View Full Version : Pathfinder Help with a charismatic face character

2018-12-18, 01:22 PM
Hello. I am soon starting a low level game, Where I decided to play the face/debuffer/charmer, with a touch of seducation, and I need help building my character.

My GM really dislikes oracles, so I cannot use an intrigue oracle, for example. I cannot use kitsune, and a strong NO for 3rd party/homebrew, cheese and broken characters. things I prefer to be in the character-

-at least some form of casting, preferably 6th or 9th level
-no mesmerist
-Charisma focus
-maybe multiclassing into the enchanting courtesan prc, even though Im not sure about it
-Being able to provide some sort of healing to the party
-being able to do stuff when I face undead/plants/vermins/etc. (not at the smae power level, but something)

please help?
thank you

2018-12-18, 02:03 PM
Bard. You get good skills, you use Chr for spells, you get healing spells, and the thing you do when facing undead/plants/vermins might well be "buffing the rest of the party until they glow with octarine light".

2018-12-18, 02:14 PM
Given the restrictions, seconding Bard.

Can do all you want, cant possibly be banned by the DM.

2018-12-18, 02:55 PM
Bard. Definitely Bard. Especially for Versatile Performance and the associated Expanded Versatility. You can get Diploacy, Bluff, and Sense Motive all keying off of the same perform skill at 6th level... which in turn makes skill focus viable. Be a human or half-elf.

2018-12-18, 02:58 PM
Third(ing) Fourth(ing) the Bard.

I'm not sure if you are using VMC (variant multiclass) or not, but I had some success with an Archeologist Bard with VMC Magus. Between his Luck and his Arcane Pool, he was fairly effective at dealing damage, and you can always go the dex-to-damage route with the scimitar. Eventually, you could pick up the Spellblending Magus Arcana to deal damage with your (very) few Bard touch spells once you get SpellStrike. Or if your DM allows you to research spells, add a few Magus spells to your Bard list.

2018-12-18, 03:53 PM
Hmmm... I see. thank you very much. any ideas on archtypes/feats that will help me focus more on the seducative/debuffing side of stuff then on buffing/skill monkeying?

2018-12-18, 03:58 PM
Alternative to the bard you could play a Skald, which is like a Bard but gives out rage and rage powers instead. Or, if you want to rock high WIS and just pretend you have high CHA (because you replace CHA for WIS for all relevant skills) and have more dependable healing you could play an inquisitor.

2018-12-18, 04:11 PM
Oh, and you should check out the racial favoured class bonuses.

Human gives more spells known.

Dwarf can get you medium armour, eventually.

Catfolk makes you a good Sage.

But since you want a face, I would go for Halfling, for the bonus to gathering information (and hey, disguising yourself as a human child can be surprisingly useful in social situations too!).

For seduction hints, well the trait Charming seems apropos.

2018-12-18, 04:37 PM
Hello. I am soon starting a low level game, Where I decided to play the face/debuffer/charmer, with a touch of seducation, and I need help building my character.

My GM really dislikes oracles, so I cannot use an intrigue oracle, for example. I cannot use kitsune, and a strong NO for 3rd party/homebrew, cheese and broken characters. things I prefer to be in the character-

-at least some form of casting, preferably 6th or 9th level
-no mesmerist
-Charisma focus
-maybe multiclassing into the enchanting courtesan prc, even though Im not sure about it
-Being able to provide some sort of healing to the party
-being able to do stuff when I face undead/plants/vermins/etc. (not at the smae power level, but something)

please help?
thank you

There is an archetipe of magus (eldritch scion) which uses charisma as main stat as has bloodragers bloodlines included.
You can definitely play the face/debuffer role with it and i think is a very amusing class to play. Magus has few enchantment spells in its list, so i don't think you can play the charmer efficiently, maybe there are some bloodlines which could help (fey bloodline maybe?)

2018-12-18, 05:54 PM
Or, if you want to rock high WIS and just pretend you have high CHA (because you replace CHA for WIS for all relevant skills) and have more dependable healing you could play an inquisitor.

