View Full Version : Pathfinder buying items for a sorc

2018-12-13, 05:13 AM
hi folks!!
so im playing a PATHFINDER game ( super tiny bit of 3.5 if the DM looks and says yes) and am currently lvl 7 without..well any gear that i have bought ( DM has given my character a lute of haunting and a grey bag of tricks so far)

we are currently in a dungeon and the DM suddenly said here have some gold and "mysterious shop vendor" appears ( which im ok with honestly.. the DM is more into the RP side of the game and forgets to give us a place to shop normally..that and i kinda burned most of the last town down on accident)

lvl 7 shaitan blood sorcerer btw

so that aside!! i have 36,000 gold ( maybe a bit more if i can sell those 2 junk items on me) and i was wondering what i should buy.
-i have 13 AC ( i play keep away and i have alot of HP even though im a caster ..DM uses custom stat rolls that if you roll 4 6s you keep them so its a 24 ..yay 24 CON)
i- have a sorta special summon ( called animate frank..its a skeleton with NPC lvls that can go up to lvl 10..he is an adept) and the money i had before was spent on him buying a bow,and a chain shirt and buckler ( i can always summon him as a first lvl spell but untill i find a special HB item he will be reset to lvl one each time he dies..so trying to keep him away for now)
- i was considering buying some metamagic rods but im not sure which to get ( im very offense based i admit) and im currently waiting on the DM to say if i can buy/later make metamagic rods with multiple effects (AKA empowered/maximized or something along those lines)
-or i was guna just buya +6 cha booster ( or a +4 cha and +4 int cause i like skill points) with all my money but i realized thats probably not the best idea
..so any suggestions or ideas on what i should do?

Kurald Galain
2018-12-13, 05:52 AM
Well a good choice for a sorcerer is a Spell Page (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/m-p/page-of-spell-knowledge/). This lets you add spells to your repertoire, and for L1 and L2 spells this is pretty cheap (for higher level spells, not so much). So you can pick up a few long-lasting defense spells like Mage Armor or Protection from Arrows to help with your AC.

Start with a +2 cha headband for now and upgrade it later; circlet of persuasion is also a nice add-on. Don't forget your cloak of resistance, and other cheap ways of boosting your AC include a ring of protection and a mithral buckler. Trick items like boots of escape or an immovable rod may be fun, and a bag of holding if your strength is low. And scrolls! Find some utility spells you rarely use and carry a set of scrolls around for emergencies!

2018-12-13, 01:01 PM
Second KG on the Cha headband, circlet, and any other big 6 items. Even if you are playing keep away, you probably want your AC around 10+level, so 17. A haramaki is armor you can wear for 3gp, or 1153 if you want +1 enchanted haramaki. As KG said, a mithral buckler works, as does darkwood for less gold. A +1 of each of these comes in at less than 2500gp for +4 AC, a good deal.

For 500gp, you can get a cracked dusty rose prism for +1 initiative, an absolute steal. You either want a bag of holding and/or handy haversack. Maybe a traveler's any tool and a ring of sustenance. Some options to consider are gloves of arrow snaring(4k), giving you greater ability to mitigate ranged threats. A robe of arcane heritage can be fun to give you early access to bloodline powers(8K).

2018-12-14, 01:14 AM
Isn't the robe 16k? ( althpugh I really would like the robe either way, cause i can use avalanche early)And I realized I do need a handy bag item lol

If I wanted to make a +2 cha and int item how much would it be? ( I can probly talk the dm into letting me buy one)

The spell pages seen super useful, can I use a meta magic rod with them? ( considering picking up a lesser echo rod)

2018-12-14, 11:52 AM
My bad, a robe of arcane heritage is 8K if you make it yourself. That said, ask your DM if you can have the craft wonderous item feat and have crafted your own swag beforehand. It does boost your WBL considerably though.

A +2 to two mental stats is already an item, see headband of mental prowess (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/h-l/headband-of-mental-prowess). I think you can get by without the INT boost unless your INT is garbage-you can always use your favored class bonus to get an extra skill per level as you don't need the extra HP.

You totally can use a metamagic rod with spell pages.

2018-12-14, 04:59 PM
I mean 16k isn't that bad for a rather useful item lol..and the dm said no ( this is currently a magic mart ) but later crafting is possible ( currently have brew potion and craft magic arm&weap) although if I understand pathfinder rules right I can't actually make a profit doing this..

