View Full Version : 3rd Ed Spell Slot Recovery Handbook 3.5

2018-12-15, 10:58 PM
So I'm trying to compile all ways to recover spell slots, could serve as a nice tool in the future for anyone who plays a spellcaster. There are likely many other things that I did not include so if you happen to know any please post and I will edit it in. If you see a mistake don't be afraid to point it out. Will be editing to make this more like an actual handbook as I add more stuff.

Color Guide:
Blue = Amazing
Green = Good
Black = Average
Red = Horrible

Belt of the Dread Emperor: BoVD 114. If you manacle a humanoid and connect the manacles to the belt via a chain, you can deal damage to the person bound to the manacles equal to the level of the spell slot squared and you recover it. Works unlimited times per day. Get a one hand manacle, chain yourself and get some fast healing/regeneration and you get essentially infinite slots. Costs 120,000 gp. Unfortunately it works only for prepared casters. As far as the action to activate, since nothing is stated in the description, it defaults to a standard action.

Blood Claw Choker: MIC 203. When you wear the item you take a point of damage that can't be healed while worn, however you get a +2 enhancement to constitution which compensates for a bit. If you activate it (swift action) you recover any sorcerer spell slot of up to 5th level and you take double the spell level in damage. This works twice per day. Using this item will likely make you slightly squishier and due to the damage taken you can't really use it when low in HP making it less useable in emergencies. However it is way cheaper than two pearls of power of 5th level at less than 1/4th the cost as it is priced at 12,000 gp.

Circlet of Mages: MIC 86. While not exactly spell recovery, it allows you to cast 3 levels worth of spells without expending the slot which achieves the same purpose for the most part and as a nice little bonus gets you a small bonus to concentration. It’s rather cheap at 5,000 gp and more flexible than a pearl of power. The best part is that it’s a free action activation. Also, you can buy multiple of these and switch them whenever you use one up. Unfortunately it takes up a slot which is bad enough to stop it from going past green considering the pearl of power is slotless. For those discouraged by it occupying the head slot due to using an Intelligence based caster, don't be, MIC has rules for adding ability bonuses to existing items and at the same cost as normal.

Memento Magica: MIC 164. A more expensive pearl of power but works also for spontaneous casters. The cost formula is rather simple at Spell Level squared x1500. Standard action activation.

Pearls of Power: DMG/SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#pearlofPower). Works 1/day and can make you recover a single slot of a corresponding spell level. Only works for prepared spellcasters. The cost formula is simple at Spell Level squared x1000. Standard action activation.

Rod of Dragon's Blood, Lesser: RotD 94. Rather than getting you a slot again, this rod allows you to cast a spell you have cast in the last round again but at no spell slot cost which is rather similar for various purposes. Only spells with a casting time of a standard action or less can be cast with this item and they must be of 2nd level or lower. If you have the dragonblood subtype you may use this for spell-like abilities. Works only 3 times per day. Costs 10,000 gp.

Rod of Dragon's Blood, Greater: RotD 94. The same effect as the lesser version but for spells and spell-like abilities of up to fourth level. Costs 40,000 gp.

Rod of Miracles: DrMag 317. Works only once but when used casts Mass Heal in a radius of 30ft from the wielder from which the wielder chooses who is affected and all affected by the healing recover up to nine spells of their choice. However only one spell slot per spell level is recoverable so you can't recover the same spell multiple times and if you don't have 9th level spells some of the potential is wasted. Those damaged by the healing such as but not limited to undead, do not recover slots. Costs 110,000 gp. This item is full of awesome.

Vest of the Archmagi: MIC 145. Gives lots of nice bonuses and you can recover three arcane spell slots of any level per day. Costs 200,000 gp. Standard action to recover a spell. Really good item and cheaper than three pearls of power of 9th level and does more.

Ruby Rod of Asmodeus: BoVD 121. Via the use of the Reverie of Nessus ability, the wielder is encased in a spherical wall of force surrounded by an AMF where in the course of three rounds the wielder is cleared of all enchantments, diseases, poisons, physical maladies like lost limbs, healed to full HP and regain all spells and spell-like abilities. This ability is usable only once per day. It's unclear what kind of action is required for this ability to be activated or if any at all but the abilities are dubbed supernatural abilities which default to standard actions if there is no text that indicates otherwise. If you want to use it you have two choices, either you steal it from Asmodeus which will be really hard or you get a Shaedling to make a replica with his Shadow Gossamer ability and use it like that, shapechanging into a Shaedling would also work. getting to that though is heavy TO territory as it would allow for infinite spell slots as you could just create more than one.

Absorption: SpC 6. Via the use of metamagic and some cheese one may use this not to exactly recover spells but to get more castings which is effectively the same. If you want details look at Priya the Prismatic Princess (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?280365-Priya-the-Prismatic-Priestess-Buffs-Across-the-Spectrum).

Mage's Lucubration: PHB/SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magesLucubration.htm). When you cast the spell you recover the use of any 5th level or lower level spell you have cast within the last 24 hours. Exclusive to wizard. Unfortunately it's a 6th level spell so its not the best use of spell slots. However it is useful in the case you need just that one spell you did not prepare enough of.

Mnemonic Enhancer: PHB/SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mnemonicEnhancer.htm). You can use this to either prepare 3 more levels worth of spells (cantrips count as 1/2) or to recover any spell of up to 3rd level that you cast no more than 1 round prior to beginning the casting of the spell. Very solid on a wand. Green if you have it on a wand, otherwise its black.

Siphon: CS 102. Allows you to drain 5 charges from a wand or staff to recover a spell slot of the same level or lower as the spell from that wand or staff. Horrible waste of money, and since it's a 3rd level spell and has a casting time of a minute you really should not use it unless you're very desperate.

Theller's Argauneau: Web Archive. (https://web.archive.org/web/20180217192159/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/wn/20030226a) So I did just find this like four years after I published this handbook but being so obscure I believe it was worth an entry in the same old incoherent style. This godawful spell is 3rd level for wiz/sor and 4th for bards and allows you to recover any spell of any level, yes, any level. The reason I mark this as red is because it requires a dragon egg as a material component. Not only do you need to somehow get a dragon egg, but it specifically has to be from a red dragon and worth at least 2,000 gp. At that point you might aswell just buy a scroll and save yourself from red dragon genocide. Worse of all, if you're not a dragon you need to make a saving throw or take damage, be nauseated, and gain no benefit from this 2,000 gp red dragon egg omelette fiasco, but yet still manage to make yourself a target from some very pissed off parent dragons. Now, if you paid attention, you might have noticed that the colon is blue, that is intentional because there is one specific circumstance where I think this spell is really good. If you for any reason are able to ignore material components such as by the feat Ignore Material Components, have this as a SLA/Su ability, or whatever the reason, this somehow becomes an amazing out of combat spell that lets you convert a level 4 slot into even a 9th level spell or beyond if you're in epic. This especially applies if you're a DWK or somehow have the dragon type (such as via transmutation magic) which lets you ignore the saving throw.

Chaotic Spell Recall: FC1 84. Once per day as a swift action you can recall a single spell with the chaotic descriptor that you have used. You can use it an additional time per every two additional abyssal heritor feats you have and it already requires you to have an abyssal heritor feat to get. Essentially you are using 2 or more feats for the ability to recall any spell that has a specific predetermined descriptor a limited amount of times per day and requires an action. Don't take it unless its being given away for free and even then you should switch it via DCFS, you can have better for 2 or more feats.

Echoing Spell: SoX 134. Only applicable to prepared spells so this is useless for spontaneous casters, uses a slot 3 levels higher. An hour after you cast an Echoing Spell the spell returns to the slot and can be cast again albeit at 4 caster levels lower. An echoing spell can be recovered multiple times but the penalty to caster level is cumulative and if the penalty would drop the caster level of the spell below the normal minimum to cast the spell then the spell stops being recovered. It's good depending on what its used for, if CL matters then it's not exactly the best, however if it doesn't then while you still recover the spell, it still occupies a slot three levels higher which is why its not blue.

Retrieve Spell: CC 62. It requires the ability to turn/rebuke undead and two divine feats. It lets you recover spells by expending 1+ Spell Level turn attempts and is limited to the class you get the turn/rebuke from. Not exactly the best but not too shabby. Get various turning pools and extra turning and with this feat you could get lots of extra spells per day. Green if nightsticks don't stack, blue if they do at which point you can essentially never run out of spells again. Could mesh really well with a Persist & extend CoDzilla where on the days you buff you can have quite a decent amount of spells and the days you don't you can essentially go nova all day.

Arcane Lord: DrMag 297. Unfortunately this is an Epic Prestige Class and has a minimum entry qualification of level 22. Essentially for most people it's out but if you do have access to it it's decent but not exactly great. You can recall any spell of any level once per 3 levels you have in the prestige class, maximum of 3 spells. That's essentially it. Rather than getting nine levels here in epic level where xp progression is super slow and you would appreciate better class features you can just get a Vest of the Archmagi for 200,000 gp and get the same and more. Add in the limitation that the spell recalled must be cast within the last hour and pearl's of power are honestly a better bet. The activation of the ability is a standard action.

