled twice via vital strike?

No. Bonus damage dice are never multiplied in Pathfinder unless specifically noted otherwise (this is true regardless of whether the bonus damage dice deal an energy type like fire or a physical type like bludgeoning).

2019-05-13, 06:01 AM
Q64 Ceptu have different Magic Item Slots than humanoids. As per the precedent set by Animals not being able to use hand slot veils, or indeed veils of any item slot they lack, does this mean that several veil slots are barred to them?

In this case they would lose the Hands, Belt, and Body slots if i am reading correctly. (Oddly enough they keep the Feet slot.)

(I'd ask about if that precedent applied to Rajah titles too, but I think Sslarn said he didn't work on Rajah)

Q65 Is initiator level a valid pick for Trinity Warrior to set equal to BAB?

2019-05-13, 10:17 AM
Bumping again! And a new question!

Q63: If a multi-classing Daevic took Trinity Warrior (or any veilweaving class, but let's use Daevic here) would its Veils/maximum Essence increase based on its BAB?

What about its Passions? Would it gain those effects at the BAB it would've gained them at prior?

And what about Binds?

A63Trinity Warrior applies to resolution and effective level, not actual level. So it applies to SR, level dependent scaling, and so on. It was never intended to "unlock" new features. So in the case of daevics the Passion feature which you gain at level one advances off of BAB, but essence, veils, and binds would be dependent on actual levels.

Q64: If you take Trinity Warrior, can you apply it to something like Sage to advance its class features that aren't dependent upon Spherecasting?

Sage would get a progression of chi gong, base esoteric training, and so on but no esoteries until leveling into them.

2019-05-13, 10:20 AM
Q64 Ceptu have different Magic Item Slots than humanoids. As per the precedent set by Animals not being able to use hand slot veils, or indeed veils of any item slot they lack, does this mean that several veil slots are barred to them?

In this case they would lose the Hands, Belt, and Body slots if i am reading correctly. (Oddly enough they keep the Feet slot.)

(I'd ask about if that precedent applied to Rajah titles too, but I think Sslarn said he didn't work on Rajah)

Q65 Is initiator level a valid pick for Trinity Warrior to set equal to BAB?

A64 Ceptu were an OGL add from another company that we like a lot, but akashic ceptu we recommend that their ring slots be usable to bind any bind they have access to but have lost a standard slot for.

A65 Effective initiator yes, but no new maneuvers would be granted until leveled into.

2019-05-13, 03:44 PM
A65 Effective initiator yes, but no new maneuvers would be granted until leveled into.

Well yeah, but being able to use one feat and one level to get God of the Hourglass is still amazing. :P

Wait, going of what Galactick said, can Trinity Warrior and/or Academic Dual Focus be used to advance points? Because if they can advance Essence and/or Customization points that's pretty amazing.

2019-05-13, 04:49 PM
Sage would get a progression of chi gong, base esoteric training, and so on but no esoteries until leveling into them.

Awesome, thank you!

Q66 Shouldn't Essence advance based off that wording then? It's a class feature they have at level 1, that they just get more of per level.

Addendum: I'm asking about Trinity Knight again :P

Q: 58

I'm having some difficulty deciphering something in Trinity Knight. When Path of the Knight references Proficiency, what exactly does it advance from your Spheres of Might classes? I can't find a reference to 'proficiency' as a class feature beyond traditions.

Basically, what is Path of the Knight supposed to -do-?

2019-05-14, 02:40 AM
Basically, what is Path of the Knight supposed to -do-?

i think that means the proficient/adept/expert progression?

2019-05-16, 07:58 AM
Q67: Brutal Necros has this ability via Fleshcrafting

Combat Talent: The undead gains a combat sphere and a talent from that sphere (this ability can be selected multiple times, although each sphere can only be selected once). Mindless undead are innately aware of how to use these abilities, but can only select from the following spheres: Athletics, Berserker, Brute, Guardian, Wrestling. Undead use Strength as their practitioner modifier.

It doesn't have the usual "If you have the base sphere you instead get a talent of your choice" clause, what happens if the undead in question has the base sphere? Usually this wouldn't be a problem since mindless undead from the Death sphere don't have talents, but Fleshcrafting can be used on Corpse puppets, who do get talents. And in Brutal Necro's case, themselves.

2019-05-16, 07:26 PM
It doesn't have the usual "If you have the base sphere you instead get a talent of your choice" clause, what happens if the undead in question has the base sphere? Usually this wouldn't be a problem since mindless undead from the Death sphere don't have talents, but Fleshcrafting can be used on Corpse puppets, who do get talents. And in Brutal Necro's case, themselves.

That's part of the base SoM rules, see here:

Whenever a character gains a combat talent, they may spend it on a combat sphere. The first time a character spends a combat talent on a sphere, they gain that sphere’s base abilities. After a character possesses a base sphere, they may spend additional combat talents to gain talents specifically associated with that sphere. If a character is granted a bonus sphere that they already possess (such as through a class feature), they instead may gain one talent of their choice from that sphere.

Von Krieger
2019-05-28, 07:55 PM
Basically, what is Path of the Knight supposed to -do-?

Let's assume that I'm playing a Trinity Knight who got into the class through Blacksmith 3/Class A 1/Class B 1.

The way the class is laid out means that at best you're only going to be getting 5 additional levels worth of Blacksmith class features, as you can only advance it at the levels where you can pick any two classes to advance.

So over 10 levels, you'll be getting 5 talents with the base class because Blacksmith gets a talent every level.

Path of the Knight means that every odd level you get to poke up your combat talents class feature by 1 additional level.

So while at the end of the class you have 8 levels of Blacksmith class features, you have 13 levels worth of combat talents.

2019-06-05, 08:21 PM
Let's assume that I'm playing a Trinity Knight who got into the class through Blacksmith 3/Class A 1/Class B 1.

The way the class is laid out means that at best you're only going to be getting 5 additional levels worth of Blacksmith class features, as you can only advance it at the levels where you can pick any two classes to advance.

So over 10 levels, you'll be getting 5 talents with the base class because Blacksmith gets a talent every level.

Path of the Knight means that every odd level you get to poke up your combat talents class feature by 1 additional level.

So while at the end of the class you have 8 levels of Blacksmith class features, you have 13 levels worth of combat talents.

While I'd be -ecstatic- if that were the case, I'd still love if the devs chimed in on this situation :) I have a character who is a Sage/Armorist/Daevic about to go into Trinity Knight and what Path of the Knight actually does will influence which class I pick for it incredibly heavily.

2019-06-06, 02:21 PM
While I'd be -ecstatic- if that were the case, I'd still love if the devs chimed in on this situation :) I have a character who is a Sage/Armorist/Daevic about to go into Trinity Knight and what Path of the Knight actually does will influence which class I pick for it incredibly heavily.

This is technically the case, the intent of the class given its name is to rate between 3 non-prestige classes. Two of these classes should be able to manifest powers or cast. Because of the way the class structure lines up a champion class or other similar hybrid class can effectively grant a larger than average group of combat talents depending on leveling choices. If the casting classes follow the intent of the design (including source origin mechanics), the casting classes would be distinct traditions and be handled as separate classes and pools.

In case you are referencing an older version of the class here are current requirements:

Requirements: To qualify to become a Trinity Knight,
a character must fulfill all of the following criteria:

*Base attack bonus +5
*Levels in three non-prestige classes, two of which must have the following abilities: the ability to cast 1st level spells from a single distinct source,
spherecasting CL 1st, essence pool of 3, or manifest 1st level powers. Source type may not repeat or stack.
*Feat: Trinity Warrior
*Skills: Knowledge (martial, religion, or history) 5
ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks
*Special: Must be a member of the Eternal Dawning.

Sage/Armorist/Daevic is pretty amazing sounding.

2019-06-07, 06:12 AM
Is the version on spheres wikidot up to date?

Is the class you advance with Path of the knight supposed to be one of your three aligned classes?

Yue Ryong
2019-06-12, 06:29 PM
What Fly bonus should a Darkness Dragon have? Is there any way to increase it?

2019-06-12, 06:44 PM
What Fly bonus should a Darkness Dragon have? Is there any way to increase it?

As a veil effect, mounts created by the Darkness Dragon veil use the veilweaver's Acrobatics bonus.

2019-06-16, 12:33 AM
Q71 The Horns of the Minotaur veil states that it is always treated as a secondary natural attack, unlike most gore attacks. Is this also an exception to the rule about singular natural attacks, i.e. that a creature with a single natural attack always treats it as a primary attack with a 1.5xSTR.

Q72 The Foot bind for the Coward's Boots veil grants the veilweaver the Essence of Movement feat, along with allowing essence invested in the Coward's Boots to also apply to Essence of Movement. Does this also grant the +1 essence of the Essence of Movement feat?

Q73 If I have an Akashic Catalyst on a location where I have multiple veils shaped, does the bonus essence apply to all of them?

Q74 Does Temporary Essence come pre-allocated, or does it have to be allocated with a swift action after it is generated?

Q75 Gorget of the Wyrm does not increase the Area of Effect. Is this intended, possibly to balance the lack of a cooldown?

Q76 Does being a Daevic of Love prevent you from having a psicrystal (the same way it prevents you from having a familiar, animal companion, eidolon, etc.)

Q77 When the Breastplate of Bloody Conflict is used to add the vicious quality to a weapon, does the bleed damage taken from the vicious quality stack with itself?

Q78 If an Akasin philosophy Guru meditates in an area of bright light, can they recover essence burn and gain temporary essence at the same time?

Q79 When using Brutal Throw to apply Power Attack to thrown weapons, can you two-hand a thrown weapon for the 1:3 ratio?

Q80 Why does the temp hp from the Daevic Aspect Dominion bind take so much longer to recover than other veil-based sources of temp hp?

Q81 Can you make a traditional magic weapon essence-forged, or does essence-forged not stack with other weapon enchantments?

Q82 Can an Eclipse's Occultation perform a full attack or other full-round action if the Eclipse channels their standard action through it?

Q83 When a Radiant uses their essence bond ability to extract a condition from an ally, do they have to pull all the invested essence from that ally, or just any amount? For an example, if I have 3 essence invested in ally, and use essence bond to pull a condition from them, do I have to pull all 3 essence, or can I just pull 1?

Q84 As I understand it, the Eclipse's Dark Intensity ability works as follows; when they shape their veils for the day, they choose from one of 4 options. Option A, shape an additional Hand slot veil. Option B, shape an additional Feet slot veil. Option C, treat the veil(s) in the Hand slot as though they have one additional point of essence invested. Option D, treat the veil(s) in the Feet slot as though they have one additional veil invested. An Eclipse with Option A, but not C, gains the ability to perform a standard action two-weapon attack, and an Eclipse with Option B, but not D, increases any (one?) movement speed by 20 ft. Is this correct?

Kris Moonhand
2019-06-16, 01:58 AM
Most of those are really good questions, (I particularly look forward to an official answer on how Catalysts work with stuff like Twinveil), but a few can be answered via existing rules, so here you go!

Q77 When the Breastplate of Bloody Conflict is used to add the vicious quality to a weapon, does the bleed damage taken from the vicious quality stack with itself?
Per general Pathfinder rules, no.

Bleed effects do not stack with each other unless they deal different kinds of damage. When two or more bleed effects deal the same kind of damage, take the worse effect.

Q79 When using Brutal Throw to apply Power Attack to thrown weapons, can you two-hand a thrown weapon for the 1:3 ratio?
I'm gonna assume you meant Powerful Throw (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Powerful_Throw), not Brutal Throw. Anywho, you need the Two-Handed Thrower (https://aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Two-Handed%20Thrower) feat to apply 1.5x Strength to a two-handed thrown weapon (and to get the action down from a full-round to a standard, in case you didn't know about that fun little rule).

Q84 As I understand it, the Eclipse's Dark Intensity ability works as follows; when they shape their veils for the day, they choose from one of 4 options. Option A, shape an additional Hand slot veil. Option B, shape an additional Feet slot veil. Option C, treat the veil(s) in the Hand slot as though they have one additional point of essence invested. Option D, treat the veil(s) in the Feet slot as though they have one additional veil invested. An Eclipse with Option A, but not C, gains the ability to perform a standard action two-weapon attack, and an Eclipse with Option B, but not D, increases any (one?) movement speed by 20 ft. Is this correct?
That is exactly what the ability says (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Eclipse#Dark_Intensity), so I'm gonna go with "yes".

2019-06-16, 07:32 AM
Q85: Who do I have to bribe to get an Akashic Kineticist archetype and/or options, perhaps in the new Akashic Realms series?

2019-06-16, 10:47 AM
Q85: Who do I have to bribe to get an Akashic Kineticist archetype and/or options, perhaps in the new Akashic Realms series?

A85:Bribery is generally not necessary. Honestly, the main reason I, personally, haven't done an akashic kineticist is because I felt like the nexus (particularly one leaning into the Genie's Ambition set and Elemental convergence) filled a lot of that space. I can definitely bring it up to Christen and see if we have a spot for it though.

I've skipped a few of the following questions as they seem to have been answered adequately already.

Q71 The Horns of the Minotaur veil states that it is always treated as a secondary natural attack, unlike most gore attacks. Is this also an exception to the rule about singular natural attacks, i.e. that a creature with a single natural attack always treats it as a primary attack with a 1.5xSTR.

A71: Yes.

Q72 The Foot bind for the Coward's Boots veil grants the veilweaver the Essence of Movement feat, along with allowing essence invested in the Coward's Boots to also apply to Essence of Movement. Does this also grant the +1 essence of the Essence of Movement feat?

A72 Yes.

Q73 If I have an Akashic Catalyst on a location where I have multiple veils shaped, does the bonus essence apply to all of them?

A73: As long as they have essence invested in them and it's not the Ring slot (which has a specifically called out limit of 1 in the catalyst itself), yes.

Q74 Does Temporary Essence come pre-allocated, or does it have to be allocated with a swift action after it is generated?