And I'm actually using the human sorc variant rules for an extra spell each lvl or else I would ( and like I said the dm is very into rpg mixed with rolls so more skill points is never bad)

2018-12-14, 06:02 PM
I think that the first approach should always be to cover the "Big Six" in one way or another. Meaning +Con/CHA slot items, cloak of resistance, ring of deflection, amulet of natural armor and such, rounded out by Bracers or Armor, a good Staff and then going into the territory of wands and other consumables. (For a weapon-based class, replace the BoA and Staff with decent armor and a weapon) The point is to keep the load-out to be as universal as you can. Yes, thereīre some cool items out there, but they won't necessarily help you.

2018-12-15, 08:05 AM
Related question, I need an item or spell ( 1-3rd lvl) that I would use to carry like 20 large barrels ( like wine casks) easily...

Kurald Galain
2018-12-15, 09:01 AM
I think that the first approach should always be to cover the "Big Six" in one way or another.
Not particularly. Getting a useful new ability (Spell Pages, Boots of the Cat, etc) is better for your character than getting 5% better at something you could already do.

Related question, I need an item or spell ( 1-3rd lvl) that I would use to carry like 20 large barrels ( like wine casks) easily...Tenser's Floating Disc.

2018-12-15, 09:11 AM
Currently decided on a +3 resistance cloak, a +1 hamari and a +1 darkwood buckler ..and a lesser echo rod

And some spell pages..

I don't think tenders risk is strong enough actually..700 lbs max right now
( these are permanent ironwood wine casks ima try to sell them but I need a way to bring them with me lol)

2018-12-15, 09:37 AM

I'm beginning to see a pattern in our conversations and the resulting disagreement(s). I always expect the worst and things to fail, so reducing that chance by maybe 5% has a premium over gaining a new ability which has the same chance of failure.

2018-12-15, 11:14 AM
Some ideas:

Lesser rod of extend spell x 2+ - 6,000 gp. False life, greater magic weapon, mage armor, unseen servant, etc. Tag the whole party. 3rd level spells like GMW might wait a level or two. Get all up 24 hours, so right now 14x2=28 hours. Can also use pearl of power on 1st level spells like mage armor.
Scrolls of every 1st level utility spell. Read at least every spell in the core book and APG. 1-3 copies of most. Enough to tag the whole party with some. Some you want higher than level 1 caster level like floating disk and summon monster (trap triggering). Be ready for everything this way. I've well out-prepared party wizards like this as other classes, since most don't spend days of real life writing a dissertation on their planning steps.
Scrolls of some 2nd level utility spells. Be more choosy with these. A couple of my favorites are spider climb and levitate. They aren't redundant because levitate has a range and works on objects, etc.
If possible UMD and get scrolls from other classes too. My favorite by far in PF is gallant inspiration. Even at 200 gp a pop get 30++ copies and spam it like water. I kid you not, you will massively buff the entire party this way. Normally the only balancing factor for this spell is that bards have limited spells per day. You can put multiple spells onto 1 scroll (still pay for each copy), to save you scroll drawing time. Replace the copies of the spell as you burn them. Don't worry about expendables in D&D in general because in a few levels the gold of a few levels ago will be nothing. So whether you get 10-20 expendables or 1 permanent item that will go obsolete makes little difference, and you aren't wasting/throwing away money at all.
At most get a +2 cha item but even then if you look super hard you might find better items.
What are your spells known and feats? That might help us make more choices.
AC: Mithril buckler +1 (no ASF chance, no ACP/non-proficiency penalty, may hold but not wield items like scrolls in this hand), ring of protection +1, amulet of natural armor +1. A little over 6k total. Even with your poor AC you'll stop some primary attacks and many more secondary attacks, so it's worth blowing a little money on cheap AC. At your level together these are the same as getting about a 30-40% miss chance. It's that high because I'm talking about % of hits not % of attacks: 30-40% of what would be hits, miss instead. Assuming you get mage armor and an ok dex too. As you level up you will also continue to upgrade these with a low amount of gold, and later also get the dusty rose prism ioun stone after it seems cheap. You don't stop upgrading and give up until around level 12-15, but even then you keep your old items for enemy secondary attacks.
+2 cloak of resistance max. Maybe +1 if you get some really good ideas from this thread.
Wondrous item Trinkets:
Geddy2112's +1 initiative trick for cheap is an extremely good idea. If you can get thread tips and/or dig through the books for 20 items like this you'll do some amazing things. Look for other wondrous items sorted by cost, checking the cheaper ones first. I don't know PF items that well but I'll mention some 3.5 SRD items that I assume got ported over (apologies if not). You'll find many more items that are PF specific. If your gaming group doesn't optimize well this might even get abusive, so if so don't overdo it.
My favorite 3.5 SRD item that I assume/hope made it to PF is Marvelous Pigments at 5k gp. It's Wile E Coyote paint: Paint any object in 10 minutes, and even doors and openings. Don't forget the necessary skill ranks, but take a 10 on your check to auto pass it. The SRD isn't clear so neither is PF, but if you check the 3.5 DMG you'll see the door/opening examples.
Tree feather tokens, 500 gp each. "Suddenly giant oak tree". Thousands of uses, fun at parties.
Whip feather token(s), 500 gp each. Good grappler at your level to help in many fights. Pick annoying strong foes with special abilities but low CMD. Will be obsolete in a few levels but you're still in the sweet spot. Right now you might even pick important high CMD foes since it has good modifiers for level 7.
Dust of disappearance, 3500 gp. Single use, but the party wins the fight 95% of the time without casualties. Save for BBEG or LBEG fight, at risk of annoying the DM. Note true seeing doesn't bust it, though blindsight does. If your DM babies the party and you're not too afraid you might skip this item. If it's a challenging campaign then it's invaluable, and certainly cheaper than a rez or missing loot.