Dracolexi: RotD 79. This prestige class is only accessible to spontaneous spellcasters and loses a caster level. This is to be kept in mind as this means if you take the prestige class, you will get ninths at level 19 while a prepared caster would at 17. However that can be patched with DWK although that is rather cheesy. Getting into spell recovery, the class feature that allows this is the Draconic Words class feature, specifically Veschik. It is to be kept in mind that use of it recovers only one spell and it is always the highest level slot used up so far, it has to be an arcane slot and it has to be a spontaneous slot, however being a spontaneous arcane caster as a prerequisite that should not be a problem unless you want to recover spells from other classes you have. Speaking one of these words is a swift action and to access the word we need you need at least 7 levels in the PrC. However you can use it as part of the casting of a spell with a verbal component at no extra action and there is no limit to the amount of times you can use it per day although only once per round. To make it even better this can even be used to make other people recover spells. However here comes the downside, a word only works once per day per person. In general it has a couple downsides as you can only make people recover a specific kind of slot and you're an entire spell level behind. However what makes it shine is the ability to recover spell slots for your allies. Your party members will love you and if your cohort has this PrC then you take none of the downsides and gain all of the benefits assuming you are a spontaneous arcane spellcaster.

Elder Druid: DrMag #286 40. Absolutely amazing. The capstone, Immolate body allows you to unlimited times per day exceed the amount of spells per day you can cast. While not exactly recovering the spells it essentially is the same thing. The one problem is the penalties, you take constitution damage equal to the spell level +1 whenever you cast a spell exceeding your normal amount per day and casting spells of 5th-8th levels ages you 1d4 years and for 9th's 2d4+2. It will shorten your lifespan real quick but there is another class feature in the same PrC that allows you to elongate your lifespan and many spells allow you to elongate it aswell such as Steal Life from BoVD. Add on top that it's a full caster PrC and I'm in love with this prestige class.

Incantifier: DrMag #339 38. Works out alright but not very good in general. While it is pretty decent for spell recovery, it is the other aspects that make it lose points in my eyes. To even take the prestige class you need to partake in a ritual that costs 120,000 gp and costs 4,800 xp and to even get to spell recovery class features you lose minimum one caster level, two if you take the whole class. Add on that you can't heal naturally, and depend on specifically arcane spells or SLA's not bypassing your SR to do so, consider its also a d4 HD class and you will be about as fragile as a twig. Getting on to spell recovery, there are two methods gained from this class. The first is Spell Leech which makes it so if an arcane spell or SLA does not bypass your SR, you recover a spell slot of the same level or lower. The second is Spell Leech 2 which is basically the spell Siphon (described above) as a class feature but requires a Full-round action rather than a minute.

Luckstealer: RotW 118. Allows you to recall any spell of any level up to three times per day depending on your class level. However this class also loses 3 caster levels, to be a halfling (although that part is not half bad if you're allowed to be a Strongheart Halfling) and to take a feat tax. The class features it has don't compensate for the downsides.

Noctumancer: ToM 125. I’ll be honest I have never used this Prestige Class or seen it in play so my entry here should be taken with a grain of salt as I’m judging only based on what I can see rather than experience. So, with the Innate Counterspell class feature one may up to 3 times per day counterspell and use that to either refill any spell slot or regain a mystery of a level equal to or less than that of the counterspelled effect. However mysteries are not very good and this is a theurge class for arcane and mysteries meaning you are already losing three caster levels meaning you would both have better spells and more spells if you did not take this class so regaining spells from this is really useless as you would already have these spells. Take a wizard for example where you would have 3 more 9th level slots, 2 more 8th’s, 1 more 7th and a caster level 3 levels higher if you were ECL 20. A spontaneous arcane caster would not get 9ths by ECL 20. All of these downsides are why it’s rated red.

Primal Scholar: SoX 127. Via the Ancient Secret called Secret of Power you may expend a single Eberron Action Point (Not to be confused with UA Action Points) to recover one or more spell slots. The limitation being that the total amount of spell slots recovered and the added spell levels may not be higher than your levels in the Prestige Class. It's only a 5 level PrC but this may be increased via things like bloodlines, legacy champion and uncanny trickster. Red if you use it on its own as Action Points are a limited resource and you are taking levels that are dependent on this limited resource, blue if you use it with Unfettered Heroism (RoE) which makes it plain amazing.

Spell Scion: UA/SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/legendaryWeapons.htm#theSpellScion). Unfortunately this method requires a variant rule to be in place and then take levels in a specific PrC but then again you're not missing too much, it's not too good since you also need a magic item for it to work. You can recall a spell with the fire descriptor you have cast up to your scion level in spell level once per day at second level, twice at fifth and three times at 8th level. Very similar to Chaotic Spell Recalll but as a class feature, the only reason it's rated better is because the PrC is a full caster PrC and fire is a more common descriptor.

Spellthief: CAdv 13. With the Steal Spell ability one may steal spell slots from other spellcasters to use oneself. While not exactly the same as recovering your own spell slots its rather useful if you don't want to waste your own spells but instead those of that one guy you knocked out on the previous encounter. However stolen spells require either you to sneak attack the caster or to have the caster be willing and take a standard action to take it. If you don't cast it within the hour it also vanishes uselessly. The maximum level of a spell you can steal is essentially the same as the spell level progression of a spontaneous caster. You can choose which spell to steal but if that spell is not available you get a random spell. However it is limited by the fact that you may only steal up to your class levels worth of spell levels at a time. The Master Spellthief feat is actually also really useful with it. By level 20 you could be something like Spellthief 3/Wizard 17 with the Master Spellthief feat and work pretty solidly. You get 9th's and can steal 3's unlimitedly with minimum investment. Best thing about this class feature is that it can be used at will. This also synergizes pretty well with leadership with which you could take spells from yoru cohort and followers. Dominate Person would also be useful to keep useful spellcasters under your control to just drain them of all their spells and use those rather than your own for low level spells at least if you use it as a dip.

Arcane Reabsorption DrMag #348 88. By exchanging a familiar you can choose to take this ACF. If you ever fail to penetrate SR or have your spell counterspelled, you can as an immediate action make a Spellcraft Check DC 20+3(Spell Level) to recover the spell slot albeit at the cost of nonlethal damage equal to the spell level of the spell recovered but the damage ignores DR and occurs regardless of your success. However there is no text by RAW that indicates the immediate action must be in the same round as the casting so if you have a DM that will not rule otherwise you can take all the immediate actions to recover all your missed spells after combat ends where you won't be missing those immediate actions. The only reason this is green and not blue is because you trade in a class feature that is actually useful

Devil's Heart: BoVD 46. For the cheap cost of 20gp you can use this component in the casting of your spell to have a 10% chance of the spell remaining prepared. This only works for spells with the evil descriptor and you can't use more than one at a time. In addition it only works for prepared casters. If you want to get your own then it has to be from a devil of at least 6HD. Mixes well with the Aligned Spellcaster ACF (DrMag #348).

Phoenix Feather: BoED 37. Like the Devil's heart but works for good spells rather than evil ones and costs 40gp instead. If you want to get your own then it must be freely given rather than getting one of a dead creature. If you insist on getting them on your own then use Diplomancy on a Phoenix and get him to give you all his feathers, cast regenerate, rinse, repeat. Phoenix are statted on MM2 if you're interested on harvesting these. Mixes well with the Aligned Spellcaster ACF (DrMag #348).

Action Points: UA 123/SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/adventuring/actionPoints.htm). Not to be confused with Eberron Action points which are completely different. Via the use of the Spell Recall use of Action Points, you use an action point in the same round you cast a spell to recover the spell slot. You can't use this after the round ends. It's a free action though which is nice. They are rated better than the Primal Scholar purely because you do not need to get levels in a PrC just to use this.

Deep Imaskari: WebEnh (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20031003b). Once per day allows you to recall a first level spell. It's not great but the race is neat for a wizard as it has a +2 Int bonus although unfortunately a -2 Dex penalty. Only works for prepared casters.

Improved Domain Power (Magic): DrMag #342 21. Accessible either via not gaining turn/rebuke, taking a feat, not gaining two domain granted powers, or a magic item called a Devoted Symbol worth 20,000 gp. Your deity must grant the magic domain. You may once per two cleric levels activate a magic item with charges without expending a charge. If the use of the magic item you're using takes up more than one charge, you must expend uses of this ability equal to the charges used. You can't use this with magic items with a CL higher than your own or any that duplicates spells with an xp or gp cost. Could be used with something like Mnemonic Enhancer Wands.

Resting: PHB. The default way to recover your spells, no need to explain, if you're playing a spellcaster you should already be familiar with this anyway. The default method, and likely the one you will be using most often, although I doubt your DM will be happy if you use it every time after you use a spell or finish combat.

Worldskin Mage Garden Fruit: EE 104. These fruits when consumed allow you to recover an arcane spell slot of 8th level or lower. However there is a catch, if you fail a CL check DC 20+Spell level you do not regain the slot and must make either a Fort or Will save DC 25 or be converted into a tree that grows these fruits. However if you fail the caster level check and the save you almost deserve it. However a dispel check DC 25 within 3 rounds or a miracle/wish reverses it so a contingent greater dispel or arcane mastery can save you from becoming a tree. You might wonder why this is rated blue, well look below and you will see why this is so abusable.