A74: Some abilities specifically give you the ability to allocate temporary essence as part of generating it, but otherwise you need to spend an action to reallocate (typically a swift action).

Q75 Gorget of the Wyrm does not increase the Area of Effect. Is this intended, possibly to balance the lack of a cooldown?

A75: Yes.

Q76 Does being a Daevic of Love prevent you from having a psicrystal (the same way it prevents you from having a familiar, animal companion, eidolon, etc.)

A76: This one's a bit vague do the fact that it's never clearly stated whether a psicrystal is a creature or an object (since it has elements of both statuses). I would say that the daevic bond does not interfere in this instance as it's clear from the text of both abilities that the psicrystal is not truly a separate entity, and thus nothing that would trigger the clause. However, a GM would be perfectly justified in ruling differently.

Q78 If an Akasin philosophy Guru meditates in an area of bright light, can they recover essence burn and gain temporary essence at the same time?

A78: Yes.

Q80 Why does the temp hp from the Daevic Aspect Dominion bind take so much longer to recover than other veil-based sources of temp hp?

A80: It is not intended to. That text predates the updates made in Akashic Trinity and later entries which unifies how temporary hit points are handled for all veils:

Temporary hit points and additional Hit Dice:
Temporary hit points and additional HD granted by veils
or other akashic effects start at full when essence is first
invested and regenerate at a rate of 1 hit point per minute,
but cannot be restored by removing and re-adding essence
to the veil. Essence invested in a veil or other akashic
receptacle that grants up to a certain amount of temporary
hit points or bonus Hit Dice after the first time you
invest essence for the day instead starts at 1 hit point and
regenerates up to its normal maximum amount.

Q81 Can you make a traditional magic weapon essence-forged, or does essence-forged not stack with other weapon enchantments?

A81: An essence-forged weapon is a unique magical item. As noted in the essence-forged description "The unusual nature of essence forged weapons prevents them from being enchanted normally and a weapon must be created as an essence forged weapon as part of the crafting process". Essence-forged cannot be added to other enchantments, nor can other enchantments be added to essence-forged weapons.

Q82 Can an Eclipse's Occultation perform a full attack or other full-round action if the Eclipse channels their standard action through it?

A82: No. The occultation is not a separate creature being given actions by the eclipse that it then takes itself, it is a channel for the eclipse's own abilities. When the eclipse channels a standard action through the occultation, the eclipse is using their own action to generate an effect and treating the occultation as the point of origin. The occultation itself never has anything beyond a move action.

Q83 When a Radiant uses their essence bond ability to extract a condition from an ally, do they have to pull all the invested essence from that ally, or just any amount? For an example, if I have 3 essence invested in ally, and use essence bond to pull a condition from them, do I have to pull all 3 essence, or can I just pull 1?

A83: As long as the radiant pulls at least one point of invested essence out of the ally, the radiant can also extract a negative condition they have unlocked the ability to remove.

2019-06-17, 06:07 PM
Honestly, the main reason I, personally, haven't done an akashic kineticist is because I felt like the nexus (particularly one leaning into the Genie's Ambition set and Elemental convergence) filled a lot of that space. I can definitely bring it up to Christen and see if we have a spot for it though.

As someone currently playing a Suli Nexus with Elemental as their first Convergence, it does feel like an akashic Kineticist; The higher tier Convergence options modify your 'blasts', and the veils cover the miscellaneous Wild Talents. Heck, even the 'burn' system is there! Speaking of the Akashic Realms series...

Q86: Is there any update on the estimated release timeframe for Akashic Realms: Emperors & Einherjar? I haven't seen anything on it since the announcement, which was almost three months ago.

2019-06-17, 06:40 PM
As someone currently playing a Suli Nexus with Elemental as their first Convergence, it does feel like an akashic Kineticist; The higher tier Convergence options modify your 'blasts', and the veils cover the miscellaneous Wild Talents. Heck, even the 'burn' system is there! Speaking of the Akashic Realms series...

Q86: Is there any update on the estimated release timeframe for Akashic Realms: Emperors & Einherjar? I haven't seen anything on it since the announcement, which was almost three months ago.

I admit, part of the reason I so enjoy Kineticists is the the burn mechanic, but mostly because it can knock you unconscious in a cinematically pleasing way. I don’t believe the Nexus quite has that aspect? But I do suppose other then that, ya it is a very accurate fit!

Also seconding the question!!!

2019-06-24, 04:27 PM
I admit, part of the reason I so enjoy Kineticists is the the burn mechanic, but mostly because it can knock you unconscious in a cinematically pleasing way. I don’t believe the Nexus quite has that aspect? But I do suppose other then that, ya it is a very accurate fit!

Also seconding the question!!!

The Kineticist 'burn' is very cinematic/DBZ-esque, but having played under some ruthless DMs, falling unconscious in battle meant your character was in serious danger of being coup-de-grace'd. Akashic burn is much less dangerous, like temporarily burning out your power reserves for subsystems to overcharge the weapons/shields.

2019-06-24, 05:03 PM
Q86: Is there any update on the estimated release timeframe for Akashic Realms: Emperors & Einherjar? I haven't seen anything on it since the announcement, which was almost three months ago.

A86: Christen is currently in the process of shipping out over 6,000 pounds worth of City of 7 Seraph books. As of our last conversation he has all the art and assets and just needs to finish shipping out all the already-paid-for product so he can sit down and wrap up E&E. I expect shipping will likely take at least another week or two since he's personally handling all the shipping and has a few people who backed at the level where he offered face-to-face delivery if they lived in his area. Shipping out close to 1,000 books with a combination of hand delivery, international, etc. can take a bit.

2019-06-24, 05:25 PM
A85:Bribery is generally not necessary. Honestly, the main reason I, personally, haven't done an akashic kineticist is because I felt like the nexus (particularly one leaning into the Genie's Ambition set and Elemental convergence) filled a lot of that space. I can definitely bring it up to Christen and see if we have a spot for it though

Changing Burn to temporary Essence with the same drawbacks would be an interesting element to include in an Akashineticist imo. Pushing past your limits for a power boost meshes well with the flavor of the system

2019-06-24, 06:37 PM
A86: Christen is currently in the process of shipping out over 6,000 pounds worth of City of 7 Seraph books. As of our last conversation he has all the art and assets and just needs to finish shipping out all the already-paid-for product so he can sit down and wrap up E&E. I expect shipping will likely take at least another week or two since he's personally handling all the shipping and has a few people who backed at the level where he offered personal delivery if they lived in his area. Shipping out close to 1,000 books with a combination of hand delivery, international, etc. can take a bit.

Thanks for the update! I couldn't imagine handling a full-scale shipping operation on my own, I would go mad. I'm super excited for the new Convergences to round out the Outer Planes, and their associated veil sets, if applicable. Your work is astoundingly superb, from fluff to crunch to balance, and whoever publishes your Akashic stuff has a guaranteed customer.

2019-06-26, 02:23 PM
Thanks for the update! I couldn't imagine handling a full-scale shipping operation on my own, I would go mad. I'm super excited for the new Convergences to round out the Outer Planes, and their associated veil sets, if applicable. Your work is astoundingly superb, from fluff to crunch to balance, and whoever publishes your Akashic stuff has a guaranteed customer.

Thanks! I really appreciate that. Hopefully once the spigot on the new materials gets turned and things start flowing out again, you'll have a whole lot of new stuff to check out and enjoy :smallsmile:

Kris Moonhand
2019-07-24, 11:58 PM
Q87:I have a question about the Eclipse's Enigma ability.

Enigmas can be used whenever the eclipse makes an attack action or uses a targeted veil ability (any effect from a veil that requires you to select one or more targets for the effect, but not effects that affect an area) against an opponent who is flat-footed, flanked, denied their Dexterity bonus to AC, or who is unaware of the eclipse’s presence. If the weapon or veil attack misses, or if the target succeeds on their save against the veil effect, the effects of the enigma are wasted. If the veil effect grants multiple attack rolls, only one attack roll needs to connect to deliver the enigma's effects. The eclipse can only apply the effects of a single enigma on a given attack action or veil ability activation; if a veil grants multiple attacks against a single target as part of its activation, only one attack benefits from the enigma’s effects.
Okay, so as written, Enigmas activate when a Rogue would get Sneak Attack, but can only be used on an attack action, which is a standard action attack. This means you can't do a full attack and get an Enigma effect. However, they also can activate on a veil which grants multiple attacks as part of its activation (Riven Darts is the first such veil that comes to mind, and I know there are others), giving you multiple chances to apply the Enigma.

I just wanted to make sure that that was intentional and, if possible, ask what was the thought process behind it? Eclipse has at least three veils on its list which grant double weapons (Ebon Stars, Sable Shots, and Gauntlets of the Void) but can't really use them for TWF if they want to use a major class feature. Should I be building my Eclipse with Vital Strike and/or feinting in mind?

Second question that just occurred to me while looking at Enigmas:
Q88: The Shadowed Reach Enigma allows you to extend your reach. Now, I get how this would work when attacking flat-footed or unaware enemies, but what about flanking? Say you've got two allies flanking an enemy and you stand behind one of your allies, so if you had reach (which you don't until you activate the Enigma) you would be flanking. Can you activate it?

2019-07-25, 06:28 AM
I just wanted to make sure that that was intentional and, if possible, ask what was the thought process behind it? Eclipse has at least three veils on its list which grant double weapons (Ebon Stars, Sable Shots, and Gauntlets of the Void) but can't really use them for TWF if they want to use a major class feature. Should I be building my Eclipse with Vital Strike and/or feinting in mind?

I have the exact same situation in my game, specifically ebon stars.
I 'solved' it by suggesting my player to use the Dual wielding Sphere from Spheres of Might instead of the two weapon fighting feat tree in vanilla.
I has a rather nice synergy

2019-07-25, 08:51 AM
Q87:I have a question about the Eclipse's Enigma ability.

Okay, so as written, Enigmas activate when a Rogue would get Sneak Attack, but can only be used on an attack action, which is a standard action attack. This means you can't do a full attack and get an Enigma effect. However, they also can activate on a veil which grants multiple attacks as part of its activation (Riven Darts is the first such veil that comes to mind, and I know there are others), giving you multiple chances to apply the Enigma.

I just wanted to make sure that that was intentional and, if possible, ask what was the thought process behind it? Eclipse has at least three veils on its list which grant double weapons (Ebon Stars, Sable Shots, and Gauntlets of the Void) but can't really use them for TWF if they want to use a major class feature. Should I be building my Eclipse with Vital Strike and/or feinting in mind?

A87 Yep, that's intentional. At 10th level the eclipse gains the ability to make two attacks as part of an attack action and at 11th level they gain binary darkness and can start unleashing up to 4 enigma-enhanced attacks against a single target at BAB +6/+6/+6/+6 (almost always with flanking); a traditional TWF routine at that level would be +6/+6/+1/+1. The eclipse is actually primarily a utility/control type character and their occultation gives them extreme flexibility and a wealth of tactical options, so the limitations that exist ensure the class follows its anticipated curve and doesn't shatter balance and performance expectations. This is also why veils like Ebon Stars and Sable Shots specify that you can shape "up to" two of the granted weapon; you don't have to shape both if you don't have a use for both.

Second question that just occurred to me while looking at Enigmas:
Q88: The Shadowed Reach Enigma allows you to extend your reach. Now, I get how this would work when attacking flat-footed or unaware enemies, but what about flanking? Say you've got two allies flanking an enemy and you stand behind one of your allies, so if you had reach (which you don't until you activate the Enigma) you would be flanking. Can you activate it?


I have the exact same situation in my game, specifically ebon stars.
I 'solved' it by suggesting my player to use the Dual wielding Sphere from Spheres of Might instead of the two weapon fighting feat tree in vanilla.
I has a rather nice synergy

It's not coincidental that the eclipse is compatible with SoM (which is also used and supported in Co7S).

2019-07-25, 05:54 PM
A87It's not coincidental that the eclipse is compatible with SoM (which is also used and supported in Co7S).
Since you're co-author of both, I wasn't surprised :smallsmile:
the 'high-low combination' talent especially has a good feel for the second ebon star, since that is the one that provides tripping bonuses

Kris Moonhand
2019-07-25, 07:53 PM
Ah, I see. So the best idea would be to start with one weapon and switch to two weapons later. And thank you for mentioning that all the attacks in that 4-hit combo are powered up with Enigmas. I would have thought that they would follow the same rule as the targeted veil Enigmas.

I'll probably stick with my Reaper's Scythe until 10th or 11th, then switch over to dual Ebon Stars/Sable Shots and have my Occultation do one while I do the other. (No offense, but I never use Spheres even when it's available.) Then again, losing out on that AC bonus from not having it out is kinda nasty, especially since the Eclipse doesn't get armor proficiency... Eh, it's a ways away. I'll figure it out later.

Bonus question I just thought of since Manyasone mentioned tripping:
Q89: Are you supposed to get Enigma effects if you're using combat maneuvers? Can you, for instance, activate Shadowed Reach on a trip attempt?

2019-07-25, 10:44 PM
And thank you for mentioning that all the attacks in that 4-hit combo are powered up with Enigmas. I would have thought that they would follow the same rule as the targeted veil Enigmas.

Do note that the 1 enigma per attack action limitation still applies; that 4-hit combo could be two Chilling Blow attacks and two Channeled Shadowstrikes, but it couldn't be a Channeled Shadowstrike, a Chilling Blow, a Disrupting Attack, and a Draining Blow, because each pair of Dark Intensity attacks only counts as a single attack action.

Q89: Are you supposed to get Enigma effects if you're using combat maneuvers? Can you, for instance, activate Shadowed Reach on a trip attempt?

A89: Yeah, enigmas don't actually require you to deal damage first, so as long as all the other conditions are met, you can add enigma riders to combat maneuvers. If you wanted to e.g. send your occultation out and have it bull rush your barbarian ally towards an enemy and "buff" the barbarian with the escalation enigma, you could totally do that (and it actually happened in a game we played the other week).

