View Full Version : Rules Q&A [3.5] Things to do while prone.

2018-12-13, 08:55 PM
The srd has the following entry on the prone condition.

The character is on the ground. An attacker who is prone has a -4 penalty on melee attack rolls and cannot use a ranged weapon (except for a crossbow). A defender who is prone gains a +4 bonus to Armor Class against ranged attacks, but takes a -4 penalty to AC against melee attacks.

Standing up is a move-equivalent action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

So attack and AC are into account, but what else can be done while in this condition? Jumping (standing jump)? Running (crouching)? Would casting a ranged touch spell count as a ranged weapon? Any other actions? 5-ft. steps, among others?

2018-12-13, 11:12 PM
You specifically cannot use a ranged weapon so ranged spells are fine.
You can move but only at a crawl (5-feet per move action provoking AOO) this prevents running, running crouched, 5-foot steps, bunny hopping and so on.
I suppose you could jump but I don't think it would be very effective.

Basically, there is a restriction on ranged weapons and movement. Beyond that you can do whatever you want, activate items, rummage through your inventory, cast spells, mess with the scenery, try and comprehend the grapple rules, etc.

There are also some specific feats, skill tricks (and probably items) to expand on these options; As ever in 3.x you can do whatever you want provided you have the obscure feature from splat book X that allows it.

2018-12-13, 11:19 PM
A DC 35 Tumble check (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/skills.htm) can let you stand as a free action instead of a move action.

As mentioned, a few feats and skill tricks let you stand with no AoO.

2018-12-13, 11:54 PM
I suppose you could jump but I don't think it would be very effective.

Except there is no listed penalty for jumping while prone. And what if I'm trying to use Sudden Leap while prone?

Sure, it may make mechanical sense, but if you go down that road, you'll have to stop Elephants from scampering up brick walls with no chance of failure as well.

2018-12-13, 11:59 PM
Except there is no listed penalty for jumping while prone. And what if I'm trying to use Sudden Leap while prone?

Sure, it may make mechanical sense, but if you go down that road, you'll have to stop Elephants from scampering up brick walls with no chance of failure as well.Elephants are fully capable of scrambling over brick walls just fine. The walls don't often survive, but that's beside the point.

2018-12-14, 12:10 AM
You specifically cannot use a ranged weapon so ranged spells are fine.

But isn't a weaponlike spell a weapon? How a ray can count as a weapon for Weapon Focus and not count for this is confusing.

2018-12-14, 12:27 AM
But isn't a weaponlike spell a weapon? How a ray can count as a weapon for Weapon Focus and not count for this is confusing.

Hence my original question.

2018-12-14, 01:31 AM
You specifically cannot use a ranged weapon so ranged spells are fine.
You can move but only at a crawl (5-feet per move action provoking AOO) this prevents running, running crouched, 5-foot steps, bunny hopping and so on.
I suppose you could jump but I don't think it would be very effective.

Basically, there is a restriction on ranged weapons and movement. Beyond that you can do whatever you want, activate items, rummage through your inventory, cast spells, mess with the scenery, try and comprehend the grapple rules, etc.

There are also some specific feats, skill tricks (and probably items) to expand on these options; As ever in 3.x you can do whatever you want provided you have the obscure feature from splat book X that allows it.

I thought crossbows could be fired from prone.

2018-12-14, 02:16 AM
I thought crossbows could be fired from prone.

They are the specific exception to the general rule.

Grand Poobah
2018-12-14, 09:22 AM
Except there is no listed penalty for jumping while prone.

True, but don't forget that for every 10' of movement below 30' a -6 penalty is incurred on the jump check.

Also, unfavourable conditions, such as not being able to utilise your leg muscles to jump, affect your character’s ability to perform the skill change the skill modifier. I doubt even the most heroic of characters could 'jump' more than a few inches when lying on their back so I'd add a hefty modifier.

2018-12-14, 11:21 AM
Elephants are fully capable of scrambling over brick walls just fine. The walls don't often survive, but that's beside the point.

Sure, but they don't scamper up ropes. Which a +10 Str mod to climb checks lets them do easily.

True, but don't forget that for every 10' of movement below 30' a -6 penalty is incurred on the jump check.

This is probably the most reasonable ruling. Your effective move is 5' (no matter your actual speed), so you get -12 on your check.

2018-12-14, 11:24 AM
Here's the wording form Complete Arcane:

Any spell that requires an attack roll and deals damage functions as a weapon in certain respects, whether the spell deals normal hit point damage, nonlethal damage, ability damage, or energy drain. Such spells can threaten critical hits, can be used in sneak attacks, and can be used with favored enemy damage bonuses. You can even use a number of combat-enhancing feats from the Player's Handbook to improve the effectiveness of weaponlike spells, as noted in Chapter 3 of this book.

All such spells deal damage as spells, not weapons, so Strength modifiers to damage and magical effects that increase weapon damage (such as the Bard's inspire courage ability and the prayer spell) don't increase damage from a weaponlike spell.

I think the key phrases there are "in certain respects" and "deal damage as spells, not weapons." A weaponlike spell functions like a regular spell, except as noted in the description. If you could cast Magic Missile under those conditions, you could cast a ray spell too.