Not my own:
1. Priya the Prismatic Princess: (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?280365-Priya-the-Prismatic-Priestess-Buffs-Across-the-Spectrum) Credits to Cruiser1

2. The Clockwork Wizard: (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?496834-The-Clockwork-Wizard-Everything-in-no-time) Credits to Anthrowhale

3. Caster Class 10/Primal Scholar 5/Legacy Champion 5 + Unfettered Heroism. Well known trick with merely the addition from my part of legacy champion. Essentially can regain at no action required 9 levels worth of spells per round.

4. The use of sanctum spell on Arcane Fusion for NI spells at the cost of only one slot. However I've seen this banned at more tables than even Illithid savant and using Shadow Gossamer to create artifacts for free so it's very likely to not see play in your table. Brought up by Ruerthgar.

5. Artifact Lord (http://web.archive.org/web/20090218080723/http://wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/drfe/20080428) + Mnemonic Enhancer Wand. Credits to Ruethgar

6. Mnemonic Enhancer/Mage's Lucubration Spell Clock. Credits to Ruethgar.

7. Jack Simth's (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?576339-Spell-Slot-Recovery-Handbook-3-5/page2&p=23585951#post23585951) and Anthrowhale's (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?576339-Spell-Slot-Recovery-Handbook-3-5/page3&p=23586663#post23586663) Time Stop + Belt of Dread Emperor + Heal loop. I'll see if I can improve it to make it more consistent but for now this will have to do.

8. Unfettered Heroism + Wand Surge + Staff of Mage's Lucubration. Gets you back one spell slot of 5th level or lower which you cast within the last 24 hours. Only lets you do this once per round but otherwise unlimited spell recovery. Very good, especially for the amount of investment one puts into this being just some small amount of gp and one feat. Credits to alexlefournierr.

My own original ideas:

1. Elder Druid 10 + Necropolitan = Win. With this, you can spam the Elder Druid capstone, Immolate body, at no penalty at all since you don't care about age and you are immune to constitution damage since you don't even have a constitution score to begin with. You have infinite spells, congratulations, you can go nova all day. If you can't take necropolitan then replace it with an Elan and the Veil of Undeath or Sheltered Vitality buffs. You won't be missing the spell slots anyway.

2. Belt of the Dread Emperor + Troll-Blooded + Hasten Recovery (DrMag #304). With this you can deal damage to yourself to get back spell slots and heal the damage back. You get all the spell slots you want and at nearly no cost. Not only that but all the damage is converted to nonlethal damage and you heal your HD+1 worth of it per round while under the effect of Hasten recovery.

3. Incantifier 5 + Leadership. Essentially you have your cohort be a warlock. Since invocations are at will and are SLA's then while he remains alive you can have infinite spell slots of up to 9th level (so most of everything pre-epic) and infinite healing. Of course a party member warlock also works for this purpose.

4. Cast Minor Creation to create a Mage Garden Fruit and feed it to some prisoner like a kidnapped commoner or kobold sucker that won't make the CL check and the save. Congrats now for casting Minor Creation once you have a source of spell recovery for all up to 8th level slots. Just make sure to get a decent CL to avoid becoming a tree yourself. The good part is that you can expand this farm as much as you want. Get a casting of Plant Growth if you want to make it more efficient or just plain leave it in a fast time demiplane.

5. Get a Spellclock of Absorption and use twinned fifth level spells through 9th level slots to get NI spells. Heavily inspired by the Clockwork Wizard and Ruethgar's idea to use Spellclocks.

6. Arcane Reabsorption and Incantifier. If you have someone in your party or a cohort with Arcane Reabsorption they can use spells on you and fail their CL check to give you spells at no loss.

7. Sanctum Repeat Mage's Lucubration. This recovers you a 5th level spell on casting and next turn gets repeated to recover itself. Works because of the technicality that Mage's Lucubration works on spell level and not spell slot level. Basically occupies one slot and is unlimited spell recovery.

Mike Miller
2018-12-15, 11:34 PM
Only thing so far (still reading), is use a darker green. That is a bit too bright to easily read.

2018-12-15, 11:44 PM
Only thing so far (still reading), is use a darker green. That is a bit too bright to easily read.

Fixed it. Made it readable.

2018-12-16, 02:17 AM
It would be good to add a Spellthief's Steal Spell ability and the Feat Master Spellthief.

2018-12-16, 02:27 AM
It would be good to add a Spellthief's Steal Spell ability and the Feat Master Spellthief.

Working on it right now. I have no idea how I forgot about the spellthief. Won't add the Master Spellthief as an entry on its own but as a recommendation on the Spelltheif entry instead.

2018-12-16, 10:34 AM
Honourable mention to the Circlet of Mages (MIC pg 86) which enables three levels of spells to be cast without expending a slot each day.
Not quite a slot recover item, but has the same overall effect.

2018-12-16, 11:51 AM
Working on it right now. I have no idea how I forgot about the spellthief. Won't add the Master Spellthief as an entry on its own but as a recommendation on the Spelltheif entry instead.

Spellthief is a weird edge case. It doesn't recover a slot so much as let you cast a spell without using your normal slot. The distinction mostly matters because of timing. If you steal a spell and then right away use it to cast one of your own spells for "free," that's great and everyone's happy, but since you can only hold onto the stolen spell for a limited period of time, it's not really as flexible as some of the other options if you're going to need a slot later in the same day.

That said, I do love Spellthieves, so it's probably worth throwing them in anyway. Looks like you basically already mentioned the elements I was concerned about, so that's cool.

At level 7 in the Noctumancer class (Tome of Magic pg. 125-6), you can recover a mystery or a spell slot when you successfully use the class's Innate Counterspell ability. The "intended" no-shenanigans entry into Noctumancer is about ECL 6 to qualify (ECL 7 to enter), so this isn't usually available before about ECL 13, but it's something.

2018-12-16, 12:27 PM
Honourable mention to the Circlet of Mages (MIC pg 86) which enables three levels of spells to be cast without expending a slot each day.
Not quit a slot recover item, but has the same overall effect.

Hmm. I’ll add it probably tonight when I have the time. Seems interesting.

Spellthief is a weird edge case. It doesn't recover a slot so much as let you cast a spell without using your normal slot. The distinction mostly matters because of timing. If you steal a spell and then right away use it to cast one of your own spells for "free," that's great and everyone's happy, but since you can only hold onto the stolen spell for a limited period of time, it's not really as flexible as some of the other options if you're going to need a slot later in the same day.

That said, I do love Spellthieves, so it's probably worth throwing them in anyway. Looks like you basically already mentioned the elements I was concerned about, so that's cool.

At level 7 in the Noctumancer class (Tome of Magic pg. 125-6), you can recover a mystery or a spell slot when you successfully use the class's Innate Counterspell ability. The "intended" no-shenanigans entry into Noctumancer is about ECL 6 to qualify (ECL 7 to enter), so this isn't usually available before about ECL 13, but it's something.

Yeah, it was also my first concern when I was rereading the spellthief.

The noctumancer seems like a perfect fit. Will add it probably tonight when I have the time.

2018-12-16, 03:17 PM
Honourable mention to the Circlet of Mages (MIC pg 86) which enables three levels of spells to be cast without expending a slot each day.
Not quite a slot recover item, but has the same overall effect.

Hmm. I’ll add it probably tonight when I have the time. Seems interesting.

I forgot to mention - I would class it as amazing!
It's a free aciton to use, so doesn't prevent the use of swift actions in the same round, and at 5kgp it is considerably cheaper than a 3rd level pearl of power as well as more flexible.

2018-12-16, 03:25 PM
I forgot to mention - I would class it as amazing!
It's a free aciton to use, so doesn't prevent the use of swift actions in the same round, and at 5kgp it is considerably cheaper than a 3rd level pearl of power as well as more flexible.

Well that’s a fair point but really the reason I’m putting it at black is due to it occupying a slot while a pearl of power doesn’t. I guess due to the price and action required I’ll bump it to green. However due to it requiring the head slot which is really important for the headband of intellect for some spellcasters I’ll leave it at red for intelligence based spellcasters since not only would a boost to intelligence get you more slots but it would also increase Save DC’s and some skills relevant to them such as spellcraft, knowledge, etc.

2018-12-16, 03:31 PM
Well that’s a fair point but really the reason I’m putting it at black is due to it occupying a slot while a pearl of power doesn’t. I guess due to the price and action required I’ll bump it to green. However due to it requiring the head slot which is really important for the headband of intellect for some spellcasters I’ll leave it at red for intelligence based spellcasters since not only would a boost to intelligence get you more slots but it would also increase Save DC’s and some skills relevant to them such as spellcraft, knowledge, etc.

I think I agree with that - though it should be possible to get it enchanted with intelligence as one levels up. I should qualify my "amazing" to add "at low-medium levels".