Kris Moonhand
2019-07-26, 05:34 AM
Do note that the 1 enigma per attack action limitation still applies; that 4-hit combo could be two Chilling Blow attacks and two Channeled Shadowstrikes, but it couldn't be a Channeled Shadowstrike, a Chilling Blow, a Disrupting Attack, and a Draining Blow, because each pair of Dark Intensity attacks only counts as a single attack action.

Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification!

A89: Yeah, enigmas don't actually require you to deal damage first, so as long as all the other conditions are met, you can add enigma riders to combat maneuvers. If you wanted to e.g. send your occultation out and have it bull rush your barbarian ally towards an enemy and "buff" the barbarian with the escalation enigma, you could totally do that (and it actually happened in a game we played the other week).

I was wondering if that one was supposed to be some kind of buff, but wasn't quite sure how to apply it without harming your allies in some way. Good to know!

2019-07-26, 11:48 AM
I was wondering if that one was supposed to be some kind of buff, but wasn't quite sure how to apply it without harming your allies in some way. Good to know!

Sometimes it's worth turning the enemy cleric into a fighter, as well. I highly suggest avoiding using escalation on anything that looks like a druid though :tongue:

2019-07-30, 09:54 AM
I just picked up the City of Seven Seraphs PDF, and I haven't had a chance to really dig into it yet, but when skimming some of my items of interest, a few things popped out, and hopefully this is a good thread to mention them in. :smallsmile:

For the Eternal Dawning Cavalier Archetype, presumably there are meant to be 7 (or 8) Dominions, but only 2 are given. Topaz in particular stands out for missing, as one of the ED big wigs is a Topaz Cavalier. Are the rest going into an online supplement or something?

The New Deavic archetype (pages 457-458) gains his Eidetic Cache ability at 3rd level, and then improves it at 2nd which seems like a typo. It's also unclear how the 18th level functions when used sequentially. Does the world recall the first target when the Deavic erases memory of the second?

The Trinity Angel PrC on page 230 is (obviously) intended to work with the Aegis class, but the Aegis doesn't actually qualify as one of the two sourced base classes without locking down customization points into Ectoplessence or some similar customization, which by extension shuts down the entire PRC when the Astral Suit isn't formed, or has the wrong customizations chosen. Is that intentional? If you are doing that, does that mean Aegis is locking out the Akashic source slot for the mandatory classes?

Kris Moonhand
2019-07-31, 12:21 AM
This is more of a suggestion than a question, but going forward, if you're going to release new psionic powers, could you remember to put some of them on the non-Ultimate Psionics power lists? Out of the psionic classes and archetypes with their own lists released by DSP after Ultimate Psionics, only Highlord has an automatic update to its list when new powers come out, since it uses the combined Tactician and Psychic Warrior list (like how Hunter uses the Druid and Ranger lists). Voyager and Gambler (and technically Empath, but it's a Medium archetype so its powers are linked to that), however, have their own lists. And out of the 8 powers in C7S, Voyager should probably have all but 2 (being infuse akasha and psychic vibrations), and especially should have planar habituation, the mass version thereof, and starmind. Gambler is a bit tougher to nail down, being a Kineticist archetype, but they do get planar travel.

As an aside, why is mass planar habituation a separate power and not just an augment for regular planar habituation? Psionics doesn't really do "mass" or "communal" powers. In fact, there's only 1, mass missive, and I'm pretty sure that's a legacy holdover from 3.5. An augment of "If you spend 2 additional power points, this power's range becomes Close and its target becomes 'one creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart'." would probably have been more appropriate.

Actually, now that I really look at this, both of these powers are kind of janky...

They're listed as being on the Aegis list, which isn't a thing unless the Ascendant archetype which gets Spheres casting can use powers as well?
Planar habituation has a PP cost of 9, but it's only 9 for the classes that get it as a level 5 power. It should be 11 for the classes who get it as a level 6 power. For example, the power false future has its power level listed as "seer 2, sighted seeker 4, tactician 2", and its PP cost listed as "seer 3, sighted seeker 7, tactician 3".
Mass plan habituation has a PP cost of 10, which isn't a thing and should be 11 (well, 11 for the classes that get it as a level 6 power, as above). Also, it's listed as being a 7th level power on the Psychic Warrior list, when Psychic Warrior only gets up to 6th level powers.

Thanks for remembering the Sighted Seeker, though! People always seem to forget it has its own list.

2019-08-09, 05:05 PM
Q90-ish, as I have no idea what we're up to now: Now that Pathfinder 2E has been released into the wilds, what are Lost Spheres' preliminary plans for 2E support? Any projects on the horizon, especially in regards to SoP/SoM and Akashic stuff?

Q91-ish: Follow up on a previous question, has all of the Co7S shipping stuff been wrapped up?

2019-08-10, 08:15 PM
Q92 When an Eclipse has Darkholds shaped, and its Occulation out can items be put in at the Occulation and pulled out at the Eclipse? Or are the spaces separate?

2019-08-10, 11:50 PM
Q90-ish, as I have no idea what we're up to now: Now that Pathfinder 2E has been released into the wilds, what are Lost Spheres' preliminary plans for 2E support? Any projects on the horizon, especially in regards to SoP/SoM and Akashic stuff?

Q91-ish: Follow up on a previous question, has all of the Co7S shipping stuff been wrapped up?

A90: Exit questionnaires have strongly indicated a desire from project backers for more PF1 content. But we are investigating options for support for both 5e and PF2 for interested players.

A90: A small number of backers have yet to update or respond to shipping surveys but books are 99% fulfilled. Non-backers can currently purchase HC copies of the book here (https://lost-spheres-publishing.myshopify.com/).

2019-08-10, 11:55 PM
Q92 When an Eclipse has Darkholds shaped, and its Occulation out can items be put in at the Occulation and pulled out at the Eclipse? Or are the spaces separate?

A92: As that they are copies of the eclipse's own veils, they interact interchangeably and go to the same space. So yes, this allows for item swaps. Similarly, Pooling Black allows teleportation within either area of darkness.

2019-08-11, 12:02 AM
I just picked up the City of Seven Seraphs PDF, and I haven't had a chance to really dig into it yet, but when skimming some of my items of interest, a few things popped out, and hopefully this is a good thread to mention them in. :smallsmile:

For the Eternal Dawning Cavalier Archetype, presumably there are meant to be 7 (or 8) Dominions, but only 2 are given. Topaz in particular stands out for missing, as one of the ED big wigs is a Topaz Cavalier. Are the rest going into an online supplement or something?

The Trinity Angel PrC on page 230 is (obviously) intended to work with the Aegis class, but the Aegis doesn't actually qualify as one of the two sourced base classes without locking down customization points into Ectoplessence or some similar customization, which by extension shuts down the entire PRC when the Astral Suit isn't formed, or has the wrong customizations chosen. Is that intentional? If you are doing that, does that mean Aegis is locking out the Akashic source slot for the mandatory classes?

There are indeed 8 Dominions. The Eternal Dawning section of the book in drafting was nearly 3 times the size of its allotted page count and we will definitely be releasing more of it in another form.

The Trinity Angel PrC draws on the Source Origin mechanics described in an earlier project Book of Beyond and by those rules aegis is considered a psionic source. The PrC is meant to advance 3 classes in rotation to represent the Dawning's focus of mind, body, and spirit. Generally speaking aegii are considered body by most of the Jeweled Orders but some consider them mind.

2019-08-13, 02:51 PM
A90: Exit questionnaires have strongly indicated a desire from project backers for more PF1 content. But we are investigating options for support for both 5e and PF2 for interested players.

A90: A small number of backers have yet to update or respond to shipping surveys but books are 99% fulfilled. Non-backers can currently purchase HC copies of the book here (https://lost-spheres-publishing.myshopify.com/).

I'm glad to hear that the shipping logistics nightmare is mostly over, hopefully Christen's sanity is mostly intact. I am *definitely* more excited about your PF1 content, but was curious about PF2 support/wanted to give you guys an opportunity to promote any upcoming products you might have had in the pipe for PF2. On that note:

Q93: Speaking of PF1 content, now that Co7S is out/shipped and GenCon come and gone, are there any updates on the progress/release date of Akashic Realms: Emperors and Einherjar?

2019-08-18, 09:51 AM
Q94: Can the Armor manifestation of the Zodiac's Crab Constellation be made of special materials? The ability mentions the following: "You gain the ability to manifest the Crab as a suit of masterwork armor that instantly forms around you or a touched willing creature. You may choose at the time of manifesting what type of armor the Crab appears as, though you must choose a type of armor with which the wearer is proficient."

I'm simply wondering if "any masterwork armor" extends to Mwk Armor made with Special Materials like Mithral, Adamantine, or Darkleaf Cloth?

2019-08-22, 06:04 AM
Q93: Speaking of PF1 content, now that Co7S is out/shipped and GenCon come and gone, are there any updates on the progress/release date of Akashic Realms: Emperors and Einherjar?

A93: You could say that. (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/286512/Akashic-Realms-Volume-1-Emperors--Einherjar?affiliate_id=435758)

2019-08-22, 06:09 AM
Q94: Can the Armor manifestation of the Zodiac's Crab Constellation be made of special materials? The ability mentions the following: "You gain the ability to manifest the Crab as a suit of masterwork armor that instantly forms around you or a touched willing creature. You may choose at the time of manifesting what type of armor the Crab appears as, though you must choose a type of armor with which the wearer is proficient."

I'm simply wondering if "any masterwork armor" extends to Mwk Armor made with Special Materials like Mithral, Adamantine, or Darkleaf Cloth?

A94: It does not cover special materials. The main reason for this was keeping the cost of the Crab affordable; since it can be any armor and gains armor spikes, it's possible to really load up on the benefits of it, and if it had easy access to things like overcoming material based DR outside of the normal enhancement progression, the cost to conjure it would need to be higher, which isn't something I wanted to do when we were still in the "lets see how this new system goes" phase. As we introduce new zodiac cosmologies and other options, we'll expand this with feats, more expensive armor options, and or equally affordable but more narrow options.

2019-08-22, 12:59 PM
Q95 For the Dark Shogunate Izanami’s Nodachi and Seppuku it seems counter productive to shape both as they both do bleed damage which doesn't stack with each other is this intentional or something I missed that makes using them together viable, besides the Seppuku letting you duel wield with the Nocachi? As it stands it is better to use Seppuku with any other 2 handed weapon besides the Nodachi.

2019-08-22, 03:23 PM
A93: You could say that. (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/286512/Akashic-Realms-Volume-1-Emperors--Einherjar?affiliate_id=435758)

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS *Dashes off to purchase*

2019-08-22, 07:01 PM
Q96: How does the Undine FCB for Radiant work when used with a veil that deals multiple damage types (such as Storm Gauntlets)? Does it add the damage for each type of damage dealt, only cold, your choice, or evenly split among all the damage types? If I use it with the new Seppuku veil (which does have the Cold descriptor but deals no cold damage), could I increase the bleed damage dealt? I'm iffy on that last part, as technically bleed works by inflicting the Bleed condition with a certain value, "bleed damage" is kind of a misnomer but I'd like to know what author intent was as opposed to RAW in this instance.

2019-08-23, 11:57 AM
Q95 For the Dark Shogunate Izanami’s Nodachi and Seppuku it seems counter productive to shape both as they both do bleed damage which doesn't stack with each other is this intentional or something I missed that makes using them together viable, besides the Seppuku letting you duel wield with the Nocachi? As it stands it is better to use Seppuku with any other 2 handed weapon besides the Nodachi.

A95 Eclipse's are a control-oriented class and Seppuku includes a potent ranged option for inflicting bleed damage, so the set is focused on allowing an eclipse (who has their occultation and other reach-extending options like Shadowed Reach) to spread the bleed damage around to multiple targets as quickly possible (since bleed is most effective the earlier you can apply it to a target).

Q96: How does the Undine FCB for Radiant work when used with a veil that deals multiple damage types (such as Storm Gauntlets)? Does it add the damage for each type of damage dealt, only cold, your choice, or evenly split among all the damage types? If I use it with the new Seppuku veil (which does have the Cold descriptor but deals no cold damage), could I increase the bleed damage dealt? I'm iffy on that last part, as technically bleed works by inflicting the Bleed condition with a certain value, "bleed damage" is kind of a misnomer but I'd like to know what author intent was as opposed to RAW in this instance.

When an effect allows you to deal extra damage with a veil or constellation based on a damage type or descriptor and the veil or constellation has multiple damage types or descriptors, the extra damage is of the same type as the damage type or descriptor that triggered the bonus damage, unless specifically stated otherwise. For example, an undine radiant who takes the FCB that grants bonus damage to veils with the cold descriptor who shapes Storm Gauntlets (which have the cold, electricity, and sonic descriptors) would gain the bonus damage as cold damage.

If an ability grants bonus damage to a veil or constellation based on a descriptor that does not match a damage type dealt by the veil, the bonus damage is of the same type as that dealt by the veil ability or effect.

(Note that this means you can really mess yourself up with Seppuku if you've assigned damage from the undine's radiant FCB to that veil.)

2019-08-25, 12:38 AM
(Note that this means you can really mess yourself up with Seppuku if you've assigned damage from the undine's radiant FCB to that veil.)
Sure, but that means you can really mess up your enemy too.

2019-08-26, 03:29 PM
Q94: Can the Armor manifestation of the Zodiac's Crab Constellation be made of special materials? The ability mentions the following: "You gain the ability to manifest the Crab as a suit of masterwork armor that instantly forms around you or a touched willing creature. You may choose at the time of manifesting what type of armor the Crab appears as, though you must choose a type of armor with which the wearer is proficient."

I'm simply wondering if "any masterwork armor" extends to Mwk Armor made with Special Materials like Mithral, Adamantine, or Darkleaf Cloth?

