View Full Version : Mutants and Masterminds 3e Nullify Complication

The Random NPC
2018-12-15, 12:21 AM
So I have an electricity based character with the complication that he loses all of his powers when wet. My GM is planning on an underwater session and asked me if there was a way to include my character. I told him I'd check with the playground, but all I can think of is buying a dry suit and scuba tank. I do have the Inventor advantage. Is there something that can do this?

2018-12-17, 03:53 PM
So I have an electricity based character with the complication that he loses all of his powers when wet. My GM is planning on an underwater session and asked me if there was a way to include my character. I told him I'd check with the playground, but all I can think of is buying a dry suit and scuba tank. I do have the Inventor advantage. Is there something that can do this?

Keep in mind that inventor is good for on scene only. I mean after a fashion you're kind of playing a reverse Aquaman. If it were me I'd rule it that you get a dry suit that counts mundane equipment, but any attempt to damage it automatically succeeds.

2018-12-17, 08:54 PM
You have the inventor advantage. You can participate without being powered for a session. It's definitely worth some hero points, one each scene where being wet nullifies your powers, and you can use those to power inventions to do other things.

The Random NPC
2018-12-17, 11:07 PM
I told him I should be fine with just the scuba and Inventor, but he still wanted me to check. Thanks though.