2018-12-16, 04:04 PM
Well that’s a fair point but really the reason I’m putting it at black is due to it occupying a slot while a pearl of power doesn’t. I guess due to the price and action required I’ll bump it to green. However due to it requiring the head slot which is really important for the headband of intellect for some spellcasters I’ll leave it at red for intelligence based spellcasters since not only would a boost to intelligence get you more slots but it would also increase Save DC’s and some skills relevant to them such as spellcraft, knowledge, etc.

Making a slotless version would double the cost. Adding +int to the headband, however, is at normal cost. So... Green, maybe?

2018-12-16, 04:11 PM
I didn't know about that belt in BOVD. Very cool, thank you.

I believe if unspecified magic items take a standard action to use.

2018-12-16, 04:52 PM
How about the stuff from magazines?

Dragon #348:
Arcane Reabsorption
You have always focused more on the raw manipulation of arcane energy than others of your profession. As such, you know how to possibly regain that energy when outside forces attempt to disrupt your magic.
Level: 1st (4th for hexblades).
Replaces: If you select this class feature, you do not gain a familiar.
Benefit: Whenever a targeted spell you cast fails to penetrate a creature's spell resistance or is countered by another spellcaster, you can immediately attempt to reabsorb the arcane energy you just spent as an immediate action. The spell can have no effect at all in order to use this ability. By making a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + [spell level × 3]), you regain the spell as if it was never cast (or regain the spell slot if you cast spells spontaneously). Attempting this taxes your body. Regardless of the success of the check, you take 1 point of nonlethal damage per spell level you attempt to reabsorb. This damage is internal and bypasses damage reduction and resistances you possess.
Dragon #286 - Elder Druid PrC, 10th level:
Immolate Body: At 10th level, the Elder Druid can increase his abilities at the cost of his health. The Elder Druid can exceed his daily uses of the druid fire, suffering 1 point of temporary Constitution damage with each use. This can also be done for spells. Casting an extra spell causes 1 point of Constitution damage plus 1 per level of the spell. Casting an extra spell from level 5-8 also ages the Elder Druid by 1d4 years. Casting an extra 9th level spell ages the Elder Druid by 2d4+2 years and deals Constitution damage. This damage is suffered immediately after a spell is cast. This is a supernatural ability
Dragon #339, Incantifier PrC:
Spell Leech (Su): At 3rd level, an incantifier can channel absorbed arcane energy back into his own magic. If an arcane spell or spell-like ability does not beat the incantifier's spell resistance, the incantifier regains a spell of the absorbed spell's level that he has already cast that day or regains a used spell slot of the appropriate level. If the incantifier has his full compliment of spells, and thus has no cast spells or used spell slots, he cannot benefit from this ability. For example, if a wizard incantifier's spell resistance negates a lightning bolt, he can restore a single 1st-, 2nd-, or 3rd-level spell he had previously cast, regaining it as if he had never cast it.
Spell Leech 2 (Su): At 5th level, an incantifier can siphon charges from a staff or wand to regain spells he has already cast. This ability requires a full-round action and can only be used on an item the incantifier is holding. Using this ability drains 5 charges from the magic item and replaces a cast spell equal to or less than the highest-level spell the staff or wand holds. Upon draining these charges, the incantifier regains any spell of up to the affected spell's level that he has already cast that day or regains a used spell slot of up to the appropriate level. For example, a wizard who has cast his only fly spell for the day (a 3rd-level spell) may drain 5 charges from his wand of fireballs (another 3rd-level spell) to regain fly or any lower-level spell he has cast.

2018-12-16, 05:04 PM
I think I agree with that - though it should be possible to get it enchanted with intelligence as one levels up. I should qualify my "amazing" to add "at low-medium levels".

Making a slotless version would cobble the cost. Adding +int to the headband, however, is at normal cost. So... Green, maybe?

My response to both above:

Right, there was something in MIC that specified ability boosts as addable at normal cost now that I remember. I think I’ll just put it in green then since I believe it’s pretty good now but not up to standards to get a blue.

I didn't know about that belt in BOVD. Very cool, thank you.

I believe if unspecified magic items take a standard action to use.

Your welcome :)

Well, on the activation it depends on the kind of magic item. Spell trigger is as the same as the base spell, use-activated is standard action or non-action activation if not specified. Command word is always standard action IIRC.

The problem with the belt of the dread emperor is that IIRC (Afb atm) not only does it not have a spell as a base to work on but the description does not state what kind of activation it has. Since it has no text to say what it is the most reasonable assumption is use-activated/command word and therefore either standard action or non-action. Errata shows nothing as there is no Errata/update for BoVD that I have found. Tonight I’ll probably check the RC in case there is something that would indicate any RAW on what to do here.

2018-12-16, 05:22 PM
One more find from the Book of Vile Darkness:
Devil's Heart: A spell that this component is applied to has a 10% chance to remain prepared even after being cast. Casters who do not prepare spells gain no advantage from this component. The heart must be from a devil of at least 6 HD, and it must be dried and hardened into a rocklike object.It costs 20 gp

2018-12-16, 05:40 PM
How about the stuff from magazines?

Dragon #348:
Dragon #286 - Elder Druid PrC, 10th level:
Dragon #339, Incantifier PrC:

Will add later on. I can see so much cheese potential with Elder Druid + Elan + Shaltered Vitality. I love it.

One more find from the Book of Vile Darkness:It costs 20 gp

Huh, I forgot that even existed. I believe there was another version in BoED. I think it was a Phoenix Feather.

2018-12-16, 06:07 PM
The Miser with Magic feat(Dragonlance) is a pretty good way to get spells back.

2018-12-16, 07:48 PM
As a demonstration in this vein, the Clockwork Wizard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?496834-The-Clockwork-Wizard-Everything-in-no-time) takes advantage of spell recovery through Absorption and Lucubration as well as action multipliers through Shapechange, Timestop, and Celerity to cast and recover an infinite number of spells in negligible time.

2018-12-16, 07:51 PM
The Miser with Magic feat(Dragonlance) is a pretty good way to get spells back.

I can only find reference to Miser with Magic in the Kingdoms of Kalamar book which is 3rd party. All Dragonlance material is also 3rd party except for the campaign setting and I don't find the feat in there.


As a demonstration in this vein, the Clockwork Wizard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?496834-The-Clockwork-Wizard-Everything-in-no-time) takes advantage of spell recovery through Absorption and Lucubration as well as action multipliers through Shapechange, Timestop, and Celerity to cast and recover an infinite number of spells in negligible time.

I have no idea how I forgot to look at that. I was checking it yesterday. Will edit it in soon.

I think I'll add a section for builds that have incorporated spell recovery. So we have Priya and Clockwork wizard, any others that anyone can remember?

2018-12-16, 08:07 PM
It was KoK, my bad, but regardless, pretty sure that was one of the WotC published books and thereby official.

2018-12-16, 08:33 PM
It was KoK, my bad, but regardless, pretty sure that was one of the WotC published books and thereby official.

It's actually liscenced 3rd party rather than published by WotC.

2018-12-17, 05:58 AM
Some more stuff:

Blood Claw Choker (Magic Item Compendium):
In addition, when you activate a blood claw choker, you regain any one sorcerer spell slot that you have already used today (up to a maximum of 5th level). The slot becomes available as if you had never cast a spell of that level. At the time you activate it, the choker deals damage to you equal to twice the level of the spell slot regained. This ability functions twice per day.12000 gp

Rod of Dragon's Blood (Dragon Magic):
When activated, a lesser rod of dragon's blood allows the wielder to recast any spell of up to 2nd level that he cast in the previous round. Doing this doesn't use another spell slot. Only spells with a casting time of 1 standard action or less can be recast using the lesser rod of dragon's blood.
Wielders of the dragon type instead can reuse any spell-like ability of up to 2nd level that they used in the previous round. This doesn't count against their normal daily limit for that spell-like ability.
A greater rod of dragon's blood allows the wielder to recast any spell of up to 4th level he cast in the previous round, or to reuse any spell-like ability of up to 4th level it used in the previous round. It otherwise functions as a lesser rod of dragon's blood.10000 gp (lesser) or 40000 gp (greater)

Rod of Miracles (Dragon #317):
A rod of miracles is a fantastically powerful magic item that can be used only once. Upon the command of its possessor, a rod of miracles flashes with pure white light. This flash of light heals, as per the mass heal spell, all creatures within a 30-foot radius (including the owner of the rod). The owner can select which creatures in range to heal; she does not have to affect all creatures in this radius.
Any creature healed by a rod of miracles that has the ability to cast spells can immediately recall up to nine spells that she had previously cast. These spells are prepared again, just as if they had not been cast. Characters that do not prepare spells instead have up to nine spell slots return, just as if these slots had never been used to cast spells. Only one spell per spell level may be so recalled in this manner; if a character had cast three 3rd-level spells when this effect manifests, she can only recall one of those 3rd-level spells. Creatures that are damaged by the heal effect (such as undead) do not get to recall previously cast spells.
A rod of miracles melts into nonmagical water when it is used.110000 gp

It's a variant rule, but Spell Scion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/legendaryWeapons.htm#kaieintheBlazingStaff) got Recall Spell

And Epic levels are powerful by definition, but still - Arcane Lord [epic] PrC (Dragon #297):
Recall Spell (Su): At 3rd level, the arcane lord can use a standard action to recall any spell she has already cast within the past hour. Essentially, the character regains the prepared spell (in the case of characters who prepare spells) or the spell slot (in the case of characters who don't prepare spells). The arcane lord gains one additional use of this ability per day for every three levels after 3rd gained in this class (1/day at 3rd, 2/day at 6th, 3/day at 9th, and so on).