You already got the official answer, but I wanted to mention the Stormbound, from Cobalt Sages Creations, weapon and armor like veils rules (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/stormbound-veils#toc2) which covers enhancing veils with magic and armor special qualities and special materials, which I could certainly see someone extending to the Zodiac as a house rule.

2019-08-27, 09:57 AM
The same upgradeable rule was published in April Augmented 2018 by Dreamscarred Press along with the Chef's Armory Veil.

2019-08-27, 05:31 PM
The same upgradeable rule was published in April Augmented 2018 by Dreamscarred Press along with the Chef's Armory Veil.

Huh, I even bought that book and I didn't remember that, weird. I guess the doggo race just stuck in my mind more...

2019-08-27, 06:20 PM
You already got the official answer, but I wanted to mention the Stormbound, from Cobalt Sages Creations, weapon and armor like veils rules (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/stormbound-veils#toc2) which covers enhancing veils with magic and armor special qualities and special materials, which I could certainly see someone extending to the Zodiac as a house rule.
They operate with a specific veil descriptor and are essentially a completely different way of approaching item-like veils from a different author. Hell, one of the defining features of constellation weapons/armor is that they scale with level instead of with essence like most veils, so there are really three different ways akashic equipment can scale out there now.

2019-08-27, 07:44 PM
Q97 When using Mistmask Mutation can you just not use evolutions for 1 round to reset or is there supposed to be some other text in the feat that gives the timelimit more meaning?

TC X0 Lt 0X
2019-09-13, 03:20 PM
For Trinity Angel and Trinity Knight, one of the Prereq options is having a non-prestige class with an Essence Pool of 3.
Two parts to this Question:
A) If you have a Martial Adept with the Radiant Dawn discipline (excluding the Rajah, who explicitly has an Essence Pool regardless of how many Radiant Dawn Maneuvers they pick up), and as a result has an Essence Pool because of the Radiant Dawns Mechanics, is this Essence Pool considered apart of the class providing the maneuvers known for meeting this Prereq?
B) No Veilweaver has access to an Essence Pool of 3 at Level 1 (as far as I am aware), but as all the other options can be met with a 1 level dip, if a 1st Level Veilweaver with an Essence Pool of 1 picks up the Extra Essence feat, granting them 2 extra Essence for a Essence Pool total of 3, do they meet prereqs?

2019-10-02, 07:11 PM
Ssalarn, I'm sure you're working feverishly on official Paizo stuff right now, but can you tease us with some upcoming Akashic goodness? Emperors & Einherjar was absolutely fantastic, and I'm wondering what's up next in the pipeline.

2019-10-03, 10:27 AM
Ssalarn, I'm sure you're working feverishly on official Paizo stuff right now, but can you tease us with some upcoming Akashic goodness? Emperors & Einherjar was absolutely fantastic, and I'm wondering what's up next in the pipeline.

Based on my last conversation with Christen, it should be a matter of days at most before we see Akashic Realms Volume 2: The Quiet Lands go up for sale. If you follow Lost Spheres on Facebook, Christen actually just posted up the cover art, which shows one of the new constellations from the Quiet Lands zodiac cosmology (specifically Thunderbird). This release has the third set of constellations, and the champion forms of these ones are very different from the previous two, using a new type of [dismiss] effect that means they stay on the field for a shorter period of time but offer powerful "special moves" that include things like big party buffs or massive AoEs.

There's new akashic feats as well, many of them focused on the bestial races from the original Akashic Mysteries, as well as the new races introduced in this book (which are all super weird and wonderful). As has become the custom with these books, it will also include the monster stat blocks and animal companion stat blocks for all the champions (some of them brand new, some of them reprints or modifications of existing monsters).

As I mentioned above, this will also have three new akashic races plus two variant races. I'm really excited about all the new stuff that's going to be included in this release, but the wolger and wyrmkin are of particular note as they are true quadrupeds, receiving multiple Feet binds but completely lacking hands and associated binds/chakra (with the appropriate rules contextualizing what that means for classes that grant Hands binds and veils).

2019-10-03, 02:49 PM
Based on my last conversation with Christen, it should be a matter of days at most before we see Akashic Realms Volume 2: The Quiet Lands go up for sale. If you follow Lost Spheres on Facebook, Christen actually just posted up the cover art, which shows one of the new constellations from the Quiet Lands zodiac cosmology (specifically Thunderbird). This release has the third set of constellations, and the champion forms of these ones are very different from the previous two, using a new type of [dismiss] effect that means they stay on the field for a shorter period of time but offer powerful "special moves" that include things like big party buffs or massive AoEs.

There's new akashic feats as well, many of them focused on the bestial races from the original Akashic Mysteries, as well as the new races introduced in this book (which are all super weird and wonderful). As has become the custom with these books, it will also include the monster stat blocks and animal companion stat blocks for all the champions (some of them brand new, some of them reprints or modifications of existing monsters).

As I mentioned above, this will also have three new akashic races plus two variant races. I'm really excited about all the new stuff that's going to be included in this release, but the wolger and wyrmkin are of particular note as they are true quadrupeds, receiving multiple Feet binds but completely lacking hands and associated binds/chakra (with the appropriate rules contextualizing what that means for classes that grant Hands binds and veils).

Fantastic! Thank you for the preview, kind sir!

EDIT: Oh, just remembered, I did have an actual question for you/LSP:

Q99: With Valhalla/KotFE/Dark Shogunate giving us Veils/Constellations/Convergences for CG/TN/NE, will we ever see Akashic content for the more 'standard' Pathfinder planes for those alignments?

2019-10-03, 07:19 PM
Fantastic! Thank you for the preview, kind sir!

EDIT: Oh, just remembered, I did have an actual question for you/LSP:

Q99: With Valhalla/KotFE/Dark Shogunate giving us Veils/Constellations/Convergences for CG/TN/NE, will we ever see Akashic content for the more 'standard' Pathfinder planes for those alignments?

A99: There are a lot of factors that play into that, but the baseline so far is that we've either looked at major planes where akashic magic would be at least as common as it is on the Material Plane, or planes that we wanted to give a uniquely akashic twist to. There's also always the question of whether the plane is something that exists as part of the OGL or if the plane is tied into the broader Paizo IP and thus either not available at all, or tricky to use because the plane itself is not proprietary IP but most of the information about it in core is. We also use that Yggdrasil planar model rather than the spheres model of core, so some things make more or less sense thematically. So, maybe, dependent upon many factors including availability, ease of use, and whether or not we think there's a design niche that could be adequately served by using that plane and creating mechanics tied to it. A lot of the current focus is on fleshing out the planes and locations touched on in City of 7 Seraphs and looking for opportunities to expand into unexplored territory; for example, the upcoming Quiet Lands release includes information on a planar border territory right at the edge of existence that is frequently invaded by Great Old Ones and creatures from beyond, with lots of weird local species who've adapted to living in a place even the gods avoid.

Is there a particular plane or planes you're curious about? There are a couple core plane options (or fantasy-generic equivalents to core planes, as appropriate) that we've got in the hopper for upcoming releases.

2019-10-03, 09:47 PM
A99:Is there a particular plane or planes you're curious about? There are a couple core plane options (or fantasy-generic equivalents to core planes, as appropriate) that we've got in the hopper for upcoming releases.

Indeed! While the Valhalla-related Veils will be a lot of fun to play with, the plane/demiplane is kinda halfway between CG and CN...I am holding out hope that we'll see a few more veils/Veil Set/Convergence based around Elysium and the Azatas; We already have the Bralani's Brooch and Stare of the Ghaele veils, a few more could make a 5-piece set, and a Convergence representing the Azatas would be super cool. I feel like the other three extreme alignment veils/convergences are fantastic, and having that fourth one would really help round it out.

EDIT: I am *very* excited about the Quiet Lands release, as unspeakable eldritch evil from beyond the stars/planes is one of my recurring character associations/themes. I'm also looking forward to seeing how the veil slot oddness you mentioned with the quadruped races plays out in actual play...most of the hand slot veils are weapons, and the rest mainly benefit things that aren't really possible without hands. It will certainly be interesting!

2019-10-04, 10:36 AM
Oh, completing the azata set is absolutely something we've already got written for an upcoming product. I'm just not actually sure which one right now.

2019-10-04, 02:54 PM
Q 100 How exactly does the Veryx bond with another creature? To whom are the Semoxa racial traits supposed to be applied? The Veryx character, another player character, a second character played simultaneously with the main Veryx character? An NPC? The Veryx entry is very confusing and offers little explanation.

2019-10-04, 04:22 PM
Q 100 How exactly does the Veryx bond with another creature? To whom are the Semoxa racial traits supposed to be applied? The Veryx character, another player character, a second character played simultaneously with the main Veryx character? An NPC? The Veryx entry is very confusing and offers little explanation.

A 100: Only semxi caste may form a semoxa bond with a humanoid. Semoxa veryx effectively become a new single creature and should usually be approached as a single new PC with the semoxa traits. Generally this event would happen in the backstory of a PC. The process is lengthy and involves downtime scale morphological changes once the semxi attaches to the nervous system of the partner. The fangs and pedipalps bloom connective nervous tissue, a resinous material is excreted at the bond wound and the dormant spinnerets of the semxi exude a second attaching material. In time this secretion bonds to semxi exoskeletal points and endoskeletal points in the humanoind. Most often this creates a connective "line" along the spine of the humanoid creature allowing the semxi to rest on the back of the other paired creature. The secretions continue processes of ossification at bond points and particularly old semoxa pairs take on the appearance of bonelike breastplates as even the legs become fully fused. Most bond sites are at the neck but some prefer to be bound at the base of the spinal column.

The cumulative changes on the host humanoid that make the resulting symbiotic creature for nearly all intents one being displaying the species traits listed in the entry. A human for instance would gain darkvision, multitask, etc and lose its bonus feat and other human traits. The multitask ability represents the main remnant of the two minds able to briefly diverge from their shared existence. While combat and death can separate the pairing (and effectively cause a surviving half to "revert" or "reincarnate" to the original or altered component) generally the player should be creating the character as a new PC.

HOWEVER, some GMs might want to use the bonding to allow for a humanoid or semxi PC to have a rapid retraining on a drastic scale. For instance a fighter PC who is not enjoying her character and wants to try out the psychic class might partner with the GM to have the character bond to a semxi to awaken her psychic potential. The resulting transmutative experience could even be so as to atrophy a physical statistic and increase a mental one or the like. Allowing for a PC with all of the story knowledge, party relationships, and backstory while effectively introducing a new PC for the dissatisfied player.

A semxi cannot weaponize the bond on an unwilling creature.

The physical process is highly interruptible and any humanoid mature enough would be able to resist. Initiating the bond on a helpless creature is considered an act of depravity that would require overcoming the ancestral consciousness and likely dealing with the consequences of a second hostile or unaware mind in initial bonding. Attempting to do so would likely kill both creatures as the dissonant energies of their minds converged and dispersed leaving mindless husks to wither away.

Failed bonds might result in monsters or other GM controlled phenomena.

Assuming the City of 7 Seraphs line continues to grow we do have an expanded species series in mind with other playable castes (people keep expressing interest in amxi), further explanations of the semoxa bond (and other bonds), and ancestral memory mechanics, and more creatures the Runeweb altered and expanding on their original chelicerae (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/aberrations/chelicerae-mb/) cousins and other arachnid ancestors. If a GM wants to explore more hostile variations of related creatures (including hostile/parasitic bonds) they might want to include such creatures as enemies.

2019-10-04, 04:44 PM
A 100: Only semxi caste may form a semoxa bond with a humanoid. Semoxa veryx effectively become a new single creature and should usually be approached as a single new PC with the semoxa traits. Generally this event would happen in the backstory of a PC. The process is lengthy and involves downtime scale morphological changes once the semxi attaches to the nervous system of the partner. The fangs and pedipalps bloom connective nervous tissue, a resinous material is excreted at the bond wound and the dormant spinnerets of the semxi exude a second attaching material. In time this secretion bonds to semxi exoskeletal points and endoskeletal points in the humanoind. Most often this creates a connective "line" along the spine of the humanoid creature allowing the semxi to rest on the back of the other paired creature. The secretions continue processes of ossification at bond points and particularly old semoxa pairs take on the appearance of bonelike breastplates as even the legs become fully fused. Most bond sites are at the neck but some prefer to be bound at the base of the spinal column.

The cumulative changes on the host humanoid that make the resulting symbiotic creature for nearly all intents one being displaying the species traits listed in the entry. A human for instance would gain darkvision, multitask, etc and lose its bonus feat and other human traits. The multitask ability represents the main remnant of the two minds able to briefly diverge from their shared existence. While combat and death can separate the pairing (and effectively cause a surviving half to "revert" or "reincarnate" to the original or altered component) generally the player should be creating the character as a new PC.

HOWEVER, some GMs might want to use the bonding to allow for a humanoid or semxi PC to have a rapid retraining on a drastic scale. For instance a fighter PC who is not enjoying her character and wants to try out the psychic class might partner with the GM to have the character bond to a semxi to awaken her psychic potential. The resulting transmutative experience could even be so as to atrophy a physical statistic and increase a mental one or the like. Allowing for a PC with all of the story knowledge, party relationships, and backstory while effectively introducing a new PC for the dissatisfied player.

A semxi cannot weaponize the bond on an unwilling creature.

The physical process is highly interruptible and any humanoid mature enough would be able to resist. Initiating the bond on a helpless creature is considered an act of depravity that would require overcoming the ancestral consciousness and likely dealing with the consequences of a second hostile or unaware mind in initial bonding. Attempting to do so would likely kill both creatures as the dissonant energies of their minds converged and dispersed leaving mindless husks to wither away.

Failed bonds might result in monsters or other GM controlled phenomena.

