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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Fortunesmith Archetype for Rogues [PEACH]

2018-12-15, 11:58 AM

The Cats
2018-12-15, 12:38 PM
Feels very Terry Pratchetty so I'm obligated to like it.

All the other Rogue archetypes are named for 'professions'. Could call it the Fortunate Son?

Oh, I have one right here... A value-limiter would stop people from producing say, baby-sized diamonds. "You produce" implies it takes some sort of action to create the item. Since the flavour you're going for is 'he had it all along' you could word it as "You discover you have a non-magical item of your choice in your possession, even if it was not listed on your character sheet. It must be an item worth no more than 50 gold and of a size and weight that you could reasonably carry. Once you use this ability you can't use it again until you finish a long rest."

Suspiciously specific knowledge Very weak. You can make it 'skill or tool' and it would be fine. I think Knowledge clerics get that at first level. Makes for a super nice synergy with reliable talent once you get it.

Lucky Moment No problems, I'll note this is the first ability that grants a clear combat benefit to the subclass, and it doesn't show up till level 9.

Plot Armour Love it. Could use a "Until the start of your turn" though. I would have made plot armour a turn of immunity when you're about to take KO damage once a day, but that's just me.

Lucky Shot Not calling this "It's a one-in-a-million Chance" is a travesty. Some might take umbrage with the ridiculous situations this could conjure (Forcing disadvantage on yourself for the auto-crit chance) but that's kind of the point, isn't it? You should specify that the attack needs to hit for it to auto crit since one interpretation now is that it crits regardless of the roll. I don't think it needs the restriction against reroll abilities. If they wanna use their luck or halfling luck to get lucky-luck and luck the luck I say go for it. Keep the auto-hit ability caveat though cause 100% is definitely not one in a million.

The Cats
2018-12-15, 01:29 PM
Suspiciously specific knowledge There's plenty of precedent for cloning features to other classes. Oh, I have one right here is versatile and fun but no one would call it especially powerful. Limiting the first features you get to that and a bonus to tools (which are rarely used) that only lasts ten minutes (which is useless for most tools. Takes much longer to craft most things) is pretty meh.