2018-12-17, 06:05 AM
Edited for clairty

(Heward's) Fortifying Bedroll from Complete Mage can let you streamline your spell slot recovery within a day if you have good timekeeping. You can only use it once per 48 hours.

fortifying bedroll grants you the benefits of a full 8 hours of rest—including the elimination of fatigue or exhaustion, natural healing, and the ability to prepare or ready arcane spells— over the course of a single hour. Spells cast within the last 8 hours still count against your daily limit as normal.

So, for 1 day, you could cast all your spells in the morning (for example your buffs at 6am), and then you don't cast any other spells for the next 8 hours, you can re-prepare your spells as if you had a full rest (at 2pm-3pm).

Effectively, for one day, if you know you're going to have most of the day without any spells cast, you can double up your spell slots for that day.

This is, however, incredibly annoying and awkward to manage since spellcasting is what spellcasting classes... do. I guess if you were a gish you could get away with 8 hours of swordery while you wait for your appointed naptime to recharge your spell slots?

2018-12-17, 06:35 AM
The Dracolexi prestige class (from Races of the Dragon) has a Draconic Word ("Veschik") that allows the target to regain one spell slot of the highest level arcane spell they can spontaneously cast. Particularly good for Sorcerers and Bards, not so great for Wizards.

2018-12-17, 12:51 PM
Just a thought, but could you abuse Mnemonic Enhancer with a Sun and Moon Wizard and Sanctum Spell(to be able to prepare Mnemonic Enhancer again).

Sanctum Arcane Fusion doesn’t let you regain spell slots, but it lets you cast nigh infinite 1st level spells from a single 5th level slot which is similar.

A Spellhording Dragon could abuse the bit about Greater Arcane Fusion(Sanctum) changing the spells to any 4th and 7th rather than any standard action 3rd and 4th to Mnemonic Enhance a nigh infinite number of times(assuming they were familiar enough with the spell to learn it).

2018-12-17, 01:40 PM
Will add all the stuff later on

Just a thought, but could you abuse Mnemonic Enhancer with a Sun and Moon Wizard and Sanctum Spell(to be able to prepare Mnemonic Enhancer again).

Sanctum Arcane Fusion doesn’t let you regain spell slots, but it lets you cast nigh infinite 1st level spells from a single 5th level slot which is similar.

A Spellhording Dragon could abuse the bit about Greater Arcane Fusion(Sanctum) changing the spells to any 4th and 7th rather than any standard action 3rd and 4th to Mnemonic Enhance a nigh infinite number of times(assuming they were familiar enough with the spell to learn it).

The Sanctum Mnemonic enhancer thing looks interesting. I’ll look into it. I’ll check if it’s legal.

Sanctum on Arcane Fusion and Greater Arcane Fusion doesn’t help, check the errata of the spells.

2018-12-17, 01:46 PM
So I don't have anything to add directly to the recovery methods, but WRT the Elder Druid, I looked it up and didn't see any of the "usual" mentions of "If you don't/can't take CON damage" (like the Hellfire Warlock and the Eternal Debate about Strongheart Vest.)
Now, unfortunately I was not able to access the original source, so any details in the description may be subject to lacking. (Though, without naming names, the site I looked at is fairly reliable...)

Basically, what I'm getting at is that it looks like, as you mentioned, an undead may take full (ab)use of this class! (Given the fluff/RP aspect of needing to be invited into the group, I'm not sure how well a Necropolitan would fit in. A ghost tied to a sacred grove, however...)

2018-12-17, 02:00 PM
The problem with the belt of the dread emperor is that IIRC (Afb atm) not only does it not have a spell as a base to work on but the description does not state what kind of activation it has. Since it has no text to say what it is the most reasonable assumption is use-activated/command word and therefore either standard action or non-action. Errata shows nothing as there is no Errata/update for BoVD that I have found. Tonight I’ll probably check the RC in case there is something that would indicate any RAW on what to do here.
The general rule from the SRD under 'Using Magic Items' would seem to be:

Activating a magic item is a standard action unless the item description indicates otherwise.

Since it doesn't specify time (or type that has a different activation time) it's a standard.

2018-12-17, 02:47 PM
Sanctum on Arcane Fusion and Greater Arcane Fusion doesn’t help, check the errata of the spells.

Include clause, “If applying a metamagic feat to a spell, use the adjusted spell level and casting time for purposes of determining eligibility for Arcane Fusion.”

This doesn’t change the chainability. That clause is what enables it(because metamagic versions of spells aren’t among spells known, without that clause you couldn’t add them at all) since Sanctum lowers the effective level. If you are referring to the cast time, any sorcerer delving into metamagic abuse is going to have Rapid Metamagic.

2018-12-17, 03:33 PM
This doesn’t change the chainability. That clause is what enables it(because metamagic versions of spells aren’t among spells known, without that clause you couldn’t add them at all) since Sanctum lowers the effective level. If you are referring to the cast time, any sorcerer delving into metamagic abuse is going to have Rapid Metamagic.

Here is a short discussion on the topic.


2018-12-17, 03:44 PM
That ended in a decision based on reasonable RAI not RAW. Your original assertion is correct that the spell level is not adjusted except by Heighten, it’s derivatives, and Sanctum and all other metamagic could be applied liberally until you failed your reflex roll for a DMG to the head.

2018-12-17, 05:30 PM
That ended in a decision based on reasonable RAI not RAW. Your original assertion is correct that the spell level is not adjusted except by Heighten, it’s derivatives, and Sanctum and all other metamagic could be applied liberally until you failed your reflex roll for a DMG to the head.

Well yeah, I know. I was siding with RAI for this one. Most of the stuff in a handbook should be usable at a table. I’ve literally never been in a table where sanctum arcane fusion loops were allowed, and before you ask, yes I have been in one where Shadow Gossamer allows the creation of artifacts before.

2018-12-17, 05:35 PM
Well yeah, I know. I was siding with RAI for this one. Most of the stuff in a handbook should be usable at a table. I’ve literally never been in a table where sanctum arcane fusion loops were allowed, and before you ask, yes I have been in one where Shadow Gossamer allows the creation of artifacts before.

Seems like a guide should side with RAW, with a nod towards "don't expect this to be allowed at an actual table, but..."

2018-12-19, 12:16 AM
Looking for a way to get infinite spell slot recovery to add to the handbook but with minimal build investment. Preferably something that could be done in combat. Any ideas?

I'm thinking it would probably have to do with an expansion of the Belt of the Dread Emperor + Fast Healing/Regeneration idea but the problem for use in combat is that it's use apparently is a standard action which would cripple you to waste mid combat.

2018-12-19, 08:48 AM
Looking for a way to get infinite spell slot recovery to add to the handbook but with minimal build investment. Preferably something that could be done in combat. Any ideas?

I'm thinking it would probably have to do with an expansion of the Belt of the Dread Emperor + Fast Healing/Regeneration idea but the problem for use in combat is that it's use apparently is a standard action which would cripple you to waste mid combat.

Something something time stop?

2018-12-19, 09:16 AM
So I don't have anything to add directly to the recovery methods, but WRT the Elder Druid, I looked it up and didn't see any of the "usual" mentions of "If you don't/can't take CON damage" (like the Hellfire Warlock and the Eternal Debate about Strongheart Vest.)
Now, unfortunately I was not able to access the original source, so any details in the description may be subject to lacking. (Though, without naming names, the site I looked at is fairly reliable...)

Basically, what I'm getting at is that it looks like, as you mentioned, an undead may take full (ab)use of this class! (Given the fluff/RP aspect of needing to be invited into the group, I'm not sure how well a Necropolitan would fit in. A ghost tied to a sacred grove, however...)

I checked the mag and it doesn't say anything about not being preventable. You'll want some way other than strongheart vest to avoid aging, but I suppose being Undead takes care of both.

2018-12-19, 11:50 AM
I checked the mag and it doesn't say anything about not being preventable. You'll want some way other than strongheart vest to avoid aging, but I suppose being Undead takes care of both.

And in fact as an undead you would benefit from aging to get that one template wouldn’t you? I can’t remember but it was a repeatable based on age improvement for undead.

Edit: Found it, Evolved Undead

2018-12-19, 12:08 PM
I checked the mag and it doesn't say anything about not being preventable. You'll want some way other than strongheart vest to avoid aging, but I suppose being Undead takes care of both.

And in fact as an undead you would benefit from aging to get that one template wouldn’t you? I can’t remember but it was a repeatable based on age improvement for undead.

Edit: Found it, Evolved Undead

Yep! Undead Elder Druid seems to be all profit! (Especially since you can take Evolved Undead multiple times! :smallamused:)

2018-12-19, 02:11 PM
Yep! Undead Elder Druid seems to be all profit! (Especially since you can take Evolved Undead multiple times! :smallamused:)

Not all profit, unfortunately. Evolved Undead has LA so you will have to suck it all up. But by the time you have Elder Druid 10 if you don't have 9ths already then you are already in problems regardless.