Assuming the City of 7 Seraphs line continues to grow we do have an expanded species series in mind with other playable castes (people keep expressing interest in amxi), further explanations of the semoxa bond (and other bonds), and ancestral memory mechanics, and more creatures the Runeweb altered and expanding on their original chelicerae (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/aberrations/chelicerae-mb/) cousins and other arachnid ancestors. If a GM wants to explore more hostile variations of related creatures (including hostile/parasitic bonds) they might want to include such creatures as enemies.
I wish this explanation was in the actual book, it makes much more sense than the scant info on the bond available in the book.

I would LOVE to see the races of Co7S get a more in depth treatment. It’s already my absolute favourite setting book for PF1, and I’m absolutely devouring everything you guys put out about it. I’m actually starting a campaign based in Hyraeatan this sunday!

2019-10-12, 07:18 AM
Q101 What sort of class features are the Academic Dual focus feat meant to cover?

Does it only work for class feature that work numerically off of your class level (Paladin smite damage), or can it also cover class abilities that scale up every 3/4/5/6 levels (Medium’s Spirit Bonus)?

2019-10-13, 12:38 AM
Q101 What sort of class features are the Academic Dual focus feat meant to cover?

Does it only work for class feature that work numerically off of your class level (Paladin smite damage), or can it also cover class abilities that scale up every 3/4/5/6 levels (Medium’s Spirit Bonus)?

A101As long as the feature is unlocked it would scale so long as the classes remained within range. So both of the above would benefit. In the case of say an oracle, currently selected revelations would benefit but no new revelations would be gained until the actual level of oracle was selected.

Kris Moonhand
2019-10-14, 03:25 AM
Some questions mainly for Sslarn.

Q102: Was the [weapon] descriptor for veils (and the subsequent rules for enhancing veil weapons) supposed to be an ongoing thing that you canned in favor of weapon-like veils with bind enhancements, or did you not have a hand in that at all?

Q103: Are there plans for other classes or archetypes that use veils with the [title] descriptor, like the ones from Rajah? I thought those were pretty cool, and would like to see them on a pure veilweaver. (Akasha is a bit easier to sell to DMs than PoW.) Maybe something for Radiant or Zodiac?

Q104: The Radiant's Vestments from Co7S gives 1 extra HP per die of healing, but Radiant only has one veil that actually heals with dice, Immaculate Touch. Everything else is either HP transference, fast healing, or temp HP. Was that supposed to be mostly for Clerics and the like, while the main draw for Radiants would be the boost to Akashic Bond?

Q105: Are we going to get more items for Akashic characters? I like bling~

Q106: Why doesn't the Radiant get the Valkyrie's Chain veil? Besides the fact that they don't have a Chest bind, I mean. I thought it was kinda weird that the one healing veil in the book wasn't compatible with the healing class.

Q107: Are there going to be racial FCBs for the Co7S classes and Zodiac linked to the original Akashic Mysteries races?

Q108: Why do some veilweaving feats not have the [Akashic] descriptor, like Twinveil and Expanded Veilweaving?

By the way, I'm definitely going to be getting Akashic Realms 2 in the next couple of days! This stuff is top-notch, I'm really enjoying all the different flavors you're giving Akasha~

2019-10-14, 04:58 AM
Some questions mainly for Sslarn.

Q102: Was the [weapon] descriptor for veils (and the subsequent rules for enhancing veil weapons) supposed to be an ongoing thing that you canned in favor of weapon-like veils with bind enhancements, or did you not have a hand in that at all?

Q103: Are there plans for other classes or archetypes that use veils with the [title] descriptor, like the ones from Rajah? I thought those were pretty cool, and would like to see them on a pure veilweaver. (Akasha is a bit easier to sell to DMs than PoW.) Maybe something for Radiant or Zodiac?

Q104: The Radiant's Vestments from Co7S gives 1 extra HP per die of healing, but Radiant only has one veil that actually heals with dice, Immaculate Touch. Everything else is either HP transference, fast healing, or temp HP. Was that supposed to be mostly for Clerics and the like, while the main draw for Radiants would be the boost to Akashic Bond?

Q105: Are we going to get more items for Akashic characters? I like bling~

Q106: Why doesn't the Radiant get the Valkyrie's Chain veil? Besides the fact that they don't have a Chest bind, I mean. I thought it was kinda weird that the one healing veil in the book wasn't compatible with the healing class.

Q107: Are there going to be racial FCBs for the Co7S classes and Zodiac linked to the original Akashic Mysteries races?

Q108: Why do some veilweaving feats not have the [Akashic] descriptor, like Twinveil and Expanded Veilweaving?

By the way, I'm definitely going to be getting Akashic Realms 2 in the next couple of days! This stuff is top-notch, I'm really enjoying all the different flavors you're giving Akasha~
C103 that would be cool as well as like maybe bit more spheres colabration via city of seraphs exculusive akashic champion class
C105 deffinityly i think more toys always kinda help both akashic classes and other casters.

2019-10-14, 10:55 AM
Some questions mainly for Sslarn.

Q102: Was the [weapon] descriptor for veils (and the subsequent rules for enhancing veil weapons) supposed to be an ongoing thing that you canned in favor of weapon-like veils with bind enhancements, or did you not have a hand in that at all?

A102:It's not a descriptor I use and was added in a release I wasn't part of. I just don't really like it personally, because I don't think it really matches up with how akasha works and creates some weird interactions when you consider what it means for the in-world economy.

Q103: Are there plans for other classes or archetypes that use veils with the [title] descriptor, like the ones from Rajah? I thought those were pretty cool, and would like to see them on a pure veilweaver. (Akasha is a bit easier to sell to DMs than PoW.) Maybe something for Radiant or Zodiac?

A103: Probably not from me. There's a set of guidelines I use to keep akasha balanced and accessible as I continue to add new materials to the system, and rajah and titles don't follow those guidelines.
If I were to do something similar, it would probably riff off of the Veiled Lord's "Veiled Legion" ability with some of the updates and refinements used in the gen 2 and gen 3 materials, and/or the radiant's akashic bond / vivifications.

Q104: The Radiant's Vestments from Co7S gives 1 extra HP per die of healing, but Radiant only has one veil that actually heals with dice, Immaculate Touch. Everything else is either HP transference, fast healing, or temp HP. Was that supposed to be mostly for Clerics and the like, while the main draw for Radiants would be the boost to Akashic Bond?

A104:The boost to Akashic Bond is definitely the primary draw; the bonus healing is primarily spice that the radiant can get a small boost out of and multiclass radiant/clerics can leverage to make up for falling behind in their two progressions.

Q105: Are we going to get more items for Akashic characters? I like bling~

A105: Almost certainly, yeah. The last couple releases have placed a lot of focus on the zodiac class (with nexus and eclipse also getting some love), so I've intentionally not been adding a ton of new items (though AR2 does have some new consumables I helped Christen workshop while I was working on the races and constellations). Since the constellations' equipment forms actually do occupy slots, I didn't want to add things that conflicted with the other new materials in each release. I expect that when we do a release with more focus on the other classes who haven't gotten as much love in the first two AR volumes (like the daevic, guru, radiant, and vizier) we'll have space for more items.

Q106: Why doesn't the Radiant get the Valkyrie's Chain veil? Besides the fact that they don't have a Chest bind, I mean. I thought it was kinda weird that the one healing veil in the book wasn't compatible with the healing class.

A106: It's because they don't have a Chest bind. If the veil doesn't have at least one bind that the veilweaver gets in-class access to, it doesn't go on their list. It's the same reason they don't get Scarlet Prayer Band on their list despite that also being thematically appropriate. A radiant archetype that gained Chest and Wrist binds would almost certainly add those veils to their list.

Q107: Are there going to be racial FCBs for the Co7S classes and Zodiac linked to the original Akashic Mysteries races?

A107: Goodness do I wish you'd asked this question two months ago so I could have squeezed it into AR2! Yeah, I'll talk to Christen about seeing where we might have space to add those in. (The OG akashic races did get some support in AR2 though!)

Q108: Why do some veilweaving feats not have the [Akashic] descriptor, like Twinveil and Expanded Veilweaving?

A108: Because they don't give bonus essence. There's some other factors involved, like whether or not the feat can be invested to expand its capabilities or if essence naturally improves the feat based on the size of your pool, but the main identifier to something getting the [Akashic] descriptor is whether or not it gives a point of essence.

By the way, I'm definitely going to be getting Akashic Realms 2 in the next couple of days! This stuff is top-notch, I'm really enjoying all the different flavors you're giving Akasha~

I'm glad you're enjoying them! Let me know what you think of AR2 once you pick it up; it's weird and wonderful in a way that I particularly enjoyed writing for.

Kris Moonhand
2019-10-14, 02:59 PM
Thanks so much for answering my questions. As an aside (cuz I like making homebrew, so I like knowing what developers think about stuff), what do you feel makes title veils incompatible with the regular system? Is it just their association with PoW? You mentioned the Veiled Lord, and the two are somewhat similar. Just that the VL shares one veil with all allies, while titles are placed on allies on a case-by-case basis.

2019-10-15, 12:17 AM
Thanks so much for answering my questions. As an aside (cuz I like making homebrew, so I like knowing what developers think about stuff), what do you feel makes title veils incompatible with the regular system? Is it just their association with PoW? You mentioned the Veiled Lord, and the two are somewhat similar. Just that the VL shares one veil with all allies, while titles are placed on allies on a case-by-case basis.

I sent you a PM with an explanation and a link to a resource that might help explain my general concerns :smallsmile:

2019-10-15, 02:38 PM
I sent you a PM with an explanation and a link to a resource that might help explain my general concerns :smallsmile:

I always found your Akashic content very well balanced, but when you first showed us those balancing guidelines you use, I fell in love with it all over again. Any GM I've asked to use Akashic stuff in their campaigns was completely blown away by it, and have all agreed to allow it.

2019-10-15, 04:23 PM
I sent you a PM with an explanation and a link to a resource that might help explain my general concerns :smallsmile:

Would you mind sharing that link with me as well? I’m genuinely curious about the thoughts that went into the design process.

2019-10-15, 04:39 PM
Would you mind sharing that link with me as well? I’m genuinely curious about the thoughts that went into the design process.

Yeah, it's this design guidelines (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jXcOSEITHLEBh4AcSsYfnAT4GRm2J3KZ3qedU8f53eo/edit?usp=sharing) doc for akasha. It's not 100% comprehensive and it's more about guidelines and standards than hard rules, but it's what I and the other folks designing akashic materials for Lost Spheres use. Eventually I'm going to drop some additional references in there like the RP costs of the various akashic races, which I did some preliminary numbers for like 5 years ago (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?349964-Dreamscarred-Press-Introduces-Akashic-Mysteries/page34) but haven't actually gotten properly codified in the guidelines.

2019-10-15, 05:16 PM
Yeah, it's this design guidelines (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jXcOSEITHLEBh4AcSsYfnAT4GRm2J3KZ3qedU8f53eo/edit?usp=sharing) doc for akasha. It's not 100% comprehensive and it's more about guidelines and standards than hard rules, but it's what I and the other folks designing akashic materials for Lost Spheres use. Eventually I'm going to drop some additional references in there like the RP costs of the various akashic races, which I did some preliminary numbers for like 5 years ago (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?349964-Dreamscarred-Press-Introduces-Akashic-Mysteries/page34) but haven't actually gotten properly codified in the guidelines.

Thank you, that was actually very illuminating!

2019-10-15, 08:54 PM
Q 109 Is anything happening with the Book of Beyond? The project showed incredible promise, and the pdfs that were put out for it were nothing short of brilliant.

2019-10-18, 09:49 PM
I picked up Akashic Realms 2 a few days ago, and am really digging the new content! All of the new races are interesting, especially the quadrupeds. I did have a few questions, so here goes:

Q110: I can't seem to wrap my mind around the Wolger Kineticist FCB, as I couldn't find any fire-element blasts that deal electricity damage, and the whole thing is a bit of a run-on sentence; Could you break it down for me? I'm probably just not reading it right...

Q111:This one is more of a hypothetical, as it's *definitely* a corner case...if I created a Wolger Psychic Bloodline Sorceror, getting around the 'no hands for somatic components' thing, would you have a suggestion for an appropriate Sorceror FCB? I guess that could also be posed for the Wyrmkin, as well.

Mithril Leaf
2019-10-18, 11:18 PM
Q112: Does the Creeper's Slasher ability apply to all Slashing or Piercing weapons that are wielded in one hand or only with the specific category of One-Handed Weapons?

2019-10-19, 03:40 PM
Q112: Does the Creeper's Slasher ability apply to all Slashing or Piercing weapons that are wielded in one hand or only with the specific category of One-Handed Weapons?

A112 Given the current state of core FAQs on this topic, the answer is "Specifically one-handed weapons."

Mithril Leaf
2019-10-19, 11:21 PM
A112 Given the current state of core FAQs on this topic, the answer is "Specifically one-handed weapons."

Okay cool, just checking as their art seems to be depicting them using daggers, which wouldn't qualify.

2019-10-20, 02:28 PM
Okay cool, just checking as their art seems to be depicting them using daggers, which wouldn't qualify.

Ah, I see the issue. It should have the words "or light" after one-handed. I'll notify Christen.

2019-10-20, 02:36 PM
I picked up Akashic Realms 2 a few days ago, and am really digging the new content! All of the new races are interesting, especially the quadrupeds. I did have a few questions, so here goes:

Q110: I can't seem to wrap my mind around the Wolger Kineticist FCB, as I couldn't find any fire-element blasts that deal electricity damage, and the whole thing is a bit of a run-on sentence; Could you break it down for me? I'm probably just not reading it right...

A110: Sorry for the delay answering, I had to research this one since it wasn't in the original turnover. It looks like it should refer to air element blasts, not fire.

Q111:This one is more of a hypothetical, as it's *definitely* a corner case...if I created a Wolger Psychic Bloodline Sorceror, getting around the 'no hands for somatic components' thing, would you have a suggestion for an appropriate Sorceror FCB? I guess that could also be posed for the Wyrmkin, as well.