(about carrying 20 large wine barrels)

Tenser's Floating Disc.
That's good for 2 barrels, assuming 40 gallon barrels. Casks or kegs might be smaller, but he said "large". Shrink item is likewise good for up to a 100 gallon barrel (13.4 cubic feet). But the trick there is to use its duration and/or a lesser rod of extend spell to get 7 or 14 items shrunken at a time. Just cast 1 a day on a rotation. See if it's possible to get custom made extra large barrels.

2018-12-16, 12:18 AM
Shrink item would work except it specifies non magical:(

Thanks everyone for all the suggestions though

2018-12-16, 02:55 AM
Also can someone explain this part to me?

Lesser rod of extend spell x 2+ - 6,000 gp. False life, greater magic weapon, mage armor, unseen servant, etc. Tag the whole party. 3rd level spells like GMW might wait a level or two. Get all up 24 hours, so right now 14x2=28 hours. Can also use pearl of power on 1st level spells like mage armor.

How can you stack extend?

2018-12-16, 05:53 AM
How can you stack extend?

You donīt. But the spells mentioned have a duration in hours per level, which extend will double. At your 7th level, that would make one casting last 14 hours, a second casting would take you over the 24 hour line, when you can rest and recharge. So with 2 rods, you could have 3 spells permanently up.

2018-12-16, 06:20 AM
Wouldn't it just refresh the duration? Aka mage armor for 7 normally ( extend for 14) if I cast it again its 7 normal or double for 14 again..not adding together?

2018-12-16, 06:58 AM
Wouldn't it just refresh the duration? Aka mage armor for 7 normally ( extend for 14) if I cast it again its 7 normal or double for 14 again..not adding together?

Correct. The first casting will run out after 14 hours and you will have to recast it, mostly using a Pearl of Power. Only once you hit level 12 (or boosted you caster level) will that change. The main thing here is still to look of the 12K spent on the two rods and compare that the the cost of the permanent item you will replace by simple spells. Bracers of Armor +4 clock in at 16K, for example.

2018-12-16, 07:21 AM
Ohhh, my apologizes!! I was thinking that he had meant right now it would go to 28 hrs lol, with some sorta stacking..

That makes a lot more sense now thanks

2018-12-16, 11:27 AM
Exactly what Florian said (thank you), except 2 rods are 6k gp. 3k gp each. It's a really good deal. Generally I'd try to use up your lower level spell slots this way, because otherwise they might not get used and would only be wasted. Yes on rare long days you need more spell slots, but they are so rare you can just use your scrolls or a wand to keep fighting.

That reminds me, a wand of invisibility is good at 4,500 gp, if you don't already know the spell. Spam it heavily on the party to bypass entire encounters. Also works on objects.

Shrink item would work except it specifies non magical:(

Thanks everyone for all the suggestions though
Well you can always use a mule and a cart. Or if you're afraid of the mule dying, cast mount many times. It has a duration of 2 hours/level and you don't really need it at night so you might not even extend it. Worst case scenario a single horse (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/horse.htm#horseLight) can drag up to 7 barrels on smooth ground even without a cart. Bring plenty of rope. Or each one can carry one barrel. You can get a wand of mount as a backup plan in case something happens to them. Or several scrolls of mount. It's only 2 hours per charge but you can summon a few horses to get you to a safe spot then rest and use your spell slots. Besides using any spell slots you had leftover from the previous day.

You might also shrink item many carts so if any break you have spares. 7 carts is a good number, that way you only need 1 spell per day. Cast it each day on a 7 day rotation.