2018-12-19, 02:29 PM
Yeah but immediate butoff of LA wouldn’t make it that bad.

2018-12-19, 04:13 PM
Yeah but immediate butoff of LA wouldn’t make it that bad.

The problem with that is that LA buyoff costs XP and can only be done every 3 levels IIRC.

2018-12-19, 05:03 PM
Actually, it only requires class levels of three times your current LA. Since Evolved Necropoltains only ever need have 1 LA, he could theoretically be Expert 2/Vamp Bloodline 1, never level up and just spend the 2k XP every time he got the template to get rid of it while raking in the rewards. Could rule that you need three more levels each time(3/6/9/12/15/18 for a total of 6 LA bought off pre epic) which is reasonable, but you also have to consider that at minimum you have to age yourself 100 years for a cumulative +1% chance at the template. By the time you are realistically getting into the 6 templates territory you should be Epic where it doesn’t really matter anymore.

2018-12-19, 05:08 PM
Actually, it only requires class levels of three times your current LA. Since Evolved Necropoltains only ever need have 1 LA, he could theoretically be Expert 2/Vamp Bloodline 1, never level up and just spend the 2k XP every time he got the template to get rid of it while raking in the rewards. Could rule that you need three more levels each time(3/6/9/12/15/18 for a total of 6 LA bought off pre epic) which is reasonable, but you also have to consider that at minimum you have to age yourself 100 years for a cumulative +1% chance at the template. By the time you are realistically getting into the 6 templates territory you should be Epic where it doesn’t really matter anymore.

Reading the entry on the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/reducingLevelAdjustments.htm) makes it very clear that you need to gain an additional 3 class levels each time.

If the level adjustment is greater than +1, this process repeats until the creature's level adjustment reaches +0. Each time, use the creature's current level adjustment to determine the point at which the level adjustment can go down by 1. For example, a drow (level adjustment +2) may drop to level adjustment +1 after gaining her sixth class level, and then to +0 after gaining an additional three class levels.

2018-12-19, 07:14 PM
Reading the entry on the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/reducingLevelAdjustments.htm) makes it very clear that you need to gain an additional 3 class levels each time.

That is, sadly, not as clear as you think.

It could be argued that part you quoted technically only covers LA from the same source, not necessarily two separate sources of LA. Thus, one could cheese buying off multiple acquired templates at the same level.

2018-12-20, 02:59 AM
At any one time, a spellthief can possess a maximum number of stolen spell levels equal to his class level (treat 0-level spells as 1/2 level for this purpose). For instance, a 4th-level spellthief can have two stolen 2nd-level spells, or one 2nd-level spell and two 1st-level spells, or any other combination of 0-level, 1st-level, and 2nd-level spells totaling four levels. If he steals a spell that would cause him to exceed this limit, he must choose to lose stolen spells sufficient to reduce his total number of stolen spell levels to no more than his maximum

So Master Spellthief won't work that well with Spellthief 2/Wizard X, since you can't retain spell levels over your Spellthief level. Normal Spellthieves, or something like Spellthief 9/Fighter 1/Suel Arcanamach 10 could work, though.

2018-12-20, 03:17 AM
So Master Spellthief won't work that well with Spellthief 2/Wizard X, since you can't retain spell levels over your Spellthief level. Normal Spellthieves, or something like Spellthief 9/Fighter 1/Suel Arcanamach 10 could work, though.

This is debatable, in that it depends whether the phrase "steal a spell" is read to refer exclusively to what level of spell the steal spell ability can remove from the target and not any other aspect of the Steal Spell ability, i.e. holding and substituting own spells (which requires level 4).

It can just as well be read to mean "for the purpose of the Steal Spell(Su) ability", which is the reading I've seen more commonly applied, if only because a Spellthief who can steal a 4th level spell but then not cast it doesn't "exist in nature". Then again, I've also never seen Master Spellthief caster level shenanigans fly, and those seem pretty commonly accepted around here. So any case, YMMV.

2018-12-20, 03:41 AM
This is debatable, in that it depends whether the phrase "steal a spell" is read to refer exclusively to what level of spell the steal spell ability can remove from the target and not any other aspect of the Steal Spell ability, i.e. holding and substituting own spells (which requires level 4).

It can just as well be read to mean "for the purpose of the Steal Spell(Su) ability", which is the reading I've seen more commonly applied, if only because a Spellthief who can steal a 4th level spell but then not cast it doesn't "exist in nature". Then again, I've also never seen Master Spellthief caster level shenanigans fly, and those seem pretty commonly accepted around here. So any case, YMMV.

I think a "speak with your DM" mention should be added then, just in case.

I don't know if it's worth mentioning, since it's a very specific "final dungeon area" thing, but if you're playing a Ragnorra(Elder Evils) campaign, the Worldskin has an area called the Mage Garden. Eating a fruit can restore an 8th level or lower arcane spell slot, but you have to make a caster level check(DC 20+ spell level) or fail, and you also have to make a DC 25 Fort or Will save or be turned into a fruit tree yourself - indeed, many of the trees are transformed mind flayers and at least one is an aboleth. You can be turned back with a dispel check(DC 25) within 3 rounds; beyond that you need a Wish or Miracle.

2018-12-20, 03:59 AM
While not exactly recovery, more 'saving it for ghost business later', Contingent Spell Lock from Ghostwalk is a spell that lets you reserve spell slots so if you die you have them if you come back as a ghost... So presumably normally you'd lose those slots otherwise.

So I suppose that's worth noting as a way of preparing your spell slots to remain in the event that you die.

You do lose those slots from your living body forever though- if you're resurrected you don't have them, it's purely only if you're a ghost you keep them.

2018-12-20, 08:31 AM
So, what's about the Spell Scion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/legendaryWeapons.htm#theSpellScion)?
Recall Spell (Su): As a free action, a spell scion of 2nd level or higher can recall any arcane spell she has just cast, as long as that spell has the fi re descriptor, up to a maximum spell level equal to her spell scion level. She either restores that spell to her list of prepared spells (if she prepares spells) or regains that spell slot (if she does not prepare spells). She may only recall a spell cast in the same round that she uses this ability.
This ability can be used once per day at 2nd level, twice per day at 5th level, and three times per day at 8th level.

2018-12-20, 08:50 AM
That reminds me, there’s also the Deep Imaskari. http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20031003b

2018-12-20, 03:29 PM
So Master Spellthief won't work that well with Spellthief 2/Wizard X, since you can't retain spell levels over your Spellthief level. Normal Spellthieves, or something like Spellthief 9/Fighter 1/Suel Arcanamach 10 could work, though.

Hmm, will edit accordingly later today.

I don't know if it's worth mentioning, since it's a very specific "final dungeon area" thing, but if you're playing a Ragnorra(Elder Evils) campaign, the Worldskin has an area called the Mage Garden. Eating a fruit can restore an 8th level or lower arcane spell slot, but you have to make a caster level check(DC 20+ spell level) or fail, and you also have to make a DC 25 Fort or Will save or be turned into a fruit tree yourself - indeed, many of the trees are transformed mind flayers and at least one is an aboleth. You can be turned back with a dispel check(DC 25) within 3 rounds; beyond that you need a Wish or Miracle.

Well I'll include it as there is probably some cheese that would make it accessible outside such as Wishing for one of those fruits and making a demiplane exclusively made to farm those fruits by making commoners or kobolds bite in to the fruits. Will edit in later today.

While not exactly recovery, more 'saving it for ghost business later', Contingent Spell Lock from Ghostwalk is a spell that lets you reserve spell slots so if you die you have them if you come back as a ghost... So presumably normally you'd lose those slots otherwise.

So I suppose that's worth noting as a way of preparing your spell slots to remain in the event that you die.

You do lose those slots from your living body forever though- if you're resurrected you don't have them, it's purely only if you're a ghost you keep them.

Well you lose them until you reprepare spells when you can decide if you keep them locked or regain them every time. Although I think that's a bit too far out of the scope of this.

So, what's about the Spell Scion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/legendaryWeapons.htm#theSpellScion)?

Works, will add later today.

That reminds me, there’s also the Deep Imaskari. http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20031003b

Works out, since it's only one race that has spell recovery and I can't add any more spoilers I guess I'll add it to miscellaneous. Will add later today.

2018-12-20, 03:52 PM
Luckstealer PrC (RotW p.118): Desperate Recall ability. Up to 3/day use up some of your Luck Pool to recall a spell or spell slot that you just expended.

Not exactly recovering a spell, but the Lyric Spell feat (CAd p.113) allows you to expend uses of Bardic Music to cast a spell without expending a spell slot.

2018-12-20, 05:32 PM
This my be a bit derivative but thought I should mention it. Epic Destiny Artifact Lords and staff wizards can restore spells by recharging magic items of Mnemonic Enhancer or others. Clerics of Magic who get the improved domain can squeeze out some bonus magic item charges per day.

And while not exactly restoring your own spell slots, I’m sure you could find a way to abuse Imbue with Spell Ability to get higher level spells for lower cost. Teach them Sanctum or metamagiced versions since it only goes off spell level, why prepare Mass Lesser Vigor when you can spend 1 level higher slot to teach an ally two Chain Vigors and a Sanctum Mass Lesser Vigor?