A111: I'd probably give them something akin to the sylph's FCB from the ARG. Wolger's have a strong connection to Sky King, and thus the element of air and electricity spells and effects, so on a spellcasting chassis that's what I'd emphasize.

2019-10-22, 02:10 PM
Q 109 Is anything happening with the Book of Beyond? The project showed incredible promise, and the pdfs that were put out for it were nothing short of brilliant.

A 109while all intended volumes have been released we're still planning to combine them and make it available for PoD once we begin that process. Any subscribers will receive any collected version we did as well.

2019-10-22, 04:48 PM
A 109while all intended volumes have been released we're still planning to combine them and make it available for PoD once we begin that process. Any subscribers will receive any collected version we did as well.

Glad to hear it!

2019-10-25, 08:39 PM
A110: Sorry for the delay answering, I had to research this one since it wasn't in the original turnover. It looks like it should refer to air element blasts, not fire.

I blame it on Avatar: TLA associating electricity with fire, instead of air...

After doing some more reading, I found something about Kineticists that I had completely forgotten about:

As a standard action, the kineticist can unleash a kinetic blast at a single target up to a range of 30 feet. She must have at least one hand free to aim the blast (or one prehensile appendage, if she doesn’t have hands).

I'm pretty sure any of the GMs I play with would allow a Wolger character to shoot Kinetic Blasts from their mouth, ala Voltron, but there may need to be some additional wording to the Quadrupedal Trait Entry for anything that requires a hand (or prehensile appendage) for aiming.

A111: I'd probably give them something akin to the sylph's FCB from the ARG. Wolger's have a strong connection to Sky King, and thus the element of air and electricity spells and effects, so on a spellcasting chassis that's what I'd emphasize.

That's a good starting point, thank you!

Kris Moonhand
2019-11-03, 03:11 PM
Q113: My DM has expressed some concerns with the summoned Half-Celestial Unicorn from the Sparkling Alicorn veil. What would you say to assuage his worries about "unlimited goddamn unicorns"? For reference, I'm a level 12 Radiant, and my other usual veils are Unicorn Feathering, Heaven's Blessing, Priestess' Clasp of Rebirth, Crinere of Warding, and Verdant Vambraces (I took Expanded Veilweaving at 11 for an extra veil, and Twinveil: Neck at 9th to bind Priestess' Clasp of Rebirth and Sparkling Alicorn at the same time).

2019-11-03, 04:42 PM
Unofficial A113: does the second sentence stating you can only have one such unicorn at a time not cut it?

2019-11-03, 04:44 PM
Q113: My DM has expressed some concerns with the summoned Half-Celestial Unicorn from the Sparkling Alicorn veil. What would you say to assuage his worries about "unlimited goddamn unicorns"? For reference, I'm a level 12 Radiant, and my other usual veils are Unicorn Feathering, Heaven's Blessing, Priestess' Clasp of Rebirth, Crinere of Warding, and Verdant Vambraces (I took Expanded Veilweaving at 11 for an extra veil, and Twinveil: Neck at 9th to bind Priestess' Clasp of Rebirth and Sparkling Alicorn at the same time).

A113 You can only summon one celestial unicorn at a time and punching you in the head (chakra) for three times your level in damage (typically pretty easy) takes away the unicorn and all the other abilities the veil gives you for 1d4 rounds (typically the better portion of a combat encounter).

Kris Moonhand
2019-11-07, 03:39 AM
Just saw the new line added to Expanded Cosmology. A bit unfortunate, but I suppose with the increased power of the Quiet Lands constellations, it's necessary.

EDIT: Apologies, apparently the rest of my post got eaten.

Q114: What is the duration on the Pasha of Stone's Guardian's Embrace ability?

Q115: When champion forms like the Pasha of Stone and the Sultan of Flames say they gain levels in Monk or Barbarian, do they have to take the chained version, or can they go unchained?

Q116: Leviathan's and Sultan of Flames' weapon forms are a bit incongruous with previously released Constellation weapons, scaling more like weapon-like veils (being limited to +5 enhancement bonus and having massive amounts of scaling damage), while Thunderbird's works like other Constellation weapons. I'm not sure how to frame my question other than "that seems kind of weird, what's up with that?"

Q117: I got most of the references of the various races, but I seem to be drawing a blank on Wyrmkin. Are they supposed to be a race I would recognize from a certain long-running fantasy series with a decidedly finite name?

Q118: Both Wolger and Wyrmkin are quadrupedal. Core rules state that quadrupeds with claws/paws have the following magic item slots: Armor, Belt (saddle), Chest, Eyes, Headband, Neck, Shoulders, Wrist. This means that, besides missing the Hands slot (which you covered by giving them two Feet slots), they would also be missing the Head, Body, and Ring slots (and Weapon, but I would assume that's on purpose). Is that accurate, or do they also have these slots? If they don't, what does that mean for veils shaped in those slots, especially Viziers with their Ring veils?

Q119: Are we going to get more Convergence feats for the other veil sets?

There we go, I think that was everything I wanted to ask earlier...

2019-11-07, 07:44 PM
Just saw the new line added to Expanded Cosmology. A bit unfortunate, but I suppose with the increased power of the Quiet Lands constellations, it's necessary.

It was also invalidating Noble Astrologist in a way that was not originally intended, so everything is now playing together as intended.

Kris Moonhand
2019-11-07, 08:45 PM
It was also invalidating Noble Astrologist in a way that was not originally intended, so everything is now playing together as intended.

Oh, yeah, I can see what you're talking about. Definitely good to close that hole.

2019-11-07, 09:42 PM
Q114: What is the duration on the Pasha of Stone's Guardian's Embrace ability?

A114: This should have a duration of 1 minute.

Q115: When champion forms like the Pasha of Stone and the Sultan of Flames say they gain levels in Monk or Barbarian, do they have to take the chained version, or can they go unchained?

A115: Unchained is perfectly acceptable.

Q116: Leviathan's and Sultan of Flames' weapon forms are a bit incongruous with previously released Constellation weapons, scaling more like weapon-like veils (being limited to +5 enhancement bonus and having massive amounts of scaling damage), while Thunderbird's works like other Constellation weapons. I'm not sure how to frame my question other than "that seems kind of weird, what's up with that?"

A116: There's a couple different scaling mechanisms that I use depending on the weapon. Leviathan and Sultan of Flames don't get as many enchants because they get scaling bonus damage, so they have a more basic enhancement structure. Akashic Realms volume 1 also has weapons that grant special abilities alongside that "half scaling", and you'll see it with some veils as well.

Q117: I got most of the references of the various races, but I seem to be drawing a blank on Wyrmkin. Are they supposed to be a race I would recognize from a certain long-running fantasy series with a decidedly finite name?

A117: Long story short, they started out as one thing and then kind of evolved into something else during development, and that new thing was so cool we just kept it.

Q118: Both Wolger and Wyrmkin are quadrupedal. Core rules state that quadrupeds with claws/paws have the following magic item slots: Armor, Belt (saddle), Chest, Eyes, Headband, Neck, Shoulders, Wrist. This means that, besides missing the Hands slot (which you covered by giving them two Feet slots), they would also be missing the Head, Body, and Ring slots (and Weapon, but I would assume that's on purpose). Is that accurate, or do they also have these slots? If they don't, what does that mean for veils shaped in those slots, especially Viziers with their Ring veils?

A118: The only slot they lack is the Hands slot as detailed in their Quadrupedal ability. Their specific version of Quadrupedal essentially overrides any other rules on the matter.

Q119: Are we going to get more Convergence feats for the other veil sets?

A119: That is certainly very likely, though I don't have a specific product to announce at this time.

2019-11-08, 02:22 AM
Akashic Realms Volume 1 has a line saying

For each additional point of essence bound to this
feat, treat your class level as 1 higher than it actually is when
determining the damage dealt by your planar detonation and
the effects of any level-based convergence abilities which alter
your planar detonation (such as the number of lines created by
the Elysium Tier 2 convergence).

I cannot find an Elysium detonation giving multiple lines under any of the convergences I've found on the wiki or my books.

Kris Moonhand
2019-11-08, 07:30 AM
They probably meant the Heavens convergence, since that's the only one that mentions the word "line". Of course, it's just a single line that gets longer, not multiple lines. Maybe a cut convergence? Or possibly just a cut mechanic for Heavens?

2019-11-08, 12:24 PM
I have to double-check with Christen, but I think the Elysium convergence and veil set may have been pulled over to another release that hasn't come out yet.

2019-11-08, 01:43 PM
I have to double-check with Christen, but I think the Elysium convergence and veil set may have been pulled over to another release that hasn't come out yet.
So akashic realms volume 3 or 4 is in development then.

2019-11-14, 04:07 PM
Reposting for an 'official' answer, as it's been bouncing around the back of my mind and bugging me...

After doing some more reading, I found something about Kineticists that I had completely forgotten about:

As a standard action, the kineticist can unleash a kinetic blast at a single target up to a range of 30 feet. She must have at least one hand free to aim the blast (or one prehensile appendage, if she doesn’t have hands).

I'm pretty sure any of the GMs I play with would allow a Wolger character to shoot Kinetic Blasts from their mouth (ala Voltron), but per RAW, Quadrupeds cannot use Kinetic Blast. The confusion is that Wolger's have a Kineticist FCB.

Q121: Should the specific Quadruped entry used for the Wolger and Wyrmkin have additional wording added for anything that requires a hand (or prehensile appendage) for aiming?

2019-11-14, 07:12 PM
Reposting for an 'official' answer, as it's been bouncing around the back of my mind and bugging me...

After doing some more reading, I found something about Kineticists that I had completely forgotten about:

I'm pretty sure any of the GMs I play with would allow a Wolger character to shoot Kinetic Blasts from their mouth (ala Voltron), but per RAW, Quadrupeds cannot use Kinetic Blast. The confusion is that Wolger's have a Kineticist FCB.

Q121: Should the specific Quadruped entry used for the Wolger and Wyrmkin have additional wording added for anything that requires a hand (or prehensile appendage) for aiming?

A121: Yes. I'll ping Christen about seeing if we can run an update so wolger kineticists are viable (though I might need to review a few things before we finalize new verbiage as I'm not sure to what degree we want e.g. swashbuckler damage bonuses applying to wolger natural attacks).

2019-11-14, 09:39 PM
A121: Yes. I'll ping Christen about seeing if we can run an update so wolger kineticists are viable (though I might need to review a few things before we finalize new verbiage as I'm not sure to what degree we want e.g. swashbuckler damage bonuses applying to wolger natural attacks).

Awesome, thank you! I tried finding other cases where it specifies needing a hand to aim, but couldn't find any; Weirdly enough, once you get past the 'no hands for somatic components' thing, it doesn't actually say you need a hand to aim a spell!

EDIT: I just checked the Swashbuckler wording, and they were *painfully* specific about their requirement of a 'light or one-handed piercing melee weapon', even including the additional clause for Precise Strike of 'a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon (though not natural weapon attacks), adding her swashbuckler level to the damage dealt'. I'm picturing an exhausted developer, revising the wording for the fourth or fifth time, as someone on the team found *another* way to Precise Strike with an Elven Curved Blade/Elven Branched Spear/Spiked Chain.

Von Krieger
2019-11-30, 02:49 PM
Q 122: Which scaling aspects of the involved classes Does the Crux of Power feat apply to? All of them, some of them, or just the ones that directly refer to caster level/manifester level/binder level or class level?

If I were an Aegis/Something/Paladin, I'm thinking my Astral Suit wouldn't gain new points (does not reference level with regard to points, but may gain the level up abilities for the Astral Suit types, while the Ascendant or Abberant Aegis natural armor bonus would), but my Smite Evil (does reference level for effect, am not sure if the levels would stack for additional uses) and Lay on Hands (references level/2) would grow stronger.

I'd think that an Eidolon, Animal Companion, or Familiar gaining power would similarly fall under the "no new abilities" thing, and thus require using the Academy Dual Focus feat.

Something like Channel Energy (the Cleric version) I'm also not sure about.

2019-12-05, 04:42 PM
Q 122: Which scaling aspects of the involved classes Does the Crux of Power feat apply to? All of them, some of them, or just the ones that directly refer to caster level/manifester level/binder level or class level?

If I were an Aegis/Something/Paladin, I'm thinking my Astral Suit wouldn't gain new points (does not reference level with regard to points, but may gain the level up abilities for the Astral Suit types, while the Ascendant or Abberant Aegis natural armor bonus would), but my Smite Evil (does reference level for effect, am not sure if the levels would stack for additional uses) and Lay on Hands (references level/2) would grow stronger.

I'd think that an Eidolon, Animal Companion, or Familiar gaining power would similarly fall under the "no new abilities" thing, and thus require using the Academy Dual Focus feat.

Something like Channel Energy (the Cleric version) I'm also not sure about.

The intent of the feat was for effective caster level, manifester level, and other level based calculations for power of an existing ability. It is not meant to directly impact companions and the like and Academy Dual focus would be more effective. If using Spheres of Power we recommend that the caster level of a single sphere per other qualifying class be allowed rather than base caster level considering the design of that system. Generally abilities that have class table entries of their own should be excluded for Crux of Power (like Channel's new dice pool etc) and such features should probably be interfaced with feats like Academy Dual Focus.

2019-12-06, 05:16 PM
Q122. What exactly is the "draconic breath weapon racial trait" referred to in the Dragoon's drake powers list? The only breath weapon racial trait I could find doesn't have level scaling like the power's description implies. Is that information sourced from another Lost Spheres book?

2019-12-19, 11:44 AM

What is the action, if any, for a Zodiac to get their constellation back? This is fairly make or break for the Chakram Bird, but can come up with other weapon forms as well.
Answered on Discord.


Can I shape armors around my various Champions? Would be quite helpful given some of their armor classes.


If I did summon armor around the Dog or Horse, etc, would they be proficient in the armor in the same way I automatically am? Would forming it around an allied player be different?


