View Full Version : Player Help D20 Modern RWBY Game With a pinch of 3.X for Feats

2018-12-13, 01:09 AM
we Voted on are next campaign My Group Did and we chose a Game based of the World of Popular series Rwby

To Add a little bit more to the action/combat we are allowed 3.5 / Pathfinder feats. (but of course must run them by the gm first in case they could be to game breaking in the world were in)

For My character I am starting with 3 level of fast hero and 1 level of the advance class Swashbuckler from D20M Urban Arcana

My Weapon is a .45 Machine pistol that can transform in to a Wakizashi When needed

I Plan to be more Melee Oriented and would like to build around that with range being more of a secondary thing for my character.

I believe I get 2 feats at 1st for being human 1 at 3rd level and i have one from my 2nd level in fast hero but i am not sure what feats i should take. the feat at my second level has to be from the fast hero list of feats.

Any advice would be much Appreciated

I just need advice on 4 feats
1st level (path finder or 3.5 feat)
1st level (Pathfinder or 3.5 feat)
2nd level (fast hero feat)
3rd level (Pathfinder or 3.5 feat)

2018-12-14, 10:44 PM
Bump. Could really use some advice

2019-01-25, 08:43 AM
I'm not too sure what you may be looking for, but my group did something similar, but with My Hero Academia, and the DM allowed us select feats from 3.5 PHB and our resident dex fighter worked his way up to Whirlwind attack. He had about 80 feet of movement speed (His Quirk Was Enhanced Speed) so what he would do is CHARGE, attack, retreat, repeat. It proved to be quite game-breaking, because most of the enemies would die in one hit, so he though about getting cleave.

Once again, I'm not sure what exactly you're looking for, or even if it's relevant anymore, but this seemed to work for something similar, so I hoped that it might help.

I believe that you may get up to spring attack, which paired with what I may assume would be higher movement speed, you may be able to work by charging in, attacking, and then retreating with spring attack to keep out of danger, when your turn comes around again, you charge again, and repeat

2019-01-25, 12:38 PM
Are you allowing D&D classes? Because I think the Martial Adepts of Tome of Battle would work beautifully for RWBY.

Plus, d20 Modern's classes aren't terribly effective and are kind of boring.

EDIT: Also, RWBY's Aura would make using the vitality point system that d20 Star Wars utilizes make sense.

2019-01-25, 01:17 PM
Did somebody say RWBY!?

Okay, first there's some things about Aura and Semblances that are important to know.

As mentioned earlier, Aura should work similar to Vitality. With characters having Aura points that deplete when they take damage and then Wound points for when they run out of Aura. Unlike vitality though, Aura should not be bypassed by critical hits.

Also, Aura needs to be consciously activated, it's not always up. Logically, this would mean that attacking unaware targets would completely bypass their Aura since they wouldn't have it up. However, this could get really annoying. So I would recommend that unaware targets get some sort of save to activate their Aura. Also, please note that unaware and flatfooted are not the same thing.

2019-01-25, 01:21 PM
Okay, first there's some things about Aura and Semblances that are important to know.

Speaking of, how is the OP's game going to handle Semblances?

2019-01-25, 01:39 PM
Since the OP is planing on a melee build, they obviously need to take power attack. The 3.5 version is better than PF's, so they should go with that one.

2019-01-26, 03:25 PM
By the by, was the OP's GM going to stat up the Grimm from scratch?

2019-01-26, 03:36 PM
By the by, was the OP's GM going to stat up the Grimm from scratch?

yes he is :)
also switched over too a Range Build using some pathfinder archery feats