2018-12-20, 08:17 PM
Looking for a way to get infinite spell slot recovery to add to the handbook but with minimal build investment. Preferably something that could be done in combat. Any ideas?

I'm thinking it would probably have to do with an expansion of the Belt of the Dread Emperor + Fast Healing/Regeneration idea but the problem for use in combat is that it's use apparently is a standard action which would cripple you to waste mid combat.

Does the belt work with divine spells? Because Heal is Cleric-6, recovers 150 hp at level 17, and an be cast on yourself during a time stop from a domain slot....

Alternatively, there are a few ways to get Heal on an arcane caster.

Makes an easy loop for out of combat, without the wait time for fast healing.

Doesn't have the capacity to go neigh-infinite unless you have free metamagic, though. Maybe with Arcane Spellsurge?

2018-12-20, 09:08 PM
I don't Siphon's bad enough to rate red, to be honest. I hear it's useful for using randomly-generated wands or staffs which aren't really going to be used - seriously, are you really going to be using a wand of phantasmal killer?

2018-12-20, 09:14 PM
I don't Siphon's bad enough to rate red, to be honest. I hear it's useful for using randomly-generated wands or staffs which aren't really going to be used - seriously, are you really going to be using a wand of phantasmal killer?

After casting Convert Wand, sure.

2018-12-20, 09:25 PM
After casting Convert Wand, sure.

Well, that's a spell I didn't know about.

2018-12-20, 10:15 PM
Carry around a Spell Clock (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cw/20070312a) of Mnemonic Enhancer(Prepare) (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mnemonicEnhancer.htm), a little less grey than the guidelines for custom repeating spell traps(which is another option for infinite recovery). Also, because clocks and traps can be architectural features, you could Lucid Dream(DC 20) Gate traps and Transdimensional(Unapproachable East) Mnemonic Enhancer clocks any number of ways to apply them there-after.

2018-12-20, 10:36 PM
Does the belt work with divine spells? Because Heal is Cleric-6, recovers 150 hp at level 17, and an be cast on yourself during a time stop from a domain slot....

Alternatively, there are a few ways to get Heal on an arcane caster.

Makes an easy loop for out of combat, without the wait time for fast healing.

Doesn't have the capacity to go neigh-infinite unless you have free metamagic, though. Maybe with Arcane Spellsurge?

Stepping through this....

Cleric-11. Heal is a 6th level spell.
Use Belt of the Dread Emperor (chain to yourself), to recover a 6th level spell slot: Take 36 damage. Running total: 1 6th recovered, 36 damage.
Do it again: Take another 36 damage. Running total: 2 6ths recovered, 72 damage.
Recover another 6th: Take 36 damage. Running total: 3 6ths recovered, 108 damage.
Cast Heal (6th level spell). Recover 110 hit points at the cost of a 6th level slot. Running total: Net +2 6th level spells, +2 HP, over four rounds. It only gets better as you level.

Heal caps off at 150 hp, but that's fine; a 9th is 81 HP, a 6th is 36. 81 + 36=117, you're still ahead. Can we do this forever in a Time Stop?
Time Stop grants 1d4+1 rounds of apparent time. Via Readied Action, you can cast Time Stop just as a Time Stop ends - provided that (after casting) you know how long it will last. I will (for this exercise) assume that you have that information after you've cast the Time Stop. If you don't, this chain of logic is not valid.
Even probability on a Time Stop of each set of rounds (actions not listed in order! Re-cast Time Stop goes last, otherwise order is irrelevant)
2 rounds: Standard to recover the 9th, standard to re-cast Time Stop. We've lost 81 HP at net 0 spell slots.
3 rounds: Standard to recover the 9th, standard to re-cast Time Stop, standard to Heal. We've lost 1 6th spell slot, but gained 150 - 81 = 69 hp.
4 rounds: Standard to recover the 9th, standard to re-cast Time Stop, standard to recover 6th, standard to Heal. Net 0 spell slots, gained 150 - 81 - 36 = 33 hp
5 rounds: Standard to recover the 9th, standard to re-cast Time Stop, Standard to recover 6th, standard to recover 6th, standard to Heal. Net +1 6th level slot, net loss −3 hp (150 - (36 + 36 + 81))

Total across all four possibilities: Net 0 spell slots, 18 hp. We don't recover spell slots overall, but we can (on average) keep it up forever, and regain 18 HP. Not good enough. We get our standard action back when we're done, though, so that's a good thing. Whenever we start our turn, we can (on average) fully heal for free.

Arcane Disciple means we have Heal as a 6th level spell, and dragon-blooded means we can cast Arcane Spellsurge as a swift action. Note that Arcane Spellsurge lasts for 17 rounds. Time Stop has an average duration of 3.5 rounds, so on average Arcane Spellsurge will last 4.86 iterations of Time Stop. So anything relating to Arcane Spellsurge in the below could be Heal 3.86 out of 4.86 times (on average). To mostly account for that, I'll only put Arcane Spellsurge in one of the four entries; should be enough to keep it constant (on average).
Time Stop rolls:
2 rounds: Recover Time Stop (std), cast Arcane Spellsurge (swift), cast Heal (Swift), cast Time Stop (std): net: -1 6th, -1 7th, +69 hp
3 rounds: Recover Time Stop (std), recover Arcane Spellsurge (std), cast Heal (Swift), cast Time Stop (Std): Net -1 6th, +1 7th, +20 hp
4 rounds: Recover Time Stop (Std), recover Heal (std), recover heal (Std), cast Heal (Swift), cast Time Stop (Std): Net: +1 6th, -3 hp
5 rounds: Recover Time Stop (std), recover Heal (Std), recover Arbitrary 9th (std), cast Heal (swift), Recover Heal (Std), cast Time Stop (std): Net: +1 9th, +1 6th, -84 hp.

Totaling those up, we've gained net 1 9th level spell slot, and 8 hp. This could loop until the dice hate you enough to line up net losses in excess of your reserves.

Note that you get your standard action you used to kick it off back at the end - just ready an action for when the time stop ends to do whatever-it-was.

So... there you go. A feat, a racial pick, and a few spells known. Does not require any specific items other than the Belt of the Dread Emporer. Permits you to recover all of your spell slots (or nearly so) at-will on your turn.

2018-12-21, 10:07 AM
Arcane Disciple means we have Heal as a 6th level spell, and dragon-blooded means we can cast Arcane Spellsurge as a swift action. Note that Arcane Spellsurge lasts for 17 rounds. Time Stop has an average duration of 3.5 rounds, so on average Arcane Spellsurge will last 4.86 iterations of Time Stop. So anything relating to Arcane Spellsurge in the below could be Heal 3.86 out of 4.86 times (on average). To mostly account for that, I'll only put Arcane Spellsurge in one of the four entries; should be enough to keep it constant (on average).
Time Stop rolls:
2 rounds: Recover Time Stop (std), cast Arcane Spellsurge (swift), cast Heal (Swift), cast Time Stop (std): net: -1 6th, -1 7th, +69 hp
3 rounds: Recover Time Stop (std), recover Arcane Spellsurge (std), cast Heal (Swift), cast Time Stop (Std): Net -1 6th, +1 7th, +20 hp
4 rounds: Recover Time Stop (Std), recover Heal (std), recover heal (Std), cast Heal (Swift), cast Time Stop (Std): Net: +1 6th, -3 hp
5 rounds: Recover Time Stop (std), recover Heal (Std), recover Arbitrary 9th (std), cast Heal (swift), Recover Heal (Std), cast Time Stop (std): Net: +1 9th, +1 6th, -84 hp.

Totaling those up, we've gained net 1 9th level spell slot, and 8 hp. This could loop until the dice hate you enough to line up net losses in excess of your reserves.

Note that you get your standard action you used to kick it off back at the end - just ready an action for when the time stop ends to do whatever-it-was.

If you make maximize spell be free metamagic when applied to Time Stop then it can go on forever (except perhaps for aging effects). This should be possible at 18th level via arcane thesis (Time Stop), Maximize spell, Invisible spell, and Cooperative Spell. Altogether, this provides a somewhat earlier/easier solution than the Clockwork Wizard (uses Absorption rather than the Dread Emperor Belt)

You might also drop Arcane Spellsurge and instead use Shapechange[Chronotryrn] for Dual Actions. This leaves indefinite 2-round Time Stops available and operates as of level 17.

Standard 1: Recover Time Stop
Dual Standard 1: Cast Heal
Standard 2: Recover Heal
Dual Standard 2: Cast Time Stop
(HP+33, Shapechange-2 rounds)

Standard 1: Recover Time Stop
Dual Standard 1: Cast Heal
Standard 2: Cast Shapechange
Dual Standard 2: Cast Time Stop
(HP+69, Shapechange+1700 rounds)

Standard 1: Recover Time Stop
Dual Standard 1: Cast Heal
Standard 2: Recover Shapechange
Dual Standard 2: Cast Time Stop
(HP-12, Shapechange-2 rounds)

Maybe an Ur-Priest could trigger this even earlier?