Duxandus’s Icy Gaze
Essence For each point of essence invested in this veil the insight bonus to saving throws and the DC to demoralize you with the Intimidate skill increases by +1. In addition, the damage dealt by your ray attack increases by 1d6 and the duration of the speed reduction increases by 1 round. For every two points of essence invested targets affected by your cold ray have their movement reduced by an additional 5 feet.

Chakra Bind (Headband) [G11, N12, R9, V12] Binding this veil to your Headband chakra allows you to encase your enemies in an icy prison. Creatures struck by the ray attack granted by this veil must succeed on a Fortitude saving throw or become entangled; creatures who fail a saving throw against this effect while already entangled become trapped in an icy prison. While a creature is imprisoned in this way it is paralyzed and unconscious but does not need to eat or breathe while the ice lasts. The ice has 20 hit points and Hardness equal to your veilweaving level; destroying the ice frees the creature, which is staggered for 1d4 rounds after being released.

How long are they entangled for? Is it the 1 rounds +1 round per essence? Is there anything they can do to stop being entangled? Is there an escape artist or strength check? What about for the prison? Otherwise it seems like you can just tag someone until they fail two saves and now they're a non-issue.


Summoning a constellation, is there a range associated, like Close is for Summon Monster? Or am I dropping gargantuan dragons on myself?

2019-12-19, 11:45 PM

Can I shape armors around my various Champions? Would be quite helpful given some of their armor classes.

A124) Yes.


If I did summon armor around the Dog or Horse, etc, would they be proficient in the armor in the same way I automatically am? Would forming it around an allied player be different?

A125) It must be a type of armor with which the wearer is proficient, so most of the animal companion champions would need to spend a feat on armor proficiency.

How long are they entangled for? Is it the 1 rounds +1 round per essence?

A126) They are entangled for 1 round + 1 per essence; the entangled condition is an upgrade of the slowing effect from the base ability.

Is there anything they can do to stop being entangled? Is there an escape artist or strength check? What about for the prison? Otherwise it seems like you can just tag someone until they fail two saves and now they're a non-issue.

A126b) There is not a removal condition for the entangled or entrapped conditions. Freezing someone requires you to succeed at two successful attacks with a fixed 60-foot range and the target to fail two Fortitude saves over the course of at least two rounds at a level when core casters have 6th level spells that can remove an enemy from battle (or life) off a single failed save from more than triple the distance (which is fair, since those are limited use and this isn't.)


Summoning a constellation, is there a range associated, like Close is for Summon Monster? Or am I dropping gargantuan dragons on myself?

A127) They appear in a space adjacent to you and just like any conjuration effect, cannot appear inside another creature or object, nor can it appear floating in an empty space. It must arrive in an open location on a surface capable of supporting it.

2019-12-21, 08:33 PM
Q128: Are there any Mythic rules elements for veil-weavers (specifically Vizier) floating around out there?

Kris Moonhand
2019-12-22, 05:38 AM
A127) They appear in a space adjacent to you and just like any conjuration effect, cannot appear inside another creature or object, nor can it appear floating in an empty space. It must arrive in an open location on a surface capable of supporting it.
Q127b: That doesn't apply to champions that can fly, right?

Q129: The next time y'all do up some veils, could we get some for underwater adventuring? I've been running a partially underwater campaign recently (Ruins of Azlant) and got to thinking about how, if I wanted to make it an akashic-only world, my players would be kinda screwed. Whirlpool Lash (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Whirlpool_Lash) (Daevic) and Marid's Sandals (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Marid%27s_Sandals) (Guru and Nexus) grant a swim speed, and Sea Drake's Talons (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Sea_Drake%E2%80%99s_Talons) (Daevic) gives a bonus to Swim checks, but no veil allows a veilweaver to breathe underwater. There is the Equipment form of the Fish Constellation (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Material_Plane_Cosmology#The_Fish) from Zodiac, but I'd rather not have to take a feat or dip in Zodiac if I could just shape a veil instead, you feel me? Maybe a Radiant Vivification as well?

2019-12-22, 11:20 AM
Q 130: Do veil/constellation effects that effectively grant class features count towards satisfying prerequisites? Example: Selective Channeling being taken by a character with access to the Halo of Holy Light's bind effect, or Boon Companion for a character with a veil/constellation that grants an animal companion.

Von Krieger
2019-12-22, 01:28 PM
Q131: Regarding the Great Mind prestige class's Martial Scholar, do you treat just the Great Mind class levels as Practitioner levels? All levels? Or are there no talents gained at all beyond the two or martial tradition mentioned in the entry?

Looking at the way the other Specialties scale with skill ranks, my guess is that it's meant to work off of overall character level.

Kris Moonhand
2019-12-22, 10:22 PM
Q132: If you're a multiclassed veilweaver and you get the Improved Essence Capacity class feature, does it apply to all of your receptacles, or just the ones from that class? Say you've got 3 levels of Vizier and 1 level of Radiant, is the capacity of your akashic bond 1 or 2? If the answer 1, ignore the next question.

Q133: If they do apply to all receptacles, do Improved Essence Capacity features stack, or do you only take the best one? Say you've got 9 levels of Radiant (for Imp E +2) and 3 levels of Vizier (for Imp E +1). Is your capacity 6 (3 from level, 2 from Radiant, 1 from Vizier), or 5 (3 from level, 2 from Radiant since it's the highest)?

Q134: Might be a bit of a niche question, but I like to be thorough. Would the answers to either of these questions change in gestalt?

Mithril Leaf
2019-12-23, 04:01 AM
Q132: If you're a multiclassed veilweaver and you get the Improved Essence Capacity class feature, does it apply to all of your receptacles, or just the ones from that class? Say you've got 3 levels of Vizier and 1 level of Radiant, is the capacity of your akashic bond 1 or 2? If the answer 1, ignore the next question.

Q133: If they do apply to all receptacles, do Improved Essence Capacity features stack, or do you only take the best one? Say you've got 9 levels of Radiant (for Imp E +2) and 3 levels of Vizier (for Imp E +1). Is your capacity 6 (3 from level, 2 from Radiant, 1 from Vizier), or 5 (3 from level, 2 from Radiant since it's the highest)?

Q134: Might be a bit of a niche question, but I like to be thorough. Would the answers to either of these questions change in gestalt?

As far as I have seen, they all stack together, so if you are a Radiant 3 Vizier 3, you have a total capacity of 4 for all essence receptacles.

2019-12-23, 09:51 AM
A Vizier 3/Radiant 3 is at a net +1 veil shaped over Vizier 6, with an equal amount of essence. What you lose out on is chakra binds as you would only bind to hands at that point. That’s about as far as the advantage goes. Any build going past CL10 is going to start losing out on essence over a straight Radiant or Vizier. Less so for classes like Guru and Nexus, but they also have a lot more class ability scaling in play.

So even if they do stack, it’s not a net advantage over single class.

2019-12-26, 02:30 PM
Q128: Are there any Mythic rules elements for veil-weavers (specifically Vizier) floating around out there?

A128) Mythic Akasha hasn't released yet, but is in the hopper.

Q127b: That doesn't apply to champions that can fly, right?

Technically it does, but "air" is a surface capable of supporting a flying creature.

Q129: The next time y'all do up some veils, could we get some for underwater adventuring? I've been running a partially underwater campaign recently (Ruins of Azlant) and got to thinking about how, if I wanted to make it an akashic-only world, my players would be kinda screwed.

A129) I believe there's some upcoming stuff that includes underwater breathing veils, but I'll verify that with Christen.

Q 130: Do veil/constellation effects that effectively grant class features count towards satisfying prerequisites? Example: Selective Channeling being taken by a character with access to the Halo of Holy Light's bind effect, or Boon Companion for a character with a veil/constellation that grants an animal companion.

A130) Yes, but just like when qualifying for a Strength prereq by wearing a belt of giant strength, if you don't have the veil shaped or constellation manifested, you no longer qualify for the options that used it as a prereq until you next shape it (or qualify through a different avenue).

2019-12-26, 02:37 PM
Q132: If you're a multiclassed veilweaver and you get the Improved Essence Capacity class feature, does it apply to all of your receptacles, or just the ones from that class? Say you've got 3 levels of Vizier and 1 level of Radiant, is the capacity of your akashic bond 1 or 2? If the answer 1, ignore the next question.

A132) They apply to your veils and receptacles from all sources, unless the receptacle notes otherwise.

Q133: If they do apply to all receptacles, do Improved Essence Capacity features stack, or do you only take the best one? Say you've got 9 levels of Radiant (for Imp E +2) and 3 levels of Vizier (for Imp E +1). Is your capacity 6 (3 from level, 2 from Radiant, 1 from Vizier), or 5 (3 from level, 2 from Radiant since it's the highest)?

A133) The features stack, so in the example above it would be a total of 6, with 3 from level, 2 from Radiant, and 1 from vizier.

Q134: Might be a bit of a niche question, but I like to be thorough. Would the answers to either of these questions change in gestalt?

A134) In gestalt you typically take the best version of identical class features, so you'd choose the best Improved Essence Capacity progression from your gestalted classes (for example, a vizier//eclipse would take the vizier's Improved Essence Capacity progression).

2019-12-27, 10:27 PM
A128) Mythic Akasha hasn't released yet, but is in the hopper.

Most excellent news! If you can share, what stage of the hopper are mythic musings at? Concept, playtest, layout, printing, somewhere else? Geeze... I feel like a junkie....

2019-12-30, 12:39 PM

Are things like the Eclipse' Blind supposed to have a saving throw?

Akashic Realms 3 soon?

2019-12-30, 06:46 PM

Are things like the Eclipse' Blind supposed to have a saving throw?

A135) You mean the Occular Umbrage enigma? Not beyond what's already defined in the enigma class feature.

Enigmas can be used whenever the eclipse makes an attack action or uses a targeted veil ability (any effect from a veil that requires you to select one or more targets for the effect, but not effects that affect an area) against an opponent who is flat-footed, flanked, denied their Dexterity bonus to AC, or who is unaware of the eclipse’s presence. If the weapon or veil attack misses, or if the target succeeds on their save against the veil effect, the effects of the enigma are wasted. If the veil effect grants multiple attack rolls, only one attack roll needs to connect to deliver the enigma's effects. The eclipse can only apply the effects of a single enigma on a given attack action or veil ability activation; if a veil grants multiple attacks against a single target as part of its activation, only one attack benefits from the enigma’s effects.

So if the veil effect granted a save and the target made that save, it automatically resists the enigma. If the attack action misses, the enigma never takes effect. Since you already need both "sneak attack conditions" and a successful attack action or veil effect (which means you're most likely committing your standard action) for enigmas to activate, they don't require an additional saving throw. Note that Occular Umbrage comes into play 1 level after spellcasters get access to things like hold person, oneiric horror, stinking cloud, etc., which don't require sneak attack conditions, generally have longer range and durations, and are all harder shutdowns (which is appropriate since Occular Umbrage doesn't use limited spell slots).

Akashic Realms 3 soon?

I believe so. Christen was getting pretty close to completing layout last we spoke, but I think the holidays put things on temporary hold.

Kris Moonhand
2020-01-06, 09:29 PM
Q136: I just had it pointed out to me that Unicorn Feathering (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Unicorn_Feathering) says it can only be used on adjacent creatures. Is it intended that the veilweaver cannot use it to heal themself?

Q137: The Snake (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Concordia_Cosmology#The_Snake) constellation of the Zodiac class states that it is a longspear that acts as a light weapon for Weapon Finesse and similar abilities. If one were to use the Flexible Forms (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Flexible_Forms) trait on it, would the new form be selected from light weapons or two-handed weapons?

Q138: Tangentially related, can I wield the Snake in one hand in order to TWF with it? Or would I need something else that actually allows such a thing? I'm just a bit unclear if "and similar abilities" only refers to things that give Dex to attack, or anything that checks for light weapons.

2020-01-08, 02:57 PM
Q136: I just had it pointed out to me that Unicorn Feathering (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Unicorn_Feathering) says it can only be used on adjacent creatures. Is it intended that the veilweaver cannot use it to heal themself?

A136: Yes. The radiant can provide a really significant amount of healing and condition removal, but they themselves are the "weak link" in their own healing circuit (https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2007/09/21/the-protip) with a lot of preventative and defensive measures but with most of their healing focused outward.

Q137: The Snake (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Concordia_Cosmology#The_Snake) constellation of the Zodiac class states that it is a longspear that acts as a light weapon for Weapon Finesse and similar abilities. If one were to use the Flexible Forms (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Flexible_Forms) trait on it, would the new form be selected from light weapons or two-handed weapons?

A137: It's still a two-handed weapon, it's just treated as light for abilities that specifically require you to be using a light weapon in order to add Dexterity instead of Strength to your attack rolls. I suppose it would also count for an ability that let you use Wisdom instead of Strength when attacking with a light weapon if such a feat existed? It's looking to mechanics that require you to be wielding a light weapon to do the thing they enable, but it doesn't change the category of the weapon for other purposes.

Q138: Tangentially related, can I wield the Snake in one hand in order to TWF with it? Or would I need something else that actually allows such a thing? I'm just a bit unclear if "and similar abilities" only refers to things that give Dex to attack, or anything that checks for light weapons.

A138) The Snake's handedness and other properties don't change, it just receives benefits that are normally gated to light weapons, so you can't wield it one-handed unless you would normally have the ability to wield a longspear one-handed.

Von Krieger
2020-01-08, 10:20 PM
Q131: Regarding the Great Mind prestige class's Martial Scholar, do you treat just the Great Mind class levels as Practitioner levels? All levels? Or are there no talents gained at all beyond the two or martial tradition mentioned in the entry?

Looking at the way the other Specialties scale with skill ranks, my guess is that it's meant to work off of overall character level.

My question got skipped over.

2020-01-09, 05:12 PM
My question got skipped over.

Let me ping Christen since I'm not familiar with the Great Mind PrC.