Inquisitors with the right class features can make quite solid 'party faces', switching most/all of the typical CHA-skills to run off of WIS instead (WIS being a slightly better stat to have due to Will Saves).

Infiltrator (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/Inquisitor/archetypes/inquisitor-archetypes-paizo/infiltrator) archetype adds WIS to Bluff/Diplomacy.

Conversion (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/inquisitor/inquisitions/inquistions-paizo/conversion-inquisition/), uses WIS for Bluff/Diplomacy/Intimidate

Heresy (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/inquisitor/inquisitions/inquistions-paizo/heresy-inquisition/), uses WIS for Bluff/Intimidate, can 'roll twice take best' on Bluff/Diplomacy/Stealth

Reformation (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/inquisitor/inquisitions/inquistions-paizo/reformation-inquisition/), uses WIS for Diplomacy/Intimidate/Perform(Oratory), can 'roll twice take best' on Diplomacy/Intimidate/Perform(Oratory)

2018-12-18, 06:05 PM
Hmmm... I see. thank you very much. any ideas on archtypes/feats that will help me focus more on the seducative/debuffing side of stuff then on buffing/skill monkeying?
Well, if you decide to go with the Archeologist Bard, as I mentioned before, you get access to Rogue Talents at level 4, 8 12, 16, 20. At 12 level and up, you get access to advanced talents. You can take Extra Rogue Talent feat to get more talents. This is relevant because there are some Talents that help with seduction/debuffing/charming/etc (Charmer, Coax Information, Convincing Lie, False Friend, Honeyed Words, Mien of Despair, etc)

Aside from that, you could spend some feats on intimidation and attempt to give enemies the shaken/frightened conditions in combat. Once that happens, they are more susceptible to your spells due to the lower saving throws.

Another option might be to go with Sylvan Trickster Rogue instead of a Bard. Its a Rogue with a Sylvan flavor that picks up some minor druid abilities and has the option to pick up Witch Hexes in place of their Rogue Talents.

2018-12-18, 06:15 PM
Oh, the Court Bard archetype is more of a debuffer than a buffer.

2018-12-19, 11:47 AM
Instead of bard, have you considered a magical archetype vigilante? The only one that is charsima based is Magical Child, and it gets 6th level spells as an unchained summoner. It is not the best list, but it has enough to get by and has its share of debuff spells.

The versatility of vigilante and the familiar give you a ton of options for any situation, and vigilantes make incredible faces/charmers.

2019-01-14, 10:01 PM
I'm new to Pathfinder and the d20 system and I know right off the bat that my suggestion won't address everything you've asked for, especially the magic casting, so take what I say here with a boulder-sized grain of salt.

I just started playing Pathfinder a month ago and my first character is a swashbuckler, a class designed to be the charismatic Face of the party. Granted, the swashbuckler isn't a magic user, but he is great at Charisma and if you take the Dangerously Curious trait at Lvl 1 as one of your two traits, you get +1 to all your UMD checks AND get UMD as a class skill. This means that (since UMD is a Charisma-based skill) you get your Charisma bonus right off to apply to UMD AND get an additional bonus to UMD because it's a now a class skill, which means that you can now use that Wand of Cure Light Wounds with 50 charges to heal up the party without a danger of it fizzling on you at only the investment of 1 Rank in UMD. So while you're not a caster, you're still a good makeshift healer. (And I learned the hard way just over the last month that those wands can be real lifesavers if the main healer is unavailable.)

Also, if you play as a human and take the additional feat at Lvl 1 and also decide that you want to be a frontline damage dealer in addition to your other character requirements, then you can take both Weapon Focus AND Slashing Grace to make your weapon both a Piercing AND Slashing weapon as well as add your Dexterity bonus to your damage instead of your Strength bonus. As swashbucklers are Faces that have more Charisma and Dex than Strength (which is a dump stat for swashbucklers), this will be a big bonus to your damage right off at Lvl 1.

Again, I know this isn't quite on topic and is tangental (at best) to the OP's question since it doesn't address all of the OP's requirements, but I just wanted to put the swashbuckler out there since it is a charismatic face character.