2018-12-21, 11:00 AM
About the Elder Druid and Immolate Body-induced aging: how about the True Dragon Elder Druid? Or Phaerimm Elder Druid?

2018-12-21, 03:21 PM
Sorry for not updating yesterday, it unexpectedly became a super busy day but today I have all day free so I can work on it now.

Luckstealer PrC (RotW p.118): Desperate Recall ability. Up to 3/day use up some of your Luck Pool to recall a spell or spell slot that you just expended.

Not exactly recovering a spell, but the Lyric Spell feat (CAd p.113) allows you to expend uses of Bardic Music to cast a spell without expending a spell slot.

Hmm interesting, will add soon.

This my be a bit derivative but thought I should mention it. Epic Destiny Artifact Lords and staff wizards can restore spells by recharging magic items of Mnemonic Enhancer or others. Clerics of Magic who get the improved domain can squeeze out some bonus magic item charges per day.

And while not exactly restoring your own spell slots, I’m sure you could find a way to abuse Imbue with Spell Ability to get higher level spells for lower cost. Teach them Sanctum or metamagiced versions since it only goes off spell level, why prepare Mass Lesser Vigor when you can spend 1 level higher slot to teach an ally two Chain Vigors and a Sanctum Mass Lesser Vigor?

Improved domain? Where is that from? I'll look into the epic destinies.

Carry around a Spell Clock (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cw/20070312a) of Mnemonic Enhancer(Prepare) (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mnemonicEnhancer.htm), a little less grey than the guidelines for custom repeating spell traps(which is another option for infinite recovery). Also, because clocks and traps can be architectural features, you could Lucid Dream(DC 20) Gate traps and Transdimensional(Unapproachable East) Mnemonic Enhancer clocks any number of ways to apply them there-after.

Looks interesting. Will add.

Stepping through this....

Cleric-11. Heal is a 6th level spell.
Use Belt of the Dread Emperor (chain to yourself), to recover a 6th level spell slot: Take 36 damage. Running total: 1 6th recovered, 36 damage.
Do it again: Take another 36 damage. Running total: 2 6ths recovered, 72 damage.
Recover another 6th: Take 36 damage. Running total: 3 6ths recovered, 108 damage.
Cast Heal (6th level spell). Recover 110 hit points at the cost of a 6th level slot. Running total: Net +2 6th level spells, +2 HP, over four rounds. It only gets better as you level.

Heal caps off at 150 hp, but that's fine; a 9th is 81 HP, a 6th is 36. 81 + 36=117, you're still ahead. Can we do this forever in a Time Stop?
Time Stop grants 1d4+1 rounds of apparent time. Via Readied Action, you can cast Time Stop just as a Time Stop ends - provided that (after casting) you know how long it will last. I will (for this exercise) assume that you have that information after you've cast the Time Stop. If you don't, this chain of logic is not valid.
Even probability on a Time Stop of each set of rounds (actions not listed in order! Re-cast Time Stop goes last, otherwise order is irrelevant)
2 rounds: Standard to recover the 9th, standard to re-cast Time Stop. We've lost 81 HP at net 0 spell slots.
3 rounds: Standard to recover the 9th, standard to re-cast Time Stop, standard to Heal. We've lost 1 6th spell slot, but gained 150 - 81 = 69 hp.
4 rounds: Standard to recover the 9th, standard to re-cast Time Stop, standard to recover 6th, standard to Heal. Net 0 spell slots, gained 150 - 81 - 36 = 33 hp
5 rounds: Standard to recover the 9th, standard to re-cast Time Stop, Standard to recover 6th, standard to recover 6th, standard to Heal. Net +1 6th level slot, net loss −3 hp (150 - (36 + 36 + 81))

Total across all four possibilities: Net 0 spell slots, 18 hp. We don't recover spell slots overall, but we can (on average) keep it up forever, and regain 18 HP. Not good enough. We get our standard action back when we're done, though, so that's a good thing. Whenever we start our turn, we can (on average) fully heal for free.

Arcane Disciple means we have Heal as a 6th level spell, and dragon-blooded means we can cast Arcane Spellsurge as a swift action. Note that Arcane Spellsurge lasts for 17 rounds. Time Stop has an average duration of 3.5 rounds, so on average Arcane Spellsurge will last 4.86 iterations of Time Stop. So anything relating to Arcane Spellsurge in the below could be Heal 3.86 out of 4.86 times (on average). To mostly account for that, I'll only put Arcane Spellsurge in one of the four entries; should be enough to keep it constant (on average).
Time Stop rolls:
2 rounds: Recover Time Stop (std), cast Arcane Spellsurge (swift), cast Heal (Swift), cast Time Stop (std): net: -1 6th, -1 7th, +69 hp
3 rounds: Recover Time Stop (std), recover Arcane Spellsurge (std), cast Heal (Swift), cast Time Stop (Std): Net -1 6th, +1 7th, +20 hp
4 rounds: Recover Time Stop (Std), recover Heal (std), recover heal (Std), cast Heal (Swift), cast Time Stop (Std): Net: +1 6th, -3 hp
5 rounds: Recover Time Stop (std), recover Heal (Std), recover Arbitrary 9th (std), cast Heal (swift), Recover Heal (Std), cast Time Stop (std): Net: +1 9th, +1 6th, -84 hp.

Totaling those up, we've gained net 1 9th level spell slot, and 8 hp. This could loop until the dice hate you enough to line up net losses in excess of your reserves.

Note that you get your standard action you used to kick it off back at the end - just ready an action for when the time stop ends to do whatever-it-was.

So... there you go. A feat, a racial pick, and a few spells known. Does not require any specific items other than the Belt of the Dread Emporer. Permits you to recover all of your spell slots (or nearly so) at-will on your turn.

If you make maximize spell be free metamagic when applied to Time Stop then it can go on forever (except perhaps for aging effects). This should be possible at 18th level via arcane thesis (Time Stop), Maximize spell, Invisible spell, and Cooperative Spell. Altogether, this provides a somewhat earlier/easier solution than the Clockwork Wizard (uses Absorption rather than the Dread Emperor Belt)

You might also drop Arcane Spellsurge and instead use Shapechange[Chronotryrn] for Dual Actions. This leaves indefinite 2-round Time Stops available and operates as of level 17.

Standard 1: Recover Time Stop
Dual Standard 1: Cast Heal
Standard 2: Recover Heal
Dual Standard 2: Cast Time Stop
(HP+33, Shapechange-2 rounds)

Standard 1: Recover Time Stop
Dual Standard 1: Cast Heal
Standard 2: Cast Shapechange
Dual Standard 2: Cast Time Stop
(HP+69, Shapechange+1700 rounds)

Standard 1: Recover Time Stop
Dual Standard 1: Cast Heal
Standard 2: Recover Shapechange
Dual Standard 2: Cast Time Stop
(HP-12, Shapechange-2 rounds)

Maybe an Ur-Priest could trigger this even earlier?

I'll look into both of those regarding time stop, heal and belt and see how I can improve it to be more efficient and hopefully cost effective, then I'll add it.

About the Elder Druid and Immolate Body-induced aging: how about the True Dragon Elder Druid? Or Phaerimm Elder Druid?

I'll look into that later.

2018-12-21, 03:46 PM
I'll look into both of those regarding time stop, heal and belt and see how I can improve it to be more efficient and hopefully cost effective, then I'll add it.

It looks like an Ur-Priest might be able to succeed as early as level 14 through picking up Scalykind for Shapechange via Wearer of Purple 1 and Celerity for Time Stop via Contemplative 1.

Wealth by level might be an obstacle. It's 150K at 14th level, but if you obey the 'no item more than half of wealth' restriction, then you have to wait until 16th level.

2018-12-21, 04:50 PM
Improved Domain Power Dragon Magazine 342 p21 can be accessed via feat, giving up two domain powers(presumably Cloistered could keep one), giving up turning, and getting a 20k holy symbol... there doesn’t seem to be anything stopping all 4 at once. For the Magic domain it is 1 charge per two cleric levels per iteration of the ability so what amounts to 2 charges per level.

2018-12-21, 05:05 PM
Improved Domain Power Dragon Magazine 342 p21 can be accessed via feat, giving up two domain powers(presumably Cloistered could keep one), giving up turning, and getting a 20k holy symbol... there doesn’t seem to be anything stopping all 4 at once. For the Magic domain it is 1 charge per two cleric levels per iteration of the ability so what amounts to 2 charges per level.

Well those are more like access to the ability, I'm pretty sure it would not stack just like 4 iterations of the same feat would not stack.

2018-12-21, 05:36 PM
Regardless of how it’s ruled. 10 free wand uses per day would be quite nice. Or just a cleric dip(a common thing) for a +1 eternal wand charge per day.

Edit: Also, prepare Sanctum 0 level spells with Mnamnotic Enhancer. Because they are not being cast, they are spell level -1. How many spell levels can you prepare now?

2021-03-14, 08:49 AM
Has anyone looked at the combo : Staff of mage lucubration + unfetered heroism spell + wand surge (this feat work also with staff) it doesn't help completely recover all level of spells but you basically have unlimited level 5 and - spells, even without persistent cheese