2020-01-09, 05:27 PM
Q131: Regarding the Great Mind prestige class's Martial Scholar, do you treat just the Great Mind class levels as Practitioner levels? All levels? Or are there no talents gained at all beyond the two or martial tradition mentioned in the entry?

A31Looking at the way the other Specialties scale with skill ranks, my guess is that it's meant to work off of overall character level.

The intention was that any non-Spheres of Might level would become as per the proficient progression off of page 9 in SoM. Effectively your character gets a talent per 2 levels and the bonus talents or tradition. Clarity lost to word count here and we apologize for that. Given the other costs to get into the PrC it probably wouldn't be much an issue with a character if you let the bonus talents count for all levels (including SoM levels) but some GMs might not want to do that.

Kris Moonhand
2020-01-10, 03:52 AM
Many thanks for answering my weird, niche questions, Sslarn~ With that said, here's some more weird questions.

Q139: Was there a particular reason the Weapon Fusion (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Weapon_Fusion) feat only applies to constellation weapons and not weapon-like veils? I know the quad races don't get Hand slots, but many weapon-likes are also Wrist or other slots, and the OG akashic races can shape Hand veils. WLVs and constellation weapons have a lot of overlap, so it seems odd the feat only works on one.

Q140: What exactly is the cost of a crystek device (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Crystek_Attunement)? The thing says it "increases the base item cost 50 gp plus 100 gp per effective veilweaving level beyond 1st." But what is the base item, and how much does it cost? I'm guessing they take up one of the magical item slots of the emulated veil, as well? And can you only use one at a time, based on the "re-attune to a different device" wording? Basically, the whole thing is confusing and I don't know how it works.

Q141: Tangentially related, is it correct that level 1 & 2 essence crystals measure their cost in silver pieces (75 & 125, respectively), but then the level 3 and above crystals measure cost in gold pieces (200 gp for level 3)? It's an odd and very large jump, so I'm wondering if it's a typo, and if so, should they all be gp? Or all sp, maybe? Probably not, but heck if I know.

2020-01-10, 11:42 AM
Many thanks for answering my weird, niche questions, Sslarn~ With that said, here's some more weird questions.

No worries!

Q139: Was there a particular reason the Weapon Fusion (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Weapon_Fusion) feat only applies to constellation weapons and not weapon-like veils? I know the quad races don't get Hand slots, but many weapon-likes are also Wrist or other slots, and the OG akashic races can shape Hand veils. WLVs and constellation weapons have a lot of overlap, so it seems odd the feat only works on one.

A139) It's mainly just because weapon-like veils have more rules and interactions associated with them, while constellations create a weapon that acts like a normal weapon other than having a unique ability and acting as an essence receptacle. Veils have unique sunder rules, auto-recovery, and other rules elements that just aren't as easily accounted for.

Let me ping Christen on the crystek device and essence crystal questions since he was the designer for those.

2020-01-10, 01:34 PM
Q140: What exactly is the cost of a crystek device (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Crystek_Attunement)? The thing says it "increases the base item cost 50 gp plus 100 gp per effective veilweaving level beyond 1st." But what is the base item, and how much does it cost? I'm guessing they take up one of the magical item slots of the emulated veil, as well? And can you only use one at a time, based on the "re-attune to a different device" wording? Basically, the whole thing is confusing and I don't know how it works.

Q141: Tangentially related, is it correct that level 1 & 2 essence crystals measure their cost in silver pieces (75 & 125, respectively), but then the level 3 and above crystals measure cost in gold pieces (200 gp for level 3)? It's an odd and very large jump, so I'm wondering if it's a typo, and if so, should they all be gp? Or all sp, maybe? Probably not, but heck if I know.

A140: The base item here is very literal and usually means a masterwork item suitable for enchantment, so the cost is per standard crafting rules. This item could also be enchanted with additional functions. They do not take up one of the magical item slots of the emulated veil unless the base item is also enchanted, but physically may be restrictive (no one is wearing say 2 suits of armor). The Crystek Attunement feat allows a single device to be attuned. Otherwise a character cannot use crystek devices. The prerequisite of Essence Rejection makes essence based characters some one at odds with crytek users. Some GMs may wish allow a Use Magic Device check to emulate the feat for 1 minute at a DC 20 but this DC should increase by at least 5 if a character has an essence pool. If the general specifics of the crystek design seem disadvantageous compared to normal veilweaving know that that is entirely deliberate in design. In future supplements Zeian characters will have access to deeper feat chains and archetypes to increase the efficacy of these abilities but this supplement was meant to focus on non-antagonist groups from the perspective of the City of 7 Seraphs. Good to know there might be more interest in these mechanics.

A141: The prices are correct as listed. The decisions here reflect both statistical designs and the scarcity of larger/more powerful crystals. Formations of 3 point essence and above a far less common in natural formations (rumors of Zeian facilities mass-producing artificial crystals exist)/ The use of silver pieces was to avoid decimal values of price points. Sorry for the confusion that it caused.

2020-01-13, 12:26 PM

Can a Lunar Zodiac take Animal Companion related feats, since they can have an animal companion for more than 24 hours?

2020-01-13, 02:10 PM

Can a Lunar Zodiac take Animal Companion related feats, since they can have an animal companion for more than 24 hours?

A142) Yes.

2020-01-13, 04:19 PM
Follow up to Q142

How does that interact with Evolved Companion?


The Rat

Equipment (Essence cost 2): You gain the ability to manifest the Rat as a pair of supple leather gloves with small, hooked metal claws on the fingertips. These gloves act as a pair of masterwork thieves’ tools and allow the wearer to use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.

Essence: For each point of essence invested in the equipment form of the Rat, the wearer gains a +2 insight bonus on Disable Device checks.

Does this let you Disable Device untrained? Just wondering as it didn't mention mundane traps.

Is it within the intent to allow the Zodiac to summon a bane weapon on the fly? Ie, in the first combat of the day vs Giants, just summon the Archer as a Bane Longbow? Later maybe summon another Constellation with a different bane.

The Zodiac mentions "Constellations manifested as equipment are tangible items that occupy a slot just like a piece of magical equipment (so a constellation that manifests as a pair of boots cannot be worn with another pair of magical boots)."

Presumably there is no issues summoning boots over mundane boots? Does this extend to mundane armor?

Sorry about the question spam.

2020-01-14, 04:58 PM
Follow up to Q142

How does that interact with Evolved Companion?

Per the "[t]he zodiac always summons the same version of a champion after they have manifested them for the first time" clause, you'd choose which champion gains the evolution point and that would be the one it always applies to. Since a zodiac has all of their constellations when they gain their first level in a class, the clause from Evolved Companion stating that "f you gain a new animal companion, your old animal companion loses this evolution, and you can select a new 1-point evolution for the new animal companion" would only kick in if you completely lost access to the constellation you assigned the evolution point to (such as if you retrained out of the Material Plane cosmology and reattuned to the Concordia cosmology).


The Rat

Equipment (Essence cost 2): You gain the ability to manifest the Rat as a pair of supple leather gloves with small, hooked metal claws on the fingertips. These gloves act as a pair of masterwork thieves’ tools and allow the wearer to use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.

Essence: For each point of essence invested in the equipment form of the Rat, the wearer gains a +2 insight bonus on Disable Device checks.

Does this let you Disable Device untrained? Just wondering as it didn't mention mundane traps.

A143) Yes, they let you use Disable Device untrained and can be used to disable both standard and magical traps.

Is it within the intent to allow the Zodiac to summon a bane weapon on the fly? Ie, in the first combat of the day vs Giants, just summon the Archer as a Bane Longbow? Later maybe summon another Constellation with a different bane.

A144) Yeah, that's anticipated and not something I see as an issue. It's a standard action to summon a new constellation, which means you're giving up most of your impact for that first round if you're summoning in the first round of combat, and the fact that you're taking essence burn means that's going to get increasingly hard to do if you haven't correctly identified the monsters or if you misgauge where the threat is (such as if the giants are really just slaves for a drow war party). Unless it's an abnormally long fight, it's going to be relatively rare that giving up your first turn for [i]bane is going to result in a net gain for the fight compared to e.g. opening with a full-round attack with a +1 corrosive Archer.

The Zodiac mentions "Constellations manifested as equipment are tangible items that occupy a slot just like a piece of magical equipment (so a constellation that manifests as a pair of boots cannot be worn with another pair of magical boots)."

Presumably there is no issues summoning boots over mundane boots? Does this extend to mundane armor?

A145) Non-magical clothing is something I'd handwave in much the same way that I don't blink an eye when someone shows up for a game wearing a t-shirt over a long-sleeved shirt, but since armor and equipment constellations do occupy a slot I'd draw the line at non-magical armor. That's one of the risks that you accept; my morphbear zodiac was knocked unconscious during our last Tyrant's Grasp game, and as a result my lance, armor, and mount all disappeared, leaving me as a mostly naked and unarmed teddy bear with 7 points of essence burn I wasn't going to be getting back before the fight was over.

Sorry about the question spam.

No worries!

2020-01-15, 11:14 AM
For the Phoenix, if I summon the cloak on an Ally or one of my Constellations, do I spend the immediate/burn, or would whoever is wearing it need to have an Essence pool? Would it be the same for something like the Forest Guardian's shield?

More a comment than anything, but the Efreeti seems disproportionately strong due to it's quickened spells, putting out 58 damage per round to an average CR8. That's not an insane amount at level 8, but it's significantly over the expected amount at that level. I get the cost is relatively high at 9 Essence, but then it's down to 8 via Lunar, and with Human+Lunar+2 New Cosmologies+1 Unreleased Cosmology, a Lunar should have about 17ish essence to play around with as long as they haven't taken the Extra Essence feat. So using a hair under half at a time doesn't seem too costly.

The Archer states in weapon form it always matches it's wielder's strength bonus, what about when in Champion form? Also, can his Bow be different each time he's summoned, similar to other equipment constellations? Wasn't sure if it was different since it wasn't specified.

The Bonus vs Disarm and Trip on the Archer seems kind of random, those don't come up often in Pathfinder, and even less frequently for ranged characters.

2020-01-15, 11:16 PM
For the Phoenix, if I summon the cloak on an Ally or one of my Constellations, do I spend the immediate/burn, or would whoever is wearing it need to have an Essence pool? Would it be the same for something like the Forest Guardian's shield?

You can always take essence burn and activate your constellation's abilities, but if you grant it to a creature who also has an essence pool, they can spend the burn and action instead.

More a comment than anything, but the Efreeti seems disproportionately strong due to it's quickened spells, putting out 58 damage per round to an average CR8. That's not an insane amount at level 8, but it's significantly over the expected amount at that level. I get the cost is relatively high at 9 Essence, but then it's down to 8 via Lunar, and with Human+Lunar+2 New Cosmologies+1 Unreleased Cosmology, a Lunar should have about 17ish essence to play around with as long as they haven't taken the Extra Essence feat. So using a hair under half at a time doesn't seem too costly.

It's dismiss effect triggers if it takes any melee damage at all, leaving you with your essence halved (more than halved, in your example) for the rest of the fight. If the enemy doesn't/can't recognize the constellation for what it is (DC 10 Knowledge [arcana] to recognize it as akashic, so something that can be done untrained, and DC 15 to know that it's a constellation and what it's dismiss effect is) then you can get a lot out of it, but it's a high risk/reward constellation. A single point of melee damage connecting with it and you're out 9 points of essence for the rest of the fight, and possibly the next fight if you don't have a chance to stop and rest.

The Archer states in weapon form it always matches it's wielder's strength bonus, what about when in Champion form? Also, can his Bow be different each time he's summoned, similar to other equipment constellations? Wasn't sure if it was different since it wasn't specified.

A147) The champion's weapon isn't as flexible as the Weapon form of the constellation (because you're getting a companion with an auto-scaling magic weapon). Once you pick the weapon type and enhancements for your champion they're fixed (going back to the "you always get the same version of your champion" rules). Though I do allow players to retrain it and pick a new weapon as though retraining a class feature (so it takes 5 days and costs 10 gp x your level x 5).

The Bonus vs Disarm and Trip on the Archer seems kind of random, those don't come up often in Pathfinder, and even less frequently for ranged characters.

YMMV. We hardly ever have a session where disarm and trip aren't used on both sides of the table, especially when bows are in play. Disarm an archer (particularly if you have Greater Disarm so you can flick their weapon out of their reach entirely) and it doesn't matter how good their AC is, you just made all those archery feats they've been pouring their resources into useless. Trip an archer and, unless they're using a crossbow, they've lost the ability to attack you unless they stand back up, provoking an attack of opportunity, and then once they've stood back up they can either trade one ranged attack and hope you don't have Combat Reflexes (making it a very bad trade) but still take a full attack reprisal when your next turn comes up, or run away to try and get room to use their bow again, giving you a serious action economy advantage. A single successful trip or disarm attempt ends an archer's relevance in the fight, and the Archer is also going to be at a deficit in the CMD department since it's your level -3, so it comes with a built-in mechanism for you to keep it from getting shut down.

2020-01-21, 05:33 PM

Buraq (Animal Companion Archetype)
Does the companion just follow the normal capacity increases at 1/6/12/18 and nothing else? I assume it goes off of their hit die rather than the owners level.
Was just wondering as the breath weapon for the Gorget seems a little on the low side. Also in Akashic Realms 2, Wolgers as quadrupeds have 2 feet slots instead of hands, does this extend to quadrupedal Animal Companions?

Just curious. On the other hand summoning a Wolf Companion with Pooling Black sounds amazing.

Tangentially related, I know it says the Master gain any benefits from essence invested by the companion into the shared veil, can I still invest my own essence as well? How does the shared veil work, can both use it, or just the master?

So Zodiacs can build their two NPC companions and their animal companions but for something like the Winter Wolf, that is a "monster" or something as opposed to clearly a class leveled NPC or Animal Companion, can I still spend their feats on things? Ie can I have it take skill focus stealth or something instead of spending a feat on Run?